Dienstag, 19. Februar 2002

Dringende Bitte:
Die Plattform "ÖsterReich für alle gleich" braucht für eine Aktion,
mit der auf die zu erwartende Beschliessung des "Integrationsvertrags"
und begleitende Scheusslichkeiten reagiert werden soll, GELD, um
STICKER zu produzieren.
Jeder Cent hilft uns weiter!
Spendenkonto: PSK, BLZ 60000, Kt.Nr. 91000590
Inhaber: SOS Mitmensch, Kennwort: OEFAG Pickerlaktion


01 E. Jelinek bei Buch über Donnerstagsdemos
From: "Mag. Elisabeth Huber" <eh@literaturhaus.at>
02 [7stern-programm] 7* PROGRAMM 18. - 23. 2. 2002
From: el awadalla <el@awadalla.at>
03 queering europe - und was die OSZE dazu macht
From: Grüne Andersrum <gruene.andersrum@blackbox.net>
04 Kinostart "Heldenplatz, 19. Februar 2000"
From: Navigator Film <projects@navigatorfilm.at>
05 Que(e)r-Beisl am 20. Februar / Volksgruppenrecht
From: Rosa Antifa Wien <raw@raw.at>
06 Diskussionsveranstaltung am 6. März
From: Birgit Zehetmayer <office@latautonomy.org>
07 AKS-Pressekonferenz Verhaltensvereinbarungen
From: "Niki Kowall" <niki@lsv.at>
08 Fw: [FairPlay] FARE Aktionswoche - Schwerpunkt Wien
From: Michael Fanizadeh <fanizadeh@vidc.org>
09 7* PROGRAMM März 2002
From: el awadalla <el@awadalla.at>


10 Grüne: "Herr Reichhold, wie oft waren Sie genau bei Gaddhafi?"
From: Die Grünen Klagenfurt <klagenfurt@diegruenen.carinthia.at>
11 Eisenerz/Arbeitsplätze/Scherbenhaufen/Fluch
From: KPÖ Steiermark <kpoe_stmk@hotmail.com>


12 Newsletter
From: nato@buko24.de
13 DHKP- bulletin no: 19
From: dhkc <dhkc@dhkc.org>
14 WORKERS POWER GLOBAL WEEK 16 February 2002 E-newswire of the LRCI
From: newswire <harvey@lrci.fsnet.co.uk>
15 [cuadpupdate] Making the Case: Ohioans Going All Out....
From: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <abe@cuadp.org>


16 Nationale Frage in der Tschechoslowakei - neue Broschüre
From: "Arbeitsgruppe Marxismus" <agm@agmarxismus.net>


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- Ein Beitrag ist unvollständig - um Klärung gebeten

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Im MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen" wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Ihr könnt Euch die Beiträge extra schicken lassen:
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Quelle: www.popo.at

Und für nächsten Donnerstag:
Das Rechtshilfe-Manual
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Bitte weitersagen:
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unter der Rufnummer 589 30 22 12 (Demoforum)


01 E. Jelinek bei Buch über Donnerstagsdemos
From: "Mag. Elisabeth Huber" <eh@literaturhaus.at>
Erstmals: Die Donnerstagsdemos in Buchform

Elfriede Jelinek bei der Präsentation im Literaturhaus

"Wiener Wandertage. Eine Dokumentation", nennt sich das erste Buch über
die Wiener Donnerstagsdemonstrationen, erschienen im Wieser Verlag, das
Dienstag, 19. Februar, 19 Uhr im Wiener Literaturhaus (Zielglergasse
26a, 1070 Wien) präsentiert wird.

Geburtstag am 19. Februar

Präsentiert wird dieses Buch am Geburtstag der
Donnerstagsdemonstrationen. Während der größten Demonstration der
österreichischen Nachkriegsgeschichte (300.000 Teilnehmende) am 19.
Februar 2000 wurden der Donnerstag als Demo-Tag ausgerufen.

Elfriede Jelinek ist eine der über 100 AutorInnen, deren Texte vom
BBC-Journalisten Frederic Baker und der Journalistin Elisabeth Boyer
zusammengetragen wurden. Wie viele andere AutorInnen wird sie bei der
Präsentation anwesend sein.

Lesende u.a.:
Thomas Maurer (Kabarettist), Florian Scheuba (Kabarettist), Hubsi
Kramar (Schauspieler), Joelle Stolz (Journalistin von Le Monde),
Anneliese Gessein (Pensionistin & eine der drei Weisinnen), Helga
Köcher (Brücken für den Frieden), Romana Müllner (Pensionistin),
Kirstie Sheperd (amerikanische Sprachlehrerin)

weitere Informationen unter:

Mag. Elisabeth Huber
Dokumentationsstelle für neuere österreichische Literatur
A-1070 Wien, Seidengasse 13 http://www.literaturhaus.at
Tel. +43/1/526 20 44-41, Fax -30, e-mail eh@literaturhaus.at

02 [7stern-programm] 7* PROGRAMM 18. - 23. 2. 2002
From: el awadalla <el@awadalla.at>
Montag, 18. Februar, 20 Uhr

Kuechengespraeche mit Rebellinnen
Karin Berger, Elisabeth Holzinger, Charlotte Podgornik und Lisbeth N.
Trallori. A 1984, 16mm, 80 Min.

Vier Oesterreicherinnen erzaehlen von ihrem Widerstand gegen den
Nationalsozialismus, vom Partisanenkampf der Kaerntner SlowenInnen und
von der kommunistischen Untergrundarbeit, von kleinen alltaeglichen
Gesten der Solidaritaet, von Terror und Folter im Gefaengnis und vom
Durchhalten, trotzalledem. Beeindruckend, die Selbstverstaendlichkeit,
mit der sie ihr Leben riskierten, ihr Einfallsreichtum beim Ersinnen
von Ausreden und Auswegen in bedrohlichsten Situationen, ihre
anschauliche, packende Art zu erzaehlen.

Als sich die vier Filmemacherinnen auf die Suche nach diesen Frauen
machten, waren sie manchmal die ersten, die sich fuer ihre Geschichten
interessierten. <Fuer uns brachte die Arbeit mit den Frauen eine
andere Beziehung zur Geschichte, zur Landschaft Oesterreichs. Die
Berge um Eisenkappel sehen anders aus, wenn man weisz, dasz hier
Frauen als Partisaninnen dem Schnee, der Kaelte und den Faschisten
trotzten. Die Straszen in Kagran sehen anders aus, wenn man weisz,
dasz hier Frauen am 12. Februar 1934 mit Koloniakuebeln Barrikaden
gegen die Heimwehr bauten.>

Anschlieszend Gespraech mit Karin Berger.
UKB 4 Euro

Donnerstag, 21. 2., 19.30 Uhr & 21.30 Uhr

Türkischsprachiges politisches Kino.

Freitag, 22.Feber, 21 Uhr
Gipsy Musik zwischen Orient und Balkan

Er ist ein Meister seines Instruments. Mosa Sisic hat seinen eigenen
Stil entwickelt, der sich von der Romamusik ableitet, aber auch
Einflüsse aus dem Orient und dem Balkans sind immer wieder zu
entdecken. Von seiner Gruppe harmonisch und rhythmisch getragen, läßt
er seine phantasievollen Improvisationen aufblühen. Er ist ein Garant
für energiegeladene, stimmungsvolle und ausdrucksstarke Konzerte. Mit
seiner Bühnenpräsenz gelingt es ihm im Handumdrehen, das Publikum in
Bann zu ziehen. Mosa Sisics Kompositionen reißen die Zuhörer mit und
vermitteln pure Lebensfreude aber auch Melancholie. Im Showteil
unterhält er sein staunendes Publikum mit verschiedensten
Spieltechniken -ein Kamm wird zum Geigenbogen -, imitiert Tierstimmen
und spielt zwei Geigen gleichzeitig.

Mosa Sisic: Violine, Gesang. Jasmina Sisic: Keyboard, Gesang. Miki
Sisic: Schlagzeug, Percussion. Josef Brachner: Gitarre, Flöte. "Gipsy
Express" heißt die letzte CD von Mosa Sisic und Band, Hörprobe im
Internet: http://www.mosa.cc/
UKB 10 Euro

Die Photoausstellung über das Munzur-Tal in Kurdistan ist noch bis 23.
2. 2002 zu sehen.

Mehr Information, inkl. Photogalerie:



7*STERN im Web
powered by action.at


Café täglich außer Sonntag 16 - 2 Uhr geöffnet.
1070 Wien, Siebensterngasse 31
Tel. +1/5236157
Programmkoordination, Vermietung und Information zu den Veranstaltungen:
El Awadalla, E-Mail: 7stern@action.at oder el@awadalla.at

Wir sind Mitglied der Wiener Interessensgemeinschaft für freie

widerstandslesung jeden donnerstag von 17 bis 19 uhr bei der
botschaft der besorgten bürgerInnen, 1010 wien, ballhausplatz 1a.


03 queering europe - und was die OSZE dazu macht
From: Grüne Andersrum <gruene.andersrum@blackbox.net>
Queering Europe?
Und was die OSZE dazu macht...

Über die Situation von Lesben und Schwulen in Ländern
der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa.

Anlässlich der ParlamentarierInnenversammlung der OSZE von 21.-22. Februar
in Wien
laden die Grünen andersrum zu einer Diskussionsrunde mit

Svend Robinson (Kanada)
Berichterstatter des Menschenrechtsausschusses der
Kanadischer Parlamentsabgeordneter

Kurt Krickler (Österreich)
Co-Vorsitzender von ILGA-Europe

Ulrike Lunacek (Österreich)
Außenpolitische und LesBiSchwulen & TransGender Sprecherin der Grünen

Freitag, 22. Februar, 18.00 Uhr
Im Galerieraum des Café Berg, 9., Berggasse 8

(Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt)

für Rückfragen: andersrum.wien@gruene.at
Die superüberdrübergrüne LesBiSchwule- & TransGender-Organisation

04 Kinostart "Heldenplatz, 19. Februar 2000"
From: Navigator Film <projects@navigatorfilm.at>
Liebe Redaktion, wäre toll wenn ihr diese Info im MUND verteilen würdet.

A 2002, 56 min
Navigator Film

Am 19. Februar 2000 versammelten sich mehr als 250.000 Menschen am
Heldenplatz in Wien, um gegen die ÖVP-FPÖ-Regierung zu
demonstrieren. Diese Protestveranstaltung ist bis heute die
bedeutendste Manifestation gegen die rechtskonservative
österreichische Regierungskoalition geblieben und war eine der größten
Demonstrationen in der Geschichte der 2. Republik. Der 19. Februar
2000 war das kräftigste Lebenszeichen einer kritischen
"Zivilgesellschaft" in Österreich: An der Kundgebung am
Heldenplatz sprach kein einziger Parteienvertreter, die insgesamt 21
Reden auf der Bühne vor der Wiener Hofburg spiegelten die Breite der
Protestbewegung wider.

HELDENPLATZ, 19. FEBRUAR 2000 läßt sieben Redner und Rednerinnen jenes
Abends zu Wort kommen: Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi, Michel Friedman,
Karina Korecky, Ariel Muzicant, Doron Rabinovici, Willi Resetarits und
Marlene Streeruwitz. Sie blicken zurück auf den Tag der Demonstration
selbst und sprechen über ihre Beweggründe, sich dort zu Wort zu
melden. Die unterschiedlichen Sicht- und Redeweisen über den
19. Februar 2000 reflektieren die Hintergründe des Protests.

Die Erinnerungen an die Großdemonstration sind jedoch lediglich der
Ausgangspunkt, um rückblickend einige offene Fragen zu thematisieren:
War diese Form der Massenkundgebung zielführend? Wie werden heute aus
regierungskritischer Sicht die "EU-14-Maßnahmen" gegen die
österreichische Regierung beurteilt? Wie hat sich das
gesellschaftliche Klima in Österreich seitdem verändert? Das Video
HELDENPLATZ, 19. FEBRUAR 2000 dokumentiert einige Antworten.

"Heldenplatz, 19. Februar 2000" ist ab Freitag, 22. Februar 2002
täglich im Votivkino Studio, Wien zu sehen.

05 Que(e)r-Beisl am 20. Februar / Volksgruppenrecht
From: Rosa Antifa Wien <raw@raw.at>
Mittwoch 20. Februar:

"Volksgruppenrecht" - Anmerkungen zum Wiederaufstieg eines voelkischen

Ethnische Konflikte stehen gegenwaertig in fast allen Teilen Europas
auf der Tagesordnung. Neben dem Ansatz zur Loesung dieser Konflikte
durch einen demokratischen Minderheitenschutz wird von voelkischer
Seite das Konzept des "Volksgruppenrechts" als Gegenentwurf ins Feld

Bei diesem steht nicht der individuelle Schutz vor Diskriminierung im
Mittelpunkt, sondern die Separierung der europaeischen Nationalstaaten
nach voelkischen Kriterien. Unter dem Deckmantel des Menschenrechte
versuchen so voelkische Theoretiker/innen ein Konzept in Europa wieder
hoffaehig zu machen, das seine Urspruenge in der Weimarer Republik hat
und zu den wesentlichen Grundzuegen nationalsozialistischer
Aussenpolitik in der Vorkriegszeit gehoerte.

Die theoretischen Implikationen des Volksgruppenrechts heraus zu
arbeiten und nach den Traditionsbestaenden dieses Theorems zu fragen,
wird Gegenstand der Veranstaltung mit Samuel Salzborn sein.

Samuel Salzborn, Diplom-Sozialwissenschaftler, Mitarbeiter des
Fachinformationsdienstes "Der Rechte Rand" und Autor (u.a.:
"Grenzenlose Heimat. Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft der
Vertriebenenverbaende." Berlin (Elefanten Press) 2000)

Naechste Woche: Kuschelkino: Ronja Raeubertochter

############ RAW #############

Rosa Antifa Wien
c/o Rosa Lila Tip
Linke Wienzeile 102
A-1060 Wien
E-Mail: raw@raw.at
Web: http://www.raw.at
PGP-Key available here:

############ RAW #############

06 Diskussionsveranstaltung am 6. März
From: Birgit Zehetmayer <office@latautonomy.org>

Die Informationsgruppe Lateinamerika IGLA, das NGO-Committee for
Development der Vereinten Nationen, die Gesellschaft für bedrohte
Völker und das Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für zeitgenössische
Lateinamerikaforschung laden ein zu einer Diskussionsveranstaltung
über das Thema:

Autonomieprozesse in Lateinamerika:
eine Alternative zu Nationalstaat und Globalisierung?

Ileana Almeida (Ecuador): Anthropologin der der CONAIE nahestehenden
Fundación Pueblo Indio Oscar Coca (Bolivien): Direktor des der
Cocalero-Bewegung nahestehenden Forschungszentrums CIDES Georg Grünberg
(Österreich/Guatemala): Anthropologe und Advisor verschiedener
Indianerorganisationen Gilberto Lopez y Rivas (Mexiko): ehem. Vorsitzender
der parlamentarischen Vermittlungskommission in Chiapas, Bürgermeister von
Tlalpan, Mexiko-Stadt.

Leo Gabriel (Österreich): Leiter des Ludwig-Boltzmann-Instituts für
zeitgenössische Lateinamerikaforschung, Koordinator des EU-gesponserten
Forschungsprojekts LATAUTONOMY.

