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sign Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 Neonazi group "L'Assaut" allowed to demonstrate
in Brussels -
is the Belgian government hoping for any incidents?
von: Solidarité Transnationale <pcnservicedepresse@yahoo.fr>
Press release from
and Anti-nazi Group
« European Resistance / Europaïsche Widerstand »
13 december 2001
During the antiglobalisation
demonstration of Genoa in
July 2001, the Italian police ignored deliberately
the preparation and the arming of about a hundred
agitators elements, called the "Black Block ", a
small anarchist group infiltrated by the European
political polices, and on their actions. These
elements, of which no one imagines that they would be
unknown to police services in Europe, who have been filing
everybody for 2 years, were able with impunity to
multiply aggressions and depredations. Following a
very well known script, the police let members of the
" Black Block" rampage for 3 hours.
Then the police forces attacked those who were not
part of this group.
Observers and press have all denounced the strategy of
terror that inspired the conduct of the police forces,
whose objective is to put the responsibility of
violence and material destructions on
anti-mondialists demonstrators.
From the beginning of the XXth century, the czarist
political police, the terrifying OKHRANA, used
infilrations and provocations to discredit and to
dismantle the revolutionary organizations. Following
its example,all political polices use these illegal
methods to cut down adversaries of the System. Since
the "Years of lead " and the "strategy of tension",
NATO and particularly Italy have a tragic experience
in this domain. Today, there exist in every European
country small groups infiltrated and controlled by the
political polices, when they are not entirely
fabricated by them. These agitator factions act
with impunity and are protected by the political polices
or directly by the special services of NATO and
sometimes the Israeli MOSSAD. Artificially presented
as neo-Nazi extreme-right, as extreme-left or under
the red-brown "flags", these small groups and their
ringleaders prepare Europe for repression.
Meetings organized
by the Belgian presidency of the
European union are the opportunity to attempt to limit
the political liberties and to reinforce the Europe of
the repression and polices, that constructs itself
around INFOPOL. Belgium especially distinguishes
itself by a set of law projects aiming to criminalize
the political opposition and to limit the public
liberties. For instance, the offense of "fence
breakage" becomes liable of one unconditional year in jail. And
jurisdictions of exception, the "snelrecht" (summary justice),
where a case is judged in a few hours, at most absolute contempt of
defense rights, are already taking effect.
Here too, the agitating groups controlled by political
polices have settled down to work. The role devolved in
Italy to the pseudo "anarchists" is played here by a
so-called "red-brown" group and actually authentically
neo-nazi, descended from the Nazi private militia "THE
ASSAULT", that recruits skinheads.
Since last June 13, and under cover of a ghostly
"nationalistic Committee against NATO", the neo-nazi
agitators have managed to disrupt a demonstration
against the arrival of George Bush in front of NATO's
headquarter. Directly protected by the police forces, the
parapolice agitators, controlled by old militaries
and Belgian civil servants in active employment, were
able with total impunity to insult and to attack the
pacifist demonstrators, the police dispersing and
stopping pacifists. The police even facilitated the
withdrawal of neo-Nazis, who left without being
harried. A script that prefigured Genoa !
For demonstrations of the reunion of Laeken, the same
group specially created another ghost committee
"Nationalists against Globalization ".
It's this "committee", opportunely constitued, and of
which one sees here the utility, that already allowed
VERHOFSTAD to accuse the anti-globalizations of
sympathy for theses of the far-right, in his arrogant
"open Letter" of last October.
It's this neo-Nazi "Committee " that the Belgian
authorities allowed to demonstrate this 15 March in
Brussels (to 11h - departure corner of the Av. Albert
II and of the Bld Baudouin, close to the Place Rogier,
to about hundred meters of the entrance of Laeken)
where it rameutes neo-Nazi and skinheads groups
coming from France and Holland.
Therefore there will be this 15 December in Brussels
some tens of néo-Nazi authorized to provoke
anti-globalization demonstrators, who will infiltrate
the official demonstrations to provoke incidents.
We require:
- The banning of the neo-Nazi demonstration of December 15,
- The opening of an enquiry by the European
Parliament and Belgian federal Parliament into the
protection enjoyed by the neo-nazi group
"L''ASSAUT" and its progeniture, and into the conditions
that caused them to be given permission to demonstrate this 15
Email: info@pcn-ncp.com
02 Dringend ! Entschädigungsantrag!
IOM sucht behinderte Opfer des Nazi-Regimes
von: "Brigitta Aubrecht" <Brigitta.Aubrecht@ioe.at>
Behinderte und
Menschen, die in Verbindung mit nationalsozialistischen
Unrechtstaten besonders schwere Gesundheitsschäden erlitten haben, können
noch bis zum 31. Dezember 2001 einen Entschädigungsantrag stellen!
Wenn Sie Personen
oder Interessensvertretungen kennen, die davon betroffen
sind, würde ich Sie um die dringende Weitergabe dieser Informationen
herzlichen bitten.
Anbei finden Sie genauere Angaben und weitere Kontaktmöglichkeiten.
Erika Laubacher
Internationalen Organisation für Migration/ IOM Wien
Nibelungengasse 13/4
1010 WIEN
01 585 33 22, DW 11 (ab 2pm)
0664 383 5663
e-mail: ELaubacher-Kubat@iom.int
Mit freundlichen
Brigitta Aubrecht
Tannhäuserplatz 2/1.Stock
1150 Wien
Tel. 01-7891747
Fax. 01-7891746
e-mail: brigitta.aubrecht@ioe.at
Wien, 29. November
2001 - ** Körperlich und geistig Berhinderte wurden vom
Nazi-Regime in besonderem Masse verfolgt und viele Menschen haben aufgrund
von Nazi-Unrecht schwerste Gesundheitsschäden und andere Personenschäden
erlitten. In Anerkennung dieser Tatsache sollen über die von der
Internationalen Organisation für Migration (IOM) betreuten
Entschädigungsprogramme, die auf dem Schweizer Bankenvergleich und dem
Stiftungsgesetz der deutschen Stiftung »Erinnerung, Verantwortung und
Zukunft« basieren, auch Entschädigungszahlungen an diese lange
vernachlässigte Opfergruppe geleistet werden.**
Nachdem die brutalen
Misshandlungen von Behinderten und anderen Menschen
durch die Nazis lange verschwiegen wurden, ist es heute sehr schwer,
einzelne Opfer ausfindig zu machen, die Anspruch auf eine Entschädigung
durch die IOM haben könnten. Norbert Wühler, der für die Antragsbearbeitung
zuständige IOM-Direktor, appelliert daher an Medien,
Behindertenorganisationen und allgemeine Öffentlichkeit, zur Suche nach
Opfern beizutragen und diese auf die Möglichkeit aufmerksam zu machen,
der IOM einen Entschädigungsantrag zu stellen. "Nur mit Hilfe der
Unterstützung aller relevanten gesellschaftlichen Gruppen werden wir die
Menschen finden können, die von den Nazis nur deshalb verfolgt wurden,
sie geistig oder körperlich behindert waren, oder weil sie einfach anders
waren als andere", betonte Wühler auf einer Pressekonferenz. "Das
dieser Opfer sollte anerkannt werden und sie sollten die Chance erhalten,
einen Entschädigungsantrag zu stellen."
Im Rahmen des Schweizer Bankenvergleichs **(Holocaust Victim Assets
Programme (HVAP)/Swiss Banks)** leistet die IOM Zahlungen an Behinderte,
die zur Sklaven- oder Zwangsarbeit in deutschen oder schweizerischen
Unternehmen oder für das Nazi-Regime gezwungen wurden, oder die versuchten
in die Schweiz einzureisen, um der Verfolgung zu entgehen, aber abgewiesen
wurden oder nach ihrer Einreise als Flüchtlinge in der Schweiz misshandelt
wurden. Die Opfer können bis zu US-Dollar 2.500 erhalten.
