meanwhile at the border


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Dienstag, 10. August 2004

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01 US: Jetzt Breitbandueberwachung in USA legal
von: "q/depesche" <depesche (at)>
02 Wer sagt da, es gäbe keine Pläne für ein Babycaustmuseum in Wien?
von: <selbstbestimmungsrechtderfrau (at)>
03 Vinzenz Liechtenstein ist jetzt im Nationalrat -
die Abtreibungsdebatte ist daher eröffnet
von: <selbstbestimmungsrechtderfrau (at)>
04 Colombia: Ruta Pacifica - Open Letter
von: <>
05 Colombia: OFP - Voices of Women
von: <>
06 [CUADPUpdate] FAN MAIL // Heat lawsuit denied on appeal
von: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <abe (at)>
07 Donnerstag 12.8.
von: "August Faschang" <august.faschang (at)>
08 Operation Iowa - was it heavy handed and untimely?
von: John O <ncadc (at)>
09 WTO: Trade Agreement prevents slide into deglobalisation -
but little more
von: NEWSWIRE <newswire (at)>
10 grüne: drexler soll vp-interne initiative für
'gleich viel recht für gleich viel liebe' starten
von: Grüne Andersrum < (at)>
11 France: Trade Union Leaders derail fight against Privatisation
von: NEWSWIRE <newswire (at)>
12 Repression im Sudan
von: "Wadi e.V. Wien" <wadi_wien (at)>
13 Von einer Tasche in die andere: Die Parteienförderung der
Industriellenvereinigung aus öffentlichen Unternehmungen Vorarlbergs!
von: " (E-Mail)" <bureau (at)>

Diese Ausgabe hat Edgar Ernstbrunner widerstand at zusammengestellt
Für diese Ausgabe nicht aufgenommen:
1 Aufruf-Wiederholung mit im »Standard« erschienenem Artikel
1 Ankündigung ohne ersichtliche Widerstandsrelevanz
1 für den MUND viel zu langer Beitrag fraglicher Widerstandsrelevanz
1 Beitrag mit IL/Pal-Bezug

  Bei weiteren Fragen bitte zuerst unser Editorial lesen.  

01 US: Jetzt Breitbandueberwachung in USA legal
von: "q/depesche" <depesche (at)>
q/depesche 2004-08-09T02:42:31
US: Jetzt Breitbandueberwachung in USA legal
US-Behörde genehmigt Breitband-Überwachung, FBI bekommt alle elektronischen
Überwachungsmöglichkeiten-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
Die US-Regulierungsbehörde Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hat die
Überwachung von VoIP-Telefonie und Breitband-Kommunikation vorläufig
genehmigt. Demnach müssen Provider ihre Netzwerke für die Überwachung
durch Exekutivorgane öffnen. Kriminalität und Terrorismus sollen so
besser bekämpft werden, berichtete The Register .
Die Grundlage für die neue Bestimmung bildet der aus dem Jahr 1994
stammende Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA),
welcher die heimliche Überwachung von US-Telefonnetzwerken vorsieht. Das
FBI darf demnach mit gerichtlicher Zustimmung Telefongespräche
belauschen. Schon im März wurde beim FCC die Erweiterung des Gesetzes auf
Breitband-Provider und Kabelmodem-Unternehmen beantragt.
"Es ist unser Ziel mit diesem Vorgehen sicherzustellen, dass den
Strafverfolgungsbehörden alle elektronischen Überwachungsmöglichkeiten
zur Verfügung stehen, die CALEA vorsieht", erklärt FCC-Vorsitzender
Michael Powell. Bezüglich genauer Details der Durchführung lässt sich der
FCC noch beraten. Auch öffentliche Kommentare will die Behörde vor in
Kraft treten der Bestimmung berücksichtigen.
Trotz einstimmiger Entscheidung zweifelt Kommissionsmitglied Michael
Copps an der Interpretation des Telekommunikations-Gesetztes und
befürchtet, dass der Bescheid durch Gerichte möglicherweise umgestürzt
wird. "Es gibt bessere Wege um ein System zu bilden, das die richterliche
Zustimmung fördert", so Copps.
quelle: -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
relayed by Doser
- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
quintessenz is powered by
comments to depesche (at)

02 Wer sagt da, es gäbe keine Pläne für ein Babycaustmuseum in Wien?
von: <selbstbestimmungsrechtderfrau (at)>
Pro Life marschiert auf in Österreich, dass es zum Kotzen ist!
Aber offenbar stört das niemand in diesem Lande so wirklich.
Und niemand in diesem Lande - schon gar nicht die Linke - scheint zu
merken, dass es sich weitgehen um Rechtsradikale bzw. rechtsradikale Inhalte
handelt, die hier nun offen und gemeinschaftlich, organisiert, forciert
werden.'Amici di Dio wird von einem Priester, der aus der Schule des
legendären Churer Bischofs Haas kommt, geleitet. Er ist der zuständige
Priester für die "Jugend" für das Leben in Österreich und lehrt auch an der
Katholischen Fakultät in Gaming. Chef von Gaming ist einerseits ein
Waldstein-Sohn (Opus Dei Mitglied ist der Papi, der Sohn studierte gemeinsam
mit Schönborn) und andererseits Schönborn himself, der von all den Umtrieben
nix weiss, weil sein Name in kniffligen Fällen (wie z.B. HLI) Hase ist.
Vom Sommerloch zum heissen Herbst?
Es ist zu befürchten, dass im Herbst ein weiterer Angriff auf das bestehende
Gesetz der Fristenregelung stattfinden wird.
Frauenrechtlerinnen wurden aber auch schon von sog. Linken (ÖKOLI) als
Rechte beschimpft, weil sie kritiklos für Eugenik wären.
Anbei nun ein Bericht von über diese Umtriebe und auch über das
Babycaustmuseum, dass sich der 2. Bezirk und sein Vorsteher endlich hinter
die Ohren schreiben sollen - Unvorstellbar ist, dass der Arzt Dr. Charles
Schlebaum tatsächlich seine Einrichtung für ein Babycaustmuseum zur
Verfügung stellt. Ebenso unklar ist, wieso in der Praxis eine "Sühne-Messe",
einer der derzeit beliebtesten Katholenkulte, stattgefunden haben soll. Hat
auch diese Räumlichkeiten Fischers HLI gekauft? Graust dem Schlebaum vor gar

Aktivitäten sind angesagt, Herr Bezirksvorsteher!
Leute, schreibt auch ihr Mails an die Familienlandesrätin, Mademe von und zu
Meyer-Melnhof Eberle! Und vor allem,
organisiert Euch gegen dieses Pro-Life-Pack, sonst wird es eng werden! - Ihr Katholischer Nachrichtendienst

