by public netbase t0 -- please sign
Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt
uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im
MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 AT: 160.000 Kameras sehen dich an
von: "q/depesche" <depesche@quintessenz.org>
q/depesche 2003-01-15T18:42:04
AT: 160.000 Kameras sehen dich an
Anscheinend verfolgt
uns heute das Innen\mini/sterium. Parallel zu den gar
nicht kleinen Vorwürfen im heutigen "Falter" - "Aufbau eines
Geheimdienstes im Innenministerium" - ging eine Presseaussendung zum Thema
"Überwachungskameras" aus dem genannten Ministerium heraus.
-.-. --.- -.-.
--.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
160.000 Kameras überwachen Österreich
Schätzt eine Publikation des Innenministeriums | "Abschreckende Wirkung
Kriminelle" | Strasser: Arbeitsgruppe prüft verstärkten Einsatz
öffentlichen Raum | Datenschützer kritisieren "Wildwuchs"
ohne ausreichende
rechtliche Regeln
"Big Brother"
hat in Österreich bereits rund 160.000 "Augen" - so viele
Kameras zur Videoüberwachung im öffentlichen Bereich sind nach jüngsten
Schätzungen derzeit zwischen dem Bodensee und dem Neusiedler See
In der vom Innenministerium
herausgegebenen Fachzeitschrift "Öffentliche
Sicherheit" wird in der jüngsten Ausgabe über die Situation bei
Videoüberwachung in Österreich berichtet: "Immer mehr Videokameras
installiert, um Straßen, Plätze, Banken und Geschäfte sicherer
zu machen",
so "Öffentliche Sicherheit".
Auch von heute:
Nokia bringt Überwachungskamera, die Bilder per MMS verschickt
- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
relayed by Harkank
- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
Support the fight against the sell-out of Andre Breton's archive
comments to depesche@quintessenz.org
von: "Collectif Bellaciao" <bellaciaoparis@yahoo.fr>
MANIFESTATION DE PARIS (rendez-vous sous le grand écran
dans l'avant de la tour)
La liste des manifestations
locales en France du 18/01 pour la paix contre
les guerres
- Angers: 15h Place
du Ralliement
- Aubenas: 10h de la maison de quartier Combegayre
- Aurillac : 10H30, Place des Droits de l'Homme
- Avignon: 14h3O Gare du centre-ville
- Bayonne : 16h Mairie
- Beauvais :15h00 place Jeanne Hachette
- Besançon: 15 heures Place Saint-Pierre
- Bordeaux: 15h place Gambetta
- Brest: 15 heures Place de la Liberté
- Briançon : 15h place de l'Europe
- Caen: 15 H Samedi Place du Theatre
- Cholet : 13h30 Maison des syndicats
- Crest: 11h Place de la Mairie
- Dijon : 15 heures place de la Libération
- Divonne: 10h30 Place des Quatre Fontaines
- Gap : 15h place de la République
- Grenoble: 15H rue Félix Poulat
- La Rochelle: 15h Place des Petits Bancs
- Lannion: 15 place de la poste
- La Teste : 11h marché
- Le Mans: 14 heures place des Jacobins
- Lille: 14h30 Place J.B. Lebas
- Lyon : 14 h 30 place Bellecour
- Manosque 10h Porte Saunerie
- Marseille: 15 h Porte d'Aix
- Millau: 14h30 la Cavalerie
- Montauban : 11h place Arnaud Ligou
- Montluçon 15h
- Montpellier : 15h place de la Comédie
- Nancy: 15h Place Maginot
- Nantes: 15 h Place Royale
- Nevers : 15h place Carnot
- Nice : 15 h gare SNCF
- Orléans : 15 heures Place du Martroi
- Paris : 14h30 Montparnasse
- Pau : 10h30 Préfecture
- Poitiers : 16 heures Place de la Préfecture.
- Quimper : 15h
- Rennes: 15h Place de la Mairie
- Roanne : 10h 30 square Stalingrad
- Rouen: 14 heures 30 Place de la Cathédrale
- Saint Brieuc : 15 h devant la préfecture
- Saint-Etienne: 14 h 30 Place Bizillon
- Saint Nazaire : 15h Esplanade des Droits de l'Homme
- Tarbes : 10h parvis de la Mairie
- Toulon : 15 heures, Place de la Liberté
- Tulle: 14h30 Place de la Cathedrale
- Valence: 15h, Place St Jean
03 Fackelzug gegen Krieg/31.1./Linz
von: "Friedenswerkstatt Linz" <friwe@servus.at>
Fackelzug gegen den drohenden Irak-Krieg
>>> NEIN
> Freitag,
31. Jänner 2003
> Treffpunkt: 17.30 Uhr, Schillerpark/Linz
> Abschlusskundgebung Hauptplatz
>> Warten
wir nicht, bis die Bomben fallen!
>> Gehen wir auf die Straße, bevor es zu spät ist!
Beim Treffen der
Plattform "Stoppt den Krieg" am 16. 11. wurden Aufruf und
Vorbereitungsaktivitäten für diesen Fackelzug besprochen. Das nächste
zu weiteren Vorbereitung des Fackelzuges findet am kommenden
> Donnerstag, 23. 1. 2003 <
statt (Beginn 19.30 Uhr, Büro der Friedenswerkstatt Linz, Waltherstr. 15,
Nähe Neuer Dom). Alle Interessierten sind dazu recht herzlich eingeladen!
und Plakate zur Bewerbung dieser Aktionen können im Büro der
Friedenswerkstatt abgeholt werden.
Mo und Di 9 bis 15 Uhr
Do 16 bis 19 Uhr
Fr 12 bis 15 Uhr
Oder einfach anfordern bei:
Friedenswerkstatt Linz, Waltherstr. 15b, 40210 Linz, Tel. 0732/771094,
e-mail: friwe@servus.at
In Kürze können die Bewerbungsmaterialien auch von der Web-Page der
Friedenswerkstatt heruntergeladen werden: www.friwe.at
Dort finden sich auch immer neue Informationen zu den aktuellen Antikriegs-
Aktivitäten. Helft auch mittels e-mail mit, diese Demonstration zu bewerben!
Zur Vorbereitung
des Fackelzuges am 31. Jänner wird es auch am Fr, 24. 1.
eine Mahnwache am Linzer Taubenmarkt geben; Beginn 17 Uhr.
Aufruf der Plattform Stoppt den Krieg
>>> Nein zum Krieg! <<<
>>> Kein Blut für Öl! <<<
> Wir demonstrieren
gegen den von den USA
> vorbereiteten Krieg gegen den Irak
Ø Weil die
Begründungen der US-Regierung fadenscheinig sind. Die
UN-Inspektoren haben bislang keine Massenvernichtungswaffen
gefunden; außerdem sind die USA selbst die größten Besitzer
Massenvernichtungswaffen; sie und ihre westlichen Verbündeten
haben das Regime von Saddam Hussein viele Jahre lang mit Waffen
Ø Weil dieser
Krieg einen Flächenbrand weiterer Konflikte im Nahen
Osten entzündet, aber kein einziges Problem löst. Die große
der Menschen in dieser Region lehnt diesen Krieg ab.
Ø Weil die
tatsächlichen Ursachen für diesen Krieg darin liegen, diese
Region politisch zu unterwerfen, damit die großen Erdölkonzerne
Zugriff auf den Erdölreichtum dieser Region bekommen.
Ø Weil wir
nicht wollen, dass sich das Massaker von 1991 wiederholt.
Beim damaligen Angriff der USA und ihrer westlichen Verbündeten auf
den Irak wurden über 300.000 Iraker und Irakerinnen getötet. Durch
Zerstörung der Infrastruktur und die Verseuchung von Boden und Wasser
starben seither laut Information der UNO bis zu einer Million Menschen.
Die Bevölkerung ist immer der Hauptleidtragende des Krieges.
Ø Weil die
Hauptprofiteure des Krieges die Rüstungsindustrien sind; Krieg
dient als Vorwand, die Rüstungsausgaben in die Höhe zu schrauben und
die Sozialausgaben zu senken.
Ø Weil die
Wurzeln des "Terrorismus" nicht mit Krieg sondern nur mit
Überwindung der extremen Ungleichheit von arm und reich auf unserem
Globus bekämpft werden können.
Ø Weil Bomben
keinen Frieden schaffen - das haben die Kriege gegen
Jugoslawien und Afghanistan bewiesen.
Gehen wir gegen den geplanten Krieg auf die Straße!
> Wir fordern:
§ Sofortiger Stopp aller Kriegsvorbereitungen.
§ Sofortige Aufhebung der Sanktionen gegen den Irak.
> Wir fordern von der österreichischen Bundesregierung, die Rolle
> eines aktiv neutralen Landes wahrzunehmen:
§ Österreich
muß gemeinsam mit anderen Staaten in der UNO für
die Durchsetzung dieser Forderungen eintreten. Die UNO darf nicht
Instrument für diesen Krieg werden!
§ Keine direkte oder indirekte Unterstützung Österreichs für den Krieg:
- Keine Durchfuhr
und keine Überflüge für Soldaten und Kriegsgerät
jeder Art.
- Rückzug
der österreichischen Einheiten von Kfor, Sfor, keine
Beteiligung bei "Amber Fox" in Mazedonien; diese Militäreinheiten
halten den Rücken frei für weitere Kriege und sichern die Inbesitznahme
durch die EU im Windschatten der USA.
- Keine Zusammenarbeit
mit den Militarisierern: Rückzug der
österreichischen Vertretung bei der NATO und den EU-Militärgremien
Politisches und Sicherheitspolitischen Komitee und Westeuropäische
- Keine Soldaten, keine Waffen, kein Euro für die EU-Interventionsarmee.
04 IRAQ:"paremos la guerra." 19 de Enero
von: "pazahora.org" <pazahora@pazahora.org>
IRAQ:"paremos la guerra." 19 de Enero, MARCHA A TORREJÓN.