Über das **deutsche Zwangsarbeiterentschädigungsprogramm (GFLCP)**
die IOM Zahlungen an Opfer von Personenschäden in drei Kategorien:
Personen, an denen medizinische Versuche vorgenommen wurden, Eltern von
Kindern, die in einem Zwangsarbeiterkinderheim verstorben sind, oder
Personen, die selbst in einem Kinderheim untergebracht waren und dort
schwere Gesundheitsschäden erlitten haben (Kategorie 1). Personen, die
Verbindung mit nationalsozialistischen Unrechtshandlungen besonders schwere
oder schwere Gesundheitsschäden erlitten haben (Kategorien 2 und 3) können
auch einen Antrag bei der IOM stellen. Antragsteller in den beiden letzten
Kategorien erhalten jedoch nur dann eine Entschädigung, wenn nach
Auszahlung der Leistungen an alle Opfer der Kategorie 1 noch ausreichend
Mittel vorhanden sind! Opfer der ersten Kategorie können bis zu DM 15.000
Die Anträge müssen bis spätestens ****31. Dezember 2001**** bei
der IOM
eingereicht werden.
**Erben** von Behinderten
und Opfern von Personenschäden, die am oder nach
dem 16. Februar 1999 verstorben sind, können auch einen Antrag stellen.
Wenn ein Opfer verstirbt, nachdem es einen Antrag eingereicht hat, müssen
sich die Erben innerhalb von sechs Monaten nach dem Todestag des Opfers mit
der IOM in Verbindung setzen.
Die IOM in Wien
stellt Antragsformulare kostenlos zur Verfügung und berät
die Antragsteller. Zur Information und weiteren Verbreitung können auch
HVAP-Poster zur Entschädigung aus dem Schweizer Bankenvergleich sowie eine
GFLCP-Broschüre über die Entschädigung von Personenschäden
nach dem
deutschen Zwangsarbeiterentschädigungsprogramm angefordert werden.
>> IOM Telefonassistenz:
0664 383 5663 oder 01 585 33 22, DW11
>> Internationale Organisation für Migration
>> Nibelungengasse 13/4
>> 1010 WIEN
For additional information please contact:
Marie-Agnes Heine, Public Information Officer, IOM/German Forced Labour
17, Route des Morillons - PO Box 71, CH-1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland
Tel:+41-22-7179220, Fax: +41-22-7986150, E-mail: mheine@iom.int
03 Unterschriftenliste gegen "Best of Fonds"
von: Markus Koza <markus.koza@ug-oegb.at>
für alle,
die ihren protest gegen die "Best of Fonds"-werbung der erste
bank ausdrücken wollen:( ist die werbung wo frau einen halben orgasmus
bekommt,weil irgendwelche typen ihr geld in erste-fonds anlegen).
lg markus koza
04 Contraste 207: Bildet weitere Umsonstlaeden!
von: "Karl Dietz" <karl.dietz@gmx.de>
--- Im contraste-list@y..., Contraste@L... schrieb
Aus CONTRASTE Nr. 207 (Dezember 2001)
Bildet weitere Umsonstlaeden !
Seit nun bald drei
Jahren betreiben wir, der Arbeitskreis
Lokale Oekonomie, in Hamburg den ersten Umsonstladen. Die Idee ist
einfach: Wer in Hamburg funktionsfaehige Dinge ueber hat, kann sie
bei uns vorbeibringen, statt sie weiter nutzlos bei sich zu lagern oder sie
wegzuwerfen. Wer etwas benoetigt, kann diese Dinge bei uns umsonst abholen.
Hilmar Kunath, Redaktion Hamburg - Jede(r) kann pro Besuch bis zu
drei Teile mitnehmen und gerne wiederkommen. Geben und Nehmen sind
nicht mechanisch aneinander gekoppelt. Wer braucht, nimmt und wer hat,
gibt. Doch wer ein halbes Jahr nur nimmt, kann schon mal gefragt werden,
ob er oder sie nicht auch in irgendeiner Form etwas beitragen will. Wir
bitten die BesucherInnen um eine freiwillige Spende von 1 DM fuer
unsere Ladenmiete, die wir von Anfang an aus eigener Kraft aufbringen.
Grosse Gegenstaende
(z.B. Moebel) koennen wir bei uns nicht lagern.
Deshalb schreiben wir sie auf Karteikarten, die im Stadtteilladen
ausgehaengt werden. So koennen VorbesitzerIn und Interessenten
sich in Verbindung setzen. Bisher haben ueber 12.000 Leute dieses
konsum- und warenkritische Selbsthilfeprojekt fuer sich nutzen koennen.
Das Stichwort "zu schade zum Wegwerfen" verstehen die meisten
Menschen und freuen sich, dass sie ihre nicht mehr benoetigten
nuetzlichen Dinge anderen schenken koennen.
Uns ist bei unserer
praktischen Umverteilungsaktion wichtig, dass
Leute aus allen sozialen Schichten zu uns kommen, auch etliche
"normale" Berufstaetige, die nicht nur Dinge bringen, sondern auch
holen, weil sie nicht mehr einsehen, alles neu zu kaufen. Staendiger
Neukauf erhoeht die Erwerbszwaenge. Niemand wird bei uns gefragt,
ob sie oder er "beduerftig" ist. Wir haben das Projekt Umsonstladen
vier Leuten in unserem 50 qm-Stadtteilladen gestartet. Jetzt arbeiten
ueber zehn regelmaessig mit und eine Reihe weiterer Menschen hilft
ab und zu. Die meisten davon sind als NutzerInnen auf uns gestossen.
In den naechsten Monaten werden wir wahrscheinlich in etwas
groessere Raeume umziehen. Darueber hinaus braeuchten wir noch
Werkstattraum fuer unsere Idee "Reparieren statt wegwerfen".
Zwei Berliner haben die Internet-Homepage
entwickelt. Das ist quasi ein Umsonstladen
im Netz. Hier fehlt natuerlich der menschliche Kontakt und
verwertungssuechtiger Missbrauch ist dort auch nicht so leicht
abzustellen. Trotzdem ist es toll, dass es so etwas gibt. Schliesslich sind
noch nicht ueberall Umsonstlaeden in der Naehe.
Seit ueber einem
Jahr betreibt inzwischen auch die Projektgemeinschaft
Bremer Commune erfolgreich den Bremer Umsonstladen. Er ist auch
ueber www.umsonstladen.de im Netz erreichbar. Am 2. November
eroeffnete in Hamburg-Bergedorf der zweite Umsonstladen Hamburgs
mit StudentInnen der Fachhochschule "Rauhes Haus". In Dresden
funktioniert das Abfallgut e.V. herrlich. In Berlin-Mitte oeffnet gerade
ein weiterer Umsonstladen (Brunnenstr. 183), in Hannover gibt es
inzwischen einen Umsonstladen und in Detmold wird demnaechst der
erste Umsonstladen unter dem Dach der evangelischen Kirche eroeffnen.
Wo entsteht der naechste ??
Wir empfangen in Hamburg weiterhin gern Gaeste aus anderen Staedten,
damit sie sich den Betrieb des Umsonstladens ansehen, um anschliessend
bei sich zu Hause ein aehnliches Projekt zu entwickeln. Also:
herzlich willkommen ! (Tel.: 040 - 39 90 64 88)
CONTRASTE ist die einzige ueberregionale Monatszeitung
fuer Selbstorganisation. CONTRASTE dient den Bewegungen als
monatliches Sprachrohr und Diskussionsforum.
Entgegen dem herrschenden
Zeitgeist, der sich in allen
Lebensbereichen breitmacht, wird hier regelmaessig aus dem
Land der gelebten Utopien berichtet: ueber Arbeiten ohne
ChefIn fuer ein selbstbestimmtes Leben, alternatives
Wirtschaften gegen Ausbeutung von Menschen und Natur,
Neugruendungen von Projekten, Kultur von "unten" und viele
andere selbstorganisierte und selbstverwaltete
Desweiteren gibt
es einen Projekte- und Stellenmarkt,
nuetzliche Infos ueber Seminare, Veranstaltungen und
Neuerscheinungen auf dem Buchmarkt.
buntgemischt wie die Bewegungen selbst und
ein Spiegel dieser Vielfalt. Die Auswahl der monatlichen
Berichte, Diskussionen und Dokumentationen erfolgt
undogmatisch und
unabhaengig. Die RedakteurInnen sind selbst
in den unterschiedlichsten Bewegungen aktiv und arbeiten
ehrenamtlich und aus Engagement.
