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sign Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 - Trafiken machen Werbung für Rechtsextremusmus
von: <mm@mediaweb.at >
Seit einigen Tagen haengen offenbar bei allen Trafiken in Wien (und
vielleicht sogar in ganz Oesterreich?) Werbeplakate der rechtsextremen
Zeitung "Zur Zeit" aus und niemand vom sogenannten Widerstand scheint
dagegen etwas zu unternehmen. Auf diesen Plakaten steht u.a. ganz unten:
zur ZEIT gegen
* Gutmenschen und linken Tugendterror
* Gegen Bruesseler Dikatat und Pervertierung der Kunst
* Gegen Multikulti und ANarchie
* Gegen Sozialschmarotzer und Selbsthass
Also meines Erachtens ist das Verhetzung und sollte von einer
ordnungsgemaess arbeitenden Justiz verfolgt werden (gibt es denn keinen
Rechtsanwalt, der etwas dazu sagen kann) und natuerlich eine Beschmutzung
des ohnehin schon vom braunen Morast so beschmutzten Oesterreichs und
sollte wohl auch als Erregung Oeffentlichen Aergernisses zu bewerten sein.
Es wundert mich schon sehr, dass diese rechtsextreme Hetze ohne jeden
Widerstand weiterhin ungestoert im oeffentlichen Raum aushaengen kann. Wie
waere es bei den Trafikanten zu protestieren und denen zu sagen, dass
solange die rechtsextreme Porapaganda vor ihrer Trafik aushaengt, bei denen
nichts mehr gekauft wird? Wie waere es mit einem Protest bei der
Trafikanteninnung? Wie waere es mit einer Sachverhaltsdarstellung bei der
Staatsanwaltschaft (sinnlos, macht aber vielleicht auch Spass)?
Ich moechte nicht wissen, was sich abspielen wuerde, wenn das Tatblatt via
Trafikanten Werbestaender aufstellen wuerde.
Wie heisst es in einem alten Spruch: Wer schweigt stimmt zu (wuerd ich
nicht auf jeden einzelnen anwenden, da niemand zu allem etwas sagen kann,
aber wenn in dieser Liste nicht einer von ein paar Tausenden Abonnenten
dazu etwas zu sagen hat, ist es schon traurig. "Widerstand" sollte
wohl nicht auf ineffiziente symbolische AKtionen wie die Donnerstagdemos
konzentrieren. Im konkreten Fall reicht mitunter ein Handgriff, ein Satz,
und ein konkreter Akt zielgerichteten Widerstands ist geleistet.
Allzu viel Aufwand wuerde ich dem natuerlich auch nicht zuwenden, aber
kurzer, zielgerichteter Widerstand waere schon gut.
Also weniger Quatschen und Marschieren sondern gezielt Handeln!
02 - PA "Nachsitzen Light" der LSVOÖ
von: <jakob.huber@reflex.at >
Presseaussendung der LandesschülerInnenvertretung für Oberösterreich
Bildung/Erziehungsmittel/LandesschülerInnenvertretung/LSV OÖ
Nachsitzen Light
Die seit Anfang des Jahres geltende Möglichkeit Erziehungsmittel in der
Hausordnung zu verankern zeigt schon fatale Auswirkungen. Diese reichen
vom umbenannten Nachsitzen (Compensation Time) und Kollektivstrafen am
Europagymnasium Linz bis hin zu Razzien, wie am BRG Güssing. Obwohl diese
Maßnahmen ausdrücklich laut Schulunterrichtsgesetz (§ 47 und
§8) verboten
sind. Das Problem sieht Landesschulsprecher AHS Jakob Huber darin, "dass
sowohl der Landesschulrat als auch das Bildungsministerium sich nicht
dafür zuständig fühlen die neuen Hausordnungen zu überwachen."
Laut Gesetz wäre zwar der Landesschulrat dazu verpflichtet, jedoch fehlen
die Ressourcen um die 100 Hausordnungen der höheren Schulen alleine in
Oberösterreich zu kontrollieren. "Zum Leiden der SchülerInnen,
sich der Landesschulratspräsident Enzenhofer und die Ministerin Gehrer
Hände in Unschuld und fühlen sich nicht für die Ungesetzlichkeiten
zuständig." beurteilt Landesschulsprecher BHMS und bundesweiter
Bereichssprecher BHMS Andreas Kastner die Lage.
Auf die jüngsten Anfrage des Bundesschulsprechers Jakob Huber an die
Ministerin bezüglich der Auswirkungen der Erziehungsmassnahmen, antwortete
das Ministerium mit der de facto Erlaubnis von Nachsitzen, wenn es sich um
Nachholen versäumter Pflichten handelt. Dazu Huber: "Wenn es nach
Ministerium geht, war Nachsitzen schon immer erlaubt."
Der viel gepriesene Vereinbarungscharakter der Erziehungsmaßnahmen
existiert auch nicht, da laut Kastner, "viele Direktoren endlich die
Möglichkeit sehen Law & Order in ihrer Schule einzuführen und
mit Hilfe
der LehrerInnen und Eltern die SchülerInnen im SGA einfach überstimmen.
Auf die Interessen und Wünsche der SchülerInnen wird gar nicht erst
Rückfragehinweis: Landesschulsprecher BHMS Andreas Kastner (0699 / 12
48 89)
03 - DEVELOPMENT: Groups Split Over U.N.'s Global Compact
von: <nier-fischer@aon.at>
DEVELOPMENT: Groups Split Over U.N.'s Global Compact
By Akhilesh Upadhyay
UNITED NATIONS, Jan 12 - Civil society groups are deeply divided about the
role and merits of the Global Compact, a maiden United Nations initiative to
promote respect for human rights, labour, and the environment as
corporations and states pursue economic globalisation.
A number of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have joined the year-old
initiative but say they still harbour strong reservations about it. In an
ideal world, they would have liked all nine of the non-binding principals
embraced by the Global Compact to be mandatory; in this world, compromises
are necessary. A number of path-breaking international initiatives were
controversial to begin with, they note, but won wider acceptance with time.
Among groups that have stayed out - including Greenpeace and Friends of
Earth - the Compact is an unscrupulous attempt by multinational companies at
''bluewash'', a term that suggests the firms seek merely to cleanse their
images by association with the United Nations. This, the groups say, is
because the Compact lacks teeth: it merely relies on the companies to
volunteer to uphold labour, rights, or environmental principals, and, for
the most part, leaves it to the firms themselves to evaluate their own
performance. They have asked U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan to remodel
the initiative or withdraw it altogether.
This week, the Global Compact Advisory Council held its first meeting here.
