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Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt
uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im
MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 Operation Winter I = Operation Spring IV
von: "INOU SIMON" <inou@gmx.at>
Liebe Freundinnen, Liebe Freunde
Heute 19.12.2002 auf der Seite 1 der Kronen Zeitung (Abend Ausgabe) ist
zu lesen:
3000 Afrikaner als Drogendealer
Diese Information wird auf den Seiten 14-15 detailliert und wie?
Die Journalisten Christoph Matzl und Christoph Budin die den Artikel
veröffentlichen unrecherchierte, inhaltlich dubiöse Informationen. Eine Art
Lügen zu
verbreiten um die Afrikanische Gemeinschaft schlecht zu machen. Die beiden
Autoren wissen offensichtlich nicht wo welches Land liegt oder welcher
In dem Artikel wird zwischen Nigeria/Afrika gesurft. Die Leserschaft hat
den Eindruck,
Afrika sei in Nigeria und umgekehrt. Hier wird gelogen, warum?
Weil im Kurier stehen andere Zahlen. Nämlich im Kurier Online heute Nacht
(22 Uhr) steht:
Schlag gegen Drogenhandel: 165 Festnahmen, 890 Anzeigen. Vermutlich geht die
Polizei davon aus dass es 3000 potentiellen Tätern aus die den Markt in
beeinflussen. Hier bemerken wir, dass hier nicht ausschließlich
von Afrikanern die
Rede ist. Weiters wird über einen Jugoslawischen Staatsbürger berichtet. Er
festgenommen worden mit Amphetaminen und 2 kg Cannabiskraut.
> Wir bemerken, dass die Polizei durch die Medien noch immer Mitbürger
> Vielleicht sollte die Polizei mehr Infos über den Drogenbericht geben.
Viele unserer
> Landsleute (Deutschland, Österreich&..) sind Mittäter&..warum
diese Sicht der
> Informationen vertuschen? Die so genannten Journalisten der
Kronenzeitung müssen
> mehr und besser recherchieren.
Im Standard steht: 3000 Verdächtige ausgeforscht, 165 Festnahmen, 890
86 Kilogramm Kokain und Heroin sichergestellt, sechs Millionen Euro über
Konten geflossen. Ein Resümee vom Chefinspektor Wolfgang Preiszler
> Frage: Sind alle Verdächtigen Afrikaner? Wie definiert man eigentlich einen
> Verdächtigen? Ich habe den Eindruck dass alle Afrikaner die in diesen 2
> Recherche kontrolliert haben sind Teil der Statistik sind. Auch hier ist
wie beim
> Kurier-Artikel nicht klar, wer diese 3000 Verdächtigen sind.
Als Afrikaner finde ich solche News als Volksverhetzung. Ich bin der Meinung,
dass die Kronen Zeitung der Feind N° 1 der Afrikaner in diesem Land ist.
Mediaprint spielt mit. Wie Armin Thurnher formuliert, Mediaprint muss
Was machen wir als Afrikaner in diesem Fall? Wir sind nicht einmal organisiert
um etwas dagegen gemeinsam zu unternehmen. Es wäre Zeit so etwas zu tun&.
02 Operation Spring IV - 3.Teil
von: "INOU SIMON" <inou@gmx.at>
Omofuma ist nicht genug gewesen um die afrikanische Gemeinschaft zu
zerstören. Wir Afrikaner haben darunter gelitten dass wir seit mehr als 600
Jahren versklavt sind&..
Sklaverei, Kolonialismus, Neokolonialismus, Verteufelung, Erniedrigungen,
In Österreich ist die Situation tragisch geworden. Viele Afrikaner finden
Ihrer Ausbildung keine Arbeit. Diese Afrikaner bemühen sich um die
Wirtschaft zu erweitern. Viele die keine Jobs finden gründen Ihre eigen
beschäftigen oft Österreicher und was lesen in Tageszeitungen?
Salzburger Nachrichten, 20.12.2002, Seite 5: Afrikaner die im Drogenhandel
sind operieren oft unter dem Deckmantel legaler Geschäfte. Überprüfungen
*so genannter Call Center* führten zum Beispiel auf die Spur eines aus NIGERIA
(nicht mehr AFRIKA) stammenden Österreichischen Staatsbürgers. Er *soll* in
9 Monaten 5,5 Millionen Euro Drogengelder ins Ausland transferiert haben .
Was können wir noch sagen? Afrikanische Geschäftsleute wird es nie geben!!!
Unter Afrikanischer Unternehmen wird oft mit DrogenGeld assoziiert.
Danke Österreich&..Danke
Simon INOU
03 asylbewerber-freie zonen
von: N.N.
ein posting auf der fm4 - website:
asylbewerber-freie zonen
meilen, ein dorf in der schweiz, setzt neue masstäbe im racial
asylbewerberInnen, die in meilen leben, dürfen bestimmte gebiete im dorf
- etwa die sport- und schulanlagen - nicht betreten. auf der dorfkarte
von meilen wurden "spezialrayons" mit farbe markiert. wofür die
markierungen stehen, machen die dazugehörigen piktogramme
unmissverständlich klar: vier schwarze männchen, dick durchgestrichen -
in diesen rayons dürfen sich in der zürcher seegemeinde keine
asylsuchenden aufhalten.
bericht in der schweizer woz:
offizielle meldung der gemeinde meilen:
wer also vorhat in meilen urlaub zu machen, und jetzt verunsichert ist,
sollte unbedingt sofort um eine spezialbewilligung ansuchen!
nur so können verwechslungen oder missversändnisse ausgeschlossen und
ein angenehmer, stressfreier urlaub garantiert werden.
anträge können gestellt werden bei:
Dorfstr. 100
CH - 8706 Meilen
oder unter www.meilen.ch/html/feedback.htm
mach mit!
von: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
Thursday 19 December 2002. More Information: +354 557 1000 (Iceland)
A professional TV&Photo crew is recording this in the Reykjavik District
Court today 19th December. TV material can be delivered to you via
satellite uplink or by overnight courrier. Photographs available by email.
Contact details below.
Santa will naturally meet his faith in front of the Judge dressed in his
traditional red outfit last used in Baghdad.
Santa to be jailed in Iceland!
State Police demand 3 year prison over protest against civil airlines
flying NATO weapons and troops to Iraq
REYKJAVIK, Dec 19 - Thor Magnusson founder of the Peace 2000 charity and
who is known to the Icelandic people as Santa Claus for his Santa
Peaceflights to war torn countries, is being summoned foran a Reykjavik
District Court Judge today to hear a Charge filed by the State Police
demanding a three year jail sentence over the peace activist and former
Icelandic presidential candidate.
The Peace 2000 leader was arrested 22 November for an e-mail warning that
Icelandic passenger planes are being exposed as targets and to terrorist
activity following an agreement by the government with NATO to strengthen
its military capability by placing Icelandair and Air Atlanta passenger
aircraft on standby to transport weapons and troops, even as early war is
waged on Iraq. The arrest and the shift of policy from a nation of peace
with ancient democratic tradition and no military services to a wish to
participate in military agression has been protested by thousands of
scholars, peace activists and organizations from around the world resulting
in Icelandic government offices blocking email deliveries and Peace 2000
Internet access being shut off for several days.
Peace 2000 organized the first western flight through the no-fly zone to
Baghdad flying Santa with almost 100,000 Christmas gifts, food and medical
supplies to Iraq in Christmas 1997, under a special authorization of the UN
Security Council. The flight gained wide media attention and helped ignite
demonstrations against a new Gulf war all over the world. International
support of the US call to allied bombing broke down. Magnusson was honored
with the Holy Gold Cross by the Greek Orthodox Church at the nomination of
UNESCO in Greece for his part in this, but in Iceland Peace 2000 faced the
cold shoulder and persecution of authorities that arrested Santa's next
flight and cargo from the runway seconds before aircraft lift off for a
second mission to Baghdad.
Additional Information&Referances:
Arrest in Iceland: Reuters report 26 November 2002:
Ekstra Bladet Denmark: Panik paa Island - Presidential candidate jailed:
Baghdad Christmas 1997 - CNN Peter Arnett reports:
Peace 2000 Home Page - Various Reports:
TV: 4-5 minutes footage of Santa in the District Court and original
material from Santa's flight to Baghdad with shooting list and storyline.