Abtreibungsstreit in Salzburg: Pro-Life-Gruppen machen mobil
Am 15. August große Wallfahrt mit Alterzbischof Georg Eder - Salzburger
Ärzte launchen neue Website - Umstrittener Abtreibungsarzt Schlebaum verläßt
die Stadt - Amici di Dio ruft zu einer E-mail-Aktion auf
Salzburg (
In Salzburg tobt seit einigen Wochen eine Abtreibungsdiskussion, die
inzwischen weit über das Bundesland hinausgeht. Hintergrund der Debatte ist
die Forderung der Landeshauptfrau Gabi Burgstaller (SPÖ), im Bundesland
Salzburg auch die Tötung ungeborener Kinder in den Landeskliniken zu
ermöglichen, was vom Koalitionspartner ÖVP strikt abgelehnt wird. Der
designierte ÖVP-Landesparteiobmann Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreter Wilfried
Haslauer möchte laut eigenen Aussagen lieber die Regierungskoalition
verlassen als diesem Ansuchen der SPÖ-Politikerin zuzustimmen.
Seit einiger Zeit machen auch Salzburger Lebensrechtsintiativen mobil.
Bereits am 13. Juli fand eine Wallfahrt der neu gegründeten Initiative Leben
in Fülle nach Maria Plain mit Weihbischof Andreas Laun statt, zu dem sich
hunderte Salzburger einfanden. Für 15. August um 15.00 Uhr ist eine weitere
Gebetsveranstaltung mit dem Alterzbischof von Salzburg, Georg Eder, in Maria
Plain geplant. Human Life Österreich möchte außerdem in den nächsten Tagen
einige Tausend Unterschriften an die Salzburger Landesrätin Doraja Eberle
sowie an Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreter Wilfried Haslauer übergeben. Die
katholische Gemeinschaft Amici di Dio ruft in einer Aussendung vom Samstag
auf, an Haslauer und Eberle Unterstützungs-E-mails zu schicken. Beiden
ÖVP-Politiker aus Salzburg hatten in den letzten Wochen klar gegen
Abtreibung Stellung bezogen. Schreibt den beiden, dass wir hinter ihnen
stehen und dass wir sie unterstützen, so die Sprecherin Martina Mörtl.
Vor wenigen Tagen hat sich auch ein Salzburger Ärzteforum für das Leben
gebildet, das für den umfassenden Schutz des Lebens von Beginn bis zu seinem
natürlichen Ende eintritt. Auf der Website heißt es: Aufgrund der aktuellen
Bestrebungen im Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg oder in anderen öffentlichen
Spitälern Abtreibungen zu ermöglichen, sehen wir uns veranlasst, ein Forum
von Salzburger Ärzten zu gründen, um eine klare Position für das Leben
einzunehmen. Unser Anliegen ist es, als Ärzte aus einer überparteilichen,
überkonfessionellen Sicht unsere Sorge über die zunehmende Bedrohung
menschlichen Lebens zu artikulieren und so auch zur öffentlichen
Meinungsbildung beizutragen.
Abtreibungsarzt verlässt Salzburg
Der Salzburg Abtreibungsarzt Charles Schlebaum hat vor wenigen Tagen die
Stadt Salzburg verlassen. Wie HLI gegenüber mitteilt, war Schlebaum
sogar bei einer Sühnemesse in den Abtreibungsräumlichkeiten, die vor wenigen
Tagen stattfand, dabei. Schlebaum, der in den letzten Jahren zehntausende
Abtreibung durchführte, hat laut Angaben von HLI sogar die
Ordinationsgegenstände der Klinik für ein Babycaust- Museum in Wien zur
Auf KATH.NET seit dem: 07. 08. 2004 12:57 Uhr
Aktionskomitee für das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Frau
Selbstbestimmungsrechtderfrau (at)
detailierte Infos zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch in Österreich auch auf:
03 Vinzenz Liechtenstein ist jetzt im Nationalrat -
die Abtreibungsdebatte ist daher eröffnet
von: <selbstbestimmungsrechtderfrau (at)>
Der militante Abtreibungs- und Verhütungsfeind und Opus-Dei-Anhänger von und
zu Vinzenz Liechtenstein ist vom Bundesrat in den Nationalrat gewechselt.
Liechtenstein verzapft öffentlich seine Ansichten, nämlich dass Abtreibung
Mord ist, Abtreibungskliniken Todeskliniken wie KZ's sind und Ärzte und
Frauen, die abtreiben, wie Mörder bestraft gehören. Das ist für einen
Nationalratsabgeordneten in einer (wenn auch noch so schwachen) Demokratie
wirklich fesch!
In Salzburg läuft nach der Schließung einer Abtreibungspraxis, die sich auch
mit dem Terror von HLI Ja zum Leben konfrontiert sah, ein Wirbel nach der
Ankündigung der neuen Landeshauptfrau Burgstaller, Abtreibungen zu
leistbaren Preisen im öffentlichen Krankenhaus durchführen zu lassen.
Eine Ärzte für das Leben Liste
hat sich flugs gegründet, wo Leute mit dem Namen Waldstein aufscheinen (der
alte Waldstein, Verfassungsrechtler und ebenfalls Opus Dei-ler, ist ja nach
wie vor der Ansicht, dass die Fristenlösung verfassungswidrig sei!).
Das HALALI auf die Frauen des Landes und die Fristenlösung ist somit wieder
mal ohne jeden Genierer eröffnet.
Nebenbei rühmt sich der Oberterrorist Dietmar Fischer von HLI Ja zum Leben
in seiner Zeitung mit 10.000 bis 15.000 Unterschriften, die angeblich gegen
Burgstallers Pläne innert weniger Wochen gesammelt wurden und schnorrt
gleichzeitig um Spendengelder, um ein
"Hilfszentrum" am Westbahnhof, unweit von der nunmehr 2.größten
Abtreibungsklinik in Österreich, der Gynmed von Dr. Fiala zu eröffnen
(nachdem derselbe Fischer die Klinik LUCINA in der Sperlgasse in Wien 2.
per Konkursantrag abgemurkst und dann das Inventar bei der
Konkursversteigerung um 10.000 Euro ersteigert hat. Anschließend war ein
wildes Gebete bei zahlreichen Messen in den Klinikräumlichkeiten für die
FischerGang ein Volksfest.
Auch die Schließung der Abtreibungspraxis von Dr. Charles Schlebaum in
Salzburg, Auslöser für die Pläne Burgstallers am AKH Salzburg, geht mit
Sicherheit auf dieselben reaktionären, katholischen Seilschaften zurück!)
Es wird also heiss werden für die Frauenrechte in Österreich. Dafür wird
Vinzi und seine Haberer vom Opus Dei schon sorgen. Und der Schüssel soll da
auch dazugehören....
OTS0057 5 II 0285 NEF0004 CI Do, 05.Aug 2004
"Alternativen zur Abtreibung suchen!"
Vincenz Liechtenstein (ÖVP) unterstützt Landeshauptmannstellvertreter

