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sign Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt uns
bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im MUND findet
Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen Debatte
um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 Verteidigt das Recht auf Abtreibung
von: bsb@vorstadtzentrum.net
Die radikalen Abtreibungsgegner Pro-life haben die Wohnung der Mairoklink in
der Gr. Sperlgasse 24 aufgekauft und versuchen jetzt schon seit 2 Monaten
diese mit Hilfe von Räumungsklagen zu vertreiben. Und das obwohl die Klink
einen unbefristeten Mietvertrag hat. Woher das anscheinend sehr finanzstarke
"Lebenszentrum" die dazu erforderlichen Geldmengen auftreiben konnte,
zwar unklar, vermuten lässt sich dabei jedoch ein starker Einsatz der Kirche
ÖVP und FPÖ (für welche Pro life während den Wahlen auch
Propaganda machte)
Auch das schon vor der Abtreibungsklinik am Freischmarkt bewehrte Mittel des
psychischen Terrors wird weiter angewandt:
Täglich werden Frauen, die die Klinik besuchen, als Mörderinnen beschimpft
und belässtigt. Vor allem der Chefin der Klinik bleibt keine ruhige Minute
Jeden letzten und vorletzten Samstag demonstrieren die radikalen
Abteibungsgegner durch den 2 wr. Gemeindebezirk um dann um ca. 3/4 9 vor der
Klinik zu halten.
Wir werden auch dort sei! Lassen wir uns diesen Terror nicht mehr länger
Für das Recht jeder Frau selbst über ihren Körper und ihr zukünftiges
zu bestimmen! Schon genug Frauen sind bei illegalen Abteibungen verblutet
und gestorben.
Deshalb: Für ein gesichertes Recht auf Abtreibung
Weg mit den Pro-life Terror-Zentren
Abteibung auf Krankenschein
Abtreibungsmöglichkeiten in allen Bundesländern und in jedem
Demo: 23.6 und 30.6 jeweils um 1/2 9 in der Großen Sperlgasse 24
Bewegung für Soziale Befreiung BSB
Meiselstraße 46/4
A-1150 Wien
Tel&Fax: (+43 1) 924 31 61
Um von BSB Aktuell gestrichen zu werden, bitte auf nachstehenden Link
02 Abtreibung ist Frauenrecht
von: silvi@eunet.at
hallo ihr starken frauen,
den unten stehenden text möchte ich noch ergänzen:
die situation am fleischmarkt, vor der klinik, ist ebenfalls seit jahren
nicht mehr tragbar - das selbe bild wie vor der MAIRO-klinik.
meine erfahrung ist jedoch, dass bis auf die "leitenden" aktivistInnen
(2 männer & 1 alte frau) die embrio-verteilenden, betenden und das
persönliche gespräch suchenden pro-life aktivistInnen überhaupt
auf starke frauen-reaktionen vorbereitet sind. der tägliche (verbale)
angriff im vorbeigehen bringt sie aus dem konzept... und nach kurzer
zeit sind sie nicht mehr auf ihrem posten. auch bringen solche
"angriffe" ständig solidarisierungen von anderen passantinnen,
die sich
alleine niemals äußern oder wehren würden.
ich denke, dass wir alle unseren täglichen aktivismus auspacken müssen
und diese heuchlerInnen ständig mit unserem recht auf abtreibung und
ihrem unrecht konfrontieren müssen...
gemeinsam sind wir stark!
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Abtreibung ist Frauenrecht
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 18:22:09 +0200
From: "Elfie Resch" <11ie@chello.at>
To: "arge.frauen" <arge.frauen@lion.cc>
References: <>
Seit Monaten terrosisieren Aktivistinnen von "Pro Life" Passantinnen,
Patientinnen, Angestellte und Ärzte der MAIRO Klinik im 2. Bezirk in Wien.
Mit den bereits von anderen Aktionen her bekannten Horrorbildern und
Plastikembrios stehen sie täglich vor dem Hauseingang und belästigen
die das Haus betreten wollen. Selbst Kindern drücken sie ihreFolder in
Hand. Als die leiterin der Klinik in einer Talkshow eingeladen war,
erhieltsie Morddrohungen. Jeden letzten Samstag im Monat erreicht das wüste
Spektakel seinen Höhepunkt: 50 bis 70 AktivistInnen stehen betend und
singend vor der Klinik. Die Verbündeten von "Pro Life" verfügen
über große
Geldmittel. In den USA wurden AbtreibungsärztInnen getötet und
KlinikeninBrand gesetzt.
Dietmar Fischer, österreichischer "Pro Life" Aktivist, ist es
gelungen, die
Wohnung, in der die Klinik untergebracht ist, zu kaufen. Er hat vertreten
durch die ehemalige Kanzlei Böhmdorfer, eine Räumungsklage
eingebracht.DieBetreiberInnen derKlinik benötigen dringend unsere Hilfe.
Es war bisher nicht möglich, bei den zuständigen Stellen der Gemeinde
einen Gespächstermin zu bekommen: Weder die Stadträtin für Frauenfragen
Brauner, noch die Stadträtin fürGesundheitswesen Dr. Pittermann fanden
Jeden vorletzten und letzten Samstagdes Monat findet eine GEGENKUNDGEBUNG
statt. (Aufruf des SLP-Frauenstammtisch)
die nächsten Termine:
Samstag 23. Juni 8:30 bis ca 10 Uhr und Samstag 30. Juni 8:30 bis ca 10:30
vor der MAIRO Klinik, 2. Große Sperlgasse.
Überlegt wird eine anschließende Demonstration durch den Bezirk.
