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Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 - Anti-Folterkomitee des Europarats kritisiert Österreichische
From: Gismo Gremlin, gismo.wuff@aon.at
Anti-Folterkomitee des Europarates kritisiert Österreichs Haftanstalten
mangelnde Hygiene und schlechte ärztliche Betreuung
werden beanstandet, berichtet der Falter
Wien - Das unabhängige
Anti-Folter-Komitee des Europarates (CPT)hat soeben
seinen aktuellen 85-Seiten Bericht über Haftbedingungen und unmenschliche
Behandlung in Österreich vorgelegt. Der Falter zitiert aus dem Bericht.
1999 hatte sich eine fünfköpfige unabhängige Kommission unter
der Leitung
der Schweizer Psychologin Gisela Perren-Klingler unter anderem die
Justizanstalten Josefstadt, Schwarzau und Göllersdorf näher angesehen.
Die Recherchen
des Komitees bestätigen die Kritik, die die vergangenen
Wochen gegen Österreichs Vollzugssystem erhoben wurde. Besonders das Graue
Haus in der Josefstadt erregte den Unmut der Kommission. Im sogenannten
"Keller" der Anstalt, jenem Bereich der für renitente Häftlinge
ist, gäbe es "Beschwerden wegen körperlicher Misshandlungen".
spricht in seinem Bericht von "Tritten, Schlägen mit dem Schlagstock,
Faustschlägen, Ohrfeigen". Weiters heisst es: "Zudem hat die
verbreitete Anschuldigungen bezüglich des groben und missächtlichen
Verhaltens einiger Strafvollzugsbeamter gegenüber Häftlingen, insbesondere
Ausländern und vor allem farbigen Insassen gehört".
Nur 26 Schilling pro Tag und Häftling für Nahrungsmittel
Heftig kritisiert
werden vom Komitee untragbare hygienische Zustände:
"Allgemein gesehen war die Neuversorgung mit grundlegenden Hygieneprodukten
für Häftlinge (...) nicht gewährleistet. Viele unter ihnen mussten
Kleidung in den Zellen waschen". Waschmittel gäbe es allerdings keine.
die Mahlzeiten und die schlechte Ernährung seien skandalös: So würden
die Verpflegung eines Häftlings in Österreich "pro Tag nur 26
aufgewendet", kritisiert das Komitee.
Auch die medizinische
Versordung wird kritisiert: "Die Delegation hörte
verbreitete Klagen der Häftlinge über die Qualität der medizinischen
Behandlung". Das Komittee wühlte in den Krankenakten. Ergebnis: "Die
Untersuchung der Krankenakte durch die Ärzte der Delegation erlaubt nicht,
diese Anschuldigungen a priori zu widerlegen". Die untersuchten Krankenakten
würden "im allgemeinen nur zusammenfassende Notizen enthalten, die
sich auf
das Datum der Konsultation, die Diagnose und die Verschreibungen
beschränken". Es fanden sich "praktisch keine klinischen Beobachtungen,
eine korrekte Einschätzung der vorherigen oder aktuellen medizinischen
Behandlung zuliessen". Eine solche Situation, so warnt das Komitee
"beeinflusst unvermeidlich die Qualität der Behandlung".
Haftanstalt Stein wurde nicht unter die Lupe genommen
Das Gurtenbett
in Stein, an dem ein Häftling qualvoll verstarb, wurde vom
CPT nicht thematisiert. Denn die Justizanstalt Stein wurde nicht besucht.
Doch schon in früheren Berichten des CPT wird klargestellt , dass
Fixierungen von Häftlingen nur dann zulässig ist, wenn es "unbedingt
erforderlich ist". Derartige Fesselungen seien nur unter permanenter
ärztlicher Überwachung und nur für kurze Zeit zulässig.
Auch die Isolationshaft
für psychisch Kranke wird hart kritisiert. Das CPT
hält fest, dass Einzelhaft für "Geisteskranke" verboten
ist. Psychologe
Gernot Sonneck: "Die Einzelunterbringung ist aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach
der tödlichste Einzelfaktor für den Selbstmord". 68 Prozent aller
verübenden Häftlinge, so schreibt Sonneck in seiner dem Justizressort
Monaten bekannten Studie "Krisenintervention und Suizidgefährdung",
zum Zeitpunkt der Tat in einer Einzelzelle untergebracht. Dieser Befund, so
sei "präventiv gesehen von hoher Relevanz". (red)
| Politik | Innenpolitik
02 - Belgrade Gay Parade
From: Irina.Kralj@guest.arness.si
The organizers of the International gay and lesbian pride celebration
are horrified by the violent, fascist behavior of the right-wing
extremists who, on June 30th, 2001, between 3 pm and 6 pm, brutally
attacked those participating the celebration, as well as the
citizens and journalists who happened to be on Trg Republika, or
on Srpskih Vladara street. According to our unofficial information,
amongst those who inspired, organized and executed this violence
were the members of the Obraz movement, fans of the Crvena Zvezda
and Rad soccer teams, and also the representatives of the Serbian
orthodox church.
The meeting was reported to the Secretariat of Internal Affairs,
of Stari Grad (the local city district) on time, and those in
authority were warned about the possible incidents. Even though the
police showed correctness in their dealings with the organizers
before the meeting, and promised that those attending the meeting
would be protected, it is clear that every police officer was free
to react how ever he wished. This resulted with most police
officers standing on the side and watching, and even welcoming the
escalation of violent attacks on everyone who was near and seemed
like he or she might belong to the meeting. Only when the mass
of people attacked the police officers themselves was there an
adequate reaction of the police. It should be noted that during
the last ten years the Serbian police demonstrated on numerous
occasions their ability to stop riots much greater in scale then
those which happened yesterday, which shows that there wasn't a
sincere wish on their side to protect the citizens of this state.
We strongly condemn that decision out of two reasons:
From the viewpoint of human rights the special vulnerability of
gays and lesbians as a marginalized group in this society isn't
acknowledged, and those belonging to this minority group are not
protected. During the development of events, the police didn't react
adequately, and they didn't secure the meeting with a sufficient
number of officers. Even though citizens pleaded for help, police
cars didn't stop. It should also be noted that the police officers
openly gave homophobic, discriminatory remarks, of the following type:
"Why should we protect them?", "They got what they deserve!",
should keep in groups! We didn't come here to protect them, we came
here to protect ordinary people!", etc.
The policy of allowing a "meeting and contra-meeting" in the
same place at the same time, continues the tactics of the previous
regime and should in no way be applied to meetings of
marginalized social groups. Even though yesterdays escalation of
violence is an obvious result of a ten year period of hate
growth towards everything that is different (religion, nation and
opinions), our democratic government has failed on one of its first
tests when human rights are involved. By yesterdays mild police
reaction, the state and authorities have shown that an attack on
the "other" is still permissible, and even welcome.
We insist that the Ministry of Internal Affairs take
responsibility for stopping the brutal violence on citizens of this
state. Also, we are asking that the minister responsible, Dusan
Mihajlovic, give a statement regarding the behavior of those
belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in protecting human
We are reminding that lesbian and gay rights - human rights - are
guaranteed by international legal norms, which our country is a
signer of.
Human rights are a political question - and that is why we
expect that those in authority in the states offices and political
parties give statements regarding the protection of lesbian and gay
Events such as this one are not tolerated in any civilized
In case that the government wishes to lead Serbia into Europe, it
has gone in the wrong direction.
