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sign Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 DEMO-Vernetzungstreffen
From: immerwider@gmx.at
Das 1. Vernetzungstreffen für die DEMO am 2.2.2002 findet am Freitag den
11.1.2002 um 18 Uhr in der ARENA statt.
02 volunteers
From: verein-ahda <verein-ahda@chello.at>
Consultant International is a non-profit organisation that has recently
up in Vienna.Consultant International will be working together with
Organisation AHDA also in Vianna Our main activity for the moment is to
and place Development Instructor(volunteers) to work at humanitarian and
Aspects of Sustainable Development projects in Africa from 2002.
We are looking for:
-People that would like to join our volunteer program. We are starting
programs this year 2002 that includes:
a) 4-6 months training and work camp in Austria,Africa
b) 6 months volunteer work in any of the following countries Zambia,
Burkina Faso ,Côte d'Ivoire ,Ethiopia ,Guinea-Bissau ,Kenya ,Liberia
,Malawi,Mali,Namibia,Nigeria ,Rwanda ,South Africa,Zimbabwe or ,Botswana
c) 1-2 months with information work.
-People that would like to work with us here to run and develop our
activities. We need at least 5 more dedicated persons that would like join
international team of volunteers and staff. We need team instructors,
volunteers, some that would like to work with recruitment and information
fundraising and more.
We cannot give any salary at the moment but can provide for food and
housing when in Camp in Africa.
How could you help?
Many greetings
Rev.Ihueghian Victor
AHDA-Association for human Rights and Democracy in Africa
Vereinigung für Menschenrechte und Demokratie in Afrika
Dietrichsteingasse 5/10
090 Wien
From: Abraham J. Bonowitz <abe@cuadp.org>
>3 January 2001
>For immediate release
>CONTACT: Abraham J. Bonowitz
>Floridians to walk to Tallahassee to ask Governor to halt upcoming
>Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP) welcomes Juan
>Roberto Melendez Colon to the free world. After 17 years on Florida's
>death row, today Melendez became the ***24th*** prisoner to be exonerated
>and released from a death sentence in Florida since 1972. For details
>background, please visit <http://www.FADP.org>.
>With the release of Florida death row inmate Juan Melendez, Floridians for
>Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP) demands an immediate halt to all
>executions in Florida, including the three scheduled for later this month
>and early in February. Amos King is scheduled to be executed on January
>24, 2002 for his alleged murder of Natalie Brady. Mr. King has always
>maintained his innocence. FADP is concerned about King's assertion
>important evidence was never properly developed or brought to light during
>his trial, and since his conviction specific pieces of evidence have been
>destroyed, dashing any possibility of DNA testing. Further, Mr. King has
>been seeking to have a new appellate attorney appointed, or in the absence
>of a new attorney, a paralegal, to assist him in pursuing his legal
>claims. Please find details on this and the other two cases at
>ALSO, FADP reemphasizes its call on Florida Governor Jeb Bush to declare
>immediate moratorium on executions.
>"Florida leads the nation in the number of innocent people released
>our death row," said Abe Bonowitz, director of the statewide
>group. "Illinois Governor George Ryan, a staunch Republican who
>supports the death penalty, declared a total halt to executions in Illinois
>after that state released it's 13th wrongly convicted prisoner so that the
>system can be thoroughly examined, mistakes found and corrected, and flaws
>eliminated. We in Florida have now released 24. The time for
a moratorium
>and an independent and thorough study is well past due."
>ALSO, beginning on Martin Luther King Day (1/21/02), Floridians from
>throughout the state will "Walk for a 'Time-Out on Executions!'"
from death
>row in Raiford to the Office of the Governor in Tallahassee to deliver
>thousands of petitions calling for a moratorium on executions in
>Florida. Details on all this, and more, are available at
><http://www.FADP.org> or by calling 800-973-6548.
>Abraham J. Bonowitz
> Floridians for Alternatives
to the Death Penalty (FADP)
> 800-973-6548
http://www.fadp.org <fadp@fadp.org>
> PMB 297, 177 U.S.
Highway #1, Tequesta, FL 33469
>Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty works for restorative
>justice in the form of effective alternatives to the death penalty.
>does so by
> # supporting and coordinating the work of organizations
and individuals
> # educating and energizing the general public and state
> # supporting the many persons affected by capital crime
and punishment
> # advocating specific legislative improvements
04 Bundesweites Mobilisierungstreffen "Politischer Aschermittwoch"
From: infoladen wels <infoladen-wels@inode.at>
Noch mal zur Erinnerung:
Bundesweites Mobilisierungstreffen
gegen den jährlich stattfindenden "politischen Aschermittwoch"
der FPÖ in
Ried im Innkreis
12.01.`02, ab 14:00 Uhr, im KP-Haus Linz
Melicharstr. 8, 4020 Linz
Als Anlage ein vorläufiger Demo-Flugi
Diese Nachricht bitte weiterverbreiten!!!
Euer Infoladen Wels
P.S.: Bei eventuellen Anfragen: infoladen-wels@inode.at
oder 07242/55649 jeweils Di-Fr, 14:00 -18:00 Uhr
05 15.01.2002: "Lob zur Faulheit"
From: Transdanubien gegen Schwarzblau
Liebe Leute !
Das Diskussionsthema bei unserem monatlichen Treffen im Jänner heißt
Lob der Faulheit - neue Arbeit
Dazu geladen sind Fritz Keller und David Muhm (gpa).
Was ist Arbeit? Ist Faulheit das Gegenteil davon?
Wie kam es zu der Entwicklung "synchronisiertes wachstem von
Arbeitslosigkeit und Überstundenleistungen" ?
