widerst@ndMUND vom 25. August 2000
keil1.gif (893 Byte) 01 Demobericht
keil1.gif (893 Byte) 01b ZEUGEN GESUCHT
keil1.gif (893 Byte) 01c Polizeieinsatz auf Demo forderte Verletzte
keil1.gif (893 Byte) 02 Kärnten: Vorbereitungen für internationale Widerstandstage in vollem Gang
keil1.gif (893 Byte) 03 prague-update004
keil1.gif (893 Byte) 04 Bosnisches Flüchtlingsmädchen wird Lehrling
keil1.gif (893 Byte) 05 Mafiagegner sind Kommunisten sind Mafiagegner
keil1.gif (893 Byte) 06 Der Kampf um die Heimatfront
keil1.gif (893 Byte) 07 S 26
keil1.gif (893 Byte) 08 Parteienfinanzierung/KPÖ
keil1.gif (893 Byte) 09 Melel-s digest, Vol 1 #129, 130 - 1 msg

grenzcamp_forst_stadtspaz1.jpg (11918 Byte)
Grenzcamp 2000 in Forst (D) - Stadtspaziergang
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Für die Zusammenstellung dieser Ausgabe verantwortlich:

Claudia Volgger, volgger@yline.com

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unter der Rufnummer 589 30 22 12 (Demoforum)

01 Demobericht
From: tatblatt
Donnerstagsdemo vom 24. 8. 2000

Bericht aus der TATblatt-"Chronologie des Widerstands gegen die
Rechts-Rechtsextrem-Koalition in Wien"


Allfällige Ergänzungen, Korrekturen etc. finden sich in der
"Chronologie" auf unserer Website.


Eine Frau wurde am Rückweg der Demo von der Polizei krankenhausreif
geschlagen und musste mit Verdacht auf schwere Gehirnerschütterung ins
Spital gebracht werden. Von mehreren DemonstrantInnen wurden Personalien
Geführt hatte die Demonstration diesmal zum Praterstern. Nach
TATblatt-Zählung nahmen wieder rund 1.200 Leute daran teil, laut
Aktionskomitee waren es 1.900, laut Polizei 500.
Im Anschluss an die eigentliche Demo trafen sich rund 120
DemonstrantInnen (TATblatt-Zählung) noch am Stephansplatz und
demonstrierten bis knapp vor 1.00 Uhr früh durch die Innenstadt.

Wie schon in den letzten Wochen versuchte die Polizei von Anfang an, die
Route vorzugeben. Sperren am Ring zwangen vom Ballhausplatz/Heldenplatz
- wo um zirka 20.30 Uhr weggezogen worden war - in Richtung
Babenbergerstraße und dann in Richtung Mariahilfer Straße zu gehen. In
der Babenbergerstraße gelang es den vorderen Reihen durch schnelles
Abbiegen erfolgreich, die vorgegebene Route zu verlassen und über
Elisabethstraße und Robert-Stolz-Platz zurück zum Ring zu gelangen.
SicherheitswachebeamtInnen versuchten dabei wiederholt, die
DemonstrantInnen aufzuhalten. Sie schafften jedoch nicht, eine
funktionierende Kette zu bilden. In der Folge gaben sie auf, und der
Rest der Demo konnte ungehindert weitergehen. Den Ring entlang zog die
Demo anschließend in Richtung Aspernbrücke. An verschiedenen Stellen
wurde von einigen Reihen versucht, in Richtung Innenstadt abzubiegen,
was von der Polizei jedoch verhindert werden konnte.

Beim Hotel Marriott am Parkring rannten einige DemonstrantInnen zum
Hotel und banden damit die Polizeikräfte, wodurch es anderen
DemonstrantInnen möglich war, durch die Gartenbaupromenade in Richtung
Stadt durchzukommen. Etwas zu schnell durchschaute die Polizei jedoch
das eher zufällig zu Stande gekommene Manöver und hinderte durch
Kettenbildung die nachfolgenden DemonstrantInnen daran, ebenfalls in die
Gartenbaupromenade zu ziehen.

Bei der Aspernbrücke blockierte die Polizei die Fahrbahn des
Franz-Josefs-Kais, ließ aber den Gehsteig offen, was neuerlich von
zahlreichen DemonstrantInnen zu einer spontanen Routenänderung genutzt
wurde. Diesmal mit Verstärkung durch WEGA-Beamte (Alarmabteilung) gelang
es der Polizei aber auch dort letztlich, den Großteil der
DemonstrantInnen aufzuhalten.

In der Folge wurde, wie ursprünglich geplant, über Aspernbrücke -
Asperngasse - Praterstraße zum Praterstern gezogen, durch die
Straßenbahnunterführung unter dem Bahnhof Wien Nord durchgegangen, und
dann über Franzensbrückenstraße - Radetzkystraße - Uraniastraße der
Rückweg in Richtung Ringstraße angetreten.

Am Radetzkyplatz wurde ein Demonstrant von einem Passanten attackiert.
Die Polizei beschützte den Angreifer, half aber immerhin beim Suchen der
Brille, die dem Demonstranten bei dem Angriff vom Kopf geschlagen worden

Am Stubenring, Höhe Falkestraße, kam es dann zu einem folgenschweren
Zwischenfall. Die vorderen Reihen der Demonstration versuchten wieder,
durch Laufen einen freien Zugang in die Innenstadt zu finden und dabei
möglichen Polizeisperren zuvorzukommen. Ein Polizist stellte nach
übereinstimmenden Berichten dabei einem Demonstranten ein Bein, und
stieß ihn, während er noch fiel, gegen ein parkendes Auto. Andere
DemonstrantInnen protestierten, was einige BeamtInnen mit weiteren
Schlägen beantworteten. Eine Demonstrantin wurde dabei brutal geschlagen
und zu Boden geworfen - nach anderen Darstellungen vom Fahrrad gestoßen
- und dabei schwer am Kopf verletzt. Sie musste mit Verdacht auf schwere
Gehirnerschütterung von der Rettung ins Spital gebracht werden. Der
niedergestoßene Demonstrant wurde von der Polizei festgehalten, nach
Aufnahme der Personalien aber noch vor Ort freigelassen.

Nach Freilassung des Demonstranten und Abtransport der verletzten
Demonstrantin zog die Demo weiter. Beim zum Ballhausplatz führenden Tor
wurde die Ringstraße wieder von der Polizei mit Tretgittern abgeriegelt.
Um zirka 23.00 Uhr löste sich an dieser Stelle die Demonstration -
vorerst - auf. Unter der Hand wurde aber als neuer Treffpunkt
Stephansplatz ausgemacht.

Dort trafen sich um 23.30 Uhr rund 120 Leute, die in einer lauten
Demonstration durch die immer noch von zahlreichen TouristInnen belebte
Kärntner Straße zur FPÖ-Zentrale zogen. Nach einer kurzen Kundgebung
ging es zurück zum Stephansplatz und weiter über Graben - Naglergasse -
Strauchgasse in die Herrengasse zum Innenministerium. Nach einer
weiteren lauten Zwischenkundgebung wurde über Michaelerplatz -
Schauflergasse - Löwelstraße - Josef-Meinrad-Platz zuerst zum
Rathausplatz und über diesen zur ÖVP-Zentrale in der Lichtenfelsgasse
gegangen, wo immerhin noch 80 Leute ankamen. Nach einer neuerlichen
Protestkundgebung zogen rund 40 DemonstrantInnen noch zum Parlament und
auf dessen Rampe. Um zirka 0.40 Uhr verließen sie die Rampe, um über die
Ringstraße zurück zum Ballhausplatz zu ziehen.

Am Fuße der Rampe wurden von einem Demonstranten, der von
Staatsschutzbeamten beobachtet, "Widerstand" auf die Parlamentsrampe
gesprayt haben soll, die Personalien aufgenommen, von einem in der Nähe
gestandenen weiteren Demonstranten ebenfalls. Bei der Gelegenheit
kündigten die Beamten dem angeblichen Sprayer auch gleich an, dass er in
Kürze eine Anzeige wegen der Marriott-Aktion vom 15. Juni erhalten wird.

Als die letzten 20 bis 30 DemonstrantInnen, inzwischen von Polizei
unbegleitet, beim Tor von der Ringstraße zum Ballhausplatz ankamen,
fanden sie die Tretgitter der Polizei in unversperrtem Zustand
abgestellt vor. Einige nutzen die Gelegenheit dazu, noch ein bisserl die
Ringstraße zu sperren und trugen die Tretgitter während einer Rotphase
für die Autos auf die Fahrbahn. Als kurz darauf die Polizei eintraf,
bewegte sich der Demo-Rest (sehr) schnell endgültig zurück zum

Festnahmen dürfte es nach derzeitigem Informationsstand keine gegeben

Positiv zu erwähnen bliebe, dass diesmal wirklich bis zum Schluss ein
aussagekräftiges Transparent gegen staatlichen Rassismus mit dabei war.

Allfällige Ergänzungen, Korrekturen etc. finden sich in der
"Chronologie" auf unserer Website.

http://tatblatt.mediaweb.at oder
E-Mail: mailto:TATblatt@blackbox.net und mailto:TATblatt@gmx.at (bitte
sicherheitshalber an beide Adressen mailen)

From: Günther Starnberger, gst@sysfrog.org
es werden dringend zeugen gesucht, die gesehen haben wie auf der
heutigen demo eine demonstrantin von einem polizisten niedergeschlagen
wurde (sie hat violette dreads gehabt).

ort: stubenring 18
zeit: zwischen 22:00 und 22:30

falls jemand photo-/videoaufnahmen gemacht haben sollte bitte auch

tel: 0699/10194306
mail: gst@STOPfpoe.net

bitte auch weiterleiten!

/gst - STOPfpoe.net

Widerstand mailing list

01c Polizeieinsatz auf Demo forderte Verletzte
From: Ökologische Linke, OEKOLI_Wien@gmx.net
Verletzte und Personalienfeststellung auf der Donnerstagsdemo

Die gestrige Donnerstagsdemo vom 24. 8. 2000 war wieder von einem massiven
Polizeiaufgebot begleitet, das versuchte alle Zugänge zur Innenstadt
abzuriegeln. Lediglich bei der Kärntnerstraße konnten die DemonstrantInnen die
Ordnungsmacht überraschen und einen offenen Zugang in den 1. Bezirk vorfinden,
was jedoch von den DemonstrantInnen nicht genützt wurde.
Dafür drängte die Polizei auf dem Ring, in Höhe des Museums für Angewandte
Kunst (MAK), einen Demonstranen ab, dessen Personalien grundlos aufgenommen
Ein Mädchen, das versuchte dem Demonstranten zu Hilfe zu kommen, wurde
dabei von einem Polizisten zu Boden geworfen und schlug dabei mit dem Kopf auf
den Boden und trug entsprechende Verletzungen davon. Das Mädchen mußte
deshalb mit einem Krankrenwagen weggeführt werden. Während sie eine Freundin
begleitete, zog die Demo schließlich wieder bis zum Ballhausplatz.

Ökologische Linke (ÖKOLI)
Postfach 28
A-1153 Wien
e-milio: oekoli_wien@gmx.net

Wenn ihr an unseren spanischen/französischen/englischen Aussendungen
interessiert seid, um Infos weiterzuverbreiten, meldet euch!
don't forget to say hello to echelon:
abhoermethoden, bombe, cia ,datenklau, echelon, freak, grundrecht,
hacking, iridium, joint, kommunismus, lauschangriff, mailbombing,
oecalan, pgp, querulant, rasterfahndung, besetzung, behörde
shell, tristero, urheberrechtsverletzung, wanze, geld, asyl,
ausländer, zukunft, nigeria, ahim, widerstand

02 Kärnten: Vorbereitungen für internationale Widerstandstage in vollem Gang
From: Mathias Köchl, m1koechl@edu.uni-klu.ac.at
Kärnten: Vorbereitungen für Internationale Widerstandstage in vollem Gang
Die Plattform Offenes Kärnten ruft für 26. bis 28. Oktober zu Sternfahrten nach Klagenfurt auf. Unter dem Motto "Offenes Kärnten – Offenes Europa" finden Internationale Widerstandstage in Klagenfurt statt, im Vorfeld dazu gibt es eine grosse Kulturkarawane.
Wien/Klagenfurt – Aus Anlass des "Kärnten-Tages" bei der Donnerstag-Demonstration informierte die Plattform Offenes Kärnten bei einer Pressekonferenz in Wien über den Stand der Vorbereitungen für die Internationalen Widerstandstage vom 26. bis 28.10. in Klagenfurt.
Die Plattform will den Widerstand in Kärnten stärken und die Zusammenarbeit aller Menschen und Initiativen aus dem In- und Ausland intensivieren, die dieses neue österreichische Regierungsmodell ablehnen. Kritisiert wird eine Zunahme des Alltagsrassismus, die Rücknahme frauenpolitischer Rechte, die Relativierung von Menschenrechten, eine Aushöhlung demokratischer Strukturen, Sozialabbau bei gleichzeitiger nationalpopulistischer Demagogie. Unterstützung für die Widerstandstage kommt dabei unter anderem auch von Max Koch von SOS-Mitmensch, sowie von Kurt-Wendt, Mitorganisator der Donnerstag-Demonstration sowie Vertreter des Aktionskomitees gegen Blau-Schwarz.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Klaus Ottomeyer, Verfasser des Buches "Zur Psychopolitik der FPÖ" kritisierte bei der Pressekonfrenz das politische Klima im Haider-Land. "Kärnten droht eine Periode von Brot und Spielen", so der Mölzer-Kritiker.
Die Textarbeiterin Tina Leisch skizzierte die geplante Kunst- und Kulturkarawane durch Dörfer und Kleinstädte Kärntens, die im Vorfeld der Widerstandstage vom 7. bis 25. Oktober stattfinden wird. Mirko Messner von der Plattfom Offenes Kärnten ging anschließend auf die Situation der slowenischen Volksgruppe in Kärnten ein,
Die internationalen Widerstandstage in Klagenfurt werden österreichweit und international von zahlreichen Initiativen und Organisationen, KünstlerInnen und Privatpersonen mitgetragen. Schon am ersten Tag haben 30 Initiativen aus allen österreichischen Bundesländern den Aufruf zu den Widerstandstagen unterzeichnet.
Im Rahmen der Widerstandstage werden zahlreiche Diskussionsveranstaltungen, Musik, Arbeitskreise und kulturelle Veranstaltungen mit international bekannten Persönlichkeiten stattfinden. Bei einer Großkundgebung am Neuen Platz werden am 28. Oktober um 11.00 Uhr die Sternfahrt-Teilnehmer aus ganz Österreich begrüsst, am Nachmittag ist eine Abschlussveranstaltung in der 5.000 Menschen fassenden Wörthersee-Halle am Klagenfurter Messegelände geplant, so Matthias Köchl von der Plattform Offenes Kärnten.
Im Rahmen einer Delegation österreichischer NGOs wird am 29.8. Angelika Hödl für die Plattform Offenes Kärnten mit dem Weisen Jochen Frowein in Heidelberg/Deutschland in Kontakt treten. Hödl wird dabei die prekäre Lage der Kulturpolitik und der Minderheitenpolitik unter LH. Haider schildern und die Situation der Freien Radios und der Volksgruppenradios als Spielball von Blau-Schwarz erörtern.
Weitere Informationen: Matthias Köchl (0664-2668549), Mirko Messner (0676-6969004)
Plattform Offenes Kärnten, www.offeneskaernten.cjb.net,

