widerst@ndMUND vom 27. August 2000

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Österreichweites Koordinationstreffen am 9.9.

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Schließung von Frauenprojekten

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Die Demo wird zum Ritual

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Dringend ZeugInnen des Polizeiübergriffes gesucht

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Fishermen Block French Port in Fuel Price Protest

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Swiss Firms Face Slave Labor Deadline

keil1.gif(893 Byte) Western Bosses Seized at Chinese Factory

keil1.gif(893 Byte) SOS FOR THE AMAZON
grenzcamp_forst_stadtspaz1.jpg (11918 Byte)
Grenzcamp 2000 in Forst (D) - Stadtspaziergang
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Bei allfälligen Fragen oder Schwierigkeiten bitte zuerst das Editorial am Ende lesen!

Die Zusammenstellung dieser Ausgabe besorgte Brigitte Rapp, br@xpoint.at

email-adresse der Redaktion:
Bitte alle Nachrichten, Meldungen, Ideen ... an diese Adresse.
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Österreichweites Koordinationstreffen am 9.9.


From: "rosa flieder" rosaflieder@hotmail.com

Liebe Besorgte, liebe Alarmierte, liebe Widerständische!

Wir laden Euch zu einem
österreichweiten Koordinationstreffen
am Samstag, 9. September, SZENE WIEN

Am 25. Juli fand ein erstes Koordinationstreffen von Initiativen, Gruppen
und Einzelpersonen aus fünf Bundesländern statt, die seit Monaten gegen die
FPÖVP-Regierung aktiv sind. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass die Politik der
Regierung unsere schlimmsten Befürchtungen bestätigt. Wir halten es daher
für notwendig, durch demokratische Koordination die Möglichkeiten
gemeinsamen Handelns zu verstärken:
… Eine organisationsübergreifende Infokampagne hat bereits begonnen und
soll ausgeweitet werden
… Große zentrale Aktionen für den Herbst sollen geplant werden

Daher folgender Vorschlag zur Tagesordnung:
Berichte aus den Bundesländern, Gemeinsame Aktionen im Herbst (Soll es
wieder eine Großdemonstration geben? Aktionen rund um das EU-Volksbegehren,
Int. Widerstandstage in Klagenfurt,...), Verstärkung der Infokampagne ...

Weitere Vorschläge und Ideen bitte schon jetzt an: rosaflieder@hotmail.com
oder an rosa flieder, Postfach 164, 1091 Wien senden.
Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Beteiligung! Projekt
Koordination/rosa flieder

Bisher laden ein:
Joy Antoni, Martin Auer, Christian Apl, Michi B., Andi Babler, Alexandra
Bader, Jacqueline Csuss, Linde D., Eva Dité, Gerald Eibegger, Karin
Fischer, Elfi Gans, Wilfried Graf, Sonja Grusch, Jürgen Hirsch, Elisabeth
Hobl, Johanna Hofinger, Dr. Helmut Hromadnik, , B. Husar, Elfriede Jelinek,
Walter Kanelutti, Edwin Kernbauer, Johannes Knöbl, Helga Köcher, Alfred
Kohlbacher, Peter Kreisky (Republikanischer Club), Mirko Messner, Johann
Potakowsky, Brigitte Rapp, Christine Recht, Peter Ribarits, G. Riva, Silvia
Santangelo Jura, Roland Schierer, Christian Schlagitweit, Dr. Hilde
Schmölzer, Peter Sevenier, Niki St., Willi Stelzhammer, Norbert Tischler,
Michael Vosatka, Karl Vykoukal, Michi W., Gerti Worel, Didi Zach

Aktionskomittee gegen Schwarz-Blau, AUGE (Unabhängige und Grüne
GewerkschafterInnen/UG), ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt, Brücken für den Frieden,
Grüne Bildungswerkstatt, ISP (Initiative für eine sozialistische Politik in
der SPÖ), KomIdee, KJÖ/Junge Linke, KPÖ (Kommunistische Partei
Österreichs), Linkswende, Netzwerk gegen Rassismus, Plattform Offenes
Kärnten, Ottakring gegen Schwarz-Blau, Der Rote Letter/OÖ, Soal
(Sozialistische Alternative), SJ (Sozialistische Jugend), Sozialistische
Linkspartei SLP, Unabhängige BetriebsrätInnen im ÖGB