U.N. officials touted the body, composed of corporate, labour and civil
society leaders, as essential to finding ''cooperative solutions to the
dilemmas and challenges of globalisation." Joining the effort, they said,
were several hundred companies from as far afield as Brazil, Britain, China,
Germany, India, Indonesia, Norway, Russia, Thailand, and the United States.
NGOs at the session described their approach as pragmatic. "Our decision
work with the Global Compact is a realistic one," said Salil Tripathi,
Amnesty International's London offices, "If we demand early on that all
principles be met by the companies, the chances are that they won't fly."
He was quick to add that Amnesty was "not a partner" in the Global
contrary to what is believed by some. Amnesty sees its role as working
together, but not in partnership with, multinational corporations - a
distinction also asserted by other NGOs on the advisory body.
In their view, the Compact, however crude or flawed, represents a tacit
recognition that globalisation has gone wrong and that it is time the
multinationals start paying their social dues.
"The companies by virtue of their existence aren't benevolent," said
Steiner, Director General of the World Conservation Union, also a member of
the Compact's advisory council.
This is why the Compact should be reshaped to hold corporations' feet to the
fire on worker, environmental and human rights protections, or it should be
scrapped, say critics. In the absence of such action, they argue, the U.N.
merely risks becoming associated with corporate excess and abuses and losing
what they consider to be the world body's unique potential, first, to
provide some democratic control over corporations and second, to act as a
counterbalance to institutions the World Trade Organisation and other
institutions regarded by NGOs as agents of a corporate agenda.
Among these groups is the U.S.-based CorpWatch, which sought to get these
arguments across in a recent report, ''Tangled Up in Blue''.
The report cover shows Mickey Mouse wrapped in the blue U.N. flag. Holding
the flag or trying to cover themselves with it are five men, each
representing an industry titan: Rio Tinto for mining, Shell for oil, Nike
for sporting goods and garments, and Daimler Chrysler, for the auto
industry. The man from biosciences giant Novartis is hidden under the flag
but for his protruding behind.
Kenny Bruno, CorpWatch's U.N. and corporations project director, said the
group has ''written to the Secretary General (to urge) that the Global
Compact be renamed, redesigned, or scrapped completely."
In Bruno's view, the Global Compact cannot have any credibility without an
independent monitoring body. This is especially so, he said, since five
companies in the Compact have violated at least one of its nine principles,
"even after they appeared on the podium with Kofi Annan."
According to Bruno, various corporate watchdogs have reported labour,
environnmental, or human rights abuses by Compact partners in the past year.
The companies involved - including Norway's Norsk Hydro; Hindustan Lever,
the Indian unit of Unilever, Rio Tinto; and Nike - have either denied the
charges or discounted them as misrepresentations.
Such violations could be prevented, CorpWatch has argued, if the U.N.
instead embraced what the group calls a Citizens Compact. This would make
mandatory, independently verified corporate responsibility a requirement of
entry into, and continued presence in, markets and investments. The proposal
appears to have made little headway.
At last year's World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the International
Chamber of Commerce (ICC), which has been at the forefront in pushing Annan
to announce the Global Compact, sponsored a special promotional section in
the International Herald Tribune newspaper. In article after article,
reports the non-governmental Corporate Europe Observatory, the ICC repeated
that business is volunteering to promote the environment, human rights, and
social progress. It demanded, however, that "command and control"
be kept
out of the Global Compact. (END/IPS/WD/DV/AU/AA/02)
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04 - South African Women against Abuse in the Arts
von: <gettoattack@yahoo.com>
Reply-to: sawa@matrixnet.com
South African Women against Abuse in the Arts
Wathint` abafazi! Wathint` imbokodo uzo kufa!
Now that you have touched the women, you have struck a
Buying Silence, Getting away with Rape
Did curator of Documenta Okwui Enwezor try to buy
silence of a female South African artist after she
accused him of rape? Did he do it? Does it say
anything that Enwezor's first wife divorced him on
grounds of physical and emotional abuse, and that on
Christmas day, 2001, his present wife obtained a
police restraining order against him for physically
manhandling her and smashing a bottle on the dinner
table while their Christmas dinner guests and little
daughter looked on? What abuse can female artists
expect to suffer from a male curator? To what extent
will unscrupulous individuals abuse their power in the
art world? We went to New York to investigate.
When we heard that Okwui Enwenzor, the Nigerian art
curator who is directing the next Ducumenta exhibition
in Germany may have raped a young female South African
artist, but for three years she has been too scared to
talk, some of us here in South Africa could not
believe it. But when we heard that another curator in
New York, Franklin Sirmans, who used to be editor of
Flash Art magazine, made phone calls to Okwui
Enwezor's house in July 1999, and threatened to kill
Ewenzor for raping his girlfriend, who happened to be
the same artist, we knew things were serious. Then, we
received the tape of Franklin Sirmans telephone
messages to Okwui Enwezor. That was when we decided to
go to New York to find out more, since the rumour
already died out in South Africa. What we found out
was shocking.
While in New York, his friends and associates all
refused to talk to us (especially those who always
defend his actions). But we were still able to gather
a lot about Enwezor. For example, we learnt that while
he was in police custody in 1995 for threatening his
printer with a sword, his former wife of seven years
refused to bail him out but instead packed out of
their home in Brooklyn and went into hiding. Soon
after that, she filed for divorce from him on grounds
that he mentally and physically abused her. Enwezor
did not contest and her plea was granted. We learnt
that on many occasions he physically attacked his
wife, once grabbing her neck and nearly choking her to
death. He also insisted that she should have plastic
surgery because her breasts were too small.
Not surprising, we also learnt that this past
Christmas, only three weeks ago, Okwui Enwenzor's
present wife and mother of his daughter, called the
police to her home and obtained a police restraining
order against him for attacking her verbally and
physically while they had Christmas dinner with
guests. He is said to have called her names that we
cannot print here, and also smashed a bottle of wine
on the dinner table, frightening his guests and his
two-year-old daughter. He was asked by police to pack
out of her apartment in Manhattan. Does that remind
you of O. J. Simpson?
To some people he is charming, smartly dressed, and
intelligent. To others who know him better he is a
raving megalomaniac who leaves his female associates
and assistants crying, and shouts at his male
colleagues, sometimes even manhandles them physically.
He loves to give orders. Sometimes he even prefers his
colleagues to carry his bag for him. One art magazine
once called him the Emperor of Nigeria. He is Okwui
Enwezor, a Nigerian living in New York who entered the
art world from nowhere a few years ago, and soon
charmed his way to the top, to become the first
African to be asked to direct Documenta.