03 prague-update004
From: itch, cs@t0or.at
IMF/World Bank Meeting
22-29 september @ prague/cz

NEWS 16/08/00 - 24/08/00

[1] Bicycle Caravan to Prague - 17/08/00
[2] Online activism? - 17/08/00
[3] Berlin Infoweek - 18/08/00
[4] Help needed! - 23/08/00
[5] Urgent INPEG money situation - 23/08/00
[6] World Car Free Day on the September 21 - 24/08/00
[7] What moves us? - 20/08/00
[8] Re: What moves us? - 22/08/00
[9] LA jail and legal stories - 21/08/00
[10] Discussion about scared symphatisers - 14-16/08/00
[11] The Guardian Article - 24/08/00

The news are extracted from the following mailinglists:

Earlier newsletters and additional activist information are available at:

---------- [1] Bicycle Caravan to Prague - anro0002@stud.uni-sb.de

Meeting of World Bank and IMF in Prague

Possibly 20 000 bankers, economists and investors will meet from Sept 26 to
28 in Prague. It will be the 55th meeting of World Bank and the board
meeting of the Governors of IMF, but actually it will be the first one in
eastern Europe. It will be a prestigious event. The delegates will meet to
present the program of total liberalization of world economy as the only
tool to solve global problems. But they have not the solution, they are the
problem themselves! Liberalism is the fight for freedom of capital!

Both institutions are playing a crucial role in cutting down national
influence on circulation of transnational capital. It's the scope of World
Bank and IMF to open markets of developing countries for foreign investment
and its speculative interest. This means for example to dismantle any
procurements of poor countries which protect their environment and the less
competitive position of their economy against the capital of rich countries.

The World Bank is the biggest creditor of "third world countries". In the
past the World Bank has supported eager dictatorships , which spend these
funds to finance their military expenses to crush social riots. These are
exactly the same regimes, e.g. Chile, with them they used to cooperate. But
today they impute them "corrupt elites", "lack of democracy" and "state
bureaucracy" as the causes for baffled economic achievement, to turn away
attention from their own mistakes.

Generally the World Bank grants sectored credits (incl. directive)
including structural adjustment programs. This means for agriculture: away
from subsistence and towards export! Production for internal needs or local
markets isn't part of gross national product , isn't mentioned in
statistics, has not at all relevance for international financial markets,
doesn't exist in the minds of World Bank strategists. Fields, where women
did plant the basic food for their families will be converted to plantation
for coffee and cacao with high technical expense. These high technical
expenses are equivalent to commissions e.g. for Daimler. The World Bank
gives its loans by this way directly to corporations to deliver their

Because World Bank "experts" issues to many borrowers the same order what
they shall cultivate, the markets are overflowed with these products, the
prices are dropping as a result of the concurrence, the credits and the
higher interests becoming unpayable. The arable acreage for food
requirements are gone for ever, hunger, rural exodus and migration to the
neighbour-countries are the consequences. More debts is equal to less
autonomy and firm constraint to orders.

Beyond the World Bank is financing controversial dam projects, which
already have made millions of peoples to migrants by evacuation,
overflowing and drainage. This is interesting, considering the German
treatment of so called economic migrants. The World Bank is likewise
responsible for the deforestation of Latin American rainforests to make
space for pastured.

When a country is unable to pay back its loans, the debts will not be
cancelled but transferred to the IMF. The problems, which World Bank and
IMF will solve are not hunger, illness and destruction of environment,
their aim is to tie up solvency! This solvency shall be guaranteed by the
notorious Structural Adjustment Programs, which includes deregulation,
liberalization and privatisation. The wages should be cut down, food
subsidies should be cancelled, social expenses reduced and the national
currency devaluated. Privatisation means mass droppings, more peoples below
the poverty limit. By the devaluation of the national currency local
consumption shall be reduced and exports intensified. But less consumption
means more hunger!

Such a program has been imposed on the former federal republic of
Yugoslavia, when its economical situation has been desolate and did has
been one of the reasons for the Balkan war. A consequence of this program
has been a wage dropping, thereupon a freeze of wages, and the inflation
did runaway to 100%. Diverse riots did arise and as known a new nationalism
of ethnic groups come into existence. Logically this nationalism has been
supported by western countries, by propaganda, financial aid and by hasty
acceptation of new states. Strikes and demonstrations in Serbia which did
not have been caused by ethnic conflicts but has been directed against the
results of IMF's debt policy have been strictly ignored by main stream
media. Its worth to mention that Serbia refused to pay its debts in the
beginning. The NATO war against Serbia has been a warning against all poor

The first meeting of World Bank and IMF in Eastern Europe will be a risk
for the Czech Republic, but also a chance. At the one hand they fear
successful counter activities and blockades like in Seattle. At the other
hand they can show, that they "belong to the family", that they are
"worthy" for the west and that they can doubtless handle the situation:

For the last couple of month the Czech media (German publishers have a 50
percentage!) are propagating a negative image of the resistance against the
WTO in Seattle.

- Police will be present with 11 000 officers
- [all demonstrations during the summit are prohibited]
- a camp for activists has been offered in a Stadium (we won't join!)
- during the summit there will be special NATO troops in The Czech Republic
- peoples from eastern Europe countries will have problems with visa,
especially from Russia and Ukraine.

The Czech Republic will try to manifest that it belongs to the West, and
that it's ready to mark off to the East, to close it's borders.

Let us go to Prague, let us disturb their aim to dismantle any borders for
transnational capital and to erect impassable borders for "leftover
paupers", let us disturb the locking in of peoples in their misery!

Bicycle Tour to the IMF and World Bank Summit in Prague

We are going with the Bicycle Caravan to the World Bank and IMF summit in

The first "Money or Life" Caravan went to the WTO ministerial in Geneva in
May 1998. Thereby only the Suisse participants did arrive Geneva, the rest
has been deported out of Switzerland after an action at a woman prison in

Even two caravans went to the Summits of EU and G8 in cologne, one from
Basel, the other from Dresden. Afterwards the caravan went in a new
combination to the border camp in Zittau. The bicycle-caravan can be
considered as a permanent demonstration - wherever we arrive we attract
attention and awake interest by peoples for our aim.

The caravan consists of bicycles and tractors with trailers - one of the
trailers with the soup-kitchen ("Kitchen Wagon"). People can read on
Banners on our vehicles what we are doing. Moreover we have flyers with us.
On the way we will make suitable actions picking up local struggles
together with local groups and info shops we're passing, or we are
organizing soli-parties for the resistance in Prague. We will pass regions,
where only 'right youth culture' ("right wing youth culture") is existent
(dangerous!). There we will contrast the nazis by our simple shape. Even if
its dangerous, its convenient to show the peoples there - especially the
youth - something different, because we are also (not only) carrier of
sympathy. The caravan enables possibilities for direct contacts and
extraordinary experiences and contribute to the development of
supra-regional structures. We hope that we'll have this time more
international participation. The caravan is decentralised, because it will
not stay at one place, and it's central, because it has the goal of the
World Bank and IMF summit in Prague! We have not determined directives for
our actions. We don't know rigid ways of politics. You all can participate
- there's no 'official' participation

Indeed: anticapitalism, antifascism, anti-sexism and anti-racism should be

Our caravan is not only political activity in conventional sense but an
approach of practised utopia within the meaning of libertarian society,
solidarity and autonomy. Money doesn't play any crucial role, we don't need
much, we're looting the containers of supermarkets and anything else which
is needed we'll pay together on voluntary base.

The Tour: Meeting 09.09. in Hannover. Start 10.09.- Lutter- 11.09
Göttingen- 2.09. Hitzerode- 13.09. - Haina- 14.09. Erfurt- 15.09. Jena-
16.09. Gera/Altenburg- 17.+18.09. Chemnitz- 19.09. Freiberg- 20.09.
(Border) Teplice- 21.09. PRAGUE. We take into account that the caravan
might be stopped at the border. In this case we'll attract even more
attention by organizing a 'most spectacular. We'll try to reach Prague the
21st of September to the Political Art Festival and to assist the

O.k.: Take your Bikes, Banners, Guitars or whatever you like and join us!
If you have less time you can join the caravan here and there!


List & Tücke , fon: 0511-372111, mail: Wagen.list@gmx.de

Jobst Quis, Molden 3a, 29465 Schnega, fon: 0170-3418814 (Now and during the
Tour), mail: karawane@mail.nadir.org

Meeting point and start: 9.Sept.00, Sprengel, Schaufelderstr. 33, 30167

---------- [2] Online activism? - fravswto@hotmail.com

I agree with luciano, we cannot trust egroups, remember they stolen 250.000
users profiles to voila.fr ....

Apart from that, I'm new on this list invited by nico from 'les
tanneries'... I'm RE:no 'propaganda adviser' for Federation of Random
Action, and we build VR sitins tools, as etoy/etoys tools [ see
http://www.rtmark.com/etoy ]. Did you plan some actions online??

We can give you support and our last tool to organize a demonstration
online, we are in contact with Electronic Disturbance Theater, Ehippies and
Demonstration Online Projekt... Perhaps that will be good to give
opportonity to people far from demonstrations places to participate online.

BUT because sitins are strictly forbidden (similar to DOS attacks,
according to fbi), and because of the advisory from nipc.gov
[ http://hacktivism.tao.ca/hacktivism01618.html ]
If you are interested, contact me directly on FRAvsWTO@hotmail.com, or onto
hacktivism.tao.ca forum... -a peer2peer talk is more careful-

---------- [3] Berlin Infoweek - Koepi137@gmx.net

We are planning a workshop/infoweek here in Berlin to prepare for Prague
2000. Most of the workshops will be in 2 languages.We are urgently looking
for people with more ideas,especially for the direct action workshops.These
days we are about to organise sleeping places.We have no ideas how many
people will show up,so get in touch with us before you come:

e-mail: <mailto:koepi137@gmx.net>koepi137@gmx.net
PGP key unter http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371
Fax: 0049 30 27590868

contact: koepi137@gmx.net
pgp-key: http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371
fax: +49-30-27590868

18.00 - Koepi-Bar
19.00 - Vegan Food
20.00 - Report about history and structures of IMF/WB
- Self-defence trainig
- Video from Undercurrents

12.00 - Climbing training for beginners
14.00 - Medical workshop (including instructions for protection against
16.00 - Direct action training
18.00 - Koepi-Bar
19.00 - Vegan Food
20.00 - Meeting, information and discussion with people from INPEG/prague

12.00 - Climbing training for beginners
16.00 - Direct action training
19.00 - Koepi-Bar
20.00 - Self defence training
- Vegan Food
22.00 - Video: *Shut down the WTO* from protests washington april 2k

14.00 - Direct action training
16.00 - Self defence training
18.00 - Climbing training for beginners
- Koepi-Bar
19.00 - Vegan Food
20.00 - Self defence training
21.00 - Video: *Im Herbst der Bestie* about IMF and counteractions in berlin
- Video: *IMF - Die Macht der Kredite* about IMF activities in nigeria
and russia
- Concert: Sick On The Bus (punkrock UK)

14.00 - Direct action training
- Banners painting (everybody is strongly invited bring ideas and
18.00 - Climbing training for beginners
20.00 - Vegan Food
22.00 - Benefit-concert for s26: *Deadmocracy* (BRA), *Desecration* (BRA)
- Videos from INPEG

---------- [4] Help needed! - sergio.o@gmx.net

The preparations for the days of action in Praha (Prague) are going ahead
with difficulties because of a terrible lack of people helping in Praha.
The INPEG team is seriously overworked and is not able to do many things
which are perfectly possible and would help us all a lot because of the
relatively small numbers of people involved in such a big thing.