Ist es Zufall, dass so viele Menschen ihren Mitmenschen, die gerade das
demokratische recht des Demonstrierens ausüben, zu jeder Tageszeit und
an jedem wochentags "Geht's wos hackeln" zurufen?
Das Streitgespräch stellt einen Versuch dar, mit Unterstützung des
hoffentlich lustvoll mitdiskutierenden Publikums diese und ähnliche
fragen zu beantworten und durch die historische und aktuelle Betrachtung
des Begriffes "arbeit" einen beitrage zu dessen Konkretisierung zu
wie immer am
am 15.1. 2002 im Hopfhaus,
1220 Wien Donaufelderstrasse 241, 1. Stock
Weiters wollen wir auch auf unseren Infotisch hinweisen, der am 10.1. ab
16 Uhr am Franz Jonas - Platz stattfinden wird, und zu dem wir ebenfalls
gerne alle SymphatisatInnen einladen würden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Für Transdanubien gegen Schwarzblau
From: Abraham J. Bonowitz <abe@cuadp.org>
Sent to Every Abolitionist -- at least once!
Please excuse cross-posts.
Please forward.
CUADP wishes YOU and YOURS and healthy, happy and successful 2002.
Details and links on the following KEY DATES FOR ACTION are below.
January 9th - 750th execution since reinstatement....
January 17th - 25th Anniversary of first execution....
January 21st - start of FADP's Florida Moratorium Walk
January 31st - end of FADP's Florida Moratorium Walk
February 14th - St. Valentines Day
March 1st - International Death Penalty Abolition Day
March 9th - "Death Sentence 2002" major conference in Illinois
June 29 - 30th Anniversary of Furman V. Georgia / 9th Annual Fast & Vigil...
G E T O N T H E C A L E N D A R !
! ! !
Check out and USE the only interactive calendar featuring upcoming death
penalty related events!
Visit <http://www.cuadp.org/upevents.html>
to find:
* Upcoming events - search by state, or the entire nation and globe!
* Past events - all entries are archived. Check out what has already
happened - this is a great source for ideas for actions and events you can
replicate in your area!
* Annual Opportunities for Action!
* Links to a listing of national, state and local resources!
* Ongoing Campaigns and Actions!
* Execution Day Vigil Information for Every State!
* Links to Sr. Helen Prejean's speaking schedule!
If YOUR event is
not listed - it should be! This calendar is now
linked from the front page of the NCADP web page! Add your event today!
CUADP invites all anti-death penalty groups to take advantage of the CUADP
events calendar to give visibility to regular meetings and vigils that are
open to the public.
Since September 2001, several organizations have participated in this
listing. E-mails have been sent to those organizations soliciting input
for February thru July 2002. If your organization has not previously taken
advantage of this listing but would like to do so, please send the
following information to <pam@cuadp.org>:
Name of Organization
Type of meeting (regular meeting, planning meeting, silent vigil)
Frequency of meeting (example third Monday of every month)
Location of meeting
Time of meeting
Contact person
Known exceptions (example no meeting in July)
We do warn folks using the site that meetings may be cancelled and
recommend that if they are attending for the first time, they confirm the
meeting beforehand.
January 9th - 750th execution since reinstatement....
At 1:01AM EST James Johnson is scheduled to be killed by the people of
Missouri in revenge for his murders of Les Roark, Pam Jones, Charles Smith
and Sandra Wilson. This first execution will be the 750th prisoner-killing
since the resumption of executions in 1977. For details, visit
<http://www.mindspring.com/~emcadp/>. To receive a regularly updated
listing of pending executions, including the names of the victims, send an
e-mail to <tollbells-subscribe@yahoogroups.com>.
January 17th - 25th Anniversary of first execution....
On January 17, 1977, the State of Utah shot to death Gary Gilmore, who
"volunteered" to be killed in revenge for his murder of Ben Bushnell
Max Jenson. This state-assisted suicide was the first execution under newly
approved death penalty laws.
On January 17, 1997, the 20th anniversary of that first state-sponsored
killing, 18 Abolitionists were arrested for unfurling a banner that read
"STOP EXECUTIONS!" at the top of the stairs leading to the front doors
the U.S. Supreme Court. Visit <http://www.abolition.org> to read
this historic action.
January 17th, 2002 will be the 25th anniversary of the first execution
under current laws. At the end of 2001, there have been 749
prisoner-killings. How many more will be killed before the United States
recognizes the death penalty for the fiscally irresponsible and flawed
public policy that it is?
Join the Abolitionist Action Committee (AAC) for a peaceful and nonviolent
demonstration at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington DC to decry this
shameful anniversary, and to renew the call to:
January 17, 2002
12:30pm (Tentative)
U.S. Supreme Court
(Check <http://www.abolition.org> for more information.)
(Any persons willing to pledge adherence to strict nonviolent decorum while
risking arrest at this event, and who can participate in a pre-action
session in DC at 5pm on January 16, 2002 are invited to contact us at
<aac@abolition.org> or 800-973-6548.)
January 21st - start of FADP's Florida Moratorium Walk
January 31st - end of FADP's Florida Moratorium Walk
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty will walk 143 miles over
ten days, from Florida's death row to the office of the Governor to deliver
petitions calling for an immediate "Time-Out on Executions!"
Everyone is
Please support this event by becoming a sponsor....
Please visit <http://www.FADP.org> or call 800-973-6548 for details.
February 14th - St. Valentines Day
Yes, St. Valentine was EXECUTED, which makes Valentines Day an opportunity
for action. Read the various versions of the story of St. Valentine, and
get ideas for action, by visiting
<http://www.cuadp.org/valentine.html>. Enjoy!