The organizers are reminding that the slogan of the meeting was
" There is space for all of us", and that the politics of the
gay and lesbian movement here and in the world are: the culture of
tolerance and the ethics of difference.
We are sorry for everyone who got hurt on the streets, who
number, by our account, more then forty (40). We condemn every
incident that was reported yesterday. Since the politics of the
state is democratization of society in all segments, we believe
that the question of lesbian and gay rights will be one of the
basic themes of this process.
Labris and
In Belgrade, July 1st, 2001
03 - angebot an alle widerständige
From: Kurto.Wendt@reflex.at
der tüwi-gastgarten
ist jetzt auch über sommer als kooperation zwischen
dogma und tüwi geöffnet und zwar von freitag bis dienstag. am samstag
finden jeweils konzerte ders tüwi statt, die anderen tage sind normaler
wir möchten
allen das angebot machen, dort diskussionsveranstaltungen,
videovorführungen ect. veranstalten zu können. es kiopstet euch keine
miete, wir stellen euch eine tonanlage zur verfügung und bewerben die
veranstaltung auch. als tage stehen sonntag, montag, dienstag im juli und
august zur verfügung.
bereits fixiert
ist ein kuba-fest am 14. august zugunsten des cdr (komitee
zur verteidigung der revolution)
rückmeldung bitte rasch an kurto.wendt@reflex.at oder tel. 0676/5174964
04 - Kleine Zeitung.at Watschenmann
From: Martin Mair, mm@mediaweb.at
Watschenmann waere wohl die geeignete Form, aber ein Fetzn bei der
Umfrage tuts wohl auch.
schoenen erholsamen Urlaub
aus: kleinezeitung.at Maillingliste, 9.7.2001
Beurteilen Sie
unsere Regierung
Das Schuljahr ist zu Ende, allerorts werden Zeugnisse verteilt. Aber
nicht nur Schüler bekommen ihre Noten, sondern auch die geleistete
Arbeit unserer Regierung steht bei uns auf dem Prüfstand. Was halten Sie
von der Arbeit unseres Bundeskanzlers? Besitzt Finanzminister Grasser
Führungsqualitäten? Halten Sie Außenministerin Ferrero-Waldner
für die
beste Erscheinung im Kabinett? Stellen Sie unseren Damen und Herren
Politikern ein Zeugnis aus, indem Sie bei unserer Online-Umfrage
Martin Mair
Publizist, virtuell & traditionell
Media Austria
Plattform fuer
Webhosting und
05 - Call for the Border hack - Tijuana
From: no-racism frei-account
Call for the Borderhack! Tijuana, August 24-26 2001
**August 24-26 Tijuana Borderhack festival**
*US contact: US-Mexico border action committee
Tel: (626)695-3405
e-mail: borderactions@aol.com
*Tijuana contact: cybercholito@hotmail.com, MR_haro@mac.com
*Please send us e-mail for the regislation! No application fee for the event
and the camp, donations are greatly applicated! Please bring your sleeping
and tent!
*Los Angeles planning meeting: July 16th, Monday 7 PM, CARECEN, 2845 West
*Bay Area Meeting: July 18th, Wednesday, location, TBA.
Borderhack is a festival/campament that is part of the "kein mensch ist
illegal" chain of bordercamps. It will take place in Tijuana on August
and 26 of the year 2001. The location of the camp will be in the Playas de
Tijuana part of the city, in front of the actual border fence that divides
third and the first world, and also where it penetrates the ocean. The camp
will offer net art, photograph exhibits, border cinema, isdn connections,
conferences and workshops, not to mention the participation of the global
hacktivist and net-media art community.
For more information,
please check:
Borderhack has
been endorsed by ActionLA and US-Mexico border committee. LA
Food Not Bombs, LA IMC, and Starhawk from Bay area had agreed will offer
helps for the logistics and programming. We will have art, music, puppet
making; bi-national teach-in.
We would like you
to come to join the event! This is the great opportunity
the youth and old activists from both side of the border to meet and
ideas. Please pre-register ASAP so we can estimate how many people are
to come. Also let us know how many people will be offer logistics and
transportation to Tijuana and funding raising for the logistics.
The event is FREE,
just ask for donations, bring your tent, silver ware and
sleeping bags.
Everyone planning to come to the event should respect the following rules:
- No Alcohol
- No Drugs
- No weapons
- Respect local culture
- Nonviolence
**call to borderhack**
"Tijuana and San Diego are one city, that like Berlin, got divided by
and things of destiny. Tijuana and San Diego are the same city, the "i"
the point that unites the first and the third world. The border imposes it
like a dimensional vortex swallowing the travelers with out papers"
Borderhack was
a romantic act in the coldest age of the 20th century. An
example that borders exist and need to be hack to understand our condition
living beings; beyond Naftas and cyberchicks enslave to maquiladoras in
10 hours shifts. Imagine a camp in the absolut geographic corner of
Latinamerica, where poverty clashes with freedom and México and USA are
by a metallic wall. - Fran Ilich -
Last year we proposed
to hack the border, get to know it, try to discover
it represents and the role that we get to play in it. To understand why this
relationship betwen both sides of the borderline have been stressed and hurt
some sectors of the population that have encouraged violence and racism, but
also understand that extrange atraction that bind us together.
Now it's more clear
that we are all ilegal, the only thing that protect us
the circumstances. The obsolete function of the fence it's a fact, being
to mutate itself, and do the upgrade to genocidal trap and
control mechanism.
Women, men, children, seniors, they keep dying by the dozens in their
to migrate towards the "other side", but what they are realy searching
a way to run away from a country that not only doesn't offer them anything,
after denying them oportunities, it won't let them have a job that will
them the choice of living with dignity.
Each time is more
obvious that it's time to press "delete", and dissolve the
border; that is the challenge. We are conscience of the force that holds
together the border dinamic, because of that it's important to explore
ways to fool it, and search loops in the legal systems and in the new
electronic media, and mobilize our points of struggle.
One more time we
call to a borderhack, so that together we search for the
that will help us find the key that will let us erase this historical
Borderhack is a
festival/campament that is part of the "kein mensch ist
illegal" chain of bordercamps. It will take place in Tijuana on August
and 26 of the year 2001. The location of the camp will be in the Playas de
Tijuana part of the city, in front of the actual border fence that divides
third and the first world, and also where it penetrates the ocean. The camp
will offer net art, photograph exhibits, border cinema, isdn connections,
conferences and workshops, not to mention the participation of the global
hacktivist and net-media art community.
"Tijuana y
San Diego son una sola ciudad, que como Berlín, se dividió por
accidentes y designios del destino.
Tijuana y San Diego es la misma ciudad, la ciudad i, el punto que une al
y tercer mundo. La frontera se impone como un vórtex dimensional tragándose
los viajeros sin papeles" (metro-pop)
Borderhack fue un acto romántico en la época mas fría del
siglo 20. Una
de que las fronteras existen y que necesitan ser hackeadas para entender
nuestra condición de seres vivos; mas allá de tratados de libre
comercio y
cyberchicks esclavizadas a maquiladoras por turnos de 10 hrs diarias.
un campamento en la absoluta esquina geográfica de Latinoamérica,
donde la
pobreza choca con la libertad y México y USA se dividen por una pared
metálica. - fran ilich -
El año pasado propusimos hackear la frontera, conocerla, intentar descubrir
que representa y el papel que nos toca jugar. Entender por qué esta relación
entre ambos lados de la linea se ha visto estresada y lastimada por ciertos
sectores de la población que han fomentado la violencia y el racismo,
tambien entender esta extraña atracción que nos une.