There is a pressing need for MANY MANY MANY more people to come to Praha to
give a hand, as soon as possible. In order to make this possible, there is
the possibility to set up a camp in Praha from the 14th of September
onwards, which would fulfill several objectives at the same time:

1) accommodating and feeding all the people who come to help to make this a
tremendous success

2) becoming a centre for training in a huge diversity of things: NVDA,
civil disobedience, jail solidarity, medical care in action, dealing with
media, puppet building, banner design, etc.

3) becoming a place to have some workshops and discussions about the
issues, to advance collectively in our analysis and understanding of the
complexities of global capitalism, patriarchy and racism, and their links
to the destruction of the environment

4) last but NOT AT ALL LEAST, becoming a welcoming, cosy and inspiring
place where we can also invite the population of Praha to have interaction
with us, these people who are constantly described by the Czech media as
brainless terrorist and by the Czech Minister of Interior as "killers"
(quoted from an interview, which I can send you if you're interested). We
can organise a couple of "open days" in the camp and tell the Praha
population to come and see for themselves whether we are that, and we can
also invite them to participate in the trainings and discussions. We think
that this will have a very good impact in the numbers of Czech people
participating in the mobilisations.

There is a farm in the outskirts of Praha, 20 minutes by train from the
centre, which we can use almost for free for the camp (we only have to pay
the water and electricity bills, and make sure that we leave it in a better
shape than we found it, which might involve some money).


We need people to come to Praha if possible by the 8th of Sept the latest
to help prepare everything, from the cooking logistics to the "waste
management", from composting toilets (we hope we can use those ones) to
improvised showers, from tents for workshops in case it rains to beautiful
banners to welcome people in this space.

We also need a lot of equipment, which we cannot pay, to make this a nice
space. Some examples:

* Big tents / circus tents
* Serious cooking equipment
* Banners, paint, materials for puppets, etc
* Computers (maybe we can set up a small cybercafe there, there are
technical possibilities and it would not be very expensive), scanners,
* If possible, one or two caravans which we can use as office space

We also need to know more or less how many people would like and be able to
come in advance (from the 14th onwards) to be part of the camp and help
make this a hub of creativity and frenzy activity and fun. Please do not
just show up, DO LET US KNOW IN ADVANCE, since otherwise we could be short
of space. Please do also let us know whether you have any expericence /
skills which could be helpful for other people, since we would like to have
an overview of the kind of trainings that could be organised. (But do not
misunderstand this last remark: of course, people without any kind of
experience and skills are tremendously welcome as well.) We are looking
especially for people who could hold trainings on jail solidarity, medical
issues, dealing with media, street theatre and puppet-making.

Anyone who wants to come, please remember to bring with you equipment,

Please reply always to <sergio.o@gmx.net> and to <zemepredevsim@ecn.cz>. If
there is a good response to this call, we will set up a mailing list for
this camp in particular. [btw, does anyone know a domain where we could
make a list quickly which is not egroups or any other commercial outfit?]

salud y revolucion social!

---------- [5] Urgent INPEG money situation - Prague2000_cz@hotmail.com

The financial situation in Prague is getting more and more critical. INPEG
has no money. We seriously need money! Without any money we will not be
able to pay for info centres, media centres, legal support centre, our
office, the telephone bill, internet time so that we can update our webpage
and answer all the prague emails, make flyers and stickers to let people
know whats happening, pay for the cultural festival venues, put money down
for accommodation.

This basically means that we can not provide you guys coming with anything!
We need an info centre to give directions to where the buses should go,
get legal cards, explain where the convergence centre is so people can send
representative to the meetings(that is if we have money to rent one) PLEASE
find money from somewhere and send it to INPEG as soon as possible so that
we can make things happen here.

Please contribute financial donations to this account:

Cs. Armady 35
160 00, Prague 6
Czech Republic, Europe
account number: 163 775 396/5100
swift code: INBACZPP

We also need more computers (usable ones) for the info centre, house phones
and mobile phones (usable ones), fax machines and a photo copier Please
contact prague2000_cz@hotmail.com for info on where to send them to.

Global solidarity against global capital !!!

---------- [6] World Car Free Day on the September 21 - carbusters@ecn.cz

The week of convergence against the IMF and World Bank will kick start with
World Car Free day on the 21st of September. Different activities are
taking place all over the world but in Prague, the IMF and World Bank are

Audi and Volkswagen (two major car companies) are running advertising
campaigns and sponsering the conference. Send out this call to action far
and wide and if you are going to be in Prague get ready...

Cars will "eliminate a greater part of the nervousness, distraction, and
strain of modern metropolitan life." - prediction, Scientific American
magazine, 1899

---------- [7] What moves us? - vivamrta@stad.dsl.nl


In recent years the western world has witnessed a new revival of leftwing
and anarchist activism. This activism has been directed at the free trade
organisations and specifically at their gatherings, such as those of the
European Union, the G8, the WTO and the IMF and the World Bank. This seems
logical, given that these meetings of world leaders are of great symbolic
importance to both sides. At first sight, they look like the perfect
opportunity to call the established order into account. Occasionally, the
protests are impressive. The spectacular blockade of the WTO summit in
Seattle has made a great impression on a lot of people. But is the euphoria
completely grounded?

When the WTO 'millenium summit' in Seattle broke down, this was celebrated
by activists as a victory. According to many, the summit's failure was
partly due to the blockade, and it was seen as the crowning of years of
campaigning against 'globalisation'. Other actions centered around summits,
such as the Euro-summit in Cologne and the G8 summit failed altogether.
'Summit hopping' (campaigning from one summit to the other) may not be new,
but it certainly seems to be starting to become more and more dominant in
'Action-land'. With the 'forth international day against capitalism' on
September 26, coinciding with the opening day of the IMF and World bank
conference in Prague, the summit-movement reaches a new hight. In the run
up to Prague the independent media is dominated by hallelujah-stories of
Seattle and Washington. Personally however, I have yet to find the first
serious (and undoubtedly less spectacular) article with regards to content.
Discussion about the current dynamic of the summit- movement, for example
about what the goals are and to what extent these are being reached, is
completely absent. Reaching the summit and being part of a mass protest
seem to be the only things people are interested in, whilst there are
plenty of reasons for taking a more critical look at summit hopping...


The breakdown of a summit does not mean that the criticised institution is
unmasked. Neither will it stop the world from becoming more commercialised.
Aiming to cause a summit to fail appeals to the imagination and provides
the media with some pretty pictures. But whilst a mass international
protest may have great symbolic value, it does not mean very much more.


In recent years we have seen great international mobilisation towards the
'free trade summits'. These almost always happened exclusively in the West,
frequently the basic organising free trade organisation. It is difficult
for activists from poorer countries to take part in this, and this is one
of the reasons that the protests are predominantly white, even though
westerners are hit the least by capitalism. Travelling across the globe
from summit to summit is very exciting, but you do need enough money to be
mobile. Also, the one-sided attention paid to summits, means that
westerners have a dominant role in the direction in which this movement is


Rich Non-Governmental Organistaions (NGO's), funded by national
governments, assume that lobbying with national governments and
international institutions will eventually lead to far-reaching reforms in
the criticised free trade organisations. Often, these organisations
themselves are strongly hierarchical, not exactly revolutionary in
character. Because they focus their attention on summits and manage to
reserve a relatively large amount of money for this, they create the
impression that the main point of actions should be the summits. Further
more, the rich NGO's almost always stick to vague terms, such as
'globalisation' and 'free trade', and that the alternatives they (wrongly)
advocate leave the corners stones of capitalism intact. Poor, and often
locally organised movements and initiatives which work and start from basis
democratic principles, can do very little with unlimited drive towards the
summits, even though they are the crystallised anti-authoritarian answer to


During a summit, state repression is especially high. The collection of
states do the utmost to chart the actions and action groups, long before
the summits. The conferences themselves are often linked with mass-arrests.
Amsterdam ('97) 700, Geneva ('98) 700, Cologne (spring '99) more than 1000,
Seattle ('99) 600, Washington (2000) 1300, the number of arrests speaks for
itself. Perhaps it would be cleverer to strike when it is not expected.


The (mass) media - this much can be considered common knowledge - has a
dominant role in shaping public opinion. Spectacular appearances, such as
disguised anarchist, shooting police officers, and creatively-dressed
demonstrators, dominate the media coverage, whilst real information and
discussion is left exclusively to political commentators and the so-called
experts in their three piece suits. The activists are continually reduced
to frightened or concerned, but above all naive citizens, who should really
leave politics to the experts of the social elite. If citizens want to be
noticed by the media, they have to display themselves in ever more
spectacular ways. This is why there is so much attention for summits from
the side of the activists. Being noticed (by the media) is considered
paramount by a good deal of activists and whether or not the picture
painted by the media is consistent with reality is thought less important.


We are living in the long awaited year 2000 and many activists feel that
Prague could well assume the same historic importance as Seattle. The
question is, what significant outcome have the activist at previous summits
achieved?! Those who have pinned their hope on enforcing radical reform and
democratisation by means of action and lobby, have only received a verbal
smoke screen from the guilty WTO, IMF and World Bank. Radical
anti-capitalists have seen time and time again how their direct sabotage
actions are used by the media to criminalise the movement. On the last
international day of action, it became clear how quickly the state learns
from its mistakes. The number of arrests was above the 1300 mark. What
successful global mobilisations such as Seattle and Washington have managed
to do in the first place, is to boost the confidence of western activists.
In the last few years, a number of special and inspiring coalitions have
been formed between organisations across the globe. By coordinating their
actions, their efforts have clearly gained in value, compared to isolated
or local activities. This does not mean, however, that we have now found
the perfect or everlasting formula for success. It is important to look
critically at what is moving us and what we are aiming to achieve. Clear
goals need to be set and we need to assess to what extent these goals are
being met. An English activist compared the movement to a snowball rolling
down a hill and getting bigger and bigger. Too much discussion would,
according to him, hinder the growth of the snowball. Let's just hope the
snowball doesn't end up in a canyon.

marco (EuroDusnie collective, The Netherlands)


---------- [8] Re: What moves us? - bonotto@mail.univr.it

Dear friends,

This is to agree to Marco's view about our movement and to suggest a call
to create a common platform for continous action to draw an alternative to
capitalism. I have just come back from the meeting in Prague. My impression
is extremely positive about it. It resamble the atmosphere of '68 of youth
and general revolt against the oppression, repression and soppression, this
time at global level. But at the same time I feelt little sad, the second
part of what should be a proper and final action of this new movement is
missing. What is missing is what we want to substitute the capitalism
system of to day and this is of vital importance to substantiate and give
a proper constructive direction to the movement. Going against something is
the first part, the second will be to create, and materialize the
alternative to what we do not want and express what we would like for the
all society. Capitalism is a system. People will not change capitalism into
something more human and acceptable by all, until we do not propose a
feasible alternative and let the people choose between the two. This
'alternative' has to be a clear 'system' it self, within the guide lines
which we may be able to draw in a common platform.


So to this end we may propose to your attention in a strong call, the
ALTERNATIVE TO CAPITALISM in addition to the present action of protesting
at the counterpart meetings which, is of extreme importance too.

This action will be more frightening for the counterpart (global
captalism), because it will shake the capitalism malady at its roots. And
it is of vital importance materialize our hopes to create a better world.
It is not easy but it is not impossible. Already, a trace of what we want
is outline in the guide line give by the Seattle experience.

It is written:
> We want basic decisions-making power to be restored to our communities, and
> to communities around the world. We want a system that is democratic...
> Garanteeing the right of participation,... is the only sure way to raise
> living standards... abroad and at home

That means, in few words, Democracy in the Economic sphere, which can be
stated as Economic Democracy. We like democracy better than any other to
day philosophy, but political democracy, (casting a vote every four years,
or just voting rights), is not sufficient, because that political democracy
is easily manipulated by money. That is why we are for a democratisation
of economy or people's direct control of their local economy thought
different means and structures. This will empower the general peoples, and
will not give chances for concentration of wealths in the hands of few
peoples anymore. This seems quite a generally accepted basic
principle to delineate the new socio-economic system, The same, in return,
will also challenge capitalism directly and permanently.

For the global movement just born, with the sacrifice and dedication of
many good people around the world, to meet the expectations of millions of
suffering people and not to die prematurely, we have to meet again
to systematize, and draw black on white, the new vision of planetary
society. I think already many movements and amongst those some movement in
Italy, are already feeling the necessity of this planning and
general meeting to this end. We can meet and we can do it!!

Best regards, T. Bonotto Proutist Universal, Italia

---------- [9] LA jail and legal stories - hmcquie_1999@yahoo.com

I am sending you all this account b/c I think it could be useful to have
more experiential accounts of people's jail experiences for use in preps
and for
discussions of less-than-ideal circumstances for discussions around
solidarity tactics. Arrests have been financially costly in LA, and the
system is big
enough to take in those few protestors that were arrested, around 200, with
very little pressure put on the system. Lots of local folks released
themselves OR
while out-of-towners had to pay bail... there are important implications in
the LA case that we need to think and talk about for future actions.

Since lack of awareness of jail realities has been one of the critiques of
trainings for Seattle & DC, i think it'd be helpful to collect a few more
of these for compilation into a document for trainings. Does anyone have
interest in pursuing this?

hilary in oakland

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 00:18:39 -0700
From: stellazine <stellmer@lmi.net>
Subject: [D2KLABayAreaOrganizing] Re: "Stella Redondo" Released - Thank You!

Friends --

I want to thank all of you of who called the Los Angeles County Jail on my

The Critical Mass bike gathering was held Tuesday, August 15. I was among
the total of 70 bicyclists who were arrested. We were initially charged
with reckless driving with a vehicle. In my case, additional charges were
tacked on by "mistake" for prostitution and driving under the influence. I
believe that other charges were attached to individual bicyclists since
searches were conducted on messenger bags and backpacks: I saw gas masks,
knives and other equipment that could be construed as weapons were found.
All bicycles were impounded by the Los Angeles Police Department.

