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Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 Geplante Kundgebung gegen die "Normalität"
von: <immerwider@gmx.at>
Wieder ist ein
Jahr der politischen Grausamkeiten vorbei. Deshalb kam die
Idee am 2.2.2002 eine Demonstration mit anschließender Kundgebung
"Wider die Normalität" zu organisieren.
Ich denke, ihr
seid politisch so weit sensibilisiert, dass jedem/R
individuell ad hoc, "Grausamkeiten" des letzten Jahres einfallen.
Leichen pflastern den Weg dieser Regierung: Adamovich, AMS, Arbeitslose,
Austria Tabakwerke, Bildung, BSE-Kühe, "Fabelhafte Magistras",
Frauen, Homosexuelle, KünstlerInnen, ÖIAG, PensionistInnen, Priviatisierung
der Zivildiener, Sallmutter, StudentInnen, Telekom Austria, UnfallrentnerInnen,
Werbekampagnen bezahlt von Steuergeldern, Zerstörung einer Ausstellung,
individuell fortsetzbar .....
Deshalb eine politische
Anfrage: Wie ist eure Meinung zu einer Demo am
2.2.2002 ?
Was würdet ihr beitragen ?
Wir suchen Menschen/Organisationen
für Mitarbeit, Finanzierung,
Organisation, Mobilisierung, Plakatieren, OrdnerInnendienst,
Berichterstattung, Videos, Fotos, Transport, Bühnenaufbau.
An unserer Website wird schon gearbeitet, danke dafür.
Bitte um rasche
Rückmeldung, wenn möglich bis spätestens 4.1.2002 , damit
ich weiß, ob ich mit euch rechnen kann.
Ein Termin für
ein Vernetzungstreffen wird demnächst im
Mund bekanntgegeben.
Rückmeldungen unter <immerwider@gmx.at>
02 Change of hour Monday / Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire attends
GS reception / Der Stuermer in the Knesset
von: Gush Shalom <adam@gush-shalom.org>
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - http://www.gush-shalom.org/
[1] Change of hour
for Monday "Peace Circle"
[2] Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire to attend Gush Shalom reception
[3] Der Stuermer in the Knesset - Gush ad Ha'aretz Dec. 28
[1] Monday';s "Peace Circle" around the Jerusalem Old City Walls (Dec.
31), organized by a wide Palestinian coalition and to which Gush Shalom
organizes transport from Tel Aviv, has somewhat changed its schedule.
Therefore our bus
will depart from Arlozorof Railway Station already at 10.15
AM. (To be sure of a place, call 03-5221732.)
The meeting point
in Jerusalem (New Gate) is at 12.00 and not as mentioned
NB: The participants
should only bring the two slogans decided by the
organizing coalition : "End the Occupation" and "Open Jerusalem".
Shalom T-shirts and/or hats are welcome.
Among the prominent
public figures to take part in this non-violent protest is
the Irish Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Maguire who will spend two
days in Israel/Palestine.
[2] Mairead Maguire will also attend the Gush Shalom reception in relation to
receiving the Alternative Nobel Prize, which will begin tomorrow, Sunday
Dec. 30,at 8.00 PM, in the hall of the Jewish-Arab Theatre in Jaffa.
FYI: you have to
get to the Saraya Building, 10 Mifratz Shlomo St., Old Jaffa
(this street branches off Yefet St., a bit south of the Clock Tower Plaza. The
theatre is very near the Chamam.).
For more information:
Adam Keller 03-5565804 / 056-709603 / 056-709604
[3] The following text was published as Gush Shalom ad in Haaretz, Dec. 28
Minister Danny
Naveh has thrown a stink bomb in the
Knesset. He alleged that Arafat's Muslim soldiers raped
Christian girls in Bethlehem, an allegation reminiscent
of the style of Der Sturmer, the German paper that
mixed anti-Semitic incitement with pornography.
Before that, Minister
Benny Eilon, writing in the
settlers' paper, advocatedthe expulsion ("transfer") of
the Palestinians from the occupied territories.