Contact: Kristinn Tel +354 899 2506 (Iceland). Email: khrafnsson@msn.com
PHOTO: Santa in District Court and Santa in Baghdad.
Contact: Zafer Sipa Press:Tel: +33 1 47434743 (France). Email:
Contact Peace 2000 Institute:
Tel: +354 557 1000 (Iceland). Email: media@peace2000.org
Dringend: Weltweite Solidarität mit Chiapas
Liebe FreundInnen, wir halten es auf Grund der aktuellen Ereignisse in
per Fax an: 0052 5555 2241144 oder 0052 5552 772376 (Vicente Fox) 0052 5555
oder per mail an: presidencia@gob.mx mail@embamexale.de
An die mexikanische Regierung
An den mexikanischen Präsidenten Vicente Fox
Von unseren Freundinnen und Freunden aus Mexiko haben wir Nachrichten
Zivile BeobachterInnen und Menschenrechtsorganisationen begeben sich in die
Die ersten Ziele der Truppen: Zapatistische Siedlungen und Grenzgebiete
Hermann Bellinghausen (LA JORNADA 16.12.2002)
Ixcan, Chiapas 15.12.2002. Heute wurden bedeutende Truppenbewegungen im
Weder an dieser Stelle (wo sich Installationen von Semarnat
Diesen Morgen bemerkte man Überflüge von Aufklärungsflugzeugen in großer
In den Operationsbasen der Armee in Maravilla, Tenejepa, Ixcán, Río Domingo
Auch die Kaserne von Toniná in Ocosingo verließ heute ein Konvoi von acht
Am Mittwoch, den 11. Dezember, realisierte ein Konvoi mit Armeetruppen eine
Die Bauern des Tales von Las Margaritas zeigten sich besorgt über diese
Trotz aller dieser Bewegungen und der Regierungspläne, gegen die
Eine Gruppe von zivilen BeobachterInnen und Menschenrechtsorganisationen
Ein "opportuner" Besucher
[...] Am vergangenen Donnerstag, den 12., kam der zweite Sekretär der us-
Obwohl die lokale Presse dem Besuch eine geringe Aufmerksamkeit schenkte,
"Ich komme, um unsere Dienste anzubieten", sagte der Abgesandte der us-
Während dieser Besuch verstrich meldete die Unterbevollmächtigte von
Die "Signale", die Profepa und Semarnat [...] an die ausländischen
Weniger bekannt ist, dass die Armee, die Marine, die PGR und die sektorielle
(Übersetzung: Gruppe B.A.S.T.A., Münster
Sonntag, 22.12. 18h30
Film: Das Narrenschiff
USA 1965
Zum 80. Geburtstag von Oskar Werner zeigt das Vorstadtzentrum einen seiner
Freitag, 20. Dezember 2002
Graz: KPÖ für wählerische Frauen
Ab sofort kann die Broschüre "Für wählerische Frauen" beim Grazer
Die Broschüre "Für wählerische Frauen!" ist an den Infoständen der KPÖ
Außerdem kann es im Internet im pdf-Format von der Homepage der KPÖ-Graz
Sandra Aragon
Datum: 2002/12/20 Fr AM 05:48:27 GMT+01:00
Betreff: Information Note Working Group People of African Descent
Dear Colleagues,
This is to inform you that the second session of the Working Group on
The Secretariat is inviting the following observers to the second
To date, the members of the Working Group who have been appointed by
Mr. George Nicolas Jabbour (Syrian Arab Republic)
Non-governmental organizations having consultative status with ECOSOC
I take this opportunity to send you my best wishes for this coming
Sincerely yours,
Sandra Aragón-Parriaux
ATTENTION: the attachments to the original email are NOT included to get
Sandra Aragón-Parriaux
Dear Colleagues,
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights presents its
Non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic
Yours sincerely
Sandra Aragón-Parriaux
Please forward
First, congratulations to Florida Capital Collateral Regional Counsel
Now it is time to get out of the courts and into the streets - it is time
When he is freed, Rudolph Holton will become the ***25th*** person
It has been more than 17 years since Rudolph Holton was arrested for a
State prosecutors have 15 days to ask for a rehearing, but it is clear that
Call Hillsborough County (FL) States Attorney Mark Ober and DEMAND that
"There is no reason to continue holding Rudolph Holton. I ask you to
Mark Ober's offices are open from 8:30am to 5pm, EST:
Call both locations. Call early and often. Thank you!
When he leaves prison, the State of Florida will give Rudolph Holton
FADP's web page will reflect the myriad issues surrounding this case by
Read background news articles at
Today's AP Story (
Death row inmate Rudolph Holton deserves a new trial for the 1986 murder
In a brief order Wednesday, Florida's high court upheld an order by
Holton, 49, was convicted of raping and killing Katrina Graddy, a
About 10 days before the murder, Graddy had told police another man had
Martin McClain, a New York attorney representing Holton, said there were
The 6-0 order was unanimous with the exception of Justice Peggy Quince,
The high court said Perry's order was "fully supported by competent,
In January, death row inmate Juan Melendez walked off Florida's death row
During his years in prison, Melendez lost several rounds of appeals and
(source: Associated Press)
Mr. Holton was convicted and sentenced to death based on untruthful
On the evening of June 23, 1986, Katrina Graddy and her friend Pam went to
In June, 1986, Rudolph Holton was a drug addict who stole in order to
The police took a statement from Johnny Newsome. He indicated that he had
Flemnie Birkins testified in April of 2001 that he lied at Mr. Holton's
Johnny Newsome testified in April of 2001 that he lied at Mr. Holton's
Carl Schenck testified in April of 2001 that a photograph of the individual
At trial, the State had presented physical evidence which purportedly
Finally, the State presented an FBI agent to testify that three hairs which
The hair evidence which the State argued linked Mr. Holton to the crime has
At trial, Mr. Holton presented an alibi. Solodon Clemmons testified that on
Also, Mr. Holton's trial attorney wanted to present the testimony of the
In April of 2001, Mr. Holton presented a police report that was not
In April of 2001, Donald Smith testified that about ten days before her
Mr. Smith testified in 2001 that several months later he had a conversation
The trial prosecutor, Joe Episcopo, was in a newspaper story in 2001 after
When the trial court granted a new trial in November of 2001, the State
"The only thing new in this case is the name of the man who has spent years
Further information on this case will be forthcoming.
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP) again demands an
FADP reminds the public that the State of Florida will give Mr. Holton a
Abraham J. Bonowitz
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP)
800-973-6548 http://www.fadp.org
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty works for restorative
PS: For fiscal & legal purposes, FADP is a project of CUADP
Story from the at.indymedia.org:8081 newswire
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Article by: cacerolaz@s
Summary:Anlässlich der "Jornada de Desobediencia Global", des "internationalen
Reference at indymedia website:
Weitere Semmeln, ein großer Leib Brot und Informationen über die aktuelle
Die Semmeln mit Nägeln symbolisieren nicht nur die Nahrung, die zwar vorhanden
Ebenfalls auf ein paar der Schilder war "Attac" zu lesen. Es ging zwar hervor,
Im Aufruf zur Aktion wurde um die Unterstützung durch cacerolaz@s und
Die PasantInnen reagierten überraschenderweise recht interessiert, wenngleich
Alles in allem eine gelungene Aktion, wenngleich die Beteiligung von noch mehr
Cote d'Ivoire Deployment Might Be Test Case for France
France is expanding its military intervention in Cote d'Ivoire, where a rebel
France has deployed a company from the 2nd Foreign Paratroopers Regiment to
The forces are intended to help preserve stability and protect the 20,000
The campaign in Cote d'Ivoire reverses a decade-long trend of limited French
France has maintained a military presence in Africa since the end of the
The reduction of French involvement in Africa follows a decline in France's
But the case of Cote d'Ivoire is markedly different. In addition to the
Paris has been involved in the fighting since the rebel uprising in Cote
The Hindu
France getting mired in war?