March 1st - International Death Penalty Abolition Day
March 1, International Death Penalty Abolition Day, marks the anniversary
of the date in 1847 in which the State of Michigan officially became the
first English-speaking territory in the world to abolish capital
punishment. It is a day to remember the victims of violent crime and their
survivors; it is a day to remember those killed by state sanctioned
violence - guilty or not- and their survivors; and it is a day for
intensified education and action for alternatives to the death penalty.
This is THE day for global action against the death penalty. Get the
background, FREE action materials, and submit your plans at
March 9th - "Death Sentence 2002" major conference in Illinois
On March 9-10, 2002, Death Sentence 2002 will present speakers, musical
events, offer training and organize a call to action to pass House Bill 576
- the Death Penalty abolition bill. A coalition of religious communities,
civic leaders, students, celebrities, politicians and other allies of the
anti-death penalty movement will Participate.
* Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking will share her story of
death row ministry.
* Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI)
* Mike Farrell from Providence and M*A*S*H
* Renowned defense attorney and orator Bryan Stevenson
* Steve Hawkins of the National Coalition Against the Death Penalty
* Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation members will speak
* Francis Cardinal George will give a special address on Sunday
AND MORE!!! We are expecting thousands of Illinoisans committed to
stopping the killing to be joined by national figures.
The spotlight will be on Illinois.
It is important to organize now. We are asking you to become a sponsor, to
commit as an individual and/or as a member of a group to educate our
legislature about the need to stop the death penalty. Sponsors will, in
various ways, impact Illinois legislators to ensure that they vote in favor
of House Bill 576. We need volunteers, money, publicity and attendance.
Show your support by becoming a sponsor
Death Sentence 2002 is truly a grass roots movement fueled by an interfaith
group of individuals who are committed to abolishing the death penalty in
Illinois. Please visit our Web Site at
or contact us by phone: (312) 849-2279 or by mail at DS 2002, 180 North
Michigan Ave. Suite 2300, Chicago, Il 60601.
June 29 - 30th Anniversary of Furman V. Georgia / 9th Annual Fast & Vigil...
Mark your calendar and plan to be at the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC
for the 9th Annual Fast & Vigil to Abolish the Death Penalty. ALL
details are at <http://www.abolition.org>.
Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director, CUADP
There is an Alternative to
the Death Penalty
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
(CUADP) works to end the death penalty in the United
States through aggressive campaigns of public education
and the promotion of tactical grassroots activism.
Visit <http://www.cuadp.org> or call 800-973-6548
07 Selbsthilfegruppe: "aktiviert statt alkoholisiert"
From: Heidemarie Grübler <hgruebler@gmx.net>
> Selbsthilfegruppe: "aktiviert statt alkoholisiert"
> Erstes Treffen: MO 4.Februar 2002 von 15.00 - 17.00 Uhr
> Ort: Grüngasse 1a; 1040 Wien
> Teilnahme: gratis
> ab 14 Uhr ist Dr. Ernst Kostal am 4.2.02 ab 14 Uhr unter Tel: 513 15 30
> erreichbar.
> Der voläufige Titel der geplanten pro mente Selbsthilfegruppe lautet:
> "aktiviert statt alkoholisiert".
> Den endgültige Name der Gruppe soll in einem Gruppennamenbrainstorming
> Gruppenmitglieder gefunden werden. Ernst Kostal meint:
> "Der Alkohol steuert der drohenden sozialen Verelendung nicht entgegen.
> im Gegenteil. Er unterstützt sie, indem er die gesellschaftlichen
> des an den Abgrund Gedrängtwerdens von immer mehr Menschen außer
> läßt. Der Alkohol unterstützt die drohende soziale Verelendung,
inder er
> Individualisierung und Psychologisierung von Problemen begünstigt,
die von
> der Gesellschaft verursacht werden. Die Outdrops sind dan deswegen
> weil sie ein Alkoholproblem haben, und nicht deshalb, weil sie von der
> Gesellschaft abscheulich behandelt und in eine prekäre Lage gebracht
wurden. Der
> "Problemlöser" Akohol lösst die realen Probleme nur
scheinbar. In
> schächt er Unterscheidungsvermögen und Durchblick. Nur der Widerstand
> Gesetze und Unsitten aber, die der sozialen Vereinzelung von immer mehr
> Menschen Vorschub leisten, ist zielführend. Die notwendige Kontinuität
> Widerstandes und Alkoholmissbrauch schließen einander aber aus."
> Der promovierte Germanist und Widerstandsaktivist Ernst Kostal möchte
> Gruppe ins Leben rufen, Ideen und Gefühle produzieren, um daraufhinweisen,
> dass es Tätigkeiten gibt, die derart intensiv sind, dass sie Sucht
Alkohol vergessen lassen.
08 Brisantes zum Fall Unterweger
From: GAMUEKL <office@gamuekl.org>
Ein Mörder für alle Fälle"
Autorenlesung & Diskussion zum Buch von
Mag. Astrid Wagner
Die gebürtige Steirerin Astrid Wagner - heute Rechtsanwältin in Wien
- hat
"Jahrhundertfall Unterweger" persönlich miterlebt. Ihr penibel
Tatsachenbericht dokumentiert die Dynamik einer Allianz von Justiz,
sensationsgierigen Massenmedien und greift in diesem Zusammenhang auch
provozierende Fragen auf, die - neben Ihrer ganz speziellen Brisanz im Fall
Unterweger - jeden von uns etwas angehen.
Nach der erfolgreichen Buchpräsentation am 11. Dezember 2001 im Wiener
Kriminalmuseum stehen nun im Laufe der nächsten Monaten von Wien ausgehend
in den Bundesländern Lesungen samt anschließender Diskussionsmöglichkeit
Das Buch "JACK UNTERWEGER - Ein Mörder für alle Fälle"
um ATS 263,--/EUR 18,-- im gut sortierten Buchhandel erhältlich.