Salida 10 a.m. Metro de Canillejas.
http://www.pazahora.org/noticia.asp?id=47 ("click") POR LA PAZ. No
sangre por petróleo. No hagan la guerra en nuestro nombre. Otro Mundo
Paz Ahora / Mir Sada
mail: pazahora@pazahora.org
Pau Ara - Mir Sada - Paqe Tani
Pace Ora/Paz Agora/Pax Nunc/Paix Maintenant/Peace Now
Madrid: C/ Embajadores
nº 24. Piso 1º Exterior Izquierda.
28013 Madrid.
Tlf ++ 34-915279651
fax ++34-915279652
Catalunya: (Pau
Passatge del Credit, 7 pral.
08002 Barcelona
mail: pazahora@pazahora.org
05 Civilian victims of United States aerial bombing of Afghanistan,
by Mass Destruction Weapons
von: "Traveler" <stefan.froberg@pp.inet.fi>
Dear Sirs.
We have sent the
following letter to the Foreign Ministers of Scandinavia,
to stop the US and UK planned military attack plans against Iraqi people.
Dear Sirs: All
peoble in the World, who love peace, do not want to see any
more of these horryfying mass Bombings, which US and UK have made already
since 1990, against several Nations in the World.
Please, could you make this letter public.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Stig Froberg/Physicist, Finland.
To the attention of Foreign Ministers of Finland, Sweden, Norway and
Dear Sirs.
During the first
8 weeks in Afghanistan war, October 2001 to December 2001,
US has killed over 3767 Civilians in Afghanistan, by: Classical Mass
Weapons, like:
- Cluster Bombs
- Thermobaric (15.000 pounds) bombs
- B-52 "Carpet" bombings
- Cruise Missiles, equipped with 1000 pounds (=458 kg) Shrapnel Warheads.
- Depleted Uranium (=DU) bombs.
And the civilian killings are still going on by US, up to date.
Observe: these
are all Classical Mass Destruction Weapons, they are NOT
Precision Guided Weapons.
Observe also:During
the Iraqi War 1990, the "International Coalition" bombed
Iraq with Depleted Uranium Bombs (300 tons DU, in 1 million bombs and
Due to this reason, several thousand of Iraqi children are now lying and
waiting for death, in Iraqi hospitals, due to Cancer, Hodkins Leukemia,
Mutations, Immunosupression etc...
Due to the UN Embargo, over 560.000 Iraqi children have died,from 1991 to
2002 (Source: UNICEF).
In the last Iraqi war, the coalition forces killed over 200.000 Iraqi
peoble, of which at least 113.000 were civilians.
Therefore arises
the following question: Why is US and UK allowed to kill
civilians, by: Classical Mass Destruction Weapons?
Where is now the famous "Human Rights", "Freedom" and "Democracy"?
Dear Ministers:
We appeal to you, that you do everything, at your hands, to
prevent the attack against Iraq, planned by US and UK.
There is already a great hurry, because, to our knowledge, the attack is
planned to start January-February 2003, IMMEADITELY after 27.1.2003.
As we all know,
Mr. Bush has offered Russia 8 Billion US Dollars, NOT to
veto against the coming new UN Iraq Resolution in UNSC, designed
specifically by US and UK, to allow them to attack against Iraq.
Dear Ministers:
The Iraqi children lives is NOT a matter of business by
It is wellknown,
that the real reason for the US and UK attack against Iraq
is: Oil.
Iraq has the SECOND richest oil reserves in the world (Source: Oil & Gas
Equally wellknown fact is, that US has to import 70% of its oil from outside
countries, mostly from Arab countries, due to shrinkage of domestic oil
production in US(Source: Oil & Gas Journal/USA).
Dear Sirs: The
Iraqi oil belongs to Iraqi children, their future depends on it.
The Iraqi oil DOES NOT belong to US and Western Financial circuits and US
oil companies.
With best regards,
Dr. Stig Froberg/Physicist, Finland
(Editor's note:
A PDF file [civiDeaths.pdf] documenting these statements was
attached - if interested, please contact Dr. Froberg)
06 Opernballdemo: Flugblätter ausdrucken und verteilen!
von: Bündnis Einiger <bndniseiniger@yahoo.de>
Die ersten Flugblätter
zur heurigen Opernballdemo sind online! Es sollen
noch mehrere folgen - laufende Infos auf http://www.opernball2003.cjb.net
Wenn euch jetzt
der kreative Eifer gepackt hat, schickt uns eure Flugi-
Vorlagen an mailto:bndniseiniger@yahoo.de - wir veröffentlichen sie gerne!
07 diskussion.forum.wissenschaft
von: "an.schläge. das feministische magazin" <redaktion@anschlaege.at>
Liebe FreundInnen, KollegInnen, PartnerInnen,
> zur Erinnerung:
Die <diskussion.forum.wissenschaft>
geht bereits in die dritte Runde. Es freut
uns besonders, im neuen Jahr die
>> Erika-Weinzierl-Preisträgerin Maria Ecker <<
ankündigen zu dürfen. Sie wird am
>> 21. Jänner 2003 <<
ihre Diplomarbeit zum Thema "Man hat sich hier sehr fremd gefühlt.
- Weibliche
Holocaust-Überlebende in Interviews" im UFO präsentieren.
Mitreden und -diskutieren ist ausdrücklich erlaubt!
feministische Grüße
Gabi Horak und Karin Eckert
p.s. Anmeldung
ist nicht erforderlich
>> "Man hat sich hier sehr fremd gefühlt" <<
Maria Ecker präsentiert ihre Diplomarbeit: Die Integration weiblicher
Holocaust-Überlebender in die israelische Gesellschaft verlief meist anders,
diese es sich erhofft hatten. Ihr "Leben nach dem Überleben"
war vor allem von
Schweigen geprägt.
Anschließend Diskussion
21. 1. 2003, ab
19.00 Uhr im UFO - Uni Frauen Ort, Berggasse 5/24,
1090 Wien, WOMEN ONLY
Im <forum.wissenschaft> geben die "an.schläge" Studentinnen/Absolventinnen
zwei Seiten Platz, ihre frauenspezifischen/feministischen Abschlussarbeiten
zu präsentieren. Die <diskussion.forum.wissenschaft >versteht sich
Verlängerung dieses Projektes: an.schläge goes public!
> Veranstalterinnen:
»an.schläge« - das feministische magazin in Kooperation
mit dem Frauenreferat der ÖH
> Kontakt: http://www.anschlaege.at, redaktion@anschlaege.at, T. 01/920 16 76
08 Mini-Symposium 'Inscribing the Temporal' (22.1.03)
von: "eipcp" <contact@eipcp.net>
Einladung zum
im Rahmen der Ausstellung Inscribing the Temporal (kuratiert
von Sara Reisman)
Kunsthalle Exnergasse, WUK, Währingerstraße 59, A - 1090 Wien
am 22.1.2003
17.00 Vorträge
19.00 Paneldiskussion
mit Konrad Becker
(Public Netbase, Wien), Helen Gyger (16 Beaver Group, New
York), Christopher Ho (Brewster Project, New York), Rosemarie Reitsamer
(Female Sequences), Oscar Tuazon + Damon Rich (Center for Urban Pedagogy,
New York), Beatrix Zobl (Soho in Ottakring, Wien) u.a.
Moderation: Gerald Raunig
Die von Sara Reisman
kuratierte Ausstellung 'Inscribing the Temporal' bietet
einen Überblick über aktuelle künstlerische Aktivitäten
außerhalb des
institutionellen Rahmens in New York und Wien. In exemplarischen Vorträgen
der New Yorker TeilnehmerInnen und einer Paneldiskussion mit Wiener
KünstlerInnen wird in dem Mini-Symposium das Thema aufgegriffen, ob und
sich ephemere, temporäre und projektorientierte Kunst in das Kunstfeld
einzuschreiben vermag. Welche Strategien der Einschreibung kommen vor allem
objektloser Kunst zu? Was bedeutet dies wiederum für den Status der
KünstlerInnen? Inwieweit ist von politischen Wirkungen und nicht von bloßen
Distinktionseffekten zu sprechen? Gelingt es, damit gängige Kunstbegriffe
verschieben oder stillen derartige Projekte nur mehr den Appetit parasitärer
Institutionen auf Neues? Diesen Fragestellungen wird in der Diskussion u.a.
anhand der Vereinnahmungstendenzen des q21 und des Relaunchs von "Soho
Ottakring" 2003 kritisch nachgegangen.
Die Veranstaltung
findet im Rahmen des transnationalen Forschungsprojekts
'republicart' statt.
eipcp - european institute for progressive cultural policies
a-1060 vienna, gumpendorfer strasse 63b
09 Öffnet den Karlsplatz! - Bürgerinitiative gegründet
von: Bürgerinitiative Öffnet den Karlsplatz! <info@verkehrshoelle.at>
Öffnet den Karlsplatz! - Bürgerinitiative gegründet
Namhafte Persönlichkeiten aus dem Kultur- und Geistesleben gaben am
Dienstag, 14. Januar 2003, in einer Pressekonferenz die Gründung der
überparteilichen Bürgerinitiative "ÖFFNET DEN KARLSPLATZ!
- Für einen
Platz der Offenen Kulturen" bekannt.
Die Bürgerinitiative
setzt sich zum Ziel, mit dem Karlsplatz inmitten
Wiens einen Raum der künstlerischen und urbanen Bewusstseinsbildung zu
schaffen. Diese historische Chance darf nicht vertan werden!
Ein breites Bündnis
besorgter Bürger nimmt die kulturpolitischen
Versäumnisse zum Anlass, für Kultur als Impulsgeber für demokratische
Zukunftsentwicklungen die Stimme zu erheben.
Das Initiatoren-Komitee
spricht sich daher entschieden dafür aus, dass
am Karlsplatz ein Ort der Kunst entsteht, die aktiv an politischen und
gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen teilnimmt.
Wien braucht jetzt
ein Signal für das 21. Jahrhundert ein Forum für
Kunst und Diskussion, für Kultur und Zukunftswissenschaften.
Fünf der
Initiatoren nahmen zu ihren persönliche Beweggründen
Stellung. Herr OAR Wolfram Liebig: "Ich verstehe unter Öffnung des
Karlsplatzes, dass diese unerträgliche Verkehrshölle für die
Kunstformen geöffnet wird." Karel Zisek formulierte sehr persönlich:
"Historisches Museum, Kunsthalle und Künstlerhaus - wenn ich als
Kunstliebhaber auf den Karlsplatz gehe, fehlt mir etwas."