Minister Avigdor
Lieberman, in a popular television
program, called for the expulsion of Israel's Arab
These are not "wild
plants" or "marginal elements".
These proposals were made by Cabinet Ministers. They
are accepted as a legitimate part of the public
discourse, without protest or condemnation. Neither
the President nor the Prime Minister has distanced
himself from them. The Attorney General, too, is silent.
This is a corruption
of the State of Israel, a threat to its
democratic foundations, a degeneration of the political
system, a psychological preparation for horrible war
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support Gush Shalom's activities you can send a cheque
or cash, wrapped well in an extra piece of paper, to:
Gush Shalom pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033.
For more about
Gush Shalom you are invited to visit our renewed website:
mail (don't use reply) to Gush-Shalom-subscribe@topica.com
03 Avnery on Mofaz
von: "Uri Avnery" <avnery@actcom.co.il>
Uri Avnery
If I Were Mofaz
If I were Shaul Mofaz, I would by now be very worried indeed.
In Belgium, Ariel
Sharon is standing trial for his part in the Sabra and
Shatila events of 19 years ago. At first, he treated this as a joke. No
more. Now he is spending a fortune (of our money) on this trial.
The prosecution
argues that Sharon, then Israel's Minister of Defense,
being responsible for occupied Beirut, allowed a bunch of notorious
murderers into the camps of defenseless refugees, where they
indiscriminately killed men and women, old people and children. The Israeli
Commission of Inquiry ordered his dismissal and charged him with "indirect
responsibility". The Belgian prosecutors are trying to charge him with
direct responsibility.
Perhaps the trial
will be abandoned, perhaps Sharon will be found not
guilty. But if he is found guilty, an international warrant may be issued
for his arrest and he will be liable to be arrested the moment he sets foot
in Europe.
This is only a
beginning. The international campaign against war crimes is
progressing rapidly. A permanent International Court for war crimes is
going to be set up. After Belgium, other countries will enact laws for the
trial of foreign war criminals in their courts. The definition of war
crimes will be widened, and so will the cooperation between states,
especially in Europe.
The trial of an
acting head of government for alleged war crimes committed
19 years ago is an important precedent. No less important is the decision
handed down this week by the Israeli Supreme Court, denying Ehud Yatom the
right to hold any important security position. Yatom murdered two bound
prisoners in cold blood, with his own hands. This happened 17 years ago,
when he was a high-ranking officer of the Shin-Beth security service. He
maintained in his defense that he had only followed orders and acted
according to existing "norms" (terrible words for a Jewish ear). At
time he had requested and received a pardon, thus practically admitting to
the despicable deed.
(This was part of the infamous 1984 "bus line 300 affair", the kidnapping
of a bus by four unarmed Palestinian youngsters. Two were killed when the
bus was stormed, the other two murdered after capture. Haolam Hazeh
magazine, whose editor I was at the time, played a leading role in
uncovering the crime.)
This coming summer,
Shaul Mofaz is about to be relieved. That will be the
end of his military career. Or will it?
In one, five or twenty years, somebody may get up and sue Mofaz in The
Hague, Brussels or anywhere else for acts committed under his command. For
example: the "liquidations".
If this happens,
Mofaz will have to explain to foreign judges why he
initiated and ordered the murder of Palestinian personalities, including
political figures. The prosecutors will probably argue that these were
executions without trial, in which Mofaz and his officers served
simultaneously as prosecutors, judges and hangmen.
The same goes for
the so-called "ascertaining killing" (viduh harigah in
Hebrew), meaning the killing of helpless wounded enemies. Over this
contemptible act there flies the "black flag", even under Israeli
During the Mofaz's term of command (and even before) this has become the norm.
Anyone who obeys
such instructions (see Ehud Yatom) fulfils a "manifestly
illegal order", meaning an order which any sane person, as primitive as
may be, knows is illegal. (So defined by Judge Benjamin Halevy, presiding
over the Court Martial, in his famous "black flag" judgment condemning
perpetuators of the 1956 Kufr Kassem massacre). It follows that the risk of
prosecution hovers over many officers and soldiers, from general to simple
private, who gave or executed such an order.