-This is the most important direct French involvement on the African continent
Paris Dec. 17. Is France slowly getting sucked into a reluctant war in the
The Ivory Coast, which dominates Africa's cocoa coast is of tremendous
French soldiers have been given orders to "shoot at sight'' anyone attempting
Rebel leaders warned the French that any more moves to prop up the President
France however is worried about the situation getting out of hand. When the
The Times of London
December 20, 2002
>> Hundreds held in US round-up of immigrants <<
HUNDREDS of men of Middle Eastern descent have been detained in the United
"What s next? Concentration camps?" read one banner on Wednesday as
Authorities are stretched by new rules and fears they could unwittingly
One lawyer said that he saw Los Angeles authorities running out of handcuffs as
The American Immigration Lawyers Association reported scattered detentions
Legal sources said they believed that the problem in southern California was
"I saw so many people in tears on Monday . . . What s happening in America
The new rules are especially offensive to Pakistanis, whose President has
Ultimately this is going to spread and our people will be affected, an embassy
Crystal Williams, of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, said that
> Mass arrests of Muslims in LA <
Families protested against the detention of relatives US immigration officials
Reports say between 500 and 700 men were arrested in and around Los
The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) is refusing to say how many
The arrests sparked angry protests in Los Angeles by thousands of Iranian-
Official radio in Iran also reported the arrests and the protests, which it
> Deadline
Under the new US immigration rules, all male immigrants aged 16 and over
Immigrants from other mainly Muslim states have been set later deadlines
Community groups said men had been arrested in Los Angeles and nearby
California is home to about 600,000 Iranians who have been living in exile
One of the Iranian-American demonstrators in Los Angeles, Ali Bozorgmehr,
"All Iranians that live in America are hard-working people... They love this
> 'Shocking'
Ramona Ripston, executive director of the Southern California chapter of
"I think it is shocking what is happening," she said.
"We are getting a lot of telephone calls from people. We are hearing that
Islamic community leaders said many detainees had been living, working
"Terrorists most likely wouldn't come to the INS to register," said Sabiha
She said the detainees were "being treated as criminals, and that really goes
> Hundreds Are Detained After Visits to INS <
Megan Garvey, Martha Groves and Henry Weinstein
Hundreds of men and boys from Middle Eastern countries were arrested by
The arrests drew thousands of people to demonstrate Wednesday in Los Angeles.
Immigration and Naturalization Service spokesmen refused Wednesday to say
The number of people arrested in this region appears to have been considerably
Many of those arrested, according to their lawyers, had already applied for
"These are the people who've voluntarily gone" to the INS, said Mike S. Manesh
Immigration officials acknowledged Wednesday that many of those taken into
"The vast majority of people who are coming forward to register are
The large number of Iranians among the detainees has angered many in the
At the rally, which police officials estimated drew about 3,000 protesters
The arrests have generated widespread publicity, mostly unfavorable, in the
Beers, undersecretary of State for public diplomacy and public affairs, was
"I don't think there is any question that the change in visa policy is going to
Relatives and lawyers of those arrested locally challenge that rationale for
One attorney, who said he saw a 16-year-old pulled from the arms of his
"His mother is 6 1/2 months pregnant. They told the mother he is never going
Jonoubi said that the mother has permanent residence status and that her
Many objected to the treatment of those who showed up for the registration.
Lawyers reported crowded cells with some clients forced to rest standing up,
Shawn Sedaghat, a Sherman Oaks attorney, said he and his partner, Michelle
Some, he said, were hosed down with cold water before finding places to
Lucas Guttentag, who heads the West Coast office of the American Civil
"The secrecy gives rise to obvious concerns about what the INS is doing and
Many at Wednesday's protest said they took the day off work to join the
"I came to this country over 40 years ago and got drafted in the Army, and
"Oppressed people come here because of that democracy, that freedom,
Ramona Ripston, executive director of the ACLU of Southern California,
Attorney Ban Al-Wardi, who saw 14 of her 20 clients arrested when she
"All of our fundamental civil rights have been violated by these actions,"
> America arrests 700 Muslim immigrants <
As many as 700 Middle Eastern immigrants, mainly Iranians, have been detained
The arrests sparked protests by thousand of Muslims congregating at the
Radio stations in Iran and across the Middle East took a dim view of the
US immigration rules introduced after the September 11 attacks require all
A second deadline orders male immigrants from Afghanistan, Lebanon, Eritrea,
Ramona Ripston, of the American Civil Liberties Union, said the arrests were
Those arrested spent the night in overcrowded cells; some had been shackled.
· Pakistani police said a leading Islamic militant suspected of involvement
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002
Plattform Nein zur EU
e-mail: nein-zur-eu@servus.at
Nein zur EU/EU-Osterweiterung/Kopenhagen
>> EU-Gipfel in Kopenhagen: Osterweiterung beschlossen,
Für acht osteuropäische Länder, sowie die Mittelmeerinseln Malta und Zypern
Ein langjähriger Prozess der Westintegration wird 2004 in einigen
Konkret fixiert wurde in Kopenhagen die Höhe der Zahlungen an die
In Kopenhagen konnte man auch beobachten, wie sich das Dogma des freien
Kopenhagen war tatsächlich ein "historischer Gipfel". Er hat einmal mehr
> Europäische Zusammenarbeit statt EU!
Es werden also erhebliche Widersprüche in der Union aufgebaut. Eines der
Die neue Augabe des republicart web-journal ist online:
art sabotage
Von der selbsthistorisierenden Postneoavantgarde des Neoismus über die
Mit Texten von autonome a.f.r.i.k.a. gruppe, Brian Holmes, Ralf Homann,
22:00 Uhr
05 Dringend: Weltweite Solidarität mit Chiapas
aus: info@linkeseite.de
Chiapas (Infos am Ende) für dringend notwendig sofortige Soliaktionen in die
Wege zu leiten. Da die mexikanische Regierung in der Vergangenheit schon mal
auf öffentlichen Druck reagiert hat, wollen wir ihr zeigen, dass die von
Vertreibung bedrohten Menschen in Chiapas mit weltweiter Solidarität rechnen
können. Bitte schickt das nachfolgende oder ein anderes Fax an die
mexikanische Regierung und die mex Botschaft in Berlin. Und überlegt mit
uns, wie wir den Druck auf die mexikanische Regierung verstärken können.
Ein Fax ist erst der Anfang!
465350 / 0052 5557 055465 / 0052 5555 660245 (Sekretariat der Regierung)
0052 96161 20917 (Salazar, Gouverneur von Chiapas) 030 26932 3700 oder 030
26932 325(mex. Botschaft in Berlin)
erhalten über umfangreiche Truppenbewegungungen in Chiapas, die dem Zweck
dienen sollen die Menschen aus einigen indigene Gemeinden im Gebiet Montes
Azules zu vertreiben. Diese Nachrichten erfüllen uns mit Entsetzen und Wut!
Wir fordern sie auf, sofort die Räumung der indigenen Gemeinden zu stoppen,
die beteiligten Armeeeinheiten in ihre Kasernen zurückzuordern, unverzüglich
die Entmilitarisierung von Chiapas einzuleiten und die Armee nicht mehr
gegen die Bevölkerung einzusetzen. Wir schließen uns dem Widerstand der
mexikanischen Bevölkerung gegen ihre Regierung an und werden unverzüglich
das Europäische Parlament aufordern, das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen Mexiko
und der EU außer Kraft zu setzen. Für den Fall anhaltender
Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch die mexikanische Regierung werden wir einen
europaweiten Tourismusboykott gegen Mexiko einleiten. In Solidarität mit der
widerständigen mexikanischen Bevö!
Grenzstreifen registriert. Ebenso gab es Militärverschiebungen von Rancho
Nuevo (San Cristóbal de las Casas) nach Comitán. La Jornada registrierte das
Passieren von 18 LKWs und Fahrzeugen, die etwa 300 Soldaten verlegten. Von
Comitán mobilisierten sich ebenfalls Konvois in Richtung der Grenze zu
Guatemala. Seit früher Stunde hat man bei den Seen von Montebello einen
Kontrollposten der Armee installiert, der von zwei Maschinengewehren
flankiert wird [...].