I consider the circumstances which surrounded our arrest nothing short of
police entrapment. The ride started at 5:30pm in downtown Los Angeles and
we whooped for joy as we pedaled around Pershing Square and down Broadway,
a Latino business street. The police begin to accompany us and even held
back traffic on cross streets as we approached Staples Center. Near 18th &
Flower, a motorcycle squadron begin to herd the bicyclists into going
against a one-way street, then thinning out the pack by forcing us to go
through a fenced sidewalk by Metro Rail tracks underneath a Santa Monica
freeway overpass. The motorcycle policemen then blocked the opening of the
sidewalk into the street and vocally ordered to us to turn back underneath
the overpass. An order then was issued for our arrest. Part of the pack
that had managed to pass through the fenced sidewalk and reached the street
then turned left to find the way ahead blocked off by police in riot gear
and police cars. In the group of 19 women that I was jailed with, two of us
had been injured: one woman had been hit with a police baton on the knee,
and I had crashed my bicycle into a blockading motorcycle.

The on-street arrest procedure and booking -- surrendering of property,
photographing, fingerprinting, information gathering, identification cuffs
etc. took eight-and-half hours to complete. We were finally led to our
group cell at 3am Wednesday morning, only to be roused at 4am, and readied
for arraignment. The Los Angeles Correctional Facility, "Twin Towers", did
not surprise me with its filth, bad food, strip searches, and surly,
harassing officers. The real horror to me was the endless waiting in a
series of holding cells with no explanation of what was being done with us.
(The Jane Does Rampart group was stuck at the court holding cell Thursday
and Friday from 6am to midnight, and still, not all the group had been
arraigned despite an extended court day.) The guards constantly withheld
information from us, misdirected us or refused to answer our questions.
Compounding our bewilderment was the lack of clocks, no exterior windows,
24-hour fluorescent lighting, and uncomfortable temperatures of the
facility -- either too hot or too cold. This kind of sensory deprivation
was what was hardest for me to endure as I became ill from diarrhea and a
respiratory infection.

By Wednesday night and Thursday morning, all of the Critical Mass women who
had accompanied me to jail had been released on bail or on their own
recognizance. I was moved into the Jane Does Rampart group cell. My case
was complicated by the fact because I had stupidly given an alias. This I
corrected at a bail review with verifiable id, but nonetheless my bail was
set at $2500 compared to the other women at $500. My parents paid that
amount. This is when the games began. On Friday evening I was led to the
release holding cell but after 5 hours of waiting, I was taken out again
and was being returned to the women's tower. I refused to go, and demanded
that I remain in the release area since I knew my parents had paid bail
because I had been on the phone with them as they finished the paperwork in
the Los Angeles County jail lobby. Seven guards surrounded me and attempted
to convince me that 1) my paperwork was lost; 2) my parents had lied to me
because the guards' green paperwork slip showed no bail paid; 3) they knew
nothing about my bail since they had just come on shift. I think this
instance shows best the psychological techniques that guards use on
prisoners to keep them confused and vulnerable. (This last rationale -- "I
just work here and know nothing" -- was used frequently on protesters to
circumvent our questions.)

On Saturday morning, I decided to reach out for help beyond my immediate
family, and I asked a friend to call everyone in my address book and
request a phone call to the Los Angeles County Jail that inquired about my
condition and release process. The entire release process then took 3-1/2
hours and I walked out the door at 4pm Saturday. The women prisoners I
spoke to in the various holding cells along the way, said that their
release experience at the LA County jail was usually eight to 14 hours.
These women also said that this tardy release process was only in effect
for the downtown LA County jail. At the outer LAPD or city police stations,
you could get released in one to two hours once bail was posted.

I truly believe that the phone calls my family, friends, and other caring
folks made persistently every few minutes resulted in an expedited release
process for me. I cannot thank all of you enough.

Finally, I believe that in Los Angeles protesters were not treated all that
differently from the other prisoners. Please keep in mind that the downtown
Los Angeles Correctional Facility "processes" 4,000 prisoners a week. The
staff has become adept at producing the effect of dehumanization. Whatever
holding cell we were lodged in for long minutes, we asked for comparisons
of treatment from the longer term women inmates. While we were not placed
with the general prison population, and were kept in our own groups, this
was done more to prevent our interaction with those prisoners and thus
infect them with our views and news from the outside. We did learn that
most of the correctional facility was in lockdown because the protesters
were being housed on site. This had the effect of curtailing even the
slightest contact with other prisoners as we were moved about the facility.

With much gratitude,

Deborah Gomez aka "Stella Redondo", Oakland, California

---------- [10] Discussion about scared symphatisers

From: vanja

I will allow myself a bit of emotional countdown now, a month before
Prague.I have been generally sceptic about bigger mainline media reporting
for us or about us the events in Prague.Now after having spoken with a
friend whom I really perceive as an expreienced in-the issues- activist
about this whole intimidation of the police, upcoming discrimination at the
borders, banning the
sound-system(this really essential equipment untill we take the pots and
pans and make music with them!), not giving visas etc..I came to the
conclusion, hm, if we don't give any signals out to the world, even trough
the main-line media (of which we have already been the victims in this
process, lets face it, who said to them that we are 20 000!), they will all
beat us up and criminalise us without noone (up to you to define "noone)
seeing it .I am scared because I don't trust the new CZ establishment, they
are the same old-style police dogs with new uniforms,with a nice mafia
back-up, remember how the east got privatised.

I was wondering if anyone has the contact with the journalists from
Guardian, Jungle World, Internazionale and other more leftist magazines
from around Europe and further.., I am wondering if there is anybody in the
media group thinking about these sort of newspapers rather than BBC and
similar soldouts. Besides, shouldn't we , in this short period ask for
endorsement of this whole event, by the people who support us or support us
to a certain extent , so the people on the borders would have supposedly
less problems(i know it sounds stupid ,BUT!!)with an endorsement letter of
lets say, the old YaBasta friend Dario Fo ,
the italian people would have a kind of additional protection belt...etc.
More an more I read their internal minister speeches, more and more I am
scared to stay out there without knowing that I as an individual did my
best for all of us to not get beaten up and all that follows...Noone must
be touched by a single policeman! (don't laugh please, I am serious.)

If someone from the "group" knows any journalists who migh help us, lets
bring it on the agenda of the meeting, I haven't been on the media discc.
list , and if the issue has already been discussed there, I apologise for
adding up to a mountain of dillemas..

From: el desaparecido

I am going to counter balance Vanjas perception with my usual optimism :-)

No seriously, I think the mobilisation is doing quite good and is growing
bigger. 20.000 people is not irrealistic. Wait for the meeting i am sure
we'll hear interesting things.

But I agree that we have to improve our media strategy and strategy in
general. I hope the upcoming meeting will be a consolidation of a common
strategy which will put more pressure on the czech authorities.

- we need a good strategy for possible border crossing troubles.
- we need a strategy to put more pressure on the czech government.
One thing that was suggested in Prag at the last european meeting but got
lost in the middle of so many things, was to do some political lobby work
via sympathetic Members of Parliament or so to ask national governments
things like can you assure that human rights will be respected during the
IMF/WB summit in Prague ? What have you done to make sure they will be
respected ?" etc. We could ask for a United Nations observers delegation to
ensure that human rights and the demonstration rights of 'civil society'
are respected :-) in Prague during the day of protests

If they refuse we can still make a buzz out of it, and tell the press etc.
Would there be people into doing this sort of things ? Let's consider it at
the upcoming european meeting.

Keep also in mind, that INPEG asked us to be able to reach with
protests/fax action at czech ambassies if the repression was getting tough
or there were mass arrests etc . This is something that people can be
preparing for.

From: come on

Come on People lets not be scared.
It is our sacred right to be on those streets.......it is our planet....our
future. Its too late for them and they know it, prague will just be one
more wood on the cremation of their system and one more fan on the creation
of our own.

I like lucianos idea about UN observers, because as he says, even if they
dont come, well, we make a big deal from it in the press. Perhaps we can
use the recent mal treatment of the Americans in Philladelphia. I read some
shocking and brutall reports.......and yes, it makes me feel vulnerable,
but also it makes me feel like well, if they're that scared, we must be
doing even better than I thought. I am reading the autobiography of Martin
Luther King, it makes a sombering read

From: vanja

well well what about hearing a brave woman's comment. Until then I won't
give up with panicking, and you will receive more shity emails. Which is
very human, ja?

From: come on

Dear Vanja,

it is not about being brave, it is about resisting fear... fear being the
most basic of human instincts.

Fear is the common denominator of all systems of human control and
exploitation. Throughout history every tyranny has employed this, the most
basic of tactics that preys on the most basic of instincts... if we let
them do it again, then all is lost until the next time. However, if we show
caution, pacivity, but none the less take to the streets, then we make
progress. We undermine the systems most fundamental and potent weapon.

Do you think Ghandi did not feel fear? The female leader of the Burmese
opposiition party (whos name unfortuanatly alludes me)Steve Biko? On the
contrary, they merely demonstrated to massive amounts of the populations of
the world that fear could be beaten. Once you refuse to submit, or rather,
once you accept the fear but push on regardless, you start to make the
oppressor seem a little ridiculas... after all, what can they do to you if
you do not fear what they can do to you? Others join you, as they realise
that the system is merley oppresive and nothing else. Once you challenge a
system, stand up in the face of its fiecest torrents of wrath, without
feeling the need to combat violence with violence... then that system
ceases to be tenable... both in the eyes of you and the world around you.

How many times can a reporter travel around the place, witnessing united
peoples standing passive and firm in opposition to global and planetary
exploitation, being beaten and gassed, before they start to report the
truth. Not forever... because eventually they will realise that there are
so many of the populations to whom they report who have witnessed the
brutality, who have understood the issues and the stakes, that infact
everyone will know they are writing lies, and that they merely represent
the system we are in conflict with. Even in a capitalist system, an editor
or owner of a media source merely wants to print what represents what the
majority of the audience thinks it wants to hear. If we touch so many
people directly that hey then want to hear the truth, then the truth would
be printed... this is the way.

There is no stopping evolution... the global evolution of the true (non
constructed) human spirit... and actually, when you think about it,
gloablisations a great word... a very natural process... they just stole
it... well now we're just stealing it back!

From: edmundm@gmx.de

vanja@aseed.antenna.nl wrote (partial quotes):
> they will all beat us up and criminalise us without
> noone (up to you to define "noone) seeing it .I am scared because I
> don't trust the new CZ establishment, they are the same old-style
> police dogs with new uniforms,with a nice mafia back-up...,

> More and more I read their internal minister speeches, more and
> more I am scared to stay out there...

Answer: Dear Vanya, you have let the propaganda get to you But remember,
all those words were just the usual BS issued by the "public relations"
department of every protaganist before every big event. It's what the apes
in the jungle do, or Sumo wrestlers, or NATO spokesmen, or Bill Gates...
It's posturing -- breast-beating -- pure and simple. The PR expert's aim
was not to win a battle, only to scare you... and he did. But surely in the
final analysis you will realize this was only a cyber-threat and that you
have experienced only cyber-fear.

In the real world, the police can only bring a limited number of troops
into an urban situation without getting in each other's way. They can have
thousands more in the surroundings, but only x-number can respond to an

In the real world, this event is a big media show. Thousands of reporters
will be on hand to witness any action. Our real opponents -- IMF and the
World Bank -- can be hurt by police brutality. The police are not "mad
dogs" -- just bullies who get paid for following their masters' orders.

In the real world, the Czechs are desperate to join the European Union.
They MUST be seen as "good guys" who respect human rights.

Also in the real world, be glad that our demo will be taking place in
Prague. This is a city with a long history of resisting oppression. The
spirit of "The Good Soldier Schweik" and Jan Pallach lives on. Lots of the
older citizens with personal memories of the "Prague Spring" of 1968 will
help us.

---------- [11] The Guardian Article

Riots threaten Prague autumn

Scotland Yard and FBI called in as fears grow of huge anti-capitalist
protests at IMF summit in Czech capital -- Nick Hopkins and Kate Connolly
in Prague -- Thursday August 24, 2000

Scotland Yard has sent a team of officers to Prague ahead of next month's
IMF and World Bank annual summit amid fears of violent anti-capitalist
demonstrations by up to 50,000 protesters, including many of those involved
in the May Day riots in London. Special Branch has been liaising with its
counterpart in the Czech Republic and four officers from Scotland Yard's
public order unit, led by Chief Supt Steve French, flew to the capital last
week for two days of talks with police chiefs. Files and photographs of
demonstrators who incited the trouble in London have been offered to the
Czech authorities, as well as intelligence on potential troublemakers.

Although the Czechs have insisted that they are confident of coordinating
the security operation and are sensitive about asking for outside help, the
republic has turned to Britain and the United States for advice because of
fears the Prague demonstrations could be the worst so far.

Earlier this year 24 senior Czech officers were sent to the FBI's
headquarters in Washington for training. Three months ago the agency's
director, Louis Freeh, went to Prague to discuss contingency plans if
violence flares. The Czechs have also been working with Interpol in the
hope of identifying protesters from Germany, Poland and Scandinavia.
Concern has been mounting because of the way anti-globalisation campaigners
have disrupted major conferences in recent years. There were riots at last
November's World Trade Organisation summit in Seattle, and at an IMF/World
Bank meeting in Washington last April.