If anybody believes
that this is an abstract danger, something merely
theoretical or academic, he may sooner or later find out that he was sadly
mistaken. The day may not be far off when an officer who commanded a
"liquidation" action, the helicopter pilot who executed it, the lieutenant
who ordered an "ascertaining killing" act and the simple soldier who
did it
are all in constant fear when going abroad. And if the Israeli laws
change when a different kind of government comes to power, as will surely
happen one of these days, they will live in fear even in Israel.
Please remember:
There is no time-limit. A grandfather playing with his
grandchildren may be prosecuted for war crimes he committed when a
youngster. And there is no exemption because of grade the sword of
justice may descend equally on a private soldier and on the Minister of
The triangle responsible
at present for everything happening in the
occupied territories Shaul Mofaz, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer and Ariel Sharon
would be well advised to have a good look at the photos of Slobodan
Milosevic in The Hague. Not long ago he was an omnipotent ruler, who could
by a wink of his eyes authorize the murder of thousands of men (including
young boys) or the rape of thousands of women (including young girls). Now
he is in The Hague.
The way there may be shorter than it seems.
04 Gush Shalom billboard
von: Gush Shalom <adam@gush-shalom.org>
// Gush Shalom Billboard //
[This 'billboard'
contains together with Uri Avnery's weekly column,
announcements from others. For more about the latter contact the
addresses appearing in each of them.]
[1] Uri Avnery:
'If I Were Mofaz'
[2] Dec. 28: A Ray of Sunshine
[3] More about the filmed arrest of Yoav Bar in Haifa
[4] Palestinians joined by a hundred foreign civilians defy checkpoint
[5] The food got to Beit Umar
[1] Uri Avnery 29.12: 'If I Were Mofaz'
(Editor's note: see previous contribution)
[2] Dec. 28: A Ray of Sunshine
------- Forwarded
message follows -------
From: Gila Svirsky <gsvirsky@netvision.net.il>
Today was a ray of sunshine in an otherwise bleak Middle East.
At 9:30 a.m., the
organizers were still discussing whether the march
should be held single file or two-by-two, as the police refused to grant
us a permit to walk in the streets, wanting to contain us on the broad
sidewalk. By 10:30 a.m., we saw there would be no hope of containing the
vast crowd that had showed up.
An amazing number
of people, most dressed in black, turned up for today's
events, beginning with the March of Mourning for all the victims --
Palestinian and Israeli -- of the Occupation. Responding to the call of
the Coalition of Women for a Just Peace, people from all over the world
found their way to the vigil plaza today. When the signal came to begin,
we were all mixed up with each other -- Israeli, Palestinian, European,
American -- and began a slow, solemn walk, in silence (mostly), with only
a funereal cadence sounded by two women drummers at the center of this
long procession. Although the extreme right wing staged a
counterdemonstration at the beginning of our route, their small number
(about 30) and angry shouts only served to dramatize the power of our own
dignified presence.
We led with a huge
banner, "The Occupation is Killing Us All", as well as
hundreds of black hands with white lettering "Stop the Occupation",
scores of signs calling for peace, a state of Palestine beside the state
of Israel, and sharing this beautiful city of Jerusalem, loved so long by
so many. It was an unseasonably warm and balmy winter morning, and we
were suddenly feeling hopeful and powerful marching together this way.
Although the police were trying to keep us all walking on the sidewalk,
soon we burst our seams and spread out into the road, blocking traffic
along the route. And Ezra, long-time supporter of Women in Black in
Jerusalem, walked among us, handing out a thousand red roses to Women
in Black until the roses ran out, though the women did not.
We made our way
slowly toward the broad, new plaza just outside historic
Jaffa Gate, one of the main entrances to the Old City of Jerusalem. By
the time everyone arrived, we had filled up the plaza completely, with
spillover inside the gate and along the roads leading up to it. Past the
stage, participants could see as backdrop the beautiful Citadel, rising
from the walls of the Old City, with the Valley of Gethsemane spread out
beyond in a breathtaking view.