STRASSENDISKUSSION der "Wüden Weiba", im Rahmen der Aktionen
Dienstag 19. Juni 2001, 17 bis19 Uhr, Schwedenplatz
x Es ist wichtig, das wirdieseAngriffe wieder verstärkt thematisieren.
x Es ist wichtig uns daran zu erinnern, daß so manche von uns illegal
abgetrieben hat.
x Es ist wichtig Erreichte zu verteidigen.
x Es ist wichtig wieder Forderungen zu stellen
mit feministisch solidarischen Grüssen
Elfie Resch - Wüde Weiba
PS: Jede die kommt bringe eine Freundinn mit, jede die verhindert ist sende
2 Freundinnen - Gemeinsam sind wir stark - wir bauen auf Eure Solidarität.
Sendet das Mail weiter, wenns eine mehrfach bekommt, hat sie viele
03 Schüsse auf DemonstrantInnen in Göteborg
von: info@pwi.action.at
Folgendes Mail haben wir an die schwedische Botschaft in Wien
Wir rufen alle fortschrittlichen Organisationen und Einzelpersonen auf
sich an unserem Prostest zu beteiligen, bzw. eigene Briefe, Mails,
etc. an die schwedische Botschaft zu verfassen.
Mail an die schwedische Botschaft in Wien:
Mit Entsetzen haben wir durch die Medien feststellen müssen, dass
seitens der Sicherheitskräfte, Schusswaffen gegen DemonstrantInnen in
Göteborg eingesetzt wurden.
Dies führte dazu, dass ein Demonstrant von einem Polizisten im
Weglaufen von hinten angeschossen und lebensgefährlich verletzt wurde.
Zur Klärung dieses Vorfalles möchten wir folgende Fragen beantwortet
1. Welcher Umstand rechtfertigt das Tragen, bzw. den Einsatz von
Schusswaffen auf
2. Welchen Verbrechens wird der lebensgefährlich verletzte Demonstrant
beschuldigt, das ihrer Meinung nach einen gezielten Schuss auf
selbigen rechtfertigt?
3. Wurde seitens der Einsatzleitung ein Schießbefehl erteilt und wenn
ja, mit welcher Begründung?
4. Wie kann es dazu kommen, dass sich der Polizist laut Medien selbst
schützen wollte, obwohl der Demonstrant von hinten getroffen wurde?
5. Wie ist der Gesundheitszustand des lebensgefährlich verletzten
6. Welche Schritte werden unternommen um sein Leben zu retten?
7. Werden rechtliche Schritte gegen den Polizei - Schützen
8. Wird ihre Regierung eine öffentliche Stellungnahme abgeben?
9. Müssen Menschen auch in Schweden zukünftlich damit rechnen auf
Demonstrationen erschossen zu werden?
Wir fordern Sie auf unsere Fragen zu diesem skandalösen Verhalten
zu beantworten.
Ein Land, welches wie ihres sich der Einhaltung der Menschenrechte
rühmt, muss zu einem Vorfall wie diesem Stellung beziehen.
Prison Watch International - Wien
Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Wien
04 stellungnahme der antiwef-koordination zu goeteburg
von: wipe.out.wef@gmx.at
eu.gipfel in goeteborg:
wer mit gewalt beherrscht wird, wird sich auch gewaltig wehren
vom 14. -16. juni 2001 fand in goeteborg der eu-gipfel statt. die
regierungsspitzen der verschiedenen europaeischen staaten trafen sich, um
ueber die erschliessung neuer maerkte und investitionsmoeglichkeiten im zuge
der sogenannten eu-osterweiterung, die verlagerung der eu-aussengrenzen etc.
zu verhandeln.
in den letzten jahren steht solchen internationalen gipfeltreffen, eine
wachsende protestbewegung gegenueber. ueber alle grenzen hinweg vernetzen
sich menschen, die gegen die unterschiedlichen unterdrueckungformen
auftreten. dieser inter- bzw. anti-nationale antikapitalistische
zusammenhang ist im gegensatz zu den vorherrschenden staatsstrukturen nicht
hierarchisch organisiert. die kriminalisierung dieser bewegung verschaerft
sich, schon im vorfeld der proteste reduziert sich die mediale
auseinandersetzung auf bilder von "krawallen". eine diskussion über
einschränkung der grundrechte, über polizeigewalt, d.h. dem gewaltmonopol
des staates, wird vermieden.
vielen aktivistInnen wurde die einreise nach schweden verwehrt, die
sogenannten schengener freiheiten ausser kraft gesetzt. die willkuer der
gewaehrung von "freiheiten" wird an diesem beispiel sichtbar. schon
an den
tagen zuvor wurde ein treffpunkt der demonstrantinnen geräumt, die
demonstration beim weitergehen in die innenstadt gehindert und
demonstrantinnen mit gezogenen schußwaffen bedroht. bei der reclaim the
street-party am 15. juni setzte die polizei scharfe munition gegen
aktivistinnen ein. nach einem brustschuss schwebt das opfer in lebensgefahr.
nach der kriminalisierung der proteste im vorfeld und den brutalen
repressionen waehrend der proteste wird der gebrauch von schusswaffen gegen
systemkritikerInnen legitimiert. so kann mensch dann in der presse lesen,
dass die polizeischuesse "noetig waren". im gegensatz dazu wird den
und getöteten an den schengener grenzen wenig aufmerksamkeit gewidmet.
am 11. juni 2001 ertranken bis zu 17 menschen bei der ueberquerung der
gruenen grenze in der march. in europa starben in den letzten jahren
tausende menschen durch das gewaltsam durchgeführte system von abschottung,
internierung und deportation.
das weltbanktreffen in barcelona wurde aufgrund breiten widerstandes bereits
im vorfeld abgesagt uns geht um mehr, als das verhindern von gipfeltreffen,
nämlich einer grenzenlosen bewegungsfreiheit und lebenswerten bedindungen
für alle menschen. darum werden die proteste trotzdem stattfinden - als
des widerstandes.