Die Vorbereitung des Widerstandstreffens kostet Geld! Bitte beteiligt Euch
auch finanziell:
BAWAG-Konto (BLZ 14.000) "Projekt Koo", Kontonummer 05310.031.161

Schließung von Frauenprojekten


"hardy ess" hardy.ess@gbw.at

In Innsbruck müssen die ersten Frauenprojekte dran glauben:

o Frauen gegen Vergewaltigungo
o das sozial-ökonomische Projekt "Philippine"o
o das Frauengesundheitszentrumo

In diesem Zusammenhang ist es durchaus aufschlußreich, daß die Schützen
von der Stadt Innsbruck eine Ausweitung ihrer Subventionen genießen
dürfen, auch für Großprojekte wie beispielsweise eine Gondelbahn für
Innsbruck oder das Fußballstadon scheint jede Menge Geld da zu sein. In
der Anlage sind die jeweiligen Artikel der TT. Vielleicht noch einen
Satz zum Frauengesundheitszentrum: Daß das FGZ, welches durch die
jahrelange konsequente politische Arbeit vieler Frauenvereine entstehen
konnte, jetzt vor dem Aus steht, ist der Tiroler Gesundheitslandesrätin
Zanon zu verdanken. Die hat sich die Ideen des FGZ als Prestigeprojekt
einfach unter den Nagel gerissen, ein Parallelprojekt an die Uni-Klinik
verschoben und es mit dem nötigen Kleingeld ausgestattet - leider ist
jetzt für das FGZ kein Geld mehr da.
Innsbruck, den 26. 8. 00 Hardy Ess

Anm. d. Red.: Dazu liegen zwei Artikel aus der "Tiroler Tageszeitung" vom
17. und 18. 8. vor. Bei Interesse bitte mailto:br@xpoint.at oder

Die Demo wird zum Ritual


From: Günter Felbermayer a9503978@unet.univie.ac.at

gefunden auf:

Die Demo wird zum Ritual

Donnerstags-Demo: Regierungsgegner sind es noch immer nicht leid, Woche für
Woche ihren Unmut zu zelebrieren. Holl: "Kein politischer Protest."

WIEN (SN-tab, zim).

Donnerstag Abend am Ballhausplatz: Pünktlich um 19 Uhr strömen die ersten
Demonstranten zum allwöchentlichen Treffpunkt. Die selben Fahnen, die
selben Gesichter. Wieder ein Donnerstag gegen Schwarz-Blau. Der wievielte,
das zählen die wöchentlich rund 1000 Teilnehmer schon längst nicht mehr
mit. "Wir gehen, bis ihr geht!" steht auf einem der Plakate. Was am 4.
Februar mit der Angelobung der Regierung begonnen hat, erweist sich nach
einem halben Jahr noch immer als erstaunlich zäh.

Zwar ist die mediale Aufmerksamkeit längst gewichen und mit ihr auch
viele Teilnehmer. Doch den harten Kern der Regierungsgegner kümmert das
wenig. "Es ist fast schon ein Ritual geworden, jeden Donnerstag hierher zu
kommen", meint eine dreißigjährige Demonstrantin, die seit Anbeginn
mitmarschiert. Vom ursprünglichen Kampfgeist sei aber nur mehr wenig übrig,
gibt sie zu. Man trifft sich, diskutiert, knüpft neue Kontakte. Ein
gemütliches Beisammensein eben.

Für Religionswissenschafter Adolf Holl ist das donnerstägliche
Marschieren nur vordergründig ein machtpolitischer Protest.