[Umweltministerium] befinden), noch in der Basis der gemischten Operationen
in der Nähe von Amparo Aguatinta (wo der gewöhnliche Kontrollposten heute
seine Untersuchungen verstärkte) beruft man sich auf das Bundesgesetz
bezüglich von Feuer- und Explosivwaffen, um die Kontrollpunkte zu
rechtfertigen. Die Soldaten gaben auch keine andere Erklärung. Zu den
ankündigten Räumungen in der Region Ixcán und Río Lacantún gefragt, sagten
sie, dass sie nichts wissen.
Höhe über die Cañadas [Längstal] von Las Margaritas bis zur Grenze in der
näheren Umgebung von Ixcán.
(Las Palmas) und Amatitlán konnte der Berichterstatter die in Formation
versammelte Truppe beobachten, was für einen Sonntag nicht gewöhnlich ist.
Fahrzeugen mit Truppen und Booten in Richtung der Militärbasis von San
Quintín. Dort, am Fluss Jataté (der in dieser Region schiffbar ist), bleiben
die Boote stationiert, um sich zum Fluss Lacantún zu begeben, in dessen
näherer Umgebung sich die Siedlungen befinden, die geräumt werden könnten.
ungewöhnliche Bewegung von Vicente Guerrero in die Umgebung des Ejidos
Veracruz im autonomen Landkreis San Pedro de Michoacán. Vierzehn Fahrzeuge
"deponierten" Truppen an einem Punkt des Weges und kehrten leer in ihre
Basis zurück. Die Bundesregierung, die hofft, etwa 250 Indígenas zu räumen,
die sich nach Montes Azules verlagert haben, zielt mit ihren ersten
Räumungen auf die autonomen Siedlungen der zapatistischen Basen und auf die
Randgebiete des Flusses Lacantún [...].
militärischen Manöver. Es ist das erste Mal in fast zwei Jahren, dass sie
Soldaten durch diese Gemeinden passieren sehen und das Eindringen eines
Bataillons in die Berge beunruhigt sie noch mehr.
"Besetzungen" im Süden von Montes Azules zu "agieren", konnte man heute
nicht bestätigen, dass man irgendeine Räumung registriert hat.
reiste diesen Nachmittag nach Amititlán, von wo die Motorboote des
Marineministeriums im Falle von stattfindenden Räumungen abfahren. Auf alle
Fälle wird die Hauptoperation mittels Luftfahrzeugen stattfinden, weil die
zu räumenden Siedlungen über den Landweg unerreichbar sind. Nur eine von
ihnen, bekannt als "8. Februar", befindet sich an den Ufern des Flusses
Lacantún und ist per Motorboot erreichbar.
amerikanischen Botschaft, Rakesh Surampudi, in der chiapanekischen
Hauptstadt an, der auch Direktor von wirtschaftlichem Austausch und
Programmen der genannten diplomatischen Mission ist.
traf sich der Diplomat am Freitag mit Funktionären des Ministeriums für
ökonomische Entwicklung, dem Unterministerium der Forstentwicklung, dem
Institut für Natur- und Ökologiegeschichte und besuchte akademische
Institutionen in Tuxtla Gutierrez und San Cristóbal de las Casas.
amerikanischen Botschaft gestern in der Tageszeitung "Sin Linea" aus San
Cristobal. Surampudi bot der chiapanekischen Regierung Beratungen "in den
Gebieten Ökonomie, Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie" an, so wie im Forstbereich
Profepa, Diana Ponce Nava, in Tuxtla Gutierrez, dass man rechtlicht gegen
diverse Siedlungen in Montes Azules vorgehen werde. Auch Gouverneur Pabla
Salazar Mendiguchía selbst erklärte sofort, dass seine Regierung die
Räumungen, wenn sie stattfinden, unterstützen wird, weil es sich dieses Mal
um neue "Besetzungen" handelt, mit denen man, wie er sagte, über keinerlei
Umsiedlung berät.
Investoren, die an Montes Azules und der Selva Lacandona interessiert sind,
senden wollen, scheinen auf dem Weg zu sein. Beide Regierungskörperschaften
initiierten gemeinsam mit der PGR den endgültigen juristischen Prozess, um
die Vertreibungen in Angriff zu nehmen. In diesen Tagen haben wir hier einen
High- Class- Tourismus (Abenteuer- oder "Risiko"-Tourismus) vorbeiziehen
sehen, während der Druck auf die kommunalen Ländereien von seiten der
Hotelbesitzer und Immobilien-Makler wächst, der Spaltungen in den Gemeinden
verursacht (wie es in Lacanjá Chansayab und Nueva Palestina passierte). Zum
Abschluss der "opportune" Besuch eines ad hoc-Funktionärs der us-
amerikanischen Botschaft.
Polizei des Staates sich weiter in einem Alarmzustand befinden, für die
Operation, die heute Sonntag, im südlichen Streifen von Montes Azules
begonnen haben musste.
06 Sonntag im Vorstadtzentrum Film: "Das Narrenschiff"
von: <bsb@vorstadtzentrum.org>
# Sonntag im Vorstadtzentrum 15 #
# 15., Meiselstrasse 46/4 #
# Jeden So von 16-22 Uhr #
D: Vivien Leigh, Simone Signoret, Oskar Werner, Heinz Rühmann
R: Stanley Kramer
bekanntesten Filme. "Das Narrenschiff" fährt von Mexiko Richtung Deutschland,
wo die Machtergreifung Hitlers bevorsteht. An Bord: verschiedenste
und eine explosive Mischung aus Intoleranz und Torheit, Hochmut, Borniertheit
und Rassismus.
Bewegung für Soziale Befreiung BSB
Meiselstraße 46/4
A-1150 Wien
Tel&Fax: (+43 1) 924 31 61
07 Graz: KPÖ für wählerische Frauen
von: Parteder Franz <Franz.Parteder@stadt.graz.at>
KPÖ-Gemeinderatsklub und bei der KPÖ-Bezirksleitung angefordert werden.
Kandidatinnen der KPÖ bei der Grazer Gemeinderatswahl und den
Bezirksratswalen am 26. Jänner 2003 stellen darin ihre Forderungen und
Initiativen vor. Klubobfrau Elke Kahr schreibt in ihrem Vorwort: "Es liegt
an uns Frauen, sich für eine in die Zukunft weisende Frauenpolitik in Graz
zu engagieren: Am Arbeitsplatz, in der Wohnsiedlung, in Frauen- und
BürgerInneninitiativen - und bei der Gemeinderatswahl 2003 durch eine Stimme
für die KPÖ!"
erhältlich und kann bei folgenden Adressen angefordert werden:
KPÖ-BL-Graz, Lagergasse 98 a, 8020 Graz; Tel.: 71 24 79; email:
KPÖ-Gemeinderatsklub, Rathaus, 8010 Graz; Tel.: 872 2151; email:
heruntergeladen werden: www.kpoe-graz.at .
08 Information Note Working Group People of African Descent
von: "suzanne AHDA" <suzanne.ahda@gmx.at>
People of African Descent will take place from 3 to 7 February 2003, at the
United Nations Office in Geneva, Palais des Nations, Conference Room 21.
session of the Working Group: States, United Nations bodies and specialized
agencies, intergovernmental organizations and national human rights
institutions. The Secretariat is also inviting non-governmental
organizations that have consultative status with the Economic and Social
Council and NGOs specially accredited to the World Conference against
Racism. Please note that the latter are being invited in accordance with
a decision adopted by the Working Group at its first session which took
place from 25 to 29 November 2002 in Geneva.
