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Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
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Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
The Real Winners:
A rogue's gallery of war profiteers.
07/13/03: (Dollars & Sense) Even as bombs were raining down on Baghdad, a
USAID, whose mission is to further "America's foreign policy interests in
Where two figures are given for award amount, the low number is money
Seattle-based private operator of port facilities.
Awarded: $4.8 million (initially)
For: Seaport Administration (to assess Umm Qasr port facilities; develop
Stevedoring Services of America is the largest marine and rail-cargo handler
After USAID gave SSA the Iraq contract, its security office discovered that
Washington, D.C.-based private consulting firm.
Awarded: $7.1 million minimum (90 day initial contract, renewable for two
For: Personnel Support (to provide technical expertise for reconstruction)
USAID contacted International Resources Group to discuss the post-war
Cambridge, Massachusetts-based government and business consulting firm;
Awarded: $10 million to $43.8 million (12 month contract)
For: Public Health (supporting the Iraqi Ministry of Health; delivering
One of the largest for-profit research and consulting firms in the world,
Washington, D.C.-based private for-profit international consulting firm.
Awarded: $1 million to $62.6 million (12-month contract)
For: Primary and Secondary Education (to increase enrollment and quality;
Since 1977, Creative Associates International has assisted "the
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina-based nonprofit research and
Awarded: $7.9 million to $167.9 million (12 month contract)
For: Local Governance (strengthening of management skills and capacity of
Research Triangle Institute does a strange mix of business through its 12
San Francisco-based, private for-profit engineering and construction firm;
Awarded: $34.6 million to $680 million (18 month contract)
For: Capital Construction (to repair and rehabilitate water, power, and
The construction giant now in control of repairing the water and irrigation
The $13.3 billion family-owned conglomerate has strong connections to the
Current Bechtel board member George Shultz was president and director of the
In February 2003, President Bush appointed company CEO (and Republican Party
Bechtel is also a major campaign contributor-its employees gave $1.3 million
Another interesting plotline in the story of Bechtel's contract coup is the
KBR is the engineering and construction wing of the Houston, Texas-based
Amount: Unlimited
For: Repair of Petroleum Infrastructure (putting out oil fires, contingency
The contract to extinguish and repair the oil infrastructure of Iraq is the
It seems odd that the Halliburton subsidiary would be chosen for the plum
But Halliburton is not only a darling of Republican fundraisers-95% of their
San Diego-based, publicly traded wireless-communications technology firm.
Awarded: Nothing
Although it has not yet been decided who will build the cell-phone network
The letter argued that CDMA is technologically superior and that the money
Rep. Issa introduced a bill that would mandate the use of Qualcomm's
Todd Tavares is a Dollars & Sense intern and a student at Northeastern
Stack the deck in favor of peace. Donate to the Ruckus Society, and get your
SOURCES Financial Times May 6, 2003; New York Times April 9, 2003, April
Copyright: Dollars & Sense magazine
Diese Schmankerln sollen der geschätzten kritischen Öffentlichkeit nicht
Der ganze Artikel befindet sich auf http://raketa.at/raketa.php?id=1647
Fragen, die Leon Stern gern gestellt gehört hätte, und die nicht gestellt
"Sie sind ja Mitglied der CV-Verbindung 'Franco-Bavaria', die dafür bekannt
Kaum haben sie ihr Amt angetreten, haben Sie die Mitglieder dieser rechten
Halten sie es für vereinbar mit ihrer Rolle als Präsident des
Unterstützender Verein
Der zweite Fragenkomplex bezieht sich auf einen Verein mit dem Namen "Forum
"Was ist die Rolle dieses Vereines, und stimmt es, dass dieser - hinter dem
Wie Diskussionsforum eines österreichischen online-Polit-Satiremagazins
Gipfelinfo - Meldungen über globalisierte Solidarität
- Hausdurchsuchung im Odenwald wegen EU-Gipfel 2001 in Göteborg