During his first major job as a curator of the
biennale in Johannesburg, his staff walked out on him
a few weeks before the opening of the biennale because
he was abusive and disrespectful, especially to black
South Africans. Because of this, Enwenzor resigned his
job as director of the biennale, according to his
staff, only to take back his resignation before his
boss, Mr. Christopher Till could read the letter. Some
of his staff members say that he once fought with one
of the biennale artists from Cameroon and threatened
to throw him through the window of a storey building.
Many black South African artists boycotted the
biennale because of him.
According to our information and the tape that we
have, Franklin Sirmans called Okwui Enwezor's home and
office several consecutive times on July 15, 1999 and
threatened to shoot Enwenzor if he attends an
exhibition opening at the New Museum in New York that
day because the female South African artist, who was
Franklin Sirman's girlfriend at the time, informed him
that while in Sweden for the opening of an art
exhibition in 1998, Okwui Enwezor invited her to his
hotel room late at night, where he proceeded to rape
her after she refused sexual advances from him. As
happens with most women who are sexually assaulted,
she did not report the incident to the police
immediately because she was too distraught and also
did not want to cause a fuss that might have ruined
the occasion of the exhibition, and the longer she
waited, the more difficult it became for her to come
forward. Some people here caught wind of the matter
early in 1999 when it was rumored that the artist was
seeking help and counseling, but nothing was reported
to the authorities.
According to sources close to Okwui Enwezor himself,
he admitted to Franklin Sirmans that he had sex with
the artist, but like Mike Tyson, he claimed that it
was consensual. Apparently, the artist claimed that
the intercourse was against her will, but she was
afraid to talk about it because of Okwui Enwenzor's
powerful position in the art world and because he
threatened her. Apparently she spoke privately to a
few people, and even tried to get help from a
rape-victim's support group because she could no
longer suffer under fear and silence. She feared that
people might not believe her and that she might be
further victimized. All this was before Okwui Enwezor
threatened to hurt her career if she did not desist.
Okwui Enwezor also boasted that he got the artist a
$20,000 award in Italy and put her on the cover of the
art magazine that he was editing called NKA. It is not
clear whether he actually got her the award, but he
certainly tried to placate her by putting her work on
the cover of the magazine. He has recently boasted
that he put her in the last Venice biennale, which we
know is not true.
It was around this time that Franklin Sirmans made the
desperate phone calls, calling Okwui Enwezor a
hypocrite. Many people observed that the young lady
was under great stress because of the experience. But
people in New York believe that although Franklin
Sirmans was very bitter and disappointed, being a
friend of Enwezor, he did not want to jeopardize his
friend's position in the art world by making the
matter public. Which was why he felt very frustrated
that he could do what he did, but eventually also
decided to keep quiet. From then on the matter
Yet the question remains: if Enwezor did not rape this
lady like he claims, was it pure coincidence that he
put her work on the cover of his magazine immediately
after he slept with her? Did Franklin Sirmans, who is
a very well respected art critic, accuse his former
friend without reason? Is Okwui Enwezor the gentleman
that he claims to be when both his first and second
wives have claimed that he abused them mentally and
physically? Or are we simply seeing a case of a
powerful man in the art world getting away with a
crime because he believes nobody can accuse him
openly? Is Okwui Enwezor getting away with raping this
As women in South Africa where rape has reached
epidemic proportions, we know that it is still very
difficult for a woman to talk especially when she is
dealing with powerful people, or when she fears that
her story will not be believed. There is also the
stigma. And then, there is the fact that we are here
in the poor South, still trying to make our way into
the international art world, and we know that these
powerful art people from the North can make or break
careers. Therefore, if this act was committed, we
perfectly understand why this lady was not able to
speak up in public about it.
However, the problem is that if we do not talk about
these things, then the men involved think that it is
okay, and next time, they do it again because they
know that nothing will happen. That is a very
dangerous situation. If Okwui Enwezor committed this
act, which is likely given his record, who knows which
woman will be his next victim? With his personal
record of violence and abusing women, can other women
artists feel safe with him?
This is why we decided to bring this matter to people
in art everywhere. May be the parties should now talk
about it to openly so that no other woman artist
will experience the same thing at the hands of a
powerful male
05 - PK: Int. Solidaritätsdelegation berichtet aus Palästina
von: <palaestina@gmx.at>
Utl.: "Frieden ist nicht ohne Gerechtigkeit möglich"
Pressekonferenz (mit Präsentation einiger Dias)
Dienstag, 15. Januar 2002, 10:00 Uhr
Literaturhaus, 7., Seidengasse 13
Vom 30. Dezember 2001 bis 6. Januar 2002 befand sich eine internationale
Solidaritätsdelegation bestehend aus TeilnehmerInnen verschiedenster
europäischer Länder in Palästina. Trotz erheblicher Schwierigkeiten
der Gruppe die wichtigsten Brennpunkte des Konflikts - Hebron, Gaza,
Jerusalem, Rahmalla und Bethlehem - zu besuchen und sich ein Bild vor Ort zu
In zahlreichen Gesprächen mit palästinensischen Organisationen und
Betroffenen vor Ort konnte sich die Delegation ein Bild von der Realität
Besatzung und der Lebensunfähigkeit der isolierten Autonomen Gebiete machen.
So wurde, für eine ausschließlich den Siedlern vorbehaltenen
Verbindungsstraße nach Israel, großräumig palästinensisches
Land enteignet.
Ein weiteres Problem ist die zum Teil von Israel künstlich herbeigeführte
Wasserknappheit, die eine Zerstörung der Landwirtschaft nach sich zieht.
wenigen Erträge die für den Export bestimmt sind, müssen über
Zwischenhändler abgewickelt werden.
Auch während unserer Anwesenheit Drang die israelische Armee immer wieder
Autonome Gebiete ein. Besonders drastisch erschien das Vorgehen der
Okkupationsarmee in Gaza: "Sie bombardieren uns, reißen unsere Bäume
vernichten unsere Äcker und töten unser Vieh", rief eine alte
Frau in Beit
Lahia im Norden des Gaza-Streifens als die Delegation eine von der
israelischen Armee zerstörte landwirtschaftliche Zone besichtigte. "Wir
auch Menschen. Warum tut Europa nichts um uns zu helfen?!"
Dieses Bild wurde auch durch die gegen die Okkupation kämpfenden jüdischen
AktivistInnen bestätigt. Yoav Bar von der in Israel selbst tätigen
gemischten Organisation "Kinder der Erde": "Nachdem in der Schule
Kinder bekannt wurde, dass ich die Intifada unterstütze, waren sie vor
Übergriffen seitens der Lehrer wie der Schüler nicht mehr sicher.
Ich musste
sie in die arabische Schule schicken. Dort werden sie akzeptiert."