Even though the Metropolitan police cancelled all leave for the May Day
protests and swamped the capital with thousands of officers and undercover
"spotters", demonstrators managed to dig up the grassy area of Parliament
Square, daub paint and graffiti on monuments, including the Cenotaph and a
statue of Sir Winston Churchill. More than 100 people were charged.

The delegation from Scotland Yard, which included a specialist in media
management, flew to Prague last week. "We went over to help them, though
officially Prague did not ask for our assistance. We wanted to share our
experiences and our information," said a Scotland Yard source. The British
embassy in Prague yesterday also confirmed that there had been "contact"
between senior detectives in both countries.

The Foreign Office is advising Britons against holiday and non-essential
travel to Prague between September 23 and September 28. The US state
department has also advised Americans not to visit the city at the end of
Although the Czech interior ministry has told Prague's residents to "relax
and put your faith in the authorities", the build-up to the summit has
convinced many that violence in inevitable. Eleven thousand police have
been assigned to the event and 5,000 soldiers will be on standby.

The health ministry has warned Prague's four main hospitals to prepare for
the worst. They are taking on extra staff and will be stocked with drugs to
combat biological and chemical attacks. Keeping wounded delegates and
protesters apart is another practical concern. "If you have the delegates
in one room and the protesters in another, they could fight in the
corridor," warned a doctor at the Kralovske Vinohrady Teaching Hospital,
which has set aside three luxury bedrooms for high profile financiers.

Fast food restaurants have already ordered replacement panes of glass,
knowing they are likely to be targeted. Managers of the supermarket chain,
Tesco, which has a large branch in the centre of Prague, say they are
considering closing during the summit. Schools and theatres in the centre
of the capital have been ordered to close and Prague residents have been
advised it may be wise to leave the capital or stock up on medicines and
food and stay at home. Tabloid newspapers have added to the growing alarm
by telling people to barricade their doors and windows against the
"barbarian protesters." Around 800 safety vests are to be handed out to
journalists covering the summit, which is due to be attended by 23,000
delegates and politicians.

Scores of British protesters have already moved to Prague and hundreds more
are expected to arrive in the next fortnight. In the recent demonstrations
in Britain and the US, police were accused of underestimating the
resourcefulness and determination of the demonstrators and of showing
little understanding of the loose-knit groupings suspected of masterminding
the violence.

Most police attention has focused on a coalition of Czech environmental,
human rights and anarchist groups, called Inpeg, Initiative Against
Economic Globalisation, which plans a counter summit at the same time as
the financial meeting. But Inpeg has described the police's plans as
"hysterical" and insist it is preparing "non-violent activist training."
With growing trepidation, the police have also been monitoring the numerous
websites that have sprung up in recent weeks urging protesters to head for

One of the websites, called DestroyIMF, urges participation in S26 - the
demonstrators' nickname for the event. "We're going to Prague to make the
IMF summit in September 2000 into Seattle II. The IMF summit will be
protected by a Czech police operation run by the FBI. The challenge to the
workers' movement is to shutdown that summit with the biggest demo Europe
has ever seen." It adds: "We don't just want to disrupt their summits - we
want to scrap the profit system that allows institutions like the World
Bank, the IMF and WTO to rule the world and the former Stalinist countries.
We want to end debt, poverty and capitalist exploitation. This site is a
protest portal." Protesters have been advised of the Czech for useful
phrases such as "You fascist pig" and "Where is the nearest McDonalds?"

Police are also worried that protesters will target a new nuclear power
plant in Bohemia which is due to be activated around the time of the IMF
conference. The Czech president, Vaclev Havel, has tried to downplay
concern, criticising the coverage given to security arrangements. He said:
"It is as if we were getting ready for a civil war."

A world of protest against the global economy

June 18 1999

Demonstrations were held in 27 cities worldwide, from the Czech Republic to
Nigeria, in what was dubbed the "global carnival against capital". In the
City of London, the 3,000-strong peaceful protest turned into the worst
riots seen in the capital since the poll tax demonstration of 1990,
resulting in 46 people needing hospital treatment and an estimated bill of
more than £5m.

November 30 1999

The biggest protest in the US since the Vietnam war took place on the
streets of Seattle, where the World Trade Organisation was meeting. An
estimated 100,000 people protested peacefully until masked activists
hijacked the demonstration and police in full riot gear responded with
teargas and rubber pellets. A smaller protest of 2,000 people at Euston
station in London led to 40 arrests.

April 16-17 2000

Anti-globalisation protesters descended on Washington to disrupt meetings
of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Between 6,000 and 10,000
people managed to close the American capital for six hours and the human
chain prevented some finance ministers from getting to their meetings.
Largely peaceful but violent clashes with police officers - many in riot
gear, which had them being compared to Power Rangers - resulted in 600

May 1 2000

May Day protests took place around the world. In London, where 4,000 people
took to the streets, activists performed "guerrilla gardening" in
Parliament Square and daubed paint and graffiti on monuments. What had been
planned as peaceful protests ended in ugly scenes and 42 arrests.

August 15 2000
Rubber bullets were fired by police in Los Angeles at the end of a protest
concert by the band Rage Against the Machine. A total of 39 people were
arrested in four days in a series of protests against corporate greed.

---------- [X]
Do You Resist!?
Thousands of Cops. Millions of People. All in one place.
Prague! S26: http://betazine.org/s26/

04 Bosnisches Flüchtlingsmädchen wird Lehrling
From: SOS Menschenrechte, ecker@sos.at
SOS-Menschenrechte bildet bosnisches Flüchtlingsmädchen aus

Appell an Unternehmen:
Gebt ausländischen Jugendlichen eine Chance!

Am 1. September 2000 beginnt für Nermina Dozic (16) ein neuer
Lebensabschnitt. Das bosnische Mädchen wird ihre 3-jährige Lehre als
Bürokauffrau bei SOS-Menschenrechte antreten.

1993 musste die Familie Dozic aus der Moslem-Enklave Srebrenica fliehen.
Aufnahme fand sie zunächst im Rahmen der Bosnien-Aktion in Mönchdorf (OÖ),
später in Linz. 1994 ist ihr Vater Ahmet, der als Jurist in Bosnien
gearbeitet hatte, verstorben. Viele Angehörige sind beim Fall von Sebrenica

Mit Rücksicht auf die Lebenssituation der Familie hat sich die
ausgezeichnete Schülerin gegen einen weiteren Besuch der Handelsakademie
(1. Klasse) und für den Antritt einer Lehre entschieden, um so etwas zum
Familieneinkommen beitragen zu können. SOS-Menschenrechte freut sich, in
dieser Situation Nermina mit einem Ausbildungsplatz unterstützen zu können.
Sie ist damit nach der türkischen Staatsbürgerin Tülay Tuncel (18 Jahre, 3.
Lehrjahr) das zweite Lehrmädchen ausländischer Herkunft, das
SOS-Menschenrechte zur Zeit als Bürokauffrau ausbildet.

Geschäftsführer Günter Ecker appelliert an die Ausbildungsbetriebe,
ausländischen Jugendlichen eine berufliche Chance einzuräumen. Viele
ausländische Mädchen haben gleichlautende Bewerbungserfahrungen: vielfach
wirft sie alleine die andere Staatsbürgerschaft aus dem Rennen um einen

Ecker: "Den heimischen Betrieben kommt hier ein Mitverantwortung für eine
aktive Integrationspolitik zu, damit diese Jugendlichen mit ihren
Fähigkeiten, ihrer Einsatzbereitschaft und ihrem Fleiß nicht die Tür zu
ihrer beruflichen Zukunft verschlossen bleibt."

--------------- ecker@sos.at ---------------

Tummelplatz 5/2
A-4010 Linz

Tel.: ++43/732/ 777 404

Fax-Dw. 4 Geschäftsführung, Menschenrechtserziehung
Fax-Dw. 7 Schubhaftbetreuung

Internet: http://www.sos.at
e-mail: ecker@sos.at

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05 Mafiagegner sind Kommunisten sind Mafiagegner
From: Livia Pesci, ulthar@metacrawler.com
Politische Kontroverse um "La Piovra" ("Allein gegen die Mafia").

Die 10. Folge der beliebten Cosa Nostra-Saga (in Italien
durchschnittlich 15 Millionen Zuschauer pro Folge) wird dieser Tage
fertiggestellt und soll im Jänner 2001 ausgestrahlt werden.
Das möchten zwei ranghohe Politiker des (dzt. oppositionellen) Pol
der Freiheiten, Sergio Corbelli, Forza Italia-
Bürgerrechtsbeauftragter und Francesco Pontone, Senatsabgeordneter
der Nationalallianz, verhindern. Begründung: Unter dem Vorwand, das
couragierte Auftreten von Justizbeamten gegen organisiertes
Verbrechen, Kronzeugenunwesen und mit der Mafia verbandelte Politiker
in eine spannende Handlung zu verpacken, würde man kommunistische
Inhalte transportieren. Das sei schändlich und könne absolut nicht
toleriert werden (Pontone). Außerdem hätte einer der Hauptdarsteller
in einem Interview zugegeben, er stehe links. Schützenhilfe erhielten
die beiden von Enrico La Loggia, Forza Italia-Fraktionschef im Senat.
Seit nunmehr 16 Jahren betreibe diese Serie Nestbeschmutzung. 5
Millionen anständiger Sizilianer hätten es endgültig satt, mit 1000
mafiosi gleichgesetzt zu werden. Durch die Ausstrahlung während des
Wahlkampfes würden Millionen Wähler zugunsten des Mittelinks-
Bündnisses beeinflusst. La Piovra 10 spreche sich weder für links
noch gegen rechts aus, entgegnete der Chef der RAI-Fictionabteilung,
Feindbild darin sei einzig und allein die Mafia, und im übrigen
handle es sich eben nur - um eine Fiction. Er werde sich aber das
fertige Produkt genau ansehen und es nötigenfalls - um den Grundsatz
der absoluten Chancengleichheit unter Wahlwerbern zu wahren - zu
einem späteren Zeitpunkt aussenden.
Forza Italia-Chef Berlusconi hat übrigens ein eigenes Verständnis von
Chancengleichheit: er lässt durch seine Fernsehanstalt Mediaset
ebenfalls einen Mafiafilm produzieren. Titel: "Ultimo". Held: der
Carabiniere, der seinerzeit Mafiaboss Salvatore Riina festnahm.
:-( :-) :-( :-) :-(
1) na haben die nicht eine tüchtige Opposition da unten in Italien?
2) hierzulande sitzt der Pol der Freiheitlichen doch in der
Regierung: höchste Zeit also, dass Kommissar Rex endlich als
bolschewistischer Hund enttarnt wird....