Am Freitag, dem 11. Juli, hat frühmorgens eine Hausdurchsuchung durch 4
Bei der Hausdurchsuchung wurde alles genauestens durchsucht, inklusive
Besonders interessant ist, dass der Genosse definitiv nicht in Göteborg war,
[Infotelefon Garfield AB + Fax: 06272-3559 - Postfach: 1126, 69401
Im Sommer 2001 tourte die VolxTheaterKarawane unter dem Slogan
Der meist vorgebrachte Vorwurf ist der der Zerstörung, Plünderung und
Mittlerweile fanden in Genua die ersten Prozesse in Zusammenhang mit den
Wir wollen in der Nacht von 19. auf 20. Juli 2003 beim Mediencamp am
* am 19. Juli 2001 fand in Genua eine antirassistische Demo von 50.000
* der 20. Juli war gekennzeichnet von brutalen Polizeiübergriffen und der
* am 21. Juli demonstrierten 300.000 Menschen gegen die G8 - die Polizei
* in der Nacht von 21. auf 22. Juli wurde die Scuola Diaz von PolizistInnen
* am 22. und 23. Juli wurden weitere AktivistInnen verhaftet, darunter auch
Solidarität mit allen von Repression Betroffenen - egal ob in Göteborg,
Wir fordern die Freilassung aller Gefangenen und die Einstellung aller
ArtivistInnen der VolxTheaterKarawane, Juli 2003
weitere Informationen im Internet:
[ volxtheaterkarawane | noborder@no-racism.net | no-racism.net/noborderlab ]
Die AutorInnen der Beiträge, so sie nicht von uns verfasst sind, sind
Kontakt, Kritik, Beiträge: gipfelsoli@nadir.org
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Ein Jahr suspendiert
Lyon (APA/dpa) - Eine französische Muslimin ist für ein Jahr ohne
Interview: Jalal Talabani
By Gareth Smyth
Interview with Jalal Talabani, leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
FT: Paul Bremer is due to announce the formation of a preliminary government
A: It would be a blow, surely, but I hope Majlis will participate. It is, in
Q: The Americans have become worried about the influence of Iran.
A: Yes, the Americans are worried about the Badr brigade (Sciri's armed
Q: How would you characterise your relationship with Iran?
A: Our relationship is normal, good. We have only the problem with Ansar
Q: Can I ask you about Saddam. How important is it to capture him?
A: Saddam ruled this country for 30 years. He had a lot of underground
Q: What should be done with him when he is captured?
He will be sent to a court, a court of war crimes, an Iraqi court.
Q: Does it have to be an Iraqi court?
A: An international court or an Iraqi court. He must be treated as a war
Q: How many others should be treated as war criminals?
A: I am in favour of reducing the numbers of those treated as war criminals.
Q: What's your view on the Kurds who were victims of Arabisation in the
A: Like me, I want to go back. I am looking forward to the day when I can go
There are a lot of people in tents, and in miserable situations in
In the last weeks, the coalition permitted people to go back to villages
Saddam Hussein did not deny that Kirkuk was a Kurdish city. He told me he
Q: Because of the oil wealth?
A: Yes.
Q: What powers would the Kurdish regional government have?
A: The powers are not the problem. All powers that belong to the sovereignty
Q: What about education? Should it be with the regional government and
A: The Kurdish library is not so rich that we can depend on it. We need to
Q: What is happening to the 'oil for food money' that is still owed to
A: We are negotiating about this.
Q: When will there be elections for a unified Kurdish administration? Will
A: No, surely not. Perhaps other parties will take part..for example the
Q: Is it possible that the KDP wins the election and the PUK loses it, or
A: Why not, if we are living in a democratic country.
Q: If you won the election, would you invite the KDP to join the cabinet?
A: Yes, surely. This country cannot be ruled by one party. This area of
Q: Can you imagine the PUK in opposition?
A: Why not? If we are not in a majority and are not given our share in the
Q: What about your personal role, is it in Arbil or in Baghdad?
A: I am against personalising the situation. The PUK role is now in Baghdad
There is another reason. The PUK is a democratic secular force. To help
Q: Who are the fundamentalists?
A: There are Wahabis [Sunni Muslim fundamentalists], for example. There are
Q: With the overthrow of Saddam, are you expecting to face more criticism in
A: If you read a newspaper like Hawlati, they are already publishing lies
Q: Is it important for you to tolerate this?