Ähnlich brutal gehen die dreihundert Siedler in Hebron vor. Der Gynäkologe
Dr. Taisir Zahdeh, dessen Praxis sich in unmittelbarer Nähe eines erst
kürzlich und mit Gewalt okkupierten Siedlerhauses befindet, meinte der
Delegation gegenüber: "Sie wollen uns vertreiben. Fünf mal bin
worden. Einmal ist ein Mordanschlag auf mich gescheitert. Mein dreijähriger
Sohn ist mit Soldatenstiefeln getreten worden. Meine Praxis in diesem
medizinisch unterversorgten Gebiet wurde geschlossen. Aber ich werde nicht
gehen. Dazu müssen sie mich töten."
Die Direktorin des von der demokratischen Opposition betriebenen
Al-Awda-Spitals in Beit Hanoun im Norden des Gaza-Streifens, Dr. Mona
El-Farra, räumte der Delegation gegenüber mit einem weitverbreiteten
Vorurteil, das sich auf die Passivität von Frauen bezieht, auf: "Frauen
spielen in der Intifada eine wichtige Rolle. Sie arbeiten in zahlreichen
politisch-sozialen Komitees."
Gerhard Ruiss, Vorsitzender der IG Autoren
Wilhelm Langthaler, Delegationsteilnehmer
Mustafa Hadi, Vorsitzender der Palästinensischen Gemeinde in Österreich
Fotomaterial wird bereitgestellt
Kontakt: Margarita Langthaler, m.langthaler@gmx.at, Tel. 0699 1 1704914
Gußhausstr. 14/3
A-1040 Wien
Tel/Fax 92 02 083
06 - graz2003
von: <mk19846@i-one.at>
in der graz2003-kontroverse haben sich alle funktionstragenden in deckung
begeben. auch die politik schweigt. alles scheint auf die entscheidung des
höchstgerichtes zu warten.
wir haben unsere aktiosphase nun abgeschlossen und beginnen mit der
aufarbeitung der ereignisse. siehe *offene fragen*:
im online-forum der graz2003-company hat die company ihr technisches
personal vorgeschickt, was - wie sich zeigt - nicht gerade auf einen diskurs
siehe dazu auch: *diskursqualität*:
in diesen zusammenhängen beginnt auch *resümees*:
(diskussionsbeiträge aus der praxiszone kunstraum.gleisdorf
martin krusche
The Only Petersburgk Poets DRELI KUDA POPALO
07 - Termine Internationale Sozialisten
von: <a9503809@unet.univie.ac.at>
hier ein Update, da sich in meiner letzten Mail in einigen Punkten der
Fehlerteufel eingeschlichen hat :-(. Also nochmal alle Termine bis Ferbruar
komplett und der lebendige Link zu unserer Homepage
Hoffe Ihr schaut mal auf die eine oder andere Weise bei uns rein.
Marxismustag in Köln am Samstag, dem 19. Januar 14:00 Uhr
Einführung in die marxistische Ökonomie
Die "Permanente Revolution" und die arabische Welt
Der Untergang des Kapitalismus
außerdem ebenfalls in Köln die Februarschulung, am 16.02 14:00 Uhr
Wie Sozialisten in Bewegungen arbeiten
Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein bei Georg Lukács
Imperialismus: Geschichte und Ökonomie
Kontakt und Mitfahrgelegenheiten: 0221 - 53 48 69 3 oder Mail
Die Ortsgruppe Köln veranstaltet jeden Dienstag Referate & Diskussion
jeweils um 20.00 Uhr
22.01. Die Frankfurter Schule
Der akademische ,Marxismus' in Dtl.
29.01. Oktober 1917
Die russische Revolution
5.02. Was ist Kapitalismus?
Wie das System funktioniert, das wir bekämpfen
12.02. - Karnevalspause-
Die IS beugen sich der närrischen Gewalt
19.02. Sozialistische Strategie und Taktik
Agitation & Propaganda, Einheitsfront, Entrismus, ...
26.02. Ungarn 1919
Die Räterepublik
Köln-Niehl, Nesselrodestr. 28, Apartment 64 bei Nelte
Themen erfragen bei Holger: Tel: 02 21 / 7124962 oder E-Mail
Die Ortsgruppe Berlin arbeitet zur Zeit schwerpunktmäßig bei
Kein-Blut-Fuer-Öl mit.
Theorie-Veranstaltungen finden außerdem Donnerstags um 20.30 bei
Christoph statt.
Termine stehen noch nicht fest. Fragen und Wünsche bitte an Christoph
Tel: 030 / 340 960 02 oder E-Mail
08 - 2.2.2000
von: <immerwider@gmx.at>
Das Treffen in der Arena hat folgende politischen Forderungen beschlossen:
Sofortige Neuwahlen,
Keine Koalition mit der FPÖ, Schluss mit Demokratie-Sozialabbau und
Rassismus. Es wird weiterhin über den MUND und unter der Website:
www.immerwider.2.tt kommuniziert.
09 - The Minister of Justice and the very dangerous lunatic subversives
von: <adam@gush-shalom.org >
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - http://www.gush-shalom.org/
(a) Attack of Justice Minister Sheetrit on Gush Shalom war crimes forum
(b) Excerpts of the speeches by the panel members: Dr. Yigal Shohat /
Dr. Eyal Gross / Brigadier-General (Res.) Dov Tamari / Prof. Adi
Ophir /
Moderator Haim Hanegbi / Palestinian lawyer Michael Tarazi /
Former Minister Shulamit Aloni.
(c) Supreme Court: Gush Shalom should get air time for views on war crimes
(a) This morning Gush Shalom, the Israeli Peace Bloc, had the doubtful
honor of being chosen as the target of a
verbal broadside by Justice Minister Meir Sheetrit. The minister was
apparently ired by the Jan.9 forum discussion
on war crimes held under Gush Shalom auspices at the Tzavta Hall in
Tel-Aviv, and particularly at the suggestion
made by several speakers that peace-seeking Israeli groups start preparing
war crime dossiers against military
officers known to have ordered or carried out specific violations of
international law (which are, in most cases, violations of Israeli law as
well). The reaction of the minister charged with law enforcement: "A very
dangerous and pernicious idea, when the country is in such a difficult
situation. If anybody should be prosecuted, it is these lunatic left-wing
subversives, not the officers of our defence forces." Was this just a bit
demagogic bombast by a mediocre right-wing politician, or a serious threat
by the man in ultimate charge of Israel's
public prosecution?
The radio broadcast included not only the minister's remarks, but
also some extracts from the speeches themselves, thus bringing them to a
much wider audience than had been present at the Tzavta Hall itself. Later
on the day, Ha'aretz columnist Gideon Levy also referred to the Tzavta war
crimes discussion in a TV interview.