Die Printausgabe
der CONTRASTE erscheint 11mal im Jahr und
kostet im Abonnement 80 DM. Wer CONTRASTE erstmal
kennenlernen will, kann gegen Voreinsendung von 10 DM in
Briefmarken oder als Schein, ein dreimonatiges Schnupperabo
bestellen. Dieses laeuft ohne gesonderte Kuendigung
automatisch aus.
Bestellungen an:
CONTRASTE e.V., Postfach 10 45 20, D-69035 Heidelberg, Tel.
(0 62 21) 16 24 67, Fax 16 44 89 EMail:
Internet: http://www.contraste.org
Zusaetzlich gibt
es eine Mailingliste. An-/Abmeldung und
weitere Informationen unter:
05 JUSOS-News Attack 26/01
von: Höfferer Jochen <Jochen.Hoefferer@spoe.at>
Hallo Zusammen!
* Die neue JUSOS Salzburg Homepage ist online (www.jusos-salzburg.at)
* Grünestannenbaumfest 2001
* Studienreise der SJÖ nach Auschwitz
* MAT (Monatliches AktivistInnentreffen) im Jänner 02
Die neue JUSOS Salzburg Homepage ist online:
Unter www.jusos-salzburg.at findest du den neuen Webauftritt der Jungen
SozialdemokratInnen Salzburg. Mit Eventkalender, Cyberpoll, fetten
Diskussionsforen u.v.m. JedeR kann sich registrieren lassen und die Homepage
auf ihre/seine Bedürfnisse zu schneiden. Nicht nur ein Blick lohnt sich!
Freitag 21.12.01 (19.30h)
Das erfolgreiche Jahr 2001 neigt sich dem Ende zu und deshalb wollen wir
dich zu unserem "Grünnestannenbaumfest 2001" (Jahresabschlussfeier)
einladen. Guter heisser Glühwein und leckere Häppchen zum Essen erwarten
dich am 21.12.01 ab 19.30h beim Bierheurigen Eder (Gaisbergstr. 20 -
Salzburg Parsch). Anmeldung erwünscht unter 0662-424 500-21 oder per
Wann: 21.12. 2001
- 19.30h
Wo: Bierheuriger Eder (Gaisbergstr. 20 - Salzburg Parsch)
Anmeldung: salzburg@sjoe.at oder 0662/424500-21
02. 01. - 06. 01. 2002
Studienreise der
SJÖ nach Auschwitz:
Auch diesen Winter organisiert die SJÖ eine Studienfahrt nach Auschwitz.
40 Jugendliche werden die Möglichkeit haben, direkt vor Ort über das
des Vernichtungslagers und dessen Nebenlager Informationen zu erhalten. Wenn
du Interesse hast, kannst du dich anmelden
(http://www.sjoe.at/startseite.html) !
Wann: Mittwoch,
2. Jänner 2002 bis Sonntag, 6. Jänner 2002
UKB für Mitglieder EUR 110,- (ÖS 1.513,63), für Nichtmitglieder
EUR 140,-
(ÖS 1.926,44) inklusive Anreise, Nächtigung, Verpflegung und allen
Eintrittspreisen. letzte Infos: salzburg@sjoe.at oder 0662/424 500-21
Montag, 14. 01 2002
MAT (Monatliches
Du willst mit anderen politisch interessierten Jugendlichen diskutieren und
argumentieren? Dann komm zu unserem MAT (monatliches AktivistInnen Treffen).
Ein JUSO (m/w) bereitet ein Thema vor, über das er/sie ein kurzes
Impulsreferat hält und danach wird darüber iskutiert.
wann: 14. Jänner
2002 (19.30h)
Wo: Rosa-Luxemburghaus (Paris-Lodronstr. 8A)
Schönes Wocheende
Eurer JUSOS Salzburg Team
Dies ist eine Mailing-List der Salzburger JUSOS. Sie soll informieren und
dazu anregen, sich zu beteiligen. Auch an dieser Liste selbst: Schreib uns!
Beiträge und Kritik sind willkommen. Um sich von dieser Mailing-List
abzumelden, einfach dieses E-Mail reply`en
egal zählt nicht!
jochen höfferer
JUSOS salzburg
wartelsteinstr. 1
A-5020 salzburg
t. ++43-(0)662-424 500-21
f. ++43-(0)662-424 500-50
mob. ++43-(0)699-1140 1346
06 'Economic Racism' Legalised in the UK
von: John O <ncadc@ncadc.org.uk>
**National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)**
110 Hamstead Road
Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947 Fax: 0121-554-7891
E-mail ncadc@ncadc.org.uk
Web site: http://www.ncadc.org.uk/
>> 'Economic Racism', Legalised in the UK <<
From January 28th 2002 highly waged people will be given freedom to
move to the UK, under the new, Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP).
Home Office Minister Lord Rooker announced on Thursday.
High earners with exceptional skills, abilities or experience will be
able to come to the UK to seek work The applicants will be assessed on a
'Money' - based system of qualifications and experience. To be considered
for the scheme an applicant will need to obtain a minimum of 75 points from
the five following areas:
* !!!! Past earnings !!!! - Educational qualifications - Work experience
- Achievement in chosen field - suitably qualified doctors.
The scheme will initially be run as a concession outside the current
Immigration Rules.
> *Past Earnings
Workers who earn less than, 25,000 pounds a year from, Poland, Brazil,
South Africa, Libya, Hungary, Chile, Mexico, Estonia, Turkey, will not be
eligible. Workers who earn less than, 20,000 pounds a year from, Jamaica,
Russia, Iran, Morocco, Peru, Tunisia, Thailand, Algeria, Romania, will not
be eligible. Workers who earn less than,15,000 pounds a year from, China, India,
Pakistan, Nigeria, Sudan, Ukraine, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Bangladesh, will not be
HMSP, is just
the latest piece in a long history of racist immigration
rules. The vast majority (if not all) of immigration detainees, presently
held in detention centres and prisons in the UK, come from the countries
mentioned above. Very, very few of them would earn the sums quoted.
HMSP, not only discriminates against these people but depletes these
countries of badly needed skilled workers.
At present there
over 100,000 vacancies in the London area for
unskilled workers, which the government admit can only be filled by
economic migration, yet they won't let people into the UK to take these
In other news:
>> Farrokh Shiri
At Truro Crown Court Thursday December 13th, Farrokh Shiri was found
guilty by an 'all white' jury by a majority of 10/2, of an offence of
"possession of a firearm with Intent to cause a person to believe that
unlawful violence would be used against him or another, contrary to Section
16A of the Firearms Act 1968".
A full trial report
will be posted later. However, some early points to
note at this stage:
The trial was
listed for 5/6 days, to allow for the fact that a Farsi
interpreter was required. During the trial, the interpreter made numerous
representations to Shiri's Barrister and the Court Clerk that the
proceedings were being conducted too quickly and requested that matters be
slowed down, to facilitate effective interpretation.
The whole prosecution
case was completed yesterday on Wednesday 12th.
On completion, the trial Judge commented to Shiri's Barrister that "the
evidence in this case appears to be wafer thin".
The case for Shiri's
defence was put today, and even allowing for 3 hours
of jury deliberations, the whole case was completed in two days.
He was been granted bail and will re-appear for sentencing at Truro Crown
Court on 21st January 2002.
Source: National
Civil Rights Movement South West (NCRMSW)
Back ground:
07 Declaration of the Revolutionary Association of the Women
Afghanistan (RAWA) on the occasion of International Human Rights Day,
December 10, 2001
von: <rawa2@rawa.org>
*** The "Northern
Alliance": The Most Murderous Violators of Human Rights!