A: Yes. I have decided to open a corner in the Freedom Park in Suleimaniya
Q: Can I ask you about the Kurds in Turkey and Iran? What will events here
A: They will be inspired. The success of Kurdish people here will encourage
Q: Will that create problems for you?
A: No, because we are not interfering in the affairs of Turkey or Iran. What
In my meetings now with the Turks, I see there is a new tune. They
Spendenkonto in Österreich:
Spendenkonto in Deutschland
Website mit weiteren Informationen zu Projekten von Wadi e. V. und
Bundespräsident Dr. Klestil begrüßt das Eintreten
Die überparteiliche Bürgerinitiative "Öffnet den Karlsplatz!"
Dr. Thomas Klestil betonte, daß Konflikte das Salz der Demokratie seien,
Nachdem der Bürgerinitiative von Seiten der Regierung so wenig
Erfreut zeigte sich Susanne Metzner über den tatkräftigen Einsatz
"Der Karlsplatz muß nicht nur in Ordnung gebracht werden, sondern als
Für die Bürgerinitiative
OAR Dr. Wolfram Liebig
P.S.: Jetzt unterschreiben!!!
Redaktionsschluss: Montag, 14.7.2003, 22:00 Uhr
01 irak - die wahren gewinner
From: heinz@nessizius.com
short list of private beneficiaries was being drawn up behind closed doors.
As the invasion entered its final phase, the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) and the Army Corps of Engineers (funded
through the Pentagon) began doling out contracts. Citing security concerns
and time constraints, they hand picked the companies that would be allowed
to bid for the contracts (American firms only, thank you), and in some cases
they awarded colossal sums with no bidding at all.
expanding democracy and free markets while improving the lives of the
citizens of the developing world," invited 21 firms to bid on eight
contracts worth $1.7 billion. Many of the contract details have not been
revealed to American taxpayers or the Iraqi people. A look at the past
records of the companies that received contracts reveals that most have long
histories of project work with USAID, specialize in privatization, and
maintain strong political connections. These are the firms that benefited
most from the reconstruction largesse. In fact, they may be the war's real
allocated to begin work and the high number is the estimated final cost.
improvement plan; hire port pilots; facilitate cargo-handling services;
coordinate transport shipments from Umm Qasr)
in the United States and the largest terminal operator in the world, with
annual revenue of $1 billion. A notorious union-buster, SSA is the dominant
member of the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), the stevedoring trade
association responsible for paying longshore workers. Joseph Miniace, the
PMA president alleged to have been installed by SSA, worked for years to
break union power by outsourcing and automating the ports. It was the
International Longshore and Warehouse Union's (ILWU) effort to resist his
changes and maintain full unionization that prompted the PMA to lock out
port workers in September 2002.
the firm did not have the necessary security clearance. Instead of revoking
the contract and awarding it to a company with the correct clearance
credentials, USAID waived the requirement.
additional 1-year terms)
reconstruction contract in January 2003, well before the U.S. and allied
invasion began, according to the Washington Post. Granted, the agency and
the consulting conglomerate have a longstanding relationship-since 1978,
USAID has awarded IRG over 200 contracts amounting to hundreds of millions
of dollars. About one-third of the company's total business is done for
USAID. Its other projects are funded by government agencies, foreign states,
the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. IRG also does extensive
energy-related consulting work in the private sector, notably for large oil
firms. Its contract to provide personnel services for the reconstruction of
Iraq was "sole sourced," meaning the job was simply handed to IRG. No other
bids were solicited.
employee owned and for-profit.
health services; providing medical equipment and supplies; training and
recruiting health staff; providing health education and information; and
determining the specific needs of the health sector and vulnerable
populations such as women and children)
Abt's clients include governments, international organizations, business and
industry, foundations, and nonprofit associations. One of its specialty
areas is privatization. The firm offers client states "technical assistance
to facilitate policy reforms in countries moving from command economies to
market-oriented economies." The firm helped privatize government-owned
pharmaceutical industries in Kazakhstan and worked on other privatization
efforts in the former Soviet Union involving health, financing, and service
delivery activities. Abt has also undertaken privatization projects in
Central America, the Caribbean, African and Asia. USAID has a history of
funding these "market-based reforms."
