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01 No Palestinian 'Saison' [UriAvnery] / What Had To Be
From: Gush Shalom <adam@gush-shalom.org>
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - http://www.gush-shalom.org/
[The following articles, one by Uri Avnery to be published Tuesday in
the other by David Grossman in today's Ha'aretz, both try to appeal to
public opinion regarding the Palestinians by reminding that we were once in
the same condition.]
No Palestinian "Saison"
by Uri Avnery - 5.01.02
"You aren't
serious," the Algerians told the PLO leaders. "You must
your opponents!"
That was years ago. The PLO leaders had asked their victorious
brothers, the Algerian Liberation Front (FLN) veterans, for advice. They
tendered their counsel generously: "You can't wage a war of liberation
there are internal differences. There can only be one party. There is no
for internal opposition. Opponents must be liquidated."
As an example, they pointed out one of their facilities on the
Tunisian border. It was a house of three rooms, to which opponents of the
leadership were brought. In the first room they stood trial, in the second
judgment was pronounced, in the third they were executed. The whole
process lasted but a few hours. The only way they left the house was on a
This story was told to me this week by a senior Palestinian official.
the Palestinians, listened and said to ourselves: This will never happen in
And indeed, in order to understand what is happening now in the
Palestinian territories, one has to understand that this is a unanimous
national resolve: Avoid a civil war at any cost.
This resolve stems from a Palestinian trauma. In 1936 the "Arab
Rebellion" (in Zionists parlance: "The Events") broke out. Jewish
had been rising sharply after Hitler's advent to power in Germany, the Arabs
felt that the land was being taken from under their feet. In a desperate
attempt to save their national existence, they declared a General Strike,
which turned into an armed rebellion. It was led by Haj Amin al-Husseini,
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
The mufti seized the opportunity in order to eliminate all his
opponents. In the bloodbath, almost all the Palestinian leaders who did not
accept his leadership unconditionally were assassinated. When the moment
of truth came at the end of 1947 (after the UN partition resolution), the
Palestinian people had no national leadership to speak of.
Now Ariel Sharon wants to compel Arafat to start a civil war. That is
meaning of his demand that Arafat liquidate the Hamas and Jihad leadership
and destroy their institutions. He expects the Hamas and Jihad will then
revenge and murder the Palestinian Authority chiefs. The mutual killing
put an end to the Palestinian struggle, perhaps forever.
Neither Arafat nor his opponents intend to fulfill this hope of
Sharon's. In
his address to the nation, Arafat declared that continued attacks on
are harmful to the national interests of the Palestinian people. Most
Palestinians understand that Arafat is right. The Hamas and Jihad disagree,
but do not want to be dragged into a civil war. Therefore there is a
decrease in the number of attacks", according to Israeli security officials.
All this reminds one of a similar phase in our own history. After the
assassination of Lord Moyne by the Lehi*, Ben-Gurion decided to turn the
"dissidents" over to the British police, who tortured them and then
to a prison camp in Africa. Some of the Irgun** fighters were kidnapped by
Ben-Gurion's Palmah ("shock troops") and turned over to the British,
were arrested by the British themselves with the help of a list of 700
suspects, submitted to them by Ben-Gurion. This episode was called "the
saison" (pronounced the French way), meaning the hunting season.
If at that time a bloody civil war did not erupt, it was thanks to
Begin, the Irgun commander, who was determined to prevent a fratricidal
war at any cost. Irgun fighters were ordered not to fire on the Palmah
members who came to kidnap them. (The leader of the Lehi, Nathan Yellin-
Mor, decided otherwise. As he told me years later: "I went to a meeting
the Haganah chiefs. I put a loaded pistol on the table in front of me. I
'Every Lehi fighter will use his gun to defend himself.' As a result, not
man of ours was kidnapped.")
Ben-Gurion played a complex game. At one time he ordered the "saison",
at another he set up the "Hebrew Rebellion Movement", which coordinated
the actions of his own Haganah, the Irgun and Lehi. He used diplomacy and
violence alternatively, in varying doses. Actually he used the actions of
Irgun and Lehi for his own purposes.