Ort: Haus der Gewerkschaft, Maria Theresienstrasse 11, 1090 Wien

Zeit: Mittwoch, 6. März 2002 - 19 Uhr (ACHTUNG: VORVERLEGT!)

Der Ausverkauf der nationalstaatlichen Politik an das globalisierte
Finanzkapital lässt angesichts des Zusammenbruchs ganzer
Nationalökonomien den Ruf nach Alternativen lauter werden denn
je. Dass diese ökonomischen Alternativen nur in einem Umfeld neuer
politischer Rahmenbedingungen wachsen können, ist spätestens seit
Seattle und Porto Alegre bekannt. Jetzt stellt sich die Frage nach der
konkreten Gesellschaftsform, innerhalb der partizipative Demokratie
und alternative Entwicklung überhaupt möglich sind. Das von der
Europäischen Kommission gesponserte Forschungsprojekt LATAUTONOMY hat
sich die wissenschaftliche Erforschung bereits in Lateinamerika
beschrittener Wege als auch die Auslotung weiterer Alternativen auf
der Grundlage der lateinamerikanischen Erfahrungen zum Ziel
gesetzt. Unter dem Projekt-Arbeitstitel "Multikulturelle Austonomie:
eine notwendige Bedingung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in
Lateinamerika" werden sich die Teilnehmer universitärer und anderer
Forschungseinrichtungen in Mexiko, Nikaragua, Brasilien, Ecuador,
Bolivien, Panama, Belgien, Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich
zwischen 2. und 5. März in Wien zu einem Arbeitstreffen
zusammenfinden und im Anschluss für diese Diskussionsveranstaltung zur
Verfügung stehen und Einblicke in ihre teils jahrzehntelangen
Erfahrungen aber auch ihre Hoffnungen und Ausblicke gewähren.

Seit Jahren und Jahrzehnten führen die meisten der Indiovölker
Lateinamerikas einen recht einsamen Kampf um ihr Recht auf
Autonomie. Diese in ihren jeweiligen Kulturen verwurzelte, aber
dennoch weltoffene und vor allem lebensbejahende Form des menschlichen
Zusammenlebens ist schliesslich als Grundvoraussetzung für eine
eigenständige und nachhaltige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung erkannt und
angestrebt worden. Um dieses Konzept einer Multikulturellen Autonomie
ringen heute nicht nur die Indiovölker Lateinamerikas, sondern auch
namhafte lateinamerikanische und europäische Sozialwissenschafter. Der
im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes "LATAUTONOMY" gestellten Frage nach
der Realisierbarkeit eines an der Graswurzel verankerten Netzwerks
wird nachgegangen, das nach dem Vorbild der indianischen
Autonomieprozesse Lateinamerikas weltweit entstehen soll, die dabei
angewandten Konfliktlösungsstrategien insofern durchleuchtet, als sie
in der Folge zu einem gegenseitigen Lernprozess und zu
politisch-sozialen Handlungsempfehlungen bei der Einrichtung neuer
Rahmenbedingungen führen können.

07 AKS-Pressekonferenz Verhaltensvereinbarungen
From: "Niki Kowall" <niki@lsv.at>

18. Feber 2002

AVISO: Pressekonferenz -

Verhaltensvereinabrungen durchgefallen!

Nach einem halben Jahr Verhaltensvereinbarungen wird es Zeit Bilanz zu
ziehen !

Hiermit möchten wir die Damen und Herren von Presse, Hörfunk, Fernsehen
und Photoredaktionen herzlich einladen:

Dienstag, der 26. Februar 2002

im Café Landtmann, Biedermeierzimmer
Dr. Karl Lueger Ring 4 . 1010 Wien

Beginn: 10:30 Uhr

Der AKS-Bundesvorsitzende Niki Kowall sowie der Vize-Bundesschulsprecher
Andi Kastner werden eine erste Bilanz über ein Semester
Verhaltensvereinbarungen ziehen. Emil Rennert, Schulsprecher des BG
Rahlgasse (Wien 6) wird über alternative Konfliktlösungsmodelle
informieren. Auf Grund dessen, dass viele unserer Befürchtungen
eingetroffen sind und die Verhaltensvereinbarungen erste autoritäte
Auswüchse mit sich bringen, wird auch eine Initiative von 5
LandesschülerInnen-vertretungen gegen Strafenkataloge präsentiert.

Folgende Unterlagen werden aufliegen:

die AKS-Fallbeispielsammlung mit mehreren bisher bekannten
Eine Zusammenstellung von alternativen Modellen an höheren Schulen
(vorwiegend UNESCO-Schulen)
Die Original-Hausordnungen einiger Schulen mit deren

Rückfragehinweis: Niki Kowall (0699) 11 40 81 42

08 Fw: [FairPlay] FARE Aktionswoche - Schwerpunkt Wien
From: Michael Fanizadeh <fanizadeh@vidc.org>
Football Against Racism in Europe - FARE
2. AKTIONSWOCHE, 12. - 21. April 2002

Zum zweiten Mal rufen das FARE-Netzwerk und FairPlay-VIDC zu Aktionen
gegen Rassismus in und rund um Fußballstadien überall in Europa auf.
Zwischen 12. und 21. April werden sich Fans, MigrantInnenorganisationen
und Fußballvereine zusammen schließen, um Diskriminierung zu bekämpfen.

Macht mit und produziert ein antirassistisches Flugblatt, ein Fanzine,
Transparente, eine Fan-Choreographie oder ähnliches. FARE stellt im
Durchschnitt 400 ? pro Initiative zur Verfügung. Etwa 50 Initiativen
werden unterstützt!

Wenn ihr bei der Aktionswoche dabei sein wollt, sendet uns sofort eure

Schwerpunkt Wien

In Österreich hat FairPlay-VIDC bereits erfolgreich Aktionen mit
Vereinen der beiden höchsten österreichischen Spielklassen
durchgeführt. Ein Höhepunkt war die Beteiligung des FC Tirol
Innsbruck und seiner Fanclubs während der ersten europaweiten FARE
Aktionswoche im April 2001. Im Oktober 2000 war FairPlay bereits mit
Stadionaktionen bei Austria und Rapid aktiv.

Neben der Koordination der österreichischen Aktivitäten setzt FairPlay
während der Aktionswoche im April 2002 einen Schwerpunkt auf
Aktivitäten im Wiener Fußball. Möglichst viele Wiener Teams aus der
Bundesliga bis zur 5. Klasse und der Frauenbundesliga (1. +
2. Division) sowie die Wiener "MigrantInnenteams" und Fanclubs sollen
einbezogen werden.

Das jeweilige Heimspielteam übernimmt die Vermittlung der
FairPlay-Botschaft gegenüber den SpielerInnen und dem Publikum. Als
sichtbare AkteurInnen treten die SpielerInnen, TrainerInnen bzw.
FunktionärInnen, aber auch NachwuchsspielerInnen und Fans auf. Die
Identität der Aktionen wird durch ein gemeinsames "Wiener"
FairPlay-Magazin sowie durch Stadiondurchsagen und "Rote Karte dem
Rassismus"-Schilder sichtbar werden.

Macht mit!

Michael Fanizadeh, Markus Pinter, Georg Spitaler
FairPlay-VIDC, Weyrgasse 5, 1030 Wien
fairplay@vidc.org, Tel.: 01-713 35 94-93, Fax: 01-713 35 94-73,

Mag. Michael Fanizadeh
Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE)
Weyrgasse 5, A-1030 Vienna
Fon: 0043-(0)1-713 35 94-88
Fax: 0043-(0)1-713 35 94-73

09 7* PROGRAMM März 2002
From: el awadalla <el@awadalla.at>
Fr. 1.3.- 19.00 Podiumsdiskussion: Kunst für Politik?
Mo. 4. 3. - 20.00 Kinokis Mikrokino: Wo ist Marcus Omofuma?
Mi 6. 3. - 20.00 Viehisch wie immer -ein literarischer Almabtrieb
Fr. 8. 3. - 20.00 Autorinnen Frauen präsentieren neue Bücher
Sa 9. 3. 16.00 - 19.00 Spielenachmittag
Sa 9. 3. - 21.00 Konzert: Phone3Phone
Mo. 11. 3. - 20.00 Wilde Worte King Size
Di. 12. - 14. 3. jeweils 19.00 Kabarett GLB
Fr. 15. 3. Fest der Frauenoffensive
Sa. 16. 3. - 21.00 Konzert: Dr. Hanomags zweiter Frühling
So. 17. 3. - 16.00 Linuxinstallationsparty für Frauen
Mo. 18. 3. - 20.00 Kinoki
Di 19. 3. - 19.00 Frauenstammtisch
Do 21. 3. - 19.30 & 21.00 Sinema Aurora
Sa. 23. 3. - 20.00 Kabarett: Murat
Mo. 25. 3. - 19.00 Vernissage JuZo
Fr. 29. 3. - 20.00 Persische Lyrik und Musik

Freitag, 1.März, 19.00 Uhr

Die alten Fragen einer kompetenten Diskussionsrunde gestellt: Kann Kunst
für Politik eingesetzt werden? Ist das überhaupt wünschenswert? In
welchem Verrhältnis, in welcher Erwartungshaltung stehen KünstlerInnen
und PolitikerInnen zueinander?
Konkreter Ausgangspunkt für die Diskussion: Das 7*STERN ist ein
politisches Lokal, die KPÖ "steckt irgendwie dahinter"(so jedenfalls
sehen es viele GästInnen); die Grünen haben im 7. Bezirk seit den
letzten Wiener Wahlen ein Wörtchen mitzureden; die Bezirke haben ein
Kulturbudget. Was bedeuten diese Tatsachen vor dem Hintergrund der
blauschwarzen Kultuerpolitk, die seit zwei Jahren vorzugsweise aus
Einsparen und Umstrukturieren hin zu Kommerzialisierung und
Verharmlosung besteht.
Es diskutieren: Madeleine Reiser, Berzirksrätin der Grünen, Walter
Baier, Vorsitzender der KPÖ, Gerhard Ruiss, Geschäftsführer der IG

Montag, 4. März, 20 Uhr

Zwei Jahre und neun Monate nach dem Erstickungstod des nigerianischen
Schubhäftlings Marcus Omofuma beginnt am 4. März der Prozess gegen drei
Fremdenpolizisten, die an seinem Tod Schuld sein könnten. Die Anklage
lautet auf Quälen eines Gefangenen mit Todesfolge.
Um 8.30 Uhr findet vor dem Landesgericht Korneuburg eine Kundgebung
statt. Thematisiert werden die Praxis der österreichischen Behörden und
die politische Verantwortlichkeit von Innenministerium und

Von Marion von Osten / sans papiers Belgium. B 2000, 30 Min.
Auch in Belgien organisieren sich die Sans Papiers - die ImmigrantInnen
ohne Papiere. Nach dem tragischen Tod von Semira Adamu im Verlauf der
Abschiebung im September 1998 radikalisiert sich die Bewegung?

deportation class
Diverse Videoclips
?deportation class? wendet sich durch Öffentlichkeitsarbeit,
Boykottaufrufe und Besetzungen gegen die Abschiebe-Praxis von Fluglinien
wie Lufthansa, KLM oder British Airways.

limes: bio-border/park/spektakel
wr, A 2000/2001, 15 Min.
Der Video-Essay beschreibt und dekonstruiert das imaginäre Grenzregime
der Festung Europa am Beispiel der Region Neusiedler See/Seewinkel unter
Zuhilfenahme von Begriffen von Hardt/Negri und Jean-Christophe Rufin.
Fazit: Smash all borders!

Von Hito Steyerl. D 1999, 4 Min.

Gespräch mit ProzessbeobachterInnen und MenschenrechtsaktivistInnen.
UKB 4 E (Einnahmen gehen an die Rechtshilfe.)

Mittwoch, 6. März, 20.00 Uhr
Eine Veranstaltung von read!! e-zine für literatur, kultur und politik.
es darf noch immer geviechert werden. In zeiten von post-bse und
post-mks und der post sowieso, lesen wir schweinisch und viehische texte
zur unterlage der nation.
es lesen: sascha aumüller, armin baumgartner, thierry elsen, rené gatti,
gabriele rökl und werner rotter.

UKB 5 Euro

Freitag, 8. März, 20.00 Uhr

Samstag, 9. März, 16.00 - 19.00 Uhr

Du hast zuhause ein Brettspiel, das du schon immer spielen wolltest,
aber niemand will mitspielen? Du würdest gern ein Brettspiel
kennenlernen, das du nicht hast? Wenn du Glück hast, findest du das
richtige Spiel und die richtigen MitspielerInnen.
Spiele, die wir haben: Hugo, das Schloßgespenst; Der zerstreute Pharao;
Mensch ärgere dich nicht; Das verrückte Labyrinth; Dame; Cluedo; Zicke
Zacke Hühnergacke (+ Entengacke); Superkreisel; Die Maulwurf Company;
Memory; Mühle; Die Siedler von Catan (+ Seefahrer); Oware; Typ Tom; Back
Gammon; Würfelpoker usw.
Eintritt frei für alle, die Brettspiele mitbringen.
UKB für alle ohne Spiele: 2,50 Euro

Samstag, 9. März, 21.00 Uhr

"Phone 3 Phone" zählt zu den spannendsten Ethno-Jazz-Bands Österreichs:
In Insiderkreisen ist die 1993 von Edith Lettner (Saxophon) und Stephan
Brodsky (Drums & Marimbaphone) gegründete Formation seit Jahren schon
ihre eigenwillige Musik bekannt: in den vielschichtigen
Eigenkompositionen verschmelzen Einflüsse aus Afrika, Asien und der
Karibik zu Worldmusic im besten Sinne des Wortes. Ihr Jazz-Dialog bewegt
sich weit abseits des Mainstreams: souverän, groovig, manchmal auch
Nach zwei bereits erschienenen CDs lässt ?Phone 3 Phone? jetzt wieder
von sich hören: ?We think you know? heißt der brandneue Tonträger , der
kongenialer Zusammenarbeit mit namhaften Gastmusikern eingespielt und
selbst produziert wurde und nun präsentiert wird.
Edith Lettner (Saxophones), Stephan Brodsky (Drums, Marimbaphone),
Ferdinand Frischling (E-Bass & Kontrabass), Gerhard Graml (Bass), Luis
Ribeiro (Percussion, Drums), Levewnt Tarhan (Percussions).

UKB 8 Euro

Montag, 11. März, 20.00 Uhr

GastgeberInnen: Franz Hütterer, Michaela Opferkuh und Richard Weihs
Gästin: Christa Nebenführ

Ich konnte dieses Bibbern nie richtig erklären, fest stand nur, daß es
im Sonnengeflecht stattfand. Obwohl: Genaugenommen überzog es den ganzen
Körper wie ein glibberiger Schleimfilm. Daher meine Bezeichnung. Es zog
mich in Ecken und Tiefen. Das wirklich Abstoßende an dem glibberigen
Bibbern war, daß es sich, im Gegensatz zum bloßen Albdrücken, nicht
beschreiben ließ. Ja es wäre mit dem
Ausdruck Schmerz geradezu besonders unzutreffend beschrieben gewesen.
ich wirklich gut betrunken war, hörte das Bibbern auf. Das Dumme war
daß mir inzwischen der Zustand des Betrunkenseins schon zeitweilig auf
Nerven ging. (Christa Nebenführ)

Dienstag, 12. - Donnerstag, 14. März, jeweils 19.00 Uhr

Manchmal wird ein Kabarettprogramm daraus, wenn die Arbeit allzu sehr
Die AkteurInnen dieses Programms sind auf er Bühne keine Profis, dafür
aber in ihrem Beruf. Szenen aus dem Arbeitsalltag bringen sie auf die
Bühne, manches davon schaurig-witzig genug, so wie es täglich passiert,
manches erst deutlsich in der Überzeichnung.