06 Der Kampf um die Heimatfront
From: Friedenswerkstatt Linz, friwe@servus.at
„Die Dominanz über das Informationsspektrum ist so entscheidend für einen Konflikt, wie in früherer Zeit die Besetzung eines Landes oder die Kontrolle über den Luftraum."
(General Ronald R. Fogleman,: Cornerstones of Information Warfare, zit. Nach: Information Operation, Air Force Doctrine Document 2-5, 1998)
„Noch nie haben so wenige so viele so gründlich gelogen wie im Zusammenhang mit dem Kosovokrieg."
(CDU-Abgeodneter Willy Wimmer, OSZE-Mission im Kosovo)
Der Kampf um die „Heimatfront"
Die modernen Angriffskriege des Westens werden vor allem an der „Heimatfront" entschieden. An der "Feindfront" gibt es praktisch keine Niederlage mehr. Die Bekämpfung feindlicher Truppen wird zum „Truthahnschießen", wie im Golfkrieg, wo 200.000 irakische Soldaten im Wüstensand aus sicherer Distanz massakriert wurden; die Zerbombung der Infrastruktur eines Landes und die Terrorisierung der Zivilbevölkerung werden - wie im Krieg gegen Jugoslawien - zur „chirurgischen Operation". Das wirkliche Problem der modernen Kriegsführer ist: wie erkläre ich der eigenen Bevölkerung, dass es sinnvoll und gerecht ist, Völkerrecht zu brechen, ganze Landstriche chemisch und radioaktiv zu kontaminieren, die zu befreiende Region splitterbombenübersät zurück zulassen und das zu produzieren, was zu verhindern vorgegeben wird: zehntausendfachen Tod und hundertausendfache Vertreibung. Die „Dominanz über das Informationsspektrum" wird damit zur kriegsentscheidenden Herausfordung für die Strategen der neuen Welt(un-)ordnung. Die „Heimatfront" darf nicht wackeln. Ein gewaltiger militär-industriell-medialer Komplex soll die Menschen glauben machen, dass „Krieg" „Frieden", „Vernichtung" „Humanität" und Hitler eigentlich ein Serbe ist.
Beispiele des medialen Kampfes um die „Heimatfront":
Vertrag von Rambouillet: in der westlichen Propaganda waren diese Verhandlungen ein Inbegriff serbischer Halsstarrigkeit. Erst Wochen nach Kriegsbeginn sickerte an die Öffentlichkeit, dass die jugoslawische Seite bereit war, eine weitgehende Autonomie des Kosovo unter internationaler Überwachung zu akzeptieren. Doch der Westen wollte mehr: ein NATO-Besetzungsstatut für Gesamt-Jugoslawien.
Das „Massaker von Racak": Anfang Jänner 1999 wurde 45 erschossene Kosovo-Albaner nahe dem Dorf Racak nach einem Gefecht zwischen UCK und serbischer Sonderpolizei gefunden. Für die Medien war es seitdem das „Massaker von Racak", für die Politiker war es der Kriegsauslöser. „Racak war für mich die Wende", erklärte der deutsche Außenminister Fischer. Er musste es ja wissen. Denn er hielt den Untersuchungsbericht des finnischen Ärzteteams unter Verschluss. Jetzt - mehr als ein Jahr danach - ist dieser Bericht über Umwege an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt. Ergebnis: Der Bericht ergibt keine Beweise, dass es sich bei den toten Kosovo-Albanern um Zivilisten gehandelt hat, vielmehr liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass gefallene UCK-Kämpfer in Zivilkleider gesteckt wurden, um ein Massaker zu inszenieren. Entsprechende Hinweise von OSCE- Beobachter im Kosovo gab es schon vor Kriegsbeginn. Die Medien stellten sich taub.
„Operation Hufeisenplan": Eine Woche nach Kriegsbeginn geriet die NATO in ein mediales Dilemma. Die täglich Vertriebenen und Ermordeten waren seit Beginn der Bombardements auf das dreißigfache (!) im Vergleich zur Vorkriegszeit hinaufgeschnellt. Die Bombardements hatten also das Gegenteil dessen bewirkt, was vorgegeben wurde. Da zauberte der deutsche Verteidigungsminister Scharping den sog. „Hufeisenplan" aus der Tasche. Diese belegte angeblich, dass die Serben die Vertreibung der Kosovaren bereits lange vor dem NATO-Angriff geplant hätten. Peinlich für den Minister, dass nun jemand aus seinem Haus, der Brigadegeneral aD der deutschen Bundeswehr Heinz Loquai, an die Öffentlichkeit getreten ist, und detailreich den „Hufeisenplan" als Propagandabluff enttarnte.
Opferbilanzen: Von bis zu 500.000 durch die Serben getöteten Kosovo-Albaner sprach die NATO während des Krieges. Das machte Schlagzeilen. Schrittweise wurden die Opferzahlen nach unten revidiert: zunächst auf 100.000, am Ende des Krieges sprach man von 10.000. Ein spanisches Ärzteteam, das im Auftrag des UN-Kriegsverbrechertribunals im Kosovo unterwegs war, schätzte schließlich im Herbst 1999 die Zahl der Toten im Kosovo auf 2.500 - Albaner, Serben und Opfer der NATO-Bomben. Medial war da schon Funkstille.
Alternative Mediennetzwerke bringen Krieger unter Druck
Die enorme Bedeutung der „Heimatfront" verweist aber auch auf die Macht, die kritischer Gegenöffentlichkeit, alternative Mediennetzwerke und Anti-Kriegsarbeit haben (können). Wenn es gelingt, Breschen in die mediale Einheitsfront zu schlagen, geraten die Krieger in Bedrängnis. Auch dafür war der Jugoslawienkrieg Beleg. Es waren nicht die großen Medien, sondern die vielen kleinen Medien-Netzwerke, über die der vollständige Vertragtext von Rambouilett (der z. B. bei der kriegsentscheidenden Abstimmung im deutschen Bundestag nicht einmal den abstimmenden MdB´s vorgelegen hatte) öffentlich wurde. Über alternative Kanäle wurde die Wahrheit über den Einsatz radioaktiver Munition im Kosovo oder das Ergebnis des finnischen Ärzteteams hinsichtlich des sog. „Racak-Massackers" publik. Diese Allianzen von Gegenöffentlichkeit und Gegenmacht müssen weiterentwickelt werden. Denn es spricht vieles dafür, dass der Krieg im Vorjahr nicht das Ende sondern der Auftakt für weitere „humanitäre Missionen" war.
Die Anti-Kriegs Web-page

Hintergründe, Dokumente, Fakten und Meinungen zum NATO-Krieg gegen
www.fro.at/jugoslawien <http://www.fro.at/jugoslawien>

· Ursachen des Krieges
· Propagandamedien
· Kriegstagebuch
· Vernichtung, Vertreibung, Vergiftung
· Vor dem Krieg ist nach dem Krieg
· Die neue Welt(un-)ordnung
· Friedensbewegung und Anti-Kriegsarbeit

07 S 26
From: Linkswende, linkswende@<yahoo.com
S26 S26 S26 S26 S26 S26 S26 S26 S26 S26
Anti Nazi League in Ireland prague, aldi protest
Antifaschistischer Sommer in Deutschland.
internationaler arbeiterinnenstandpunkt - workerspower & deren S26 page:
die Ökologische Linke (ÖKOLI) gestalltet ihre page um:
neuer roter letter titelt: "LYNCHJUSTIZ 2000?"
S26 S26 S26 S26 S26 S26 S26 S26 S26 S26
Anti Nazi League in Ireland prague, aldi protest
we have 27 people going to Prague so far, and there is a local collective which is going very
well, and we'll be working towards solidarity actions on the 26th September in
lots of Irish cities, and then on the following Saturday we will have a day
long Carnival against Corporate Greed. This will involve a teach in during
the morning, followed by a march in the afternoon, and then a pary at
We'll be holding it in a big music centre in the middle of Dublin.
Apart from that, there has been a strike going on for about seven weeks among some
locomotive drivers in the Irish Rail Company, and possibly other coming out
to support them, and there's been another long picket at an ALDI supermarket
where five people were fired because they joined a union, so there will be a
march in support of them on Saturday.
>From the Worldbank-website:
The New York Times (8/12, p. A14) and the International Herald
Tribune report the Czech Interior Ministry will have 11,000 police
officers on duty for the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings in
September, with several thousand troops in reserve. Schools and
theatres will close.
One might think that these are preparations for the battle in Central
Europe that NATO war-gamed for so many years. But it is only the
annual autumn meeting of the IMF and World Bank, a conference
that the Czech Republic eagerly sought in 1993 as a millennial
symbol of the country's return to capitalism and the West.
The 10-day meeting, which is expected to attract up to 16,000
officials and delegates, opens on September 19. The Communists'
old Palace of Culture has been renovated for the meeting at a cost
of $60 million and renamed the Congress Centre.
But since Prague sought this honor, the IMF and World Bank have
become targets of rage against globalization and indifferent
capitalism. The Fund in particular has for some the same negative
connotations that the Federal Emergency Management Agency
has for far-right groups in the US.
Organizers and Czech officials expect 20,000 to 50,000 protesters -
some peaceful, some not - to go to Prague. The protests will
certainly be the largest in Prague since 1989, and perhaps the
largest invasion of foreigners since the Soviets dropped by with
their tanks in 1968.
Horst Köhler, the Fund's managing director, says he has "full
confidence" in Prague's ability to handle the meeting. Emphasizing
a need for "internal reform," he said the Fund was "open for
discussions and dialogue." "We're not hiding from the protestors,"
he said.
Czech president Vaclav Havel emphasizes the symbolism of
Prague as the host of the post-Communist world's first annual
meeting of the Fund and Bank. He said he would try to have
discussions with the demonstrators as well as the bankers.
The media attention given to security issues "pains me," he said.
"It seems as if we are preparing for civil war. We should take this
more positively."
Meanwhile, Mats Karlsson, vice-president of the World Bank, held
talks on Saturday afternoon in the town of Milkovice with
representatives of organizations planning to hold protests and
demonstrations during the IMF and World Bank conference in
September in Prague, the Czech daily Lodive Noviny reports.
The article says the meeting looked at issues such as
globalization, health care, the internet and the World Bank's role.
Karlsson stressed that the Bank wanted to talk with the protestors
ahead of the meetings. "Every dialogue is good," he said. Karlsson
also told the group about the Bank's work in fighting global poverty,
in particular its efforts in education and health care.
In a related story, USA Today (p.5) reports that crowds of
protestors, which could swell to 50,000 over the next four days,
began mostly peaceful demonstrations Sunday on the streets
outside the US Democratic Convention, which starts in Los
Angeles today. Protests planned for today will cover issues
including overseas sweatshop labor and policies of the WTO.
HUNDREDS OF millions of people across the globe are suffering because
of the policies of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
That is why protesters will confront the IMF and World Bank meeting in
Prague on 26 September.
This week brought dramatic confirmation of what is at stake.
IMF and World Bank policies are threatening millions of lives in
The development charity Oxfam reported last week that ten million
people are facing severe food shortages. The biggest crisis is in the Horn of
Africa‹the region which includes Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Three years of drought have strained food supplies, but food is still
available‹at a price.The real problem is that people are poor.
They are poor because of the economic and political policies encouraged by
the global financial institutions which will be meeting in Prague.
A study last year showed that half the population live on less than 65p an
day and education spending is so low that two thirds of the population
cannot read or write. Nearly seven out of ten people suffer from malnutrition, leading to chronic
health problems. Half the children under five are underweight and nearly 500,000 die each year.
Yet, despite this, Ethiopia is sending £1.2 million every week to the
bankers because it has a $7 billion debt to service.
The IMF has thrown Ethiopia out of the Highly Indebted Poor Countries debt
reduction scheme because of its war with Eritrea.
In addition, the free market reforms pushed by the IMF and World Bank as a
condition for loans have massively increased inequality and poverty.
Large landowners have extended their holdings but hundreds of thousands of
small landowners have been bankrupted by market reforms which favour bigproducers.
The removal of subsidies has increased food prices just as malnutrition hitshard.
The feeling against the effects of IMF and World Bank policies is growingacross Africa.
One sign is the mass strikes in Nigeria, South Africa, Niger and elsewhere
against privatisation, market reforms, and money spent on debt rather than
health and education. There have been many smaller protests as well.
Earlier this year heavily armed police in Malawi, south east Africa, broke
up a peaceful demonstration against the international bankers organised by
the country¹s trade unions and human rights activists
Some local protest leaders described it as ³our Seattle².
When President Bakili Muluzi and his entourage, including World Bank
director Barbara Kafka, entered a meeting hall at the New State House, a
group of demonstrators camped outside started singing songs denouncing World
Bank and IMF policies. Malawi has to pay over $100 million a year in debt repayments.
After the opening ceremony the protesters unfurled banners and started
milling around the road leading from New State House.
When the demonstrators refused to leave the police started firing teargas
indiscriminately, forcing demonstrators, journalists and bystanders to
scamper for safety. Capitalist globalisation is wrecking people¹s lives and murdering the
planet. But resistance is also increasingly global.
After Seattle, Washington and Millau there are big protests planed in
Melbourne (against the World Economic Forum) on 11 September, as well as Prague.
Everyone should be backing these fightbacks.
THE GOVERNMENT of Ecuador in Latin America signed a debt repayment agreement
with the IMF two weeks ago. At the same time families of AIDS patients in Nefron Hospital began starving
themselves to death. They are protesting at the state¹s failure to pay the money needed for AIDS
³It is better to die of hunger than to wait for AIDS to consume us,²
explained 13 year old Carlito, who was infected during a blood transfusion
six years ago. Right across the country, hospitals are unable to buy essential drugs. The
newspaper El Universo reports that 40 percent of hospitals and clinics run
by the ministry of health have run out of drugs: The shortage of medicines and their high price prevents the recovery of patients, most of whom abandon their treatment through shortage of
Money.² Debt repayments this year are due to absorb more than half the
Government¹s budget. Meanwhile the spending on health, already less than a quarter
of the money spent on debt, has been cut back further.
Debt repayment worked out at nearly $3 a week for each person in the country
last year. Meanwhile 44 percent of people get less than $2 a week to keep
themselves alive. One family, the Darts, own 40 percent of the ŒBrady bonds¹ which make
upmost of the country¹s debt. The IMF agreement provides for the government to agree to accept
Policies acceptable to the rich and abandon policies like a tax on capital
Movements. While the Darts live it up and the IMF celebrates its latest programme
Of ³structural reform², people like Carlito will continue to die needlessly.
THE RACE to head the most powerful country in the world continued this week
with the US Democrats¹ convention in Los Angeles.
Al Gore, the Democrats¹ presidential candidate, tried to use the gathering
to show that his party is different to the rival Republican Party.
Neither of the two main parties has managed to establish a clear lead in the
opinion polls with the election three months away.
In an effort to win popularity, Gore has attacked the Republican Party¹s
candidate, George Bush (son of the former president), for links to oilfirms.
Last weekend Bush¹s vice-presidential running mate, Dick Cheney, was exposed
for his $20 million ³retirement² package from the Texas oil multinational
that he had worked for. Bush has also built up a family fortune of up to $29.4 million from the
Oil business through ownership of the Big Oil company and shares in Cabot Oil
and Gas Corp, as well as other lucrative business interests.
Chris Lehane, Gore¹s spokesman, attacked the Republicans, saying, ³They¹ll
turn the White House into the Oil Office.² But the Democrats¹ attack reeks of hypocrisy.
Al Gore, also a millionaire, has assets including Occidental Petroleum Corp,
worth up to a million dollars. Oil firms like the British-based BP-Amoco have handed over millions to
BOTH the US parties. The multinational¹s single biggest contribution was an in-kind payment
worth $1.2 million to the Democrats¹ convention.
Behind the slanging match between the Democrats and Republicans is their
absolute unity over supporting big business and the rich.
That is why Gore chose Joseph Lieberman, a leading right wing campaigner, as
his vice-president last week. Gore is eager to reassure big business that any of his comments about
liberal policies or a small rise in the minimum wage will be no threat to their interests.
Lieberman enthusiastically backs increased defence spending.
He supported the vicious US invasion of Panama in 1989 and backed the US war
against Iraq in 1991. He believes the war ended too quickly.
He backs the US extension of its nuclear capability in the National Missile Defence Project.
Lieberman keenly supports the market system that has wrecked so many working
people¹s lives in the US and around the world. He also calls for cuts in taxes on profits.
With both the Democrats and Republicans vying to be parties for the bosses,
some workers¹ organisations have spoken out for Ralph Nader, the candidate
backed by the Green Party. Nader¹s supported the protests against the World Trade Organisation in
Seattle last year, and his attacks on poverty have won him praise from
significant sections of the trade union movement.
Workers¹ organisations have traditionally put their weight behind the Democrats.
But Jimmy Hoffa, leader of the Teamsters¹ union, said, ³No one in the
political arena speaks stronger on the issues important to working
american families than Ralph Nader. ³Nader understands what globalisation means. It is a race to the
Bottom.² Stephen Yokich, president of the United Auto Workers union, has said Nader
³will take a stand based on what is right, not what big money dictates.²
Such statements are putting pressure on the Democrats, who have taken the
support of the union movement for granted.
The Democratic Party also came under fire from protesters gathered at the convention.
One of the groups taking part in demonstrations were supporting staff who
are fighting for union rights at a local hotel where many of the Democrat
delegates are staying.
Up to 58 people had been arrested by Thursday of last week protesting
against the union-buster running the hotel, Jonathon Tisch, who is also a
major fundraiser for the Democrats.
NEITHER BUSH nor Gore will tackle the growing gap between rich and poor
in the US. US economist Robert Pollin has given a damning verdict on the Democrats¹
record in office, saying, ³Gestures to the least well off have been slight
and backhanded, while wages for the majority have either stagnated or
declined. Wealth at the top, meanwhile, has exploded.²
He reveals that the US has greater levels of poverty and lower wages now
than under President Nixon 30 years ago. The US department of labour has predicted that the top ten prospects
for job opportunities in the first five years of the millennium include cashiers,
janitors and cleaners, retail salespeople, waiters and waitresses, and home health aides.
Little wonder, then, that a recent poll revealed that some 55 percent of
Americans think of themselves as working class.
For millions of ordinary people in the US their lives will not be improved
by who wins the race for the White House, but by taking action against the
bosses who back both those parties.
NEARLY HALF a million workers in different unions were striking in protest
at wages and conditions across the US last week.
Some 8,000 telecom workers marched to Times Square in New York as part of
their dispute over non-union labour and poor wages in the newly merged
Verizon Communications company.
They began their strike last week, hitting the US¹s largest local telephone
operator, formed after Bell Atlantic and California GTE merged.
The action has already hit repairs and installations amongst the firm¹s 25 million customers.
The company refuses to recognise the Communications Workers of America union
amongst the 85,000 workers in the wireless division.
The union says that in Boston the firm has threatened to sack any worker for
even mentioning the union¹s name.
Ralph Nader visited the telecom strikers¹ picket line and said that the
Democrats and Republicans were both to blame for putting corporate interests
above public interest.
He was asked why other presidential candidates didn¹t tour picket lines and
replied, ³George Bush on a picket line‹are you kidding?
³He¹s a corporate conglomerate walking around as a person.²
The telecom workers are joined on strike by 10,000 workers in United Airlines.
The pilots, machinists and customer reps are in a dispute over overtime.
THE BRUTALITY of the US state and of George Bush were exposed again last
week as two black men were executed on the same day in Texas.
Bomani Iyapo Bandele (also known as Brian Roberson) lost his long fight
against his conviction for burglary and murder. He was executed on Wednesday
of last week. The 36 year old was on death row for 14 years after signing a
confession to the crimes. He had been interrogated by police for 14 hours and deprived of
sleep. This was the only evidence against him.
He campaigned to prove his innocence and be released from death row, saying,
³Prior being sent to prison I had absolutely no idea that human beings were
treated so cruelly. This is an experience that no human being should have to
go through.²
The other victim of the US death penalty was Oliver Cruz, who was executed
by lethal injection after George Bush refused to accept appeals that he was
mentally disabled.
Antifaschistischer Sommer in Deutschland.
„Der Welle der Gewalt muß eine Welle des Anstands entgegenschlagen" – Heribert Prantl, Chefkommentator der Süddeutschen Zeitung" bringt die Sommerstimmung in Deutschland auf den Punkt.
Nachdem in Düsseldorf zehn russische Aussiedler, sechs davon jüdischen Glaubens, bei einem Bombenanschlag verletzt wurden, bricht sich die lange aufgestaute Wut über die Alltäglichkeit von Nazi-Übergriffen in Ost- und Westdeutschland Bahn.
„Wir müssen initiativ werden, die Zivilgesellschaft muß aufstehen" – dieser Aufforderung sind in Dortmund, Zwickau, München und Hamburg schon Tausende gefolgt. Das könnte der Auftakt zu größeren Aktionen sein: Verschiedene Künstler haben eine Neuauflage der „Rock gegen rechts"-Konzerte angeregt, die in der 70’ern und 80’ern Zehntausende von Menschen auf die Beine brachten. Gleichzeitig laufen die Vorbereitungen für eine Demonstration vor der Zentrale der Nazi-Partei NPD in Berlin-Köpenick. Ziel: Die NPD-Zentrale dichtmachen!
Nicht nur die Nazis sind unter Druck – auch die unmenschliche Flüchtlings- und Asylpolitik kommt unter Beschuß. Nochmal Heribert Prantl:
„Über ein Verbot der NPD wird endlos diskutiert; wer streitet für die Anerkennung der Menschenrechte von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland?
Politik gegen Rechts, dazu gehört das Bekenntnis zum Flüchtlingsschutz, zum Asylrecht, zu einer fairen Einwanderungsregelung. Die politische Sprache muss sich ändern; seit über zehn Jahren betreibt sie verbale Mobilmachung gegen Asylbewerber: Da müssen „Fluchtwege" abgeschnitten, da muss „Abschreckung" praktiziert werden.
Wohlgemerkt, solche Vokabeln der alten und neuen Regierungspolitik gelten Flüchtlingen, nicht Verbrechern. Solange das so bleibt, solange also Migrationspolitik im Stil von Katastrophenpolitik gemacht und über Flüchtlinge geredet wird wie über eine Heuschreckenplage, sind Image-Kampagnen des Regierungssprechers Heye mit den Wildecker-Herzbuben eher peinliche Veranstaltungen.
Wenn ein Einwanderer von rechtsextremen Schlägern aus der Straßenbahn geworden wird, ist das ein Akt gewalttätiger Verachtung. Wenn er von der Ausländerbehörde gnadenlos aus dem Land geworfen wird, ist das aber auch ein Akt der Verachtung – mit anderen, subtileren Mitteln."