Ahora es mas claro
que todos somos ilegales, lo único que nos protege son
circunstancias. La función obsoleta del muro es un hecho, viéndose
forzado a
mutar, hacer el upgrade a trampa genocida y mecanismo de control
económico/político. Hombres, mujeres, niños, ancianos,
siguen muriendo por
docenas en su intento de emigrar hacia "el otro lado", aunque realmente
que buscan es huir de un país que no sólo no les ofrece nada,
sino que
de negarles oportunidades, les impide tener un trabajo con el cual puedan
Cada vez es mas
obvio que es hora de presionar "delete", disolver la
ese es el reto. Estamos concientes de la fuerza que sostiene la dinámica
fronteriza, y de ahí la importancia de explorar formas creativas de
burlarla,buscar loops en los sistemas legales y en los nuevos medios
electrónicos y movilizar nuestros puntos de batalla.
Una vez mas llamamos
a un borderhack, para que juntos busquemos las vias que
nos lleven a encontrar esa clave que nos permitirá borrar este accidente
Borderhack es un
festival/campamento que forma parte de la cadena de
bordercamps "Kein mensch ist illegal" y que tiene como sede la ciudad
Tijuana, en la delegación de Playas de Tijuana, frente a la barda
justo donde se sumerge al mar. Durante tres días , 24, 25 y 26 de Agosto
montará un campamento donde se realizarán diversas actividades
conferencias, pláticas, talleres, exposiciones fotográficas, arte
digital e
interactivo multimedia, proyecciones de documentales y películas, así
area de cómputo, donde por medio de la red el festival estará
en contacto
el resto del mundo transmitiendo algunas de las actividades y colocando
información diaria en la página de internet del evento, así
como dando
gratuito de servicios de larga distancia e internet a migrantes que quieran
comunicarse con sus familias.
06 - Obduktionsberichte über Sturm auf Gefängnisse
From: Gismo Gremlin, gismo.wuff@aon.at
Junge Welt 09.07.2001
Die Medien sollen
Obduktionsberichte über Sturm auf Gefängnisse in Türkei
veröffentlicht. Vorwürfe gegen Regierung
Verschiedene türkische
Medien wie die Radikal, die
englischsprachige Turkish Daily News sowie CNN Türk und NTV
hatten Anfang vergangener Woche aus einem bisher
unveröffentlichten Obduktionsbericht zitiert, der u. a. den Tod von
sechs Gefangenen im Frauen-Gefängnis Bayrampasa (Istanbul) am
19. Dezember 2000 untersucht hatte. Insgesamt waren damals 30
Gefangene und zwei Soldaten bei einer Militäraktion unter dem
Motto »Rettung zum Leben« getötet worden. 20 Gefängnisse
wurden von Tausenden Soldaten gestürmt, um das Todesfasten
gegen die Einführung der Isolationsgefängnisse in der Türkei
(F-Typ- Gefängnisse) gewaltsam zu beenden.
Am 26. Oktober
2000 hatte ein Teil der politischen Gefangenen in
der Türkei mit der Aktion begonnen. Nach der Operation wurden
mehr als 1 000 Gefangene teilweise noch in Rohbauten der neuen
Isolationsgefängnisse verschleppt, wo sie seitdem allein oder mit
bis zu drei Gefangenen inhaftiert sind. Kurz vor der Militäraktion
hatte die türkische Regierung mit einem Sondergesetz den
Medien verboten, weiterhin über die Situation in den
Gefängnissen und das Todesfasten zu berichten.
Der nun bekanntgewordene
Bericht bestätigt die Aussagen einer
weiteren Gefangenen aus Bayrampasa, die mit schweren
Verbrennungen den Angriff am 19. Dezember vergangenen Jahres
überlebt hatte. Bilder von ihr gingen um die Welt, als sie mit
Brandsalbe auf Kopf und Gesicht, eingehüllt in eine Decke aus
einem Polizeiauto gezerrt wurde und in die laufenden Kameras
rief: »Sechs Frauen sind verbrannt worden«. Der
Obduktionsbericht weist nach, daß sich durch den massiven
Einsatz von Tränen- und Nervengas in der geschlossenen Zelle ein
hochgiftiges Gemisch entzündete, das die Frauen verbrannte.
Entsprechende Substanzen hätten sich auf Haut und Kleidung der
Getöteten gefunden, heißt es.
Der Menschenrechtsverein
(IHD), die Menschenrechtsstiftung
(TIHV), die Türkische Ärztekammer (TTB) und die Vereinigung der
Fortschrittlichen Anwälte (CAD) forderten aufgrund der
Veröffentlichung des Berichts Justizminister Sami Türk auf,
»Transparenz« herzustellen und sofort eine Untersuchung gegen
die Verantwortlichen des tödlichen Einsatzes einzuleiten. Die
Schuldigen müßten bestraft werden. Sofern Türk dazu nicht bereit
oder in der Lage sei, solle er zurücktreten, heißt es in der
Als Antwort auf
die öffentliche Kritik der Menschenrechtsgruppen
haben Regierungsvertreter die Presse in der Türkei gewarnt,
weiterhin »Details über interne Justizvorgänge zu
veröffentlichen«. Das »pervertiere die Arbeit der Justiz«.
Operation am 19. Dezember sei in Anwesenheit der Presse
durchgeführt worden, man habe die Waffen der Gefangenen
sehen können und auch, wie diese sich anzündeten. Notwendige
Untersuchungen würden durchgeführt. Meldungen der Presse,
wonach einer der beteiligten Soldaten von den eigenen Leuten
erschossen worden sein soll, wies die Regierung zurück.
In Canakkale hat
inzwischen ein Prozeß gegen Verantwortliche der
Militäraktion im dortigen Gefängnis begonnen. 154 Gefangene
haben Strafanzeige wegen »vorsätzlichen Mordes« gestellt. Zwei
Menschen waren in Canakkale am 19. Dezember 2000 ums Leben
gekommen. Die Teilnahme der Gefangenen am Prozeß sei durch
die Behörden verhindert worden, teilte einer der acht Anwälte,
Hasan Huseyin Evin, der Presse mit. Evin erklärte, man werde nach
Beendigung des Verfahrens in der Türkei den Fall voraussichtlich
vor den Europäischen Menschenrechtsgerichtshof bringen.
In der vergangenen
Woche sind indes zwei weitere Menschen im
Todesfasten gestorben. Die 22jährige Zehra Kulaksiz starb am 29.
Juni. Auch ihre Schwester Canan ist im Todesfasten gestorben.
Beide hatten in Istanbul ihren inhaftierten Onkel unterstützen
wollen. Ein weiterer Gefangener starb am 4. Juli in Izmir. Özkan
Özocak (41) hatte am 26. Oktober 2000 mit dem Protest begonnen
und gehörte zur ersten Gruppe der Todesfastenden. Özocak,
verurteilt wegen Mitgliedschaft in der DHKP-C, war Ende Mai mit
elf anderen Gefangenen wegen seines schlechten
gesundheitlichen Zustandes bedingt freigelassen worden. Er hatte
das Todesfasten danach fortgesetzt. 21 Gefangene, ein
ehemaliger Gefangener und fünf Angehörige sind seit März im
Todesfasten gestorben. Überraschend waren Ende Juni weitere 30
politische Gefangene aus dem F-Typ-Gefängnis Kandira bedingt
entlassen worden. Ihre Freilassung wurde von den Behörden mit
ihrer schlechten gesundheitlichen Verfassung begründet.