Arafat is now doing exactly the same. When there is hope of achieving
Palestinian state by peaceful means and a confrontation with the Americans
has to be averted, he prevents the actions of the "dissidents". When
hope fades, he gives them the green light.
All this is done by mutual understanding. Contrary to his image
created in
Israel, Arafat is no brutal dictator. On the contrary, some of his aides
him of being too forgiving, not taking revenge on those who betrayed him and
not punishing those who damage the Palestinian cause. He adheres to an
ancient Arab tradition: the "Ijmaa", decision by general agreement.
elders of the tribe sit and discuss a controversial issue until every
single one
of those present is convinced and supports the proposed decision, making it
That is his way of stopping the violence. The Palestinian people will
commit suicide by civil war. They will be persuaded to stop the violent
struggle only if they see that their national existence can be assured by
peaceful means. And in the meantime, they will collect weapons, for any
* Lehi - Hebrew
initials of "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel", called by
British "Stern Gang"
** Irgun short for National Military Organization, another underground
[2] Ha`aretz, Sunday, January 06, 2002
What Had To Be Proved
By David Grossman
The seizure of
the Palestinian arms ship brings great relief because the
terrible weaponry will not be aimed at Israelis, as well as a sense of
gratitude toward the soldiers who participated in the mission. However, in
the voices of spokesmen for the Israel Defense Forces, the government and
the media there was also an unconcealed note of joy that at long last
"final proof" has been found of the Palestinians criminal, terrible
Ostensibly, it
has become clear beyond a shadow of doubt that "the
Palestinian Authority is infested with terror from head to toe," as Chief
of Staff Shaul Mofaz said at the press conference that seemed to be an
attempt to bring back for a moment the glory of the heroic 1950s, if not
of Entebbe itself.
But what proof
has been obtained here? Proof that if you oppress a people
for 35 years, and humiliate its leaders, and harass its population, and do
not give them a glimmer of hope, the members of this people will try to
assert themselves in any way possible? And would any of us behave
differently from the Palestinians in such a situation? And did we behave
any differently when for years we were under occupation and tyranny?
Avshalom Feinberg
and Yosef Lishansky set out for Cairo to bring money
from there to the Nili underground so that the Jewish community in
Palestine could assert itself against the Turks. The fighters of the
Haganah, the Lehi and the Etzel underground movements collected and hid
as many weapons as they could, and their splendid sliks (arms caches) are
to this day a symbol of the fight for survival and the longing for liberty,
as were the daring weapons acquisition missions during the British Mandate
(which were defined by the British as acts of terror).
When "we"
did these things, they were not terrorist in nature. They were
legitimate actions of a people fighting for its life and liberty. When the
Palestinians do them, they become "proof" of everything we have been
keen to prove for years now.
It was embarrassing
and irksome to hear the chief of staff scolding the
Palestinians for "wasting their money on acquiring arms instead of seeing
to their poor and hungry populace" - the words of a man whose soldiers
who follow the government's instructions - harass Palestinians morning,
noon and night, impoverish them and starve them. No less embarrassing
was the journalistic reporting of the seizure of the ship. The
excited by the heroism of our soldiers, unanimously adopted the
self-righteous declarations of the chief of staff and the prime minister
about the Palestinians and their murderousness and the terrorism that
burns in their breasts like a second nature, almost.