· 14. 1. 2002 (20.00)
Lesung & Diskussion im
1040 Wien; Phorusgasse 7
Tel: (01) 587 49 48
· 25. 1. 2002 (20.00)
Lesung im
3504 Stein a.d.D.; Steiner Landstrasse 3
(Tel. 02732/72 884)
09 Post-Durban Information Note 6 - Declaration and Programme of
From: Laurie Wiseberg <lwiseberg.hchr@unog.ch>
Cette note vais sera envoyée en français le plus rapidement possible.
Esta nota sera enviada en espanol lo antes posible.
You will all be pleased to know that, during the final
days of 2001,
agreement was reached on the Declaration and Programme of Action of the
World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and
Related Intolerance adopted in Durban, South Africa on 8 September 2001.
This clears the way for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human
Rights to begin actively implementing, in cooperation with all concerned,
the anti-discrimination agenda elaborated in the final documents of the
Durban Conference.
The issuance of the final report of the World Conference
had been
delayed principally because of a difference of views or perceptions
concerning the placement of several paragraphs in the Declaration and
Programme of Action. In a letter dated 27 December 2001, Dr. Nkosazana
Dlamini Zuma, Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Africa, informed the
High Commissioner that, "having taken all considerations and views into
account I have decided as President of the Conference that the text of the
Durban Declaration and Programme of Action circulated at the briefing of
Permanent Missions in Geneva on 24 September 2001 by and with the authority
of the secretariat, should be published without further delay. The
Secretariat should make the necessary technical improvements to the text
without changing the substance and include the existing subtitles." Mr.
Louis Michel, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, the
then-representatives of the Presidency of the European Union, was informed
of this request. He indicated to the High Commissioner that the position of
Foreign Minister Zuma resolved all outstanding issues and that the
Declaration and Programme of Action could be published as soon as possible.
I am, therefore, attaching an electronic version of
the Declaration
and Programme of Action in English, to this e-mail. It has also being
posted on the web at <www.unhchr.ch>. As soon as the text is available
the other UN languages, they will be posted on the OHCHR website. In
addition, the report of the Conference, which includes the Declaration and
Programme of Action, will be issued shortly.
Friends and colleagues, this is probably the last e-mail
you will
receive from me as NGO Liaison Officer for the World Conference. A new
Anti-Discrimination Unit has been constituted to follow-up on the Durban
agenda, while I will go on to other work. You will be able to reach me at
the e-mail noted below for a little while, and when I have new coordinates,
I will send them. In the meantime, I want to thank all of you who worked
together with us to ensure that we got a document with a strong
anti-discrimination agenda that we can use to begin seriously tackling the
scourges of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related
intolerance. The role of NGOs in the implementation of the Durban
Declaration and Programme of Action will be critical and the Office will be
looking to you to assist in this vital work.
With best wishes to you all for the coming year.
Laurie Wiseberg
NGO Laision WCAR
Tel. (41 22) 917 9393
Fax. (41 22) 917 9050
E-mail: lwiseberg.hchr@unog.ch
(See attached file: 31DECEMBERWEB.doc)
10 Artikel von African Union, St. Petersburg
From: Helping Hands <helphand.oeh@sbg.ac.at>
>>>Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 19:37:15 +0000 (GMT)
>>>From: Yomi Sunmola <yomisunmola@yahoo.co.uk>
>>>Subject: Ref: ARTICLE
>>>To: helphand.oeh@sbg.ac.at
>Hallo liebe Freunde,
>Wir haben diesen Artikel vom Yomi Sunmola, Vertreter der Organisation
>"African Union" in St. Petersburg, Russland bekommen. Bitte leiten
sie ihn
>weiter, weil er sehr interessante Informationen bezüglich der Lage
>Russland beinhaltet.
>Helping Hands Salzburg
>>> From the 17th to the 21st of October 2001 in the city
>>>of Pushkin a suburb of St. Petersburg Russia. There
>>>was an United Conference "East-West: International
>>>Solidarity and Co-operation Against Intolerance".
>>>Re-presentatives from different Organizations from 29
>>>countries discussed many questions concerning Racism,
>>>Nazism, fascism, anti-Semitism, religious
>>>discrimination, "Militarization" of Society , and the
>>>violation of right of ethic minorities.
>>> Officially in Russia there
is no racism, Nazism,
>>>Fascism or anti-Semitism, but every part of the
>>>country there are period conflicts between the origins
>>>religious buildings and religious schools. However
>>>cases concerning racism and anti-Semitism never get to
>>>the court level. It is even good if these cases are
>>>reported with the police and Ministry of Internal
>>>affairs. Victims were afraid for their lives and the
>>>Ministry of Internal affairs can not guarantee to
>>>defend them or their safely. A lot of victims were
>>>even afraid to give their names and addresses
>>>concerning these incidents.
>>> Why is it in Russia, a multinational
country that
>>>lost about 20 million people during the second World
>>>War, "The war against fascism" is the same Russia of
>>>today where neo-Nazism, anti-Semitism and intolerance
>>>are raising heads against their own ethnic minorities
>>>and foreigners living in Russia?.
>>> Follower of the National- Socialists after
>>>defeat of Hitler's army in Germany foretold the return
>>>of the Nationalists tendencies throughout the world;
>>>they were living with priorities of Hitler's theory of
>>>a pure nation in every country, including Russia. The
>>>said that we are still going to fight Russians even
>>>after the death of those which fought against Hitler,
>>>and the new generation will not have an understanding
>>>of Nazism which they will use as a weapon in their own
>>> At present in Russia there are about fifteen
>>>thousand (15000) skinheads about 4000 in Moscow, and
>>>about 3000 in Saint- Petersburg.