in salzburg hat die mediale hetze und kriminalisierung bereits begonnen und
es werden parallelen zu den protesten gegen den eu-gipfel in goeteborg
geschlagen. die antiwef-koordination erklaert sich solidarisch mit den
aktivistInnen in goeteborg. fuer uns ist der widerstand gegen eu-gipfel in
goeteborg und den european economic summit in salzburg teil eines weltweiten
protestes. gegen die politik der unterdrückung, die in organisationen wie
der europaeischen union, der weltbank, dem world economic forum, den g8 etc.
institutionalisiert ist. zum g8 gipfeltreffen in genua sind die
gegenproteste ähnlich wie in salzburg bereits im vorfeld einer massive
kriminalisierung ausgesetzt.
wir verurteilen das brutale vorgehen der polizei in goeteborg auf das
schärfste und fragen uns, warum die exekutive schwer bewaffnet zu
demonstrantionen geschickt wird, obwohl bekannt ist, wieviele der beamtInnen
in derartigen situationen dem nervlichen druck nicht stand halten, bzw.
gezielt gegen aktivistInnen vorgehen.
wir rufen alle dazu auf, sich an den antikapitalistischen aktionstagen vom
29. juni bis 3. juli 2001 in salzburg zu beteiligen.
antiwef-koordination oesterreich, 17. juni 2000
05 aktuelle Infos zur Polizeigewalt in Schweden
von: OEKOLI_Wien@gmx.net
Nach dem Schußwaffeneinsatz der schwedischen Polizei ist es doppelt wichtig
die aktuellen Ereignisse mitzuverfolgen. Aktuelle Infos können ständig
Internet vom alternativen Medienservice Indymedia abgerufen werden:
Wir rufen Euch außerdem dazu auf gegen das brutale Vorgehen der schwedischen
Polizei bei der Schwedischen Botschaft in Wien zu protestieren:
Schwedische Botschaft, 2. Bez, Ob Donaustr. 49-51 1020 Wien
Tel.: 01 2121760
01 2145078
Fax.: 01 21753370
Ökologische Linke (ÖKOLI)
Schottengasse 3a/1/4/59
A-1010 Wien
e-milio: oekoli_wien@gmx.net
Visite our Website: http://www.oekoli.cjb.net
Ökoli Vorarlberg: http://PolitiX.cjb.net
Wenn ihr an unseren spanischen/französischen/englischen
interessiert seid, um Infos weiterzuverbreiten, meldet euch!
don't forget to say hello to echelon:
abhoermethoden, bombe, cia ,datenklau, echelon, freak, grundrecht,
hacking, iridium, joint, kommunismus, lauschangriff, mailbombing,
oecalan, pgp, querulant, rasterfahndung, besetzung, behörde
shell, tristero, urheberrechtsverletzung, wanze, geld, asyl,
ausländer, zukunft, nigeria, ahim, widerstand
06 göteburg soli-aktion in vienna
von: michibotka@gmx.net
von ca. 14 uhr bis etwa 17 uhr waren auf der mariahilferstraße an 7 punkten
vor großkonzernen an die 60 aktivisten an protest-info aktionen beteiligt.
diverse themen wie, frauenrechte, kinderarbeit, militarismus & plan
columbia, tierrechte, abschiebungen,... wurden aufgegriffen um die krassen
auswüchse der profitlogik der konzerne aufzuzeigen.
die aktionen waren ein voller erfolg es war für die einkaufsbummler
unmöglich die vielen infokampagnen zu ignorieren - so daß jeder mehr
weniger intensiev darauf aufmerksam gemacht werden konnte wie pervers diese
wirtschaft funktioniert.
um ca. 17 uhr fand am westbahnhof - ende der inneren mariahilferstraße
u3 aufgang eine kundgebung statt bei der aktivisten der verschiedenen
organisationen und kampagnen sowie eine gruß-soli-botschaft einige worte
die versammelten und die interessiert stehengebliebenen autofahrer bzw.
fußgänger richteten.
es herrschte eine solidarische stimmung unter all den verschiedenen
aktivisten die sich gegen die gemeinsamen gegner richtete.
etwa gegen 17.30 formierte sich die demonstration von etwa 200 menschen die
aber wegen der vielen transparente, schilder und besonders wegen der
lautstarken forderungen viel größer wirkte. die demonstration zog
mariahilferstraße hinunter um vor den filialen der transnationalen konzerne
nochmals die forderungen wie "people not profit-menschen vor profite"
world is not for sale - put the bankers into jail" "whos streets -
streets" "say hey - say ho - wef has got to go" "one solution
- revolution"
"smash smash smash the wef"... (audio & viedeo aufnahmen so wie
photos folgen so bald wie möglich - bin wiedermal auf der suche nach einem
server der mir werbungsfrei endlos viel webspace ermöglicht)
als ein von den aktivisten des plan columbia infostandes mitgebrachter
rosaroter panzer sich aus der demo richtung mc-donalds bewegte reagierte die
polizei panisch und ströhmte zur filiale des ausbäuterkonzerns um
abzuriegeln - was für die "kunden" ein relativ seltsames bild
nach der abschlußkundgebung kurz vor dem ring löste sich die demo
strenger beobachtung der poliz-ei langsam in unzählige gruppen die heiße
diskussionen führten auf.
während wir die soli aktion auf der mariahilferstraße machten blockierten
etwa 15.000 kapitalismus gegner das kongresszentrum in göteborg wo sie
spät in die nacht schweren polizei attacken mit schlagstöcken, pferden
hin zu schußwaffengebrauch zum schweigen gebracht werden sollten. (etwa
hundert verletzte, ein bauchschuß, unzählige festgenommene, durchsuchte
schickanierte als chaoten abgestempelte kritiker)
wenn die staatsmächte glauben sich mit gewalt gegen die probleme der welt
bzw. diejenigen die diese probleme äußern durchsetzen zu können
werden sie
ihr blaues wunder erleben. auf nach salzburg - um genua vorzubereiten!