provide necessary supplies; retain students and increase baseline
stabilization of post-conflict environments" in many countries-including
such casualties of U.S.-sponsored conflict as Angola, El Salvador,
Guatemala, and Nicaragua, according to its website. Ninety percent of its
business is funded by USAID. In March, CAII snagged an agency grant of $6
million to produce textbooks for students in Afghanistan. It won the bid
over the previous bid-holder, the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). UNO
had insisted the textbooks be produced by Afghans themselves in order to
employ residents of Kabul and provide a small measure of self-sufficiency to
the Afghan people. CAII promptly transferred the printing to Indonesia,
resulting in job losses in Kabul.
development organization.
local administrations and civic institutions; training programs in
communications, conflict resolution, leadership skills and political
offices. The 2,100-person firm helps transfer NASA research to the private
sector, "commercializing" NASA's technologies and "bringing them to
markets." It also receives Defense Department funding. RTI was recently
awarded a USAID grant for $60 million to implement Pakistan's "Education
Sector Reform Action," a plan for reforming Pakistan's education system,
increasing literacy, and increasing public-private partnerships in the
education sector. In Iraq the firm will provide local governance support
through a project dubbed the "Iraq Sub-National Governance and Civic
Institution Support Program." Little detailed information about the program
has been made public.
one of the largest in the world.
sewage infrastructure; repair and upgrade Umm Qasr seaport; repair
hospitals, schools, ministry buildings, irrigation and transportation links)
systems of Iraq is a renown water privatizer. A Bechtel subsidiary
privatized the water of Cochabamba, Bolivia in the late 1990s, making it
unaffordable to the poor. Massive protests ensued, in which at least six
people were killed and hundreds injured by the police. When the Bolivian
government canceled the company's contract, the firm sued for loss of
potential profit.
current and previous Republican administrations. In fact, a revolving door
between Bechtel and Washington has been spinning around for decades. Caspar
Weinberger was a Bechtel executive before he became Secretary of Defense
under Reagan. Former CIA Director William Casey also rose from the Bechtel
company from 1974 until he became Secretary of State under Reagan in 1982.
Earlier this year, the good Mr. Schultz cheered loudly for the Iraq war, not
only in op-ed pieces, but also as a member of the Committee for the
Liberation for Iraq (CLI), an eclectic mix of warmongers-Democrat and
Republican-lobbying for combat. The CLI included former Senator Bob Kerrey,
former House speaker Newt Gingrich, and Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and
Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.).
loyalist) Riley Bechtel to the Export Council, a group dedicated to
expanding the U.S. export market. Other senior executives of Bechtel who
double as government advisors include Senior Vice President Jack Sheehan,
who advises the Pentagon through the Defense Policy Board, and Senior Vice
President Daniel Chao, who serves on the advisory committee of the U.S.
Export-Import Bank.
to federal candidates and party committees between 1999 and 2002 (59% to
Republicans, 41% to Democrats).
company's relationship with the current head of USAID, Andrew Natsios. As
chairman of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority in 2000-2001, Natsios
worked closely with Bechtel on Boston's "Big Dig" construction
project-Bechtel was and is the project's principle contractor. In the 1980s,
Bechtel estimated the Big Dig's price tag would be $2.5 billion. Since then
the cost has ballooned by more than 560% to over $14 billion due in large
part to Bechtel mismanagement and the lack of state oversight of its work.
When Natsios took over the Turnpike Authority, he promised to rein in the
overruns. He worked with Bechtel to renegotiate its Big Dig contract, and
succeeded in reducing their management fees. But Natsios permitted the
Bechtel team to continue to review and evaluate their own work, basically
changing little. During Natsios' tenure, the cost estimate of the Big Dig
continued to rise. A few months after he left for his post at USAID, $300
million more in cost overruns were announced. Natsios denies allegations
that he gave preferential treatment to Bechtel for the Iraq reconstruction
petroleum and gas service firm; Halliburton is publicly traded on NYSE
true gem of the reconstruction spoils. For starters it is a "cost plus"
contract in which the government pays the total cost of work done, plus a
profit. The Army Corps of Engineers predicts the total value will amount to
$7 billion over two years with KBR taking 7% (about $490 million) as profit.