08 Parteienfinanzierung/KPÖ
From: Bundesvorstand KPÖ, kpoebuvo@magnet.at

Baier (KPÖ): "Grassers Vorstoß zur Parteienfinanzierung ist

Wien - (KPÖ-PD): "Der neueste Vorstoß des Finanzministers, die
Parteienförderung um 20 Prozent zu verringern, geht davon aus, daß sich im
Dschungel der österreichischen Parteienfinanzierung sowieso niemand
auskennt", erklärt KPÖ-Vorsitzender Walter Baier. "Allein die FPÖ erhielt
voriges Jahr nämlich mehr Geld, als Grasser als Ausgangsbasis für die
Einsparung bei allen Parteien angibt".

Zur Klarstellung der Tatsachen: Der Finanzminister nennt gegenüber der
'Kronen-Zeitung' 325 Mio Schilling, die die Parteien angeblich aus dem
Bundesbudget erhielten. Dieser Betrag solle nun um 20 Prozent, sprich 65
Millionen Schilling, reduziert werden. Tatsächlich ist das aber nur ein
Bruchteil der Förderungen, selbst auf Bundesebene, die sich aus der
direkten Parteienförderung, den Zuwendungen an die Parlamentsklubs und der
Förderung der politischen Bildung ergibt. Allein diese drei Posten
betrugen schon 1996 620 Mio Schilling (vgl. Hubert Sickinger,
Politik-Finanzierung in Österreich, Ein Handbuch, Wien/München 1997).
Rechnet man noch die Gelder, die den Parteien auf Landes- und
Gemeindeebene zufließen ein, so ergibt sich, daß - selbst ohne
Wahlkampfkostenerstattung - den Parteien fast zwei Milliarden Schilling
zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Baier: "Damit entlarvt sich Grassers
'Einsparung' von rund 65 Millionen Schilling als die pure

Die KPÖ tritt für eine Offenlegung der Parteienfinanzierung einschließlich
der Steuerprivilegien und der Großspenden ein. Weiters müßte im Sinne der
Herstellung von Transparenz der Unfug der Parteisteuern, die aus den
überhöhten Politikereinkommen bezahlt werden, unterbunden werden. Unter
den gegebenen Umständen tritt die KPÖ für die Abschaffung des derzeitigen
Systems der öffentlichen Parteienförderung ein. "Wichtiger, als
Steuermittel für politische Werbung zur Verfügung zu stellen, wäre es,
einen gerechten Zugang der Öffentlichkeit zu allen politikrelevanten
Informationen und den Medien zu schaffen," schloß Baier.