welt weiter widerstand
aktuelle berichte von göteborg auf
07 Komitee gegen Isolationshaft - Eilmeldung
von: abcibk@hushmail.com
Izolasyon Iskencesine Karsi Mücadele Komitesi
Komitee gegen Isolationshaft
Comitee for Struggle against Torture through Isolation
tel/ fax.:0049 / 40 / 28053625 Adr.: Kreuzweg 12 - 20099 Hamburg
Kontoverbindung; Postbank/ Hamburg Kto-Nr: 79 966 205 BLZ: 200 100 20
Internet.: www.noisolation.de E-Mail.: noisolation@ninebyte.de
Hamburg, den 17.06.2001
Am 240. Tag des Todesfasten ist Veli Gunes in dem F-Typ Gefängnis in
Kandira gefallen. Veli Gunes war in der 1. Todesfastengruppe und er
wurde bei dem Massaker vom 19. Dezember 2000 von Ümraniye nach Kandira
verlegt wurden. Er war 46 Jahre alt und Mitglied der Organisation
Seit Eineinhalb Monaten wurde er in dem Staatskrankenhaus in Izmit
mehrere Male zwangsernährt, wogegen er sich jedes Mal mit seiner ganzen
Kraft versucht hatte zu wehren. Seit drei Tagen konnte er keine
Flüssigkeit mehr zu sich nehmen.
08 ai zu Eren Keskin und Osman Baydemir
von: initiative_kurdistan@hotmail.com
From: "Inge von Alvensleben" <i-v-a@gmx.net>
>To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
>Subject: ai zu Eren Keskin und Osman Baydemir
>Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 05:37:01 +0200
>amnesty internatinal
>UA 92/01-1
>ai-Index: EUR 44/036/2001 6. Juni 2001 - bs
>Weitere Informationen zu UA 92/01 (EUR 44/022/2001, 10. April 2001)
>Frau Eren Keskin, 41-jährige Rechtsanwältin und Menschenrechtsverteidigerin
>Osman Baydemir, 30-jähriger Anwalt und Menschenrechtsverteidiger
>Die Morddrohungen gegen Eren Keskin und Osman Baydemir sind nach Appellen
>Rahmen dieser Eilaktion abgeebbt. Die beiden führenden Mitglieder des
>"Türkischen Menschenrechtsvereins" (Insan Haklari Dernegi
- IHD) haben
>amnesty international gebeten, ihren Dank an alle Mitglieder und Teilnehmer
>des Eilaktionsnetzes weiterzuleiten. Eren Keskin, die den diesjährigen
>Menschenrechtspreis der deutschen Sektion von amnesty international
>hat, sagte in ihrer Dankesrede nach der Preisverleihung in Hamburg: "Ich
>engagiere mich seit zehn Jahren für die Menschenrechte, aber erst nach
>dieser Eilaktion von amnesty international haben mir die türkischen
>zum ersten Mal angeboten, mich und meinen Kollegen zu schützen. Ich
>die Aktivitäten der Mitglieder von amnesty international sehr und danke
>ihnen ganz herzlich für ihre Unterstützung."
>Die türkischen Behörden haben deutlich gemacht, dass sie die Anliegen
>amnesty international ernst nehmen. Die Polizei, darunter auch die
>Anti-Terrorabteilung, haben den beiden Menschenrechtlern Schutzmaßnahmen
>angeboten. Eren Keskin und Osman Baydemir haben zwar Leibwächter abgelehnt,
>aber darauf hingewiesen, dass der türkische Staat verpflichtet ist,
>seine Bürger zu schützen. Eren Keskin erhält seit Jahren
>Morddrohungen, die in jüngster Zeit zugenommen hatten. Ein Mitarbeiter
>Staatsanwaltschaft soll sie angerufen haben, um ihr über eine Internetseite
>zu berichten, auf der Drohungen gegen sie veröffentlicht worden waren.
>Osman Baydemir ist beschattet und mit dem Tode bedroht worden. Am 24. Mai
>2001 wurde er im Büro des IHD festgenommen und zur Polizeizentrale
>Vier gemeinsam mit ihm festgenommene Gewerkschafter wurden in Zellen
>gesteckt, während mehrere Polizisten bei Osman Baydemir blieben. Sie
>forderten ihn zu einer Erklärung bezüglich seiner Rede auf, die
er auf der
>Jahreskonferenz des IHD in Diyarbakir im Jahr 2000 gehalten hatte. Die
>Polizisten erklärten, der Staatsanwalt habe sie aufgefordert, seine
>diesbezüglich aufzunehmen. Osman Baydemir weigerte sich jedoch, eine
>Erklärung abzugeben, da nach türkischem Recht Polizisten nicht
befugt sind,
>Rechtsanwälte zu verhören.
>Die Polizisten befragten ihn außerdem über die Morddrohungen,
denen er
>ausgesetzt war. Osman Baydemir gab ihnen daraufhin eine detaillierte
>Beschreibung der Drohungen. Bei den Personen, die ihn im November
>vergangenen Jahres im IHD-Büro in Diyarbakir bedroht hatten, soll es
>Angehörige einer Geheimdiensteinheit namens JITEM gehandelt haben;
>Verbindungen zur Gendarmerie hat. Osman Baydemir war einer der Ehrengäste
>auf der diesjährigen Jahresversammlung der deutschen Sektion von amnesty
>Da Eren Keskin und Osman Baydemir keine weiteren Drohungen erhalten haben,
>sind keine Appelle der Teilnehmer am Eilaktionsnetz mehr erforderlich.