(b) The Wednesday meeting was unique in bringing together a spectrum of
Israeli public figures, saying things which hadn't been hitherto spoken so
explicitly. Following are some highlights. (The full transcript, in Hebrew
English, should be available on the Gush Shalom website within the next
couple of days.)
Dr. Yigal Shohat, former combat pilot and Air Force Colonel turned surgeon
red a very personal and very thoughtful 'document humaine' with as the most
sharp conclusion:
"I think F-16 pilots should refuse to bomb Palestinian cities. When they
such an order they should imagine the city where they live being bombed,
and how they would react to the destruction in its streets. You can't call
killing of civilians during the bombing of a thickly populated urban area
'collateral damage'. When you bomb a city, civilians are going to get hurt,
know it, and that makes it a war crime. (...) I regret that I did not reach
political and moral maturity while still being on active service."
Dr. Eyal Gross, Law Faculty of Tel-Aviv University, referring to the
controversial Belgian law suit against Ariel Sharon:
"It is not so well-known that one of the main precedents cited in Belgium
claiming universal jurisdiction is the Eichmann Trial. (...). Our Supreme
clearly asserted that its right to try Eichmann did not derive solely from
fact that Eichmann's victims were Jews and Israel is a Jewish state, but
any state has the right and the duty to punish crimes against humanity.
(...) I
am not, of course, equating Sharon with Eichmann - merely remarking that
the state of Israel created an important precedent of universal
jurisdiction for
offences against international law (...). The prosecution against Sharon is
problematic because of his being an acting head of government. The attempt
to prosecute Karmi Gilon in Denmark for his involvement in torture failed
because of his diplomatic immunity. It would be interesting to see what
happens if a European country started proceedings against a former head of
the Israeli security Services who at present enjoys no kind of immunity."
Dov Tamari (former Brigadier-General, presently social science researcher):
"The old wars, to which the world was used in the 19th and earlier 20th
century, were wars pitting an army against an army. The two sides were
both a state with an army; in some wars the two armies were of very unequal
size and strength, but still the basic assumptions under which they operated
were the same. The other kind of war, war between a state and a non-state
entity was marginalized and not properly analysed. It did not fit the
criteria of Clausewitz. And even though nowadays the majority of wars
worldwide are of this second kind, the standard concepts of war are still of
the older type, you look for a state with an army and if you don't find it
lump anything else under the simple-minded label of 'terrorism'. (...) In
1982, I
was told to study the refugee camps in Lebanon, which the IDF just
occupied, and devise ways of "dismantling the terrorist infrastructure".
found that the "terrorist infrastructure" was very elusive, sometimes
it was
the schools, sometimes in charitable associations and religious
It was, in fact, composed of people. To 'dismantle' it you have to start
people en masse, and if you don't want to do that you should just give up
Prof. Adi Ophir (Tel-Aviv University Dept. of Philosophy): "The army in
Occupied Territories is involved in war crimes - on that we are all agreed,
think. The problem is to find tribunals where those responsible can be
They can be existing international tribunals or ones which will be set up
in the
future. They can also be simulated tribunals which will be set up here in
Israel, which will at least give a verdict for public opinion. Whatever kind
tribunal we are thinking about, NGO's should already start compiling
on anyone who can be identified, with a name and address, and given
responsibility for a particular act. Why not build a dossier for [Defence
Minister and Labor Party Leader] Ben Eliezer? We know many things he is
responsible for. And then on down all along the ranks, generals, regimental
commanders, battalion commanders, and down to the corporals at the
checkpoints. Anybody who could be identified. Even before it comes to any
tribunal, the fact that such dossiers are being compiled will already have
effect. Officers with something to hide will start hesitating before they go
abroad, will ask legal advise about the laws and the courts of the country
they want to visit, will become apprehensive.(...)
Haim Hanegbi (journalist, moderator of the panel): Before passing on to the
next speaker, I would like to read a short document about a war crime. It is
the operational order given by an Israeli military commander in October
and which only became known to the general public through publication in
Ha'aretz more than forty years later, in 1994. The order stated: 'Objective:
attacking the village of Kibiya, occupying it, and causing maximal damage in
lives and property. Signed: Major Ariel Sharon, Commander, Special Forces
Unit 101'."
Michael Tarazi (Legal Adviser, PLO Negotiations Department, Ramallah): "At
a quite early part of the negotiations with Israel we asked our
interlocutors if
the negotiations were to be held in the framework of International Law, or
on the basis of a relationship of forces on the ground. At first the
ignored this query, then when we pressed for an answer, the answer was:
'We will comply with the Geneva Convention only if and to the extent that we
are forced to'. It was no surprise that such is the Israeli policy, but
still we
were shocked at this brutal frankness. (...) Strict application of
International Law would vastly improve the situation of the Palestinian
population. But who is to enforce it? The UN adopted hundreds of
resolutions, thousands. To what effect? We appeal to the countries signatory
to the Geneva Convention. They pat us on the head and do nothing concrete
to enforce the convention they signed. We are asked to take care of the
enforcement ourselves. That is like asking a rape victim to herself take
of enforcing the law on the rapist. If she had such power, would she be
in the first place?(...)
Shulamit Aloni (Former Meretz Leader and Minister of Education): "I am
so optimistic about getting international war crime tribunals to take up
of Israelis who deserve to be tried by them, because of the very
sophisticated emotional blackmail which is used by the government,
the manipulation of the deep guilt feelings in the Western, Christian world,
the branding of any criticism of the occupation as 'antisemitism'. What was
Sharon's reaction when the suit was started against him in Belgium? "This
not just an attack on me. It is an attack on Israel, on the Jewish People,
all the generations of the Jewish People". So, he, Sharon, is Israel. He
Jewish People. He is all the generations of the Jewish People. He is
sacrosanct. And if the Belgian court goes ahead with the proceedings
against him, that is proof that the Belgians are antisemites!
We have to tell the Europeans, the whole world, that opposing the
occupation is not antisemitism. It is not antisemitism to cry out against
demolition of houses and the destruction of fields and orchards and the
closures and sieges which make every Palestinian village and town into a
prison camp. We have to call a spade a spade. We have to say out loud that
our government is committing war crimes, to say it clearly and explicitly
repeat it again and again. And, yes, the time has come to start compiling
dossiers on the war criminals!"