the regional groups, according to Commission on Human Rights resolution
2002/68, are as follows:
Mr. Peter Lesa Kasanda (Zambia)
Mr. Roberto Borges Martins (Brazil)
Ms. Irina Zlatescu (Romania)
or NGOs specially accredited to the World Conference against Racism wishing
to participate as observers in the Working Group are invited to forward the
names of their representatives to the Secretariat (for the attention of
Mrs. Helene Orru, only by fax at +41 22 917 90 50, on letterhead, signed
by the appropriate official of the respective organization), no later than
28 January 2003.
NGO liaison officer
Anti-Discrimination Unit
Tel: 00 41 22 917 93 93
Fax: 00 41 22 917 90 50S
them contact:
NGO liaison officer
Anti-Discrimination Unit
Tel: 00 41 22 917 93 93
Fax: 00 41 22 917 90 50
Email: saragon@ohchr.org
compliments to non governmental organizations and would like to inform them
that pursuant to the Revised Programme of Action for the Third Decade to
Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, adopted by the General Assembly in
its resolution A/RES49/146, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human
Rights and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization are jointly convening a workshop to develop a publication to
combat racism and foster tolerance. The workshop will be held at UNESCO
headquarters in Paris (7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France)
from 19 to 20 February 2003. The meeting will be held in Room XI. For more
information, please find attached the provisional agenda and an information
and Social Council as well as those which have been accredited for the
World Conference against Racism and indigenous organizations accredited
pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 1995/32 interested in
participating are kindly requested to indicate the names of their
representatives by 14 February 2003 to the Office of the High Commissioner
for Human Rights, in accordance with the procedures specified in the
enclosed information note (attention: Ms. Hélène Orru, only by fax:
+ 41 22 917 90 50)
NGO liaison officer
Anti-Discrimination Unit
Tel: 00 41 22 917 93 93
Fax: 00 41 22 917 90 50
09 **YOU** can help bring an innocent man home for Christmas!
von: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <abe@cuadp.org>
FADP's Exonerated Prisoner Relief Fund
News background
Rudolph Holton Case Summary
FADP's Initial Press Release
attorneys Linda McDermott, Martin McClain, and their team of investigators
and associates! THANK YOU!
exonerated from Florida's death row.
crime he did not commit. Just last week he marked his 16th year living on
Florida's death row. On Wednesday (December 18, 2002), the Florida Supreme
Court upheld a lower court order granting Mr. Holton a new trial, however
all of the state's witnesses have either died, recanted their testimony or
been discredited by new witnesses. No physical evidence links Mr. Holton to
the murder. The original trial prosecutor, Joe Episcopo, has expressed
doubts about this case and has suggested that the charges against Mr.
Holton be dropped.
this case is over. There is no reason for Mr. Holton to spend another
night on Florida's death row.
Rudolph Holton be freed immediately.
ensure that Mr. Holton is home in time for Christmas."
Courthouse Annex: (813) 272-5400
Plant City Branch: (813) 757-3890
$100. Donate NOW to FADP's Exonerated Prisoner Relief Fund: Click Here
for Details!
Monday. Please check
Doing this work is NOT cheap, and we have no ready funds... --
Court upholds new trial for death row inmate
of a Tampa girl, the state Supreme Court ruled.
Circuit Judge Daniel Perry in November 2001 ordering a new trial for
Holton, who marked his 16th year on death row last week.
17-year-old prostitute, and then setting her on fire in an abandoned drug
raped her. But Holton's defense attorney had never been given that police
other problems with the case. For instance, a hair in Graddy's mouth that
prosecutors said came from Holton was later tested and found to be her
own. Also, jailhouse witnesses recanted their testimony against Holton.
McClain said there was no case to bring against Holton again. The state
has 15 days to ask for a rehearing. The state attorney's office was
closed for the day and didn't immediately return calls seeking comment.
who was recused.
substantial evidence."
after living nearly 18 years with a death sentence for a 1983 murder.
had his death sentence upheld by the Florida Supreme Court before the
transcript of another man's confession to the murder was discovered in
testimony and undisclosed rewards given to State witnesses for testimony.
The State's case has fallen apart in postconviction. There is not a shred
of evidence linking Mr. Holton to Katrina Graddy's murder. In fact,
evidence has developed which indicates that an individual named "Pine"
actually committed the murder.
Nebraska Avenue in order to buy drugs and turn tricks. At around midnight,
Katrina entered the car of a black male. Pam did not see Katrina again that
night. In the early morning hours of June 24, 1986, Katrina Graddy's body
was found in an abandoned house on Scott Street. Katrina had been sexually
assaulted and her attacker had set the house on fire.
support his habit. His record included several convictions for burglary and
drug possession and his only conviction for violence occurred when he
fought with another individual over some change in a dice game. Within
twenty-four hours of the time the police found Katrina's body, Rudolph
Holton was arrested and charged with first-degree murder and related charges.
seen Mr. Holton near the crime scene on the night of the murder. Mr.
Newsome also said that he saw Mr. Holton with Ms. Graddy. Also, on the
morning that Katrina's body was found, Carl Schenck, a white man who
traveled to Tampa with a hitchhiker he picked up the night before in St.
Petersburg, was asleep in his car across the street from the vacant house.
Mr. Schenck told the police that Mr. Holton resembled the individual he
dropped off in the area; he identified Mr. Holton by his "shaving bumps"
and "frizzy hair". The police also obtained a jailhouse informant, Flemnie
Birkins, who claimed that Mr. Holton confessed the crime to him in jail.
His testimony did not match any of the evidence presented in the case.
Additionally, Mr. Birkins testified that he received minor consideration
for the testimony he provided. He said that he had faced a
three-and-one-half to four-and-one-half year sentence for the crimes for
which he was charged, but he was getting a sentence of three years. Thus,
the jury heard that the jailhouse informant was receiving a six month
benefit for his testimony.
trial in order to get prosecutorial consideration in charges that were then
pending against him. Mr. Birkins revealed that Mr. Holton never confessed
to him. He made up his story entirely and lied about the consideration he
was receiving for his testimony. He was in fact facing nine to twelve years
in prison on his charges. At Mr. Birkins' sentencing after Mr. Holton's
trial, the State had claimed that they "erred" when calculating the
snitch's sentence. In exchange for a three year sentence (ultimately, the
State requested that the sentencing judge depart from the recommended
guidelines because of the jailhouse informant's cooperation in the Holton
case and the snitch was sentenced to five years of probation, the first two
years to be served on community control, the first year to be served with
specified residence in the Hillsborough County Jail), Mr. Birkins provided
untruthful testimony against Mr. Holton.
trial. He said he was afraid that if he didn't point the finger at someone
else the police may try to lay the blame on him.
known as "Pine" more closely resembled the hitchhiker he picked up and
dropped off in front of the scene of the murder.
linked Mr. Holton to the crime scene. The existence of a cigarette pack
with Mr. Holton's fingerprint on it came as no surprise due to the fact
that Mr. Holton, like many other individuals entered the vacant house in
order to use drugs.
were found on the victim's mouth could have been Mr. Holton's body hair and
that Mr. Holton could not be excluded from being the source of the hairs.
The prosecutor, Joe Episcopo, argued in his closing that the hair could not
have been from the victim.
been analyzed using mitochondrial DNA and excludes Mr. Holton as the
depositor of the hair. The DNA matched the victim.
the night of June 23, 1986, Mr. Holton arrived at his rooming house around
10:00 p.m. and went to bed. Mr. Clemmons told the jury that Mr. Holton did
not leave during the night and was in bed at 6:00 a.m. the next morning.
victim's friend, Pam. Even though Pam was properly subpoenaed to testify,
she failed to appear at the trial. Mr. Holton's trial attorney requested a
continuance so that she could secure Pam's presence, but the trial judge
denied the request. The judge allowed the jury to hear part of Pam's
deposition -- but only the part about Katrina's departing with a man, who
was not Mr. Holton, and never returning. Pam also had knowledge and
testified in her deposition about a rape that occurred in the vacant house
about a week before the murder. Katrina identified "Pine," a drug dealer
from the neighborhood, as the rapist.
disclosed to him until March of 2001. This report reflected a Katrina Grant
with Katrina Graddy's birthdate, living at Katrina Graddy's address had in
fact reported that she had been raped by an individual she knew as "Pine"
on June 13, 1986. The police determined who "Pine" was and arrested him. He
gave a false name, Donald Smith. His real name was David Pierson. Two
complaints were filled out by the police; one for rape and one for
obstruction by giving a false name. However, Katrina decided to not
prosecute and the charges were dropped.
death, Katrina Graddy came to him and told him that "Pine" had given his
name to the police when he was arrested for raping her. They went to
confront "Pine" together. A nasty argument occurred and "Pine" made threats
toward Katrina. The day of the homicide, Mr. Smith noticed the house where
the body was found was on fire. As he headed in that direction, he saw
"Pine" who told him someone had strangled Katrina. When Mr. Smith got to
the house, he asked the police who had strangled Katrina. He was
immediately questioned about this because no one at the time should have
known that there was a woman strangled inside the burning house. Mr. Smith
did not disclose the basis for his knowledge, although his name and address
were taken for follow up. An undisclosed police report confirms this
with *Pine* who confessed that he had killed Katrina.
the evidentiary hearing expressing his view that in light of the new
evidence a new trial should be granted and the charges dropped.
appealed to the Florida Supreme Court. On December 18, 2002, the Florida
Supreme Court affirmed the order granting Mr. Holton a new trial. After 16
years on Florida's death row, Mr. Holton is now back at the beginning
awaiting trial from a crime he did not commit.