The medieval Taliban have been shredded to pieces in a few days of bombing
by United States forces who until a couple of years ago were "engaged"
them. This ignominious end is despite all the Taliban's nauseating lying
and bragging, and the bombastic fatwas of Mullah Omar and Osama to carry on
their jihad to the very end. This is the result of the sheer disgust and
revulsion the Taliban were so successful in garnering from inside
Afghanistan and around the world. The Taliban, like their loathsome
Golboddini brethren of the Hezb-e-Islami before them, saw so convenient -at
the end of their shameful careers- to shave off beards and whiskers, throw
away their turbans, drop their baggy pants, and scatter away like mice for
dear life. This is the ultimate fate of all executioners in history who
tyrannise a people under the guise of religion, traditions and ethnicity.
Some people in
Kabul and elsewhere opine that instead of killing Mullah
Omar and Mr Osama bin Laden, it would be much worthier and befitting to
house them in specially made cages until they wither away, and put them up
for exhibition around the world as an example to all Islamic and
non-Islamic fundamentalists who nurture fond dreams of building and running
religio-fascist prison-regimes for entire peoples.
The ignominious
pulverisation of the illiterate and ignorant Taliban
should, first and foremost, be an indelible brand of shame on the foreheads
of their ideologues, of the kind of Messrs. Isshaq Negargar, Dr.
Khalilullah Hashimian, Nabi Mesdaq et al., who wrote, bawled and howled -to
the utmost of their capabilities- in defence of the Taliban and what they
stood for. If these panegyrists and polished agents of the Taliban lack the
sense of honour to commit suicide or to forego residence in the "infidel
and decadent" West, they should at least have the decency to give
themselves up to the counter-terrorism organisations of the United States
and Britain in order to spell out how and at what level they were
associated with the perpetrators of the September 11 infamy. In fact, if
the western anti-terrorism coalition partners had been serious in their
anti-fundamentalist struggle, they should by now have gathered all these
big and small "brains" and masterminds of the Taliban and the al-Qaeda
their sties in different western countries, put them on a plane and
despatched them to the hideouts of Mullah Omar and Osama to give comfort
and guidance to their local, Arab and Pakistani heroes in the moment of
truth of their "jihad against the infidels".
The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan this year
fervently hoped to be able to celebrate International Human Rights Day
inside Afghanistan. But the re-emergence of the "Northern Alliance"
criminals in different parts of our country, dangling as they are from
American bayonets, crushed all such hopes. The "Northern Alliance"
need to
remember the years 1992 to 1996 when they were in power; when the execrable
Golbodin Hekmatyar gang (Hezb-i-Islami) turned Kabul to rubble with their
daily indiscriminate bombardment and rocketing; when the infamous
Mazari-Khalili gang (Wahdat-i-Islami) were gouging out the eyes of
non-Hazaras; when the vile Sayyaf gang (Ittehad-i-Islami) were driving
6-inch nails into the heads of Hazaras and broiling them alive in metal
containers; when the perfidious Rabbani-Massoud gangs (Jamiat-i-Islami and
Shorai Nazar) slaughtered the inhabitants of Afshar and other residential
areas in Kabul and whitewashed the faces of all murderers, rapists and
looters in history in terms of the barbarity and infamy they perpetrated
against countless innocent and defenceless women, girls and young boys. The
"Northern Alliance" should know that the bleeding wounds they have
inflicted upon the people of Afghanistan during all the years of their
jihadi rule of gore and infamy are too open, too painful, to allow any
posturing of democratic baptism and conversion to belief in human rights on
their part to be taken as anything but an added insult to the people who
have suffered so much at their hands. Such posturing and talk of
"democracy" and "women's rights" cannot wash away or hide
their innate
fundamentalist-terrorist nature.
Watching the suave,
polished, appearance of certain jihadi leaders on TV,
a still-mourning mother, shrivelled from years of suffering and agony,
commented: 'I see the blood of my sons on the immaculate suits and ties of
these "Northern Alliance" leaders.' Such is the gut reaction of the
overwhelming majority of our grieving people.
The people of the world need to know the "Northern Alliance" criminals.
These are the very people who declared democracy and elections to be
blasphemous, heretical concepts. These are the very people who immediately,
upon usurping power after the bursting of the bubble of the puppet Najib
regime, and prior to any vitally pressing action in regard to the
restoration of peace and well-being of the scourged people of Afghanistan,
targeted their pious wrath against women and in a joint declaration of all
allied jihadi parties proclaimed -amongst other sordid restrictions- the
compulsory veiling of all women. The people of the world need to know that
long before the Taliban, it was Mr. Mullah Younis Khalis (a confederate of
the victorious jihadis) who "executed" the Buddha statutes at Bamiyan
firing volleys of artillery against it. The people of the world need to
know that in terms of widespread raping of girls and women from ages seven
to seventy, the track record of the Taliban can in no way stand up against
that of these very same "Northern Alliance" associates. The people
of the
world need to know that with their track record of numerous massacres,
looting national assets and archaeological riches, extorting vast amounts
of money from defenceless people and perpetrating other crimes and
atrocities too numerous to list here, the leaders of the "Northern
Alliance" only deserve to sit in the dock in international tribunals beside
other war criminals, and not at the helm of a government for Afghanistan.
Due to the presence
of incorrigible fundamentalists at the talks in Bonn
-especially the arch-criminal Homayoun Jarir, whose master Golbodin
recently shifted his allegiance to the Taliban- RAWA from the outset
regarded the Bonn gathering with mistrust. The composition of the interim
government which includes jihadi vampires and two women, one of them a
leader of the mercenary criminal Hezb-i-Wahdat party and the other a known
Parchami traitor, has proven that very unfortunately the United Nations has
failed in aiding our people get rid of the rancid remains of the "Northern
Alliance" hellhounds. The United Nations needs to know that even if all
cabinet posts of a government for Afghanistan were to be filled with such
women, they can never be regarded as emblems of freedom and deliverance
from oppression for Afghan women.
Jihadi leaders
in yesteryears solemnly pledged their "honour",
swore on the Koran in the heart of their holiest of holies -Mecca and
Madina- in the presence of their Pakistani, Iranian and Arab masters to
desist from bloodshed (and, of course, broke their pledge before the ink
was dry). Do the United Nations think that those who are capable of such
perfidy would honour their signatures on a piece of paper signed in Bonn?
Do the United Nations not understand that these sold-out warlords will have
no scruples in once again putting themselves up for sale at a cheap price
to old and new proxy-seeking powers, and consequently will once again
invite the interference of their foreign masters if their sordid parochial
and personal ambitions and interests are fundamentally compromised? These
parvenu felons have an unquenchable thirst for power and status,
irrespective of the price; and it is for this reason that they cannot but
conspire against each other and slit each other's throats. Do the United
Nations not understand that members of the "Northern Alliance" -who
once but tens of times looted convoys of United Nations aid goods, and none
other than Mahmoud Mistry, the then representative of the Secretary General
of the United Nations in Afghanistan, truthfully called them "bands of
bandits" - can never be trusted to handle billions of dollars to be given
to Afghanistan for reconstruction and rehabilitation?
RAWA once again serves warning to the United Nations and the world
community that any delay in despatching UN peace keeping forces to
Afghanistan will in effect be leaving the way open for inevitable
bloodbaths and repetition of the unparalleled horrors and atrocities of the
1992-96 years. The current dog-fighting between Dostum and Hezb-i-Wahdat
gangs will not remain restricted to Mazar-i-Sharif. If the United Nations
is sincerely concerned in regard to the independence, unity and
democratisation of Afghanistan it must under no name or pretext continue
its support to the "Northern Alliance" and swiftly and unequivocally
condemn and punish any country which tries to supply funds and arms to
these murderers. It will only be then that a government devoid of
terrorist-fundamentalist contamination and based on democratic values can
be set up in Afghanistan, succeed in restoring peace and stability to this
blighted land and address the challenge of its rehabilitation in earnest.