Karin Leukefeld,
07 - Noch keine Solidarisierung unter den Volkszählern
From: Rudolf Müller, volkszaehler@hotmail.com
am samstag, den
7. Juli haben sich 17 betrogene vollzaehler/innen zur
vollversammlung von 1700 bis 1945 Uhr getroffen. ein folgetreffen wurde fuer
den 1. august 2001, 18:30, iff, schottenfeldgasse 29, bibliothek vereinbart,
mit der hoffnung dass sich mundpropaganda, internetpraesenz
(www.volxszaehlung.at; www.interesse.at), pressearbeit, usw. auszahlen und
die forderungen der volkszaehler/innen auch durch eine entsprechend grosse
anzahl unterstrichen werden.
widerstand gegen
die volkszaehlung wird es keinen geben! zur vollversammlung
kamen zum grossteil gemeindebedienstete, die sich nun innerhalb ihrer
gewerkschaft organisieren (mit unterstuetzung der gpa durch workflex und eva
scherz). hier zeichnen sich bereits einige verhandlungserfolge ab, den
volkszaehler/innen, die bei der gemeinde angestellt sind, werden
"aussertourliche" zusatzzahlungen in aussicht gestellt.
die unorganisierten
(ein pensionist, eine sozialhilfeempfaengerin, ein
arbeitsloser, ein student)wurden nicht eingeschlossen, eine solidarisierung
fand nicht statt. durch die schwierigkeiten diese betroffenen direkt zu
kontaktieren, wird sich an dieser sitatuation was die volkszaehlung
betrifft, nichts aendern.
08 - In Bewegung für ein solidarisches Miteinander
From: angelo.lucifero@hbv-th.de
In Bewegung für ein solidarisches Miteinander
Künstlerinnen und Künstler gegen Aufmarsch von Hass und Gewalt
Zahlreiche Künstlerinnen und Künstler, darunter Schriftsteller, Dichter,
Maler, Sänger, Schauspieler, Varietè-Künstler wurden in der
Zeit des
Nationalsozialismus verfolgt, ausser Landes getrieben, eingesperrt, viele
Elmshorn, die sechstgrößte Stadt in Schleswig-Holstein, ca. 20 Kilometer
den Toren Hamburgs, ist seit längerer Zeit Angriffsziel von angereisten
Neonazis. Am 14.Juli wollen sie zum fünften Mal in Elmshorn marschieren.
Mordaufrufe gegen Gewerkschafter und gegen die Bürgermeisterin der Stadt
Elmshorn gingen diesen Aufmärschen voraus.
Wir hoffen, dass es zum entgültigen Verbot dieses Aufmarsches der Neonazis
am 14.Juli kommt.
Wir unterstützen das Motto "Move gegen Nazis - in Bewegung für
solidarisches Miteinander", mit dem sich Elmshorner Bürgerinnen und
gegen diesen Aufmarsch wehren.
Wir bitten Leserinnen und Leser, sich an der Aktion zu beteiligen: Am
14.Juli 2001 um 10.30 Uhr in Elmshorn, Steindammwiesen. Danke.
Anna Haentjens, Chansonsängerin , Elmshorn
Herbert Grönemeyer, Sänger, London
Reinhard Mey, Liedermacher, Berlin
Fettes Brot, Band, Pinneberg
Erkan Akin, Poptenor, Berlin
Dieter Hildebrandt, Kabarettist, Schauspieler, München
Günter Wallraff, Schriftsteller, Köln
Renan Demirkan, Schauspielerin, Köln
Hans Scheibner, Kabarettist, Hamburg
Gerhard Zwerenz,Schriftsteller, Taunus
Dietrich Kittner, Kabarettist, Hannover
Wolfgang Niedecken+BAP, Band, Köln
Harry Rowohlt, Übersetzer, Hamburg
Thomas Freitag, Kabarettist, Köln
Günter Grass, Schriftsteller, Lübeck
Rolf Becker, Schauspieler , Hamburg
Jürgen Alberts,Schriftsteller,VDS, Bremen
Ingo Insterburg, Musiker , Berlin
Bruno Jonas, Kabarettist, München
Katja Ebstein, Schauspielerin, Sängerin, Berlin
Witta Pohl, Schauspielerin, Hamburg
Udo Lindenberg, Sänger , Hamburg
Esther Bejarano & Coincidence, Hamburg
Carpe Diem , Band, Elmshorn
Farmers Road Blues Band, Elmshorn
Harry und die Mitternachtskometen, Band, Elmshorn
Skull Harvest, Band , Elmshorn
Böse MädCHEn, Band ,Berlin
Thorwald Proll, Lyriker, Altona-Ottensen
Flavor, Band, Elmshorn
Sunset, Band, Elmshorn
Oma Kröger Band, Wedel
Rudolf Pollak, Concept Art , Wien
Eva Genthe,Künstlerin Fotografie,Hamburg
Ahmadjan Amini, Maler, Hamburg
Heribert Heere, Maler, München
Hendrik Eckart,Gitarrist, Elmshorn
Andreas Karmers, Maler, Hamburg
Bauchbombe, Band, Glückstadt
Björn Hansen, Deutschrock,Funk, Kölln-Reisiek
09 - hacked txtserve page + e-mail-service
From: pass-it-on@htmlgear.com
<BODY> <pre>
re: txtserve e-mail
service available again (sorry it was hacked/deleted) at
(if they disappears again, the angelfire.lycos.com main page has a
"tell-a-friend" function in the upper right corner which works similar,
or use the introserve.com or others' "recommend-this-page" functions)
dear friends,
the 2 pages copied
below were deleted by probably european hackers
(probably legal hackers, see "ENFOPOL" and "ETSI" pages
for more)
from http://www.angelfire.com/ak/txtserve, where a "violated terms"
page is visible now
(txtserve pages contain no single byte of angelfire term violations,
no hacking no cracking only simple html except one w95 vbscript
similar to the http://grc.com script checker)
they are pasted
below, without attachment (i just did not delete the html
-- if you paste this mail into a .htm page, for example txtserve.htm or
then all link addresses will work normally
1., the human rights
and civil liberties and human economic rights list (was
of e-mail and link addresses (very incomplete) is pasted at the bottom of
this page
2., pasted at the
very bottom: an analysis of goeteborg and salzburg EU
(goeteborg: deadly bullets shot by police at demonstration, salzburg: 4000
(!) police
for 1000 demonstration participants to enforce the top-100-EU-elite weekend)
3., intlib.html
was deleted, containing link addresses and information:
(pasted in here)
<A target=_neu_
href="http://www.gilc.org/"><B>gilc.org</B> Global
Liberty Campaign</A> ... news about enfopol, calea, etsi, echelon &co
<A target=_neu_ href="http://www.quintessenz.org/"><B>quintessenz.org</B>
austrian actual webzine</A> ... links to epic.org rcfp.org and more
<A target=_neu href="http://www.nadir.org/">nadir.org</A>
<B>=====>>>>></B> (use <A
or <A
target=_neu_ href="http://www.translate.ru/">translate.ru</A>
*** cases described
at <A target=_neu_
austrian actual
webzine</A> are by far not the only ones
of this kind in the "after-1985-new-austria":
-- example: (criminal squad and economic squad of) police, cf. the <A
target=_neu href="http://www.ainfos.ca/99/may/ainfos00169.html">omofuma
.... (black african killed during deportation from austria to africa,
taped to the plane chair at arms, legs, body, head,
in presence/by of 2 or more policemen (3 or 4, i think), with mouth
and parts of nose closed by the tapes;
belgium, germany, switzerland, austria had 5 (five) dead victims of
this kind ca. 1997-99
all of these 4 countries had christian conservative govt's or govt
at that time ...)