Graz (OTS) - "Moderne Politik muss Frauen vernünftige Alternativen
zur Abtreibung bieten. Eine Sozialpolitik, die Frauen in Not nicht
mehr anbieten kann als die Tötung ihres ungeborenen Kindes, ist nicht
sozial", so Vincenz Liechtenstein, ÖVP-Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat
und Vorstandsmitglied des Katholischen Familienverbandes Steiermark.
Er unterstützt deshalb den Salzburger ÖVP-Obmann und
Landeshauptmannstellvertreter Wilfried Haslauer im Konflikt mit der
SPÖ. Haslauer habe mit seinem klaren Nein zu öffentlich
subventionierten Abtreibungen in Salzburger Landesspitälern ein
Zeichen gesetzt, das in ganz Österreich Beachtung finden sollte, so
Vincenz Liechtenstein.
Haslauers Begründung, es sei "nicht Aufgabe der öffentlichen Hand,
Abtreibungen zu finanzieren, zu fördern oder daraus ein Geschäft zu
machen" (so zitiert in "Die Presse" am 26.Juli, Seite 4) habe nicht
nur für das Bundesland Salzburg seine Richtigkeit. Liechtenstein
wörtlich: "Die Tatsache, dass Wilfried Haslauer dieses Thema in
Salzburg zur Koalitionsfrage erklärt hat, beweist, dass das Recht auf
Leben für die ÖVP kein Randthema, sondern von zentraler Bedeutung
Die in Salzburg von Landeshauptfrau Burgstaller (SPÖ) willkürlich
losgetretene Debatte über Abtreibungen in Landesspitälern müsse jetzt
bundesweit geführt werden, meint Vincenz Liechtenstein: "Die ÖVP hat
sich immer für den uneingeschränkten Schutz des Lebens ausgesprochen.
Heute kann sie als Kanzlerpartei überzeugend zeigen, dass das Wohl
der Frau und das Lebensrecht des ungeborenen Kindes in keinem Fall
ein Widerspruch sind. Moderne Sozialpolitik muss allen Frauen, die in
Not geraten, mehr und Besseres bieten als die straffreie Tötung ihres
ungeborenen Kindes." Vincenz Liechtenstein dankte in diesem
Zusammenhang auch dem Salzburger Erzbischof Alois Kothgasser, der
sich in der Auseinandersetzung mit Burgstallers Abtreibungsplänen als
wahrer Anwalt des Lebens erwiesen habe.
Katholischer Familienverband Steiermark
Vorsitzende: Sissi Potzinger, Gemeinderätin der Stadt Graz
Tel. und Fax: 0316/671480
Mobil: 0650/4376537
Aktionskomitee für das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Frau
Selbstbestimmungsrechtderfrau (at)
detailierte Infos zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch in Österreich auch auf:
04 Colombia: Ruta Pacifica - Open Letter
von: <>
> The women of Ruta Pacifica of the Region of Santander share the pain of
> our sisters of SINTRACLINICAS, Union of Clinical and Hospital Workers of
> Santander, who today are grieving the assassination of their fellow
> worker CARMEN ELISA NOVA HERNANDEZ, mother of a 5-year-old child,
> nurse for 28 years, leader of their labor union, stolid defender of her
> rights, who was shot down in front of her home around 8:15 p.m. the
> night of Thursday 15 July.
The women of Ruta Pacifica of the Region of Santander share the pain of our sisters of SINTRACLINICAS, Union of Clinical and Hospital Workers of Santander, who today are grieving the assassination of their fellow worker CARMEN ELISA NOVA HERNANDEZ, mother of a 5-year-old child, nurse for 28 years, leader of their labor union, stolid defender of her rights, who was shot down in front of her home around 8:15 p.m. the night of Thursday 15 July.
Once again, those who are intolerant and unable to establish a dialogue to discuss and find non-violent solutions to conflicts use physical eliminations as a method of silencing the voices of those who resist the injustices and inequities that afflict the Colombians.
We, the women of Ruta Pacifica and Women in Black Against War understand the meaning of the assassination of a woman; we also understand that it is becoming increasingly difficult for both the men and the women of the labor unions to express themselves and to continue their struggles. This murder is one more in the long list of men and women who have been victims of those who would assassinate their dreams.
We demand of the State of Colombia an investigation, not an exhaustive investigation, as is usually the case in Colombia, rather one that is quick and efficient, that will establish who are the intellectual and material authors of this assassination, and demand that there be
Bucaramanga, 16 July 2004
Translated from Spanish by
Trisha Novak, USA
Álvaro Uribe Vélez, Presidente de la República, Cra. 8 n°.7-26, Palacio de Nariño, Santa fe de Bogotá. Fax: (+57 1) 566.20.71 e-mail: auribe (at) ; Vicepresidente : E-mail :fsantos (at)
Doctor Jorge Alberto Uribe Ministro de la Defensa, Avenida El Dorado con Cra. 52 CAN, Santa fe de Bogotá.
Fax: (+57 1)222.18.74; E-mail : siden (at) ;
infprotocol (at) ; mdn (at)
Doctor Edgardo José Maya Villazón, Procurador General de la Nación, Carrera 5 No. 15-80, Santa Fe de Bogotá. Fax: (+57 1)342.97.23;
E-mail: reygon (at);anticorrupcion (at)
Dr. Carlos Franco, Director del Programa Presidencial de DerechosHumanos y de Derecho Internacional Humanitario. E-mail :cefranco (at)
Dr. Fernando Ibarra, Asesor del Programa Presidencial de Derechos Humanos y de Derecho Internacional Humanitario. E-mail :fibarra (at) Calle 7 N° 5-54 TEL. : (+57 1) 336.03.11FAX : (+57 1) 337.46.67
Doctor Luis Camilo Osorio, Fiscal General de la Nación, Diagonal 22 B n°. 52-01, Santa fe de Bogotá. Fax: (+57 1) 570 20 00;contacto (at); denuncie (at)
Dra. Elba Beatriz Silva, Directora de la Unidad de Derechos Humanos y de Derecho Internacional Humanitario. Fiscalía General de la Nación E.mail: elbsilva (at)
Doctor Volmar Antonio Pérez Ortiz. Defensor del Pueblo, Calle 55 n°. 10-32 Santa Fe de Bogotá. Fax: (+ 57 1) 640 04 91 E-mail:secretaria_privada (at)
Misión Permanente de Colombia ante las Naciones Unidas en Genève.
Chemin du Champ d'Anier 17-19, 1209 Genève. FAX : (+41 22)791.07.87; (+ 41 22) 798.45.55.
E-mail mission.colombia (at)
Embajada de Colombia en España: Embajadora Sra. Noemí Senín
Pš Martínez Campos, nš 48 - 28010 Madrid
Teléfono: 91 700 47 70 FAX: 91 310 28 69
embcol.mad (at), secretar (at)
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores: Encargado de Colombia, D. Zulueta
Plaza Marqués de Salamanca, 8 - 28006 MADRID
Fax secretaria: 91 576 64 91, teléfono: 91 379 92 32
And the Embassy of Columbia in your country