Der in Österreich
heimisch gewordene Prof. Erdogan Ismic zog
historische Vergleiche: "Österreich hat aus Zwentendorf gelernt. Jetzt
ist es an der Zeit, aus dem Museumsquartier für den Karlsplatz die
Konsequenzen zu ziehen."
Die Diplompädagogin
Susanne Metzner: "Ich denke oft an die Zukunft
meiner Kinder. Die Bürgerinitiative gibt mir die Hoffnung, dass sich
ihnen eines Tages am Karlsplatz die Kunst des Computerzeitalters
meinte Univ. Prof. Elfriede Weinzierler: "Als
Mitinitiator appelliere ich an den Herrn Bürgermeister Dr. Michael
Häupl, dass er uns am Karlsplatz in das 21. Jahrhundert führt."
Bürgerinitiative ÖFFNET DEN KARLSPLATZ! -
Für einen Platz der Offenen Kulturen
Postfach 267, A-1070 Wien
10 Depot-Programm in der Woche von 20. bis 26. Jaenner 2003
von: <depot-news-admin@depot.or.at>
> Montag, 20.Jänner,
> IG Bildende Kunst
> Solidaritätsveranstaltung 22
Ausgehend von der
Veranstaltungsreihe »Ein Survival-Training für KünstlerInnen«
geben dieses Mal Kunstschaffende eine öffentliche Nachhilfestunde. Welche
inhaltlichen Hilfestellungen sind für PolitikerInnen von Notwendigkeit?
KünstlerInnen informieren über ihre Situation, thematisieren die Frage
dem Bild der KünstlerIn im österreichischen Bewusstsein, in der medialen
Öffentlichkeit und im persönlichen Alltag. Die Ausbildung, die notwendigen
Multitätigkeiten im KünstlerInnendasein und die Schwierigkeiten, ein
"bürgerliches" Leben zu führen werden genauso angesprochen
wie auch die
positiven Aspekte des Berufsbilds: die Fähigkeit, eigenständig und
kreativ in
komplexen Situationen zu reagieren.
Miki Martinek,
Designerin, Wien
Patricia Köstring, Depot, Wien
Andreas Duscha, Student an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien
Stephan Engelhardt, Psychotherapeut, Wien
Moderation: Franziska Maderthaner, Künstlerin, Wien
> Mittwoch, 22. Jänner, 19.00
> Augustin
> Solidaritätsveranstaltung 23
Eine Gruppe rund
um die Straßenzeitung AUGUSTIN schlägt vor, das angeblich
Unglück bringende Datum "Freitag, der 13." zu nutzen, um auf
die Situation der
Unterprivilegierten, Marginalisierten und Ausgeschlossenen aufmerksam zu
> Freitag, 24. Jänner, 19.00
> BEIGEWUM und VWL III - Abteilung für
> prozessorientierte Ökonomie, WU Wien
> Solidaritätsveranstaltung 24
Renditen, Crash und Krisen: Was tun die internationalen Finanzmärkte?
Wie aus dem Geld
von Millionen Klein- und GroßanlegerInnen die anonyme
Macht der Internationalen Finanzmärkte wird, ist trotz ausgiebiger medialer
Referenzen kaum zu begreifen. Der englische Politökonom Timothy Sinclair
ist bekannt für seine Arbeiten über Kreditrating Agenturen als ideologische
Apparate, über Struktur und Funktionsweise der Finanzmärkte und die
der Wirtschaftspolitik. Bei der Veranstaltung wird auch die aktuelle Ausgabe
der vom BEIGEWUM (Beirat für gesellschafts-, wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische
Alternativen) herausgegebenen Zeitschrift Kurswechsel (www.kurswechsel.at)
zum Thema Regulierungsmöglichkeiten der Finanzmärkte präsentiert.
Timothy Sinclair, University of Warwick (Vortrag in englischer Sprache.)
> Freitag, 24. Jänner, 19.00
> SOHO in Ottakring
> Solidaritätsveranstaltung 02 (zweiter Teil)
SOHO in Ottakring
ist ein temporäres Kunstprojekt im urbanen Raum in Wien,
das durch enge Vernetzung und Anbindung an unterschiedliche Kooperations-
partnerInnen aus Stadtentwicklung, Wirtschaft und Kultur seine spezifische
Struktur erhalten hat. Von 24. Mai bis 7. Juni 2003 findet SOHO zum fünften
Mal statt - quasi als Jubiläumsausgabe - und das Konzept wird einem
"Relaunch" unterzogen. Ein Schwerpunkt im kommenden Jahr soll auf
interaktiven, partizipatorischen oder interventionistischen Projekten liegen.
InteressentInnen sind dazu eingeladen, die Struktur von SOHO in Ottakring
kennen zu lernen und sich über die Teilnahmemöglichkeiten für
kommende Jahr zu informieren.
Ula Schneider,
SOHO in Ottakring, Wien
Beatrix Zobl, Künstlerin, Wien
Breite Gasse 3
A - 1070 Wien
tel. +43 1 522 76 13
11 World Social Forum Grows, Diversifies in Third Year
von: federico nier-fischer <nier-fischer@aon.at>
DEVELOPMENT: World Social Forum Grows, Diversifies in Third Year
By Mario Osava
Jan 16 (IPS) - The southern Brazilian city of
Porto Alegre this month will serve, once again, as the global
capital of indignation and of dreams as it hosts the World Social
Forum, Jan 23-28, which in its third year will be the largest and
most diverse so far.
The organisers
of this major annual gathering of social
movements, non-governmental organisations, intellectuals and
leftist groups seeking "a better possible world" predict that this
year's attendance will reach 100,000, double that of 2002.
Among this multitude,
according to the preliminary registration --
closed a month ago --, 29,704 delegates representing 4,962
organisations from 121 countries will be sharing their ideas and
experiences during the six-day event. Tens of thousands more will
attend as spectators.
The World Social
Forum (WSF) has held its annual meeting in
Porto Alegre since the forum was founded, in 2001. Last year,
12,274 delegates from 4,909 organisations representing 123
countries were registered.
The WSF has gained
fame as a gigantic festival of debates,
panel discussions and workshops -- a source of frustration for
enthusiastic participants, and for journalists, because it is
impossible to attend all key meetings or to identify the threads
of the debate cutting across the different events of the forum.
The diffuse and
simultaneous nature of the Forum is a by-
product of gigantism. On the agenda for this third WSF are 37
panels, 10 conferences, four roundtables of "dialogue and
controversy" and a mind-boggling 1,700 workshops and seminars.
Some of the 39
international figures invited to Porto Alegre to
share their testimonies and ideas are Brazil's new environment
minister Marina Silva, U.S. author Susan Sontag and Aleida
Guevara, widow of Ernesto "Che" Guevara. By Wednesday, half had
confirmed they would attend the Porto Alegre gathering.
The debates each
have seven or eight scheduled speakers and
focus on the thematic pillars that have oriented the WSF since its
inception. This year, however, the points have been reorganised
and expanded -- now five instead of four -- to cover the growing
concern about world peace.
The five areas
organising the central questions of the WSF are:
Democratic Sustainable Development; Principles and values, human
rights, diversity and equality; Media, culture and counter-
hegemony; Political power, civil society and democracy; Democratic
world order, fight against militarism and promoting peace.
The 10 conferences,
according to the methodology set up by the
WSF International Council (comprising 112 organisations), will
"socialise the views and analyses to the broader public", in order
to strengthen the movement to build "other worlds".
In each conference,
three or four personalities will present
their opinions on specific issues related to the thematic areas.
One example is
the conference "Cinema and Politics: against the
homogenisation of the imagination", with filmmakers Fernando
Solanas (Argentina), Citto Maselli (Italy) and Samira Makhmalbaf
(Iran) presenting.
Among the innovations
for WSF III are the roundtable
discussions on polemical issues, in which the objective is to
bring opposing opinions and visions to the forefront in order to
reach a deeper analysis of the questions, says Sergio Haddad,
member of the WSF Organising Committee and president of the
Brazilian Association of Non-Governmental Organisations.
In the roundtable
"What kind of globalisation, and how should
the world be governed?", confirmed to participate are former
president of Portugal, socialist Mario Soares, the director-
general of the International Labour Organisation, Juan Somavía,
and Nicolla Bullard, of the non-governmental Australian group
Focus on the Global South.
The 1,700 seminars
and workshops scheduled are organised mostly
by civil society groups and constitute a sort of "laboratory" for
"another possible world", through the dissemination of ideas
related to specific areas of of social change.
In addition to
the events of the WSF there are numerous
meetings taking place in parallel or just prior to the Forum. One
such event is the International Youth Camp, where young people
from around the world will gather for the six days of the WSF.
Taking place beforehand,
Jan 19-23, will be forums of local
authorities, parliamentarians, education experts, judges and union
leaders, drawing tens of thousands of participants from around the
Also slated is
the Forum on Sexual Diversity, in which
homosexuals, transvestites and transgender individuals will
discuss strategies to defend their rights.
In Belem, capital
of the northern Brazilian state of Pará, the
Pan-Amazon Social Forum began Thursday, with representatives from
the countries of the Amazon Basin sharing their experiences and
drawing up a report of their specific problems, to be presented
next week in Porto Alegre.
The WSF was inaugurated
in January 2001 as a counterweight to
the World Economic Forum, which each year since 1971 has brought
together corporate executives, political leaders, economists and
financiers in Davos, a small Swiss mountain city.
For this reason,
the WSF is held on the same dates as the Davos
Some of the leaders
of the Porto Alegre Forum have expressed
disappointment in the new president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da
Silva, who announced his decision to participate in both the WSF,
on Jan 24, and the Davos Forum, Jan 25-26, to be followed by a
trip to Germany and France.