>amnesty international wird gegebenenfalls weitere Aktionen einleiten.
>UA 92/01 ai-Index: EUR 44/022/2001
>10. April 2001 - md
>Frau Eren Keskin, 41-jährige Rechtsanwältin und Menschenrechtsveteidigerin
>Osman Baydemir, 30-jähriger Anwalt und Menschenrechtsverteidiger
>Zwei führende Mitglieder des "Türkischen Menschenrechtsvereins"
>Haklari Dernegi - IHD) haben wiederholt Morddrohungen erhalten, sodass
>amnesty international in großer Sorge um ihr Leben ist.
>Eren Keskin, der ehemaligen Vizepräsidentin des IHD und jetzigen Leiterin
>des Istanbuler Büros der regierungsunabhängigen Menschenrechtsorganisation,
>haben Unbekannte am Telefon damit gedroht, sie zu vergewaltigen und zu
>ermorden. Die Mitbegründerin eines Rechtshilfeprojekts für im
>vergewaltigte und anderweitig sexuell missbrauchte Frauen hat zudem am 9.
>April 2001 erfahren, dass ein in Konya festgenommener Mann den Vorsatz
>gestanden hat, sie zu ermorden.
>Anfang Februar 2001 hatte Eren Keskin an der Reise einer Delegation nach
>Silopi in die Provinz Sirnak im Südosten der Türkei teilgenommen,
um das
>"Verschwindenlassen" zweier Mitglieder der legalen kurdischen
Partei HADEP
>(siehe UA 26/01 vom 30. Januar, 26. Februar und 29. März 2001) zu
>untersuchen. Im Anschluss an diese Reise soll der Gouverneur von Sirnak
>türkischen Fernsehen erklärt haben: "Diese Frau vom IHD kam
hierher und hat
>nur Staub aufgewirbelt". Danach nahm die Anzahl der bei Eren Keskin
>ihrem Mobiltelefon, in ihrer Anwaltskanzlei und ihrem IHD-Büro eingehenden
>Morddrohungen merklich zu. Als sie Ende März dieses Jahres nach einer
>zweiten Reise zwecks weiterer Recherchen in Silopi zur Arbeit kam, stand
>Treppenhaus auf jedem der drei Stockwerke auf dem Weg zu ihrer Kanzlei
>jeweils ein Mann. Die Männer sagten kein Wort, musterten sie aber in
>provokativ bedrohlicher Weise.
>Ein Mann, der sich als "Sami Demirkiran" ausgibt, ruft die Rechtsanwältin
>Berichten zufolge regelmäßig an, manchmal zwei bis drei Mal am
Tag. Er gibt
>jedes Mal an, für die türkische Regierung zu arbeiten und sich
>unter vier Augen mit ihr treffen zu müssen. Eren Keskin hat die Stimme
>Mannes als die jener Person identifiziert, die den früheren IHD-Präsidenten
>Akin Birdal am Telefon mit dem Tode bedroht hatte, als sie gerade bei ihm
>war und so das Gespräch mithören konnte. Akin Birdal war im Mai
1998 in der
>IHD-Zentrale von mehreren Schüssen getroffen worden und überlebte
>Mordanschlag nur um Haaresbreite.
>Eren Keskin war 1995 wegen ihres Menschenrechtsengagements vor Gericht
>gestellt und zu einer Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt worden, sodass amnesty
>international sie betreut und sich für ihre Freilassung eingesetzt
>Seit Jahren erhält sie regelmäßig Morddrohungen, die an
>nachdem sie Abdullah Öcalan, den Führer der bewaffneten Oppositionsgruppe
>"Arbeiterpartei Kurdistans" (PKK), 1999 vor Gericht vertreten
>Osman Baydemir, der derzeitige IHD-Vizepräsident und Leiter des IHD-Büros
>Diyarbakir, ist Berichten zufolge beschattet worden und hat ebenfalls
>telefonische Morddrohungen erhalten. Im November 2000 sollen Polizisten
>Zivil im IHD-Büro in Diyarbakir erschienen sein und zu ihm gesagt haben:
>"Unsere Geduld mit dir geht zu Ende. Es gibt viele Menschen, zu denen
>sagen können ,tötet', und dann werden sie das ausführen".
>Der IHD ist mit etwa 19.000 Mitgliedern die größte und angesehenste
>Menschenrechtsorganisation der Türkei. Seit 1991 sind mindestens zehn
>Mitarbeiter getötet worden. Die Täter sind in der Mehrzahl der
Fälle nie
>ermittelt worden, obwohl es deutliche Hinweise für die Beteiligung
>Angehörigen der türkischen Sicherheitskräfte an einigen dieser
Morde gibt.
>Die türkischen Behörden haben wiederholt versucht, den IHD mit
>verbotenen PKK in Verbindung und so in Misskredit zu bringen. Mehrere
>lokalen Büros sind unter verschiedenen Vorwänden geschlossen und
>führende IHD-Mitarbeiter vor Gericht gestellt worden. Allein gegen
>Keskin sind gegenwärtig mehrere Strafverfahren anhängig; unter
>Beleidigung der Armee, weil sie in einem Interview der Wochenzeitschrift
>"Cuma" Kritik am "Militarismus der Türkei" geäußert
>EMPFOHLENE AKTIONEN: Schreiben Sie bitte Telefaxe oder Luftpostbriefe, in
>denen Sie
>* Ihre Besorgnis um die Sicherheit von Eren Keskin und Osman Baydemir
>* die türkischen Behörden auffordern, ihre Sicherheit zu gewährleisten
>die Morddrohungen und Einschüchterungsversuche zu untersuchen;
>* darauf dringen, dass alle Menschenrechtler im Lande ihren legitimen
>Aktivitäten gemäß ihrer Rolle als Beobachter und Berichterstatter
aller die
>Menschenrechte betreffenden Angelegenheiten nachgehen können, wie sie
>Erklärung der Vereinten Nationen zum Schutz von Menschenrechtsverteidigern
>definiert ist;
>* die Behörden auffordern, dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass die
>und alle übrigen ein öffentliches Amt bekleidenden Personen die
>Rechtmäßigkeit der Arbeit von Menschenrechtsverteidigern anerkennen;
>* darauf dringen, dass alle gegen Menschenrechtler laufende Verfahren
>eingestellt werden;
>* die Erlaubnis zur erneuten Öffnung aller von den Behörden geschlossenen
>lokalen IHD-Büros fordern.