Freitag, 15. März, 19.00 Uhr

Seit nunmehr 20 Jahren thematisiert die Frauensolidarität das
Nord-Süd-Verhältnis aus feministischer Sicht und engagiert sich für
Frauenrechte in aller Welt. Mit der Zeitschrift Frauensolidarität -
mit neuem Layout - informiert sie über aktuelle Themen der
Frauenbewegung und der feministischen Entwicklungspolitik. Die
und Dokumentationsstelle Frauen und "Dritte Welt" bietet
Hintergrundinformationen und präsentiert Schriftstellerinnen aus Afrika,
Asien und Lateinamerika. Gemeinsam mit der Clean Clothes-Kampagne kämpft
Frauensolidarität für die Einhaltung von Arbeiterinnenrechten in der
Mitreißende Musik und internationale Acts sorgen für Stimmung, ein
verwöhnt mit Köstlichkeiten aus aller Welt, und die Aussicht auf schöne
Gewinne bei der Tombola sollten alle überzeugen, mit uns gemeinsam zu
und durch die Solidarität von und mit Frauen in aller Welt neue Kräfte
Gastgeberin: Frauensolidarität.
Auch solidarische Männer sind willkommen.

UKB 5 Euro

Samstag, 16. März - 21.00 Uhr

Und wieder einmal eine absolut überflüssige und daher auch weitgehend
mitleiderregende Reunion einer absolut überflüssigen und daher auch
mitleiderregenden Rock`N´Roll-Band. Im Großen und Ganzen ist es uns zwar
in der
Tat auch komplett unverständlich, aus welcher geheimnisvollen Quelle der
schamlos ironischen, wahnwitzigen Peinlichkeit, diese rapide gealterten,
grenzsenilen Möchtegernrocker, sowohl den puren Willen für ihr absolut
überflüssiges und daher auch weitgehend mitleiderregendes irdisches
Überlebenwollen, als auch die Energie für ihr absolut überflüssiges und
daher auch weitgehend mitleiderregendes Tun schöpfen, doch sei dies
nicht wirklich unser Problem, denn schließlich und endlich, was macht
man als philanthropischer Verein denn nicht alles, um so unsagbar tief
gesunkene, heruntergekommene Jammergestalten vor dem endgültigen
sozial-gesellschaftlichen Ruin bewahren zu können! Also - hingehen und

Absolut über-,zw. tränenflüssiger Mitleidebeitrag: 5 Euro

Sonntag, 17. März, 16.00 - 21.00 uhr

Die Nase voll von Computerabstürzen, von schlechten, teuren Programmen,
der Androhung von Strafverfolgung....???
Es gibt eine Alternative zu Windows: Linux, das auch für die
Anwenderinnen immer interessanter wird, nur die Installation ist halt
noch nicht ganz so einfach.
Wir wollen gemeinsam das Betriebssystem Linux unter Anleitung
installieren und uns dabei gegenseitig unterstützen. 12 Frauen können
dabei ihre eigene Rechnerin
mitbringen und mit Linux wieder nach Hause nehmen (Botendienst gegen
einen kleinen Beitrag kann organisiert werden). Andere, die Linux
einfach mal kennenlernen und ausprobieren wollen, können daran
teilnehmen. Die Kosten hängen davon ab, ob ihr Handbücher oder den
Botendienst braucht usw.
Informationen und Anmeldung (bis spätestens zum Internationalen
Frauentag) unter http://frauenweb.at oder http://www.7stern.net. Oder im
7*STERN nach Doris
Themen und Inhalte

Vortrag: Linux und die OpenSource-Geschichte. Historische und
politische Aspekte des freien Betriebssystems und die sich
daraus ergebenden Möglichkeiten für Userinnen.
Workshop: Linux auf der eigenen Rechnerin installieren
Was sollte frau wissen, bevor sie Linux installiert?
Linuxinstallation planen und durchführen
Funktionsweise und Benutzung von Linux
Unterschiede zw. Linux und kommerziellen Betriebssytemen,
Für interessierte Frauen besteht die Möglichkeit, Linux auf
Testgeräten kennenzulernen und auszuprobieren - und mit
Linux-Userinnen zu diskutieren.

Wir verwenden SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional und bieten diese in 2
Varianten an:

1.die Distribution kaufen (7 CD-Roms inkl. Handbücher kosten ca. 85
2.bei Bedarf stellen wir legale Kopien des CD-Sets zur Verfügung
(UKB ca. 8 Euro)
Eine gemeinsame Aktion von frauenweb.at und 7*STERN

Montag, 18. März, 20 Uhr

Mutter Krausens Fahrt ins Glück
Regie: Piel Jutzi, Produktion: Prometheus-Film
D 1929, 105 Min., Video, stumm
Live-Vertonung: Steven Garling, Schlagwerk
Der Film schildert das soziale Elend der ArbeiterInnen zur Zeit der
Weltwirtschaftskrise im Jahr 1929 im Berliner Stadtteil Wedding. Dort
lebt die Arbeiterwitwe Krause mit ihren Kindern Erna und Paul in einer
kleinen Hinterhofwohnung. Um zu überleben, trägt sie Zeitungen aus und
vermietet ein Bett an einen zwielichtigen Schlafburschen. Erna will den
klassenbewußten Arbeiter Max heiraten, der Schlafbursche hat ein
Straßenmädchen als Braut und Paul ist arbeitslos. Als er seiner Mutter
beim Zeitungsaustragen helfen soll, versäuft er das Zeitungsgeld und
bringt seine Mutter damit in Schwierigkeiten, die dramatische Folgen für
sie haben.
Der mit geringen Mitteln gedrehte Film war einer der größten
künstlerischen und geschäftlichen Erfolge der linken Prometheus-Film
Willi Münzenbergs. Vereinzelt kam es bei Aufführungen des Films zu
nationalsozialistischen Störungen, über die Die Rote Fahne berichtete:
?Die Arbeiter Berlins werden sich solche Demonstrationen gegen den
proletarischen Film nicht gefallen lassen und den Burschen, die sie bei
ähnlichen Attentaten ertappen, gehörig das Fell gerben.? (Nr. 12,

Steven Garling ist international mit seinem umfangreichen Schlagwerk als
Live-Vertoner von Stummfilmen unterwegs.
In Berlin, wo er lebt, organisiert er das ?Internationale
Stummfilmfestival Berlin?.

Dienstag, 19. März, 19.00 Uhr
Projekt: Feministisch Regieren!

Seit einigen Wochen laufen die Vorbereitungen für eine große
Frauenkonferenz im Herbst. Immer mehr Frauenorganisationen, -initiativen
und -projekte schließen sich an. Heidi Ambrosch berichtet über den Stand
der Vorbereitungen.

Donnerstag, 21. 3., 19.30 Uhr & 21.30 Uhr
Türkischsprachiges politisches Kino.

Samstag, 23. März, 20.00 Uhr

" Mozart, Mustafa & Ben (Murat)"
Türkischsprachiges Kabarett

UKB 7 Euro

Montag, 25. März, 19.00 Uhr

JuZo Philosophie: gemeinsam malen, schreiben, lieben & leben
JuZo sind Judith Tangerner (* 1968 in Wien) und Zoltan Odri (1968 in
Ju interessierte sich schon in jungen Jahren für die Kunst, entschied
sich jedoch für einen "sicheren" Job als "Supersekretärin". Zo züchtet
sich als diplomierter Gesundheits- & Krankenpfleger ein Ulkus Ventrikuli
und besucht mit Ju ein paar schöne Plätze auf dieser Erde.
Da dies jedoch nicht alles sein kann und darf, haben sich JuZo in einem
Chat-Forum kennengelernt und experimentieren in ihrer Freizeit mit Farbe
und was noch dazugehört und herumliegt. Mit einer künstlerischen
Ausbildung können JuZo leider nicht dienen, da sie keine haben. Der
einzigen Kurs, den sie besuchen wollten, wurde wegen mangelner
Teilnehmerzahl abgesagt. Doch die bilder gibt es; ein kleiner

Freitag, 29. März, 20.00 Uhr
Lieder vom Lieben, Leben und Leiden, begleitet von traditioneller
persischer Musik, gespiel auf Original-Instrumenten.
Text: Amir P. Peyman
Musik: Azin "Zino" RAZM-ARYA: Taar ( pers. Langhalslaute), Setaar (Pers.
Langhalslaute), Daf (pers. Schellentrommel), Zarb (pers.

UKB 8 Euro


7*STERN im Web
powered by action.at


Café täglich außer Sonntag 16 - 2 Uhr geöffnet.
1070 Wien, Siebensterngasse 31
Tel. +1/5236157
Programmkoordination, Vermietung und Information zu den Veranstaltungen:
El Awadalla, E-Mail: 7stern@action.at oder el@awadalla.at

Wir sind Mitglied der Wiener Interessensgemeinschaft für freie

widerstandslesung jeden donnerstag von 17 bis 19 uhr bei der
botschaft der besorgten bürgerInnen, 1010 wien, ballhausplatz 1a.



10 Grüne: "Herr Reichhold, wie oft waren Sie genau bei Gaddhafi?"
From: Die Grünen Klagenfurt <klagenfurt@diegruenen.carinthia.at>
Presseinformation der
Montag, 18.2.2002 / 22.00Uhr

Grüne: "Herr Reichhold, wie oft waren sie genau bei Gaddafi?"
Matthias Köchl: "Laut Berichten war Neo-Minister Mathias Reichhold
auch in Lybien"

Klagenfurt - "Auch Mathias Reichhold hat schon FP-Delegationen nach
Libyen angehört", darauf macht der Kärntner Grün-Politiker Matthias
Köchl aufmerksam. Er beruft sich dabei auf einen Bericht der Austria
Presseagentur vom Frühjahr 2000 (APA 29.5.2000) Der Klagenfurter
Grünen-Sprecher fordert eine öffentliche Erklärung von Reichhold, wann
und wie oft er zu welchem Zweck Lybiens Revolutuionsführer Muammar
Gaddafi besucht hat."Als Infrastrukturminister bitte keine
Geheimdiplomatie mit dem Irak und mit Lybien zu pflegen.", rät Köchl
dem Neo-Minister.

Rückfragehinweis: Tel. 0664-2668549 (Hr. Köchl)
DIE GRÜNEN KLAGENFURT - Die ökologisch-soziale Stadtpartei
neues Büro: Viktringer Strasse 5, 9020 Klagenfurt www.klagenfurt.gruene.at

11 Eisenerz/Arbeitsplätze/Scherbenhaufen/Fluch
From: KPÖ Steiermark <kpoe_stmk@hotmail.com>

Montag, 18. Februar 2002

Eisenerz: Sperre der Glasfabrik bringt Scherbenhaufen für herrschende

"Die drohende Sperre der Firma Pilkington Glas in Eisenerz zeigt, dass die
Politik der Großparteien für unsere Region gescheitert ist. Wer auf die
Multis setzt, ist schon verloren. Unsere Warnungen und Vorschläge sind in
den Wind geschlagen worden. SPÖ, ÖVP und FP müssen die Verantwortung für den
jetzigen Scherbenhaufen übernehmen"

Das erklärte der Eisenerzer KPÖ-Gemeinderat Karl Fluch am Montag. Die
Zerschlagung der verstaatlichten Industrie hat zu dieser Situation geführt.
Jetzt sind entschiedene Maßnahmen notwendig, um Ersatzarbeitsplätze für
junge Menschen in der Region zu schaffen. . Auch eine Arbeitsstiftung ist
keine Lösung. Wir brauchen Arbeitsplätze. Schon bei der Schließung des
Bergbaus in Radmer und die Übernahme durch Assmann hat man gesehen, dass
Privatisierung und Niedriglöhne keine Lösung darstellen. Jetzt brauchen wir
keine Wortspenden der Spitzenpolitiker, sondern Taten und Geld. Klasnic und
Paierl müssen jetzt die Weiterführung des Betriebes durchsetzen.
Es geht darum, in unserer Region einen Funken Hoffnung leben zu lassen.
Dieser Schlag trifft nämlich auch die Gemeinde durch einen Steuerausfall in

Nachfragehinweis 03848 34 73

Lagergasse 98 a
8020 Graz

Tel.: 0316 71 24 36
Fax 0316 71 62 91
email: kp.stmk@kpoe-graz.at; kpoe_stmk@hotmail.com


12 Newsletter
From: nato@buko24.de
Newsletter des Anti-NATO Komitees/Bündnisses Ausgabe 7


e-Mail: no_nato2002@intsol.de (Komitee)
nato@buko24.de (Buendnis)
Webseite: http://www.buko24.de/nato


Hallo ihr alle

Die Aktionstage in München sind vorbei, langsam aber sicher beginnt die
politische Aufarbeitung. Nicht alle von euch sind bis München vorgedrungen,
viele wurden schon vor der Stadt abgefangen oder erst gar nicht aus ihren
Städten gelassen. Trotzdem war in München so einiges los, wir waren an die
10000 Menschen und haben unseren Protest trotz totalem Verbot lautstark
auf die Straße getragen.

Auch wenn die eigentlichen Aktionstage jetzt vorbei sind, wir werden diesen
Newsletter noch ein Weilchen weiterführen, um euch auf dem Laufenden zu
halten, wie es mit der politischen Aufarbeitung nach München weitergeht.
Der Wahlkampf von OB Ude beispielsweise hat ein neues Thema, mit dem er
überall konfrontiert wird, wo er auftaucht (siehe unten).

Demnächst werden wir unsere Webseite wechseln, aber das wird dann hier
nochmal extra angekündigt.

Diesmal im Newsletter:

- Veranstaltung im Gewerkschaftshaus
- Wahlkampfaktion Ude
- Dringender Spendenaufruf!!!


Von Genua nach München nach ...?

Das Bündnis gegen die NATO-Sicherheitskonferenz läd alle ein:
Zu einem Nachtreffen zur aktuellen Situation nach den Protesten gegen die
NATO-Sicherheitskonferenz am 01/02.02.2002 mit politischer Einschätzung zum
Thema "Krieg nach außen - Repression nach innen" und Perspektivendiskussion.

Am Samstag 23.02.02
im DGB-Haus, Schwanthalerstr. 64
Beginn 18 Uhr
anschließend Feiern, Feiern, Feiern, ...

Krieg nach außen - Repression nach innen
Die NATO hat kein ruhiges Hinterland mehr!

Am 1. Februarwochenende zeigte sich, daß die menschenverachtende
Kriegspolitik der NATO in Zukunft nicht ohne Widerstand bleiben wird. Trotz
des über München verhängten "Ausnahmezustands" haben wir uns unser Recht auf
Versammlungs- und Meinungsfreiheit zurückerobert. Jegliche Versuche, das
legitime Recht auf Protest und Widerstand den "kollektiven Maulkorb" zu
verpassen und die Bewegung zu spalten, sind ins Leere gelaufen.