...............for more, search <A target=_neu
href="http://www.altavista.com/">altavista.com</A> for "omofuma",
if that
page disappeared again <A href="#omofuma">(X)</A> -- see
raided an austrian citizen's home and enforced root access to his entire
computer equipment, searched and copied his files,
for he had linked to a <A target=_neu
href="http://www.geocities.com/spitzelaffaere">facts documentation</A>
(mirror <A target=_neu href="http://www.angelfire.com/ak4/spitzel">here</A>)
of the
austrian police database abuse scandal, this year (2000/2001) (full
documentation in the <A target=_neu
href="http://www.kpoenet.at/vs/">volksstimme weekly</A> approx.
June 01,
immediate threat: "you open everything and delete that geocities account,
or we take you into jail right now"
this intimidation behaviour is legally not "existent" but quite "normal"
austrian special squads and criminal police
(in "normal" administration this behaviour is usually called
"necessary for state security and peace", by conservatives)
-- another example:
simply feeling a car to be "obscure", a civil police car
(not marked as a police car) attempted to follow and stop that car,
(a family of 4 or 5 persons), the driver of which naturally feared a
behind him and started to escape. happened ca. 1997-98 in
* that car was stopped then with more then 30 (!) shots holes in the car
for nothing but several police people's will to stop that car:
quite a miracle that nobody was hurt by the bullet cascade)
-- another example:
a teacher on his motorbike was killed ca. 1999/2000
with a bulled in his head, north of vienna in upper austria
when police fired at (and missed) an escaping car (of even a simple car
thieve, i think to remember,
easily to be tracked later without endangering the population)
* that teacher on his bike had nothing to do with the escaping car,
he just used the same road.
-- another example:
ca. mid 2000, an austrian policeman shouted "stop, you
pig" to a car driver
and murdered him with one shot through the open car door without further
problems, so far:
Imre B. was suspected of cannabis dealing (untrue, as courts had to admit
and had put his hands at the windshield when he was murdered, as
witnessed by Lajos S.
sitting beside him in the car.
even police technicians had to admit that the bullet channel in the dead
body proved
that he just could not have attempted to shoot the policemen.
-- another example:
4 dead prison inmates in Stein, Austria (big "high
security" jail
near the new Krems university 100 km from vienna) since june (!) 2001,
the most recent one died from a peristaltic illness (said to be most
and was taped to a bed with arms, legs and body when he died (could not
even reach
an alarm button, if he was able to press it, at all -- he was legally
with medication of the doctor on duty there)
(most of these
cases are mentioned in "Falter" 27/01, july 2001, weekly at
vienna, austria,
and they were reported in other media during the 2 past years)
-- other reports
spoke about 6 deaths, and at least 1 suicide during the
past months
(suicide normally is the result of some legal and/or culturally tolerated
-- another example:
txtserve.org activist Dieter Blasl, phone/SMS
0043-699-1139-1417 and 0043-676-398-6225,
is being denied personally addressing courts recently (2001).
<FONT color=#ff0000>... which directly contradicts the Human Rights
<FONT color=#000000>(in that each individual is to be given full and
sufficient access to courts:
the <FONT color=#ff0000>"legal advisor" now cannot be overridden,<FONT
color=#000000> for example,
when refusing to address a court for reasons
<FONT color=#ff0000>like "suing is unlikely to be successful"<FONT
color=#000000> or similar) ...
-- "reason": Dieter Blasl (i'm writing this not at my home)
be "helpless" and "in danger to harm himself" when suing
his money,
for example from employers who never paid ...-- facts: 3 of 4 processes
of this kind ended with
decisions to pay (to me, by the sued "employers"),
but the fourth one does not find agreement by the judge,
see also <A target=psyneu
e psychosophy</A>)
** responsible judge #1: Ursula <B>SCHREDL</B> at Arbeitsgericht
Wien 1080
Wien Wickenburggasse 8-10 (labor court),
a good personal friend of psychiatrists Andreas <B>WEIXELBRAUN</B>
(sometimes written <B>WEICHSELBRAUN</B>)
and his boss <B>LEODOLTER</B>, both in close relation to the austrian
operators clique
-- she attempted no single bit of activity in the wage plaint for over 18
months, except formal steps.
** responsible judge #2: Paul <B>PALKOVITS</B> at Bezirksgericht
1210 Wien Gerichtsgasse 6
(who used a psychiatrist "expertise" containing not even an exploration
for allegating a "mental illness" ...)
** responsible judge #3: <b>ZIEGLER</b> at Arbeitsgericht Wien 1080
Wickenburggasse 8-10 (labor court),
("president" there, who's only comment to a complaint was that it
"quite long",
while the contents repeated (!) the complaint lower statements as the
"reason" (!) for
confirmation of the illegal schredl judge decision)
** responsible judge #4: <b>ZEMANEK</b> at Landesgericht fuer Zivilsachen,
1080 Wien
(upper civil court, "president" there, who cannot easily "mis"understand
the "help" abuse
of the palkovits decision -- the "used" paragraph intends to support
helpless persons, while it
was used here in an obvious conflict of legal will -- but confirmed the
<FONT color=#ff0000>
-- the method of using psychiatry for oppression is not this new, by the
soviet state capitalism administration ("justice" is called
officially "administration in extended sense" by law communities
and teachers, in austria!) used it, hitler used it, and austrian upper
courts do not care, so far ...
(most logical step would be to deny anybody any access to courts,
if the decision cannot be managed as intended by the judge (or others?)
at the beginning of the process ...
... probably too risky to oppress all, so it is "reserved" for some
the "uncomfortables")
<FONT color=#000000>
-- example, 10
years back: german/austrian citizen Dr. (prename?) LAGLER
with own company
and representing german <b>ENB</b> company (at Haar near Munich,
Ebelsberg or Ebelsdorf)
and his friend judge Peter <b>DOBLINGER</b> lifted money from a
with help of a law
(ABGB Par. 501) which provides no (!) legal step of protesting a judge's
when damage is below ca. usd 1000.- (ats 15.000.-, ca. 1100 Euro)
-- another example:
an austrian, having accepted, as part of the job, an
insertion for a "defloration party" at the austrian "bazar"
magazine's contacts section,
was ordered to appear at criminal the police office and quite rudely
addressed to "justify what's that"
with subsequent unwanted discussion whether a defloration party be
"normal" or not
(should be uninteresting in a country of legal principles,
where crimes would be subject of police search, and not matters of
information or speech ... )
<FONT color=#ff0000>remember
how it started 1930/38 with the nazi "judges" ?