>Herrn Saadettin Tantan, Içisleri Bakanligi, 06644 Ankara, REPUBLIK
>(Innenminister - korrekte Anrede: Dear Minister)
>Telefax: (00 90) 312-418 1795
>Herrn Rüstü Kazim Yücelen, Büro des Ministerpräsidenten,
Basbakanlik, 06573
>REPUBLIK TÜRKEI (Staatsminister für Menschenrechtsfragen)
>Telefax: (00 90) 312-417 0476
>Kanzlei der Botschaft der Republik Türkei, Rungestr. 9, 10179 Berlin
>(S. E. Herrn Osman Taney Korutürk)
>Telefax: 030-275 90 915
>E-Mail: turk.em.berlin@t-online.de
>Bitte schreiben Sie Ihre Appelle möglichst sofort. Schreiben Sie in
>Englisch oder auf Deutsch. Da Informationen in Urgent Actions schnell an
>Aktualität verlieren können, bitten wir Sie, nach dem 22. Mai
2001 keine
>Appelle mehr zu verschicken.
Quellenstrasse 126/4
1100 Wien
Tel.: 0650/540 77 88
Fax: 01/602 39 41
eMail: initiative_kurdistan@hotmail.com
09 However, the reparations movement cannot be easily...
von: AHDA verein-ahda@chello.at
Our Motherland...Africa!
(a journey to south Africa is a journey home)
Life is a journey, most of us would agree with that. A journey of joy? Maybe
for some people. We are all different but we have a lot in common ,a common
root, history a common experience . It is this common root, history and
experience that bind us as a community, maybe more than you think. We all
laugh. We all hurt. We all makes mistakes. We all dream. When asked to
describe yourself do you reach for your job title? Do you define yourself by
your relationships -- wife, mother, lover, friend? Do you think of your
successes, your failures, your dreams, your past? All of these are parts of
who you are, but you are more than what you do, more than what you own, or
where you live. You are an African making a journey home You are
beautiful.You are intelligent.You are loved.You are not alone. God is
perfect, powerful, and yet personal. The Bible tells us: "He (God) is the
Rock. His work is perfect. Everything He does is just and fair."
(Deuteronomy 32:4) Turning your life's journey into a journey of joy is a
process. positve statements and life goals are a great start, but they're
not enough. They can tell us where we're going, but not why we're headed
there in the first place.
Maybe before we try to figure out where we're going, we should take some
time to think about who this person is who's taking the journey in the first
place Africans and African descendants share common root,a common history
colonization), a common experience . It is this common root, history and
experience that bind us as a community; and as a community we are committed
to rebuild and reunite our motherland Africa . Our motherland, Africa, is
unique in the history of slavery. It is the only continent whose population
was enslaved to contribute to the development of other nations. After the
Slave Trade, Africa was plunged into a new form of
enslavement,colonialism.Dismembered and divided among European powers,
Western monopolies and the exploitation of raw material vital for Western
industries which were flourishing at the time have cost African nations
millions of lives . To ensure total control over Africans and African
descendants, the West resorted to violence, brain-washing, enhancing Western
history and valuesand falsifying and negating African history and values.
before we try to figure out where we're going we should take some time to
think about who this brothers and sister are about to retun to
motherland.captured and brought across the Atlantic on the horrific middle
passage, they were put into slavery in South America, the Caribbean, or the
United States. By the late eighteenth century, a growing number of people in
the United States began to express uneasiness with the slave system. George
Washington(at right), the nation's first President, freed his slaves upon
his death in 1799. Others did the same, and the number of free blacks in
America began to rise sharply in many areas during the nineteenth century.
At the same time, abolitionist groups that demanded the emancipation of all
slaves rose in strength.
>From this climate was born the idea of colonization, which proposed sending
blacks, free and slave, back to Africa. The plan was supported by many of
America's most prominent citizens, and by 1817 the movement began officially
with the founding of the American Colonization Society. Sending their first
blacks to Africa in 1820, the effort faltered at first due to its failure to
find suitable territory on which to settle. The problem was solved, however,
after the U.S. was able to acquire a large portion of land on the west coast
of the continent. Liberia was created from this early
settlement, and later became an independent country. Colonization continued
sporadically for the next few decades, but support was inconsistent. The
Civil War, and the emancipation that came with it, basically brought an end
to the era of colonization in the United States. The "Middle Passage"
the journey of slave trading ships from the west coast of Africa, where the
slaves were obtained, across the Atlantic, where they were sold or, in some
cases, traded for goods such as molasses, which was used in the making of
rum. However, this voyage has come to be remembered for much more than
simply the transport and sale of slaves. The Middle Passage was the longest,
hardest, most dangerous, and also most horrific part of the journey of the
slave ships. With extremely tightly packed loads of human cargo that stank
and carried both infectious disease and death, the ships would travel east
to west across the Atlantic on a miserable voyage lasting at least five
weeks, and sometimes as long as three months. Although incredibly profitable
for both its participants and their investing backers, the terrible Middle
Passage has come to represent the ultimate in human misery and suffering.