The mere end of
the forced misery and humiliation of the burqa is in no
way an indication of attainment of women's rights and liberties. The
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, as the only feminist
anti-fundamentalist organisation in Afghanistan, believes that only with
the establishment of a secular and democratic government in Afghanistan
will Afghan women be able to unburden the deadweight of centuries of
oppression and stand their full stature on a par with men.
Our devastated
motherland, draped in unending mourning, escaped the talons
of Taliban criminality only to find itself in the dead-end of jihadi
murderers; a "dead-end" which eludes description and definition, except
perhaps in the potent and glorious words of Ahmad Shamlu. But RAWA,
together with the Afghan people who bore it, will never desist from
struggling to break out of this "dead-end":
»»» In This Deadend «««
They smell your
You better not have said, "I love you."
They smell your heart.
These are strange times, darling...
And they flog
at the roadblock.
We had better hide love in the closet...
In this crooked dead end and twisting chill,
they feed the fire
with the kindling of song and poetry.
Do not risk a thought.
These are strange times, darling...
He who knocks on the door at midnight
has come to kill the light.
We had better hide light in the closet...
Those there are butchers
stationed at the crossroads
with bloody clubs and cleavers.
These are strange times, darling...
And they excise smiles from lips
and songs from mouths.
We had better hide joy in the closet...
Canaries barbecued
on a fire of lilies and jasmine,
these are strange times, darling...
Satan drunk with victory
sits at our funeral feast.
We had better hide God in the closet.
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
December 10, 2001
08 Reflection of RAWA protest rallies in the press
von: <rawa2@rawa.org>
>> RAWA cavalcade stopped at Attock
(The News International, Dec.11, 2001 - Mustafa Ali)
PESHAWAR: Following
refusal by the authorities to proceed to Islamabad,
activists of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
stage a demonstration in Peshawar Monday to condemn suppression of the
women folk in Afghanistan.
About ten vehicles
carrying hundreds of Afghan women were stopped at Attock
Khurd, an NWFP town bordering Punjab, where the RAWA leaders and workers
were going to participate in a demonstration to mark the World Human Rights
"They didn't
allow us to cross the Attock Bridge", said Weeda Mansoor, a
senior RAWA member, adding that they were going to attend a peaceful
demonstration in Islamabad.
Hundreds of RAWA workers and activists later gathered outside the Peshawar
Press Club building, where they staged a demonstration to condemn excesses
against women in Afghanistan.
Later, senior RAWA members addressed a press conference at the Press Club.
PESHAWAR: In connection with the International Human Rights Day,
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) staged a big
protest demonstration in front of Press Club Peshawar on Monday against the
top class Afghan leadership and demanded restoration of democracy, human
rights and women's rights under the banner of the United Nations.
Speaker on this
occasion strongly condemned Prof Burhanuddin Rabbani, Mulla
Muhammad Omar, Engineer Gulbadin Hikmatyar, Abdur Rashid Dostum, Karim
Khalili and others holding them responsible for the destruction of
Rejecting the Bonn
conference, the speakers said that UN should not support
the Northern Alliance and instead support the people of Afghanistan. They
alleged that the UN and the international community gave undue leverage to
the Northern Alliance at the Bonn conference.
They condemned
the Jihadi leaders of Afghanistan and said that they have
waged so-called jihad for their self-interest, adding that they have
nothing to do with jihad except to grab power.
Rejecting fundamentalism,
the young girls raised vociferous slogans in
support of democracy, human rights and women's rights in Afghanistan and
asked the world community to support the people of Afghanistan in the
establishment of a democratic government in that war-ravaged country.
On this occasion,
the women activists hanged the effigies of Prof Rabbani,
Gen Dostum, Karim Khalili, Mullah Omar, Gulbadin Hikmatyar and Prof.-
>> RAWA Rejects Interim set-up
(PAKISTAN OBSERVER, December 11, 2001)
ISLAMABAD- Revolutionary
Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
while strongly rejecting the newly established interim set-up in
Afghanistan has demanded of a truly people representative government in the
war-shattered country in order to secure the basic rights and safety of the
Afghan population.
"The new interim
set-up in Afghanistan let by Hamid Karzai consisting
mainly of Northern Alliance leaders is not acceptable at all to the people
of the country and especially the women because the NA is the most
murderous violators of human rights", said the RAWA women who participated
in a protest demonstration held in front of main UN building at the
occasion of International Human Rights Day here on Monday.
The women protestors
holding banners and placards in their hands inscribed
upon with slogans "Afghan women demand their basic rights", "Stop
victimization of women", "Let women to be the equal partner in nation
building" chanted high voiced slogans while urging United Nations to play
its role in providing justice to the females in Afghanistan.
They expressed
that there is no difference of opinion among Northern
Alliance and crumbled Taliban as far as women rights are concerned. The NA
had been engaged in worst forms of atrocities perpetrated against the women
in the past and their attitude will remain the same even after the
formation of new set-up.
"RAWA from
the outset regarded the Bonn gathering with mistrust. The
composition of the interim government which includes Jihadi vampires and
two women, one of them a leader of the mercenary criminal Hezb-e-Wahdat
party and the other a known Parchami traitor, has proven that the UN has
failed in aiding our people get rid of the rancid remains of the Northern
Alliance hellhounds", the women protestors remarked.
They further added that the UN needs to know that even if all the cabinet
posts of a government for Afghanistan were to be filled with such women,
they can never be regarded as emblems of freedom and deliverance from
oppression for Afghan women.
Razma Rah, one
of the Afghan protestors, sharing her views said wearing
Burqa is not the only problem faced by the women in Afghanistan, adding
they are silent victims of worst kind of social and economical injustices
for the last two decades.
Afghanistan which
had been destroyed by the factional fighting over the
past several years now needs people having democratic approach to bring
about peace and stability in the country, she added.
The Revolutionary
Association of the Women of Afghanistan, as the only
feminist anti-fundamentalist organization in Afghanistan believes that only
with the establishment of a secular and democratic government in
Afghanistan will able the Afghan women to unburden the dead weight of
centuries of oppression and stand their full stature on a par with men, the
RAWA women demanded.
The protest demonstration guarded heavily by the capital police contingents
ended peacefully.
>> RAWA protests
against interim Afghan setup
(The Frontier Post, Dec.11, 2001 - Hamid Nawaz)
member of Revolutionary Association of the Women of
Afghanistan, Mrs. Weeda Mansoor has predicted that the withdrawal of
Taliban from the scene of Afghanistan would repeat the history of human
rights violations took place at the time of withdrawal of former Soviet
Union troops and resignation of Dr.Najibullah.
The Bonn Conference
has failed to give due representation to Afghan women
as both Seema Samar and Amina Afzali have a criminal record of their past,
she alleged.
She expressed these
views in a press conference here on Monday, saying that
although Taliban have gone for ever but the new governors of difference
cities/states have criminal record and some reports indicate that they
would not hesitate in repeating their past history.
The women rights
defender went on to say "although the leaders of Northern
Alliance are trying to show the west that they are civilized and women
would given freedom but this just a net to capitalized their vested
interest. Their past is evident of the fact that during their past
governance they women were raped, assaulted and even kidnapped in the
presence of their men, Mrs.Weeda reminded.
While discussing
the women's participation in the interim set-up, she said
although the west has been lulled by given portfolios to two women, the
Afghan social worker believed that Seema Samar belonged to Hezb-e-Wahdat,
the party which forces were involved in most of the rape cases in
Afghanistan, while Amina Afzali had been, remained active member of
Parchami Party and after its disintegration she joined Rabbani's
Jamiat-e-Islami. Mrs. Weeda went on to say that both of them have never
hesitated in joining men folk in violation of Afghan women's rights.
Discussing the output of Bonn conference, she said that the Afghans had
attached much expectation with the conference but bestowing three main
ministries on Northern Alliance dashed to ground all the attached
expectations, as the Afghans believed that Northern Alliance would repeat
their history.
She informed that in the current situation Afghan woman is feeling
insecurity while roaming without Burqa in the city of Kabul and that is the
reason after the withdrawal of Taliban most of the women used to wear Burqa.