(c) On Jan. 9 - a few hours before the forum debate - the Supreme Court in
Jerusalem heard the appeal of Gush Shalom against the Israeli Broadcasting
Authority. The IBA didn't allow GS to place ads on Israeli radio containing
warning to soldiers about which are the illegal acts which they should
disobey in order to remain within the boundaries of international law -
them shooting unarmed civilians and destruction of homes, which are
both on the international black list
The IBA claimed that the ads constituted political propaganda which it is
forbidden to broadcast by its bylaws. Gush Shalom's lawyer Eran Lev argued
that informing soldiers and civilians in general of the prevailing
situation of international law is an important public service and by no
means propaganda.The state answered that such issues belong in the
normal radio programs, rather than in paid ads. The court thereupon gave
the parties a week to "get together and find a way for Gush Shalom to
ventilate its views on the air waves."
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10 - Avnery on the ship
von: <avnery@actcom.co.il>
Uri Avnery
"The Ships on the Way"
The chiefs of the three big parties in Israel the Likud, the Labor
Party and the army were sitting on the stage. They were frustrated. They
knew already that they had not succeeded in selling the great show that
they had prepared with so much effort: the capture of a ship loaded with
weapons, commissioned by the despicable Arafat. A heroic action, indeed, a
second Entebbe.
In one respect they did succeed: in showing that the borders between
these three power-centers have disappeared. Their chief could be easily
switched say, Ben-Eliezer to the Likud, Mofaz to Labor, Sharon to the
officers without causing any change at all. Like the Christian trinity,
the three are one Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The capture of the ship was described as a sublime act of courage.
The soldiers of an elite unit, using the most advanced technical equipment
in the world, overpowered 13 sleepy sailors on the high seas. That was less
dangerous than the job of three Bedouin soldiers in a position near the
Gaza strip. If General Mofaz needs to tell us that this was equivalent to
the Entebbe raid a daring and sophisticated commando action it shows
that under his command the norms of the IDF have slipped a lot.
It is clear that the army knew all the movements of the ship. Since
when? Good question. From the moment that the weapons were loaded? Already
from the moment the project was decided upon?
It is also clear that the information was provided by agents
installed close to the action. But where? In the Hizballah headquarters? In
Iran? Among the arms merchants? On the ship itself? And if there was a
collaborator on the ship, who?
The captain's behavior is strange, to say the least. He went out of
his way to oblige the Israeli government. Full cooperation. When did that
start? Only when he was captured? Or, perhaps long before that?
The captain was very happy to tell all to the Israeli reporters, the
picked darlings of Army Intelligence, who played their part in the show.
During the evening, I saw the captain on TV three times. The first time I
saw something that was omitted later. At the end of the interview, the
captain requested: "Tell my daughter that I am a fighter!" Then he
into tears and hid his face between his hands. What caused this outburst?
Is he afraid that his daughter might think he is a collaborator? A traitor?
The captain said that he had received the merchandize at sea,
opposite the Iranian coast, and that he was to turn it over at sea,
opposite the Egyptian coast. If so, how could he possibly know for whom the
arms were destined? Had he been told? That's strange, considering that the
owners of the cargo did not confide in him. And if they told him something,
how can we know that they told him the truth?
The ayatollahs have no interest at all in arming Arafat, a secular
leader who they are trying to undermine. But they do have every interest in
arming his Islamic opponents Hizballah, Hamas and Jihad. It is logical
assume that the arms were intended for them.
But how? The short Palestinian coastline in the Gaza Strip is
hermetically sealed. The Israeli naval blockade is impregnable. Could Gaza
fishermen have found the arms beneath the surface of the sea and dragged
them to the shore, under the watchful eyes of the Israeli navy? Sounds
pretty ridiculous.
The whole story does not make sense. It smells of improbability. The
more so since all this happened, of course, exactly on time, when Anthony
Zinni was due in the country in order to impose a cease-fire to which
Sharon strenuously objects (because it would oblige him to freeze all
settlement activity). Hocus pocus and here is a new pretext for
continuing the war against Arafat.
It seems that the American suspected much the same thing. It took a
major effort of the Israeli propaganda machine by far the best in the
world to persuade President Bush to support Sharon's version. In the end
he was almost convinced. Almost.
But let's assume for a moment that the whole story is true. Let's
assume that Sharon, after a delay of 50 years, is now fulfilling
Ben-Gurion's publicly expressed wish that he, please, stop lying. Let's
assume that Ben-Eliezer, too, has been converted to telling the truth, and
that Mofaz has become a real soldier again. Let's assume that this was
indeed Arafat's ship.
So what?
Ehud Barak once said that if he had been a young Palestinian, he
would have joined a terrorist organization. One could add: If Barak had
been the leader of the Palestinian people at this time, he would have done
everything possible to bring in arms, more and more arms.
Like Balaam in the Bible ('Numeri' 22), Sharon & Co. set out to curse
and ended up praising - as far as the Palestinians are concerned. Arafat is
sitting in Ramallah, surrounded by Israeli tanks, their cannons aimed at
the windows of his room from 300 meters away. And what is he doing? Instead
of cringing or escaping, he imports modern anti-tank weapons to destroy the
tanks (as his fighters did in 1975 in the alleys of Sidon, when they
destroyed a Syrian tank column.)
There are some Palestinian intellectuals, like Edward Said, who have
been asserting that Arafat has become a collaborator, a sub-contractor of
the IDF and Shin-Bet. Some good people, Palestinians as well as Israelis,
have written millions of words about the rampant corruption of the
Palestinian Authority. They have asked again and again: Where does the
money go? Why is there no transparency? How come only Arafat and a tiny
group of his confidants know about the secret accounts abroad? Now, along
comes Mofaz and says: The millions were spent on arms. Soon Mofaz will
publish the Palestinian balance sheets, and transparency will come into its
Arafat is interested in a cease-fire, and therefore is making a great
effort to enforce it. At this point in time, it is in the Palestinian
interest. Many Palestinians say, quite rightly, that by breaking the
cease-fire, Hamas and Jihad are only serving Sharon.
But Arafat knows full well that Sharon will not accept a cease-fire,
and that, if he is compelled to accept one, he will break it at the first
opportunity, in order to continue building settlements. Sooner or
later, Mofaz will resume his all-out offensive. To withstand such an
attack Arafat needs arms, a lot of arms. Anti-tank and anti-aircraft
weapons, as well as long-range Katyushas for deterrence. The Israeli
contention that Arafat is buying exactly these weapons will raise his
standing among the Palestinians sky-high and fortify his position as their
uncontested leader. Never before has he been more "relevant".
In the mid-40s, when ships bearing illegal immigrants were plying the
seas and had become a major weapon in our fight against the British
government in Palestine, the poet Nathan Alterman wrote a song that became
a battle-hymn for a whole nation: "Here's to the cold and steadfast night,
/ The night of danger and hardship, / Here's to the little ships, Captain,
/ To the ships that are on their way!" Perhaps some Palestinian poet is
now penning a similar song.
That's how it looks to the Palestinians. Israelis are, of course,
glad that these arms did not reach their destination, wherever that was.