<FONT color=#000000>
<A target=_neu_
href="http://www.rcfp.org/"><B>rcfp.org</B> Reporters
Committee for Freedom of the Press</A> ... compare the new austrian secret
justice processes & press oppression legislation (it stems from the
schuessel/klima "black'n'red" coalition and is being legalised by
"black'n'blue" govt now)
<A name=omofuma></A>
(X) ... happened already: the geocities subdomain <A target=_neu
this year from the server.
whether the <A target=_neu href="http://www.ipa-iac.org/">international
police association</A> or other enforcement squads are behind this, is
unknown so far.
however, <A
href="http://www.geocities.com/members8/omofuma">another omofuma
disappeared as well.
and, <A target=_neu
administration</A> ist not really choosy at the choice of "how to":
the bulgarian commissioner (forensic pathologist) (name?) who uses omofuma's
symptoms to teach (!)
(death by having breath blocked, as if strangled by a rope or by hands)
was <FONT color=#ff0000>approached by the austrian <A
embassy driver
with a personally (!) delivered letter, with the content to "be so
reasonable" (perhaps "normal" was meant?) not to contradict an
which is stating a heart attack as the cause of death
<FONT color=#000000>(asphyxiation or heart attack: he died in custody
of the
police in the airplane, with fixed arms and legs and taped face)
<A name=omofuma2></A>
(XX) thomas klestil made his career in the austrian foreign affairs
ministery (department),
chancelor wolfgang schuessel made his career as economic and foreign affairs
minister (secretary),
and the foreign affairs apparatus traditionally "belongs" to president
foreign minister.
wolfgang schuessel is austrian chancelor now.
2., list of human rights organizations (incomplete)
taoss@worldnet.att.net www.patrickcrusade.org
amnesty international:
ARGENTINA aiar@amnistia.wamani.apc.org
AUSTRALIA adminaia@amnesty.org.au
AUSTRIA info@amnesty.at
BENIN aibenin@leland.bj
BERMUDA aibda@ibl.bm
BRAZIL anistia@anistia.org.br
BURKINA FASO* contact.buro@cenatrin.bf
COSTA RICA admin-cr@amnesty.org
COTE D'IVOIRE admin-ci@amnesty.org
CROATIA* admin@amnesty.hr
CZECH REPUBLIC* amnesty@amnesty.cz
DENMARK amnesty@amnesty.dk
FAROE ISLANDS amnesty@amnesty.fo
FINLAND amnesty@amnesty.fi
FRANCE admin-fr@amnesty.asso.fr
GAMBIA* admin-gm@amnesty.org
GERMANY info@amnesty.de
GREECE info@amnesty.gr
HONG KONG admin-hk@amnesty.org
HUNGARY* amnesty.hun@mail.matav.hu
ICELAND amnesty@rhi.hi.is
INDIA* admin-in@amnesty.org
IRELAND info@amnesty.iol.ie
ISRAEL amnesty@netvision.net.il
ITALY info@amnesty.it
JAPAN amnesty@mri.biglobe.ne.jp
LUXEMBOURG e-mail@amnesty.lu
MALAYSIA* admin-my@amnesty.org
MALI* amnesty-mli@spider.toolnet.org
MAURITIUS amnesty@intnet.mu
MONGOLIA* aimncc@magicnet.mn
MOROCCO* amorocco@sections.amnesty.org
NEPAL ain@ccsl.com.np
NETHERLANDS amnesty@amnesty.nl
NEW ZEALAND campaign@amnesty.org.nz
NORWAY info@amnesty.no
PAKISTAN* amnesty@cyber.net.pk
PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY* admin-pa@amnesty.org amnestyp@palnet.com
PARAGUAY* amnistia@pla.net.py
PERU admin-pe@amnesty.org
PHILIPPINES amnesty@info.com.ph
POLAND* amnesty@amnesty.org.pl
PORTUGAL aisp@ip.pt
SENEGAL admin-sn@amnesty.org
SLOVAK REPUBLIC* amnesty@internet.sk
SLOVENIA amnesty.slo@guest.arnes.si
SOUTH AFRICA* admin-za@amnesty.org
SPAIN amnistia.internacional@a-i.es
SWEDEN info@amnesty.se
SWITZERLAND info@amnesty.ch
TAIWAN* aitaiwan@transend.com.tw
TANZANIA aitanz@intafrica.com
THAILAND* thailand@amnesty.com
TUNISIA admin-tn@amnesty.org
TURKEY* mnur@unimedya.net.tr
UKRAINE* officeai@dr.lv.ukrtel.net
UNITED KINGDOM info@amnesty.org.uk
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA admin-us@aiusa.org
VENEZUELA admin-ve@amnesty.org
ZAMBIA* amnesty@coppernet.zm
ZIMBABWE* gertrudena@natfood.co.zw
sherry swiney, al www.prup.net
human rights watch:
350 Fifth Avenue,
34th floor
New York, NY 10118-3299 USA
Tel: 1-(212) 290-4700, Fax: 1-(212) 736-1300
1630 Connecticut
Avenue, N.W., Suite 500
Washington, DC 20009 USA
Tel:1-(202) 612-4321, Fax:1-(202) 612-4333
11500 W. Olympic
Blvd., Suite 445
Los Angeles, CA 90064 USA
Tel:1-(310) 477-5540, Fax: (310) 477-4622
312 Sutter Street,
Suite 407
San Francisco CA 94108
Tel: 415.362.3250, Fax: 415.362.3255
33 Islington High
N1 9LH London, UK
Tel: (20) 7713 1995, Fax: (20) 7713 1800
Rue Van Campenhout,
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: 32 (2) 732-2009, Fax: 32 (2) 732-0471
DER UHUDLA: Das ist nicht nur die Buch-Edition und der Uhudla-Salon, sondern
auch eine Zeitung. Man kann die legendäre Zeitung allerdings nicht einfach
in der Trafik kaufen, sondern muß warten, bis einem ein Kolporteur über
Weg rennt. Um die Wartezeit abzukürzen, werden hier u.a. auch einige
Schmankerln und Lese-Häppchen veröffentlicht.
Im Jahr 1989 hat sich aus einem österreichweiten Treffen der im
Wohnungslosenbereich tätigen MitarbeiterInnen von Sozialeinrichtungen ein
Proponentenkomitee zur Konstituierung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft
Wohnungslosenhilfe - (BAWO)gebildet, welches die Gründung dieses
österreichischen Dachverbandes der Wohnungsloseneinrichtungen am 20. Juni
1991 zur Folge hatte. Ziel des Dachverbandes ist die Abschaffung des eines
modernen Sozialstaates unwürdigen Mißstandes der Wohnungslosigkeit
unserem Land.
Das Netzwerk für Sozialarbeit im Internet, derzeit noch im Aufbau, aber
schon mit einer Sammlung brauchbarer Links zu den sozialen Vereinen in
Österreich ausgestattet.
Ein nonkonformistisches Online-Magazin, das nicht auf special interests
gerichtet ist, sondern vielmehr umfassend über Politik, Kultur, Konsum
Die Online-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Kritische Stadtforschung.
Die Homepage des AUGUSTIN-Cartoonisten Thomas Kriebaum. Für alle
"Gustl"-Fans: Diese Adresse enthält ein Archiv der bisher erschienenen
Die Homepage der österreichischen Menschenrechts-Organisation.
Ein Internet-Magazin, dessen AutorInnen Hintergründe zu Zeitfragen liefern.
Spezialität: Probleme des Cyberspace.
Die Gelbe Seite des online-Standard. Enthält wöchentlich ein neues
Gustostückerl aus dem AUGUSTIN: den Vorabdruck eine Textes, der in der
jeweils kommenden AUGUSTIN-Ausgabe erscheinen wird.