Now come the days
of celebration and rejoicing because "we told you so":
We told you that the Palestinians do not keep agreements (while we of
course stick to every agreement); we told you that they will do everything
possible to acquire attack weapons (while we aim narcissus stems at the
windows of Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's window in
Ramallah); we told you that there is no one to talk to and therefore we
should keep tightening the noose around their necks (and in this way
undoubtedly we will bring about a profound change in the "Palestinian
character," so that they will agree to accept all our conditions); we told
you that Arafat is in fact bin Laden (and we are disciples of the Dalai
In the attempt
to smuggle in the arms by ship, the Palestinians seriously
violated the agreements with them and the IDF must, of course, do all it
can to prevent such escalation. Nevertheless, how can an entire people's
sense of judgement be so dulled? How can we repeatedly ignore the big
picture and the sharp sense that Israel, in its actions and in its
failures to act, and especially in the malevolent behavior of its prime
minister, keeps pushing the Palestinians to such actions so that time
after time they will provide us with that "incontrovertible proof,"
which there is in fact no real benefit to our interests?
These are disgusting
days. Days of total befuddlement of the senses.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will wring every possible drop of propaganda out
of this ship. The media, for the most part, will run panting after him. The
Israeli street, too exhausted and apathetic to think, will adopt any
definite conclusion that will solve for it the internal and moral
contradiction in which it lives and reinforce its sense of righteousness,
which has been undermined at its base.
Wo has the strength
these days to remember the beginning, the root of the
matter, the circumstances, the fact that what we have here is occupation
and oppression, reaction and counter-reaction, a vicious circle and a
bloody circle, two peoples that are becoming corrupt, violent and crazy
with despair, a death trap in which we are suffocating more with every
passing day.
02 Demo 2.2.2002
From: immerwider@gmx.at <immerwider@gmx.at>
Bitte unter "Demo 2.2.2002" von "immerwider@gmx.at"
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gemeinsam gegen
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Leichen pflastern den Weg der Regierung:
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03 Gift
From: Manfred Büttner <mbuettner@netcomcity.de>
Achtung: Gift
schrieb am 02.01.2002 um 01:42 UHR
Betreff: Nationaler Widerstand
Unsere Väter waren kein Verbrecher! Demonstration am 2. Februar in
Bielefeld. Vom 27. Januar bis zum 17. März wird Jan Phillip Reemtsma seine
antideutsche Gesinnung in Bielefeld in Form einer Austellung zum Besten
geben. Diese knüpft ideologisch an die frühere sogenannte
"Antiwehrmachtsausstellung" an, die nach der Enttarnung ihres
unwissenschaftlichen und propagandistischen Charakters zurückgezogen werden
mußte. Wie schon bei Reemtsmas letztem Versuch, die Öffentlichkeit
seinen Problemen zu belästigen, so muß auch diesmal ein deutliches
für ein freies, unabhängiges und lebenswertes Deutschland gesetzt
gegen antideutsche Neurosen sowie Zerstörung von Werten und Identität,
derartige Propaganda zur Folge hat. Es sprechen: Holger Apfel (stv.
NPD-Vorsitzender) Karl Lang (Erlebnisgeneration) Friedhelm Busse Hartmut
Wostepatsch Unter folgenden Telefonnummern erreicht Ihr Kameraden, die eine
Gemein-schaftsfahrt organisieren: Bayern: 0171-5361565 Mittelfranken:
0177-6491126 Oberfranken: 0171/3270491 Berlin/Brandenburg: 030/65011-0
Karlsruhe/Baden: 0172-8874892 Stuttgart: 0173-4044250 Limburg/Rhein-Lahn:
0178-3172488 Lahn-Dill-Kreis/Wetterau: 0172/3646121 Frankfurt a.M.:
0177-5134321 Saarland: 0177-9190618 Ahrweiler: 0175-8204143 Westerwald:
0160-91666973 Koblenz: 0177-2326456 Ludwigshafen/Frankenth.: 0162-9451796