The contract also gives KBR the right to produce and sell oil inside the
country of Iraq. Remarkably, this was a closed-door handout granted to KBR
without bidding.
contract, given that a recent KBR contract in the Balkans resulted in $2
million in fines to resolve claims the firm committed fraud. And KBR
recently admitted to the SEC that they had bribed Nigerian officials to
avoid paying their fair share of taxes. This is not exactly the type of
organization you'd think the administration would want heading the "we're
here to help you" parade in a newly occupied country.
$700,000 donations between 1999 and 2002 went to Republican candidates-the
company also has an intimate relationship with vice president Dick Cheney, a
relationship that helps explain the firm's good fortune. As Secretary of
Defense under George H. W. Bush, Cheney hired then-Brown and Root to consult
the army about privatizing army jobs. Brown and Root would later win a
contract to provide worldwide logistics for the Army Corps of Engineers.
When Cheney became Halliburton CEO (1995-2000), the company became the 18th
largest Pentagon contractor, up from 73rd. Cheney also helped change tax
payments of $302,000,000 in 1998 to tax refunds of $85,000,000 in 1999 in
part by quintupling its offshore subsidiaries. Since he left Halliburton to
run for vice president, Cheney has continued to receive deferred
compensation from his former company of between $100,000 and $1,000,000 per
in post-war Iraq, it seems likely that it will be built to the
specifications of GSM technology-the Middle East and European standard. For
Qualcomm, which produces and collects royalties from chip sales of a rival
system (CDMA), Iraq's adoption of GSM would represent a tremendous loss.
Upon learning of the GSM plans, a Qualcomm lobbyist went to Rep. Darrel E.
Issa (R-Calif.), the recipient of $5,500 in Qualcomm campaign contributions.
Together the wireless technology firm and the congressman drafted a letter
advocating use of CDMA technology in Iraq, had it signed by 41 lawmakers,
and sent it to USAID and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
spent on reconstruction should benefit American firms, not the European
firms that developed GSM. Unfortunately for Qualcomm, the use of GSM would
isolate Iraq from neighboring countries. And in terms of American benefits,
many firms make GSM handsets and at least one owns royalty-gaining GSM
patents. The only real beneficiary of a CDMA system in Iraq would be
Qualcomm itself.
technology to the House of Representatives at the end of March. It is not
expected to pass.
own War Profiteers Card Deck.
11, 2003; www.citizenworks.org; www.corpwatch.org;. Campaign contribution
information is from Open Secrets. USAID contracts and updates can be found
at www.usaid.goc/iraq/activities.html.
02 Sponsoring as usual
From: http://raketa.at
länger vorenthalten werden, wenn schon die informierten "Falter" und
"Standard" nichts darüber berichten wollen!
ist, den austrofaschistischen Diktator Engelbert Dollfuß in Ehren zu halten
und ihn beispielsweise jährlich mit einer
Kranzniederlegung zu ehren.
Studentenverbindung nach Dienstschluss am 5. Juni nach 18 uhr - "Treffpunkt
Bude" heißt es im Programm für diesen Abend, das im Internet veröffentlicht
wurde, zu einem Rundgang durch das Gebäude des Verfassungsgerichtshofs
eingeladen (siehe Screen-Shots).
Verfassungsgerichtshofes, ein so intensives Naheverhältnis zu einer
politischen Lobbyistengruppe - nichts anderes ist der CV - zu unterhalten?