Die ksoe ist eine gesamtösterreichische Einrichtung der katholischen Kirche
im Spannungsfeld von Politik und Bildung. Schwerpunkt: Gesellschaftspolitik,
Politische Erwachsenenbildung und Organisationsentwicklung
Website der überfraktionellenSteuerinitiative im ÖGB. Selbstdarstellung:
"Wir wollen der wachsenden gesellschaftlichen Ungleichheit in der
Steuerbelastung auf Kosten der Arbeitnehmer/innen nicht mehr länger tatenlos
zusehen. Weil es nicht einzusehen ist, dass in einer Zeit wachsenden
gesellschaftlichen Reichtums ein immer größerer Teil der Bevölkerung
ausgeschlossen bleibt."
Der Beirat für gesellschafts-, wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische
Alternativen (BEIGEWUM) ist ein Verein von österreichischen
SozialwissenschafterInnen aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen, der das Ziel
verfolgt, Ergebnisse kritischer Forschungstätigkeit in die laufende
politische Debatte einzubringen.
ZARA- Beratungsstelle für Zeugen und Opfer von Rassismus
Die Website des Organisations-Komitees "Wir für Euch" von Johann
Schauspieler, Traude Jelinek, Künstlerin und Erwin Harbich, Journalist.
Verein "Wir für Euch" unterstützt mit Benefizkonzerten und
sowie mit Spenden mittellose Menschen.
Beisl in 1150 Wien, Ullmannstraße 31. Per Newsletter kann man sich hier
die laufenden Veranstaltungen des Lokals online informieren lassen.
Der Verein unterstützt in erster Linie Flüchtlinge in asyl- und
aufenthaltsrechtlichen Fragen.
3., goeteborg:
human rights convention
<html> <body> <pre>
shocking news:
<h3>Goeteborg devastated at EU summit</h3>
<a href="#schocking">EU operators at Goeteborg, june
<a href="#gewaltklima">the new climate of
<a href="#problemjaja">roots of the problem</a>
<a name="schocking"></a>
europeans were hit, this weekend, with news reports of
devastated Goeteborg City, Sweden, when they opened
their newspapers, news pages or tv sets.
EU summit members
were not affected by all the violence,
but Goeteborg's streets equal to postwar ruines
rather than shopping centers.
"how could
that happen", may be the first question,
or "how came such an unexpected outburst of violence?".
but was it really unexpected?
the answer is "yes"
and "no":
*** it was obviously NOT unexpected for EU routiniers --
their summit ran as usual, with very satisfying
conference rituals, first class banquets and dinners,
and elegant socializing events, just as any summit before.
(summit participants were not supposed to be disturbed
in their usual habits, and they weren't)
*** it was obiously
neither unexpected for EU organisators --
streets were blocked as in best soviet or chinese
party functionariat times and EU establishment convois
rushed through empty lanes with police escorts.
(ecce: speaking about "citizen closeness" does not mean
at all to care what people and citizens feel and think:
usual speech says "we must explain better" or "we must
better prepare" and mean propaganda and indicator cheat)
*** it was, however,
somehow unexpected for sweden's rather
civilized population and police, who drastically
underestimated the new climate of power politics
(and, at the same time, of course, violence atmosphere
was imported with this EU operators organisation
-- no politics of power, in history, ever kept power
without readiness for physical violence as by legal
killers/executors and their judges/police helpers
with legal aids to have a reason)
*** the new climate of violence ***
<a name="gewaltklima"></a>
does this mean that sweden's police is not "EU ready",
as first reactions from several interior ministers said,
this sunday (2001 june 17th), and what ar measures now?
study colleagues
from the 1980ies had remarked that police
in sweden would almost look like an antagonism, with guns.
police were seen rather than people as you and me,
than as "executional" or "enforcement" organizations
(as the recent harsh EU tones commence to sound),
<a href="intlib.html">cf. echelon/enfopol etc. link addresses.</a>
and people and police were said to coexist quite normally,
with hardly aggressions nor animosities.
(remark: as it was usual with austrian police during the
1970ies and early 1980ies, in austria)
EU interior ministers,
however, first of all cried for
water projectiles and tear gas, where pepper sprays seem
"not enough" (and where use of shotguns could bear the risk
of forensic pathologists' inquiries, which would bear another
risk again that pathologists might feel as human beings over
violence-ready public employees)
-- wihtout that risk, most EU police (and US police?) would
hardly care to kill anybody "disobedient" enough to become
a target:
(did you know that the <a href="hr.html#flee">human rights convention</a>
does NOT forbid murdering a person who tries to escape to
arrestation, for whatever pretext, or to exposure to
"legal" violence?)
<a href="http://www.krone.at">austria's Kronenzeitung</a>
daily reports
two incidents
of police violence this very same sunday (2001 june 17) at pages 12 and
<font color="ff0000">"police shooting at a fleeing car"<font
color="000000"> (which could have been
traced easily by radio and helicopter, with reasonable means:
at similar incidents in styria, approx. 2 years ago, a car was
perforated with over 30 shots without injuries, and 1 year ago
a teacher on his bike was killed without context when the
shooting lower austrian policeman missed "his" target car)
and <font color="ff0000">"penalty lowered from usd 1000
to usd 300"<font
color="000000"> (for a peaceful
vacation couple who misunderstood a police checkpoint's signs
after crossing continual lines without blinker speeding,
which police felt to be a reason for a regional alert action
(including closing freeways and stop-and-go-check of all cars)
the couple now had to be "grateful" that "only" a lower
"penalty" was to be paid ...
whoever saw any
typical german protest demonstration in the 1980ies,
remembers scenes of waterjectors and tear gas in german cities
(open and hostile police violence gave well the impression of even
provoking outbursts of violence where protesters seemed too "tamed"
for justifying the expensive equipment ...)
and fleeing black street vendors in paris and other french cities
when those famous blue cars of maigret & colleagues collected them.
EU officials seem
to wish back these (happy?) times, when they
cry for waterjectors and tear gas at the same day of that
goeteborg violence, today.
police as mediators
and peacekeepers seem to become forgotten
in those new "ENFOrcement POLice" era recently ...
perhaps, getting tax payments with a police job will depend
on "enough" readiness to (of course, legal-purpose-) hostility,
in another decade?
*** roots of the problem ***
<a name="problemjaja"></a>
maybe sweden shows clearest the real EU problem:
average swedish
people would ask "are you crazy",if you
seriously discussed posting thousands of police for a
political demonstration.
<a href="#palmetime">(more ... )</a>
also, most average
swedish do not feel their king as "above",
but rather as an interesting beauty characteristics of their
country, like Disneyland or Louis XVI furniture.
it is generally felt natural that other people are not
"above" or "below" but simply "equal" or "similar"
to oneself.
EU operators, in
contrary, see the EU member states as
their own country ("we are Europe" and the like, just listen
to the tv spots before major elections with EU relevance
or EU treaty referenda).
("EU operators" regards political (commission, parliament)
as well as administration (their staff) functionariat and
employees, here)
their intention is to establish and maintain a verticalisation
of structures, with "clear" hierarchies and "adequate"
importance of EU structures.