>>> People, who were born in Soviet Era can
>>>imagine their lives without the festival of May 9-th,
>>>documentary films about the war, books about fascists
>>>and how wild they were, about the concentration camp,
>>>of course it is quite difficult for the Soviet people
>>>to have a good memory about German.
>>> Nazism called the Russian people
>>>that is not up to human being. Hitler said, that
>>>Majority of Slavonic's would be killed, and the
>>>remaining would be slaves for the Empire.
>>> Is it really the Russian young
nazist doesn't
>>>know about that?. There appearance with the fascist
>>>emblem, and with the fascist salute-is a disgrace to
>>>their relatives, that fought against Hitler or to
>>>those who were victims of Concentration camp, their
>>>pogrom-is a spit into the face of there relatives, and
>>>to those people who died in the war against fascism,
>>>assembly of skinheads in Russia is abnormal,
>>>contradictions of there appearance in this world.
>>> Tuesday, 30 October, 2001 in Tsarinski
>>>Moscow, about 150 skinheads, fully armed with iron
>>>bares sticks, attacked sellers who are not Russians,
>>>there shades and shops. In the result of this pogrom
>>>two people (2) where killed instantly, another one
>>>died in the hospital, twenty three (23) people were
>>>injured, and the lives of another fifteen are at
>>>The re-presentatives from the Ministry of Internal
>>>affairs where confused and contradicting one another,
>>>try to shift the blames of this incident on poor
>>>teenagers, on football Supporters.
>>>Irritation of the local people is due to the success
>>>of the southern business men, may be, it is just an
>>>element of human envies of those who are not competent
>>>enough to business enterprising. That is Nazist are
>>>they an assembly of non educated and unlucky people?
>>>It might, be so. Some Russian TV presenters of
>>>different television station commented on the crimes
>>>committed by the ethnic groups in Moscow. there is
>>>about million dollars flowing out from Russia
>>>illegally. Even if the information confirmed it to be
>>>true, what is the action of the government to
>>>liquidate the illegal way of making money and how to
>>>stop the illegal transaction of money from Russia?
>>>Maybe with help of the pogrom by the young Russian
>>>Nazists? It might, be so.
>>>The most dangerous part of this problem was, when
>>>there was public opinion. Concerning this incident.
>>>Majority of the local people, that is, more than
>>>seventy two percent (72%) of opinions said that,
>>>Russia should be screened from the "Ethnic minorities"
>>>and "Black people".
>>>In Russia a multinational country there is a very
>>>dangerous disease spreading in society called syndrome
>>>of nationalism, racism, and religious intolerance.
>>>The government must accept the existence of this fact.
>>>The problem is so big and before the disease gets out
>>>of hand something should be done. I know that the
>>>disease can not be cured in a day, but at least
>>>gradually, by educating the young generation with help
>>>of literature, multinational films, television, and
>>>through the mass media. The adults must also be
>>>concerned about teaching their children to respect
>>>different cultures, different people, different
>>>colours of the hair, skins and eyes; teach your
>>>children how to live if not together, at least nearer.
>>>Let us imagine the next situation: assuming Nazist
>>>clean the country from "Ethnic minorities" and "Black
>>>people". Who's next? Maybe, those with auburn skin?
>>>N-B. As I was preparing this article the Russian
>>>president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in his
>>>television announcement, showed his concern and
>>>worried about this pogrom at tsarinski market. He
>>>called on the minister of Justice and Minister of
>>>internal affairs to investigate thoroughly and the
>>>organizers of this pogrom should answer the
>>>consequences. This gives me hope, that everything is
>>>not yet lost in Russia.
>>>Yomi Sunmola.
11 MUSTAFA BARGHOUTI ARRESTED TWICE - another pre-Zinniprovocation
From: Gush Shalom <adam@gush-shalom.org>
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - http://www.gush-shalom.org/
Dr. Mustapha Barghouti's arrest, and re-arrest, constitute another
provocation on the eve of American mediator Zinni arriving for one more
effort. This government cannot keep itself together in the event of any
advance towards peace, so....
We forward to you two messages, both containing a call for protest letters
and addresses of responsible ministers.
1) The URGENT UPDATE - Dr Barghouthi re-arrested at Ram Checkpoint by
Patricia Smith of The Palestine Monitor
2) The protest by the Israeli organization Physicians for Human Rights
(whose close colleague Barghouti is)
------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: "Patricia
Smith" <patricia@hdip.org>
Subject: URGENT UPDATE - Dr Barghouthi
is re-arrested at Ram
Date sent: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 17:25:06 -0800
The Palestine Monitor, A PNGO Information Clearinghouse
Dr Barghouthi is re-arrested at Ram Checkpoint
This morning after giving a press conference at the American Colony Hotel in
Jerusalem, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi was questioned and taken by five or six
Israeli plainclothes policemen.
After taking his ID the police then demanded he accompany them to the
'Maskopeya' Police compound also know as the 'Russian Compound' in
Jerusalem. No one else in the group was asked for ID indicating that the
police were aware of whom Dr. Barghouthi was and they had targeted him
in particular.
Four and a half hours later he was released - HOWEVER as he was being
released from the custody of the Israeli police he was re-detained by the
Israeli Military.
While talking to foreign delegates at Ar-Ram checkpoint it appears that the
Border Police handed him over to the military, and is being held in Nabi
settlement. Latest reports indicate that he has been hit by the Israeli
military, and therefore we are concerned about his physical safety.
The foreign delegates, including two members of the European Parliament -
Luisa Morgantini (Italy) and Ulla Fandbaek (Denmark), were at the scene;
they and other foreigners tried to prevent his detention, yet were met with
violence - according to a witness - very aggressive behaviour from the
soldiers which included the use of tear gas and sound bombs.