But there is no power on earth that can prevent the smuggling of arms by a
people that believes it is fighting for its life, its very existence.
Indeed, in our own war of liberation we smuggled arms into the country by
all available means, especially during the periods of cease-fire.
No war is one-sided. Sooner or later, the Palestinians will find ways
to destroy tanks and down attack helicopters and fighter planes.
It makes sense to make peace before that happens.
11 - Weiterer Insiderbericht aus dem Todestrakt von Texas
von: <no.conditions@teleweb.at>
Schreiben eines weiteren Gefangenen des texanischen Todestraktes über
die Bedingungen dort und Roy Pippins Hungerstreik von 5. Januar 2002
(Hank Skinner hat derzeit jede Menge Probleme, da er die texanische
Gefängnisverwaltung verklagt hat):
"Ich habe den zweiseitigen Report von Pippin erhalten. Was er sagt ist
100 % richtig und er hat es genauso berichtet, wie es geschehen ist. Roy
ist wie ich - er möchte Glaubwürdigkeit und berichtet deshalb wie
Kamera - ohne jede Verschönerung oder Übertreibung.
Er hat in der Zeit seines Hungerstreikes nichts gegessen. Die verdammten
Wärter lügen über ihn. So war er auf einem ziemlich tödlichen
Trip, den
er wußte, daß alles was er tun konnte um zu beweisen, daß
sie über ihn
lügen, war, daß er eine medizinische Krise bekommt. In anderen Worten:
Wenn er gegessen hat, wie sie behauptet haben, warum machten dann sein
Herz und seine Nieren Probleme ?
Ich kann Euch sagen, die Angestellten der texanischen
Gefängnisverwaltung sind einige wirklich arme, kranke, verdorbene und
perverse Hurensöhne.
Gestern, kurz vor dem Ende der ersten Schicht besprayten sie Soulja
(Leon Dorsey 999369) dreimal in wenigen Sekunden, als sie in seine Zelle
stürmten. Lt. Larry Roach erlaubte diese Übertretung der Regeln der
über den Gebrauch von Gewalt und chemischen Waffen. Da es dann für
Zeit war nachhause zu haben, haben sie ihn einfach mit all dem Gas in
seiner Zelle liegen lassen. Diese @#$% töten noch jemand, da sie nicht
öfter als zweimal innerhalb von fünf Minuten Pfefferspray einsetzen
dürfen. Nach dem zweiten Mal müssen sie hineinlaufen (ein fünf
starkes Einsatzteam) und einen unter die Dusche bringen zur
Dekontimination. Sie haben Dorsey einfach in seiner Zelle gelassen und
als die zweite Schichte kam, haben die ihn auch nicht unter die Dusche
gebracht. Wir konnten ihn in der Nacht husten und keuchen hören und es
klang wirklich schlimm.
Das Gas hängt über den kleinen Zellen und jede Luftbewegung bringt
wieder zurück. Nach einiger Zeit macht es dich nur noch blind und hängt
in deinen Lungen. Wie bei einer Kohlenmonoxidvergiftung wird man müde.
Wenn man sich flach hinlegt, füllen sich deine Lungen und du stirbst.
Das wird "Positionsasphyxia" genannt - das Gas ersetzt all die Luft
du hustest dich buchstäblich zu Tode. Soulja ist diesen Morgen noch
immer am Leben, doch er ist in einem traurigen Zustand. Währen da nicht
die kleinen Ventilatoren, wäre er tod. "
Auszüge aus einem Brief vom 9. Januar:
"Alles mögliche geht hier vor sich. Prügel, Pfeffersprayeinsätze,
Erstürmungen, Feuer, Fluten. Ich bekomme nicht viel Zeit zur Erholung.
Sie geschehen überall hier in diesem Gebäude seit ich hergekommen
Wir haben gehört, daß sie jetzt alle Zelltüren im F-Pod verschweissen
wollen. Das hat wenig mit "Sicherheit" zu tun, doch natürlich
ist das
ihre Entschuldigung. Es hat mehr damit zu tun, daß sie den Zusammenhalt
der Gefangenen brechen wollen, indem sie die Möglichkeit der
Kommunikation untereinander auf jede ihnen mögliche Art unterbinden.
Die meisten Männer hier wachsen aus dem Prozeß der Beschwerden (nutzlos)
heraus und beginnen mit irgendeiner Art des körperlichen Widerstandes,
wie sich auf dem Weg zur Dusche einfach hinzusetzen. Das bremst alles
bis ein Team kommt, das den Gefangenen wieder in seine Zelle bringt.
Doch diese Aktivitäten ärgern die Wärter und bringt sie dazu,
noch mehr
Gewalt anzuwenden. Die Verwaltung (vor allem Zeller) kümmert sich einen
Scheiß darum und sucht nur nach Gründen um noch mehr zu nehmen und
nehmen und zu nehmen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie das alles enden
wird. Doch die Männer, auch Euer Freund, kümmern sich einen @#$% darum.
Heute morgen haben wir zum Frühstück zwei mit Zucker bestreute Biskuits
bekommen und drei Teelöffel Ananasstücke.
Ich sage Euch wie schlimm das Essen ist. Es ist so schlimm, daß wir
darüber nachdenken den Spieß umzuddrehen, sodaß einer von uns
immer auf
Nahrungsstrafe ist. Das sind zwar nur Teigstücke und Maiskörner, aber
genug, daß wir voll wären. Das kann man nicht mit den normalen
Portionen, die sie einem geben. Gerade jetzt haben wir zum Mittagessen
eine Art Gulaschsuppe bekommen, die aus den Resten der letzten drei oder
vier Tage gemacht wude - Makkaroni, Brokkolistücke, Mais, Bohnen etc.
@#$%^&* Abfall, den man nicht einmal einem Hund geben würde."
12 - Presseaussendung Aktion kritischer SchülerInnen Wien
von: <lea@aks.at>
Presseaussendung Aktion kritischer SchülerInnen Wien
AKS-Wien / Bildung / Verhaltensvereinbahrung
Utl: Vorwärts in die Vergangenheit
Nachsitzen, ,Putzstrafen', Razzien. Das alles machen die
Verhaltensvereinbarungen möglich. Unter dem Vorwand von ,pädagogisch
sinnvollen Maßnahmen' werden Strafen verhängt.