The entire program
was moderated in Hebrew and Arabic by Dalit Baum and
Camilia Bader-Araf, co-MCs. They acknowledged the Knesset members
who had joined us for the events -- Muhammed Barake, Naomi Chazan,
Zehava Galon, Tamar Gozansky, Anat Maor, Issam Makhoul, and Mossi
Raz -- as well as the delegations from Belgium, Canada, England, France,
Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the U.S. Marcia Freedman, former Israeli MK
and long-standing Woman in Black, read the list of 118 locations around
the world where solidarity events were planned for the same day (from
Adelaide to Zaragoza -- see our website for the full list).
Speeches opened
with Shulamit Aloni, first lady of human rights in Israel
and former government minister, comparing our struggle to end the
occupation with the struggles led by Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther
King, reminding us that although the task is arduous, it will inevitably
be crowned with success. She was followed by other powerful speeches --
Nurit Peled Elhanan, winner of the Sakharov Peace Prize, awarded by the
European Parliament, and mother of Smadar, 13 years old when she was
killed by a terrorist bomb in Jerusalem; Zahira Kamal, courageous
Palestinian activist for peace as well as the rights of women and workers,
who found a way to outwit the closure in order to reach Jerusalem and
address this rally; Luisa Morgantini, irrepressible Italian member of the
European Parliament and devoted supporter of the women's peace
movement in the Middle East; Khulood Badawi, chair of the Association
of Arab Students in Israel; and Vera Lichtenfels, a 17-year old
Portuguese peace activist, representing youth all over the world who
are working for peace.
These speeches
were eloquent and inspiring, but I myself was especially
moved by the ceremony of torch lighting by 13 Israeli organizations who
have shown extraordinary commitment to activism for peace and human
rights. Each representative lit a torch about one aspect related to their
work -- the killed, the wounded, the homes demolished, the trees uprooted,
the children whose lives were fractured, as well as the efforts of those
who refuse to give in to the despair, but keep on struggling to transform
this nightmare into a vision of peace and partnership (see below for the
names and descriptions of these organizations).
These are words
that one simply doesn't hear in this region, so publicly,
by Israelis and Palestinians together. And then we held a concert rarely
heard in the Middle East -- a "peace happening" of Palestinian and
performers. It opened with the Elisheva Trio -- 3 talented black Jewish
women from Dimona, singing peace songs in soul and rock arrangements.
There were readings of poetry and plays, a performance piece, and an
amazing duo of young Palestinian rappers from Lydda/Lod doing Arabic and
Hebrew political lyrics. Ending it all was a hopeful reprise by the
Elisheva Trio, with many in the crowd holding hands, swaying, and singing
When the concert
was over, few wanted to leave and let go of the feeling
that peace is really possible. Fortunately, we didn't really have to,
because Peace Now was holding its own optimistic rally just inside Jaffa
Gate, with Palestinians and Israelis signing a Peace Declaration and
releasing doves into the sky over the city. Palestinians and Israelis
wandered in and out the streets of the Old City trying to hold tight to
the beautiful warm thaw in the air, within this long winter of violence
and tragedy.
This evening, I
watched Israeli TV to see if anything was reported about
the hope for peace that had swept through Jerusalem today. I saw nothing
about either the Coalition of Women for Peace or the Peace Now events,
though I did hear that the Coalition action made the radio news several
times today. We are used to this by now, and it brought to mind the words
of Shulamit Aloni earlier today: "Even though Israel's 'patriotic' media
seek to ignore you, there is no doubt that your voice will be heard and
that a great many others will join your cause. You will break through the
silence because yours is a vision of freedom, justice, and peace."
May it come to
pass. Today I feel more hopeful than I have for a long,
long while.
Thank you to everyone
all over the world who joined us in solidarity
today, whether in vigils, through contributions, or in your hearts.
Shalom, salaam,
Gila Svirsky
Special thanks for their support, which made this event possible: Svinna
till Svinna Foundation, the Moriah Fund, Sally Gottesman, the Steve Berman
Social Action Award, and many individuals from all over the world.