Dr. Mustafa is a physician and a human rights activist, who has for years
peacefully worked to end the Israeli occupation; a leading member of
Palestinian civil society, his detention is dangerous and we are extremely
concerned as he has still not been released.
We members of civil society appeal for you to contact your representatives,
as well as the Israeli embassy in your countries expressing your outrage
Barghouthi's arrest and demand his immediate release.
You can also call Uzi Landau, Minister for Internal Security: 972 2 5308151;
Head of Israeli Police, Shlomo Aharonishki: 972 2 5308118; Binyamin Ben
Defense Minister: 972 3 6976218, Nissim Dahan, Health Minister, 972 2
and demand Dr. Barghouthi's release.
For more information please call The Palestine Monitor +972 2 2985372, or
052 396196.
------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: physicians
for human rights-israel <phr@netvision.net.il>
DR. MUSTAFA BARGHOUTI, president of the Union of Palestinian Medical
Relief Committees (UPMRC), was arrested just before
noon upon his exit from a press conference at the Americal Colony Hotel in
East Jerusalem, and is now being held 'for questioning' by Israeli security
authorities at the 'Russian Compound' holding facility in West Jerusalem.
Dr. Mustafa Barghouti is the president of the Union of Palestinian Medical
Relief Committees (UPMRC), a community-based Palestinian health
organization founded in 1979. He is a long-standing partner of Physicians
for Human Rights-Israel in the struggle for human rights in the Occupied
Dr. Barghouti is a dedicated and courageous activist for health and human
rights of the Palestinian population. As a doctor, he has devoted his life
the struggle for justice, peace and human rights.
He has taken an active part in the struggle for autonomy of medical
professionals and for free passage of patients,
doctors and medical goods at all times. At the press conference this
morning, he described the disastrous effects of
current Israeli policies on the health of the Palestinian population.
His arrest, allegedly due to 'illegal presence' in East Jerusalem, is in
opposition to the basic tenets of human
rights, and is evidently intended to prevent dissemination of information
regarding violations of human rights. It is
also aimed to deny free access of Palestinians to East Jerusalem, which
has always been the cultural and spiritual
center of Palestinian life, as well as home to the central medical
serving the West Bank.
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel strongly condemns the unlawful arrest of
Dr. Barghouti, and calls for his immediate
We call on Israelis, Palestinians, and the global community to rise up and
protest against the erosion of medical
autonomy and freedom by Israeli authorities in Israel and the Occupied
Territories, and against the denial of the
freedom of expression.
Write protest letters to: Uzi Landau, Minister for Internal Security: 972 2
5308151; Head of Israeli Police, Shlomo
Aharonishki: 972 2 5308118; Binyamin Ben Eliezer, Defense Minister: 972 3
6976218, Nissim Dahan, Health Minister, 972 2
Details: Hadas Ziv, Miri Weingarten
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel is a non-partisan, non-profit
founded in 1988, comprising some 500
members who combat Israeli health and human rights violations, and strive
to ensure equal and adequate health services
for all.
Tel: 972 3 6873718
Fax: 972 3 6873029
e-mail: phr@netvision.net.il
To contribute to our work please send cheques to: 'Physicians for Human
Rights-Israel', 30 Levanda St., Tel-Aviv 66020,
Israel. Tax-Exempt contributions may be made through the New Israel Fund.
Contributions should be marked as
donor-advised to Physicians for Human RightsIsrael: New Israel Fund, PO
Box 91588, Washington DC 20090-1588, USA, or
New Israel Fund of Canada, 801 Eglinton Avenue, West Suite # 401,
Toronto, Ontario M5n 1E3, Canada, or New Israel Fund
of Great Britain, 26 Enford Street, London, W1h 2DD, Great Britain
If you got this forwarded, and would like to receive our emails directly
you can subscribe by sending a blank message (from the address where you
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12 How the IMF Messed Up Argentina
From: Emperors, Emperors1000@aol.com
> This is being sent on behalf of Emperors1000@aol.com
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> =============================================
> How the IMF Messed Up Argentina
> by Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy
> Research.
> Reprinted from the 'International Herald Tribune,' December 26, 2001
> [Posted 31 December 2001]
> =============================================
> [NOTE FROM EMPEROR'S CLOTHES: Our gratitude to NÈstor Miguel Gorojovsky
> in Argentina who found this article by Mark Weisbrot. It explains in
> easily understandable language why pegging the Argentinean peso to the
> U.S. dollar has wrecked Argentina's economy.
> Check out Further Reading (at the end) for other articles documenting the
> nation-destroying policies of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
> We hope to post an analysis of the Argentinean rebellion against the New
> World Order. - Emperor's Clothes.]
> Argentina's implosion has the fingerprints of the International Monetary
> Fund all over it.
> The first and overwhelmingly most important cause of the country's
> economic troubles was the government's decision to maintain its fixed
> rate of exchange: one peso for one U.S. dollar. Adopted in 1991, this
> policy worked for a while. But during the past few years the dollar has
> been overvalued, which made the peso overvalued as well.
> Contrary to popular belief, a "strong" currency is not like a
> body. It is very easy to have too much of a good thing. An overvalued
> currency makes exports too expensive and imports artificially cheap. Just
> look at the United States, where a "strong" dollar has brought
a record
> $400 billion trade deficit.
> But it gets catastrophically worse for a country that has committed
> itself to a fixed exchange rate. When investors start to believe that the
> peso is going to fall, they demand ever higher interest rates. These
> exorbitant interest rates are crippling to the economy. That is the main
> reason why Argentina has not been able to recover from four years of
> recession.