Wir wollen uns jedoch nicht auf dem politischen Erfolg des Wochenendes
ausruhen. Während die demokratischen Grundrechte in München außer Kraft
gesetzt wurden, wurden bereits neue Kriege auf der sogenannten
"Sicherheits"-Konferenz beschlossen. Unter dem Vorwand der "Bekämpfung des
internationalen Terrors" findet derzeit eine kriegerische Neuaufteilung und
Unterwerfung der Welt im Interesse der NATO-Staaten statt.

Mit der weltweiten Verschärfung der sozialen Verhältnisse und der
Zusammenführung der international entstehenden Proteste werden die
repressiven Maßnahmen der Staaten stärker. Ausschaltung von Grundrechten,
massive Polizeieinsätze und politische Zensur sind an der Tagesordnung.
Zugleich finden weltweit Kriegseinsätze unter dem Aushängeschild
"Friedenseinsätze" statt. Mit dem Kampf gegen den "internationalen
Terrorismus" schaffen die NATO-Staaten jedoch eine Neuaufteilung der Welt
zugunsten ihrer Interessen. Die "NATO-Sicherheitskonferenz" in München
diente den Herrschenden als weiterer Ort der Planung neuer Kriegseinsätze.

Das Treffen der Kriegsstrategen wurde dieses Mal nicht ganz ungestört
abgehalten. Anknüpfend an diesen Erfolg ist es notwendig, auch zukünftig
weltweit den Protest gegen die kapitalistische Ausbeutung auf die Straße zu

Wahlkampfaktion Ude am 14.2.2002

Am 14.2. wollten OB Ude, Monatzeder und Nell eine Podiumsdiskussion im
JUZ Biderstein veranstalten. Durch das Verlesen der Rede verliesen sie
sichtlich pikiert das Jugendzentrum und die Veranstaltung mußte leider
ohne sie stattfinden.

Dankesrede des Vereins Münchner Kriegsfreunde e.V.

Liebe Anwesenden, liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, lieber verehrter Herr Ude,

Es ist für uns eine besondere Genugtuung und ein Zeichen für die globale
Bedeutung Münchens, dass unsere geliebte Heimatstadt wieder einmal der ort
für das Treffen der höchsten und berühmtesten Militärstrategen war. Unser
verehrter Oberbürgermeister hat daher auch vollkommen Recht, wenn er sagt:
München kann stolz sein auf eine solche Tagung! Jawoll


Für uns gibt es -gerade nach dem 11. September- viele Gründe optimistisch in
die Zukunft zu blicken . Erst im Oktober versprach unser Bundeskanzler
Gerhard Schröder: "Die Nachkriegszeit ist unweigerlich vorbei!!!"


die Entwicklungen der letzten Monate geben uns Anlass zu der Hoffnung, dass
damit eine neue, militärische Ära für Deutschland und für uns alle, für
jeden Einzelnen von uns, begonnen hat. Lord Robertson, der Generalsekretär
der Nato, versprach in einer Rede in Brüssel: "This war is far from over".
Wir können also ganz beruhigt sein, dass dieser Krieg so schnell nicht
vorbei sein wird.


Ich rufe euch zu: Die Zeit der militärischen Enthaltsamkeit ist vorbei !!!
Deutschland ist endlich wieder dabei.


Wir blicken in eine rosige Zukunft, sage ich euch:
Bundesverteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping will teilweise am Haushalt
vorbei fast 9 Milliarden Euro für das größte europäische Rüstungsprojekt
ausgeben, an dem Deutschland je beteiligt war !!! Endlich ist es so weit:
Deutschland rüstet auf !!!


Wir kommen nun zum Schluß und möchten uns ganz herzlich bedanken bei all
jenen, ohne die das alles nicht möglich wäre: Zuerst natürlich einen großen
Dank an Oberbürgermeister Ude für seine großartige Unterstützung und die
Behinderung der Kriegsgegner und Pazifisten, die sich immer und überall
einmischen. Ganz herzlichen Dank für das totale Versammlungsverbot. Denn-
das leuchtet doch jedem ein- in diesen Zeiten kann auf Grundrechte
selbstverständlich keine Rücksicht mehr genommen werden!


Horst Teltschik, zusammen mit der Herbert Quandt Stiftung der offizielle
Veranstalter der Sicherheitskonferenz, klagte, dass es unerträglich sei,
dass es in einer Demokratie nicht möglich ist, eine solche Tagung ungestört
durchzuführen. Und das ist genau der Punkt: Wozu brauchen wir in einer
Demokratie denn noch Demonstrationen, abweichende Meinungen und diese ganzen
Kritiker. Das ist doch ein freies Land!!


Wir danken Herrn Ude dafür, dass er den städtischen Initiativen endlich klar
gemacht hat, woher der Wind weht und dass wer zahlt, auch anschafft. Mit
anderen Worten: Solange ihr eure Füße unter meinen Tisch- das heisst meine
Stadt- streckt, macht ihr, was ich sage!


Wir danken auch der Münchner Polizei, die uns so vortrefflich beschützt vor
allem Bösen dieser Welt, selbst die DemonstrantInnen wurden durch
massenweise Gewahrsamnahme davor geschützt, zu demonstrieren.


Und -last but not least- Danke an die Münchner Stadtsparkasse, die sich als
unbeteiligte Einrichtung so neutral verhält, und ganz spontan die Konten des
Bündnis gegen Rassismus sperrt.


Wir danken Herrn Ude dafür, dass er sich zuletzt doch noch dazu
durchgerungen hat, das Schlafplatzproblem der KriegsgegnerInnen konstruktiv
zu lösen, indem er nahezu 1000 vergitterte Schlafplätze in der Ettstrasse
und in Stadelheim zur Verfügung gestellt hat-


Wir danken Herrn Ude dafür, dass er der münchner Jugend und den angereisten
Jugendlichen ein anschauliches Beispiel bayerischer Lebensart gab: Die
münchner Kesselspezialitäten, das härtere Hinlangen, sowie die Umstellung
des Gewerkschaftshauses in guter alter Tradition à la 1933!


Und schliesslich danken wir Herrn Ude dafür, dass er unserer Jugend endlich
wieder Werte vermittelt, wie Vaterlandstreue, Kriegsbereitschaft und
Schnauze halten!! Wer nicht in den Krieg zieht, bleibt gefälligst zu Hause!!


Lieber Herr Ude, weiter so!!


Dringender Spendenaufruf !!!

An alle UnterstützerInnen, FreundInnen, SympathisantInnen der Aktivitäten
gegen die NATO-Sicherheitskonferenz,

Die Proteste am vergangenen Wochenende sind - dank euch / uns allen -
sichtbar und hörbar gewesen - weltweit. Ein wirklich gutes Zeichen -
im doppelten Sinne ! Wir haben dennoch enorme Kosten zu tragen, die
zum Teil noch ungedeckt sind. Wir hoffen dabei, daß ihr uns darin
genauso solidarisch unterstützt wie ihr am Wochenende auf der Strasse
wart! Wir haben auch schon wirklich tolle Spenden bekommen! Merci!

Eine Schattenseite gibt es aber dennoch: Trotz mehrfacher Aufforderung
haben bisher nur 25 (!) von über 150 Gruppen und Organisationen ihren
(Mindest)-Beitrag bezahlt. Ihr habt aber jetzt ja genügend Zeit, das
nachzuholen. Ansonsten hiermit die Aufforderung an alle, sich dazu
etwas zu überlegen - v.a. an die angesprochenen politischen

Die politische Perspektive solcher Mobilisierungen hängt mit auch
daran, daß es nicht sein kann, daß die OrganisatorInnen (oft) auf
einem Schuldenberg sitzen bleiben.

Bitte beachten: Bündniskonto: Claus Schreer, Stichwort
"Sicherheitskonferenz" Konto-NR: 57016 - 805 Postbank München, BLZ:
700 100 80

Mit solidarischen Grüßen

Bündnis gegen die NATO-Sicherheitskonferenz

E-Mail: nato@buko24.de
Date: 18-Feb-02
Time: 13:16:48

Contact also possible:
Tel.: 49 - (0)89 - 169519
Fax.: 49 - (0)89 - 1689415

See also:


13 DHKP- bulletin no: 19
From: dhkc <dhkc@dhkc.org>
Date: February 14,
2002 No: 19

"The organisation OPENLY criticised
the USA and its operation in Afghanistan"

The CIA wanted to include our organisation to the other targets of the USA
by reasoning as above. We should be targeted because we had OPENLY
criticised the USA!

An imperialist is trying to make the entire world its slaves. An
imperialist, arbitrarily and by ignoring the law order, threatens another
country and another organisation on daily basis. This imperialist is
dreaming of becoming an empire. This dream of imperialist means a nightmare
for the rest of the world. As if they are the masters of the world, mainly
the President, ministers and the other statesmen of this country are
issuing orders, threats and abuses to the peoples and countries of the
world and forcing them to take their side in this unjust and unlawful war.

Everyone knows about this imperialist country. Since September 11, the US
aggravation is increasingly continuing. Since September 11, certain
organisations and countries have been announced as their enemies and
targets. Our organisation is also included now. The head of the CIA George
Tennet, stated in his report to the US congress that, including our
organisation, 5 organisations should also be targeted by the USA. These
organisations are Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C),
Colombian Revolutionary People's Forces (FARC), Palestine People's
Liberation Front (FHKC), Ýslami Jihad and Hamas. OK but why?

First of all, it should be realised that the US's targets WILL NOT BE
LIMITED with the officially announced countries and organisations. The
targets were not only Afghanistan and El Kaide!

We had emphasised this previously and now it was proven correct. Today we
are emphasising once again: The target will not be limited with
Iraq-Iran-North Korea, DHKP-C, FHKC, FARC, Ýslami Jihad and Hamas! On
September 14, 2001- 3 days after the September 11- the dust over New York
and Washington was still intense and everyone was talking about it. We
commented on this incident too. In our statement with the title of "APPEAL
TO TRUTH" we tried to direct everyone to the truth while in a cloudy and
invisible atmosphere the demagogy of terror and the screams of revenge were
on the peak.

We had said that; " Even if "Islamic organisations" are presented as
the target, in general all organised forces and peoples who are
against the American empire and are opposed to capitalist exploitation
are targeted. The peoples of Asia, Latin America, the Middle East,
Balkans and Caucasus, and even all the progressive and opposition
people in the metropolitan countries of Europe are the targets of this
attack. US imperialism wants to achieve this with the demagogy of
terrorism. No one should calculate on getting away from this attack by
showing sympathy to the USA. No one can get away from it. If US
imperialism launches an attack there is no other way but to oppose
them like the oppressed people of the world and their
organisations. There is no other way than to resist."

Remember whom and which countries and organisations have been
announced "enemy" and "target" since then. You will come across with
a long list. A list including from Iraq to North Korea, from the Hamas
to the FARC and finally our organisation. Iran tried to not to be
targeted by not opposing the US attack to Afghanistan. They could not
succeed. While "El Kaide, Taliban, pro-Shariat and Islamic
organisations" were mentioned, suddenly socialist North Korea and then
our organisations and then others were announced. Will it end then?
Did it finish? No. The list will get longer. Have a look at again what
we had written on September 14. "All opposition and progressive forces
are targets of this attack"

This list can be extended to the "anti-globalisation" movements in Europe
and the USA and even any of the European countries, which resist against
the orders and demands of the USA.

OPPOSED TO THE USA: The head of CIA says that these 5 organisations
should be targeted. Because, he says, " Islami Jihad, FHKC and Hamas
are traditionally concentrating on attacking to Israel. If these
organisations feel that the USA threatens their existence, they may
start to threaten the US citizens directly.

About FARC: "The organisation did not carry out any attack against the USA
establishments but it creates a threat by putting the Colombian government
and the USA in the same pot..."

The reasons for our organisation are as follows: " The organisation
OPENLY criticised the USA and its operation in Afghanistan" "You are a
threat", you did not attack but you may, you openly CRITICISE; so you
are a terrorist? Or you are a potential terrorist. And therefore you
are our TARGET. No one will criticise the USA! No one will oppose the
US interests!

No one will defend his or her independence against the USA! No one
will oppose the US-backed zionists and murderous governments and
rules. Freedom will only take the form of freedom of defending and
applauding the USA. The democracy will only be exercised in a way that
you can give free speeches if permitted by the USA and you can live
the way that the USA wishes you to live. Read these "reasons" once
again. You will clearly see the US mentality and how the US empire is
imposing its way to the rest of the world within these reasons. What
else could we do but opposing the USA?

This is exactly what we oppose; this despotism, this world scale banditry.
We oppose this banditry's condemnation of the world to starvation, its
massacres for the sake of continuation of its rule and its support to the
entire fascist rules in the world.


Leave aside the legitimate right of the people to revolt against tyranny,
leave aside the nations' right of independence, the USA says there will
neither be the freedom of thought and expression. Let's pay attention here.
They are not arguing about violence and people's liberation wars, the
hatred of those who are condemned to starvation and oppressed in here, they
are arguing over the freedom of thought and expression. The USA wants to
abolish it. Have a look at the level of arbitrariness and unlawfulness.
"They may pose a threat... they OPENLY criticised..."

That's why let's kill, destroy and wipe them off. Read the "reasons"
of the head of CIA again, you will see that these reasons are an
assault to HUMAN BEINGS WHO THINK. This is a threat to destroy
science, culture, ideology, logic, law and justice, basically
everything. Can thousands of intellectuals, hundreds of organisations,
stand up and say "yes, like DHKP-C, we also OPENLY criticise the USA
and its operation in Afghanistan"?

Now we must strongly answer the head of CIA, those who attempt to rule
the world with the CIA's laws, the CIA's injustice and the CIA's
plots. Stand by us! You may not agree with our entire ideology. You
may not accept our strategy and tactics. But we call you to be
together with us to oppose them OPENLY. We call upon those who defend
the freedom of thought to take up the struggle. If this is the
"democracy" they want to impose the world, we call upon you to condemn
this "democracy" and this understanding of "freedom" OPENLY.


Yes this is our "CRIME"; we "OPENLY" criticised the USA. The US style
democracy, human rights, freedom of thought and expression are focused on
this word. Then, here we are, announce the entire world as "target". Of
course, "Openness" does not suit them. For the CIA, the "openness" itself
is a horror. They got used to impose their politics by deceits and plots
and seeing the opposition being mild through oppression, threat and

No. In our entire history we have never adopted such a way and we will
never do. For decades we had no secret policy and nothing to hide from
our people and the peoples of the world. And today is the same. If in
a world, only a bunch of monopolists are richer than hundreds of
countries and 1.2 billion of people are starving and 3 billion of
people having lack of drinking water, of course we will fight for a
better world where no one is condemned to hunger, believes and
thoughts are free and everyone's todays and tomorrows are secured.

We declare to the entire world that, we will continue to OPPOSE THESE
OPENLY. If this is terrorism... If demanding a world where there are
no occupations like in Vietnam and no massacres like in Rwanda means
terrorism... We announce that we will continue to be terrorists. And
mainly the USA, everyone should know that, even if they destroy us
there will always be such "terrorists" in this world.