Wie stehen sie zu ihrem "Bundesbruder" Dollfuß, und werden Sie die
Dollfuß-Kranzniederlegung heuer im Juli besuchen?" (Programm der
Kranzniederlegung auf www.f-b.at, siehe: fbb online, neueste Ausgabe im
u.a. angeblich die Raiffeisenbank steht - zuerst einmal dazu diente, einen
neuen Pressesprecher des VfGH quasi "zwischenzuparken", da dessen neuer
Planposten (A6) aus dienstrechtlichen gründen erst mit Juli bzw. August
besetzt werden kann, der in Aussicht genommene Kandidat aber bei seinem
vorigen Arbeitgeber bereits gekündigt hat?
dargestellt, sprang das 'Forum Verfassung' hilfreich ein und beschäftigte
den Pressesprecher interimistisch mit einem Werkvertrag. Stimmt das, bzw.
wird der Planposten des Pressesprechers des VfGH öffentlich ausgeschrieben?"
03 Göteborg-Genua
From: gipfelsoli-l@lists.nadir.org
und die Proteste gegen unsolidarische Globalisierung
- Aufruf zur Erinnerung an die Ermordung Carlo Giulianis und die Proteste
die G8 in Genua im Juli 2001
Hausdurchsuchung im Odenwald wegen EU-Gipfel 2001 in Göteborg
Polizisten bei einem Genossen im Odenwald stattgefunden. Begründung des
Durchsuchungsbefehls: "Der Beschuldigte ist verdächtigt, sich anlässlich des
EU-Gipfels am 14.-15.06.2001 in Göteborg an gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen,
zu erheblichen Personen- und Sachschäden geführt haben, beteiligt zu haben."
Angeblich konnte der Beschuldigte "durch Auswertung von Bilddokumenten (...)
einer der an den Ausschreitungen Beteiligten identifiziert werden."
(der aber nicht beschlagnahmt wurde). Mitgenommen wurden Fotos von
Demonstrationen, sämtliche Adresslisten und ein Adressbuch.
allerdings ein Verfahren wegen Blockade Anti-Kriegs.Aktivitäten am Laufen
und der Polizei auch als Antifaschist schon mal aufgefallen ist.
Eberbach -
Email: infotelefon.garfield@gmx.de]
Aufruf zur Erinnerung an die Ermordung Carlo Giulianis und die Proteste
die G8 in Genua im Juli 2001
Samstag, 19. Juli 2003, ab 20 Uhr
Mediencamp am Karlsplatz/Wien (beim Kunsthallenkaffe)
Cocktail-Party mit DJ-line, Ausstellung und Videos
So. 20.7.2003, ab 17.00 Uhr
Gedenktag - Das Trauma Genua zwei Jahre nach dem Tod Carlo Giuliani's.
Veranstaltung, Information, Diskussion, Vortrag, Ausstellung, ect. bei der
Botschaft der besorgten BürgerInnen am Wiener Donaukanal - zwischen
und Aspern-brücke (Ufer im 2. Bezirk)
Die Eltern des am 20. Juli 2001 in Genua während der Proteste gegen den
G8-Gipfel von einem Polizisten erschossenen Carlo Giuliani rufen gemeinsam
vielen Initiativen dazu auf, von 12. - 20. Juli 2003 nach Genua zu kommen.
Organisiert werden Workshops, Podiumsdiskussionen, Theateraufführungen etc.
den Themen neoliberale Globalisierung und Widerstand, Polizeirepression etc.
während des G8-Gipfels im Juli 2001.
durch Europa. Im Anschluss an die Proteste gegen den G8-Gipfel in Genua
u.a. 25 ArtivistInnen, die mit der Karawane unterwegs waren, verhaftet und
dreieinhalb Wochen in Untersuchungshaft gehalten.
Lange Zeit gab es nichts neues von den juristischen Folgen zu berichten.
die Ermittlungen der italienischen Behörden gehen weiter. Es kam zu mehreren
Verhaftungswellen gegen AktivistInnen in Italien, zuletzt im Dezember 2002.
Mitgliedschaft in einer kriminellen Vereinigung. Die diesen Verhaftungen
zugrunde liegende staatsanwaltschaftliche Konstruktion ist durchzogen von
ähnlichen Vorwürfen wie jene, mit denen die 25 Leute der VolxTheaterKarawane
konfrontiert sind. Hierbei geht es vor allem um die Argumentation der
MittäterInnenschaft" - ein Versuch politische AktivistInnen zu
ohne ihnen konkrete Straftaten vorwerfen zu müssen.