05 Colombia: OFP - Voices of Women
von: <>
> We denounce the paramilitary pressure on the Torcoroma neighborhood in
> downtown Barrancabermeja, where the main headquarters of the
> »Organizacion Femenina Popular« is located.
> The events described below occurred on 20 July when there was no one in
> the office, because it was the very day we were commemorating our 32nd
> Anniversary at the Pipaton Hotel, both a symbolic and a political event,
> as had been previously announced through the media.
URGENT ACTION +++ FACTS +++-According to observations by neighbors of the »Casa de la Mujer« in Torcoroma, which were received on the morning of 21 July 2004, as we were resuming our work after the anniversary celebration, around 9:00 p.m. the previous night , two armed members of the self-defense group (paramilitaries) were running around the area forcing people to close their houses and stores and ordering the people in the streets to go to bed.
-One person in the area immediately notified the police, who sent members of the SIJIN (investigative branch of the police). They carried out an operation in the neighborhood and captured JORGE ACEVEDO ALVARADO and RAUL SANABRIA DUARTE, the individuals who had been running around threatening the neighborhood.
The above persons were found wearing several layers of t-shirts and were no longer carrying their weapons. Despite the fact that they identified themselves as members of a self-defense group when they threatened the people, the police presented them to the media as extortionists.
-The sector where these events occurred also houses pensioners and people who work for ECOPETROL, banks, various private offices, and some military members of the SIJIN. Previously, this was where the network of Armada 007, a group that assassinated many leaders in Barrancabermeja, lived and operated.We declare our deep concern for the security of our headquarters and all members of the Organizacion Femenina Popular (OFP), as well as for all those who live in that neighborhood and in the city. We would point out that the OFP has suffered both threats and assassinations and that, despite precautionary measures, uncertainty remains because no guarantees are effective while the illegal armed actors are in control.> The situation poses many questions:
What guarantees does democratic security provide for civilians in the region and in the country when events such as these occur?
What are the paramilitary operations in this sector about?
What was their mission?
How can something like this occur in the heart of the city?
How should this be interpreted within the framework of negotiations with the government?
Why do the paramilitaries continue their operations?
We are aware that one of the men captured, JORGE ACEVEDO ALVARADO, is a known paramilitary assigned in Pinchote, in the territory „El Centro‰. We ask, then, why did the authorities introduce them in the media as extortionists?

+++ DEMANDS +++We demand that the civil, police and military authorities and other control entities investigate and impose penalties for these acts and that they guarantee security in the sector of Torcoroma where the main headquarters of the OFP is located, as well as in all the city of Barrancabermeja.
We demand the recovery of political control and the power of the legitimately constituted authorities of the city.
WE CALL ON the international community, in the context of negotiations with the national government, to be attentive to the actions of the paramilitaries against the civilian population in all areas of the country.
We call on the human rights and social organizations to denounce the event described above and to demand of the State that they bring about a cessation of hostilities by this illegal armed group, especially hostilities towards the civilian population as they carry out their daily activities.

Organizacion Femenina Popular
Barrancabermeja - Magdalena Medio - Colombia
22 July 2004Translated from Spanish by
Trisha Novak, USA
06 [CUADPUpdate] FAN MAIL // Heat lawsuit denied on appeal
von: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <abe (at)>
"... PS. Instantaneously, your gift has made a significant difference in the comfort & morale of those of us existing in/under difficult conditions/circumstances. I wish you could have heard the happy and relieved voices!" -- Marvin Jones