Discussing the
role of the UN in over all Afghan crises, the women rights
activist explained alas: "The UN has failed to play its due role in
resolving the Afghan problem in its true sense adding that the UN fallen
prey to the trap of Northern Alliance and considered it civilized alliance
their past comes in contrast with it".
Replying to a question
Mrs.Weeda said that most of the current rulers would
fail to gain public support if fair and transparent elections were held in
Afghanistan suggesting that Zahir still enjoys public support and could be
made the only true ruler of Afghanistan
Among the array
of questions, she said that freedom for Afghan women means
political, social, economical, and educational, and it should not be taken
in a sense it is portrayed in the West.
Earlier, a Peshawar
based, wing of RAWA tried to join Afghan women in
Islamabad for observing International Human Rights Day, however, when they
reached Attack Khurd, a heavy police contingent stopped their way and
forced them to return back to Peshawar without participation in the rally.
Later they staged a peaceful rally in front of Peshawar Press Club and
chanted slogans against Afghan leaders: Professor Rabbani, Adur Rashid
Dostum, Gulbadin Hekmatyar and Commander Khalili.
Speakers on this
occasion strongly condemned Prof Rabbani, Mullah Muhammad
Omar, Eng Hekmatyar, Gen Dostum and Khalili and held them responsible for
the destruction of Afghanistan.
Rejecting the Bonn
Conference, the speaker said that UN should not support
the Northern Alliance and should support the people of Afghanistan alleging
the UN for un-due support to NA in Bonn conference.
They condemned
the Jihadi leaders of Afghanistan and said that they have
waged so-called Jihad for their self interests adding that they have
nothing to do with Jihad except to grab power.
They on this occasion hanged the effigies of Rabbani, Dostum, Khalili, and
Mullah Omar. Hekmatyar and Sayaf and asked the UN to support the people of
Afghanistan instead of these alleged criminals.
>> Afghan
women's group gloomy on post-Taliban era
(Gulf News, The News and The Statesman, December 11, 2001)
women staged a protest on Monday, denouncing past abuses
by factions making up their country's new government and predating that a
lot of women would be no better than they were under the Taliban.
"The Northern
Alliance were criminals to our mothers and young daughters,"
the women shouted at a small demonstration in the Pakistani capital.
Children accompanying them waved banners and pictures of Northern Alliance
fighters killing Taliban.
Under a landmark
deal reached in Germany last week, the military dominant
Northern Alliance will share power with exile groups in a six-month interim
The Taliban, ousted by US backed tribal rivals, forced women to wear the
burqa and banned them from working, studying or leaving their houses
without a male relative - a harsh restriction in a land with many widowed
in two decades of war.
But the leftist
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
(RAWA) said in a statement that factions within the victorious Northern
Alliance were guilty of widespread rape of women and girls when in power in
the early 1990s.
"We don't
believe that they will not repeat the crimes they committed from
1992 to 1996," Alia Nazeer, a RAWA spokeswoman, told Reuters.
Most of the demonstrators
wore veils, but none wore the burqa. The RAWA
statement said the end of the burqa was "in nor way an indications of
women's rights and liberties" in Afghanistan.
"The world
community must consider the fanatic nature of the Northern
Alliance and Taliban are the same." Alia Nazeer said.
"The people
of the world need to know that in terms of the widespread
raping of girls and women from seven to 70, the track record of the Taliban
can no way stand up against that of these very same Northern Alliance
associates," the RAWA statement said.
As the Northern Alliance has chased the Taliban from power, helped by weeks
of US bombing, a few women in Afghanistan have stopped wearing their burqas
and returned to work. Many are taking a wait-and-see attitude. - Reuters.
>> Human
Rights Day: Afghan Women Protest in Pakistan
(Voice Of America, 10 Dec 2001 - Ayaz Gul)
Afghan women have
demonstrated to denounce past abuses by the Taleban and
factions making up Afghanistan's new government. The women rallied in the
Pakistani capital on International Human Rights Day.
About 200 Afghan
women staged the protest outside the U.N. office in
Islamabad. They are members of the Revolutionary Association of the Women
of Afghanistan (RAWA).
The demonstrators
hold both the Northern Alliance and the now defeated
Islamic Taleban responsible for human rights violations and the destruction
of Afghanistan.
One participant,
Alia Nazir, says they all should be taken to the courts
for their past abuses and not made rulers of Afghanistan.
"When [Northern
Alliance and Taleban] captured Afghanistan, first of all
they imposed restriction against the women of Afghanistan," she said. "They
say that women are nothing and they are not a part of the society. They do
not consider women to be human beings and that they must stay in the houses.
Sohaila Bibi is
a senior activist of the Afghan group. She says the leaders
of the Northern Alliance are criminals to Afghan mothers and young
"We are not
happy with [the Northern Alliance]. The people do not like
them," she said. "They do not accept them because they have experienced
their cruel actions from 1992 to 1996."
The demonstrators,
mostly ethnic Tajiks, waved banners and pictures of
Northern Alliance fighters, torturing and killing Taleban adversaries last
month after the fall of Kabul.
Rally leader Alia Nazir says her country needs a democratic government
under the supervision and protection of U.N. peacekeeping forces. She says
the United Nations should also persuade Afghanistan's neighbors to stop
interference in the country.
The United Nations
"must tell them not to support these fundamentalists
and different jihadi groups in Afghanistan any more," she said. "Because
now the whole world, they know about their criminal nature that they are
just criminals. They are just fundamentalists and they just want their
power in Afghanistan."
The demonstrators
were also shouting slogans against the U.N.-mediated
political deal in Germany, which gives a major share of power to the
Northern Alliance. Ms. Nazir says the women who sat in on the Bonn
conference represented warring factions that oppressed the women of
The now defeated
hard-line Taleban forced women to cover themselves from
head to toe in a burqa and banned them from working, receiving an
education, and leaving home without a male relative. But only a few women
have taken off their burqas since the Northern Alliance took control of
Kabul last month.
>> RAWA demands
UN to establish democratic govt in Afghanistan
(News Network International, Dec.10, 2001)
Revolutionary Association of Women in Afghanistan has
demanded the United Nations to establish a liberal and democratic
government under the supervision of ex-King Zair Shah in Afghanistan.
An agitation rally
consisting of hundreds of women of RAWA was held on the
occasion of International Human Rights Day in front of United Nations
Office in Islamabad on Monday.
The RAWA rejected
the Bonn Conference as the representatives of North
Alliance in the new set up were responsible for committing atrocities and
murder of innocent Afghans and urged the United Nations to bring them into
the International Court of Justice for trial.
It also rejected
the tiny representation of women in Bonn Conference and
said that they are not the true representatives of Afghan women
>> RAWA flays
HR record of Alliance leaders
(Dawn, Dec.11, 2001 - Bureau Report)
The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
(RAWA) has demanded of the United Nations to extend its assistance and
cooperation to Afghan people rather than to the leaders of Northern
Alliance, who, it claimed, were involved in massacre of Afghan people.
Speaking to newsmen
at the Peshawar Press Club on Tuesday, Veeda Mansur, a
spokesman for the RAWA, alleged the component parties of the Northern
Alliance had been involved in violation of human rights in Afghanistan.
She said mercenaries of various extremist organizations had been involved
in killings, rendering hundreds of women and children widows and orphans.
Veeda Mansur said
the Bonn conference deliberations had shattered all hopes
of the Afghans and said its considered opinion was that only the former
Afghan King, Zahir Shah, could unite the people and take the country out of
prevailing chaos.
Ms Mansur said
the Northern Alliance clique was not different than the
Taliban in their approach towards women and children.
"Each year,
on Dec 10, RAWA takes out a procession to mark the
international human rights day and explains to the people human rights
abuses and atrocities in Afghanistan. Today, we were proceeding towards
Islamabad to submit a memorandum to the UN office, but the Frontier police
stopped us at the Attock bridge and forced us to return," she lamented.
Earlier, over 200 RAWA activists staged a demonstration in front of the
Press Club and raised slogans against Gen Dostum, Mulla Omar, Khalili,
Hikmatyar, Siyyaf and Rabbani.