G8-Protesten statt, bei denen bereits zwei Leute verurteilt wurden. Die
Anklagepunkte lauteten auf Waffenbesitz und Widerstand. Die Verfahren mit
Vorwurf der kriminellen Vereinigung sind noch im Untersuchungsstadium. Nach
letzten Informationen sollen frühestens im kommenden Herbst die
abgeschlossen und Anklage erhoben werden.
Filme zum Widerstand gegen den G8-Gipfel und die Repression in Genua zeigen
die Erinnerung daran wachrufen:
gegen das internationale Migrationsregime statt
Ermordung von Carlo Giuliani
die Demo an
gestürmt - dutzende AktivistInnen wurden zum Teil schwer verletzt
Evian oder Thessaloniki!
gegen politische AktivistInnen.
VolxTheaterKarawane 2001: http://no-racism.net/nobordertour/
aktuelle Projekte: http://no-racism.net/noborderlab/
allgemein zu Genua: http://italy.indymedia.org/features/genova/
zum Mediencamp: http://mediencamp.karlsplatz.at/
gipfelsoli infogruppe
mit eckigen Klammern versehen. Wir können leider keine Verantwortung
für die Richtigkeit der Beiträge übernehmen. Auch geben die Beiträge
nicht zwangsläufig unsere Meinung wieder.
04 Französische Muslimin ein Jahr suspendiert
From: Zeitungs_artikel_Initiative@gmx.at
Französische Muslimin will auf Schleier nicht verzichten
Gehalt vom öffentlichen Dienst suspendiert worden, weil sie trotz
eines Urteils weiterhin bei der Arbeit einen Schleier getragen hatte.
Dies teilte der Anwalt der 33-jährigen Kontrolleurin der Lyoner
Verkehrsbetriebe am Samstag mit. Die Frau war zuvor bereits zu einer
Bewährungsstrafe verurteilt worden. Der Anwalt will nun vor dem
Verwaltungsgericht Berufung gegen die Suspendierung einlegen.>
Initiative muslimischer ÖsterreicherInnen
für Rückfragen und Korrespondenz kontaktieren sie bitte:
Omar Al Rawi +43-664-3831942 al-rawi@gmx.at
Amina & Tarafa Baghajati +43-1-2595449 baghajati@surfeu.at
Mouddar Khouja +43-1-9685096 mouddar@gmx.net
Andrea Saleh +43-1-7965652 salehand@gmx.at
05 Interview: Jalal Talabani
From: wadi_wien@hotmail.com
FINANCIAL TIMES July 11 2003 12:20
(PUK), one of the two main Iraqi Kurdish parties.
soon. Do you think all the groups from the former opposition will take
part?Would it be a blow if Sciri [also referred to as Majlis] did not
my opinion, a big moderate Shia Muslim movement. Their participation is
necessary. They played a very important role in the opposition and they have
the right to participate in the interim administration and interim
wing). But in my opinion, Majlis is not a blind follower of Iran. His
excellency [Mohammed Baqr] al-Hakim has his own policy, views and vision.
It's not fair to treat him as an Iranian agent.
al-Islam. Some 100 were kicked out from the [Kurdish] area and they went to
Iran. We told to our Iranian brothers where they are, we gave them
addresses, and they promised to arrest them and hand them to us. Yet we are
tunnels and hiding places in which to hide himself from bombardment. Even
when he was president no-one knew where he was. He can hide for some months,
but in the end he will be captured.
Some were obliged, or ordered [to support the regime]. If someone was
sentenced to death, the man executing him was not a war criminal.
Kirkuk area and who now wish to return to their homes?
back home. I am preparing a house. The Talabani family is one of the famous
families of Kirkuk.