Greetings all,
This is sent to several lists. If you have not been following the situation with the heat on Florida's death row, the nutshell is that there has never been air conditioning on Florida's death row, and as you can imagine, summers in North-Central Florida can be brutal.
For several years prisoners and their advocates have been awaiting relief via a lawsuit that was initially lost at the trial court level and on Friday last also lost at the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals (Read that asinine decision at - Chandler v. Crosby). Despite the loss, the hard work of the Florida Justice Institute in representing the prisoners in this case should not be forgotten - THANK YOU Randy Berg and all at FJI.
Responding to requests from prisoners that we do something, Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP) and the Florida Death Row Advocacy Group (FDRAG) found a "security fan" in use by prisoners in other states, put it on the desk of the Lt. Governor and then the Secretary of the Department of Corrections (DOC), and upon approval borrowed $6,000 to buy 400 fans and donate one to each current Florida death row prisoner, with a supply left over to be distributed to future arrivals.
The fans were delivered to the DOC distribution center last Tuesday (8/3/04), and by late afternoon Wednesday, every prisoner had his or her own personal fan. I received a personal phone call from DOC regional director Bradley Carter informing me of the completed distribution. By all accounts, the DOC and prison employees moved with extraordinary speed to carry out Secretary Crosby's orders that the fans be delivered ASAP.
Saturday's mail was the first mail received since the fans were delivered. FADP had nine letters, and FDRAG had 33. Saturday and Sunday were the first visiting days since the fans were delivered.
BELOW ARE SOME REPORTS from visitors and samplings from some of the letters received.
I noted above that we borrowed $6,000 to pay for these fans. Thus far, about $3,500 has been received or is known to be on the way. FDRAG is preparing a special edition of the newsletter in which all donors will be listed alphabetically, except, of course, for those who request anonymity. If you have already sent a donation and wish to remain anonymous, please send an e-mail to Hannah at <hannahfloyd (at)>.
We still need $2,500. $15 buys one fan. One person sent $400. Pax Christi USA took up a collection ($465) at their national convention last week. Most of the other 40 or so donors have sent $15 or $30, with some less and a few more. Three people have given $100 each. Even $1 helps. Please give what you are able.
Here is how to help:
On-line contributions can be made using PAYPAL, Amex, Discover, Visa or
Mastercard at
Or better (avoid the fees charged by the credit card companies!), send a
check to:
137 N Walnut St.
Starke, FL 32091
your check payable to FCPJ (Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice) and
mail it to:
137 N Walnut St.
Starke, FL 32091Thank You. Yours in the Struggle,
--abe & Hannah
********************VISITOR REPORTS
My car (yes, the Abolition Mobile) broke down today, so by the time I got that to the shop, borrowed another car and got into the prison it was 2pm. Visiting hours end at 3pm. Nevertheless, Billy (who is over the shock of having his order for a new trial reversed and is doing fine, all things considered) was happy to see me and expressed how important and how appreciated the success of our action has been. A number of other prisoners found themselves close enough to say hello and express their appreciation. Shanti Vani was there visiting Douglas Meeks - few prisoners have been on death row longer than Meeks, who arrived in 1975. He said, "I've been here almost 30 years and this is one of the best things I can remember anyone doing for us. Thank you."SUE WEBSTER Reports:
I visited Tommy today, and the buzz in the visiting room was the fans and how great they are! Tommy said he had the first good night's sleep in weeks on Wednesday night after he had his fan.
I was amazed at how big a difference the fans make. I asked Tommy if the top vents (in the cells) were on, and he said they weren't, but that it was not a problem. Fine with him to leave them off. The fan solves the heat problem.
The fans are not mounted on the bars, or on the wall. They have a four foot cord and can be moved anywhere the inmate wants to move them.
The visiting room was full, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood, even the officers.
I sent a greeting to Billy via the guy at the next table who is on Billy's floor.
All in all, a good day.
Peace!HANNAH FLOYD Reports:
Hey Abe and all.
This is just 2 letters typed from the 33 that I received today, out of which several had signatures and greetings from the entire wing.
FDRAG received at least 100 greetings - extended to FADP also - and it is only the first day of mail after the fans arrived.
Also in the visiting park the joy was noticeable.
The men came up to me and told me:
One had not had a headache for two days, which was highly unusual for him in the summer months.
One told me he had slept all night long without waking up just once.
One told me how he woke up, without feeling the tension and aggravation that normally follows, just waking up to another day of heat. In fact he gave up explaining, shook his head and said: I will never be able to put into words what this means, it makes a WORLD of difference.
Another one told me they did not even have the fan on speed level three, they were too afraid to wear the fan out, and too afraid something would happen so they lost them again.
The guard in the visiting park told me how they had worked like crazy to get the fans out to all the men as soon as they arrived, and he was very pleased by it too. All in all a day I too, fail to be able to put into words.
I will let the two letters below explain just a little of what I received today.
Wednesday August 4,2004
Just wanted to shoot you all a letter, and let you know how much I'm enjoying the fan you all were so generous as to buy for us. It is most appreciated.
We received the new white fans this afternoon and have been enjoying them ever since.
What a huge difference it makes, to have a fan blowing air on to me!
Yesterday at this time, I was so miserable that I barely felt like writing a letter, watch TV, or even read a book. Now I can put my headphones on, and not sweat to death. I wasn't able to do that without a fan since I spend my time fanning myself with a legal pad back, which did little to cool my body down. Now I can switch the fan to the medium setting and aim it at me! how great is that!?
Everyone else has been enjoying their new fans as well, and it has calmed the tension considerably. Sleep hasn't been coming easily over the last few weeks due to the lack of (air) circulation and I've lost a lot of sleep do to it. Now I'll be able to keep the fan aimed at me all night long and sleep restfully!
The staff here was instrumental in getting all of the names and numbers etched unto the fans, which enabled them to distribute them today so you need to thank the warden for allowing them to expedite the process. Also, the colonel and everyone else involved. We definitely appreciated their efforts on that note;
I wanted to thank you all! Be well and take care.
I never thought I'd see it. Nineteen years in a cage suffering the heat and the humidity!!
And today this fan that's blowing on me as I write this makes all the difference in the world!! It'll be good to be able to actually do things again, without sweat pouring down my back and chest at the slightest movement!
Thanks! And thanks for expediting it so we didn't have to go through another August before getting a fan!
Please, I don't have their address but tell the people at FADP how much this is appreciated!!! This would be the first night in months I haven't had to get up three or four times, sweating and pour "cold" water over my head and wash with "cold" water. A good night sleep at last!
Sometimes, and I know we all do it in here, its easy to forget how many nice people there are out there.
Thank you all for being in that group,
Sincerely Bob.
Here are a few quotes from the letters received by FADP:
"A gift is a gift, but THE FAN is A WONDERFUL BLESSING. Can't find the words to express my gratitude. God bless you all." -- Danny Rolling
"I personally want thank you and all those who donated fans for all of us here on death row.... "At this very moment as I write this I feel a sense of comfort more so than what I've been experiencing in my eleven years here. Without your donation it would have been very hard for me to purchase one...." --Hakeem Abdul-Ra'oof
"...They arrived at our cells on Aug 4, 2004. You have no idea how welcome these fans are. God bless everyone in helping those of us on death row to truly know there is good humans who care about other humans." -- Michael Mordenti
"... You have made the days and nights a little more bearable and I am truly (underlined twice) grateful for that... Thank you Very Very Much!!! I hope that you sleep better each night as well knowing that you have done a very beautiful thing." --Antonio Metton
"...Your thoughtfulness and kindness is truly appreciated." -- Jose Jimenez
Among the comments on a card signed by 12 prisoners -- "Thank you tremendously for the fans. Miracles do happen. (smiley face)" -- Ken Lott
"Todah Raba!! (Hebrew for Thank you very much!!) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you and all involved in making the fans a reality! Blows great. On low it is still stronger than the air handlers!!..." -- Michael Rivera
"I just want to drop a little note to give my thanks unto you for the fan. They was pass out today (8-4-04). Surely a lot of people on death row would not be able to buy a fan like myself, which means we all is very grateful for your kindness..." "PS - Could you help me in getting some person to write to me?" -- Freddie Lee Hall (If YOU are interested in writing to Freddie, e-mail me at <abe (at)> and I'll send his address.)
"... PS. Instantaneously, your gift has made a significant difference in the comfort & morale of those of us existing in/under difficult conditions/circumstances. I wish you could have heard the happy and relieved voices!" -- Marvin Jones
***************We still need $2,500. $15 buys one fan. Even $1 helps. Please give what you are able.
Here is how to help:
On-line contributions can be made using PAYPAL, Amex, Discover, Visa or
Mastercard at
Or better (avoid the fees charged by the credit card companies!), send a
check to:
137 N Walnut St.
Starke, FL 32091
your check payable to FCPJ (Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice) and
mail it to:
137 N Walnut St.
Starke, FL 32091Thank You. Yours in the Struggle,
--abe & Hannah
Abraham J. Bonowitz
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP)
800-973-6548 <fadp (at)>
PMB 335, 2603 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Hwy, Gainesville, FL 32609
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty works for restorative
justice in the form of effective alternatives to the death penalty. It
does so by
# supporting and coordinating the work of organizations and individuals
# educating and energizing the general public and state legislators
# supporting the many persons affected by capital crime and punishment
# advocating specific legislative improvements
PS: For fiscal & legal purposes, FADP is a project of CUADP
<>. Please call 800-973-6548 or e-mail
<fadp (at)> to get involved. Checkbook activism helps too!
Make checks to FADP and send to:
PMB 335
2603 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Hwy
Gainesville, FL 32609
(FL only) OR 850-413-0840. REGISTRATION DOES NOT