EU operators literally
drop tons of manure over "their"
EU organization no longer mediates between member states,
but established an "above-states-structure" in vertical order
and hierarchy, where "top" EU functionariat resides "over"
member administrations and parliaments who in turn are
supposed to govern adequately "their" populations.
ask any law student
of the recent decade, and you will get
approx. this picture answered, in variations of the words.
origin of the present
EU is the EEC economic treaty,
positioned between the countries and targeted to industry,
with clear intentions and limits for economic development
and general wealth increase (in an era where political
frame conditions of german and french socialism and
social democratic power guaranteed participation of
each individual in that wealth, with an additional weight
of the communist soviet union to be balanced
-- where soviets paradoxically brought freedom to western
europeans while oppressing in unfreedom their "own" people)
this fragile balance
was disrupted and erased approx. 1985-90,
with the logical overdevelopment of EU neo"liberalism"
1992-94 and since, when antidemocratic soviets collapsed
and soviet and socialist pressure on western antidemocrats
broke down as well.
from that time,
EU commission and parliament began to
develop vertical hierarchy structure "enhancements" (from
the formerly multiple-bi-lateral treaty EEC structures)
and began to see "their" member states as a horse or vehicle
to ride upon.
(this sight might stem from the european court which used to
feel "above" others already at that time, as judges and courts
tend to do, in any banana or other republics or monarchies)
just to make that
as Putin recognizes that an annexion of western europe
would destroy his nearest source of economics drive,
EU operators are not interested in getting a russian EU member
horse if it were not governed by adequate power structures
(to secure EU not to be addressed with problems from there;
more critically, this could be expressed as a wish for more
elegant delegation of violence before a political dialogue)
now sweden is,
between these blocks, amidst "neoliberal" social
devastation for approx. 10 years now, while its social structure
is still rather democratic and peaceful:
(caution: as soviet officials were violence ready,
average russians were longing for peace and freedom; today
officials are more peaceful than parts of population there)
sweden, as austria,
is supposed to be neutral and has a
natural sea border towards germany, while austria additionally
is supposed to have no reunification with germany by direct
nor indirect political nor economic means
-- the 1994 EU membership by law is reunification, indirect,
by means of EU, since germany is EU member as well
*** look into the future ***
"laws are
there to be broken" is a saying among law students,
and to some extents it characterizes their basis of profession
(and income) as well:
no public money for courts and judges, and no income for lawyers,
if there were no lawbreaking and "criminality" (whatever the law),
as long as there are rules to proceed with that law.
(hitler had rather gestapo executors than court rules,
legal murder proponents want rules to avoid lynch justice
or revenge impressions, but avoid them as possible)
idea(lism) and
concept of human rights are ridiculized
for more than a decade in EU now (EU is proud of declaring
itself a "death penalty free" zone, but hundreds of persons
are shot at police rallies every year in all member states,
and news report more and more proudly of seizing "illegals"
- people without visa or permit - at or within EU borders)
laws are converted
or even perverted into disobedience
punishment instruments, creating basis of court, police and
jail employees (or legal murderers, as in USA with leading
TX and CA) but destroying human minds, existences and lives.
these structures
lack more and more any substantial control
(while all public income people have the minimum
common interest of (keeping) this income and their job
justification, with additional factual power of the
"public service labor union" as a 4th source of power)
government structures,
bearing the risk of too much
democratic selfdynamics, are underways to "enforcement"
agencies rather than mediating or (real) peacekeeping bodies
(as for example austrian military was, 1970-80)
consisting of human beings with and for other human beings.
at that time, it
is not illogical at all, when words of
"citizen closeness" and "EU of the people" come with
worst antidemocratic developments since the war:
is there anything
better for hierarchymaking than concepts
like "crisis", "reducing", "military", "church",
and recently
EU "defense"
and "peacekeeping" are among the most used words,
for more than a year already, with austria as one of the
most pushing lobbies
<a href="http://www.angelfire.com/ak/foucault/dd.html" target="nwndwdd">(do
you think that lobbyism is democratic?)</a>
and recent reports of intentions of 172 new tanks and
new fighter planes for 1000 million usd, in austria alone ...
the example austria,
in a situation where a 2-5 years prewarning time indicates
that p e r h a p s (in 2-5 years) anti-tank-guns and
anti-missile-missiles m i g h t be reasonable for a
peaceful country surrounded by nato and EU, the territory
of which is passed by planes in 1-2 minutes ...
-- reports on planes purchase plans were published in summer 2000
in all major papers, and on tanks purchases ca. 2001 june 1-10
in U-Bahn-Express daily, respectively
<a name="palmetime"></a>the
example Sweden, 2001:
as said, study colleagues from the 1980ies had remarked
that police in sweden would almost look like an antagonism,
with guns. police were seen rather than people as you and me,
than as "executional" or "enforcement" organizations
(as the recent harsh EU tones commence to sound),
<a href="intlib.html">cf. echelon/enfopol etc. link addresses.</a>
and people and police were said to coexist quite normally,
with hardly aggressions nor animosities.
(remark: as it was usual with austrian police during the
1970ies and early 1980ies, in austria)
that stems from
the murdered Olof Palme prime minister's era
and the long socialist and social democratic era before that,
after world war II,
comparable to austria before those coalition times,
and perhaps the Carter & Clinton eras, but rather lost since:
-- Bush sen. felt at least some democratic responsibility,
while it was reserve to the Reagan basiswork to re-introduce
legal murder "death penalty", and to Bush jun. to compete
for the national highscore of legally murdered persons
-- if you saw the pictures of Bush and Putin these days,
you will feel maybe that Bush's authoritarian flair could
easily provoque quite another wave of violence in Russia,
where Putin sits on a violence source in Chechnia.
* development estimations of 1987 were, approximately:
fear that japan
would feel more comfortable with more
centralized structures in europe and usa, which would only
create more competition in america with some monopoly/cartel
increases there (cf. the rockefeller/billgates stories)
but political centralizations in europe.
bill gates grew big and first germany then EU reunified.
* development estimations of 1991 were, approximately:
fear that valuable
resources in (austrian steel) industry
would be thrown away while traffic infrastructure was
and is still ridiculous and an environmental catastrophy,
while financially not really allowing freedom of mobility
to most of the population. public liquidity to decrease.
50% of the older steel workers were forced to retire
and average retirement age went down to 55 years under
patronance of that oevp (!) coalition whose chancelor (!)
now talks about "working until 65" and a "retirement problem".
proposals for a national project of <a href="microcar.htm"
target="microcar">"freeways on rails"</a>
were ridiculized internally where not ignored.
payments by younger people for retirements of older ones
exceed 40% of incomes already now (direct and indirect
payments), with increasing tendence. public liquidity
("budget consolidation") was held upright by a simple cheat:
public assets (company ownerships etc.) were sold
("privatized") and this revenue declared a "budget plus".
development estimations of 1994 were, approximately:
fear that violence
up to civil war will destroy the
free postwar western europe within 10-50 years, as
democratic minimum principles were ignored or ridiculized
during the EU membership referenda and elections in europe.
los angeles (mid 1990ies) and seattle violence were not
so "far away" as it had seemed before.
EU hierarchyism actively generates violence and aggressions
which were "downgraded" almost a decade to make it possible
for the present EU operators clique to ignore causes
long enough to "stabilize in the saddle".
praha, vienna and goeteborg were only (few) visible points
of a continuous aggression increase over 10 years now:
actually what EU
does in/"over" europe, corresponds to
british behaviour in northern ireland (cf. ira),
to spanish behaviour in "provinces" (cf. eta)
and to what happens in other european
violence/counterviolence areas.
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10. Juli 2001, 20:00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Claudia Volgger - volgger@aon.at
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!