Er sieht in der mit regelmäßiger Verlässlichkeit stattfindende
Veranstaltung vielmehr ein "spielerisches Übergangsritual": "Wie der
Übergang von der Kindheit ins Erwachsenenstadium. In diesem Fall handelt es
sich um das Suchen einer Randgruppe nach einer neuen Rolle in einer
veränderten Gesellschaft." Junge kritische Oppositionelle, die in der alten
Koalition ihren Platz hatten und gut gelebt haben, nun aber spüren, dass
sich für sie etwas ändert: Kürzung von Subventionen, mehr Kontrolle. Das
Gehen, im Demo-Jargon schon lange unter "Wandertag" bekannt, würde
symbolisch für diese Suche stehen. "Theatralisch" bezeichnet er dieses
Ritual als geglückt: Stö-rung des Straßenverkehrs, schimpfende Leute -
kurz: Aufmerksamkeit. Die Heiterkeit unter den Demonstranten spreche aber
klar gegen einen ernsten politischen Protest. "Politik ist keine
Spielerei." Dass das Event Donnerstags-Demo bis zum Ende der
Legislaturperiode andauert, kann sich Holl daher nicht vorstellen. "Da
stellt sich halt die Frage, wann die Langeweile stärker wird." Aber: "Mir
wäre eine Gesellschaft unheimlich, in der es solche Leute nicht mehr gäbe."

Demo-Ende nach 23 Uhr:
"Bis zum nächsten Mal!"

Zurück zum Geschehen. Für einen Polizisten, der seit Wochen jeden
Donnerstag im Einsatz ist, "schläft die ganze Sache langsam ein". Dass die
Polizei aber automatisch von den Demonstranten als Gegner behandelt wird,
stört ihn nach wie vor. "Schließlich sind wir nur da, um die öffentliche
Sicherheit zu wahren." Was nicht immer gelingt. Als ein älterer Mann, den
Hitlergruß skandierend, Eier in die Menge wirft, stürmen aufgebrachte
Demonstranten sein Haus. Ein junges Mädchen wird verletzt und mit der
Rettung abtransportiert.

23 Uhr. Die letzten Demonstranten kehren zu ihrem Ausgangspunkt
zurück. Die Zahl der Polizisten hat die der Teilnehmer längst
überschritten. Fahnen werden eingerollt, Plakate in Autos verstaut. Ein
Polizist gähnt. "Bis zum nächsten Mal", verabschiedet sich eine

©Salzburger Nachrichten 2000

Dringend ZeugInnen des Polizeiübergriffes gesucht


From: Marianne Kreutzer a9104143@unet.univie.ac.at

Wie wir gerade erfahren haben, ist das von den Polizisten verletzte Mädchen
wegen "Widerstands gegen die Staatsgewalt" und "schwerer Körperverletzung"
angezeigt worden. Auf Anfrage der APA erklärte ein Sprecher der
Bundespolizeidirektion Wien, eine Radfahrerin sei "auf einen oder zwei
Polizisten zugefahren" und habe offenbar ein "provokantes Verhalten" an den
Tag gelegt. Weiters : Ob ein oder mehrere Sicherheitskräfte bei dem Vorfall
verletzt wurden, sei zunächst unklar.

Das Mädchen ist laut einer Zeugin jedoch nie auf einem Fahrrad gesessen.
Die Polizisten hätten aber ein dort abgestelltes Fahrrad benützt, um andere
DemonstrantInnen abzudrängen. Als die Zeugin auf die Polizisten zeigte, die
ihre Freundin verletzten, nahmen die herumstehenden Polizisten demonstrativ
keine Kenntnis von ihr, während sich die Verantwortlichen aus dem Staub

Es werden DRINGEND ZeugInnen gesucht, die irgendetwas sahen, oder
vielleicht fotografierten oder filmten. Auch sonstige Fotos von Polizisten
auf der Demo sind wichtig, damit die verletzte Frau diejenigen
identifizieren kann, die Bittet meldet Euch unter der tel.nr. : 0699/101
943 06 bzw. e-mail: gst@STOPfpoe.net

ÖKOLI-Ökologische Linke
Postfach 28
A-1153 Wien


Solltet ihr an unseren spansischen/französischen/englischen Aussendungen
interessiert sein, um diese weiterzuverbreiten, meldet euch!

Fishermen Block French Port in Fuel Price Protest


Für Eine Welt Ohne Rassismus fewor@no-racism.net

Author: Staff Writers
Source: MSNBC and Wires
Forwarded by: Julie Rose, julierose@onebox.com
Style: Mainstream Media Article

Keywords: Labor, Boulogne, Sete, France

On August 25, 2000, French fishermen, angered by soaring fuel prices,
blocked the ports of Boulogne on the Channel and Sete on the Mediterranean
on Friday while staging protests at ports along the Atlantic coast.