> To maintain an overvalued currency, a country needs large reserves of
> dollars; the government has to guarantee that everyone who wants to
> exchange a peso for a dollar can get one. The IMF's role here was
> crucial. It arranged large loans, including $40 billion a year ago, to
> support the peso. This was the IMF's second fatal error. To appreciate
> its severity, imagine Washington borrowing $1.4 trillion - 70 percent of
> the federal budget - just to prop up an overvalued dollar. It didn't take
> long for Argentina to pile up a foreign debt that was impossible to pay
> back.
> As if all that were not enough, the IMF made its loans conditional on a
> "zero-deficit" policy in Buenos Aires. But it is neither necessary
> desirable for a government to balance its budget during a recession, when
> tax revenues typically fall and social spending rises. The zero-deficit
> target may make little economic sense, but it has great public relations
> value. By focusing on government spending, the IMF has managed to
> convince most of the press that Argentina's "profligate" spending
> are the source of its troubles. But Argentina has run only modest budget
> deficits, much smaller than U.S. deficits during recessions.
> The IMF now claims that it was against the fixed exchange rate, and the
> large loans to support it, all along. Officials say they went along with
> these policies to please the Argentine government. So now Argentina tells
> the U.S. government what to do!
> This is not a very credible story, but of course verifying who made what
> decision is a little like tracking Qaida's chain of command. IMF board
> meetings, consultations with government ministers and other deliberations
> are secret.
> But they do have a track record. In 1998 the IMF supported overvalued
> currencies in Russia and Brazil, with large loans and sky-high interest
> rates. In both cases the currencies collapsed anyway, and both countries
> were better off for the devaluation. Russia's growth in 2000 was its
> highest in two decades.
> Argentina will undoubtedly recover, too, after it devalues its currency
> and defaults on its unpayable foreign debt. But the people will need a
> government that is willing to break with the IMF and pursue policies
> which put their own national interests first.
> Washington has other ideas. "It's important for Argentina to continue
> work through the International Monetary Fund on sound policies," said
> White House spokesman Ari Fleischer on Friday. For the IMF, failure is
> impossible.
> The writer is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.
> He contributed this comment to The Washington Post.
> Copyright (c) 2001 The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com
> Posted for Fair Use Only
> ***
> Emperor's Clothes Urgently Needs Your Help!
> *************************************
> Footnotes and Further Reading:
> *************************************
> 1) It is amazing that, although the IMF has had the same effect on every
> economy it has 'helped' for more than a decade (that is, the economies
> have been severely hurt) nevertheless these guys are still in business.
> If they were doctors, they would have been jailed for deliberately
> injuring their patients.
> Doesn't this suggest that the giant U.S. and European financial interests
> behind the IMF want to destroy these economies?
> 1) To find out more about the International Monetary Fund, see the award
> winning article,' The International Monetary Fund and The Yugoslav
> Elections,' by Michel Chossudovsky and Jared Israel. It explains how IMF
> policies destroy national economies, including discussion of Yugoslavia,
> Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Peru. Can be read at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/1.htm
> 2) IMF policies destroy because they are calculated to destroy. This
> emerges clearly from the sharp debate between Chossudovsky and Israel,
> the one hand, and Prof. Kjell Magnusson from Sweden. Prof. Magnusson
> sharply criticized the article, The International Monetary Fund And The
> Yugoslav Elections,' after it was published by the leading Swedish
> newspaper.
> * 'Chossudovsky and Israel are Inaccurate and Misleading' By Kjell
> Magnusson, Balkan expert, Uppsala University. Can be read at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/debates/magnus.htm
> * 'Everything We Wrote Comes from Official Sources' by Michel
> Chossudovsky and Jared Israel Can be read at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/debates/data.htm
> 3) "Give Us Milosevic or We Won't Destroy Your Country!" is a
> by the SPS, which is now apparently the leading party in Serbia (it came
> in first in recent district elections.) The statement rejects the notion
> that the IMF and associated institutions aim to help poorer countries.
> Join our email list at http://emperors-clothes.com/f.htm. Receive about
> one article/day.
> Click here to email the link to this article to a friend. We encourage
> readers to reprint and re-post any Emperor's Clothes article. Please
> include the article's Web address and author(s).
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> [Emperor's Clothes]
13 Euro-Umstellung: Wir bezahlen, das Kapital profititiert
From: AL - Antifaschistische Linke <almail@gmx.net>
Euro-Umstellung: Wir bezahlen, das Kapital profititiert
Egal, ob die Europreise im Ikea-Katalog rechts oder links plaziert sind,
turbulent ist die Zeit der Euroumstellung in jedem Fall. Laut
Europreiskommision und Eurowährungsangabengesetz gibt es konkrete
Bestimmungen der Preis-auszeichnung vor und nach dem Jahreswechsel; doch ob
diese Bestimmung Verunsicherungen der KonsumentInnen und die schleichenden
Preissteigerungen aufhalten kann, bleibt dahingestellt. Seit Punkt
Mitternacht am 31.12.2001 ist der Euro bekanntlich offizielle Währung in
zwölf Ländern der Union. Großbritannien, Schweden und Dänemark
werden bei
der ersten Runde nicht dabei sein, die DänInnen haben sogar bereits zweimal
gegen den Euro und gegen die damit verbundenen Preiserhöhungen gestimmt.
Um dem prophezeiten Währungschaos vorzubeugen, haben Griechenland, Portugal
und Österreich ein Eurowäh-rungsangabengesetz (EWAG) geschaffen, um
Richtlinien der Preisauszeichnung vorzugeben; doch dieses hält einige
Hintertüren für UnternehmerInnen offen. Um die Einhaltung dieser Gesetze
kümmert sich das Wirtschaftsmi-nisterium, das auf Anfrage der Redaktion
allerdings mitteilte, daß Preissteigerungen möglich wären, wenn
"be-triebswirtschaftlich gerechtfertigt" seien. Auch das EWAG ist
eindeutig. In den Erläuterungen heißt es: "We-sentlich ist,
daß lediglich
aufgrund der Währungsumstellung keine Preiserhöhung erfolgen darf.