The abominable and inhuman conditions which the Africans were faced with on
their voyage clearly display the great evil of the slave trade
Even before the first Africans were brought to the shores of Virginia in
1619, the slave trade had become the basis for most aspects of the Atlantic
economy. The Middle Passage across the Atlantic became the essential part of
a system of trading routes between Europe, Africa, and North America. The
exchange of goods along these routes became known collectively as the
triangular trade. Developed primarily by sea captains from England and New
England, ships in the triangular trade carried goods between Europe, Africa,
and the new world, although not necessarily in that order. The triangular
trade system was highly successful because each region produced goods which
were not produced elsewhere, and therefore were considered extremely
valuable to the others, hence netting a great profit for the seamen who
transported these goods.
England produced both textiles and manufactured goods which were not
available in either North America or Africa. These products, along with rum
obtained from New England would be traded in Africa for slaves and various
riches such as gold and silver. Next, England would trade slaves and their
domestic goods to the West Indies, where sugar and molasses were available.
>From there the sugar, molasses, and the remainder of the slaves, textiles,
and domestic goods would be traded in America for tobacco, fish, lumber,
flour, foodstuffs, or perhaps rum which had been distilled in New England.
The triangular trade was obviously quite necessary at this time because none
of the regions were truly self-sufficient, each depended on the others for
goods they could not provide for themselves. To view full timelines of the
major events in the Atlantic and American slave trade,
While the Middle Passage served as a great source of wealth for many whites,
it was an inhuman practice and the Africans who were enslaved were subjected
to atrocious conditions during the voyage. During periods of good weather,
the slaves would be brought up on deck in the morning. At this time the men
would be shackled together with iron chains, while the women and children
would be allowed to roam about on deck. At about nine o' clock in the
morning they were given their first meal of the day. Interestingly, slaves
from different sections along the west African coast would often be fed
different meals. Those from the Northern part of the Guinea Coast would be
fed boiled rice, millet, or cornmeal. Slaves from the Bight of Biafra had
stewed yams, and those from still farther south in the Congo River region
would be fed starchy manioc, cassava flour, or banana-like fruits. Sometimes
a few lumps of raw meat would be thrown in with their food to keep them
healthy. It was also at this time in the morning that the slaves were given
their daily ration of a half-pint of water in a small pan, called a
In the late afternoon came the slaves' second and only other meal of the
day. Sometimes it was the same as their first, but most captains were not
that humane. The afternoon meal usually consisted only of horse beans, very
large beans which are used to feed horses. They were the cheapest form of
food available. The beans were boiled until they were pulpy and then covered
with a mixture of palm oil, flour, and water. To cover up the horrible
taste, large amounts of red pepper, called "slabber sauce", were added.
The captains needed to keep the slaves in acceptable physical condition if
they were to be sold at high prices, so each morning after breakfast the
slaves were "danced" on deck, in order to give them exercise. Still
together, the men were forced to jump up and down until often the flesh of
their ankles was raw and bleeding from the iron chains which bound them
together. The women and children, who were free of such bonds were better
able to dance to the rhythm that was pounded out on an African drum or iron
kettle, sometimes with the accompaniment of a fiddle or African banjo played
by a crew member. The slaves, otherwise kept miserably in the "tween decks",
enjoyed this dancing, as it was their only form of physical recreation
during the entire day. Each day at sunset the slaves would be placed back
below deck to rest in the misery and filth that was the "tween decks".
During the morning exercises members of the crew roved about the deck
carrying whips and would beat those slaves who refused to "dance".
most whips were made only of simple rope, the wicked cat-o'-nine-tails was
also used aboard many slavers. Consisting of nine cords coated with tar,
each with a knot at the end, the cat-o'-nine-tails could slash the skin of a
slave's back to ribbons in only a few lashes.
Yet the worst time of the Middle Passage came for the slaves when the ship
was met with periods of bad weather. During storms the blacks were forced to
remain below deck all day and night. The holds were dark, filthy, slimy, and
they stank of death. The "tween decks" were often full not only with
both living and dead, but also with blood, vomit, urine, and human waste.
Also during periods of inclement weather the slaves were not fed as usual.
They were often forced to scrounge for small crumbs and pieces of spoiled
food and drink from stagnant puddles of extremely impure water.
Another inhuman practice of the crews of the slave ships was that of
"bedwarming". In this custom a member of the crew, or sometimes even
captain, would take a slave women out from the 'tween decks during the
night. The woman would be taken back to either the captain's chamber or the
crew's living quarters and be beaten and physically forced to have sexual
relations with the crew member. This practice demonstrated the complete rape
of the African-American culture by the slave traders of the Middle Passage,
both figuratively and literally.
Although most of the victims of the Middle Passage found themselves helpless
to resist their captors, there were occasional uprisings on the slave ships
Some of the slaves who were transported along the Middle Passage attempted
to rebel against the captain and crew. The negroes would make crude weapons
out of their chains and shackles and attempt to kill crew members during the
time when they were on deck. However, these uprisings were usually put down
quickly by the crew, which used advanced weapons such as pistols and rifles
to slaughter numerous slaves. Hence, although there were some successful
slave mutinies along the Middle Passage, most Africans who attempted to
revolt were killed in the process and thus put out of their misery.
One of the few successful, and certainly the most celebrated, slave revolts
along the Middle Passage occured on the Amistad. In this incident, A group
of captive Africans, led by a Congolese chief named Cinque, who were bound
for Cuba rose up during their voyage across the Atlantic in 1839. They were
able to kill the captain and most of the crew, completing a successful
mutiny. They left a few crew members alive to sail them back to Africa, but
the remaining sailors tricked the Africans and landed in the United States
as well. A long legal battle ensued, as men even as prominent as former
President John Quincy Adams championed the Amistad blacks' cause for
freedom. Eventually the Supreme Court ruled that the Amistad passengers were
legally free and allowed them to return to Africa.