"Die viel propagierte ,partnerschaftliche Lösung' ist weit entfernt
jeder Realität. Viele SchülerInnenverteterInnen, wissen nicht, welche
Auswirkungen eine solche Änderung der Hausordnung haben kann. Wenn sie
doch wissen und versuchen ein sinnvolles Konzept zu erarbeiten, werden sie
im SGA (Schulgemeinschaftsausschuß) einfach überstimmt." So
Lea Rennert
Vorsitzende der aks-Wien
"Die einzig sinnvolle Möglichkeit um einen Strafenkatalog im
Deckmäntelchen der Verhaltensvereinbarungen zu verhindern ist die
SGA-Sitzungen zu boykottieren. Wobei nicht einmal das eine Garantie ist,
da auch ohne SGA Beschluß neue Hausordnungen um gesetzt werden."
Rennert weiter.
Als Beispiel ist der Entwurf für das BGRG 8, Albertgasse zu sehen. Unter
dem schönen Titel "Bitten, Grenzen, Richtlinien, Gemeinsam, 8ung"
Putzstrafen bei Kaugummi kauen und Nachsitzen bei nicht erbrachten
Unterschriften von den LehrerInnen gewünscht. "Wenn solche Maßnahmen
Schule machen, wird auf die SchülerInnen wohl noch einiges zu kommen."
Schließt Rennert
Rückfragehinweis: Lea Rennert; 0699/11323008
13 - Web-Forum der FPOE gecrackt
von: <depesche@quintessenz.at>
q/depesche 02.1.13/1
Web-Forum der FPOE gecrackt
Statt ins offizielle FPÖ-Diskussionsforum zu Temelin gelangt man auf die
Homepage der SPÖ | Notizen im Quelltext der gecrackten Page deuten auf
die ehemaligen Betreiber von FPO.at hin
Irgendwann im Verlauf des Wochenendes wurde die Website der FPÖ
gecrackt. Dass der Crack bis zur Stunde auch den Verantwortlichen nicht
aufgefallen ist, liegt daran, dass die vorerst unbekannten Täter es
unterließen, die Site in großem Umfang zu verunstalten.
Der Crack betrifft - soweit ein erster Augenschein ergeben hat - nur einen
einzigen Link, der noch dazu auf der zweiten Navigationsebene angesiedelt
Wer sich über den Button "Interactive" in Richtung Diskussionsforum
um zur laufenden Diskussion über Temelin zu gelangen, kommt nicht dorthin.
Statt in ein Forum wird auf die Homepage der SPÖ umgeroutet.
Im Quelltext der Page finden sich mehrere Hinweise darauf, dass bei dem
Crack wiederum die Künstlergruppe Tequilin eine Rolle spielt.
"Der Link auf diese Url von fpo.at wurde von Cyber-Terroristen gelegt
deswegen nicht erlaubt" heisst es im Source Code der FPÖ-Page.
mehr mit links
-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
relayed by harkank@quintessenz.at
-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
q/depesche taeglich ueber
zivile freiheiten im netz
14 - CUADP Wish List....
von: <abe@cuadp.org>
Dear Friends,
Normally, it's called a "wish list." Actually, this is a "NEEDS
There have not been many messages sent to CUADPUpdate in the past
four weeks, but CUADP is doing all it can to make the most of the
opportunities we have
to further the cause of abolition in the United States.
Upcoming actions include:
This week, the AAC will focus on the 25th anniversary of the first
execution under current laws. CUADP is coordinating this action, and your
support is needed. See <http://www.cuadp.org> for details.
A LOT has been happening in Florida, where CUADP coordinates Floridians for
Alternatives to the Death Penalty. Write me at <abe@fadp.org> if you would
like to see the report of Friday's action in Clearwater. See
<http://www.fadp.org> for details on the most recent release of a death
prisoner, the upcoming 143 mile Florida Moratorium Walk, our three upcoming
executions, and more.
Abolition Day (March 1st) is fast approaching, and CUADP is again providing
resources to the movement on this important day....
To those who have supported us in the past, thank you. We need your help
again, as well as those who would be making a first-time contribution at
this time. Please.
There are additional needs, but these are immediate. Please help now.
Volunteers in the Palm Beach County area, willing to come to Jupiter, to
help with a fund raising mailing, paper work, office tasks, etc., or to
take work to do at your location.
Assistance covering day to day operations and maintenance:
Postage ($34/100 stamps)
Phone ($70/month)
Long Distance ($50/month)
Fuel ($20/rank)
Computer lease ($119/month)
Photocopier Toner ($125)
Photocopier Drum ($180)
Bank account fees ($15/month)
Accountant ($50/month)
Web Designer ($20/hour)
Food for Director ($15/day)
Documentation (Photography of our activities - $20 per event)
Debt servicing (about $50/month interest on credit card balance)
and more....
The Abolition-Mobile, a 1994 Chrysler Concord which was donated last
February and now has more than 100,000 miles (almost 30,000 since we took
ownership!) on it, recently needed $571 in repairs and maintenance. We
need another $700 for a new set of tires, two "tie-rods," and a four-wheel
alignment, all of which have been waiting more than 45 days since they were
recommended, and must be done together to realize maximum effectiveness.)
Additional Unique Needs:
Interest free loans to defray credit card bills.
Interest free loan or assistance paying an outstanding $750 bill for a
special documentation project.
Please make checks to CUADP and send to:
PMB 297
177 US Highway #1
Tequesta, FL 33469
OR, visit <http://www.cuadp.org/support.html>.
and please consider taking....
There are currently more than 3,800 individuals receiving CUADPUpdate. 20
of those people have joined CUADP's monthly sustainer program through
automatic credit card contributions. With a range between $5 and $100, the
average monthly sustainer contribution is $20. If each of the 3,800+
supporters who are reading this message were to pledge even just $2 a
month, the income generated would be more than enough to secure an office
and hire initial staff. How about it? $2, $5 or more each month
from you will make a difference in what CUADP is doing and will continue to
do to help abolish the death penalty. In anticipation of your
participation, CUADP feels honored, and thanks you. WE PROMISE TO CONTINUE
"Checkbook" activism IS a vital component of this work! To sign up
please call 800-973-6548 to use your Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card or
AMEX to make a contribution over the telephone, or visit
<http://www.cuadp.org/support.html> and "click here" in option
#1 to use
our SECURE SERVER to make a contribution on-line. (If you can, please be
sure to check the "sustainer" option on the donation form.) By visiting
<http://www.cuadp.org/support.html>, you'll also have access to our PAYPAL
link and our regular postal address.
Thank you.
Yours in the Struggle,
Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director, CUADP
There is an Alternative to the Death Penalty
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
(CUADP) works to end the death penalty in the United
States through aggressive campaigns of public education
and the promotion of tactical grassroots activism.
Visit <http://www.cuadp.org> or call 800-973-6548
(FL only) OR 850-413-0840. REGISTRATION DOES NOT
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13. Jänner 2002, 22:00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Vlatka Frketic, vlatka_frketic@hotmail.com
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!