07 Donnerstag 12.8.
von: "August Faschang" <august.faschang (at)>
Auch am Donnerstag (12.8.) gibt es zusätzlich zur wöchentlichen Mahnwache gegen Schwarzblau in Österreich und Blaurot in Kärnten vor dem Kanzleramt wieder einen Speakerscorner, diesmal mit dem 2.Teil der Sommerserie "Antisemitische Traditionsstränge der ÖVP", einem Referat über den neuzeitlichen "christlichen" Antisemitismus, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der gründerzeitlichen (1848-1873) Vorläufer des Antisemitismus der "christlichsozialen" Vorgängerpartei der ÖVP. Dieses Referat war schon für den letzten Donnerstag vorgesehen. Der letzte Speakerscorner wurde dann aber kurzfristig einem erneuten Polizeiübergriff auf einen Afrikaner am letzten Mittwoch gewidmet.
Treffpunkt ist um 19Uhr45 Ecke Ballhausplatz/Heldenplatz, Beginn 20Uhr. Und danach sind wieder alle Teilnehmerinnen im Stammlokal in der Neustiftgasse willkommen!
Und wie jeden Donnerstag gibt es schon ab 17Uhr die Widerstandslesung (Ecke Ballhausplatz/Heldenplatz).
Weiterverbreitung erwünscht!
08 Operation Iowa - was it heavy handed and untimely?
von: John O <ncadc (at)>
NCADC News Service
> Operation Iowa - was it heavy handed and untimely? <
On 20th July 2004, 21 adults from Cowley, East Oxford, were arrested in a joint police and immigration operation (code-named 'Operation Iowa') on suspicion of fraud. Fifteen have subsequently been charged and 6 are on police bail until the end of August 2004 pending further investigations. Further arrests may follow.
The raids and subsequent arrests had a significant impact on local families and communities in East Oxford. The children in particular were adversely affected, many of whom have not had the chance to meet with their parents since the arrests and have little information about what is happening or why.
Concerned individuals in Oxford angry at the methods and timing used in 'Operation Iowa' are now joining together to provide practical support to the families and set up a defence campaign for those charged.
If any recipients of this message have been in a similar situation, we need your support/advice.
Emma Newcombe
(On behalf of Dr Bridget Anderson)>> East Oxford Arrests: Background Information
On 20th July 2004, 21 adults from Cowley, East Oxford, were arrested in a joint police and immigration operation (code-named 'Operation Iowa') on suspicion of fraud. The group included 7 women and 14 men. Fifteen have subsequently been charged and 6 are on police bail until the end of August 2004 pending further investigations. Further arrests may follow.
The raids and subsequent arrests had a significant impact on local families and communities in East Oxford. The children in particular were adversely affected, many of whom have not had the chance to meet with their parents since the arrests and have little information about what is happening or why.
The officers involved in the raids on 12 homes were criticised by right wing press for their 'cultural sensitivity' in taking off shoes before entering the homes of the families all of whom were Muslims. What was not mentioned was that there was immediate concern on arrest that some of the women in particular would become suicidal. This resulted in any objects which could be used to cause self-harm, including elastic from 'shelwar kameez' trousers, being taken away. The result was embarrassment and discomfort for the women concerned who could not therefore fully cover themselves.
The media have also failed to highlight the extreme impact these arrests have had upon innocent children, the youngest of whom was only 2 and a half months old and was still being breast fed by his mother. The baby boy, who was taken into care, has had health difficulties and is being treated at the John Radcliffe Hospital. Another young child, a 12 month old disabled girl, was also taken into care whilst her young brother was left in the care of members of the community. A third short-term care placement has broken down and the girl had been returned to live in a home within the community. Social workers were left overwhelmed by dealing with more than 29 children affected by the raids and arrests. Already limited resources have been burdened by a need to respond urgently to this very peculiar situation.
The fifteen adults have been charged with 2 offences, namely that between 1 January 2000 and 20 July 2004 in Oxford or elsewhere they conspired with others to:
1.facilitate entry into the UK of an individual known to be an illegal entrant; and
2. defraud Oxford County Council, Oxford City Council, NASS (National Asylum Support System) and the DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) of money.
With the exception of 2 women in the group, who were subsequently bailed by a judge at Oxford Crown Court (on the grounds that they were British or had long standing connections in the UK), the rest have been remanded in custody. The women are detained at a prison in Bristol and the men at Bullingdon Prison in Oxfordshire. Bail applications have been unsuccessful so far, neither the Magistrate nor the Crown Court judge being persuaded that there are compassionate reasons, specifically care of the children, why the women at least should be granted bail.
The arrests took place on the last day of the school term in Oxford, a fact which it is difficult to think was other than deliberate. More than 17 children from East Oxford Primary School were affected. The natural support which comes from school was therefore taken away and children were left to face the long school holiday without the normality of the school routine to offset the otherwise obvious disruption to family life. Another alternative explanation to the deliberate timing of the arrests is sheer stupidity, although for those involved, the preferred explanation is callous indifference to the needs of the children.
Most of the children, who are from single parent families, are being cared for within the community but with limited resources as benefit books or other forms of support were taken away in the police raids. Naturally, some of the children are coping better than others. The worst affected are scared to go out for fear of being taken away and are visibly distressed by the separation from their parents and the uncertainty about what is going to happen to them or their parents.
If convicted, those charged face a prison sentence of up to 14 years, the costs of which even in financial terms will be well beyond the costs of the alleged fraud. The trials themselves, the costs of all the professional agencies involved and other expenses pushes up the cost to the tax payer well beyond the loss of income to local or central government agencies. In addition, it is clear that most of those charged have not gained financially from the alleged fraud. Their living conditions and limited financial resources tell the lie to any such accusation. But economics is never the issue where allegations of illegal immigration are concerned.
Enquiries/further information:
Emma Newcombe
Information Manager
COMPAS (Centre on Migration, Policy and Society)
University of Oxford,
58 Banbury Road,
Oxford, OX2 6QS
Tel.: +44 (0) 1865 274566
Fax.: +44 (0) 1865 274718
emma.newcombe (at)
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
1 Delaunays Road
M8 4QS
General enquiries 0121 554 6947
ncadc (at)
09 WTO: Trade Agreement prevents slide into deglobalisation -
but little more
von: NEWSWIRE <newswire (at)>
E-newswire of the League for the Fifth International
8 August 2004
Workers Power Global, London
A collective sigh of relief from EU, US and Japanese governments could be heard last week. The reason was that the so-called Dohar Round of international trade talks was still on track after into-the-night negotiations reached a series of compromises to produce an agreed text and keep the process alive.
Coming nearly five years after the collapse of the Seattle WTO talks and one year after a failed attempt in Mexico to re-launch a round of multilateral talks, the price of a further failure was likely to have been a gradual break-up of the WTO system and a new wave of bilateral trade deals, brokered by the US above all, that could have seen globalisation go into decisive reverse.
The agreement last week averts that short-term scenario but in truth the fate of the Dohar Round remains in doubt. The original timetable set out in 2001 envisaged the round of negotiations to be finished by 2005. But in Cancun last year the Third World countries combined to effectively block „progress‰ on the round since the EU and US negotiators refused to countenance any reduction in the huge subsidies they provide to their rich agro-businesses which allow them to dump exports of food onto Third World markets.
So this time Washington and Brussels had to come with some concessions or repeat a further fiasco. In order to appease countries such as India and Malaysia, the 30 July agreement says that negotiations on investment, competition and government procurement will not form part of the Doha Round.
Of course this does not mean that these issues are out of the WTO system, as the developing countries have demanded – they can be resurrected in some future round of negotiations but the imperialist countries belatedly realised that to secure any of their objectives on agriculture they had to back down for now.
So what did last week‚s agreement nail down? On agriculture the EU, US and Japan have agreed – on paper –to eliminate all export subsidies. The EU has said it will eliminate $3bn of them if the USA agrees to cut a similar amount in export credits. However, both have refused to be tied down to a date! Similarly G8 countries have agreed in principle to cut the level of aid to their big rich farmers by 20 per cent, but no date has been set.
But on one of the most contentious issues –the level of cotton industry subsidies made by the US to its producers – the US insisted the negotiations take place separately. African countries wanted „fast track‰ talks to eliminate the $3bn year given to US cotton growers that effectively destroy the living of African cotton farmers, but the US government has refused, saying only that the talks will be carried out „expeditiously‰.
Even the Financial Times said that the agreement „has resulted in only a sketchy blueprint for cutting agricultural tariffs‰.
On areas like liberalising trade in industrial products the FT said plans „are equally skeletal‰ and the provisions on liberalising trade in services –the fastest growing sector in many countries – „amount to little more than an exhortation to governments to negotiate harder‰.
Since Seattle and the rise of the anti-capitalist movement the governments of the Third World have been forced to not lie down and roll over in the face of every demand for more trade liberalisation from the USA and EU. Of the 147 members of the WTO most are poor or very poor and exploited ruthlessly by the multinational corporations present in their countries and by unfair system of trade rules.
In recent years a Group of 30 stronger semi-colonial countries, led by Brazil, have co-ordinated their negotiating strategy; since Cancun this group has been able to pull more African countries behind their stance.
To date, this strategy has forced the G8 to drop its more ambitious goals for now - in the liberalisation of services for example – but the G30 still operate within the WTO rules framework which in itself refuses to recognise the legitimacy of using trade and investment barriers by poor countries as a weapon for fending off the destruction of their domestic markets by G8 multinationals.
The WTO itself – together with the IMF and World Bank – must be torn down. Trade and finance rules written by rich countries for the benefit of their major corporations cannot deliver „development‰ for the Third World. Only the ending of capitalism and the rapacious movement of capital for profit can put and end the growing inequality between nations and classes that is the hallmark of globalisation.