>> RAWA for
early deployment of UN peacekeepers in Afghanistan
(Dawn, Dec.11, 2001 - By A Reporter)
10: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of
Afghanistan (RAWA) has warned the United Nations and the world community
that delay in despatching UN peacekeeping forces in Afghanistan would
result bloodbaths and repetition of the unparalleled horrors and atrocities
of the 1992-96.
In a declaration
on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, RAWA
feared that current fighting between Dostum and Hezb-i-Wahdat would not
remain restricted to Mazar-i-Sharif and if the UN was sincere in its
efforts to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan, then it must not
support Northern Alliance.
RAWA said the UN
should condemn and punish the countries, supplying funds
and arms to these alleged murderers. "It will only be then that a
government, devoid of terrorist- fundamentalist contamination and based on
democratic values can be set up in Afghanistan," the declaration said.
It said RAWA regarded
the Bonn conference with mistrust. "The composition
of the interim government, which includes Jihadis and two women, one of
them a leader of the Hezb-i-Wahdat party and the other a known traitor, has
proven that unfortunately the United Nations has failed in aiding our
people to get rid of the rancid remains of the Northern Alliance", it said.
The report of RAWA rallies was also published in almost all Urdu and Pushto
newspapers of Pakistan.
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Indymedia eigentlich klar widersprechen: der Idee von unabhängiger
Indymedia ist NICHT
dazu da, Beiträge von bürgerlichen Massenmedien zu
übernehmen. Genausowenig Sinn macht es, Postings - seien sie auch noch
so gut - die wir auf anderen Indymedia- oder sonstigen Seiten
aufgeschnappt haben, hierher ein weiteres Mal zu kopieren. Oder auch
Beiträge zu posten, die nur aus einem Link, einem Satz, einem von
einer anderen Seite "geklautem" Foto bestehen. Finden wir Beiträge
wirklich veröffentlichenswert, solltet ihr euch wenigstens die Mühe
machen, unsere Gedanken in eigenen Worten und einem eigen Artikel
darzulegen oder fremdsprachige Artikel einfach mal schnell zu
übersetzen. Klar ist das oft mehr Arbeit, aber die Mühe zahlt sich
schließlich auch aus und macht diese Seite für alle wesentlich
Der Newswire selbst
ist auch kein Diskussions-Forum zur
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kommentieren. Unter den Beiträgen könnnen Kommentare gepostet werden
und genau da gehören sie auch hin.
Das "Open
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Ankündigung von Konzerten, Filmen oder sonstigen Veranstaltungen. Ihr
könnt eure Termine ganz einfach selbst in unseren Indymedia-Kalender
eintragen! [->
] Oder ihr schreibt
einen Artikel, in dem es nähere Hintergrund-Infos zum
jeweiligen Termin gibt.
Diese Seite wird
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geht alles wie von selbst. [->
http://austria.indymedia.org/contact.php3 ]
Einige aus dem
Indymedia-Kollektiv betreuen dabei auch die
Mittelspalte der Startseite. Auch dabei kann selbstverständlich jede
mitmachen. Subskribiert die Mailing-Liste der "Redaktion". Hier wird
besprochen, wie die Mittelspalte gestaltet werden soll. Je nach
Interessensgebiet könnt ihr euch dabei engagieren. Zur weiteren Info
schaut euch doch unsere "Editorial-Policy" an.
Ihr könnt auch Indymedia Radio machen [->
], oder an der
geplanten Print-Ausgabe arbeiten, oder im Technik-Team basteln. Je
nach dem wo individuelle Interessensgebiete liegen, können
InteressentInnen sich einfach auf einer der entsprechenden Emaillisten
eintragen, über die ein Großteil der Arbeit und Entscheidungen
koordiniert werden, und einfach und ohne Bedenken mitdiskutieren.
Darüberhinaus gibt es auch unregelmäßig regelmäßige
Treffen in den
einzelnen Regionen, Bundestreffen und Chat-Meetings. Mehr dazu in den
Wichtig ist aber
auch, dass an dieser Stelle auf unsere
Zweisprachigkeit hingewiesen wird. [->
] Um die Mittelspalte
dieser Seite auch auf englisch aktuell halten zu können, braucht
IMC.at auch speziell Menschen die sich dabei vermehrt eingringen
wollen. Gerade die Zweisprachigkeit kann und soll dabei zu einem
wichtigen Standpunkt dieses Projektes ausgebaut werden.
Indymedia hat mit
als Ziel die Vernetzung zwischen verschiedensten
multimedialen Projekten zu fördern. So gibt es auf IMC.at auch unsere
Mirror-Seite die speziell dazu da sein soll Video- und Audio-Beiträge
besser verfügbar zu machen. [->
] Auch auf das Indymedia
Radio, dass es seit Oktober gibt sei an dieser Stelle nochmal
gibt es im globalen Indymedia-Netzwerk noch weitere
Projekte, wie regelmäßig erscheinende internationale Printausgaben
http://print.indymedia.org, das Indymedia Radio Netzwerk auf
http://radio.indymedia.org, ein Indymedia Technik-Netzwerk auf
http://tech.indymedia.org, oder das Indymedia Klima Center unter
oder auch das Indy-Satelliten-TV Projekt
auf http://satellite.indymedia.org. Auch auf internationaler ebene
kann und soll sich mensch natürlich einbringen. Näheres dazu auf
Do Indymedia!
11 Steirische KPÖ bekräftigt Forderung nach Austritt
von: "KPÖ Steiermark" <kpoe_stmk@hotmail.com>
Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001
Presseinformation der KPÖ Steiermark
** EU-Gipfel: Steirische
KPÖ bekräftigt Forderung nach Austritt Österreichs
Der heute beginnende
EU-Gipfel in Belgiensoll einen entscheidenden Schritt
bei der Militarisierung bringen. Man erweitet die Erklärung, dass die
EU-Eingreiftruppe einsatzbereit sein soll. Auch deshalb begrüßen
wir die
Proteste der EU-Gegner, die sich dort der Polizeigewalt entgegenstellen.
Franz Stephan Parteder: "Die EU bedeutet:
Entdemokratisierung und Polizeistaat, Neoliberalismus und Sozialabbau
Umweltzerstörung und Transitlawine, Militarisierung und Ende der
Diese Europäische
Union wird von uns abgelehnt. Sie ist ein entscheidendes
Hindernis auf dem Weg zu einem wirklich sozialen, demokratischen und
antimilitaristischen Europa. Als in Österreich lebende Menschen fordern
daher den Austritt unseres Landes.
Unsere Alternative
zur EU ist ein offenes and demokratisches Europa,
verstärkte globale Zusammenarbeit und der Aufbau von internationalen
Organisationen, die Mensch und Umwelt den Vorrang in der Auseinandersetzung
mit den Vorstellungen geben, die auf dem sogenannten freien Markt beruhen."
Die KPÖ-Steiermark
will mit allen EU-kritischen Kräften in Österreich und
auf internationaler Ebene zusammenarbeiten. Es gibt nur eine Grenze für
diesen querpolitischen Kontakt. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Organisationen, die
rassistischen oder faschistischen Charakter haben, lehnen wir ab.
Lagergasse 98 a
8020 Graz
Tel.: 0316 71 24 36
Fax 0316 71 62 91
email: kp.stmk@kpoe-graz.at; kpoe_stmk@hotmail.com
12 Neues auf behindertenarbeit.at
von: behindertenarbeit.at <office@behindertenarbeit.at>
+++ Newsletter behindertenarbeit.at 07.12.01 +++
Folgende neue Beiträge finden Sie ab sofort auf www.behindertenarbeit.at:
+++ Der ermäßigte Postversand +++
ODER Die neue Zensur der Meinungsäußerung
| Berufsverband der BehindertenbetreuerInnen | Heidrun Aigner
+++ Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! +++
Medien und Behinderung anhand eines Briefes der Lebenshilfe Wien, versendet
September 2001
| Berufsverband der BehindertenbetreuerInnen | Christian Mitterreiter
+++ Alle Jahre wieder ... +++
... zündet die Aktion Licht ins Dunkel eine Kerze an, um ein wenig Licht
vermeintlich düstere Leben von Menschen mit Behinderung zu bringen.
| Berufsverband der BehindertenbetreuerInnen | Barbara Pranzl
+++ AMS kürzt Mittel für Chance B +++
Kürzung von AMS-Mitteln führt zu Kündigungen und Schließungen
Ausbildungseinrichtungen für behinderte Menschen
| BV Steiermark | Ehrenfried Lindner
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Philip König
Redaktion www.behindertenarbeit.at
13 *prairie Frische-Service: 23.11.2001
von: Andi Wahl <wahl@prairie.at>
*prairie Frische-Service: 23.11.2001
Sehr geehrtes Publikum !