19 December 2002
CONTACT: Abe Bonowitz: 800-973-6548
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP) has learned that
the Florida Supreme Court yesterday affirmed a trial court's order granting
Rudolph Holton a new trial. According to Mr. Holton's attorneys, the State
no longer has enough viable evidence upon which to retry him.
on Florida's death row for a crime he did not commit," said Abe Bonowitz,
director of Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. "The problems
with Mr. Holtons case are standard fare here in Florida: A jailhouse snitch
who benefited from his testimony. Police who manufacture evidence. And DNA
testing on evidence used to convict Mr. Holton now excludes him. It's all
old news. How many of these cases must be exposed before Floridians
understand that the death penalty system simply cannot be trusted?"
immediate "time-out" on executions until the public can be guaranteed that
Florida's criminal justice system is both fair and accurate.
paltry $100 in cash when they free him after more than 17 years of
incarceration. In order to assist Mr. Holton and others like him, FADP has
established an "Exonerated Prisoner Relief Fund." Details are available at
PMB 297, 177 U.S. Highway #1, Tequesta, FL 33469
justice in the form of effective alternatives to the death penalty. It
does so by
# supporting and coordinating the work of organizations and individuals
# educating and energizing the general public and state legislators
# supporting the many persons affected by capital crime and punishment
# advocating specific legislative improvements
Make checks to FADP and send to:
PMB 297
177 U.S. Highway #1
Tequesta, FL 33469
(FL only) OR 850-413-0840. REGISTRATION DOES NOT
10 News from the at.indymedia.org:8081 newswire
von: <apache@indymedia.org>
at: http://at.indymedia.org:8081
feature zu den weltweiten d20 - protesten des zivilen ungehorsams
Friday 20 Dec 2002
Tages des Ungehorsams", veranstaltete eine Gruppe von argentinischen
KünstlerInnen eine Installation im Zentrum von Wien, nur unweit von der
Argentinischen Botschaft entfernt. Kurzzeitig wurde mit Kochtopfklängen für
Stimmung gesorgt.
Viele Leute, die am Freitag, den 20. September 2002 über den Wiener
gingen, wunderten sich über Semmeln, die da am Boden lagen. Das besondere
waren jedoch nicht die Semmeln selbst, sondern die Nägel und Fähnchen mit
Texten, die aus den Backwaren herausragten. Die AktivistInnen, die von
Attac und
einigen cacerolaz@s Unterstützung fanden, legten diese Semmeln mitten auf den
Stock im Eisen Platz (der direkt an den Stephansplatz grenzt), vor eine
sich dort
befindenden Bank Austria und die vor ums Eck gelegenen Argentinischen Botschaft
(Golschmiedgasse 2).
Situation in Argentinien und Lateinamerika befanden sich am bereitgestellten
"la Mesa Argentina" (der argentinische Tisch), der mit der argentinischen
"gedeckt" war, um das Land zu repräsentieren. Der Tisch gilt für die
"als Ort, an dem das Brot geteilt wird, die Menschen zusammenkommen,
und Ideen austauschen. Wir glauben, dass der Tisch in Argentinien, wie in
Lateinamerika generell, dieser Bedeutung beraubt ist. Zwischen den
der Menschen und den Handlungen der politischen Führung herrscht ein Abgrund,
entstanden aus der Korruption und der vorbehaltlosen Auslieferung unserer
Reichtümer in die Hände der multinationalen Akteure, wie im Internationalen
Währungsfonds, der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten und anderen. Deshalb ist
das Brot unserers Tisches gespickt mit Nägeln, als Symbol für die
dieses Brot zu erreichen, ohne dabei die eigene Würde zu beugen" (aus einem
Flugblatt der KünstlerInnen, das bei der Aktion verteilt wurde)
ist, aber nicht allen Menschen im ausreichenden Maße zur Verfügung steht,
auch die sozialen Probleme allgemein. Folgende kurze Botschaften fanden sich
auf Schildern: 24% der ArgentinierInnen leiden Hunger, Auslandsverschuldung:
150 Milliarden Dollar, Schuldendienst mehr als doppelt so hoch wie
Gesundheitsausgaben, 54 % der ArgentinierInnen unter der Armutsgrenze, über
20% Arbeitslose und keinerlei Arbeitslosenunterstützung, 35% der älteren
Bevölkerung ohne jegliches Einkommen, 20% der Kinder unterernährt, in den
ärmsten Provinzen sogar 60%, Schuldendienst: mehr als doppelt so hoch wie
die Bildungsausgaben, IWF, Kindersterblichkeit 18,4 je 1000 Kinder, der Preis
für Heizöl hat sich seit Juni verdreifacht, über 50% der Bevölkerung ohne
zu adequater Gesundheitsversorgung, Auslandsverschuldung: 5 mal so hoch wie
jährliche Exporterlöse.
dass sich Attac selbst nicht für die Misere in Argentinien verantwortlich
aber ein wenig befremdend wirkte die Werbung im Rahmen der Aktion schon.
Jedenfalls verteilte Attac auch noch Flugblätter, auf denen sie auf die
in Argentinien eingingen und sich gegen die Einrichtung der Amerikanischen
Freihandelszone (FTAA bzw ALCA) äußerten.
(Mehr Infos von Attac unter: http://www.attac-austria.org - einen
Überblicksartikel zum FTAA gibts unter http://www.gipfelsturm.net/ftaa.htm)
kältefeste TangotänzerInnen gebeten. Einige waren auch gekommen, um
gemeinsam mit den Leuten in Argentinien dieser Tage auf die sozialen Probleme
hinzuweisen und für eine gerechte Welt einzutreten. Während anfangs ein
einsamer cacerolazo für nur wenig Stimmung sorgen konnte, waren es dann
pünktlich um 14:00 Uhr neun cazerolaz@s, die für Stimmung sorgten wenn
auch nur für fünf Minuten.
auch nicht alle gleich durchschauten, worum es ging. Ein typischer
konnte es sich jedenfalls nicht verkneifen, seine rassistischen vorurteile
loszuwerden und darauf hinzuweisen, dass sein Land (er meinte damit
Österreich, Anm.) ja das tollste überhaupt sei… Der Großteil der sich
angesprochen fühlenden reagierte aber durchaus positiv und ließ sich zm Teil
auf längere Diskussionen ein, die aber aufgrund der anhaltenden Kälte meist
nur kurz ausfielen.
cazerolaz@s wünschenswert wäre. Dazu gibt es jedenfalls die Gelegenheit. Die
Aktion wird am Samstag, 21.12.2002 von 12:00 bis 15:00 Uhr am Stock im
Eisenplatz (U1 Stephansplatz) fortgesetzt. Warme Kleidung, Tee, Töpfe und
Pfannen nicht vergessen...