10 grüne: drexler soll vp-interne initiative für
'gleich viel recht für gleich viel liebe' starten
von: Grüne Andersrum < (at)>
2004-08-09 12:00
>> drexler soll vp-interne initiative für 'gleich viel recht für gleich viel liebe' starten
> Lunacek: Gesetzliche Änderungen für Gleichstellung homosexueller
> Lebensgemeinschaften sind dringend notwendig
Ulrike Lunacek, Abgeordnete der Grünen, begrüßt die gestrigen Aussagen des steirischen ÖVP-Klubomannes Christopher Drexler, der unter dem Motto "Gleich viel Recht für gleich viel Liebe" die Gleichstellung homosexueller Lebensgemeinschaften gefordert hatte. "Die Aussagen von Drexler sind ein zarter Hoffnungsschimmer, dass sich innerhalb der ÖVP doch einmal etwas bewegt. Will aber Drexler nicht nur eine liberales Feigenblatt abgeben, dann sollte er eine Initiative innerhalb der ÖVP starten, damit es nicht bloß bei Worten bleibt, sondern auch zu gesetzlichen Veränderungen kommt", so Lunacek.
Die Grünen haben in der Vergangenheit einen Zivilpakt (ZIP) für gleich und verschieden geschlechtliche Paare vorgeschlagen. Dieser ZIP, ein eingetragener Zivilpakt, soll ermöglichen, dass gleichgeschlechtliche Paare ihre Beziehungen rechtlich absichern können. Bisher, so Lunacek, seien lesbische und schwule Paare vielfach benachteiligt, so etwa im Erb- und Mietrecht, im Steuer-, Fremden- und Fortpflanzungsmedizinrecht sowie im Sorge- und Adoptionsrecht. Geht es nach den Vorstellungen der Grünen, soll der ZIP diese Diskriminierungen beseitigen.
2004-07-25 12:00
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11 France: Trade Union Leaders derail fight against Privatisation
von: NEWSWIRE <newswire (at)>
E-newswire of the League for the Fifth International
8 August 2004
Workers Power Global, Paris
In June the French government of Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, one of the most hated in Europe and already weakened by two heavy electoral defeats this year, succeeded in carrying through two neoliberal attacks against the working class: the privatisation of EDF – the public sector energy provider – and yet another „reform‰ of the Sécurité Sociale, the national system providing health benefits.
How did Raffarin manage to complete his „July‰ counter-reform given his evidently weak position as Prime Minister and the recent electoral reverses? After all, the EDF rank and file was ready to fight. They were – and are – supported by the whole of the working class, opposed to the privatisation and ready to help them defend the public services. However Raffarin could count on the passivity of the reformist parties and on the treacherous role of the trade union bureaucrats.
One year ago, after a fierce strike lasting more than a month for many teachers, the same right-wing government pushed through a reform of the pension system whereby all public sector workers will now have to work 40 years (instead of 37.5) in order to gain full pension rights. The consequences of that defeat still weigh heavily on the labour movement and emboldened the government into thinking it could press for more changes.
The masses of workers hate Raffarin and his ministers and have repeatedly used the ballot box as way of expressing their discontent. In the March regional elections the reformist opposition parties won in 20 of the 22 regions, registering absolute majorities in most cases.
Such a national slump in electoral fortunes has not been seen for 20 years at least. A series of struggles (cultural workers and artists, researchers, unemployed) showed that the combativity is intact but that the masses also need a clear action program and determined leadership. Of course neither are to be expected from the reformist parties (PS, PCF), who are merely biding their time until the next presidential elections in 2007 when they hope to get back ito office.
The trade union bureaucrats fear any new struggle where they could lose their absolute control over the struggle. They prefer in each case to mount a token resistance in order to be able to negotiate as they wish. This is what happened with the EDF dispute.
EDF, despite being a state-owned company, is already much closer to a multinational corporation than to an old-time state monopoly. It has 172,000 workers of which 80,000 are employed outside France, providing energy to 46.7m houses in 24 countries. Its goal is to realise 50 per cent of its sales outside France.
The reform in question (from a state company to a private corporation) was nominally to comply with the EU neo-liberal policies but was also seen as necessary by the company management to be able to raise the capital needed for its further expansion. While this is only a formal step, it is evident that deep changes for the workers (EDF workers enjoy significant benefits) and for the masses of users are to be expected. The case of California, where Reagan‚s deregulation of the energy industry ended in both sky-rocketing bills for the users and a failure meet the demand for energy, is en example of what could happen in Europe in the next years.
The struggle began in the usual routine way – more designed to test the patience of the workforce and the users than strike a decisive blow. Days of action (8 April, 19 May, 27 May, 15 June) saw tens of thousands of workers attend national demonstrations. Trade union leaders thundered from the after-march platforms.
However, once again the situation started to slip out of control of the bureaucrats. On 7 June several Parisian train stations were blocked for a few hours. In the following days, the principle of grève reconductible (prolonged strike) started to spread through the EDF plants. The electricity supply was cut to the private houses of right wing ministers and MPs. And the workers carried out other extremely popular „Robin Hood‰ actions, like re-connecting electricity to many families who are simply too poor to pay their bills.
At the height of the struggle, 20 strategic sites were occupied by the workers, and others were organising a reduction in energy production. The whole country was close to a general black-out. The highly unionised EDF workers (an exception in France) were capable of defying and defeating the government.
However in the end the government was able to isolate the movement by threatening penal sanctions. The trade union leadership dissociated themselves from the most radical methods of the rank and file and threatened not to defend them against the repressions and victimisation.
Isolated, suffering from a hideous media black-out, fearing that their action could be misinterpreted by the masses (an argument repeatedly used by the bureaucrats), the EDF struggle finally ran out of steam despite all the sympathy that their case still attracts.
At the same time, the government was pushing through a reform of the national health care where once again the workers will pay more to get less. The potential for a joint national struggle against privatisation, against neoliberalism and finally against the whole government really existed and was squandered by the cynical line of the trade union leaders.
The French workers urgently need a revolutionary party with a clear action program to steer the struggle away of the dead-ends where the bureaucrats and the reformists drive them.
12 Repression im Sudan
von: "Wadi e.V. Wien" <wadi_wien (at)>
> Sudanese authorities arrest Darfur activists