The fishermen threatened to take their blockade to the ferry ports of Calais
and Dunkirk next week, while the government said it was considering reducing
fuel taxes. CFTC trade union leader Jacques Bigot said the Boulogne blockade
would only last for a few hours. ''This is just intended to wake people up
to the problem,'' he told reporters.

He said fuel costs had almost tripled this year because of soaring crude
prices, adding between 25,000-45,000 francs ($3,500-6,200) a month to the
costs of the fishermen. Fishermen said they would maintain their blockade of
Sete overnight, telling Reuters they would decide on Saturday whether to
continue their action.

Agriculture and Fishery Minister Jean Glavany said in an interview published
on Friday that he supported calls for a cut in value added tax (VAT) on fuel
to help consumers cope with the surge in oil prices. ''We are going to
discuss this at a ministerial level,'' he told Le Parisien newspaper.

The financial daily Les Echos said on Friday the government might introduce
a provisional reduction in fuel VAT next month to help stabilise oil prices.
Finance Minister Laurent Fabius said on Thursday that rocketing fuel costs
combined with the weak euro represented a threat of inflation.

Oil prices have risen by 15 percent this month alone, at one point hitting
their highest level for a decade, powered by fears of a shortage of U.S.
heating oil for the winter. Heating oil price are at their highest level
since the 1991 Gulf War.
($1-7.269 French Franc)

You can view this article on the Web at:

Swiss Firms Face Slave Labor Deadline


Für Eine Welt Ohne Rassismus fewor@no-racism.net

Author: Imogen Foulkes
Source: BBC
Forwarded by: Julie Rose, julierose@onebox.com
Style: Action Report

Keywords: Anti-Nazism, Labor, Anti-Slavery, Bern, Switzerland

Swiss businesses are facing a Friday deadline to declare whether or not they
benefited from slave labour during World War II.

The date was set by a judge in the United States, who is presiding over the
class action suit brought by Holocaust survivors against Swiss banks.

The two biggest Swiss banks have already agreed to a $1.25bn settlement in
return for immunity from prosecution.

If Swiss companies agree to provide information about their wartime history,
they too will be protected from future legal action.

It is two years since the big Swiss banks agreed to the settlement, but so
far not a penny has been paid out to Holocaust survivors.

The banks were first in line for legal action because they were believed to
be holding thousands of dormant accounts belonging to people who had died in
the Nazi concentration camps and refusing to hand over the money to
surviving relatives.

But as more details of Switzerland's wartime history came to light, it
became clear that insurance companies, private banks and many Swiss
companies also profited from the war.

It is now believed at least 11,000 slave labourers were employed by Swiss
companies with affiliates in Nazi Germany.

Some of the companies using slave labour remain among the most famous in
Switzerland - for example engineering firm Brown Boveri, or food giant
Nestle, whose German affiliate Maggi replaced the swastika flying over its
factory with the Swiss flag just hours before the arrival of allied forces
in 1944.

Claiming Swiss nationality brought these companies protection from war
reparations, but over half a century later, New York Judge Edward Korman has
told them they must provide details of their wartime dealings and be ready
to join the global settlement with the banks, or face punitive class actions
of their own.

Some Swiss companies have already agreed to join the $4.8bn slave labour
fund set up by Germany and many more are expected to comply with Mr Korman's

Once they do, a plan to distribute the fund to Holocaust survivors can
finally be drawn up and first payments are expected by the end of the year.

You can view this article on the Web at:

Western Bosses Seized at Chinese Factory


From: Für Eine Welt Ohne Rassismus fewor@no-racism.net

Author: Staff Writers
Source: BBC
Forwarded by: Julie Rose, julierose@onebox.com
Style: Mainstream Media Article

Keywords: Labor, Tianjing, China

Workers in China who feared losing their jobs at a western-backed company
staged a protest by taking their foreign managers hostage Friday August

The managers were held for nearly two days until city officials intervened
to conduct formal negotiations.