11 RAWNEWS: France in AFRICA
von: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
uprising that began in September continues. The mission will set a
precedent by
reviving French military operations in the region and opening the door for
campaigns meant to protect West African oil production.
war-torn Cote d'Ivoire where they will join 1,000 troops already stationed
in the former
French colony. The newest contingent represents the first wave of an expanded
deployment that could include up to 500 more soldiers, South Africa's
citizens living in the West African state. Rebels seized control of Bouake in
mid-September and continue to hold the northern half of the country, while
rebel factions have emerged in the west.
involvement in francophone African countries, and it sets the stage for
French military intervention throughout the region. It also gives Paris an
to strengthen its military presence in the Gulf of Guinea -- possibly one
of the world's
most lucrative regions for the development of deepwater oil reserves.
period and has thousands of troops stationed in Chad, Djibouti, Gabon, Senegal
and Cote d'Ivoire. But they are there ostensibly to provide protection only
for French
residents and to serve in multinational peacekeeping missions, according to
French Defense Ministry. During the last decade, France has declined to
in internal conflicts in francophone countries, providing military advisers
interests in the continent. For instance, despite the countless coup
attempts against
Central African Republic President Ange-Felix Patasse, French troops have not
been sent to maintain stability in the former French colony.
economic value
of Paris' ties with the world's largest cocoa producer, the country's port
at Abidjan
is one of the largest in the region and one of francophone Africa's most
and well developed. More important, France has a growing interest in exerting
martial influence over the stability of the entire region and protecting
what is
expected to become a strategic supply of offshore oil reserves.
d'Ivoire began
Sept. 18. French officials probably are worried that if the situation does
not improve,
instability might reach levels seen in Sierra Leone. Moreover, the
government may
hope to counterbalance likely support for rebels by neighboring Liberia and
Faso. In the end, France hopes to make it clear to everyone that it will
not tolerate
civil war in Cote d'Ivoire, while at the same time using it as a test case
for reviving
French military intervention in the region -- and in the long term,
building up its
own naval base in Abidjan.
December 18, 2002
By Vaiju Naravane
since the operation in Rwanda in 1994 and in Chad in the early `80s....
-French soldiers have been given orders to "shoot at sight'' anyone attempting
to "impede their mission'' which ostensibly is to protect the 20,000 French
nationals who live in this troubled former French colony.
-French units operating in Ivory Coast are using combat helicopters, armoured
vehicles and planes for support to ground forces.
-There has been a furious anti-French campaign in the Ivorian press as well as
several demonstrations against the French presence on Ivorian soil.
-With the deployment of 500 extra troops over the week-end, Paris has entered
a new phase of "activism'', no longer content to be a neutral observer or
Coast? France has sent over 2000 soldiers to its former colony in a bid to
up the Government of the besieged President, Laurent Gbagbo, ever since a
civil war began in parts of this West African state almost three months ago.
This is the most important direct French involvement on the African continent
since the operation in Rwanda in 1994 and in Chad in the early `80s and there
are fears that France might get mired in a long and sticky conflict.
strategic interest to France. French officials indicate Paris is involved
there is a "risk of the conflict spreading to other African nations, ravaging
western Africa.''
to "impede their mission'' which ostensibly is to protect the 20,000 French
nationals who live in this troubled former French colony. The French soldiers
however have become the de facto frontline separating government-held territory
from rebel strongholds. French units operating in Ivory Coast are using combat
helicopters, armoured vehicles and planes for support to ground forces.
will make French soldiers their targets. France says its soldiers are there as
part of a defence pact signed with the Ivorian authorities and to protect its
nationals in its former colony. France has attempted to start up a
dialogue in the Togolese capital Lome for the resolution of the conflict that
includes several African leaders. But negotiations are at a standstill.
There has
been a furious anti-French campaign in the Ivorian press as well as several
demonstrations against the French presence on Ivorian soil. The situation on
the ground is confused with three principal rebel factions formed on ethnic
lines, coming together and splitting apart, sometimes approving the French
presence, at others violently reacting to it.
rebellion first broke out the government of Mr. Gbagbo declared that
neighbouring Burkina Faso and Liberia had armed and aided the rebels. A
large Bourkinabe population lives and works in the relatively better off Ivory
Coast. However, it has now become clear that there is more to this conflict
than simply "foreign hands'' at work. With the deployment of 500 extra
troops over the week-end, Paris has entered a new phase of "activism'', no
longer content to be a neutral observer or peacekeeper.
12 'Tis Nazi USA! (Mingus)
von: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
From Elaine Monaghan in Washington
States, many on minor visa violations, after they complied with an
law ordering them to register with immigration authorities.
Witnesses described scenes of chaos and distress as men were separated from
their families and jailed for overstaying a visa term, a common event in
this nation
of immigrants.
thousands of Iranian Americans protested in Los Angeles; most of the
occurred in California.
to terrorist attacks. The September 11 terrorists were Middle Eastern men who
entered the country legally. District offices lack resources to enforce the
registration for males 16 or over who come from a long list of countries
seen by
the US Government as terrorist havens. By far the largest number of
estimated by witnesses as exceeding 500, were in Los Angeles, San Diego and
Orange County in California, an area with many Iranian exiles.
they rounded up men trying to comply with a deadline on Monday for males from
Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Syria. Men from another 15 countries including
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have to register by January 10.
elsewhere. Authorities in Washington DC turned men away and told them to
come back after the deadline because they could not handle the numbers.
because a new acting immigration chief was terrified of seeing his career
ruined if he released the wrong person.
is outrageous and the world needs to know", said Angelo Paparelli, a corporate
immigration lawyer, who said that he was helping men to register pro bono
because he was outraged.
been praised by the US for waging war against terrorism. An embassy
spokesman said that Pakistanis had been singled out on entering America
even before their country was added to the special registration list.
spokesman said. We understand security is paramount . . . but a user-friendly
approach needs to be adopted.
many of those detained believed they were legal because they had filed
applications for permanent status a year ago and had work permits. Chaos is
the best way to describe the situation, she said.
19 December, 2002,
BBC News
in Southern California have detained hundreds of Iranians and other Muslim
men who turned up to register under residence laws brought in as part of
the anti-terror drive.
Angeles after they complied with an order to register by 16 December.
people were arrested but said detainees were being held for suspected visa
violations and other offences.
Americans waving banners which read "What's next? Concentration camps?"
and "Free our fathers, brothers, husbands and sons".
were mounted by families of the detainees who converged on Los Angeles.
from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Syria had to register with authorities by
Monday unless they had been naturalised as citizens.
for registration.
Orange County as well as San Diego.
since the 1979 Islamic revolution.
told the French news agency AFP that his community was being targeted
country and all... are against terrorism," he said.
the American Civil Liberties Union, said the arrests were reminiscent of
the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.
people went down wanting to co-operate and then they were detained."
and paying taxes in the US for up to a decade and had families there.
of the Southern California chapter of the Council on American Islamic
against American ideals of fairness, and justice and democracy".
Los Angeles Times
federal immigration officials in Southern California this week when they
with orders to appear at INS offices for a special registration program.
how many people the agency had detained, what the specific charges were or how
many were still being held. But officials speaking anonymously said they
would not
dispute estimates by lawyers for detainees that the number across Southern
California was 500 to 700. In Los Angeles, up to one-fourth of those who
up to register were jailed, lawyers said.
larger than elsewhere in the country, perhaps because of the size of the
Iranian population. Monday's registration deadline applied to males 16 and
from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Syria. Men from 13 other nations, mostly
in the
Mideast and North Africa, are required to register next month.
green cards and, in some instances, had interviews scheduled in the near
Although they had overstayed their visas, attorneys argue, their clients had
already taken steps to remedy the situation and were following the regulations
of the Iranian American Lawyers Assn. "If they had anything to do with
they wouldn't have gone."
custody this week have status-adjustment applications pending that have not
yet been acted on.
currently in
legal immigration status," said local INS spokeswoman Virginia Kice. "The
we have taken into custody ... are people whose non-immigrant visas have
area's Iranian communities, who organized a demonstration Wednesday at the
federal building in Westwood.
at its
peak, signs bore such sentiments as "What Next? Concentration Camps?"
and "Detain Terrorists Not Innocent Immigrants."