Kaiserslautern: 0171-1981405 Trier/Eifel: 0174-6086188 Mainz: 0178-7135186
Worms: 0177-5531563 NW-Niedersachsen/HH: 04161-722010 Göttingen:
0170-5221282 Hannover: 0178-2626946 Sachsen-Anhalt: 0172-3405277 Siegerland:
0171-1841520 Rhein-Sieg/Köln/Aachen: 0174-4684647 Düren: 0160-3401214
0173-2705014 Enne-Ruhr-Kreis: 0173-7977974 Olpe/MK/HSK: 0171/5729642
Wuppertal: 0162/6400938 Duisburg: 0160/95555663 Aktuelle Informationen und
Auskünfte: 0175-8301284 und http://www.npd.net Treffpunkt: 2. Februar,
Uhr Hauptbahnhof Bielefeld Die Veranstaltung wird getragen vom
NPD-Landesverband NRW und dem nationalen Widerstand NRW
04 ankuendigung : hinkommen - zuhoeren : weitersagen
From: Traude Korosa <widerstandslesung@gmx.at>
> *******************************************
> donnerstag, 10.01.2002
> gründungslesung der literaturgruppe ((laut))
> martin auer * jörg piringer * volker piringer *
> werner rohner * barbara stieff * lukas tagwerker *
> susanne toth * ulrike ulrich *
> eintritt: 4 euro
> beginn: 19:30 uhr
> antiquariat buch&wein
> schäffergasse 13a
> 1040 wien
> *******************************************
05 Programmprognose ContextXXI
From: Heidelinde Hammer <a9204056@unet.univie.ac.at>
Wien - Orange 94,0 und Graz - Helsinki 92,6
Montag, 7. Jänner 2002: 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Linz - FRO 105,0
Mittwoch, 9. Jänner 2002: ab 18:00 Uhr im Rahmen des
Klagenfurt - AGORA
105,5 / 106,8 / 100,9
Montag, 7. Jänner: 23:00 - 24:00 Uhr
Léo Ferré
II: La vie d'artiste: Alexander Schürmann-Emanuely und Robert
Zöchling mit Musik von und Worten zu Léo Ferré.
lg heide
06 84th martyr Zeynel Karatas
From: DHKC <dhkc@coditel.net>
84. Martyr in the death fast resistance.
Zeynel Karatas is the 84th Martyr in the death fast resistance.
He was born in 1977 in Dersim. He died today at the Tekirdag F-type prison.
Zeynel Karatas was a member of TKP (ML). He was of the fourth resistance
Stop isolation,
Stop torture...
DHKC Information
Bureau, Brussels
07 turkish lawyer association news
From: DHKC <dhkc@coditel.net>
Cumhuriyet ("Republic" - a liberal daily newspaper in Turkey) 24.12.2001
The presidents
of the Bar Associations and lawyers maintained that new
regulations were against the law.
The right to a defence can't be prevented
* The presidents
of the Bar Associations and a number of lawyers stressed
that article 6 of the "bill regarding amending the Law related to the
Turkish Penal Code and the Administration of Prisons and Places of
Detention" could bring difficulties for the profession of defence attorneys.
Istanbul News Service
- the presidents of the Bar Associations and lawyers
showed a reaction, stating that the "bill regarding amending the Law
related to the Turkish Penal Code and the Administration of Prisons and
Places of Detention" aims to violate the right to a defence and the pursuit
of rights. The President of the Bar Association of Istanbul, Yücel Sayman,
drew attention to article 6 of the bill, saying, "It's shameful to search
through the files and documents relevant to the lawyer's profession as a
defence attorney and to ask for a declaration of these in written form. The
regulation is against the law because it undermines the rights of such
'Lawyers' Forum'
The Bar Association organised a "Lawyers' Forum" yesterday at the
Resit Rey' Hall to discuss the bill which was put on the agenda of the
General Assembly of the Turkish National Assembly in acceptance of the
Justice Commission. At the forum, which was joined by 47 presidents of Bar
Associations and a large number of lawyers from different provinces of
Turkey, it was stressed that the professional confidentiality of lawyers is
endangered, stating that the changes that were envisaged under article 6 of
the bill could bring difficulties for the profession of defence attorneys.
During his speech
at the forum, Yücel Sayman described as deeply
unfortunate the preparation of the bill, which occurred without
consultation with any Bar Association and the Union of Bar Associations.