Khartoum (dpa) - Sudanese activists critical of the situation in
Darfur were arrested Saturday on unspecified charges, activist group
Popular National Council (PNC) said.
The arrests happened ahead of a PNC press conference to announce
the group's strategy for resolving the ongoing humanitarian and
security situation in the Darfur region of western Sudan.
Four members of PNC executive office and another 72 members of the
organization were arrested just minutes before the conference began by
unidentified security personnel.
PNC is an umbrella comprising different Sudanese opposition
parties, civil rights organizations and independent figures.
The group is calling on President Omer Hassan al-Bahsir to step
down from office after his government failed to come up with a
suitable formula to resolve the crisis in Darfur.
Sudan Organisation Against Torture (SOAT)
> Continued arrests and torture of studentsOn Thursday, 22 July 2004, four officers from the National Security Agency (NSA) and Military Intelligence arrested Taj Al Sir Hassan Ibrahim at 10.30am at the entrance of Faculty of Economics in Sharq Al Neilen University, Khartoum North. He was taken in a blacked out truck, blind folded and taken to unknown location.
Taj Al Sir Hassan Ibrahim, 25yrs, a 4th year student at Sharq Al Neilen University, Faculty of Economics, is a member of the Student Democratic Front.
Whilst in detention, Taj Al Sir was allegedly subjected to torture; His hands were tied up and he was punched and kicked and beaten using belts and plastic hoses from 11am until 11 pm. He was also threatened with rape.
He was released the following day, 23 July 2004, at 12.30 am; his mobile telephone and his ID card were confiscated. The officers questioned Taj Al Sir about the coming student association elections at the Faculty of Economics and some of the candidates in the list from the Student Democratic Front.
Taj Al Sir has launched legal proceedings against the perpetrators.
In another incident, on 4 July 2004, the NSA and the Military Intelligence arrested Mohamed Is'haq Abd Allah Osman, 21 yrs, a 3rd year Electrical Engineering Student, Engineering Faculty, University of Sudan, and a member of the Student Democratic Front.
Mohamed Is'haq was arrested at the central bus station in Alsouq Al Arabi (Arabic Market), in Khartoum, by three officers. He was taken in a blacked out white car and was blinded and taken to an unknown location.
Whilst in detention, Mohamed Is'haq was allegedly beaten with electric wires, strangled, punched, kicked, and threatened with rape. The beating continued until 4 am. He was reportedly questioned regarding the activities of the Student Democratic Front and to inform them of the locations of some of his colleagues and to cooperate with the NSA. He was coerced into signing a white paper with his fingerprints on.
Mohamed Is'haq was released and taken to his house at 4:30am the following day, Monday, 5 Jul 2004.
In recent months, there has been an increase in the number of students and activists being subjected to arbitrary arrest and torture by the security forces. On 19 July 2004, four security officers arrested Fakhri Mahadi Mohamed Salih, 19 years, student at Nyala University inside the university. Fakhri was a political activist and a member of the Student Democratic Front and the university was holding elections for the student union.
Also on Thursday, 27 May 2004, Rashid Mohamed Salih Mohamed Ahmed, 22 years old, a student at the Faculty of Marine Science, Red Sea University in Port Sudan, was arrested and allegedly beaten and questioned about political activities.
In a separate incident reported by SOAT, On 12 May 2004, Ammar Najmeddin, 28years old, was arrested at the University of Khartoum main campus entrance as he was exiting the campus by security forces. Ammar, an activist in the students‚ movement, had been arrested and detained twice before and on both occasions was very badly beaten and tortured (leading to severe knee injury and other problems).
SOAT urges Sudan to respect its obligations as a party to the African Charter, which under Article 5 prohibits „All forms of exploitation and degradation of man particularly slavery, slave trade, torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment and treatment∑‰ In addition, Sudan is a state party to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which under Article 9 provides „No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile‰.
SOAT condemns the arbitrary arrest and torture of Taj Al Sir Hassan Ibrahim and Mohamed Isshaq Abd Allah Osman and the continued harassment of students in Sudan in violation of the right to freedom of expression and urges the Government of Sudan:
Investigate allegations of torture and bring the perpetrators to justice
Return confiscated equipment and documents
Guarantee respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of association throughout Sudan in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards
The above recommendations should be sent in appeals to the following addresses:
His Excellency Lieutenant General Omar Hassan al-Bashir
President of the Republic of Sudan
President' s Palace
PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 783223
Mr. Ali Mohamed Osman Yassin
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Ministry of Justice
Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 788941
Mr. Mustafa Osman Ismail
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
PO Box 873, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 779383
Dr. Abdelmuneim Osman Mohamed Taha
Advisory Council for Human Rights
PO Box 302
Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 249 183 770883
His Excellency Ambassador Mr. Mohamed Al- Hassan Ahmed Al-Haj,
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sudan to the United Nations in Geneva,
PO Box 335,
1211 Geneva,
Fax: +4122 731 26 56,
E-mail: mission.sudan (at) is international human rights organisation established in the UK in 1993. If you have any questions about this or any other SOAT information, please contact us:
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E-mail: soatsudan (at)
Wadi - Verband für Krisenhilfe und solidarische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
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13 Von einer Tasche in die andere: Die Parteienförderung der
Industriellenvereinigung aus öffentlichen Unternehmungen Vorarlbergs!
von: " (E-Mail)" <bureau (at)>
sogar vom häuptling seine frau,
wählt diesmal höchstwahrscheinlich vau
Aktuell: Informationsfreiheitsgesetz
Lachsack ÖVP
Schlusslicht! Schon wieder weniger Maturanten in Vorarlberg!
> Öffentliche Parteienfinanzierung durch Industriellenvereinigung:
Mit den Mitgliedsbeiträgen dieser öffentlichen Unternehmungen Vorarlbergs werden Parteien unterstützt:
Vbg. Illwerke, VEG Vorarlberger Erdgas GmbH, Dornbirn Vbg. Kraftwerke AG, Bregenz VRZ Informatik GesmbH, Dornbirn Sparkasse Bregenz
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - DOPPEL-JACKPOT
Reptilienfonds der Parteien
Hiroshima und Nagasaki mahnen!
Rotgrüne Bettelstudenten
STR Bernhard Amann: Schluss mit den Reptilienfonds!
WISSEN Reptilienfonds
ARCHIV-RAUM: Das Zwischenlager
Die Rache der Journalisten an den Politikern ist das Archiv.
[Robert Hochner, 1945-2001, ORF-Moderator]
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