Middle East, said Khaled Dawoud, a correspondent for Al Ahram, one of
Egypt's largest dailies. He questioned State Department official Charlotte
Beers about the detentions Wednesday after a presentation she made at the
National Press Club in Washington. Egyptians are not included in the
registration requirement.
presenting examples of a U.S. outreach campaign for the Middle East,
which includes images of Muslims leading happy lives here. Dawoud
asked how that image squared with the "humiliating" arrests in recent days.
be seen by some as difficult and, indeed what was the word you used?
humiliating," Beers said. But, she added, President Bush has said repeatedly
that he considers "his No. 1 ... job to be the protection of the American
the latest round of detentions.
crying mother, called it madness to believe that the registration requirements
would catch terrorists.
to come home she is losing her mind," said attorney Soheila Jonoubi, who
spent Wednesday amid the chaos of the downtown INS office attempting to
determine the status of her clients.
husband, the boy's stepfather, is a U.S. citizen. The teenager came to the
country in July on a student visa and was on track to gain permanent
residence, the lawyer said.
INS ads on local Persian radio stations and in other ethnic media led many
to expect a routine procedure. Instead, the registration quickly became the
subject of fear as word spread that large numbers of men were being arrested.
some shackled and moved to other locations in the night, frigid conditions in
jail cells all for men with no known criminal histories.
Taheripour, represent more than 40 people who voluntarily went to register and
were detained.
sleep on the concrete floors of cells.
Liberties Union's immigrant rights project, fears the wave of arrests is "a
to much more widespread arrests and deportations."
whether people's rights are being respected and whether the problems that
arose in the aftermath of 9/11 are being repeated now," he said.
rally, because they were shocked by the treatment.
I thought if I die it's for a good cause, defending freedom, democracy and
the Constitution," said George Hassan, 65, from the San Fernando Valley.
that Constitution. Now our president has apparently allowed the INS
vigilantes to step outside the Constitution."
called the detentions doubly disturbing because "a lot of the Iranians are
Jews who fled Iran because of persecution, and now they are undergoing
similar persecution here.... This is just terrible."
went with them to the registration, said that although everyone understands
the need to protect the nation against terrorist attacks, the government's
recent action went too far.
she said. "I don't know how far this is going to go before people start
speaking up. This is a very dangerous precedent we are setting. What's to
stop Americans from being treated like this when they travel overseas?"
Times staff writers Greg Krikorian and Teresa Watanabe in Los Angeles
and Johanna Neuman and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar in Washington
contributed to this report.
Owen Bowcott
Friday December 20, 2002
The Guardian
by US officials in southern California after they turned up to register in
with the requirements of new residency laws.
of the immigration and naturalisation service (INS). They were waving placards
which read "What's next? Concentration camps?", "Detain Terrorists not
Immigrants", and "Free our fathers, brothers, husbands and sons".
which the INS insisted were merely a matter of detaining those who had
overstayed their time on tourist or short working visas.
immigrants aged 16 or over from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Syria to
register with
the authorities by last Monday unless they have been naturalised as citizens.
There is a substantial Iranian community in southern California.
North Korea, Somalia, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen to register
with the INS by January 10 next year.
reminiscent of the internment of Japanese-Americans during the second world
war. "I think it is shocking what is happening," she told the BBC. "We are
hearing that people went down wanting to cooperate and then they were
in the
murder of the American reporter Daniel Pearl may have blown himself up while
making bombs in the southern port city of Karachi yesterday.
13 Kopenhagen/EU-Osterweiterung
von: "Nein zur EU" <nein-zur-eu@servus.at>
>> Transitlösung gescheitert.
wurde in Kopenhagen der Beitritt zur Europäischen Union im Jahr 2004
weitgehend fixiert, es fehlt nur noch die Ratifizierung des Vertrages durch
Mitglieder- und Kandidatenländer. Die Medien schreiben von einem "historischen
Gipfel", Maria Rauch-Kallat freut sich über das "Ende von Jalta", der
der Teilung Europas nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die Grenze der Europäischen
Union hat sich ein paar hundert Kilometer nach Osten verschoben.
Ländern abgeschlossen werden. Diese Entwicklung hat kaum einen Stein auf
dem anderen gelassen, brachte Arbeitslosigkeit, mehr Reiche, mehr Arme.
Zerschlug einen eigenständigen Wirtschaftsraum, der nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
eine beachtliche Industrialisierung erlaubt hatte, und ordnete Osteuropa
dem westeuropäischen Zentralraum unter. So hat sich Ungarn zur verlängerten
Werkbank von Weltmarktkonzernen entwickelt, Autoteile für Deutschland, statt
eigenen "Ikarus" Bussen. Die Folge aus dem Ruin heimischer Produktion ist in
allen osteuropäischen Ländern eine negative Handelsbilanz und damit die
Abhängigkeit von weiteren westlichen Investitionen. Soziale und nationale
Widerstände sind dabei vorprogrammiert - gut, dass sich die EU eine schnelle
Eingreiftruppe zulegt. Letztendlich beseitigt die Osterweiterung nicht die
Teilung Europas, sondern verlagert sie nur nach Osten. Zwischen Polen und
Weißrussland etwa, werden keine Grenzen abgebaut, sondern im Gegenteil
neue aufgezogen, regionale Wirtschaftskreisläufe dabei zerschlagen.
osteuropäischen Bauern, die "Erweiterungskosten". Der Ruin eines Großteils
der polnischen oder tschechischen Landwirtschaft ist dabei beschlossene
Sache. Zehn Jahre lang müssen diese in einem völlig geöffneten Markt gegen
hochsubventionierten Agrarfabriken konkurrieren, ohne Unterstützungszahlungen
in ähnlicher Höhe zu erhalten: Bei dem als "polnischer Agrarkompromiss"
gefeierten Verhandlungsergebnis bekommen polnische Bauern Direktzahlungen
in der Höhe von nur 60 Prozent der normalen Agrarförderung, andere
osteuropäische Bauern müssen sich Anfangs mit nur 30 Prozent begnügen.
Warenverkehrs über die Vernunft hinwegsetzte. Im Dienste der internationalen
Frächterlobby gibt es bis heute keine Nachfolgeregelung für den Transitvertrag
mit Österreich. Möglicherweise wird schon nächstes Jahr jede Beschränkung
des LKW-Transits durch die engen Alpentäler fallen.
gezeigt, dass die Europäische Union ein aggressives Projekt der totalen
Verwertung von ganzen Volkswirtschaften, oder auch einzelnen Alpentälern,
im Dienste der Profitmaximierung ist. Und der Profit von Wenigen darf dann
als "großes Friedensprojekt" bezeichnet werden.
großen Risiken wird daher sein, dass sich nationalistisches oder sogar
faschistisches Ressentiment breit macht, wenn in den mitteleuropäischen
Ländern die Menschen merken, dass die Armut zunimmt und sie nichts in
Brüssel zu melden haben. Die demokratische Bewegung gegen die EU muss
deshalb dafür sorgen, dass dieses Gefühl, verraten worden zu sein, nicht von
rechten Kräften ausgebeutet werden kann.
Unsere Alternative muss eine wirkliche europäische Zusammenarbeit sein
statt dieser EU, in der die Interessen des Kapitals an erster Stelle stehen
und die mit anderen Konkurrenten um die Vorherrschaft in der Welt kämpft,
wofür inzwischen auch militärische Mittel geschaffen werden.
14 art sabotage - die neue ausgabe des republicart online journal
von: "eipcp" <contact@eipcp.net>
lustvoll-subversiven Aktionen der Kommunikationsguerilla bis hin zu den
Hoaxes, Fakes und Identitätsspielereien in den Zonen zwischen dem Realen und
dem Virtuellen hat sich vor allem in den letzten 10 Jahren ein weites Feld
von künstlerisch-politischen Praxen herausgebildet. Unter den Paradigmen von
Kontrollgesellschaft und immaterieller Arbeit richten sich diese neuen
Strategien der Störung der Sröme der Macht vor allem gegen die unablässigen
Kommunikationsflüsse als zentraler Angelpunkt gegenwärtiger Machtstrukturen.
art sabotage verhandelt Methoden und Beispiele dieser zeitgemäßen Form der
Sabotage: subversive Überaffirmation und Überidentifizierung, Entwendung,
Verfremdung und Imagebeschmutzung, kollektive Mythen, multiple Namen und
Open Pop Stars.
Oliver Marchart, The Yes Men und Wanda Wieczorek.
eipcp - european institute for progressive cultural policies
a-1060 vienna, gumpendorfer strasse 63b
Diese Ausgabe hat
Edgar Ernstbrunner
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