Sayman stated that it was against the law to renew article 6 of the "Law
concerning the prisons and Places of Detention" which was previously
annulled. He also said that the new
regulation was a violation of rights and that such a regulation should not
be permitted.Sayman explained that the restrictions on
lawyers aimed toremove the people's freedom to seek their rights.
'Contrary to the
Sayman continued as follows: "In particular, the regulation within the
second paragraph of article 6 of the bill, which says 'the prison
administration has to be informed in writing of the documents concerning
the defence which are brought with legal defenders and lawyers who enter
prisons or Places of Detention' is a major disgrace. Nobody can demand,
think or envisage that the documents brought with the lawyers, and
especially pertaining to the defence, are to be handed over to the
administration in writing." Sayman, who noted that lawyers are obliged
maintain confidentiality, stated: "This right concerns the right to a
defence. It is not a right of the lawyer, but on the contrary, it is a
right of people who have a right to a defence. The regulation is contrary
to the law, ignoring this right".
Yücel Sayman revealed that they won't declare the files and documents
concerning the defence of the lawyers and said, "We won't permit the
principle of professional confidentiality to be violated".
'We will defend the law' The president of the Bar Association of Ankara,
Sadik Erdogan, noted that they were coming together in order to defend the
law, stressing that the president of the Bar Associations who participated
into the forum represented 35,000 out of a total of 45,000 lawyers. Also
the AKP member of parliament for Sanliurfa, who is a member of the Turkish
National Assembly's Justice
Commission, explained that he opposed the bill while it was being discussed
in the commission and that he made an oppositional statement on the bill
that was finally passed in following votes. Akman stated, "We are
confronted with an obstinate minister. We are confronted with a minister
who can threaten to resign because of the discussions at the commission and
who can pass bills through parliament. That's why we should act with
participation on as broad a basis as possible". DSP Istanbul Deputy Necdet
Saruhan, ANAP Istanbul Deputy Sühan Özkan, DYP Istanbul Deputy Celal
SP Istanbul Deputy Ali Oguz and MHP Istanbul Deputy Mehmet Pak also
participated in the meeting. At the forum held at the 'Cemal Resit Rey'
Concert Hall, the lawyers and the 47 presidents of the Bar Associations
stressed that the professional confidentiality of the lawyers is put in
danger with the new regulations sent to parliament.
Cumhuriyet 26.12.2001
Artists support
the Bar Association
Istanbul News Service - The proposal 'three doors three locks' by the
Presidents of the four big Bar Associations, in order to put an end to the
death fast action, found support from prisoners' families, death fast
activists, civil society organisations and artists.
The Prison working
group of the Human Rights Center of the Istanbul Bar
Association organised a panel with the subject "From the dormitories to
cells - the Operations of 19th December and the Prisons". The deputy
chairman of the Saadet Partisi (Party of Prosperity, an Islamist party)
Mehmet Bekaroglu, who participated in the panel, stated that he found the
proposal "three doors, three locks" to be positive, adding that "in
secure prison, it can't cause any problems to the security of the state,
when nine people can come together".
25 artists and
intellectuals, among them Suavi, Derya Alabora, Cezmi Ersöz,
Tuncer Necmioglu, Orhan Alkaya and Bilgesu Erenus held a meeting at the
Nazim Hikmet Cultural and Art Foundation concerning the death fast action.
Suavi, who issued a statement in the name of the artists' initiative,
expressed their fear that the action would cause new deaths. Suavi said
that they would support the proposal which was put on the order by the
presidents of the Bar Associations to "open the doors of three cells for
three persons and bring together nine people".
Cumhuriyet 28.12.2001
Appeal to support "Three Doors - Three Locks"
**Istanbul News
Service - In a statement at the Istanbul Branch of the
Human Rights Association (IHD), political parties such as EMEP, ÖDP and
HADEP, civil society institutions such as the Association of Contemporary
Jurists, the Peoples' Houses, The Association of the IETT Workers and a
large number of trade unions called to the public opinion to support the
proposal "Three Doors, Three Locks". In the statement it was said
"We call
upon the Ministry of Justice and all those responsible to use their
willpower to achieve a solution".