The organizations
represented at the torch lighting ceremony (in
alphabetical order):
**Bat Shalom -
the Israeli side of The Jerusalem Link: A Women's Joint
Venture for Peace, seeking peace through partnership with Palestinian
**Gush Shalom - determined fighters to end the occupation, recent
recipients of the "Alternative Nobel Peace Prize".
**High School seniors - a group of Israeli high school seniors who signed a
letter asserting their refusal to serve in the army to support the occupation.
**Israel Committee Against Home Demolitions - seeking to expose and end the
crime of demolishing homes of Palestinians. **Machsom Watch - women monitoring
military checkpoints to end the abuse of Palestinians at these locations.
**Mothers and Women for Peace - formerly the 4 Mothers Movement, who were
instrumental in getting Israel out of Lebanese occupation. **New Profile -
seeking to end militarism in Israeli society and support conscientious
to army service. **Peace Now - mobilizing to end the occupation, and
focused on
the illegality of the Israeli settlements in the territories. **Rabbis for
Rights - bringing a religious Jewish perspective to the struggle to end the
injustice of occupation. **Ta'ayush - a partnership of Jewish and Palestinian
citizens of Israel, providing aid and resistance to the occupation throughout
the territories. **TANDI - struggling for rights for Arab women, and
between Jews and Arabs within Israel. **Women in Black - holding vigils
throughout the world to stop violence and injustice, founded in Jerusalem in
1988 to end the occupation. **Yesh Gvul - encouraging soldiers to refuse
in the occupied territories.
One picture is
already up at our website:
Web site of the Coalition of Women for a Just Peace:
[3] More on the filmed arrest of Yoav Bar in Haifa
------- Forwarded
message follows -------
From: Irit Katriel <iritka@internet-zahav.net.il>
On Dec 27, 2001,
Yoav Bar was arrested at a peaceful vigil in Haifa and
charged with "assaulting a policeman".
On Dec 28, his
arrest was extended by three days by a magistrate court
judge who refused to watch a video the defense presented, which shows the
arrest and proves that Yoav did not assault policemen but was rather
assaulted by them. An appeal on his decision was filed by attourney Orna
Kohn and will be brought before the district court on Dec 30th.
The relevant images
from the video are at http://iritkatriel.tripod.com/ .
cover about 35 seconds, from the time Yoav was approached from the back
till he was taken into a police car.
If you have technical
problems viewing them, please write to
Photography: Rony
Copyright: I'lam Center, Media Center for the Palestinian Society
in Israel.
For contacts regarding
use of the photos or the video write to
iritka@zahav.net.il or call +972-54-642672.
[4] Palestinians joined by a hundred foreign civilians defy checkpoint
[Excerpted from a message of Huwaida Arraf <huwaidaa@yahoo.com>]
Dec. 29, Surda,
Palestine. Over one hundred foreign civilians served as an
"international protection force" for Palestinians today and deployed
at the
Surda military checkpoint (on the road from Ramallah to Birzeit University)
allow Palestinians safe passage to and from work and school.
The Israeli military
checkpoint set up at occupied Surda is the site of daily
harassment of Palestinian civilians by Israeli soldiers. Palestinian cars are
not permitted to pass and thousands of Palestinians, old and young are
forced to walk uphill for over a kilometer when passing. The identification
cards of young Palestinian men are often confiscated and the young men
themselves forced to wait, sometimes hours, in obedient positions behind
barbed wire.
Israeli soldiers
attacked the international group with tear gas and concussion
bombs, despite the non-violent nature of their presence. The foreign peace
activists clearly identified themselves as an international peace force and
carried a message of peace and justice. Activists were pushed, shoved and
even kicked by soldiers who acted violently and aggressively. More than one
time, soldiers trained their sights and laser targeting from their guns on
unarmed activists in a threatening gesture.
Palestinian and
international activists held firm, and the soldiers were not
really up to the full use of brutal force against the mixed group. As a
result the
road was kept the road open all day, allowing Palestinians to pass without
harassment. Additionally, Palestinian activists removed an Israeli outpost,
used by soldiers to control the area. At no time were stones thrown by
protestors and at no time were there any violent gestures or actions by the
peace activists.