Our knowledge and analysis of the USA are not new. We know the USA
from our spilt blood for 50 years. We know the USA from our spilt
blood. We know the USA from the poverty of our people. The main
thieves who steal our bread are the US monopolies. We know the USA
from the juntas in our country. It was the force behind them. We know
the USA from Vietnam, Middle East, Latin America, and Africa.

Therefore it was not difficult for us to comment on its speeches
following the September 11 and to analyse its attack to
Afghanistan. And since we correctly analysed the truth, we announced
to the peoples of the world, once again that, we oppose the USA and
its attack against Afghanistan.

We had warned everyone on September14, 2001 within the concept of
AND FREEDOM. America wants to use the whole world for the continuation
of its empire. This is becoming concrete in the decisions of
NATO. Those who defend democracy, right and freedom can't reach an
accommodation with this empire.

part of the demagogy of terrorism. Don't serve as reinforcements for
the US empire. Discuss the truth. See reality. Don't you have any
people with scientific training to tell you that the problem can't be
solved with demagogy about terrorism? To conceal the truth will only
aggravate the example of anger that you all witnessed on September

When we declared these the date was September 14, 2001. A group of
defenders of democracy and human rights, by backing Bush, were talking
about "struggle against terror" in those days. A majority of
intellectuals throughout the world, were serving for the creation of
an unclear atmosphere, in which the USA would appreciate, by saying
"we oppose both war and terror".

And now, have a look at what French minister of international affairs
said on February 2002: "The USA's way of seeing the world politics is
'simple' and their approach to the entire problems of the world by
minimising to 'struggle against terror' is a threat for Europe"
Compare these with the concept of our statement "Appeal to Truth" on
September 14, 2001. The truth catches those who try to escape from it.
Of course the main thing is to do what the truth is required. The
first thing that those who see the truth should do is, TO OPPOSE THE
US EMPIRE OPENLY. And to struggle against the invasion of the world by
this empire. Countries and Peoples of the World! You should not pay
attention to the CIA reports and USA's definitions. Because these
reports and definitions are only for serving the US interests.



We are always proud of our anti-imperialist tradition. We are proud of
our struggle for independence, democracy and socialism. We are for
independence against imperialism, for democracy against fascism and
for socialism against capitalism. Could USA be proud of condemning 1,2
billion of people to starvation? Could USA be proud of supporting the
fascist dictatorships and bloody junta regimes in all regions of the
world? While we are defending each of our actions proudly, can USA
proudly defend all they have done? They can not.

We want a justified and free world.
A world;
Where there is no starvation, poverty, torture and massacres,
Where fascists rule do not exist,
Where nations can determine their own fate,
Where no chemical, nuclear or biological weapons exist,
Where people's health, housing, education problems are solved permanently,
Where invasions, colonies and exploitation do not exist.

In a world where there is no invasion, colonies and exploitation,
violence does not exist anyway. In such a world, the struggle between
countries and between sections of the society in a country continue in
democratic and peaceful forms. In such a world those who are for
violence and use armed struggle for this and that can be considered
crazy. How about today? Today it is opposite.

Then the question of; who is preventing such a world to exist, who is
preventing the peoples of the world to build such a world? Since the
main answer of these questions is the USA, we oppose them. And this is
the same reason why we were announced as a "target".

In fact, it is not a new story. The USA's annual "lists of terror"
have always included our organisation. For years, with the order of
the CIA, operations were carried out against our organisations and our
fighters were massacred. We oppose the US's hegemony in our country
and also oppose its "new world order". Soon or later every
organisation, everyone who demand a democratic world and struggle for
this goal will be announced by the USA as terrorists and targets.


USA says that, "you must be killed, destroyed and abolished..." Why?
Because you are openly criticising me? It says, "you must be killed,
destroyed and abolished..." Why? Because you criticise injustice which
condemns the 4 billion people to poverty. We are against such a world
system. Certainly and openly we say that: this "system" must be
abolished. In order to bring justice, equality and freedom to the
world, this US empire, this" new world order" and "globalisation" must
be abolished.

As we said on September 14; " Developing a new wave of repression
using the demagogy of terror, in order to prevent a discussion of "why
and wherefore" such anger arose that dealt it this blow, the USA is
reckoning on stabilising its empire on top of all this debris. It
prepares itself for the occupation and bombardment of the territories
where it couldn't yet establish its control. Again it aims to make the
whole world discuss the matter within the framework preferred by the
USA, to lead them to act in its own interests and to hide the truth."

Shall we accept this? Either you will struggle against the empire or
you will be destroyed. Either you will take the side of those
"openly" oppose the empire or soon or later you will be the servants
of the world order of the USA. Not those who struggle against the USA
but those who serve for them will be destroyed. The situation where
revolutionaries, socialists and anti-imperialists are targeted by the
USA does not change this truth. In such a world, where being an US
servant and submitting to the USA became the way of survive, it is
difficult to be anti-USA and anti-imperialist.

But only when such a difficult task is achieved the world will be a
New World. Only when such a difficult task was achieved the flag of
equality, freedom, justice and liberation will wave all over the
world. Threats do not change the truth about the world. Let's assume
that we gave up being opposed to the USA. Will USA become not an USA?
Will this scenery of the world change? Today, as long as the
revolutionary, progressive, patriot, anti-imperialist forces are
concerned, the issue is not whether they are in the target list of the
USA. On the contrary, not being included in the list should be the

To criticise the US imperialism OPENLY is a duty, is a right and it is
legitimate. Everyone should carefully think about how the USA wish to
create a world order when they include an organisation because this
organisation criticised them "OPENLY", because we defend the interests
of the peoples of the world against the USA's. Everyone must
re-evaluate which self-interests are trying to be hid behind the
demagogy of "struggle against terror".


14 WORKERS POWER GLOBAL WEEK 16 February 2002 E-newswire of the LRCI
From: newswire <harvey@lrci.fsnet.co.uk>
E-newswire of the LRCI
16 February 2002
Subscribe to: newswire@workerspower.com


Workers Power Global Week is the English language e-newsletter of the LRCI.
To unsubscribe mail to: unsubscribe@workerspower.com. Please forward this to
a comrade.




Workers Power Global, London

The plans were signed off it seems at the end of January by President Bush.
A force of 200,000 US troops to invade Iraq from Kuwait, preceded by
ferocious and sustained aerial bombardment and arming of opposition Kurds.
All this as soon as June after the UN sanctions against Iraq have come up
for assessment and the USA¹s demands for complete opening up of Iraq to
their inspectors has inevitably and justifiably been turn down.

As one State Department figure told the Guardian in London even if Iraq is
compliant with UN demands: "we won¹t take yes for an answer".

Of course, no evidence exists that Iraq was in any way linked with the
September 11 attack on New York and Washington or that Baghdad has ties with
al-Qaida. So the "war against terrorism" has been broadened to a "war
against those who hold weapons of mass destruction" (other than those the US
approves of).

Bush has made it clear that they do not appeal to international law or the
international community (i.e. United Nations) to legitimise such a war, nor
will they seek prior political approval from European, Russian or Middle
Eastern members of the imperialist-led coalition against Afghanistan before
they bomb Iraq flat.

The US imperial power looks only to its "national interest" in launching
such an attack; that is the interests of US big business that own the
politicians who run the government and seek to make the world a safer place
to make profits, buy up firms, access raw materials and prop up pliant
regional governments.

Iraq is not one of the latter; it is an enemy of Israel, it backs the
Palestinians ­ even if for Saddam¹s own narrow reasons. Iraq refuses to
accept US leadership in running the world. So it must be brought to heel.
Saddam must be overthrown.

Out is the idea of sovereignty of nations and rejection of outside
aggression, which underpinned the creation of the UN and post-war post-Nazi
world bourgeois imperialist order. In is the idea that the United States
reserves to itself the right to determine which states, which governments
serve its global ambitions. The US reserves the right to unseat leaders and
uproot governments.

Bush's new military budget is $379 billion, an increase of $48 billion over
the already unexpectedly high 2001 budget. The increase alone is larger than
any other nation on earth's total military budget. The total is higher than
the next 19 nations¹ defence budgets put together.

This symbolises the overwhelming military might and superiority of US
imperialism and underpins the arrogance and unilateralism of its actions.

The "opposition" of the EU powers and the Arab world to the USA¹s unilateral
imposition of its law on Afghanistan proved so feeble or non-existent that
this has encouraged the hawks to press for action against Iraq. Bush¹s state
of the union speech has forced the architects of European Union foreign
policy ­ France, Patten and Solana ­ to condemn Bush for his "simplistic
approach" and especially for his aggression towards Iran. Putin and the Arab
states have made it clear that they cannot support the idea of an attack on

The European imperialist powers are increasingly aware of the fact that the
US offensive also challenges their sphere of influence in the semi-colonial
world. While the US has ceded the Balkans to the EU there are growing
conflicts over Israel. Given the USA¹s hegemony these can only be
articulated to a limited extent and the fact that there remains no unified
EU foreign policy (thanks above all to Britain¹s slavishness towards the
USA) inhibits the effectiveness of any European challenge to the US.
In these circumstances the US can and does dismiss the objections of "its
allies" knowing they have neither the military might or political unity to
do anything to stop the US.

The axis of evil is now clear; it is found in Washington and runs from the
Pentagon through the White House and Congress to the State Department. Only
mass, united resistance from the world¹s workers, urban poor and small
farmers, from those denied national self-determination and struggling to
achieve it, can stop the US in its tracks.

Only mass demonstrations crucially in the Gulf states, Pakistan and Turkey
can knock these plans off course, and make the US administration realise the
overhead costs of war against Iraq will be civil wars and revolutionary
uprisings in the region and mass anti-war movements in the US and Europe.



Workers Power Global, Paris

Eight months after being taken against his will from Serbia, Slobodan
Milosevic has gone on trial in the full glare of the world¹s media at the
International Criminal Tribunal (ICT) at the Hague.
The ICT has charged Milosevic and four of his cronies with 66 counts of
"crimes against humanity and violations of the laws or customs of war",
including genocide, in some of the bloodiest and most notorious events of
the series of wars that punctuated the collapse of Yugoslavia in the 1990s ­
in Croatia (1991-92), the Bosnian war (1992-95), including the vicious
massacre of thousands of Muslims in Srebrenica, and in Kosovo in 1999.

By any standards, Milosevic is guilty of at least encourageing, and often
directly overseeing, some of the most brutally concentrated expressions of
murderous chauvinist hatred seen in the final years of the 20th century.

>From the beginning of the break-up of the Yugoslav federation along
lines in the early 1990s, Milosevic deliberately fanned chauvinist hatred,
allying himself with some of the most vicious racist thugs to be found on
the planet, in particular the Bosnian Serb leaders Mladic and Karadic.
Without a doubt, he is an anti-working class criminal with blood on his

And yet the charade in the Hague, which will probably drag on for a couple
of years, does not provide any reason for rejoicing. What emerges from the
courtroom is not the sweet smell of justice, but the nauseating stench of

The ICT is supposedly an expression of the will of "the international
community" to prosecute "crimes against humanity". Its supporters claim it
stands in the moral (and even legal) tradition of the Nuremburg Trials after
the second world war, set up to indict leading Nazis for their war crimes.
It is no such thing.

The Nuremburg trials were convened by a small group of victors to prosecute
the losers for violation of the principle of state sovereignty by attacking
other countries after September 1939. No more, no less.

In fact when Milosevic¹s supporters tried to have Nato indicted for its
illegal attack on Yugoslavia in much the same way the court prosecutors
simply said there was no case to answer since the ICT was not set up to try
such matters!

This court¹s very existence is a testament to the changed logic of the new
world order. State sovereignty is not sacrosanct and US-led western
imperialism will decide whose sovereignty is deemed worthy of overthrowing
and when.

There is no jury, the second rate judges and prosecutors are appointed and
accountable to nobody, and the victims of Milosevic¹s undoubted crimes - the
masses in Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo and of course Serbia - have had absolutely
no say in how the charges were framed, nor in the way the prosecution is
being carried out.

Witnesses can give anonymous testimony with no possibility of cross
Milosevic is undoubtedly guilty of terrible crimes, but virtually every step
of the way he was aided and abetted by the very imperialist powers that
today have the barefaced cheek to offload all the responsibility onto his

In the wake of the collapse of Stalinism across Eastern Europe, the world¹s
capitalists rubbed their hands with glee at their ideological and, they
hoped, economic victory. Vicious demagogues like Milosevic, who had ridden
to power in Serbia on a racist and chauvinist wave using quasi-fascist
methods, were backed first by the Germans then by the US, as they plotted
the national break-up of Yugoslavia, which inevitably heralded a bloody war.

Between 1991 and the end of 1994 between 200,000 and 400,000 people were
killed in Croatia and Bosnia. These massacres, carried out primarily by Serb
and Croat forces, but also by the Bosnian Muslims, were the direct
consequence of imperialism¹s meddling in the region.

The blood-spattered assassins were merely the final murderous link in a
chain that led directly back to the diplomatic salons of Bonn, Washington,
Paris and London. And yet none of these leaders are named as accomplices in
Milosevic¹s crimes.

Sometimes, imperialist participation was even more direct. The notorious
massacre of Srebrenica, with which Milosevic is charged, and which saw the
"disappearance" of around 10,000 Muslims, took place under the direct gaze
of French controlled Dutch UN soldiers.

The UN claimed they had turned Srebrenica into a "safe haven" for Muslims
from the surrounding regions. Tragically, the Muslims believed them and came
in their thousands. In fact, Srebrenica was turned into a killing ground for
the Bosnian Serb militias. The imperialists simply looked on.
The very countries that back the ICT are also directly responsible for the
deaths of thousands of Serbs, during the murderous NATO war against Serbia
in 1999. In his initial comments, Milosevic has made some telling points
about the vile hypocrisy of the imperialists in this respect.

The country that is most responsible for the bloody massacres in Yugoslavia
yesterday and in Afghanistan today, the US, is not represented at the Hague.
The US refuses to recognise the ICT, preferring to be judge and jury and
dole out its own "justice" free from any interference from its "allies" and
unrestricted by any international conventions.

The prisoners in Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo know that US "justice" is just as
fictitious as that being supposedly meted out in the Hague.

Workers and militants should not waste a moment¹s sleep over Milosevic¹s
predicament. Let him rot. But they should not be taken in for one instant by
the imperialist lies and hypocrisy being spouted at the ICT. The real
tragedy is that the victims have been deprived of the possibility of judging
the butcher of Belgrade and his whole stinking system.

Only the Balkan masses have the right to judge Milosevic and all the other
war criminals - above all those in high office in the West. The people of
Serbia should protest against further extraditions; the vast majority
already oppose it anyway.

A reborn independent labour movement in the Balkans should launch its own
multi-ethnic war crimes tribunal. Only they have an interest in seeing all
the guilty put on trial, and rooting out the whole international system that
led to such terror. True workers¹ justice is the last thing that will come
out of the Hague.



Declaration of the Union of Ceramic Workers and Employees of Neuquén (SOECN)
and the movement of Unemployed Workers (MTD)
To the National Assembly of Employed and Unemployed Workers of 16 and 17

As one of the organisers of this assembly, we assume the responsibility of
forming the national assembly of employed and unemployed workers with one
delegate for every twenty workers as was voted in the second assembly in La

This call was abandoned by the CTA (union federation­ Central de los
Trabajadores Argentinos) and the CCC (Corriente Clasista y Combativa ­ Class
Struggle Current) ­ which refused to fulfil the mandate, thereby preventing
the strengthening of a workers¹ organisation which would take concrete steps
in overcoming the union bureaucracy of the three federations and also that
of the unemployed workers of La Matanza ­ will be absent from this national

Because of distance and because we are going through a hard struggle we
couldn¹t participate in the discussions of the political declaration. In the
first place we want to, express our general agreement with the declaration.