Lula and his leftist
Workers Party (PT) were decisive factors
in the decision to hold the WSF in the capital of Rio Grande do
Sul state in its first three annual gatherings. The PT has
governed Porto Alegre for the last 14 years.
with the compliments of
federico nier-fischer
- free lance correspondent;
- consultant international communications and networking;
- intercultural projects;
Beheimgasse 20/7
A-1170 Vienna / AUSTRIA
Phone: (43 1) 4071521
Mobile: (43 676) 3105594
e-mail: nier-fischer@aon.at
12 More than 50 Bay Area unions plan to be represented in S.F.'s
anti-war rally
von: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
San Francisco Chronicle
January 16, 2003
> Labor finds
an issue to march for - More than 50 Bay Area unions
> plan to be represented in S.F.'s anti-war rally
Joe Garofoli, Chronicle Staff Writer
URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=
Marching side-by-side
in Saturday's anti-war rally in
San Francisco: pro-Palestinian supporters. Earth-loving
And Joe Six-Pack?
The march down
Market Street and to the Civic Center
will include representatives of more than 50 Bay Area
labor unions -- twice as many as attended October's big
anti-war demonstration along the city's main drag.
Labor's support
is a boon to peace activists, who know
that the image of longshoremen and nurses speaking out
against a possible war in Iraq puts a "real people"
face on their message. It would also run counter to the
Vietnam-era conflict of hard hat vs. hippie, which
splintered the progressive community's opposition to
the war and reflected a larger divide in the country.
Plus, given the
potential of reaching the nation's 14
million union members -- including an estimated 558,000
in the Bay Area -- anti-war activists could broaden
their support.
"It definitely
helps to mainstream the movement," said
Jason Mark, an organizer with San Francisco-based
Global Exchange, one of the nation's biggest anti-war
"It shows
people that it's not just a bunch of people
in dreadlocks out there," Mark said. "Blue-collar
people are seen as having a lot of salt-of-the-earth
wisdom and legitimacy. They're not the usual suspects
when it comes to peace and justice issues."
Saturday's rallies
in San Francisco, Washington, D.C.,
and other cities come a week after 100 labor leaders
from around the country -- including several from the
Bay Area -- met in Chicago to plan how to sway their
memberships toward opposing a possible war with Iraq
and assume a bigger role in the anti-war effort.
So labor union
banners will be a highly visible
presence at Saturday's march and rally afterward at the
Civic Center. The event is expected to draw at least as
many people as attended the Oct. 26 rally, which police
estimated at 42,000 and organizers placed at 80,000.
Not everyone is
convinced that labor's high-profile
appearance will make any difference when it comes to
influencing the Bush administration's policy toward
"No demonstration
in San Francisco is going to have the
slightest amount of impact on the administration's
policy," said Hoover Institution research fellow Joseph
McNamara. As for labor's influence on people debating
their own position on Iraq, McNamara said, "It all
depends. If the person watching this on television is
anti-union, then it won't matter much."
rank-and-file union members wonder if
their union should take any position in what they
perceive as a foreign policy issue.
In an October poll
of its 85,000 Northern California
members, the Service Employees International Union
found that a little over half the respondents
questioned whether the union should take a position on
the war.
"It told us
that we haven't done a good enough job
explaining to people how this war would affect them,"
said SEIU Local 250 president Sal Roselli, whose
leadership endorsed Saturday's rally and passed a
resolution opposing unilateral U.S. action against
Iraq. This week, the union's staff met to plan how to
discuss a war's implications with the membership.
In general, union
leaders are urging their
memberships to oppose a possible war, for reasons
having to do largely with domestic concerns.
If the war costs
the federal government $200 billion,
the figure cited in some administration estimates, that
could mean less federal spending on unemployment
benefits, health care and other areas that affect
working-class families, said Dave Welsh, a retired Bay
Area letter carrier who is working with labor groups at
Saturday's rally on behalf of International ANSWER, the
group coordinating protests on both coasts.
"Plus, every
union family knows somebody in the
military," said Bob Muehlenkamp, a former organizing
director of the Teamsters union who organized U.S.
Labor Against the War, the meeting of 100 union
representatives last Saturday in Chicago. "Their
children will be the ones fighting this war."
Some blue-collar
workers, however, will be tough to
"The people
I worked with are pretty much behind George
Bush," said Bob Stine, who retired as lead mechanic for
United Airlines in December and is now a spokesman for
Local Lodge 1781 of the International Airline
Mechanics, with 1,300 Bay Area members. The local in
Burlingame has not taken an official position on the
Stine added, however,
that many mechanics are concerned
that a war would further depress the commercial airline
industry, which would affect their jobs.
Some critics say
labor's new high-profile
position on Iraq is little more than anti-Bush politics
at work.
"While there
are a lot of sincere feelings among the
unions, there's a partisan aspect to this, too," said
the Hoover Institution's McNamara. "It's no secret that
most unions strongly support Democrats."
Labor leaders agree
that Bush -- who had practically no
labor support during his presidential campaign --
didn't make any blue-collar friends when he invoked the
federal Taft-Hartley Act in October to reopen West
Coast ports where longshore workers were locked out.
Union leaders said the move gave port operators
leverage in their dispute.
Still, Welsh and
others say union opposition is about
the war, not politics -- even though some rank-and-file
will march Saturday behind a banner reading, "Stop
Bush's war on working people here and abroad."
To Barbara Williams,
opposing the war is a health care
issue. The Santa Cruz nurse and California Nurses
Association leader plans to march Saturday to show how
the war would put an additional stress on the nation's
"If there's
retaliation, (our hospitals) are totally
unprepared to deal with that," said Williams, 57, who
hasn't protested a military action since the Vietnam
War. "I know. I work in the emergency room every day."
©2003 San Francisco Chronicle |
13 Canadian labour rallies January 18th Day of Action Against
on Iraq
von: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
> Working People Want Peace <
> Canadian labour rallies January 18th Day of Action Against War on Iraq <
OTTAWA, Jan. 16
/CNW/ - Canadian labour voices will join the activities
scheduled in Halifax, Fredericton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg,
Saskatoon, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver and many other communities on
Saturday, January 18th, the Cross-Canada Day of Action Against the War on Iraq.
In preparation for that day, Marie Clarke Walker, Executive Vice- President
the Canadian Labour Congress released the following statement:
On August 20,
2002, the President of the Canadian Labour Congress,
Ken Georgetti stated, in a news release, that "Canadian workers are watching
with growing disbelief the U.S. government's preparations for a full-scale
attack against Iraq and they want nothing to do with it." Five months later
it is with
dismay and disapproval that we receive the words of the Canadian Minister of
Defence, John McCallum, who, at a meeting with his American counterpart,
half-promises that Canada might participate in their war with or without the
endorsement or involvement of the United Nations.
On behalf of the
2.5 million members of the Canadian Labour Congress and on
behalf of the large majority of Canadians, the labour movement says a
clear: No to the war against Iraq. Working families do NOT want to go to war
in Iraq
just to give George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and their corporate friends even
more control of the world's oil supply! Working people everywhere have no
illusions about the nature of the dictatorship imposed by Saddam Hussein on
the Iraqi people for the past three decades. We know that Saddam Hussein
is a tyrant who has tried in the past to manufacture or to use weapons of mass
destruction. We are also aware that a large U.N. team of professional
inspectors is scouring the countryside of Iraq looking for evidence of the
presence of such weapons. Thus far, they have not found any, and they need
to be given more time to do their job. It is not apparent either that Iraq
constitutes a terrorist threat. Even the CIA has admitted that Iraq is not
harbouring terrorist organizations nor being used to launch them. In fact,
as a secular Arab state, Iraq has been one of the targets of criticism of
Osama bin Laden and his terrorist allies.
A war against Iraq
at this time is clearly not part of a "war against
terrorism". On the contrary, attacking Iraq would only exacerbate feelings
in the Arab
and Muslim world that the United States and its allies are simply racist and
involved in a modern day "holy crusade". U.S. President George W.
said that he will resolve the problem of weapons of mass destruction in
North Korea through diplomatic means. He can do the same with Iraq. In
so doing he would spare the lives of innocent Iraqi civilians, as well as the
lives of American and other soldiers which would be lost in a war.
In November 2002
we endorsed and participated in an International Day of
Action Against War on Iraq and on January 18, 2003 together with
thousands of Canadians we are renewing the call. Today the Canadian
Labour Congress yet again urges Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to advocate
the lifting of sanctions against Iraq which have only hurt the innocent
civilian population and to instruct his ministers to act as truly independent
and outspoken agents for peace.
The members of
the Canadian Labour Congress want world peace, not
a world at war.
For a list of
activities scheduled during the Cross-Canada Day of Action
Against the War on Iraq, please visit: www.canesi.org
The Canadian Labour
Congress, the national voice of the labour
movement, represents 2.5 million Canadian workers. The CLC brings
together the majority of Canada's national and international unions along
with the provincial and territorial federations of labour and 137 district
labour councils. Web site: www.clc-ctc.ca
14 (1/17/02) More than a bit of This & That....
von: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <abe@cuadp.org>
Greetings all!
Who knew the first
two weeks of the year would be THIS busy!?! I have a
feeling we have only gone over the first hill of a long roller
coaster.... And so, going into a long weekend of anniversaries and major
events, here's MORE THAN A BIT, of This and That.... Enjoy!
26th Anniversary
of Gilmore Assisted Suicide (see the video!)
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes on the DP, and a timely link
"National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2003"
Check this cartoon
Web pages updated
Know anyone in New Jersey? Please forward this!
Turkey Signs Protocol....
Connecticut Death Penalty Commission issues final report
Religion & DP Symposium: Vital Reading!
Understanding Ryan - Eric Zorn Commentary
Understanding Ryan - Scott Turow Commentary
Order the video
Follow up to "Bomb Squad"
Fund Raiser - still a bust. Please help!
Today, January
17, is the 26th anniversary of the first prisoner killing
under the death penalty laws newly affirmed by the US Supreme Court in its
July 2, 1976 Gregg v. Georgia ruling. On this date in 1977, the State of
Utah shot to death Gary Gilmore, who "volunteered" to be killed in
for his murder of Ben Bushnell and Max Jenson. Last year, seven
abolitionists were arrested for expressing their opinion about the death
penalty on the steps of the US Supreme Court. Read a little about Gilmore,
and a lot about the action undertaken last year, and
and *NEW!*
at <http://www.abolition.org/jan17-2002.html>.