Cumhuriyet 30.12.2001
F-type appeal
Three Rooms for three persons should be united
ANKARA (Cumhuriyet
Office) - The IHD, TIHV, Turkish Medical Association and
TMMOB called for the unification of three rooms for three, and to those on
hunger strike and death fast to end their action. In a common statement by
the TIHV (Human Rights Foundation) President Yavuz Önen, in the name of
four civil society institutions, it was stated that during the actions
which have continued for a period of more than one year, 82 people have
died and more than 350 have impaired their health. In the statement which
recalls that the presidents of the Bar Associations of Ankara, Istanbul,
Izmir and Antalya called for the unification of three rooms each for three
people in the F type prisons on the 29th of November, it was also mentioned
that this appeal was supported by IHD, TIHV, TBB and TMMOB. Women who sent
postcards in solidarity with fellow human beings lodged a complaint against
the Chief of the Rapid Reaction Police Forces and policemen who had
violently arrested them last week at Galatasaray. (The place in front of
the Galatasaray high school in Istanbul is a popular scene of protests,
which are often broken up by the police.)
12 IslamistInnendemo war rechtsextrem! - Richtigstellung zur Kritik der BSB
From: OEKOLI_Wien@gmx.net <OEKOLI_Wien@gmx.net>
IslamistInnendemo war rechtsextrem!
Wir wollen nur
auf Punkt 3 des "P.S." der BSB im MUND vom Freitag, 5. Jänner
kurz eingehen, der den rechtsextremen Charakter der Palästinademonstration
vom 15. Dzember leugnete:
Ob auf der Demonstration vom 15. Dezember österreichische Nazis waren,
sich nicht mit Sicherheit sagen. Faktum ist, daß dazu auf einer bekannten
Rechtsextremisten-Websites aufgerufen und Parolen wie "Israel der Hort
Kinder- und Völkermord!", "Menschen seid auf der Hut - Zionisten
Hab und Gut!", "Zionismus ist Terrorismus", "Israel - Amerika:
bla, bla, bla" geschrien wurden. Ein Transparent mit der Aufschrift "Was
die zionistischen Politik? Weltherrschaft?"
(Foto auf:
wurde von 2 Personen an prominenter Stelle der Demo mitgetragen.
Neonazis, die sich auch von ihrem Aussehen her als "Naziskins" geoutet
hätten waren zwar keine zu sehen, das auf der Demonstration verteilte
Farbflugblatt ließ aber jeden Zweifel verschwinden wofür denn die
versammelte Koalition
von "PalästinafreundInnen" denn hier auf die Straße ging.
Im Text hieß es:
"Wie in Österreich müssen auch die Einheimischen entscheiden,
wer von den
Zuwanderern und Eindringlingen in ihrem Land bleiben darf und wer es
und dorthin zurückkehren muss, woher er gekommen ist." Die DemonstrantInnen
waren sich sicher, daß es mit der "Hilfe Gottes (...) dem palästinensischen
David gelingen (wird) den israelischen Goliath zu besiegen" und beendeten
Flugblatt mit einem markigen "Palästina den Palästinensern!"
österreichischen Verbündeten werden sich wohl noch ein "Deutschland
dazugedacht haben. Wer für solche Inhalte auf die Straße geht ist
egal ob es sich dabei um SchiitenInnen oder nichtmuslimische Menschen
egal ob sie sich selbst als rechtsextrem definieren oder ob es sich dabei um
zu Nationrevolutionären gewandelte Exlinke handelt.
Ökologische Linke (ÖKOLI)
Schottengasse 3a/1/4/59
A-1010 Wien
e-milio: oekoli_wien@gmx.net
Visite our Website: http://www.oekoli.cjb.net
Ökoli Vorarlberg: http://PolitiX.cjb.net
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06. Jänner 2002, 22:00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Petra Steiner a9300620@unet.univie.ac.at
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!