We salute the popular rebellion that overthrew De La Rúa and Cavallo, the
current cacerolazos of the small savers in the Capital Federal and other
cities, and also the piqueteros marches and their road blockades of Salta
and Greater Buenos Aires, something we are doing in Neuquén too.

We emphasise the declaration¹s view that the government of Duhalde is an
enemy of the workers and the people. We also denounce the role of the union
bureaucracy of the three main federations, which with pacts, truces and open
treachery, are abandoning the workers to their fate.

They are the main ones responsible for preventing the effective unity
between employed and unemployed workers, which is the first condition for
the workers to be able to head the necessary alliance with the ruined middle
classes and the only way we can impose a workers and popular solution to the
national crisis.

We agree with the rejection of participating in the monitoring, emergency
and crisis committees of the unemployed movement, alongside national,
provincial or municipal government functionaries.

We reject all politics that want to mix the interests of the workers with
their enemies, the bosses, whether they be foreign, or big, medium or small
national capitalists and their political representatives such as: MPN
(Movimiento Popular Neuquino - the political power in Neuquén), PJ, UCR,
Frepaso,ARI, Polo Social or Frenapo.

We propose adding three points that we believe would strengthen the
1. Only the working class, employed and unemployed, state and private sector
workers, can solve the national crisis. The employed working class, which
produces all the wealth of the nation ­transport, and those that pull all
the levers of the economy: from energy (gas, oil, electricity) to those in
the financial and banking system, together with the combativity of the
unemployed (who we consider to be part of the working class) with their
blockades of the country¹s principal roads and highways and of course the
salaried state and municipal workers who are already in struggle and have
made themselves part of the movement. This is the fundamental social force
that can give rise to a progressive outcome to the capitalist crisis.

We are conscious that the industrial workers¹ movement is more backward and
still the number of internal commissions, delegate bodies and fighting
unions that have been able to break free from the hated union bureaucracy
are scarce, however we have to propose to work in this direction, going to
the rank and file of the UOM (metal workers), SMATA (car workers),UOCRA
(building workers), Luz y Fuerza (energy workers), UTA (bus drivers
workers), rail workers etc.

2. This social force has to create genuinely permanent organisations: a
national assembly or co-ordination of employed and unemployed workers that
functions through working class representative democracy: one delegate for
every 20 workers and mandated by the rank and file. They should be developed
the length and breadth of the country, forming them in the regions, towns
and localities.

They must take up the claims of the ruined middle classes and these workers¹
assemblies should incorporate representatives of the popular assemblies and
other sectors in struggle, in order to deepen the necessary workers and
popular alliance.

3. We think the plan of action in the declaration should clearly include the
need to prepare an active general strike, with pickets throughout the
country, with mobilisations and occupations of the main city squares, as the
only possible way to make real the popular desire "that they all go".

We call on all organisations that agree with incorporating these three
points we mention above to sign this proposal.



Workers Power Global, Stockholm

On January 21, a 26-year old Kurdish woman was killed by her father in
Uppsala, Sweden. The killing produced a heated debate, not only in Sweden,
but also in neighbouring countries like Norway and Denmark where populist
racism have a more prominent presence.

Fadime Sahindal had become a prominent spokesperson for young immigrant
women, above all from the Middle East, who are struggling for the freedom to
choose their own companion and way of life. She had a boyfriend who was not
to the liking of her father, her family, and her relatives in Sweden and
back home in Turkey.

Fadime was a very brave young woman, who spoke out in the media about the
"problems" with her own family. She appeared in court several years ago with
charges against her brother and father. They had threatened to kill her a
number of times because she, according to their opinion, was a "whore" for
living with a man that had not been accepted by her family.

The father and the brother were no doubt under heavy pressure from parts of
the Kurdish community in Uppsala and, ultimately, back in Turkey.

Many commentators have either claimed that the killing is a consequence of a
certain culture, prominent in the Middle East, or that it didn't have
anything at all to do with culture. It was purely a result of internal
relations in the family and a father who lost control of himself, they

The racists will tell you that this is how these foreigners treat their
women and their daughters. And one of the ministers in the social democratic
government, Mona Sahlin, who's taken upon herself the "duty" to speak for
the immigrants, came forward with the reactionary idea of a "driver's
license" for immigrants to prove that they have adopted "Swedish values".

Other ideas that have been put forward is that immigrants must sign a
contract on arrival that they will abide by Swedish law.

It's clear that a certain reactionary climate has been created. It doesn't
have a political expression yet, but that's only a question of time.

The fact that a right-wing MP, Sten Andersson, just a couple of weeks later
announces his intention to run for the racist Sweden Democrats during the
elections in September, is not unrelated to the killing of Fadime. Several
similar killings have taken place during the last decade, but none of them
have had such a powerful impact on the public.

Some on the left have tried to downplay the role of culture in these events.
The fear of being seen as xenophobic, have led some people to "understand"
things that should not be understood at all, at least not in the sense of
tacit approval or avoiding condemnation.

It is true that the killing of Fadime and other young women under similar
circumstances, and the killings of women in Sweden, are based on male
violence. The two forms of violence are parts of patriarchal structures, but
its going a bit too far to say that the patriarchal structures are the same
in Afghanistan and Sweden, like Gudrun Schyman, leader of the Left Party,

It is certainly true that honour killings is part of the violence that
patriarchal structures creates. But there are differences between different
forms of violence. Honour killings are accepted and encouraged by the social
environment, including the female relatives of the victim. It is essentially
promoted by and based on feudal relations. In some countries the Criminal
Code allows for a lighter sentence, if it can be proved that "honor" was the
driving force behind the killing.

Some of the statements made by representatives of immigrant organisations
have, sad to say, been a catastrophe. The chairman of the Kurdish
Association in Malmö was interviewed in Dagens Nyheter a couple days after
the killing of Fadime. He firmly believes that his daughter will be allowed
to choose her own husband, but he will have to approve the marriage.

If it's not the "right" man, the parents will have to "explain" this to the
young woman, he says. There might be things that the girl doesn't know. He
says he understands the father, but he would never approve of a father who
kills his own daughter.

The bourgeois media are, of course, screaming about the "backward" Kurds.

They have not been assimilated to the more "enlightened" bourgeois culture
in Sweden. They bring their "backward" ideas with them to Europe, according
to these hypocrites.

The seriousness of these arguments becomes clear when one considers the fact
that Fadime's family had been in Sweden for more than 20 years.

What the tabloids don't say, is that unemployment and segregation have
prevented many immigrants from becoming a part of the working population,
and thereby a chance to get acquainted with more progressive ideas.

Its not accepted that a man beats his wife in Sweden, but earlier on he was
allowed to beat both wife and employees. Until some decades ago parents and
teachers where allowed to beat "their" children, and they are still allowed
to do that in certain European countries. These terrible practices were
outlawed as a result of struggle by working people.

Many parts of the Middle East and Asia Minor are rapidly being drawn into
capitalist relations of production, but ideas like "honour" killings are
surviving even after they have lost their immediate material "value". They
survive as a part of the superstructure, since ideas often lag behind the
development of the relations of production.

We have to differentiate what is reactionary from what is progressive in any
given culture. Those who say that only the bourgeoisie can profit from
criticism and fight against backward ideas in immigrant communities, are
sadly mistaken. On the contrary, socialists will have to encourage ALL young
women to fight for the right to determine their own life, choose their
companions and life style.

The rights of immigrant women cannot be sacrificed on the altar of
anti-racism. All progressive attempts from inside the different communities
must be supported by socialists and the labour movement in general. There
are many signs that groups of immigrant women are taking decisive steps to
fight reactionary ideas in their own communities.

The main fight will have to be fought inside the immigrant communities. Many
immigrant organisations, heavily subsidised by government authorities, are
seedbeds of reactionary ideas. They will have to be transformed and perhaps
split in the fight that young (and old) women will launch and are already
launching. Its not acceptable that such organisations are responsible for
social activities that in practice, although not in theory, exclude women.

The left will have to take an active part in this struggle and cannot afford
to leave it to the social democrats and liberals.

Fadime Sahindal was an active member of the social democratic youth
organisation (SSU) and her comrades organised a special ceremony in honor of
her brave struggle. The more official ceremony - said to be the will of
Fadime herself - on the other hand, took place in the cathedral in central
Uppsala. It took place in the presence of a number of "prominent" people: a
representative of the government (Mona Sahlin), the speaker of parliament
(Birgitta Dahl), crown princess Victoria and many others.

This hypocritical ceremony where Swedish and Christian "values" were
celebrated, obviously made a big impression on the crown princess. The
tabloids reported that she had a breakdown, but not a word about the obvious
reason: her own situation where her father, the king, will have to approve
her husband, and the endless number of members of the royal (Bernadotte)
family who never had the right to choose their companion. Those who insisted
were not killed, but they were and still are excluded from the royal family.

Oppression based on sex or ethnicity is not a "lesser evil" compared to
class oppression. We must fight all forms of oppression. But a strategy that
really wants to get rid of women's oppression will have to see capitalism as
its main enemy. Women as such, regardless of class, can not lead the
struggle for a society liberated from all oppression. This can only be done
by the working class, women and men around the world.



Workers Power Global, Paris

With the first round less than 100 days away, the French presidential
election is starting to kick in. In a series of weekly articles, we will
survey the programmes and perspectives of the main candidates (there are
over a dozen), including the three avowed Trotskyist candidates. This week:
President Jacques Chirac.

The two leading candidates ­ Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin and
right-wing President Jacques Chirac ­ have been playing a game of "chicken"
to see who would be the first to officially declare themselves a candidate.
Both men hoped to gain the greatest amount of prestige from their office
before plunging into the rough and tumble of the campaign.

Chirac blinked first, and declared himself a candidate at the beginning of
the week. Jospin should do the same at the close of the parliamentary
session, towards the end of February.
Chirac¹s seven-year term has been dogged by the man¹s usual mixture of
incompetence, demagogy, opportunism and corruption.

Right from the outset, things went badly wrong. Shaken by the wave of
resistance to Prime Minister Juppé¹s anti-working class offensive in
November-December 1995, which drove millions onto the streets in a
three-week wave of protest that nearly turned into a general strike, Chirac
dissolved parliament and his right-wing majority 15 months later, arguing
that he needed a larger majority to drive through the austerity drive that
the Euro would require.

This turned out to be a spectacular blunder. Not only did the left win the
elections ­ hardly surprising, given the scale of popular opposition to
Chirac¹s policies ­ but the threatened austerity drive proved unnecessary,
as the continuing boom in the world economy finally dragged France along
with it. This filled the state coffers to overflowing and provided the
socialist-led left coalition government with enough money both to bring in
the Euro and to finance a number of minor reforms.
Over the last five years, therefore, Chirac has been reduced to an impotent
figure-head in a system of "cohabitation" that was generally popular with
the electorate. Apart from this, he can point to no positive aspect of his
Presidency, and is thus bizarrely perceived more as a challenger than as the
outgoing office-holder!

To those who had any doubts about the matter, Chirac has proved to be not
only an incompetent politician, but also a corrupt one. Protected by his
office, he has repeatedly avoided investigation by the law, but not by
journalists who have clearly shown the network of corruption that financed
his party, his allies and his high-rolling personal life.

A leading suspect in this system, who was protected by the Juppé government
in a spectacularly devious manner, has recently returned to France following
five years on the run. He was immediately whisked off to prison, and is
gradually spilling the beans about the "système Chirac". Further revelations
will no doubt punctuate the campaign.

It is somewhat surprising, therefore, that Chirac should still be riding
high in the opinion polls. This is at least partly due to the
semi-bonapartist, more than semi-paternalist Presidential system ­ a large
proportion of voters are less concerned with politics than with whether a
candidate is "sympa" (nice, friendly) and avuncular. Not for nothing was
Mitterrand, who was a popular President for 14 years, known as "Tonton"

That is about Chirac¹s only advantage, but it may prove decisive. In a
campaign that will put as much emphasis on image as on content ­Chirac ­ who
comes over very well on TV ­ will appear much better than the technocratic,
cold Jospin.

Furthermore, he is utterly shameless about using any popular slogan to gain
votes. In 1995 he campaigned in favour of "reducing the social fracture",
only to - predictably ­ increase that fracture once in office.

This time round, as well as beating the classic populist drum about crime
levels, Chirac is threatening to focus on a critique of globalisation and
pollution! He has even tried to pick the brains of leading members of Attac,
who have had the intelligence to avoid his blandishments.
Whatever Chirac may say during the campaign, if he wins the election, and if
a right-wing majority is returned in the parliamentary elections that
immediately follow, his cronies will resume their usual neo-liberal
programme, like that implemented under Juppé. And there will, of course, be
no opposition to globalisation or any effective pro-environmental policy.

However, the volatility of the electorate is such, and antipathy to the rest
of the Chirac camp is so great, that it is even possible that the voters
will decide that they want to continue with "cohabitation", and will elect
Chirac to the Presidency and return a left-wing majority to parliament! It
is all to play for in the next few months...




Workers Power Global, Bratislava

Roma anti-fascist activist Mario Bango from Slovakia appears in Bratislava
district court on 20th February. He is threatened with a long jail sentence.
He needs immediate solidarity to prevent this from happening.

The Free Mario Bango Campaign has called for two International Days of
Solidarity with Mario on 18th and 19th February 2002, that is, in. the two
days before he comes up for trial on 20th of February.

The story of how he came to this point begins eleven months ago. On the
morning of 10 March 2001 Mario travelled with his brother and mother to the
market in Bratislava. His brother Eduard was attacked by neo-nazi Branislav
Slamka when they got off a bus. Mario Bango came to the defence his brother
and in the course of the fight Slamka was stabbed. The Bango brothers then
called an ambulance and the police.

The police immediately arrested Mario and detained his mother and brother at
the police station. During their interrogation the police did not hesitate
to abuse the three of them and called Mario¹s mother "a gypsy c**t" .and
other abusive terms.

After three weeks in hospital the neo-nazi Slamka died. This was the signal
for the media to unleash a widespread racist campaign against the Bango
brothers. The TV claimed that the brothers were stealing from their fellow
passengers. Not only was this a brazen lie but not a single witness could be
found to back it up.

Mario Bango was eventually charged with causing "grievous bodily harm
resulting in death" which carries the sentence, of 5-12 years in jail.

On the initiative of a racist party the MPs in the Slovak parliament
actually held a minutes silence for Slamka and he was praised as a "model
student and citizen". Slamka's funeral was attended by many nazi skinheads<
a fact which could be clearly seen on the TV news report.

The heightened racist atmosphere created by media and politicians led to
further racially and politically motivated attacks by neo-nazis who felt
they had a kind of public support behind them. On Saturday 28 April 2001
neo-nazis in Bratislava launched a "revenge crusade". The result: one man
"of darker skin" was murdered (stabbed through the heart), two other youths
were stabbed and put in hospital.