Monday is Martin
Luther King Day in the good old U.S. of A. King's actual
birthday was January 15. He would have been
What did Martin
Luther King have to say about the death penalty? I found
the following at <http://www.stanford.edu/group/King/index.htm>, a VERY
useful site...
"I do not
think God approves the death penalty for any crime rape and
murder included& Capital punishment is against the best judgment of modern
criminology and, above all, against the highest expression of love in the
nature of God." -- MLK, Jr., 1957
I liked this one too, even though it is not specifically death penalty:
"As you press
on for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline,
using only the weapon of love. Let no man pull you so low as to hate
him. Always avoid violence..." --MLK, Jr., in "The Most Durable Power,"
sermon delivered on 6 November 1956.
NOW, in case you
were not aware, Martin Luther King made the connection
between his specific struggle for civil rights, and other struggles. After
years of silence on the matter of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, King gave a
speech that is just as relevant today, as multitudes of concerned human
beings will get out into the streets this weekend in Washington, DC, San
Francisco, and across the US and elsewhere in protest of the upcoming oil
exploration in Iraq. Please check out
<http://www.internationalanswer.org/> for details on the protests, and
read King's speech:
"The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own
government. ...[F]or the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under
our violence, I cannot be silent."-- Martin Luther King
Go to <http://www.blackcommentator.com/25/25_king.html>.
in peace....
This Sunday (Jan
19), has been declared National Sanctity of Human Life
Day, 2003 by the (p)Resident. His announcement is, of course, all about
abortion. This is a good opportunity to do a press release or a letter to
the editor reminding folks of the problems with that other life and death
issue. Read Bush's announcement
and simply take
some of his words and point out his hypocrisy as "the
serial governor/president" who killed 152 as Governor of Texas, 2 as
President, with another federal execution now scheduled for March 18,
2003. Sanctity of life.... Sheesh! Tell that to the Iraqi children we
are about to abort/execute!
Turn your volume
up and give it a few seconds (or a minute, depending on
the speed of your connections), and check out this outstanding and timely
new animation by San Francisco cartoonist and animator Mark Fiore.
Thanks, again,
to CUADP's dedicated team of volunteer web
designers. Updates have been made to the following CUADP-run web
pages. Please visit:
The New Jersey
State Assembly is preparing to vote this month on a bill
calling for a nonpartisan commission to study New Jersey's archaic death
We have 35 yes votes. Only 6 more are needed to pass this vital legislation.
Please ask anyone
you know in N.J. to call their N.J. State Assembly
Members now and ask them to vote for A-1913, the death penalty study bill.
Find NJ state legislators
or call 1-800-792-8630. Or email the name of your home town to
See <http://www.njmoratorium.org/> for more info....
Strasbourg, 15.01.2003
- Today, Turkey signed Protocol No. 6 to the
European Convention on Human Rights, prohibiting capital punishment in
peacetime. The Parliament of Turkey, a member country where no execution
has taken place since 1984, abolished the death penalty for crimes
committed in peacetime in August 2002. "We consider this important step
Turkey as another sign of the determination of the government to continue
with the important democratic reforms it has begun" said Walter Schwimmer,
Secretary General of the pan-European human rights defence organisation, on
this occasion. He also expressed the wish that the ratification of the
protocol by Turkey will follow soon. The 44 member states of the Council of
Europe have, at present, all signed Protocol No. 6.
The Connecticut
Death Penalty Commission filed its final report with the
legislature on January 8, 2003. The following URL will take you to the
report and its appendices that are now posted on the state web
Central Synagogue's
full-day symposium, "The Death Penalty, Religion, & the
Law: Is Our Legal Systems Implementation of Capital Punishment Consistent
with Judaism or Christianity?" has now been published on the internet only
(the only way this law review is published). It is available at:
(Click on "Journal Articles," then on "Volume 3, Number 2.")
Ryan's answers
on clemency are deficient
Eric Zorn. Columnist. Chicago Tribune; January 16, 2003
Guest host Chris
Bury on ABC's "Nightline" Monday asked former Gov. George
Ryan a question that won't go away.
Bury--Some of the
victims' families are saying that you should have looked
at (Illinois Death Row) cases on an individual basis, considered the
individual facts, as opposed to issuing this blanket commutation. I'd like
you to address that.
Ryan--I have done
each of these cases on an individual basis, and that's
what drove me to do a blanket commutation.
Bury--You're saying,
Governor, that every one of these cases . . . every
single one of them was judged on the merits?
Ryan--Well, that
isn't what I said. . . . I just said I went over every one
of those cases. Now, how do I cherry-pick those cases when I know there are
innocent people going to Death Row? How do I say this one's guilty and this
one isn't? . . . I looked at every one of those cases. I couldn't tell you
which ones were innocent and which ones were guilty.
Oprah Winfrey tried
again Wednesday, asking Ryan on her show, "Why couldn't
you look at each case? There are some cases where you said you knew people
were guilty."
"I assume
people were guilty," Ryan said. "But you know, we had 13 people
exonerated who had all been found guilty by a jury of their peers. Without
question they were guilty. Every appellate decision they got was the fact
that they were guilty. Clear to the Supreme Court. Only to be found that
they were innocent. . . . I didn't know how I could cherry-pick."
Questions about
the case-by-case versus blanket approach won't go away
because such attempts to reconcile them aren't persuasive.
Case-by-case, which
Ryan so often promised, suggests an examination of each
death sentence and a ruling up or down on each inmate.
Blanket, which
he ended up taking when he emptied Death Row on Saturday
during his last weekend in office, suggests a wholesale approach to the
rulings of a system "haunted by the demon of error," as he put it.
could lead to the other, of course.
But Ryan hasn't
made the connection. Though he has repeatedly referred to
the "exhaustive" and "in-depth, individualized review" of
"each and every
case" performed by him and his advisers, he hasn't supplied in-depth,
individualized critiques of each case.
Instead, he has
supported his move by citing general flaws with the death
penalty, such as the "cherry-picking" that separates those who deserve
live from those who deserve to die. The near impossibility of perfecting
such choices ought to have been obvious to him on the day he declared a
moratorium on executions nearly three years ago or at least by April when
his Commission on Capital Punishment filed its stinging 208-page report.
Yes, the capital
justice system, like all institutions, is as fallible and
corruptible as the human beings who run it. Yes, it picks out a few
convicted murderers to be executed and leaves the majority to rot behind
bars, and there are too many variables ever to make the condemnation
process morally pristine.
But such flaws
are fundamental, part of the deal that supporters of capital
punishment accept as the cost of seeking blood vengeance. No amount of
tweaking and reforming will ever fully correct them. Yet Ryan shrugged and
waffled, putting things off and on burners and tables while giving the
families of victims the apparently false hope that he was weighing the
issues and evidence in their particular cases.
Then, in effect,
he announced that the premise of his moratorium on
executions was correct all along--our death penalty system is way too
screwed up to execute anyone based on its judgments. I'm satisfied with the
result. The state has shown it does not deserve the power to kill even
those who deserve to die.
But I'm not satisfied with the explanations.
What took Ryan
so long to grasp the truths he now proclaims? And now that
he proclaims them, how can he possibly say he's still undecided about
abolition? What doubts did he have, particularly after the commission
report came out, and what specific evidence resolved them when? If there is
no discrepancy between the case-by-case and blanket approaches because each
death sentence fell short of Ryan's standards for accuracy and fairness,
how exactly did they fall short?
Ryan himself may go away, but until he answers them, these questions won't.
Copyright © 2003, <http://www.chicagotribune.com/>Chicago Tribune
January 17, 2003
Clemency Without Clarity
he left office on Monday, Gov. George Ryan of Illinois, a
longtime supporter of capital punishment, emptied the state's death row by
pardoning four condemned men and commuting the sentences of the remaining
167 prisoners. Some are calling this an act of tremendous bravery, while
prosecutors and the families of victims claim justice was thwarted. Many
others believe he should have acted in the most questionable cases without
providing leniency to some of the state's most brutal and unrepentant
Personally, I think
the former governor did not have an easy or clear way
out, and I would defend him for that reason. Yet, as a member of the
governor's commission that issued a report on death-penalty reform that led
to lawyers filing the clemency claims for virtually all of these prisoners,
I am concerned about what we have wrought. The stability and reliability of
the law as an institution are brought into question when the work of many
years by the police, prosecutors, judges and juries as well as the implied
promise to victims' families is overturned because of the actions off a
single individual, no matter how well intended or even necessary.
This issue the
risk of undermining Americans' faith in the legal process is
perhaps the most overlooked aspect of the death-penalty debate. And,
paradoxically, it may be the most compelling reason for those who now favor
the death penalty to reconsider their position.
Governor Ryan found
himself in an all-too-familiar position. Despite clear
problems in the capital system, the public passion to see the worst crimes
subjected to the most severe punishment makes legislators fearful of
intervening, forcing executive officials or the courts to step in.
Prosecutors have a natural unwillingness to undo their own work. Those with
clemency powers have to steer between playing God and incurring public
wrath. And the courts have given us three decades of conflicting decisions
and shifting legal grounds on the issue.
Since 1972, the
United States Supreme Court has declared capital punishment
unconstitutional, then restored it but subjected it to an endless variety
of shifting procedural standards. Last year, the court declared that
executing the mentally retarded constituted cruel and unusual punishment.
It also deemed unconstitutional capital systems that allowed judges to
impose death sentences after guilty verdicts by juries.
These two rulings
brought countless death sentences across the country,
including in Illinois, into doubt. And things here were already confused
enough: historically in Illinois nearly a third of the people first
sentenced to death have had the sentences reversed and reduced. More
pointedly, including the four men pardoned by the governor this week, the
state has sent 17 men to death row who were later exonerated.
In short, Governor
Ryan was hardly upending a stable system producing
predictable results.
Rather, the 14-member
commission on which I served found persistent
problems: false confessions that had been coerced or dubiously reported by
the police; mistaken eyewitness identifications; murderers who portrayed
innocent people as accomplices; jailhouse informants who became witnesses
in exchange for the kinds of favors that clearly tempted lies; and a
statutory structure that provided an obvious pathway to arbitrariness in
deciding who was to die.