Today's action
by internationals and Palestinians is a call for more concrete
intervention by the international community. "It's shameful that our countries
stand by while Israel continues to terrorize the Palestinian people. I'm
here to
stand up against injustice and to urge my government to do the same," said
U.S. citizen and participant Brian Wood.
For photos, see:
Digital photos also available. For more information, call Huwaida at 052-642-
709 or Palestinian Center for Rapprochement at 02-277-2018.
[5] The food got to Beit Umar
[based on a participant's report by phone]
Today's food convoy
of seventy Arab and Jewish private cars succeeded
after two postponements to get to the besieged Beit Umar village, south of
Jerusalem. The army did not allow two trucks to enter the village, but didn't
prevent the activists and villagers from making a chain and in this way
bringing the cargo successfully to its destination.
Contact: Ta'ayush Arab-Jewish <arab_jewish@hotmail.com
05 Zum Beitrag von Awadalla
von: Peter Zöhrer <webmaster@religionsfreiheit.at>
Sehr geehrte Frau Awadalla,
In Ihrem Artikel "zum Beitrag von Peter Zöhrer"- haben Sie offensichtlich
einiges völlig missverstanden. Es war nicht MEIN (Peter Zöhrers) Beitrag,
sondern der Beitrag von Günther Ahmed RUSZNAK, ein Schriftsteller,
Moscheesprecher und Mitglied des FOREF Redaktionsteams. Rusznaks Artikel
über die Trauner Moschee wurde also von Peter Zöhrer (mir), MUND Abonnent
und FOREF Webmaster an MUND zur Veröffentlichung geschickt, da er zur
Widerstandsthematik passt.
Ihre Interpretation
meines Motivs, Herrn Rusznak und den Trauner Muslims in
ihrem Kampf beizustehen ("falls sie bei ihm eine ausnahme machen, dann
um ihn bzw. die anliegen der trauner muslimInnen für ihre eigenen zwecke
benutzen.") ist eine maßlose Unterstellung, die ich nicht kommentieren
möchte. Außerdem hat Günther Ahmed Rusznak im gestrigen MUND
(Big Mama and
das radikale Element) schon dazu Stellung genommen. Solche Unterstellungen
sind wir als Mitglieder religiöser Minderheiten speziell von den
Gesinnungsjägern aus der rechten Szene und paradoxserweise auch von Ihnen
schon gewohnt. 30 Jahre lang wurden hierzulande Menschen wegen ihrer
Gesinnung von den Großkirchen, den Monopolmedien und der Regierung
(Konkordat) diskriminiert und stigmatisiert. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit,
diese bedrückende Atmosphäre der geistigen Apartheid zu durchbrechen.
FOREF (Forum Religionsfreiheit)
ist aus diesem Notstand heraus entstanden.
Das Redaktionsteam, welches sich aus Redakteuren von verschiedensten
Glaubensgemeinschaften zusammensetzt (uns verbindet primär der gemeinsame
Kampf für religiöse Toleranz und Menschenrechte), ist nicht wenig
Ihren Versuch amüsiert, einen Keil in unsere Koalition zu treiben. Wie
es aber schaffen einen Spagat zwischen den diametralen Mindsets einer
Antifa-Aktivistin und einer Neo-Inquisitorin hinzulegen, ist so einmalig
wie rätselhaft.
Weiters, Frau Awadalla,
Ihre Behauptung: "wie es um die toleranz Peter
Zöhrers andersdenkenden gegenüber bestellt ist, bewies er am 2. 10.
mit seiner aussage, daß sektenkritik zu verhindern sei und sektenkritische
einrichtungen nicht vom staat gefördert werden dürfen, im gegensatz
religiösen gruppierungen." ist FALSCH: Jede(r) darf kritisieren soviel
(sie) will. FOREF wehrt sich jedoch vehement gegen eine staatlich
sanktionierte und finanzierte Gesinnungspolizei. Österreich wurde wegen
Antikult-Gesetzgebung, Schwarzen Listen (Sektenbroschüren) und der
Einrichtung der Bundessektenstelle vom OSZE und verschiedenen
Menschenrechtsorganisationen wiederholt kritisiert.