Suleimaniya and Arbil. The decision is to let them go gradually, and in a
regulated way in which there is no revenge and no-one is forced to leave.
near Dubis where seven villages were taken from Kurds. There was a peaceful
and friendly solution that the Arab tribes leave and the Kurds go back. We
want to do all these things in the same way.We are not in a hurry to kick
out Arabs quickly and bring Kurds back. This would double the problem.
would not agree that it be a part of an autonomous Kurdistan because it
would be a base for independence.
of Iraq must be with the central government - including the presidency,
national wealth, national army, diplomatic relations.Even in the United
Kingdom there is a kind of federation. We are not insisting on excessive
powers for the regional government.
conducted in Kurdish?
study in English, in Arabic, in other languages. In 70 years of Iraqi rule,
they built in the area controlled by the PUK 504 schools. Now we have 2,264
schools under our rule. That is what we mean by education. We had no
university - now we have one, and 17 colleges.
they produce the same 50-50 power-sharing formula between the KDP [the other
main Kurdish partly led by Mesoud Barzani] and the PUK as 1992?
Union of Muslims of Kurdistan, or the Communist party of Kurdistan.
vice versa?
Kurdistan needs the unity of the PUK and the KDP.
government, we will be in democratic opposition.
first and Kurdistan second because we are going to shape a new state. In
this time, if we are not reshaping Iraq on the basis of democracy, human
rights, federation and equal citizenship, then Iraq will remain a country of
violation, revolution, revolt and chaos. Our main tasks and responsibilities
are in Baghdad.
democrats, liberals, communists, socialists, seculars forces in Baghdad in
the face of fundamentalism, the PUK must be in Baghdad.
people who are asking for an immediate Islamic Republic. Moderates like
Mohamed Baqir al-Hakim are not calling for an Islamic Republic, they are
calling for a democratic regime that respects Islam. OK, we are also [in
agreement] with this idea.
about the Kurdish leadership. Ninety per cent of what they publish is
fabricated lies.
that will be like Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park. People will be free to go
there and criticise anyone, including Mam [uncle] Jalal and Kaak [brother]
have on them?
them to ask for their rights.
can they say against us?. Before the liberation war, Turkey said it would
bring three catastrophes for them - an independent Kurdish state with Iraq
divided, hundreds of thousands of refugees, and a massacre of Turkomen. None
of these happened.
recognise that the Kurds are major partners in Iraq. Look at the Turkish
papers, there are not articles about independence of Kurds or massacres of
Turkomen. They did not even make much noise about Kirkuk when a Kurdish
mayor was elected. Iran also has not said anything against us.
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06 Bundespräsident begrüßt Bürgerinitiative
From: info@verkehrshoelle.at
14. Juli 2003
Bürgerinitiative "ÖFFNET DEN KARLSPLATZ!"
für einen Platz der Offenen Kulturen
überreichte Bundespräsident Dr. Klestil anläßlich einer Audienz in der
Präsidentschaftskanzlei einen süßen Gruß vom Karlsplatz. Die Delegation
übergab zusammen mit den fünf Forderungen eine Torte in Form der
Karlskirche, die eigens für diesen Besuch vom ehemaligen Hoflieferanten
zubereitet wurde.
und beglückwünschte Dr. Wolfram Liebig zum mutigen Engagement der
Bürgerinitiative. "Die Empfehlung des Kunstministers am Ballhausplatz,
daß kritische Kulturschaffende statt zu hungern Torte essen sollen, darf
nicht zum Leitmotiv der österreichischen Kulturpolitik werden", so der
Entgegenkommen gezeigt wurde, war es für die Vertreter der Delegation
eine besondere Freude, daß ihre Anliegen und ihre Sorgen um den Standort
Karlsplatz vom höchsten Vertreter Österreichs mit so großem Interesse
aufgenommen wurde.
verschiedener Kultureinrichtungen, die dem Aufruf für einen Offenen
Karlsplatz inzwischen nachgekommen sind und dort auf offenem Feld einen
Freien Mediencampus errichtet haben. "Wir verstehen natürlich nicht ganz
genau, worum es dabei geht, aber wir wissen, daß es wichtig ist, und das
ist ein guter Anfang", meinte Susanne Metzner gegenüber Bundespräsident
Dr. Klestil.
demokratischer Wegbereiter für Offene Kulturen etabliert werden",
erklärte Dr. Thomas Klestil und versprach abschließend, sich für dieses
Anliegen bei der Stadt Wien und seinem Freund, dem Bürgermeister,
Diese Ausgabe hat Claudia Volgger
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