We made 85 substantive
proposals for reform, including requiring the police
to videotape the full interrogation of murder suspects, reducing the number
of circumstances making defendants eligible for the death penalty and
establishing a statewide commission to review any case in which a local
prosecutor wanted to seek a death sentence.
These proposals
were greeted respectfully, although hardly with universal
acclaim. Still, the state prosecutors' organization, the two candidates
hoping to succeed Governor Ryan, the state's major newspapers and a host of
legislators joined in the call for substantial reforms.
Yet none have been
passed because of political wrangling and the chronic
timidity of officials when it comes time to take positions that can later
be labeled as soft on crime. When I testified last summer before the State
Senate judiciary committee in favor of reducing the scope of the death
penalty statute, one member confessed on the record how dangerous a yea
vote might be in the hands of future political opponents.
Moreover, the failure
to reform the system also left unanswered the
question of how to deal with past cases. No one not the legislature, the
prosecutors, the candidates, or even the commission on which I served
â¬offered any alternative to Governor Ryan. He either had to accept
results of a system everyone agreed needed to be fixed or exercise the
clemency powers the state constitution imposed on him.
And, because a
scrupulous review of the death row cases was likely to
require the governor to act in some cases, it left him in the position of
having to decide whether he was obliged to reduce all the state's death
sentences. Knowing the details of so many of these cases, I could see how
difficult it was to draw the line.
Again and again,
the cases that seem to present the most compelling facts
favoring execution prove, under scrutiny, to contain elements raising
doubts. Probably the most dangerous man in the Illinois penitentiary system
is a twice-convicted murderer, believed to have killed at least five
people. He has compiled a record of repeated serious assaults on inmates
and guards with a startling variety of deadly weapons. But his death
sentence was based on the testimony of two eyewitnesses who now claim they
implicated him falsely because of pressure from prosecutors.
Another man who
murdered two police officers had been in mental
institutions for more than 20 years and may well have been incompetent at
the time he plead guilty. And there were also several horrible murders
where one defendant was sentenced to die, while prosecutors or juries
allowed a highly culpable co-defendant to live in prison. In the end, the
governor says he could find no principled way to pick and choose.
What happened in
Illinois is a cautionary lesson. Inaction by legislatures
forces more and more of the responsibility for creating remedies into the
hands of government executives or the courts. The solutions they arrive at
are often unpopular, and the principles that guide them prove subject to
constant change because of the irreconcilable tension between
individualized decision-making and the constitutional demand that we impose
this ultimate sanction on a consistent and reasoned basis.
At the end of the
day, perhaps the best argument against capital punishment
may be that it is an issue beyond the limited capacity of government to get
things right.
Scott Turow is the author, most recently, of "Reversible Errors."
IL Governor George
Ryan's clemency speech is available in written form at
<http://www.CUADP.org>, but you can order this historic video from the
C-Span archives. They did not broadcast it live, but CSPAN did play
several times over last weekend. As far as I know, it is not available in
a streaming form anywhere on the internet, but if you know differently, do
To obtain the video,
call C-Span archives at 1-877-662-7726. The Program
ID number is 174589.
If you read my
message about my experience with a suspicious package last
weekend, then you know what this is about. I received some good
feedback. And, while the Palm Beach County Sheriff's office seems content
that I was telling the truth, now the local yocals have sent their own
detective after me, and he wants me to take a "Computerized Voice Stress
Analysis," or "CVSA," test. I don't plan to - here is what several
criminal defense attorneys have told me about CVSA:
"Abe, Computerized
Voice Stress Analysis (CVSA) essentially marries the
technologies of the polygraph (measuring degrees of stress) and the
computer (sorting, storing, comparing data). The polygraph has never been
found to be scientifically reliable enough to be admissible in court. The
addition of the computer gives the process an aura of "high tech",
objectivity. This is specious as it really changes nothing about
reliability. My opinion is that the police use CVSA as a tool to pressure
suspects into making statements or admissions or to get information would
not otherwise give. It's your decision of course, but I would be very wary.
another lawyer simply said, "don't do it."
So I am expecting
to learn more about the realities of life in the era of
Homeland Security, where if you do what they say and report suspicious
packages, then you become a suspect, and if you don't cooperate, you must
be guilty.
another lawyer responding to the original post wrote:
"I have a
ton of work to be doing right now, but I just couldn't resist
responding to your bomb scare story. Your experience illustrates the cop
tactics that have landed so many ignorant and scared (and innocent?) people
in prison and on death row. It also illustrates why the best advice I have
ever heard a criminal defense lawyer give is: "Just shut up!" Don't
talk. Don't say a damn thing. You think you are helping yourself when you
talk, but you're not. Show your ID, ask for a lawyer, and don't say
another freakin' thing. When they ask a question, when they make an
insulting remark, when they demand that you open your mouth, do so only
long enough to say "I want a lawyer." It's not just death penalty
that result in innocents being convicted. Sometimes it's just bogus bomb
threats. Think about it. In your story there was no criminal act
committed by anyone, and yet you could have easily been charged with (and
in Texas anyway, easily convicted) of a felony. Don't believe me? Let me
tell you about some of my clients . . ."
SO, there's some good advice..... Stay tuned!
February 14: St. Valentines Day - see <http://www.cuadp.org/valentine.html>.
Feb 25 (estimated):
300th Texas prisoner-killing - see
March 1st: Abolition Day - see <http://www.cuadp.org/abolitionday.html>.
June 29 - July
2: 10th Annual Fast & Vigil - see
Check out <http://www.cuadp.org/upevents.html> for events
So far since the sustainer pitch, only *one* new sustainer.
Stand CUADP's record
up against any fully funded and staffed abolitionist
organization, and it is not difficult to recognize the bang you get for
your buck with CUADP. CUADP needs about $3,000 a month to cover regular
bills and expenses, repay loans, AND take action. That's less then what
many groups pay for just one senior level salary! As you may know, CUADP
has no paid staff - we are all volunteers.
The interim goal
is to build CUADP's sustainer program to provide a
guaranteed income of $5,000 a month. This would allow significant
growth. Currently, CUADP's assured income via the sustainer program is
$1,080, derived from:
One person who
gives $105 each month
One person who gives $100...
Two people who give $50...
Two people who give $40...
Two people who give $30....
Five people who give $25...
13 people who give $20...
One person who gives $15...
19 people who give $10...
and nine people who give $5
That's right. 46 individuals make a monthly gift via their credit card at
a level at which they are comfortable. A few other sustainers send checks
every month in the mail totalling about $60. Friends, that's almost 1% of
the number of people receiving this message. What if we bumped that level
of support just 1%, or even 2%?
Please consider
joining the CUADP Sustainer Program. In the past CUADP has
set a goal of 1,000 new donors. We've never come close. Perhaps more
realistic goals would be attainable. From the 5,250+ people reading this
message, can CUADP attract 45 new sustainers, and 55 new donors?
What do YOU think?
Can YOU help? Whether your gift is a one-time
contribution, or you join the sustainer program, together, we will make the
PLEASE join those
who have kept CUADP going with whatever you can offer on
a one-time OR monthly basis by using CUADP's secure server to make a
contribution now. Please click here:
If you would like
to contribute but don't wish to do so over the internet,
please call 800-973-6548 or mail your contribution to the address shown below.
Send checks or
money orders to:
PMB 297
177 US Highway 1
Tequesta, FL 33469
CUADP thanks you for your consideration and looks forward to hearing from you.
Yours in the Struggle,
Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director, CUADP
(the small print)
(FL only) OR 850-413-0840. REGISTRATION DOES NOT
15 Mexican Government Releases Humanitarian Aid for Chiapas
von: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
For Immediate Release
Contact: IFCO/Pastors for Peace
January 16, 2003
212-926-5757 p4p@igc.org
Mexican Government Releases Humanitarian Aid for Chiapas
In response to
international grassroots concern for the plight of indigenous
communities in Chiapas, the Mexican government authorized the passage of ten
tons of humanitarian aid that was held at the Mexican border since December
12, 2002. This aid, which includes medical supplies and computers donated by
dozens of churches, community organizations, religious orders and schools
throughout the US and Canada, was part of a caravan organized by
IFCO/Pastors for Peace for Chiapas, where communities displaced by Mexican
military and paramilitary groups are anxiously awaiting it.
Yesterday, in New
York, D.C, Chicago, Dallas, El Paso, St. Louis, San
Francisco, Tucson, L.A., Fresno, San Diego, El Paso, and Kansas City, MO,
peaceful demonstrators picketed their local Mexican consulates, raising
awareness regarding the humanitarian crisis in Chiapas. In many cities,
direct meetings were held between demonstrators and the consulate staff,
giving people who personally participated in raising support for the
caravans a chance to express to Mexican authorities their outrage that such
humanitarian aid would be denied. Staff of several consulates responded by
advocating for the release of the aid. Meanwhile, hundreds of letters of
support flooded President Fox's fax machine in Mexico City, including one
from US congressional representative Raúl M.Grijalva, from Arizona.
Mexican Congressional
representatives also expressed support for the passage
of the humanitarian aid and accompanied IFCO/Pastors for Peace staff to
meetings with high level Mexican governmental officials in Mexico City this
week. Leaders of religious organizations in Chiapas also provided invaluable
Since 1995, IFCO/Pastors
for Peace has delivered 10 caravans of humanitarian
aid to poor, indigenous communities in Chiapas, Mexico, always in accordance
with Mexican law. However, upon this caravan's arrival at the Mexico border,
IFCO/Pastors for Peace was informed that new customs regulations would not
allow the aid to cross the border.
Rev. Lucius Walker,
Jr., Executive Director of IFCO/Pastors for Peace,
immediately traveled to Mexico City to meet with high level governmental
officials when the aid was initially blocked. When it became clear that the
hold up was more than bureaucratic, the grassroots network that supports
IFCO/Pastors for Peace work throughout the US, Canada and Mexico were
notified. Throughout the US and Mexico, thousands of individuals, churches,
and community organizations responded immediately and began working around
the clock for the release of the aid.