The hostages were released unharmed.

The incident happened at a food-and-drink packaging plant in the port of
Tianjin, east of Beijing, which is due to change from joint American and
Chinese ownership to being a wholly foreign-owned enterprise.

The six managers -- an American, two Malaysians and three Hong Kong
citizens -- were seized by staff after it was announced that the change
would mean redundancies. China has been experiencing a series of labour
disputes as it prepares a range of industries for the competition which is
expected when it enters the World Trade Organisation.

You can view this article on the Web at:



Für Eine Welt Ohne Rassismus fewor@no-racism.net

-from the website : http://www5.gratisweb.com/campesinoingles

Grave threat to the Amazon Ecosystem;

The UnitedStates government has passed a bill to give £1.6 billion in aid to
Columbia. The majority of this money is to be spent on military hardware
with which the Columbian government will kill its own people. A sizeable
portion will also be spent on hericide that will be sprayed on the Amazon
jungle on the pretext of eradicating the coca crop from which cocaine is
The ayttached condition of this "aid" package is that the Columbian
government proceed with the use of a fungal herbicide called FUSARIUM or
EN4. This species of plant eating fungus will be unleashed upon the fragile
Amazon ecosystem in a huge EXPERIMENT with nature! This is despite warnings
from scientists and ecologists that this fungus could mutate and wreak havoc
in the "lungs of the earth" and furthermore could threaten human health.
The constant fumigations of the coca crops are initiating environmental
changes of unknown proportions and complication both for the present and the
future of the region.
The fumigations have arrived with savagery and ignorance due to the
imperialist pressure of the USA. Not only is the health of thousands of
human beings threatened, thousands of animals, birds, fish and insects have
also been killed.
Fumigations which the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) oblige the puppet
government to carry out and which they carry out without previous study,
without care, without limit and only with the aim of carrying out the orders
of their imperialist masters.
All the ecological organisations of the world appear to ignore this crime
against NATURE and the human rights organisations appear to ignore this
crime against human life. Important agreements not to fumigate are being
violated by the puppet government of Pastrana. Important peace agreements
are being violated by a government which attacks the lives of thousands of
innocent campesinos (country people) and pueblos (villages) with weapons and
The USA has important interests in the Colombian Amazon but the pueblo
campesino is a hinderance to its objectives. What relationship is there
between the hidden agendas of the USA and the systematic murder of
campesinos, the contamination and poisoning of the streams and rivers by the
DEA and the creation of groups of assassins by the USA?
Horses, cows, chickens and dogs etc. ill and dead due to the fumigation. The
innocent population suffering from stomach aches, strange digestion, fever,
diarria etc. It can't be a coincidence that after these fumigations
epedemics of upset stomachs and eye infections have affected many people in
the areas of fumigation. It is well known that the fumigations are done from
a considerable height so that the bullets of those who defend their rights
to life don't reach
the planes - a right on which they say the government has closed all doors.
This makes it very difficult, infact, IMPOSSIBLE to aim with precission at
the targets of the poison and the wind disperses it in the air, spreading
it very far, not only to the innocent villages of Caqueta but also to
villages in neighbouring departments.
These are only the effects which we can see to be immediately obvious:
Wild birds dead, thousands of fishes floating in the rivers, tanks and
lakes, other fishes with attacks of strange fungi which make them ill and
finally kill them. We have found both wild birds and chickens dead.
From examining and comparing their symptoms we have found a green colour on
the bone joints in some cases and in other cases we have found the meat to
be turning blue. We have also seen that the intestines are full of a
white milky substance. Cows and horses are weakened until they die, others
have strange swellings and lose all their energy. Many of these animals have
died from these strange illnesses which no-one has seen before. We don't
know what sort of protection the intelligent doctors and consultants are
able to offer against this crime against Mother Earth. The truth is that in
these marginal zones there are no authorities on health and environmental
hygene who can be relied upon to give clear conclusions as to the
environmental, biological, ecological and final SOCIAL IMPACT of these
"solutions" which the gringos are carrying out. We can't, therefore, say
with any accuracy what way this chemical war in the Colombian Amazon will
We are campesinos who know that the right to education is refused for lack
of resources because all the resources are destined for this crazy war
organised by the USA. We give witness to what is happening because we live
at the scene of the tragedy and we describe with horror and pain the agents
of this (...) actions. This is very different to making a "blind"
description from an office or in an article for one of the magazines owned
by the animals who are against nature.
No-one defends the human rights.
No-one defends the environment.
No scientists of the subject have instigated, announced or made any study
with respect to the short and long term effects of these fumigations on the
Amazon jungles that are the lungs of the world.
Grave environmental changes, malign particles and elements floating in the
air which carry the bitter feelings of the USA.
Genetic changes and molecular mutations in the enzymes of the plants, trees
and herbs etc.
Everything breathes the stench of death from the poisons which are the
prefered aroma of Clinton, Janet Reno and the anti-drug Tsar Barry MaCafrey.
The perfect trinity for the perfect crime.