Zwecks RICHTIGSTELLUNG - Hier ist der Volltext meiner Rede vom 02.10.2001:
Appell für religiöse Toleranz & Menschenrechte
In Gesprächen
mit Mitgliedern verschiedener Minderheitenreligionen in
Österreich hat FOREF folgenden 10 Punkte Appell verfasst:
oder -Aktionen dürfen zu keinen Hierarchiebildungen
von Religionen führen. Jeder religiöse Glaube hat Anspruch auf den
in den
Grundrechten verankerten Schutz (Negatives Beispiel - Österreich: Auftrag
d. Bundessektenstelle bezieht sich ausschließlich auf rel. Minderheiten.
Nur sektenähnliche Gruppierungen d. Großkirchen sind von der staatl.
Beobachtung verschont).
2. Die Verwendung
des diffamierenden Begriffs "Kult" oder "Sekte" durch
staatliche Organe ist zu unterlassen und die Begriffe "Religion",
Religion", "Minderheitenreligion" oder "Neue Religion"
zu ersetzen.
3. Verfassungswidrig
und gegen die Menschenrechte ist die Einrichtung einer
staatlichen Weltanschauung- und Gesinnungskontrolle auf dem Gebiet der
geistigen Entfaltung und der Sinnsuche, nämlich die Einrichtung einer
Stiftung unter dem Deckmantel des Verbraucherschutzes (wie sie z.B. in
einer Forderung im Volksbegehren des Österreichischen Familienbunds
enthalten ist). Solche Vorschläge sind entschieden abzulehnen.
4. Vor dem Hintergrund des Grundrechtes auf ungestörte Religionsausübung ist
a) jegliche staatliche
Förderung von privaten oder kirchlichen
Informationsstellen, sprich sogenannten "Anti-Sekten-Vereinen",
verfassungswidrig (Beispiele: Wiener "Gesellschaft gegen Sekten- und
Kultgefahren"(GSK von F.W. Grieß) und "ESO-Informationsdienst
b) Der Staat ist
in Glaubensfragen zur absoluten Neutralität verpflichtet.
Daher müssen Angestellte der staatlichen "Sektenstellen" (Bundesstelle
Landesstellen) unparteiisch und konfessionell nicht befangen sein. Leider
sind in Österreich weder die "Bundesstelle" (kath. & ev.
Theologen als
Mitarbeiter), noch die "Landesstellen" von NÖ (Peter Pitzinger)
und OÖ
(kath. Theologe) politisch oder konfessionell unbefangen.
5. Restriktionen
von religiöser Freiheit aufgrund des Argumentes, diese
Religion sei eine Gefahr für die öffentliche Ordnung, darf nur bei
beweisbaren Fakten angewendet werden, d. h. nur dann, wenn der Staat
wirklich einer Gefahr ausgesetzt ist. In diesem Zusammenhang wird des
weiteren eine gleiche Behandlung aller Religionen gefordert.
6. Sofortige Einstellung
und Rücknahme der staatlichen
"Anti-Sekten-Propaganda" (Broschüre "Wissen schützt",
7. Schaffung einer
Kultur der Toleranz und der Menschenrechte besonders in
den Schulen. Einstellung der "Sekten"-Filme und des "Sekten"-Unterrichts
den Schulen und Schulbüchern. Rücknahme der bisher erstellten staatlichen
und amtskirchlichen "Informationsschriften" über Minderheitsreligionen.
8. Jegliche Veröffentlichung
über religiöse Minderheiten seitens
staatlicher Stellen darf keine diskriminierenden und diffamierenden Inhalte
haben, muss den Tatsachen entsprechen und das Selbstverständnis der
Religionsgemeinschaften berücksichtigen.