Weitere Infos von und über die KPÖ im Internet unter http://www.kpoe.at

09 Melel-s digest, Vol 1 #129, 130 - 1 msg
From: melel-s-request@nopal.laneta.apc.org
> Send Melel-s mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Melel-s digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Melel Xojobal.Lunes 21 de agosto de 2000. (Melel Xojobal)
> --__--__--
> Estimados Usuarios:
> Durante una semana les hemos estado enviando un mensaje en donde
> explicamos
> que debido a la situacion economica por la que atraviesa el area de
> comunicacion de Melel Xojobal, solo enviaremos la sintesis informativa a
> aquellas personas que nos apoyen con sus donativos depositandolos en una
> cuenta bancaria o directamente en las oficinas de Melel Xojobal en San
> Cristobal de las Casas. Sabemos que para los usuarios que radican en el
> extranjero, y que desean ayudarnos, ambas opciones resultan dificiles de
> realizar. Por esta razon hemos decidido ampliar el plazo y continuar
> ofreciendo este servicio hasta que encontremos la mejor manera de captar
> sus donativos.
> A los usuarios nacionales les recordamos que si les interesa apoyarnos
> por
> favor depositen sus donativos a la cuenta bancaria BITAL, Numero
> 6024717936
> sucursal 367, San Cristobal de las Casas, a nombre de Martin Lopez
> Lopez, o
> directamente en las oficinas de Melel Xojobal ubicadas en Maria Adelina
> Flores 17 A, Zona Centro. San Cristobal de las Casas.
> Por su atencion y comprension mil gracias.
> Sintesis de prensa
> Lunes 21 de Agosto de 2000
> -------------------------------
> -------------------------------
> COMICIOS EN CHIAPAS. El presidente del Consejo Estatal Electoral (CEE),
> Eduardo Pinedas Arenas, dio a conocer los resultados preliminares de la
> jornada electoral del domingo 20 de agosto. El funcionario informo que
> hasta el momento han computado el 94 por ciento de las casillas, mismas
> que favorecen al candidato de la Alianza por Chiapas, Pablo Salazar
> Mendiguchia, con 508 mil 666 votos, seguido de su contrincante priista,
> Sami David, con 452 mil 556 votos. Arenas indico que de los 24 distritos
> electorales, el candidato del PRI logro la mayoria de la votacion solo
> en
> unos cuantos como San Juan Chamula y Venustiano Carranza. El presidente
> del organo electoral agrego que el abstencionismo caracterizo la
> eleccion
> ya que menos del 50 por ciento de los ciudadanos empadronados voto.
> -------------------------------
> electo
> Vicente Fox Quesada, reconocio el triunfo del candidato de la Alianza
> por
> Chiapas, Pablo Salazar Mendiguchia y se comprometio a trabajar con el a
> fin
> de lograr la paz y la concordia en el estado. El futuro mandatario
> reitero
> que en cuanto ocupe la presidencia del pais cumplira los acuerdos de San
> Andres y seguira buscando un acercamiento con el lider del EZLN.
> -------------------------------
> El
> gobernador de Chiapas, Roberto Albores Guillen, reconocio el virtual
> triunfo del candidato de la Alianza opositora, Pablo Salazar
> Mendiguchia, y
> se comprometio a dar todas la facilidades para entregar el proximo 8 de
> diciembre una administracion publica transparente, puntual y ordenada.
> Poco
> despues de que el Consejo Estatal Electoral (CEE) diera a conocer
> publicamente la ventaja de Salazar Mendiguchia, el mandatario chiapaneco
> hizo un llamado a los militantes del PRI para acatar los resultados
> dados a
> conocer por el maximo organo electoral del estado.
> -------------------------------
> RESOLVER LOS PROBLEMAS DE LA ENTIDAD. Al conocer los resultados
> preliminares de las elecciones en Chiapas, el candidato opositor, Pablo
> Salazar Mendiguchia, dijo que su gobierno establecera una nueva relacion
> con la Federacion, incorporandose plenamente al proceso democratico del
> pais con justicia y dignidad. El virtual gobernador advirtio que los
> problemas de Chiapas reclaman con urgencia los mejores esfuerzos de
> todos,
> e invito a los chiapanecos a reducir las distancias por motivos
> politicos,
> de creencias o ideologias, al tiempo de llamar a todas las fuerzas
> politicas para resolver los problemas que existen en la entidad. Por
> ultimo, Salazar informo que en las proximas semanas trabajara para
> conformar el equipo que lo acompan~ara durante la transicion .
> -------------------------------
> amenazas,
> secuestros y robos marcaron la jornada electoral de este domingo 20 de
> agosto. Ante la inminente derrota del Partido Revolucionario
> Institucional
> (PRI), sus simpatizantes actuaron, en muchos casos, sin discrecion
> alguna.
> En Tila, Emiliano Encino Vazquez, representante de la Alianza por
> Chiapas,
> fue agredido y secuestrado varias horas por el presidente de casilla
> Abelino Lopez Hernandez. En Guadalupe Catarraya, el responsable del
> traslado de material electoral fue asaltado, golpeado y despojado por
> personas no identificadas. En Marques de Comillas se suspendio por
> completo
> la telefonia rural. En Nueva Palestina se mantuvieron las amenazas y
> agresiones contra simpatizantes de la alianza opositora. En la comunidad
> de
> Cintalapa, seccion 850, presuntos agentes de la PGR, sin uniforme,
> rondaban
> la casilla e inducian el voto a favor del PRI. En San Quintin, donde se
> encuentra la mayor cantidad de elementos del Ejercito federal en la
> selva
> Lacandona, las casillas fueron rodeadas la mayor parte del dia por
> soldados
> vestidos de civil. La Mision Civil por la Paz reporto que los militares
> inducian el voto que se efectuaba en mamparas sin cortinas. Tambien hubo
> hostigamiento contra los observadores y los representantes de la Alianza
> por Chiapas, ademas de testimonios filmados en donde se observa a
> simpatizantes priistas dando dinero a aquellos que votaron por el PRI.
> -------------------------------
> del
> Consejo Local Distrital, Patricia Avendan~o, informo que en el municipio
> de
> Totolapan se suspendio la jornada electoral ante los brotes de violencia
> entre simpatizantes del PRI y del PRD que culmino con el robo de las
> urnas.
> Avendan~o agrego que la calma retorno al municipio en cuanto
> intervinieron
> elementos policiacos, por lo que descarto conflictos post electorales.
> -------------------------------
> de
> la comandancia del Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional (EZLN), los
> miles de indigenas bases de apoyo zapatista se mostraron desorientados
> respecto a su participacion en los comicios de este domingo 20 de
> agosto.
> Miguel Lopez Gomez, del predio el Pavo real, en el municipio de
> Ocosingo,
> dijo que no sabia que hacer porque sin una orden previa no pueden votar.
> En
> Polho, un zapatista integrante del concejo municipal autonomo indico que
> llegaron al acuerdo de no votar porque no confian en ningun candidato.
> En
> Oventic, Marcos Gonzalez, presidente del concejo autonomo, dijo que los
> simpatizantes del EZLN en San Andres se abstuvieron de votar
> argumentando
> que son autonomos y no estan apoyando ni militado en ningun partido
> politico.
> -------------------------------
> Cuarto Poder/ SALAZAR ARRASA EN LA ZONA NORTE. En medio de multiples
> irregularidades cometidas por priistas y las amenazas del grupo
> paramilitar
> Paz y Justicia, el candidato opositor, Pablo Salazar, obtuvo la mayoria
> de
> las votos en el distrito 8 que comprende los municipios de Tila,
> Tumbala,
> Sabanilla, Chilon, Playas de Catazaja, Salto de Agua, La Libertad,
> Palenque
> y Yajalon. Habitantes de Tila denunciaron que miembros de Paz y Justicia
> impidieron el trabajo de periodistas y observadores electorales, asi
> como
> de los funcionarios de las casillas quienes fueron intimidados para no
> ocupar sus puestos. Agregaron que en la comunidad Miguel Aleman un
> representante de la Alianza por Chiapas fue salvajemente golpeado por
> los
> paramilitares quienes lo secuestraron por media hora amenazandolo de
> muerte.
> -------------------------------
> obispo emerito de San Cristobal, Samuel Ruiz Garcia, llego a esta ciudad
> para emitir su voto en la contienda electoral del domingo 20 de agosto.
> En
> conferencia de prensa, Ruiz Garcia expreso que despues de las elecciones
> la
> gran tarea es encontrar las condiciones que contribuyan a la
> reconstruccion
> del proceso de paz en la entidad. Samuel Ruiz comento que hay noticias
> de
> que el equipo del presidente electo tiene la intencion de buscar un
> contacto directo con el, y agrego que aunque no esta renuente a ello
> jamas
> ha sido el unico canal de informacion representativo del EZLN ni del
> gobierno hacia ellos.
> -------------------------------
> POSIBILIDADES A LA PAZ. El vicario de Justicia y Paz de la diocesis de
> San
> Cristobal, Gonzalo Ituarte, dijo que a pesar de los enormes recursos
> utilizados por el gobierno priista para ganar las elecciones, se logro
> el
> triunfo de la oposicion y se abre la posibilidad de transformar las
> politicas del estado en Chiapas que han permitido la formacion de grupos
> paramilitares y la utilizacion de programas gubernamentales con fines
> partidistas. Agrego que el triunfo de Pablo Salazar en Chiapas tambien
> hace
> posible la creacion de condiciones favorables al proceso de paz y el
> cambiar las condiciones que actualmente sufre el pueblo. Opino ademas
> que
> esto no significa necesariamente que el EZLN de inmediato se siente a
> dialogar, pero agrego que podra haber situaciones mejores que hagan
> posible
> el cumplimiento con los acuerdos de San Andres de una manera autentica y
> no
> simulada.
> -------------------------------
> obispo de la diocesis de Tuxtla Gutierrez, Felipe Aguirre Franco,
> pronostico posibles enfrentamientos entre los grupos inconformes por los
> resultados que emitio el Consejo Estatal Electoral (CEE). En este
> sentido,
> no descarto la posibilidad de que despues de la jornada electoral
> grupos
> desesperados traten de provocar actos violentos.
> -------------------------------
> Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolome de las Casas y Alianza Civica informaron
> que el pasado 19 de agosto dos indigenas fueron asesinados en el
> municipio
> Simojovel, presuntamente por nueve hombres encapuchados y fuertemente
> armados, quienes los emboscaron. En un comunicado, explicaron que en los
> hechos ocurridos este sabado en la carretera que comunica a Simojovel
> con
> Huitiupan murieron Fortunato Vazquez Gonzalez y su hijo Juan Jose
> Vazquez,
> de 18 an~os. Las organizaciones sen~alaron que Fortunato Vazquez habia
> sido
> designado representante en la casilla 1211 basica, ubicada en la
> comunidad
> Rivera Dominguez, de Simojovel, donde tenia su domicilio. Agregaron que
> Fortunato era militante del Partido del Trabajo y habia sido rechazado
> por
> los priistas del lugar como presidente de casilla.
> -------------------------------
--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded Message ---
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 12:01:03 -0500
To: melel-s@nopal.laneta.apc.org
Subject: Melel-s digest, Vol 1 #130 - 1 msg

> Send Melel-s mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Melel-s digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Melel Xojobal. Martes 22 de agosto de 2000. (Melel Xojobal)
> --__--__--
> Estimados Usuarios:
> Durante una semana les hemos estado enviando un mensaje en donde
> explicamos
> que debido a la situacion economica por la que atraviesa el area de
> comunicacion de Melel Xojobal, solo enviaremos la sintesis informativa a
> aquellas personas que nos apoyen con sus donativos depositandolos en una
> cuenta bancaria o directamente en las oficinas de Melel Xojobal en San
> Cristobal de las Casas. Sabemos que para los usuarios que radican en el
> extranjero, y que desean ayudarnos, ambas opciones resultan dificiles de
> realizar. Por esta razon hemos decidido ampliar el plazo y continuar
> ofreciendo este servicio hasta que encontremos la mejor manera de captar
> sus donativos.
> A los usuarios nacionales les recordamos que si les interesa apoyarnos
> por
> favor depositen sus donativos a la cuenta bancaria BITAL, Numero
> 6024717936
> sucursal 367, San Cristobal de las Casas, a nombre de Martin Lopez
> Lopez, o
> directamente en las oficinas de Melel Xojobal ubicadas en Maria Adelina
> Flores 17 A, Zona Centro. San Cristobal de las Casas.
> Por su atencion y comprension mil gracias.
> Sintesis de prensa
> Martes 22 de Agosto de 2000
> -------------------------------
> -------------------------------
> virtual gobernador de Chiapas, Pablo Salazar Mendiguchia, dijo que a
> partir
> del 8 de diciembre revisara las reformas legales que aprobo Roberto
> Albores Guillen, las cuales buscaban hacer a un lado los acuerdos de San
> Andres. El futuro mandatario informo que entre sus objetivos se
> encuentra
> promover un proceso de reformas que culmine con una nueva Constitucion.
> Agrego que su triunfo le da un nuevo aliento a la lucha democratica en
> toda
> la zona, y opino que el proximo estado que va a caer en manos de la
> oposicion es Tabasco. En cuanto a la posicion que asumira su gobierno
> frente al EZLN, Mendiguchia dijo que el conflicto armado en Chiapas
> tiene
> repercusiones a nivel nacional e internacional, por lo que el
> interlocutor
> mas importante del grupo armado debe ser el gobierno federal apoyado por
> la
> Cocopa. Mendiguchia explico que las causas que originaron el
> levantamiento
> del EZLN van mas alla del ambito estatal, pero aseguro que trabajara
> arduamente para facilitar la paz.
> -------------------------------
> ACTEAL Y EL BOSQUE. El proximo gobernador de Chiapas, Pablo Salazar
> Mendiguchia, aseguro que durante el nuevo gobierno se castigara con
> rigor a
> quienes infrinjan la ley, y se dara seguimiento a los casos inconclusos,
> como la matanza de Acteal y la emboscada de El Bosque. Salazar afirmo
> que
> el resultado de las elecciones es una sen~al de paz, y opino que ahora
> el
> EZLN debe poner de su parte para ayudar a tender puentes para la paz en
> Chiapas. En cuanto a la paramilitarizacion en el estado, Salazar dijo
> que a
> partir del 8 de diciembre empezaran a desaparecer todos los grupos de
> caracteristicas paramilitares que fueron protegidos por los gobiernos
> anteriores.
> -------------------------------
> ELECCIONES. El priista Sami David David reconocio su derrota en los
> comicios que se celebraron este domingo 20 de agosto en Chiapas, aunque
> afirmo que casi el 50 por ciento de los chiapanecos voto por su partido.
> David hizo un llamado a los simpatizantes y funcionarios del PRI a que
> mantengan la fortaleza y la lealtad en estos momentos dificiles. Por su
> parte, el ultimo reporte del Consejo Estatal Electoral (CEE) sen~ala que
> se
> han contabilizado los votos del 95.3 por ciento de las casillas
> instaladas
> en el estado. El organo electoral informo que el candidato de la Alianza
> por Chiapas, Pablo Salazar, tenia hasta el momento 510 mil 875 votos,
> mientras que su contrincante priista Sami David 455 mil 092 sufragios.
> De
> acuerdo con esas cifras, la abstencion fue del 50 por ciento,
> aproximadamente. El CEE agrego que la Alianza por Chiapas gano en 15 de
> los
> 24 distritos electorales, con cabeceras en centros urbanos, mientras que
> el
> PRI gano nueve, la mayoria ubicada en zonas rurales, incluidos
> municipios
> con influencia del EZLN, como Ocosingo.
> -------------------------------
> Mendiguchia se reunio con la premio Nobel de la paz, Rigoberta Menchu
> Tum,
> quien participo como observadora en la jornada electoral del pasado
> domingo
> 20 de agosto. Menchu Tum indico que asistio al estado porque los
> comicios
> adquirieron una importancia mundial y porque el nuevo escenario politico
> colocara a Chiapas como el primer asunto de las administraciones
> federales
> y estatales. La Nobel agrego que dara seguimiento a lo que ocurre en el
> estado a fin de fortalecer e impulsar las iniciativas de pacificacion.
> -------------------------------
> Procuraduria
> General de Justicia (PGJ) reporto un ambiente post electoral en calma,
> pues
> hasta el momento no se han reportado brotes de violencia entre grupos
> antagonicos. La PGJ agrego que la Policia de Seguridad Publica
> permanecera
> desplegada una semana mas en todas las zonas geograficas de la entidad
> para
> evitar posibles conflictos.
> -------------------------------
> ELECTORAL. La Comision Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH) dio a conocer
> que durante la jornada electoral en Chiapas no recibio denuncias de
> violaciones a las garantias individuales y que se constato el ejercicio
> de
> la plena libertad y respeto a los derechos fundamentales. En un
> comunicado
> de prensa, la dependencia expreso que el resultado del proceso electoral
> abre la oportunidad para un autentico dialogo que resuelva y supere los
> problemas que afectan a la entidad.
> -------------------------------
> -------------------------------
> Elizondo, miembro del equipo de transicion de Vicente Fox, informo que
> el
> presidente electo esta dispuesto a retirar al Ejercito a nuevas
> posiciones
> en Chiapas, en cuanto se recupere el estado de derecho en ese estado.
> Agrego que planean una estrategia para Chiapas que se pondria en
> practica a
> partir de diciembre, cuyo objetivo este centrado en el acercamiento con
> el
> EZLN. Elizondo opino que con la victoria de Pablo Salazar Mendiguchia y
> la
> derrota del PRI se cumple una de las demandas mas insistentes del
> subcomandante Marcos, pues con este cambio se abren las puertas para un
> proceso democratico.
> -------------------------------
> GOBIERNO. El comisionado para el dialogo y la negociacion en Chiapas,
> Emilio Rabasa Gamboa, llamo al Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional
> a
> reanudar las platicas con el gobierno federal y a entender que el
> mensaje
> de los chiapanecos, expresado el domingo 20 de agosto, fue de civilidad,
> paz y no violencia. El funcionario an~adio que despues de los resultados
> de
> la pasada jornada electoral, el EZLN no cuenta con armas politicas para
> sostener el conflicto.
> -------------------------------
> MELEL XOJOBAL. Servicio informativo al pueblo indigena.
> María Adelina Flores 17-A, Centro
> San Cristóbal de las Casas,Chiapas
> Tel/fax 01967-81958
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Redaktionsschluß: 24. August 2000, ca. 22.00 Uhr
Fehler möge frau/man mir nachsehen!