Roma in Slovakia are very discriminated against a majority are unemployed,
they are subject to racist attacks with hardly any attention paid to them by
the authorities. The majority of victims don't dare to call the police
because the policemen often sympathise and side with the racist attackers.

Last year 51 year-old Roma Karol Szendrei was beaten to death at the police
station in the central Slovakian town of Revúca. In Bratislava Roma are
afraid to go on the streets in the evening and Roma youth the most likely
subject of Nazi attacks usually carry a knife for self-defence.

Some people in western Europe have expressed surprise that Mario should
carry a knife. They should remember the above conditions. In addition the
Bango brothers themselves had already been a target of many such nazi
attacks. Eduard had already spent a week in hospital as a result of one

It is no surprise that after this bitter experience Mario acted as he did.
Mario had to decide in seconds whether to intervene or risk his brother be
hospitalised yet again, or even killed. In this situation it is a complete
nonsense to make an issue out of whether he could have defended his brother
in another, less lethal, way. No one can say what would have been the fate
of Eduard if his brother had not intervened as he did. In other words what
was involved was the legitimate defence of himself and his brother.

Mario has never before been accused of any crime, let alone convicted. The
fact that he himself called the police and ambulance testifies to his

The solidarity campaign with Mario started soon after his arrest.
Anti-racists sent protest letters to the Slovak authorities, protests were
organised at Slovak embassies and consulates and solidarity meetings in
support for Mario Bango in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, Italy,
Britain, Poland, Ukraine, Greece and other countries.

Money was collected to pay a lawyer for Mario because his family is too poor
to afford one.

On 14 September last year a campaign press conference was held in
Bratislava. Seventeen papers and three TV stations attended. It could report
that the investigation was finished and Mario's charge had been reduced
from "grievous bodily harm resulting in death" to "grievous bodily harm"
which carries a jail sentence of 2-8 years. The reason for this was the
discovery that the neo-nazi Branislav Slamka actually died because of a
doctor's error. Even this discovery was a result of the campaign without it
there would hardly have been a proper investigation.

However the judge of the district court in Bratislava was not satisfied with
the punishment proposed by the investigator and appealed against it to a
regional court where he demanded a new investigation and restoration of the
charge back to the original one

The regional court rejected a new investigation but expressed his opinion
that Mario's act could qualify as "attempted murder" ( a charge which
carries 10-15 years). Because of the prejudice of the district judge there
is a serious possibility that he will use the chance to revise the charge.

Another problem is that despite the fact that Branislav Slamka was according
to the anti-racist organisation "People against Racism" a member of an
informal circle which called themselves "National Socialists" and took part
in a number of racist attacks and attacks on left-wing youth, those who
could testify to this are afraid to attend court since they fear Nazi
revenge attacks.

Now it is urgent to start another vigorous round of solidarity campaigning
for Mario Bango. His case is not important only because of Mario. It is also
important that all who would be a subject of Nazi attack know that if they
defend themselves thousands of people around the world would not let them be
easily sent to prison. The recent suspension of the death penalty for Mumia
Abu-Jamal who has also expressed his support for Mario shows the potential
of solidarity campaigns.

What can you do to help?

Most urgently email the Slovak embassy in Britain

Address letters to<
The Ambassador
Embassy of the Slovak Republic
25 Kensington Palace Gardens
London W8 4QY

Phone to express your concern
Telephone number 020 7243 0803

If you are a member or an officer of a human rights campaign a trade union,
a political party, a students union get your organisation make a public
declaration. If you have contacts get Mario's case into media, bring it to
the attention of any journalists that you know.
Forward this e-mail to potentially sympathetic MPs, trade union officials
NGO officers. Ask them to contact the Slovak authorities in one way or
another to express their deep concern. It can make an enormous difference if
the latter know that "the whole world is watching". Previous protests made
a substantial difference to the prison conditions Mario was kept in at first
which included harassment by fascist prisoners and threats and abuse from
prison warders.

Send copies of your protest to
Ministry of Justice
Ministerstvo spravodlivosti SR
Zupne namestie 13
813 11 Bratislava

Phone: 00421-7-5935 3497
Fax: 00421-7-5443 0467
e-mail: tlacove@justice.gov.sk

Also to the Slovak Government
Úrad vlady SR
Namestie Slobody 1
813 70 Bratislava

Email urad@government.gov.sk
phone: 00421-7-5729 5111
Fax: 00421-7-5249 7595

Also send protests to<
President Rudolf Schuster
Kancelária prezidenta SR
Stefanikova 14
814 38 Bratislava

Phone: 00421-7-5441 6624
Email http://www.prezident.sk

You can either compose your own letter or email or if you wish cut and paste
the following protest declarations to the various Slovak authorities above:

Concerning: Mario Bango, born 8th June 1982, now in detention in Ustav na
vykon vazby, priecinok 1077, Chorvatska 5, 812 29 Bratislava.

"Dear Mr. (President /Mr. Minister /Mr. Ambassador),
I am writing to inform you that the facts of the Mario Bango case are now
being communicated to hundreds of human rights, antiracist and labour
organisations worldwide.

I must strongly protest against the treatment of Mario Bango who is facing
trial on 20th February.

Mario Bango, who is a Slovak citizen of Roma nationality, was detained after
he defended his brother against a racist attack. He seriously injured the
attacker in the process. Then he himself called the police. The attacker
died in hospital two weeks later as a result of mistakes made by those
responsible for his medical care.

Mario¹s act was one of defending his brother against racist attack. He and
his brother had already been subject to several such attacks, after one of
which his brother had been hospitalised for two weeks. You cannot be unaware
that attacks on Roma citizens in your country have been widely reported in
the world media.

I am also outraged by reports of how the Slovak media presented the case. TV
Markiza - without any evidence whatsoever - claimed that the Bango brothers
were stealing from fellow travellers before they were attacked. Member of
Parliament Kalman for the HZDS party used the death of a racist attacker to
propose a minute of silence in parliament. Such acts are clearly prejudicial
to Mario receiving a fair trail

I also protest that the charge Mario Bangor is facing on February 20th
carries a prison sentence of between 5 and 12 years< for what was basically
an act of justified defence. I appeal to you to use your authority to
intervene and remedy the situation.

Yours sincerely,



Workers Power Global, Tel-Aviv

Ten thousand people attended a demonstration in Tel-Aviv on the evening of 9
February, under the banner "The Occupation Is Killing Us All!"

During the negotiations with the Tel-Aviv police the organisers had asked a
permit for 5,000 people. About a year ago, in a rally called by much the
same peace and human rights groups, only some hundreds showed up.

The main demands were an immediate end to the occupation of Palestinian land
and solidarity with the growing number of young Israelis who are refusing to
serve in the military occupation force.

One speaker, Prof. Yehuda Shenhav stated emphatically that "The government
tries to tell us that the soldiers who refuse to serve in the occupation are
a danger to the democracy of Israel, but I say, no, the opposite is true: it
is serving the occupation that endangers democracy." Along these lines, Uri
Avneri of Gush Shalom stated optimistically "The 'Refusniks' are the
beginning of the end for the occupation."

Uri Avnery thundered: "Once we thought that there are war crimes perpetrated
in the occupation - now we see that the occupation is a war crime!";

The atmosphere of 'National Unity' which allowed for hardly any expressions
of dissent is fast disappearing. Discussion on war crimes is becoming
"fashionable" according to many speakers and another noted that "critical
views became frequent in the media, including from politicians not noted for
bravery or radicalism".

Catcalls and whistles greeted any mention of Foreign Minister Shimon Peres,
once the darling of dovish crowds.

They believe that above all, "there was the spectacular success of the
petition by reserve soldiers and officers refusing to have any further share
in the occupation - whose number mushroomed from the original 56 to more
than 200 at present (and continues to rise daily) and whose actions have got
wider and more sympathetic publicity than anybody could have dared to expect
the traditionally militaristic Israeli society to give soldiers and officers
flagrantly disobeying the orders of their superiors".

According to the daily "Yediot Aharonot" opinion poll of February 8, the
newspaper found no less than 26 per cent of the Israeli public sympathizing
with the officers' refusal to serve in the Territories.

The refusers were at the center of the rally. Three spoke at the rally.
Yishai Rosen-Tzvi, fresh from a term in military prison; Yishai Menuchin, a
veteran refuser who was already imprisoned during the Lebanon War twenty
years ago; and Noa Levy, one of a group of high school kids who are
determined to follow in these two's footsteps upon reaching conscription

Yishai Rosen-Tzvi told the rally:
"I want to tell of how people come to take this act of refusal. In the past
year, since I was in prison, I met many people who stand on the very
threshold, people who - above anything else - feel terribly cheated. A
soldier gets to the Territories and is confronted with a terrible situation.
thousands upon thousands of people sunk in deep misery, poverty,
humiliation. And then you get your orders and find out what your job is.
Your job is to push these people deeper into misery and poverty and
humiliation, to keep them caged in towns and villages, not to let them get
out, not to let them earn a living, not to let them live a normal life.And
then two things happen. First you look around in disbelief, you take your
had into your hands and ask:
God, can this be true, is this really what I am supposed to do, how did I
get here, how did I come to get such orders, to be asked to do such things?
And the second thing which happens is that you cry out "I've been cheated!".
All the propaganda arguments collapse - that we are a peace-loving people,
that the war was imposed on us, that we do what we must in order to fight
terrorism. Everything collapses, all these specious arguments, collapse like
a house of cards. And then you are faced with the reality, the cruel
reality. Fighting terrorism - what a joke! They are maintaining a hothouse
of misery and poverty and hopelessness, our army does, a hothouse where the
plants of terrorism have the ideal conditions for growth. The government
policy is keeping the terrorism hothouse going and flourishing. And the
conclusion is very simple. There are things which a decent person just does
not do. A decent person does not starve people, and does not humiliate
people, and does not treat people as if they were dirt. A decent person JUST
DOES NOT DO THAT. Not under any circumstance. And there are more decent
people in this country then we thought. And every day more people discover
that they are decent, and start behaving as decent people should. And when
there are enough of them, then the occupation will just come to an end."

The intifada of the Palestinian people has shown to thousands of Israelis
that children and old people as well as everyone else are prepared to die to
end their oppression and the occupation of their homeland. Its durability
against great odds cannot but impress ordinary Jewish citizens of Israel
whose minds are not full of hate and bigotry; their sacrifice erodes the
force of government propaganda. It has the power to provoke a schism
throughout Israel and cripple its war machine. The tide may just be turning.



The LRCI has members across the globe - but there are many countries where
we have no correspondents. Send us your news and views:


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15 [cuadpupdate] Making the Case: Ohioans Going All Out....
From: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <abe@cuadp.org>
Sent *only* to the almost 3,900 recipients of CUADPUpdate
Feel Free to Forward

Dear Friends,

First, welcome to folks receiving CUADPUpdate for the very first time.
If this is the first time you are seeing this, we hope you will give
CUADP a week or two to see if you find what we send to be useful....
If you would rather not receive our occasional messages, please follow
the unsubscribe instructions at the end of *every* message. If you
have problems, contact <pam@cuadp.org>. We are always open to
feedback and suggestions - please send same to <abe@cuadp.org>. And
now back to our regularly scheduled program:

While there are many brave and tireless activists throughout this
country and beyond, we are inspired by yesterday's actions of our
brothers and sisters in Ohio.

Because there is a proliferation of prisoner oriented action-alerts on
many other e-mail lists and web pages, CUADP generally does not send
action-alerts on specific prisoner cases. In recent months, we've had
to explain this to friends and supporters from Ohio, and it has been
difficult to do so -- because we *know* them, and because many of them
support CUADP. It has been difficult because we know and admire John
Byrd's mother and sister, who have been unyielding in their pursuit of
justice not only in the case of their son and brother, but in all Ohio
death row cases. But it all boils down to the main purpose of CUADP
and CUADPUpdate - to provide inspiration and tools for activism that
transcends the individual and is applicable to people throughout the
movement. We hope that the first item in today's message inspires
others. While it includes a request to call Ohio Governor Bob Taft,
we send this primarily to inform you of the creative and effective
activism taking place in Ohio.


Regarding John Byrd
The Tollbells List - Upcoming killings
Porn Update - the Finale
Abe & Sam Go To Germany
Abolition in the aftermath of September 11, 2001
CUADP seeks Associates



Yesterday, CUADP received the following very simple invitation:

> Hello!
> Stop the Execution of John Byrd!
> Come to the demonstration Sunday, Feb. 17 at 10:30 am at
> Governor Taft's church, First Community Church,
> 3777 Dublin Rd. in 43221 zip code in Columbus.

Being in Florida, and already engaged at a statewide Amnesty meeting, we
asked forgiveness for not being there, and for a report. Here it is:

> Yes, Gov. Taft did show up. There were six of us with signs.
> Channel 10, 4 and the Dispatch came. WTVN Radio had Bob
> Fitrakis on for a phone interview.
> When Gov. Taft walked from his car to the church, we called out
> to him to pray for John Byrd and he responded that he prayed every
> night about it. Gary Witte called out to Taft's wife Hope and asked her
> to help the Gov. change his mind. Most of the people were not offended,
> we got one bad comment and mostly thumbs up.
> Bob Fitrakis is now in Mansfield with Gary Witte and attorney Cliff
> Arnebeck who has been retained by the Byrd family to represent them
> in a wrongful death civil lawsuit (if John is killed). Arnebeck is there
> gather depositions and is asking for $100 million. He is also filing
> the Supreme Court a petition to indefinitely postpone the execution
> pending a jury trial because the people of the state of Ohio are being
> subjected to cruel and unusual punishment if John Byrd, innocent of
> the capital murder charges, is killed in our name. Many prominent
> people have signed on.


Gary Witte called last night after they returned from the prison.
Having been refused entry, they were unable to see John Byrd. Gary,
Bob and Cliff are not the only people not allowed in to see John Byrd.
Bianca Jagger was in Ohio representing Amnesty International last
week, and tried to get in to see Byrd but wasn't allowed.

Gary told us of the growth of anti-death penalty activism in
Central Ohio, including a recently assembled coalition of more than 60
members of the clergy - it is this group which has helped retain the
attorney mentioned above.

Gary also told us of the success of their action at Governor
Taft's church yesterday morning. The Governor arrived with his wife
unescorted by State Troopers, clearly surprised to be confronted in this
way. The activists saw the Governor go in, but they never saw him come
out. They stayed there until only one car was left in the parking lot -
the Governor's car. After 30 minutes they left. Seems like Governor Taft
is still feeling a little guilty, and his nightly "prayer" is not bringing
him all the comfort and absolution one would need when the final decision
to kill an otherwise healthy and probably innocent human being. CUADP
congratulates and thanks all those who conceived, carried out and/or
supported this action!

To see the photo in today's Columbus Dispatch, go to the link
below. Here's the photo caption:

"Dan Cahill holds up a sign supporting John W. Byrd Jr. near First
Community Church, where Gov. Bob Taft attends services, as the Rev. Gary
Witte passes out fliers to church-goers leaving the parking lot."

It's still important to CALL BOB TAFT. Please do so NOW at: 614-466-3555

"There is reasonable doubt in the case of John Byrd. Please do not kill

GET THE FULL JOHN BYRD STORY from Bob Fitrakis and Martin Yant at

And here is just one of several web pages on this case:

See <http://www.otse.org>, which hopefully will be updated today with a
schedule of protests throughout Ohio. The last time there was a killing in
Ohio, there were events in 18 different locations!