Preiserhöhungen aufgrund anderer Umstände, wie zum Beispiel Erhöhungen
Produktions- oder Personalkosten, Wareneinkauf, usw. sind durchaus möglich."
Dem Mißbrauch sind hier Tür und Tor geöffnet. So gibt es versteckte
Preiserhöhun-gen etwa bei zahlreichen Automaten, im Gastgewerbe oder auch
bei Kleinbetrieben. Pizzaschnitten etwa, die bis jetzt um ATS 30,- zu haben
waren, kosten auf einmal in Wiener Geschäften luxuriöse EUR 2,50 (ATS
34,40). Für Menschen, die im Handel, im Bankbereich, in der Gastronomie
ganz allgemein im Dienstleistungssektor tätig sind, bedeutet der Euro eine
schwierige Umstellung und eine enorme Zusatzbelastung. In manchen
Supermärkten werden die eingenommen Schillinge einfach in eine Box geworfen,
die unversperrt unter der Kassa liegt. Sollte sie gestohlen werden, bleibt
das Risiko beim Kassenpersonal. Sollte er/sie sich einmal beim Herausgeben
irren, so ist es zumindest in der Gastronomie üblich, daß der/die
den Verlust aus eigener Tasche zahlen muß. Viele Men-schen haben in den
ersten Wochen der Umstellung enorme Probleme mit der neuen Währung oder
fürchten sich davor, betrogen zu werden.
Und eigentlich liegen sie gar nicht so falsch: Seit dem Beschluss zur
Einführung des Euro mit dem Vertrag von Maastricht wurde die neue Währung
dazu benützt, EU-Europa mit Sozialabbaumaßnahmen zu überziehen.
Mit den
sogenannten "Konvergenzkriterien" wurde festgelegt, wieviel neue Schulden
ein Land machen bzw. wieviel es haben darf. Mit diesem Hebel wurde in der
gesamten Union eine Welle von Sparpaketen losgetreten. Kein Land durfte
ausscheren, kein Sparpaket platzen, alles aus angeblicher Sorge um die
Einhaltung der Kriterien. Mit vielen Argumenten wurde versucht, die
Bevölkerung von der Einheitswährung zu überzeugen. Oft und oft
geschrie-ben, wie angenehm es sein würde, in ganz EU-Europa mit einer
Währung zu bezahlen. Dies mag schon stimmen, doch worum geht es wirklich?
Neben dem Sozialabbau, der den Regierungen und den Konzernen der EU
natürlich nicht unrecht kommt, ist das Ziel des Euro, eine starke
Leitwährung gegen den Dollar zu etablieren. Und die Rech-nung geht auf.
Bereits jetzt haben einige mittel- und osteuropäische Länder angekündigt,
den Euro einseitig als Währung einführen zu wollen, viele Länder
in Afrika
werden sich am Euro orientieren. Letztendlich geht es also wieder einmal um
die Interessen der Wirtschaft. Oder wie es ein EU-Beamter einmal ausdrückte:
"Die EG [Anm.: heute EU] ist nicht dazu da, daß es den Menschen besser
die EG ist dazu da, daß es der Wirtschaft besser geht."
14 marcello prawyani
From: martin krusche <mk19846@i-one.at>
> zu *08 Marcel Prawy, Beitrag und Diskussion* From: Vorzellner:
> das nutzt halt nix herr nachbar: ein bißl weniger kampf-rhetorik,
> dessen ein bißl offenlegen der quellen, wenn man solche vorwürfe
erhebt -
> das würde einem thema schon voranhelfen.
> eine *antifaschistische attitüde*, die sich in solchem gebrüll
> halt leider klimatisch dem populismus nahe. und da mag man dann gleich
> mehr so genau hinhören.
> wie beleidigt du gleich reagierst, wenn einer deinen input auf gehalt
> abklopft: *ah so? aha? will man hier also nix antifaschistiasches lesen?
> dann bestell ich gleich mein abo ab!*
> das ersetzt halt auch nicht ein simples prinzip demokratischer zustände.
> appell: nennen sie ihre gründe!
> empfehle mich!
> der krusche
> __________________________
> linie U9: praxiszone kunstraum.gleisdorf
> http://www.skulptur.at/kavn/pkg/
15 NCADC Newsletter 25 January / February / March 2002 now Online
From: John O <ncadc@ncadc.org.uk>
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
110 Hamstead Road
Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947 Fax: 0121-554-7891
E-mail ncadc@ncadc.org.uk
Web site: http://www.ncadc.org.uk/
NCADC Newsletter 25 January / February / March 2002 now Online
Never doubt that a small group of dedicated people can defeat an attempt to
deport someone http://www.ncadc.org.uk/letters/news25/campaign.html
When all else fails
Refugee Council set Police on Asylum Seekers
Dimitrijevska Family Campaign
Beqiri Family Family Must Stay
Asylum for Anwar Dholan Campaign
Life at HMP Liverpool as an asylum seeker
Gabriel Nkwelle - Right to the Wire - It's Never Over till the Plane Takes
Human rights activist Gabriel Nwkelle denied access to media
The Targeting and Criminalisation of Kurdish Asylum Seekers
Zimbabwe: it all Depends on your Colour!
'Economic Racism', Legalised in the UK
'Industrial Society', slams government immigration policy
I will never get used to the suffering inflicted on fellow humans by our
Australia: Detention destroys asylum seekers' mental health
Syed Wajahat Deported - the Struggle goes On
Rachel Smith, Coronation Street star backs Winter Welcome Party for Asylum
für diese Ausgabe: Donnerstag, 3.1. 2002, 22:00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Christian Apl
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!