9. MEDIEN: Sollten
sich in der Berichterstattung bezüglich religiöser
Minderheiten strikt an Punkt 4 des EHRENKODEX der österreichischen Presse
Die Freiheit in
der Berichterstattung und Kommentar ist integrierender
Bestandteil der Pressefreiheit. Persönliche Diffamierungen,
Verunglimpfungen und Verspottungen aber sind ein Mißbrauch dieser Freiheit,
sie verstoßen gegen das journalistische Ethos. Dies gilt auch für
Pauschalverdächtigungen und Pauschalverunglimpfungen von Personen oder
Personengruppen. Jede Diskriminierung aus rassischen, religiösen,
nationalen oder sonstigen Beweggründen ist unzulässig. Die Veröffentlichung
bewußt entstellender und/oder diffamierender bildlicher Darstellungen
10. Beendigung
der Diskriminierung auf kommunaler Ebene durch Aussperrung
aus öffentlichen Veranstaltungsräumen oder Dialogverweigerung seitens
Relevante Links:
10 Punkte Appell (mit Links): http://www.religionsfreiheit.at/forderung.htm
'99' OSZE Schlußdokument: http://www.religionsfreiheit.at/osze-de.htm
US-Congress Resolution 544: http://www.religionsfreiheit.at/resolution1.htm
Minderheiten zwischen Großkirchen und Rechtsstaat - Dossier:
Theorie & Praxis
staatlicher "Sektenaufklärung" (zur Situation in
Österreich): http://www.religionsfreiheit.at/schulte.htm
»FOREF« - FORUM RELIGIONSFREIHEIT: www.religionsfreiheit.at
Zentrale Forderung
des FOREF: die konsequente Umsetzung des fundamentalsten
Menschenrechtes unserer Demokratie - der Glaubens- und Gewissensfreiheit.
Unzensierte Informationen über die Grundrechte und deren Verletzung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Peter Zöhrer
Ihr Internet-Forum
für religiöse Toleranz & Menschenrechte. Ein Projekt von
Postfach 468, A-6020 INNSBRUCK
06 Zum obigen Beitrag von Peter Zöhrer
von: el awadalla <el@awadalla.at>
Die staatliche Neutralität kann nicht bedeuten, alles, was sich dafür
ausgibt, als Religion anzuerkennen und auf der anderen Seite sämtliche
Kritik zu unterbinden. So steht es auch nicht in den von Herrn Zöhrer
angeführten Quellen. Wenn Religionen anerkannt und gefördert werden,
muß genauso die Kritik daran anerkannt und gefördert werden. Das
Neutralität. Im übrigen stimme ich der Kritik zu, daß der
österreichische Staat Religionen zu unrecht ungleich behandelt.
Um dem entgegenzuwirken,
habe ich einen Vorschlag: Sämtliche
Religionsgesellschaften werden auf die Stufe von
Bekenntnisgemeinschaften herabgestuft und verlieren damit alle
bisherigen Privilegien, weiters werden auch die anerkannten
Religionsgesellschaften von der Bundesstelle für Sektenfragen
el awadalla
07 Zum Beitrag von Günther Ahmed Rusznak im Mund vom 28.12.2001
von: el awadalla <el@awadalla.at>
Werter Herr Rusznak,
wenn es Ihnen nicht
paßt, lesen Sie es halt nicht: Aber ich lasse mir
von Ihnen eine Antwort nicht verbieten.
1. Ihr Diskussionsstil wirft ein bezeichnendes Licht auf Sie.
2. Sie reagieren wie es bei Sekten üblich ist, nämlich weitgehend
3. Woher wollen Sie überhaupt etwas über meinen "Dunstkreis"
4. Ich bin Ihnen keinerlei Rechenschaft schuldig, wofür ich mich
einsetze und wofür nicht.
5. Ich habe mich nicht schuldig gemacht, ebensowenig wie viele andere,
die die Trauner Moschee nicht für den Nabel der Welt halten.
6. Wenn Sie mir vorwerfen, ich würde mich "nur" schreibend für
einsetzen, so ist Ihnen bei all Ihrem angeblich Wissen über mich eines
entgangen: Ich bin Autorin.
el awadalla
widerstandslesung jeden donnerstag von 17 bis 19 uhr bei der
botschaft der besorgten bürgerInnen, 1010 wien, ballhausplatz 1a.
30. Dezember 2001, 22:00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Edgar Ernstbrunner
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!