Central Ohio events TODAY:

Mon. Feb. 18 - 11am-1pm
Demonstration to Stop the Execution of John Byrd
Riffe Center, Broad and High Streets, downtown Columbus
Gary Witte, 443-6044.

Mon. Feb. 18 - 6pm-11pm
Vigil to Stop the Execution of John Byrd
Governor's mansion, North Parkview Ave., Bexley
Gary Witte, 443-6044.

(Hopefully this one won't happen)
Tues. Feb. 19 - 8am-10am
Protest at Lucasville prison
Execution of John Byrd scheduled at 10am



The "For Whom The Bells Toll" campaign encourages communities of faith to
toll their bells or otherwise visibly and/or audibly oppose the killing of
prisoners in our names any and every time they occur in the United
States. See the web page at <>. To get on the "Tollbells" update list for
the only regularly updated listing of upcoming prisoner-killings that also
includes the name(s) of the victim(s), send an e-mail to

SPECIAL! Read Tollbells member Antonio Ramirez's report "RINGING MERCY FROM
LOCAL BELL TOWERS," which appeared (in text shaped like a bell!) in "The
Episcopal New Yorker," the official publication of the Episcopal Diocese of
New York. To find it on-line, go to
<http://eny.dioceseny.org/ENYWEB/BELLS.html>. As this was the first edition
of the Episcopal New Yorker after the attacks of 9/11, and it is still
available - you might find the entire edition of interest - read it at

Congratulations Antonio Ramirez, and thanks very much for the paper copy of
the newsletter.

(BY THE WAY, Antonio has been a member of CUADP's Sustainer program for
well over a year now. He allows us to automatically charge a contribution
to his credit card each and every month. If YOU are still reading this
message, it is clear that you value what you read in CUADPUpdate. Just
like public radio, very few people to appreciate and use what we send
actually help make it happen. Join the few who keep CUADP going with
whatever you can offer on a one time OR monthly basis by using CUADP's
secure server to make a contribution RIGHT NOW. We really need your
help! Please click Here <https://www.compar.com/donation/donateform.html>.)



As most readers of CUADPUpdate know, we have been warning people of an
unfortunate situation where a previous web page URL was disowned, and then
held hostage by a porn site. CUADP tried to quietly and carefully advise
the people responsible, but we were ignored. After six weeks, we decided
to warn the movement ourselves, and did so in the past two editions of

Several people took the initiative to contact people they know at AFSC, who
we believe to the previous owner of the URL. One particularly adept reader
of CUADPUpdate took me to task for suggesting the "mailbombing" of the AFSC
employees whose addresses I could fine on the AFSC web page. But he went
futher: He did a search for web pages which still linked to the offending
URL, and finding at least three, he warned those web designers to change
the URL.

He also took me to task for suggesting anyone give $550 to a porn
distributor when every abolitionist dollar is desperately needed *within*
the movement. And he's right. In my shortsightedness, and probably in my
frustration at being ignored by colleagues in the movement, I failed to
deal with the matter directly with the porn people - instead taking to task
fellow abolitionists who are clearly as overwhelmed as the rest of us. So
I, Abe Bonowitz, on behalf of myself and CUADP, humbly apologize to the
good folks at AFSC for not doing more to contact you directly and
privately. My goal was not to chastise, but rather, to get the situation
rectified and at the same time warn everyone in the movement to be careful.

Anyway, the most important and GOOD news (and example of "how to do it") is
best conveyed in the following messages:


From: TT
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 2:12 PM
Subject: envisioning.org

Dear NicGod:
I am writing regarding the domain envisioning.org which you own.
This domain used to belong to the Religious Organizing Against
the Death Penalty Project. Their site has moved to
<www.deathpenaltyreligious.org>, but many other death penalty sites
still have links to envisioning.org. I assure you, these links are all
from underfunded religious nonprofits who have no interest in
purchasing envisioning.org from you. It would be really kind to the
nuns, priests and schoolchildren who might be looking for the
resources formerly found on that site if you would include a link to
the new site: <www.deathpenaltyreligious.org>. If you could also
remove the porn links from the page, it would also be a generous
gesture to innocent people not looking for such things.
Thank you for your consideration.


From: XXX
To: TT
Subject: RE: envisioning.org
Date sent: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 14:27:30 -0800

Porn links will be gone within 48 hours.
NicGodT Productions


Thanks TT. I have learned a good lesson from you.

(AND just for the record, CUADP takes no position on the concept
or practice of private adult entertainment. In fact, several recipients of
CUADPUpdate are employed in the adult industry, including a writer for
Playboy, and a good abolitionist (female) who makes explicit adult films.
While recognizing that every industry has corrupt elements, CUADP
respects the first amendment, the concept of privacy, and the rights of
all adults to make their own decisions.)



Please help us get the following message to friends in Germany and nearby!

Greetings Friends,

Abe Bonowitz and Sam Reese Sheppard will be traveling to Germany in late
April, where Sam will be a guest on the Saturday evening television program
called "Menschen der Woche" ("Personality of the Week"). The program will
be on Saturday evening, April 27. The producers are paying for our trip
and accommodations for time around the program, but our only obligation to
them is for Saturday evening.

THEREFORE, Sam and Abe are available to meet with and work with
abolitionists in Germany and nearby areas from April 28 to May 2 or 3, or
possibly later in Abe's case.

Sam Reese Sheppard has a story to tell about the wrongful conviction of his
father for the murder of his mother, and his own lifelong pursuit of the
truth, and justice. Sam is a murder victim's family member who opposes the
death penalty, and grew up visiting his father in prison. This case is
commonly thought to have inspired the movie and television program, "The
Fugitive," and is the subject of a newly released and highly acclaimed book
(Hugo Nominee!) entitled "The Wrong Man," by James Neff.

Sam Reese Sheppard <http://www.samreesesheppard.org> is devoted to the
cause of prison reform and abolition of the death penalty and can speak
knowledgeably and eloquently on both subjects both within and outside the
context of his personal and family experiences. Sam serves on the advisory
board of Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
<http://www.cuadp.org> and was a founding board member of the Journey of
Hope ...From Violence to Healing, Inc. <http://www.journeyofhope.org>, and
also a founding board member of Murder Victim's Families for Reconciliation

Abraham J. Bonowitz is the co-founder and director of Citizens United for
Alternatives to the Death Penalty (CUADP). As a former proponent of the
death penalty, he brings a unique perspective to the struggle for
Abolition. As a leader in the movement to abolish the death penalty in the
United States, and as the lead organizer for the Abolitionist Action
Committee and Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, Bonowitz
provides perspective on the state and progress of the movement in the
United States. See <http://www.cuadp.org/abe_bio.html> for a biographical

We believe that these two individuals will provide ample opportunity for
media interest and public gatherings, and offer their support and
experience for European abolitionists wishing to produce opportunities for
Bonowitz and Sheppard to share their experiences.

Bonowitz and Sheppard seek assistance to arrange meetings with government
and business leaders who might be interested in bringing to bear additional
pressures on their counterparts in the United States. In particular, they
wish to discuss and move forward an agenda which includes the development
of an economic (travel, tourism and commerce) boycott of death penalty
states by Europeans, as well as fund raising and other support for US
Abolitionists by potential European donors.

Finally, Bonowitz and Sheppard seek to explore the possibility of a "Walk
Across (part of) Europe" by Sam in the not-to-distant future.


We need to be in Frankfurt April 25 - 27, and after that we can go in any
direction. We will require assistance traveling from Frankfurt and with
some accommodations, and we seek to raise a minimum of $200/day to help us
to defray our costs of being "on the road."

Those interested in discussing the possibility of working with us on this
venture are asked to e-mail <abe@cuadp.org>. Thank you.

Abe Bonowitz
Sam Reese Sheppard



Abe Bonowitz of CUADP, David Kaczynski of NYADP, Steve Hawkins of NCADP,
and Jeff Garis of PAUADP are all featured in Brett Essler's new article in
the current edition of Artvoice On-line. Check it out!

COVER STORY: "Death Penalty Activists Refocus in the Wake of 9-11"


(or 2 weeks?)


Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty is looking for
independent and aggressive "go-getters" to join us in the trenches. We
promise vital work combined with opportunities for highly creative and
exciting action development and participation. Focus areas from now through
November will include all parts of FLORIDA, along with brief opportunities
for travel outside the state. We are looking for candidates who are
committed, creative and who work comfortably on their own.

Minimum commitment: two weeks....
This position is unsalaried, but with full room and board.
Location, Palm Beach County, Florida (very near to the ocean).
Valid drivers licence required/car helpful (we pay mileage).
Must be at least 18 years of age.
References required.

Interested? Contact <abe@cuadp.org> or 800-973-6548

CUADP: Join the Vanguard!

and with that.....

Happy Presidents Day - cough cough.... I mean, Happy Monday!


Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director, CUADP

There is an Alternative to the Death Penalty

Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
(CUADP) works to end the death penalty in the United
States through aggressive campaigns of public education
and the promotion of tactical grassroots activism.

Visit <http://www.cuadp.org> or call 800-973-6548

To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to: cuadpupdate-unsubscribe@eGroups.com

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/


16 Nationale Frage in der Tschechoslowakei - neue Broschüre
From: "Arbeitsgruppe Marxismus" <agm@agmarxismus.net>
Neue Broschüre der AGM:

N a t i o n a l e F r a g e
u n d A r b e i t e r / i n n e n / b e w e g u n g
i n d e r T s c h e c h o s l o w a k e i

Der "Tschechoslowakismus", die Minderheiten und die Politik der KPC

Linke Diskussion um die Benes-Dekrete
Positionsentwicklung der KPC zur nationalen Frage

Marxismus-Sondernummer 10
Februar 2002
54 Seiten A5
2,50 Euro (plus 0,50 Euro für Porto)
Bestellungen über agm@agmarxismus.net


In der Diskussion um die EU-Osterweiterung tun sich rechte und rechtsextreme
Strömungen und Parteien gezielt mit revanchistischen Vorstößen hervor. Das
gilt für die italienische Rechte in Bezug auf Slowenien (und Kroatien). Und
das gilt insbesondere für Revanchisten in Österreich und Deutschland, wo
traditionelle Feindbilder wieder groß heraus gebracht werden.

Bereits bei der Zerschlagung Jugoslawiens hatten die deutsche und
österreichische Bourgeoisie ihre Finger kräftig mit im Spiel. Jetzt
mobilisiert die deutsch-österreichische Rechte gegen "die Tschechen" und
setzt dabei - nachdem in Österreich die Kampagne gegen das AKW Temelin eine
wichtige Vorarbeit geleistet hat - besonders auf das Thema "Benes-Dekrete".

Der Mainstream des Kapitals in Österreich und Deutschland ebenso wie in der
EU insgesamt ist an diesen Dingen freilich nicht interessiert und befürchtet
dadurch eher eine Geschäftsstörung. Dementsprechend appellieren grüne
Politiker/innen in ihrer staatstragenden Jämmerlichkeit beschwörend an die
konservativen und rechten Parteien, doch auf die Unternehmerverbände zu
hören und der österreichischen/deutschen Wirtschaft keinen Schaden

Tatsächlich ist der Projekt des EU-Imperialismus und seiner Bestandteile
heute die "friedliche" Vertiefung der ökonomischen Durchdringung Osteuropas
und nicht eine politisch-militärische Unterwerfung. Versuche von manchen
Linken, die EU-Osterweiterung als neue "germanische" Expansion hinzustellen
und damit mit dem Projekt des deutschen Imperialismus vor 60 Jahren
gleichzusetzen, verkennt die unterschiedlichen Methoden gänzlich (und
verharmlost nebenbei den Vernichtungskrieg der Nazis).

Ein Revanchismus, der mit seinen Ansprüchen die EU-Osterweiterung
torpediert, ist für die Bourgeoisie heute nicht mehrheitsfähig. Er
repräsentiert im wesentlichen jene rückständigen Kapitalgruppen (und auch
Schichten im Kleinbürgertum und in der Arbeiter/innen/klasse), die die
osteuropäische Konkurrenz fürchten und die eine Öffnung der eigenen Märkte
(und Arbeitsmärkte) für die osteuropäischen Länder zumindest hinauszögern

Durch die Mobilisierung dieser sozialchauvinistischen Klientel sind diverse
Revanchist/inn/en dabei, antislawische Ressentiments neu aufzukochen, eine
politische Demütigung von Nachbarstaaten einzufordern, eine relativ breite
öffentliche Debatte zu erzwingen - und damit auch sozialen Konfliktstoff der
kapitalistischen europäischen Integration zu "nationalisierungen".

Marxist/inn/en im speziellen und Linke im allgemeinen, müssen sich dem
antislawischen Revanchismus und der nationalistischen Emotionalisierung mit
aller Kraft entgegen stellen. Auch wenn wir die EU als imperialistisches
Projekt ablehnen, muss den Regierungen von Österreich, Deutschland oder
anderen imperialistischen Staaten das Recht abgesprochen werden, die
Aufnahme von osteuropäischen (und anderen) Ländern an irgendwelche
Bedingungen zu knüpfen. Noch mehr müssen wir Figuren wie dem FPÖ-Führer Jörg
Haider, der die NS-Konzentrationslager, in den Millionen "slawische
Untermenschen" ermordet worden sind, als "Straflager" bezeichnet hat, das
Recht absprechen, sich in irgend einer Weise über "den tschechischen
Völkermord an den Sudetendeutschen" zu ereifern.

Das heißt aber nicht, dass wir in einem falschen Reflex (in den so manche
Linke verfallen), die Benes-Dekrete als progressiven Akt idealisieren. Diese
Dekrete waren letztlich in einer völkischen, nationalistischen Logik
gefangen: Bestraft wurden nicht die Faschisten (und davon wären auf dem
Gebiet der CSR dann eben viel mehr Deutsche, Slowaken und Ungarn betroffen
gewesen als Tschechen), sondern "die Deutschen" - darunter auch viele
Antifaschist/inn/en und in etlichen Fällen sogar Juden, die sich bei der
einen oder anderen Volkszählung in der Zwischenkriegszeit als Deutsche
eintragen hatten lassen.

Einiges zur Diskussion um die EU-Osterweiterung und die Benes-Dekrete haben
wir bereits im April 2001 in unserer Broschüre D i e L i n k e u n d
d i e B e n e s - D e k r e t e Ein Beitrag zu einer notwendige Debatte
vor dem Hintergrund der EU-Osterweiterung vorgelegt. Mit der vorliegenden
Broschüre wollen wir noch zwei vertiefende und hintergründige Texte
hinzufügen: einerseits einen Artikel vom Miodrag Jovanovic und Eric Wegner
zur linken Diskussion um die Benes-Dekrete, den wir bereits Anfang Februar
über unseren email-Verteiler ausgesendet haben und den wir hier (leicht
überarbeitet) abdrucken; andererseits einen Beitrag von Manfred Scharinger
zur Kommunistischen Partei der Tschechoslowakei und ihrer
Positionsentwicklung zur nationalen Frage.

Julia Masetovic

Sonstige Texte der AGM - siehe www.agmarxismus.net


Redaktionsschluss: 18. Feber 2002, 22:00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Albert Brandl

Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!