Rev. Lucius Walker,
stated "This decision is a victory for all concerned. We
pray now that there will be no further delay in the delivery of the aid to the
indigenous communities in Chiapas." Accordingly plans are now being made
cross the border at Reynosa, Mexico on January 21 and delivery of the aid
will take place on January 25.
Anyone who wishes
to accompany the aid shipment is urged to contact the
IFCO office, (212) 926-5757.
"Let us not love in word: but in deed and in truth." 1 John 3:18
IFCO/Pastors for
402 W 145th Street, New York, NY 10031
212-926-5757; fax: 212-926-5842; web: http://www.ifconews.org
16 Re: widerst@nd! - MUND: Freitag, 17.01.2003
von: thomas stuck <thomas@2gas.net>
am 17.01.2003 8:36
Uhr schrieb admin@no-racism.net unter
> 13 Stephansplatz,
> From: Vienna Austria <reinhardt7@hotmail.com>
> Dear Sir:
> Here is a copy of the deposition that I wrote for events which occured
> Saturday the 11th of January, 2003: Preceding it is a copy of the official
> complaint, filed with the Bundes Ministerium fuer Inneres. I would
> appreciate any advice you can give me in this matter.
> Respectfully,
> MMMag. Aeryn M. J. Gillern
thomas stuck
Antwort an
13 Stephansplatz, 11.01.03
From: Vienna Austria <reinhardt7@hotmail.com>
MMMag. Aeryn M. J. Gillern
I´m sorry
but look don´t be stupid and waste your time on things that
could have happened.to anyone
1st rule: if you
think to go by public transport and you don´t want to pay
the fare, allways take enough amount of money with you to pay the fine.
2nd rule: always take your I.D. with you, and keep your address.
3d rule: and possibly
the most important. policemen (and you have told that you
are in charge of this for 20 years now) are very special and we have to
treat them always very nice like they are something very much better, wiser,
with much more intelligence, they are always right, we are so sorry, it will
never happen again ... and so on and on. It doesn´t matter if this is
or not because you are always able to correct things afterwards.
I believe that
anyone could fall into rhe trap, black, yellow, red, white or
green ...
I hope you won´t get me wrong
kind regards
17 Statement / Mediengespräch am 15. Jänner 2003
von: Initiative muslimischer ÖsterreicherInnen <dieinitiative@gmx.at>
am 15. Jänner 2003, 10.30 Uhr,
Islamische Religionspädagogische Akademie, Neustiftgasse 117, 1070 Wien
Droht Österreich eine Trendwende zu mehr Islamfeindlichkeit?
Bewusst kleiden
wir das Gefühl der Verunsicherung und Besorgnis vieler
Muslime in eine Frage. Denn festzuhalten ist das gute Krisenmanagement, das
Österreich bisher im Zuge der Diskussion um den 11. September auszeichnete.
gewann den Eindruck, dass die Bevölkerung sehr wohl beruhigt darüber
dass ihre muslimischen Nachbarn nicht mit Terror oder Staatsfeindlichkeit in
Verbindung gebracht werden wollen und dürfen.
Gleichzeitig nahmen
schon bestehende Aktivitäten im Bereich des Dialogs
einen großen Aufschwung, die das große Interesse zeigen auf konstruktive
den Gedankenaustausch zu pflegen.
Nun aber sehen
wir uns der Tatsache gegenüber, dass viele Menschen
unabhängig von ihrer Glaubensausrichtung eine Tendenz zu wiederkehrender
Verdächtigung und Verachtung von Muslimen feststellen. Immer wieder bekomme
schwammige Unterstellungen mit, als Muslim in Europa stelle man ein mögliches
Gefahrenpotential dar oder sei schlicht unerwünscht.
Dazu drei Beispiele zur Verdeutlichung:
- Nach den Terroranschlägen
von 2001 hieß es gegenüber Muslimen oft: "Na,
was habt ihr denn da angestellt?" Diese implizierte Pauschalierung
ließ noch
immer das Gespräch zu und gab so Gelegenheit, Missverständnisse aus
dem Weg
zu räumen. Inzwischen wirken eigentlich unhaltbare, weil grob verzerrende
Darstellungen des Islam immer öfter dermaßen zementiert, dass die
erschwert wird. Da sagt ein anonymer Anrufer einfach: "Ihr Muslime bringt
überall Krieg."
- Auf einem Linzer Friedhof wurden im Dezember mehrere muslimische Gräber
verwüstet. Bei der Aufnahme des Tatbestandes versuchte man vorerst, die
Angelegenheit als witterungsbedingte Schäden herunterzuspielen, obwohl
sichtlich Menschen am Werk waren.
- An einer Schule wurde ein Arbeitspapier zum Islam ausgegeben, das die fünf
Säulen des Islam auf absurde Weise ins Gegenteil verkehrte, indem sie in
Richtung Kampfvorbereitung uminterpretiert wurden, wie dies kein Gelehrter tun
könnte. Die unter dem Stichwort "soziale Gerechtigkeit" zu betrachtende
Pflichtabgabe mutiert zu einer Abgabe in eine so gar nicht vorhandene
Ramadan läuft unter "Vorbereitung für die Entbehrungen des Krieges".
- In einer Straßenbahn wird eine muslimische Frau schmerzhaft gekniffen.
die Frage, was dies solle, heißt es: " Mit so was rede ich doch nicht."
sei eben die angemessene Art darauf hinzuweisen, dass sie schneller Platz
für andere machen solle.
Es ist wichtig,
umso stärker zu betonen, wie viele positive Beispiele für
ein Zusammenleben in gegenseitigem Respekt zu nennen wären: Passanten,
die ein
Kopftuch auch als Anlass zu eigener freundlicher Nachfrage nehmen, Lehrer,
die behutsam auf die verschiedene Herkunft der Schüler eingehen oder
Arbeitskollegen, die respektieren, dass der muslimische Kollege manchmal
zurückgezogen eine Gebets- statt einer Kaffeepause hält. Aber gerade
weil wir diese Form
eines funktionierenden Alltagslebens so schätzen, halten wir es für
mit unseren negativen Beobachtungen die Öffentlichkeit zu suchen. Denn
mehren sich die Indikatoren in Richtung einer Klimaverschlechterung, so
dass nicht von einzelner subjektiver Wahrnehmung die Rede sein kann.
Hier gilt es in
einer breiten gemeinsamen Anstrengung mit öffentlichen
Stellen, Partnern aus dem interreligiösen Dialog oder aus dem
Antirassismus- und Menschenrechtsbereich, der Lehre und Forschung, Anzeichen
von Islamophobie
entgegenzuarbeiten und vorzubeugen, noch ehe von einer echten Eskalation
gesprochen werden muss. Keine Frage, dass den Medien als Meinungsmachern
dabei eine wesentliche Rolle zufällt.
Ein erster Schritt
wäre die Untersuchung der Ursachen. Wir orten hier neben
seit langem bekannten Faktoren mangelnder Informiertheit, tradierter
Vorurteile und einer teilweise belasteten Geschichte neu hinzugekommene
- Der Islam bleibt
zumindest vom Hintergrund her ein Dauerthema des
Weltgeschehens und wird dabei problematisiert, geht es um den sogenannten
Krieg gegen den Terror und die damit verbundene Sicherheitsdebatte, den Irak
Afghanistan. Komplexe Zusammenhänge mit einem weiten Spektrum von Hintergründen
werden verkürzt auf die Religionszugehörigkeit der Menschen der betreffenden
Region. Dabei müsste es viel eher nicht "Weil es dort den Islam gibt...",
sondern "obwohl es dort den Islam gibt..." heißen. Auch das
Thema der möglichen
EU- Mitgliedschaft der Türkei brachte vor allem die Religionszugehörigkeit
- Im Bereich der Unterhaltung fallen immer wieder Spielfilme auf, die
Muslime als herz- und hirnlose Bösewichte zeigen und zur Identifikation
Personen einladen, die schon allein dadurch "gut" wirken, weil sie
dem Islam angehören. Hier wird ein gefährliches Lagerdenken befördert.
- Nach einer langen Phase im Großen und Ganzen verantwortungsvoller und
differenzierter Berichterstattung relativ frei von Pauschalurteilen,
scheint nun die Einsicht, eigentlich selbst noch viel am Islam zu entdecken
zu haben,
nicht mehr zu gelten. Die Islamexperten schießen aus dem Boden. Die von
manchem falsch ausgelegten Begriffe wie "Scharia" werden durch ständige
Wiederholung auch nicht wahrer, drohen aber ins Bewusstsein zu dringen
als Muslime angeblich vom Westen trennende Religionsinhalte. Das könnte
innerhalb unserer
Gesellschaft Barrieren errichten, für die es keinen Anlass gibt.
- Gerade um aufzuzeigen, wie die verschiedenen Dialog-Initiativen sich
entwickeln, wäre es wichtig, dies auch medial aufzuzeigen, anstatt Arbeit
dieser Richtung als "naiv" abzutun. Es entspräche nicht den Tatsachen,
sollte sich neuerdings eine Schere zwischen dem gelebten Alltag in Österreich
und den
darüber berichtenden Medien auftun. Es wäre ungerecht und falsch,
nach dem
Prinzip der Sippenhaftung wegen einiger weniger Verhaftungen mutmaßlicher
Terroristen in anderen europäischen Ländern (worunter zuletzt in Frankreich
auch eine dann nicht mehr groß berichtete Denunziation lag) prinzipiell
muslimischen Glaubens nur mehr unter Vorbehalt zu behandeln.
Dieser groben Beobachtung
ließe sich viel hinzufügen, um noch das
psychologische Moment in einer Zeit, da wir allgemein von Verunsicherung
sprechen, besser einzufangen. Inwieweit sind Vergleiche von historischen Abläufen
ganz verschiedenen Vorzeichen überhaupt zulässig? Kann man das scheinbar
mangels besseren Wissens nur an eigenen Maßstäben messen?