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
k u l t u r u n d b a r b a r e i
Andi Wahl / Serie
Zu behaupten Linz sei eine Medienstadt, ist beinahe kindisch
Für die Serie
"Wo steckt die Freie Szene" haben wir diesmal den
Systemanalytiker Gerhard Dirmoser zu einem Gespräch gebeten. Dirmoser
hat schon mehrere Studien für Linzer Kultureinrichtungen verfasst und
war bereits in den Kampf um die Erhaltung von Alturfahr-Ost, eine
Auseinandersetzung in deren Zuge es auch um den Verbleib der
Stadtwerkstatt im Quartier ging , involviert und ist ein großer Fan der
ars electronica. Im prairie-Gespräch prangert Dirmoser von der Stadt
verursachte Fehlentwicklungen in der Linzer Kulturlandschaft an.
Jutta Sommerbauer
Popliteratur - Ein Gespenst ohne Charakter
Johannes Ullmaier
hat mit "Von Acid nach Adlon und zurück" ein Buch über
deutschsprachige Popliteratur geschrieben.
p o l i t i k u n d v e r b r e c h e n
Cyrus Salimi-Asl
Terror und Hegemonie
Interview mit dem
Philosophen und Buchautor Serge Latouche über
Globalisierung und die Attentate vom 11. September in New York und
Günther Hopfgartner
Von Seattle nach Winterpalais
Löst die sogenannte
Antiglobalisierungsbewegung die Arbeiterklasse als
"revolutionäres Subjekt" ab oder ist das nicht schon die
Stefan Nowotny
Pinguin und Stefan Nowotny : Fussfallen für Eurokraten
Jenseits des internationalen
Protesttourismus trifft die EU auch auf
lokalen Widerstand. Zum Beispiel in Brüssel. Vorort: die
MALMOE-Korrespondenten Pinguin und Stefan Nowotny.
Max Böhnel
Volksrepublik Berkeley
Republic" nennen stramme amerikanische Rechte aus Tradition
verächtlich einen kalifornischen Ort an der San Fransisco Bay:
"Volksrepublik Berkeley". Auch heute, in Folge des 11. September,
die linksliberale Stadt wieder Hass auf sich.
z e n t r u m u n d p r a i r i e
Florian Schneider/[ox]
Eine aufregende Reise durchs Empire
Kaum ein Text über
Globalisierung/Globalisierungskritik kommt mehr ohne
Verweis auf "Empire" von Toni Negri/Michael Hardt aus. Mit einiger
Verzögerung nimmt das Buch - vor allem unter dem Eindruck des Aufbruchs
der sog. Antiglobalisierungs-Bewegung" - nun in den linken Debatten eine
zentrale Rolle ein. Ein Lokalaugenschein.
# # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
d a t e s + e v e n t s
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14 iz3w Nr. 258 Geld und globale Finanzmärkte
von: "Öffentlichkeitsarbeit iz3w freiburg" <oeff@iz3w.org>
Iz3w- Verlag und
Redaktion Tel: 0761/74003 Fax: 0761/709866
Postfach 5328 E-mail: info@iz3w.org
79020 Freiburg internet: www.iz3w.org
Wir möchten Sie gerne auf das Erscheinen der aktuellen Ausgabe Nr. 258
nord-süd politischen Zeitschrift iz3w mit dem Themenschwerpunkt "Geld
globale Finanzmärkte" aufmerksam machen. Die Zeitschrift kann für
? 4 +
Porto direkt beim iz3w-Verlag bezogen werden.
iz3w Nr. 258
Geld und globale Finanzmärkte
Die internationale
Geld- und Währungspolitik trägt zu einer Umverteilung des
gesellschaftlichen Reichtums bei - von unten nach oben und von Süd nach
Nord. Zahlreiche Länder wie Thailand oder Argentinien, die ihre
Finanzsysteme in den Weltmarkt integriert hatten, wurden in den letzten
Jahren von Krisen mit katastrophalen Auswirkungen wie z.B. Massenarmut und
Verschuldung erschüttert. Dies wie auch die alltäglichen, im Geld
verdinglichten Ausbeutungs- und Verwertungsprozesse verweisen auf die
Herrschaftsförmigkeit der kapitalistischen Ökonomie.
Unser Themenblock
stellt sich daher die Frage, was das Geld überhaupt ist,
und diskutiert die Frage, ob seine Abschaffung nicht die notwendige
Voraussetzung für eine solidarische Gesellschaft ist.
Themen im Schwerpunkt:
Geld als soziales Verhältnis + Kritik an der Zinskritik+ Attac, die
Finanzmärkte und linke Kritik + Geld und Währungspolitik in Lateinamerika
Mythen und Moneten + Der Euro und die nationale Identität
Weitere Themen im Heft:
Politik und Ökonomie:
und zivile Interventionen + Gesellschaftlicher Zerfall und
ethnische Fragmentierung in Afghanistan + Interview mit Rangin Dadfar -
Spanta über Afghanistan + Islamismus Teil I
Kultur und Debatte:
Koloniale Menschenzoos
+ Tourismus und Rassismus + Weltbankseminar in
Potsdam + Nachruf auf das Internationale Jahr der Freiwilligen
15 Stellenausschreibung: Gender Studies at Central European
von: Christine Mayrhuber <Christine.Mayrhuber@wifo.ac.at>
The Department
of Gender Studies at Central European University -
Budapest seeks candidates for a full-time junior appointment.
CEU is an English speaking graduate research university, offering
master's and doctoral programs.
The candidates
should be dynamic scholars with a strong commitment to
research and graduate teaching in the multi-disciplinary field of gender
studies and in one of the more traditional disciplines in the humanities
and social sciences. Candidates with a background in critical cultural
studies, and interested either in integrative perspectives on gender,
class, and race, or in the relation between the symbolic and the social
order are particularly invited to apply. Candidates who have experience
with comparative research and an interest in transdisciplinary
methodology are also encouraged to apply.
The university
would like to attract scholars who are willing to make a
long-term commitment to living and working in Budapest. Knowledge of one
or more of the Central European languages is highly welcome. Candidates
must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree. The length of the contract is 3
to 4 years (renewable); salary is dependent on qualifications and
experience. The compensation package is subject to Hungarian taxation
regulations. Employees who are not citizens or permanent residents of
Hungary will be required to obtain a work permit.
Please send applications to the Rector of CEU c/o Kotsis Eszter, Human
Resources Office, Central European University, H-1051 Budapest, N=E1dor
u. 9., Hungary (Fax: + 36 (1) 235-6135, e-mail: HRO@ceu.hu). The
application package should include: c.v, list of publications, a sample
publication, a short presentation of the applicant's research plans and
the names and addresses of at least three referees (with reference to
the code number GENDER2001) .
The applications
should reach the Human Resources Office before 20
January 2002.
For further information
please visit the web site of the Department of
Gender Studies (www.ceu.hu/gend/gendir.html) or contact the Human
Resources Ofiice.
CEU is an equal opportunity employer.
The Office
Department of Gender Studies
Central European University
H-1051 Budapest
Nador u. 9.
e-mail: gender@ceu.hu
web-site: www.ceu.hu/gend/gendir.html
14. Dezember 2001, 17:00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Edgar Ernstbrunner
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!