We campesinos of today address the liberation of the Truth and with
sincerity are making a big crusade in defence of the Amazon, the green
heritage of the world, because the representatives of this; the different
organisations and institutions appear to obtain their wages for remaining
passively and lazily on their comfortable sofas in front of the TV or
watching football.
We ask the whole world, the people of valour and consciousness, to put
themselves in our situation and understand that we don't have the authority
to make a scientific study of these things - we don't have the money or
technology to do it because death and poverty is the legacy for us at the
end of this millennium.
We call for the human sensitivity which distinguishes us from the beasts,
for the whole world and its good men to unite and take action in defence of
the Amazon.
The pueblo campesino of Colombia has been denied all possiblity of
participation in the politics of the nation and is only able to feel,
intuit, cry out and spread the word about the actions of the "civilized"
beasts whose leader, the USA, is the tyrannical director of the new world
The saddest of all this is that because of the lack of public services and
environmental and public health organisations etc. meat from ill and
contaminated animals has to be sold by campesinos as quickly as possible so
that they don't lose the little money to which they have access.
Projects for the provision of replacements for illegal crops have been a
farce. The organistion in San Jose which is responsible for this has stolen
money and work from the campesinos and in areas around Curillo and Solita
rubber and other crops, which they claim to be replacements for coca, have
been fumigated.
The USA has criticised the partial withdrawal of the military from the zones
of conflict for ends of peace because they say that this will allow these
areas to become a "Paradise of drug traffiking". We don't have a paradise
but we do have an inferno of blood, hunger, illness and contamination, all
of which is occuring, paradoxically, in the middle of real nature.
What does it serve if the replacements for illegal crops are fumigated ?
Hunger is the best way to subdue the pueblos and the imperialists of the
USA know this. The government has not yet begun making an investigation to
certify the cause of these disturbances and their relationship to the
they only plan ways of hiding, deflecting and falsifying the truth and for
this they can count on the support of the media which has always
collaborated in the falsification of information.
The ecological organisations of Colombia are managed by the imperialist
machine; by bribery, corruption and inexpert people without proffesional
knowledge. The ecologists of Colombia are not worried about ecology.
The Ministry of the Environment is a ministry managed for political gain, a
ministry which knows all about corruption but knows nothing about protection
of the flora, fauna and the colonists or Indians who are an integral part of
the Amazonian environment. The function of the Ministry for the Environment,
un to now managed by people ignorant of the subject, only seems to be to
prohibit the trading of timber by the campesinos who tade in it in order to
escape the problem of coca cultivation. The government, however, hasn't to
date, given ANY solution other than the continuous massacres and violations
of the constitutional rights of the campesinos, colonists and indians. But
due to the fact that the Ministry of the Environment is ignorant of the
subject they ignore the fact that this measure to stop the cutting of
timber only promotes the cultivation of coca therefore favouring the
violence and contamination of the war against the Amazon.
The campesinos, colonists and indians of the pueblos know about ecology.
They know that in one hectare of jungle it is possible to find ten or so
trees which can be sold as timber and therefore pay for their subsistence.
this does not damage the overall integrity of the jungle and the damage is
easily repairable by nature. Neither does such activity badly affect other
species or kingdoms. If it is prohibited to cut timber the campesinos will
be virtually obliged to cut down not only one but up to ten hectares of
jungle to plant coca, yucca, plantain, maize or rice and this proportionally
a thousand times worse. What's more, later there will be more air
attacks on the new coca and food crops by the DEA and so the brutal cycle of
extermination of the Amazon, as promoted by the USA, will continue. At this
moment we can see the immediate effects; wild flora and fauna dead