Unsere erklärte
und bewährte Linie ist es, Dinge nicht unter den Tisch zu
kehren oder totschweigen zu wollen. Wenn manche Kommentatoren und unserer
Beobachtung nach viel weniger die Bevölkerung selbst einen Erklärungsbedarf
der Muslime in Europa sehen, so sind wir gerne bereit, Punkt für Punkt
In der Pressemappe
finden Sie etliche Beispiele dafür, wie die Islamische
Glaubensgemeinschaft die klare Linie verfolgt, Demokratie und die Prinzipien
von Pluralismus und Rechtsstaatlichkeit durchgehend nach innen und außen
betonen. Und dies auf dem Boden der Theologie in der Überzeugung, dass
Islam selbst genug an Dynamik in sich trage, um auch modernen Herausforderungen
gerecht zu werden. Hierzu finden Sie Beispiele von Stellungnahmen zu bestimmten
Ereignissen, da an dieser Stelle wenig Zeit ist, in die inhaltliche
Diskussion einzusteigen.
Islam und Europa
sind miteinander kompatibel. Es wäre erfreulich, wenn uns
dies bald auch die Türkei im Rahmen der EU vorzeigen könnte.
Österreich hat durch das Anerkennungsgesetz des Islam ideale
Voraussetzungen, die volle Integration von Muslimen unter Beibehaltung
ihrer Identität zu ermöglichen.
Wir sehen es als
erwiesen an, dass es stetiger Akzente bedarf, die
Möglichkeiten der Teilhabe von Muslimen zu intensivieren. Partizipation
integrativ und befördert das gegenseitige Verständnis. Dieser Weg
Integration als gemeinsamem Prozess stellt natürlich auch für die
Muslime eine
Herausforderung dar, die zusehends einen aktiven Teil dabei übernehmen.
Nicht die theoretische Information allein kann Einstellungsänderungen bewirken,
sondern vor allem der gelebte Diskurs, von dem alle Seiten profitieren.
Initiative muslimischer ÖsterreicherInnen
für Rückfragen und Korrespondenz kontaktieren sie bitte:
Omar Al Rawi +43-664-3831942 al-rawi@gmx.at
Amina & Tarafa Baghajati +43-1-2595449 baghajati@surfeu.at
Mouddar Khouja +43-1-9685096 mouddar@gmx.net
Andrea Saleh +43-1-7965652 salehand@gmx.at
18 Der Wecker tickt nicht richtig...
von: <OEKOLI_Wien@gmx.net>
Der Wecker tickt nicht richtig.
Konstantin Wecker
hat wie viele Linke sein Herz für die iraqische
Ba´th-Regierung entdeckt. "Unter jeder Bombe liegt ein Kind, (.)
auf deren
Kosten wir unsere Machtspiele austragen, unsere Ideologien rechtfertigen, unsere
Unfähigkeit demonstrieren, zuzuhören, einzusehen, zu verstehen und
verzeihen" lässt er uns auf seiner Homepage wissen und deswegen fuhr
er gleich mit einer
"Friedenssolidaritätsdelegation" ins Land seiner Begierde um
als lebendiges
Schutzschild gegen den Krieg zu demonstrieren. Sein komplexes Wissen über
Irak und dessen Regime gab er Anfang Jänner in einem Interview mit der
Tageszeitung "Junge Welt" zum besten: "Wer weiß denn hierzulande,
daß es
dort zum Beispiel eine jüdische Gemeinde mit drei Synagogen oder eine große
Gemeinde gibt, und daß sie unbehelligt in der moslemischen Welt leben
Wecker fügt seiner Begeisterung über die Existenz iraqischer Synagogen
hinzu, dass heute gerade noch einmal 50 Juden und Jüdinnen im Iraq leben,
die angesichts des brutalen antisemitischen Regimes selbstverständlich
müssen, es gäbe keine Probleme. Von der einst größten jüdischen
Gemeinde der
arabischen Welt, die hunderttausende Gläubige zählte, sind heute nur
wenige alte Menschen übriggeblieben. Der Rest wurde bereits vor und während
Herrschaft Saddam Husseins vertrieben oder ermordet. Die regierende
Ba´th-Partei ließ immer wieder Jüdinnen und Juden als vermeintliche
"zionistische Agenten" hinrichten. Wir versuchten in einem e-mail
an Konstantin Wecker
ihn auf diese reale Situation der Jüdinnen und Juden im Iraq aufmerksam
zu machen und
bekamen vom Büro des Liedermachers die Antwort: ".egal, ob irgendwo
50 oder
Millionen Menschen leben, für Konstantin Wecker und für jeden friedlich
gesinnten anderen Menschen zählt jeder einzelne Mensch."
Ein Blick auf Weckers Homepage verrät mehr über dessen politische
Entwicklung: Ein gewisser Gerhard Wisnewski, der Betreiber des
Internet-Buchvertriebs www.backgroundbooks.de, über den Weckers Fancommunitiy
ihre CDs, Bücher und
sonstigen Kram bestellen kann, ist fleissiger Autor der "Ketzerbriefe",
die vom
"Bund gegen Anpassung", der deutschen Schwesterorganisation der INL
(Initiative Neue Linke), herausgegeben werden. Die Psychosekte, der auch der
Ahriman-Verlag gehört, ist seit sie Mitte der Achzigerjahre die
Zwangstätowierung von HIV-Positiven forderte, von einer links-anarchistischen
Reich-Rezeption zu
einer esoterisch rechtsextremen Psychosekte mutiert, die gemeinsam mit
Scientology und Hare Krischna Kampagen für "Religionsfreiheit"
Im Zuge dieser Kampagne wurde u.a. die "Verfolgung" von Scientology
mit der
"Judenverfolgung" gleichgesetzt.
So verwundert es auch nicht, wenn über den Internet-Buchhandel der
Wecker-Fangemeinde nicht nur Fanartikel sondern auch eine Reihe rechtsextremer
Publikationen, etwa von Claus Nordbruch, der am 8. Mai 2002 vom RFS zu einer
Podiumsdiskussion ("Selbstachtung statt Selbsthass") eingeladen wurde,
sonstige verschwörungstheoretischen Mist, z.B. etliche Bücher, die
die Verwicklung des
Mossad in die terroristischen Attentate des 11. Septembers belegen. Und
natürlich jede menge Esoterik, die Wecker manchmal mit dem Vermerk
"Persönlicher Tip von Konstantin Wecker" versieht.
Ökologische Linke (ÖKOLI)
Schottengasse 3a/1/4/59
A-1010 Wien
e-milio: oekoli_wien@gmx.net
Visite our Website: http://www.oekoli.cjb.net
Ökoli Vorarlberg: http://PolitiX.cjb.net
Unsere Aussendungen
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don't forget to say hello to echelon:
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19 Rifondazione Comunista di Vienna.. proposta
von: "Stefano D'Incecco" <stefanodincecco@libero.it>
al segretario del circolo di Londra, Enrico Mandelstam,
al segretario della federazione Svizzera Claudio Rappa,
al segretario del circolo di Sant'Andrea (Fr) Fabio,
al compagno del direttivo di Parigi Roberto,
a tutti i compagni che vogliono partecipare
Cari compagni
coscienti che il sito di "Rifondazione a Vienna" è molto limitato
proporre una discussione virtuale nel non molto frequentato Forum della Homepage.
Entrarci e mandare un messaggio è molto semplice (nella schermata iniziale
sulla parola "forum" e quindi inserire i messaggi), si tratterebbe
soltanto di
metterci d'accordo sulla data, sull'ora e sul tipo di discussione.
Discutere per fare il punto della situazione su una serie di argomenti come
"Le prossime elezioni in
Italia e in Europa (considerato che alle prossime elezioni 12 rappresentanti
arriveranno dagli italiani all'estero)"... oppure "l'andamento del
tesseramento nei circoli
(e a Vienna sta andando come al solito..... )", oppure "dinamiche
e iniziative", oppure
"circoli di rifondazione all'estero e in rete". Chiaramente c'è
in questa proposta
un intento a stimolare le discussioni e per niente vincolante e quindi se
qualcun'altro è in grado di mettere in piedi un forum meglio strutturato...
ben venga.... magari
anche con le web-cam nello stile "videconferenza".
Cosa ne direste di
GIOVEDI' 23 GENNAIO 2003 ALLE ORE 21.00 ??????
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per ringraziare tutti i compagni
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Stefano del Prc di Vienna
archivio elettronico:
20 Re: Rifondazione Comunista di Vienna.. proposta
von: collectif bellaciao <bellaciaoparis@yahoo.fr>
Ciao Stefano personalmente
sono d'accordo per avere
questo primo contatto diretto anche se "virtuale".
Noi nel nostro sito di Bellaciao proponiamo un
"chatroom", questo e uno spazio di discussione in
diretta disponibile 24 ore su 24 per tutti quelli che
hanno voglia di esprimere e parlare, ma non nascondo
che non e' cosi semplice, ma c'e' sempre qualcuno...
L'unica cosa e'
di avere un po' di pazienza per
entrare in questo chatroom, dopo si puo' dialogare in
tanti non abbiamo messo un limite.
Questo e' giusto una proposta, e' chiaro che dovete
passare per il nostro sito, si puo' sempre trovare un
altro metodo ma sembra non soltanto che e' molto
semplice ma e' anche diretto.
L'indirizzo del
sito e' http://www.bellaciao.org
ed in questo momento preciso siamo due compagni che
discutiamo il mio sopranome, nick in inglese e' Aldo.
Vi aspettiamo
Ciao Roberto
PS: poi fate un
clic su il link del chatroom e
21 Jahresrückblick 2002
von: Initiative Minderheiten <initiative.minderheiten@chello.at>
Jahresrückblick 2002
Die Initiative
Minderheiten blickt zurück auf das vergangene Jahr und bietet
unter http://www.initiative.minderheiten.at einen kompakten Überblick über
die wichtigsten politischen Ereignisse im Bereich der Minderheiten in
Österreich und international im Jahr 2002.
Welche Gesetze
wurden 2002 beschlossen, welche als verfassungswidrig
aufgehoben? Welche Jahrestage brachte das vergangene Jahr und welche
Statements und Ereignisse sorgten für Aufregung?
Initiative Minderheiten - platform for minorities in Austria
Gumpendorfer Strasse 15/13
1060 Wien
tel: +43/1/5861249-12
fax: +43/1/5868217
e-mail: initiative.minderheiten@chello.at
17. 1. 2003, 22:00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Edgar Ernstbrunner
Fehler möge frau/man mir nachsehen!