or in agony and HUMAN beings ill, in pain and dead.
We know only for the experience of Vietnam and other places of the
destruction brought by the chemical war led by the USA. But now we know
little about the new gringo experiment which they try on us, we know little
of the long term results for the flora, fauna, the surrounding environment
and the cycles of rain, wind and evaporation.
However, this is only to speak of the level of ecological impact. Who
guarantees us that there will be no social impact with the increase in
violence and the massacre of innocents by the government for the reason that
the pueblos want peace and respect for their RIGHTS.
SOS for the Amazon.
The church has been an accomplice in all of these crimes and has blessed the
arms of the murderers of the villagers who are only demanding their right to
a just life.
Other religions manage to camoflage and ignore the reality saying that it is
only necessary to have faith, leaving the tyrants to act against us and not
offering any resistance nor working for justice and the good of the
community in general. After the most recent fumigations of this first
quarter of 1999 the pueblo campesino of the areas of Savaleta, Fraguita,
Yurayaco etc remained in poverty because they damaged all the food crops,
contaminated the water and
poisoned the fish etc. To round it all off on 6.3.99 they (the government)
sent a group of paramilitaries to kill campesinos, rob the village shops and
leave the dead lying in the streets.
Is this the peaceful solution of the directors of the world government, the
Does anyone say anything about this?
All are cowardly accomplices in this hidden crime.
The farcical news announcements said that the massacre of the campesinos was
due to confrontations between the guerillas and the paramilitaries but this
is false. Witnesses and survivors said that there was no confrontation with
any guerillas. The defenceless campesinos were killed brutally by the
The pools of blood in the streets gave testimony to the slaughter. The
looting and robbing were directed from the air by army helicopters which
patrol the area daily.The paramilitaries had radio communication with the
military and fled under their protection.
These are the conclusions we make from this bloody episode in the face of
which no-one says a thing. However the government and the hypocritical
journalists have spoken of and stood up against the killing of three
Americans on the border with Venezuela. What has happened that three
Americans are more important than hundreds of campesinos massacred in
Colombia by order of the USA? Open your eyes, react. This is a part of the
social impact caused by the USA in our country. If in Putamayo and Caqueta
the paramilitaries massacre campesinos and torture children of all ages then
everyone begins to see the chaos and confusion of the cities ; unemployment,
crime and insecurity leading to the creation of new groups of young
delinquents which is as much due to the police who attack the pueblos as due
to the efforts of the pueblos to defend themselves. The recent earthquake in
Armenia was a punishment from mother nature for the indifference and lack of
solidarity between the Colombian people.
Nature is accelerating the revolution which is coming because the tyrant is
ignorant and doesn't want to give of itself for peace, it only wants to
conquer more each day and has now conquered the pueblo campesino.
The poor and badly hit people of Armenia saw and felt with horror and
insecurity the pain, the tears and the anguish; the desperation of hunger,
looting and many things more. The town of Armenia saw how the police shot at
the hungry and killed innocents whose only crime was that they were affected
by the earthquake.
The people of the markets saw how the government sent anti-guerilla troops
to the areas affected by the quake to repress the poor misfortunate people
with hate, arrogance, pride and high-handedness. And the aim of the contras
was to give to those who suffered the misfortune! The people of Armenia
suffered more than anyone from the earthquake yet there are 800.000 of us
and they sweep us aside like rubbish in the streets.
Wake up pueblo, open your eyes because if you don't nature will do so with
great force.
Armenia is an example and there may be another at any time and in any place.

IMPORTANT: We are collecting messages of support for this campaign against
fumigation which will in due course be presented along with a petition to
the US and Colombian governments via their embassies in London.
Please send your messages to: Campesinoingles@l...

Redaktionsschluß: Samstag, 26.8.2000, 22.30