The Africans also frequently resorted to other acts of rebellion on the
ships, including harming themselves, thus threatening the "cargo"
of their
captors. Many who had been taken from their homeland chose to take their own
lives rather than to continue to suffer the unbearable conditions of the
slave ship. Many jumped overboard when they had an opportunity. Others found
ways to cut their throats. Some refused to eat and eventually starved to
death. However, the slave captains, wanting to maintain as many of their
slaves alive as possible, soon began employing methods to force feed the
negroes. On some ships coal or fire would be placed near the lips of those
who refused to eat. There were also captains who reportedly poured melted
lead on slaves who were on hunger strikes. Another method used to force feed
the Africans was a device called the speculum oris. The speculum oris was a
wooden instrument, which looked much like a pair of dividers, and was forced
into the slave's mouth. Then a thumb screw would be turned, causing the legs
of the speculum oris to open like a pair of pliers. Once the black man's
jaws were forced open food would be crammed down his mouth, often causing
intense gagging and vomiting.
In addition to those killed in the act of rebellion, many more slaves died
during the Middle Passage Many of the Africans taken aboard the slave ships
and transported along the Middle Passage did not live to see the shores of
North America. A great many expired during the voyage as a result of the
extreme overcrowding and deplorable conditions present aboard the vessel.
Many suffocated or succumbed to dysentery while in the hold.
Many died along the voyage due to epidemics of disease, which spread like
wildfire in the tightly packed 'tween decks. On board the slavers there were
numerous outbreaks of the dreaded smallpox, as well as ophthalmia, a highly
contagious disease which quickly resulted in complete blindness. These
terrible ailments could rapidly afflict an entire cargo of slaves, as well
as the crew, and wipe out entire ships in a matter of days.
A few of the Africans were driven insane by the claustrophobic misery they
experienced while on the ships. Those who had gone mad were often brought up
on deck, at which time they were either flogged or clubbed to death and then
thrown overboard. Those suffering from smallpox or ophthalmia were not quite
so fortunate. Anyone showing even the slightest sign of either of these
diseases was thrown overboard alive. This was done by the captain to prevent
at all costs an epidemic aboard the ship.
It is difficult for scholars to even estimate the number of Africans that
died during the Middle Passage. Very few exact records were kept of those
who expired during the voyage, but most historians feel reasonably confident
in saying that nearly as many Africans died en route as made it to the
Americas. From the records that do exist, it is telling that a voyage in
which only one-quarter of the African captives died during the trip was
considered a success. Although we will never know for sure how many
unfortunate Africans met their deaths along the Middle Passage, it is
certain that the death toll was staggering and that many of those taken from
their homeland never even made it across the Atlantic. The millions of
blacks that perished in the Middle Passage show the extreme callousness of
those involved in the slave trade and the gross inhumanity with which the
Africans were treated.
Slavery and the slave trade have become hot historical topics in the 20th
Century, and especially in the last few decades. The subject of how many
Africans were transported to the Americas along the Middle Passage has been
a contentious issue for many historians. In his pioneering 1969 study, "The
Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census", Phillip Curtin placed the number of blacks
transported across the ocean at 8 million. Most studies since then have
increased this estimate. For example, Hugh Thomas's massive 1997 "The Slave
Trade: The History of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1440-1870", puts the number
of Africans that arrived in the Americas at approximately 11 million. Most
recent studies that have used documented evidence as their basis have placed
their estimates at between 10 and 15 million. Most also agree that nearly as
many Africans died over the course of the Middle Passage as reached the end
of the voyage, thus placing the total number of its victims between 20 and
30 million. Other studies, lacking substantial evidence, have tried to place
this number much higher, some settling on 50-60 million people, others
claiming that the numbers reached as high as 80-100 million. While their
argument that many of those who were transported along the Middle Passage
were not documented, or that the documentation has been lost, is perhaps
valid, it is also hard to discount the more scientific studies.
What has not been a subject of debate is that the experience of the African
slaves along the Middle Passage remains today as the paramount example of
human mistreatment and suffering. The conditions which the slaves were faced
with on this journey graphically display the absolute terror which was
African-American slavery. For centuries the blacks were victimized by the
heartless greed of a European class which was more advanced, and thus in a
position to exploit them. The Africans, who were captured, branded, and
locked in chains, had their humanity completely stripped away by slavery.
Exemplified by the horror of the Middle Passage, slavery and the slave trade
have permanently imbrued the character of all humanity.
Initially, when the African slave trade was beginning in the late fifteenth
century, it was divided by the Portugese and the Spanish. Both nations were
experienced in trading with West Africa, where the slaves were obtained.
When the trade became transatlantic early in the 1500's, Portugal claimed a
monopoly on slave trading in the South Atlantic because of their early
settlements in South America, especially Brazil. Spain meanwhile claimed a
monopoly on the trade in the North Atlantic based on their previous
exploration of the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Although Portugal never met
any major challenge to their control of the southern transatlantic slave
trade, several nations, especially England, desired to enter into this
highly profitable venture in the northern Atlantic. powerful Spain tried to
hold off all newcomers, but the Spanish could not hold off the profit-hungry
English for long.
In 1562 Sir John Hawkins became the first Englishman to carry a cargo of
negro slaves to the new world. His voyage was amazingly profitable, netting
such a terrific gain that Queen Elizabeth, who had previously publicly
denounced slave trading voyages as "detestable ventures", secretly
quite heavily in each of Hawkins' subsequent slaving expeditions. In fact,
on Hawkins' third slave trading voyage the two largest of his six ships were
owned by the Queen. Interestingly, one of these ships, named "The Grace
God", was commanded by Hawkins' twenty-two year old cousin: Francis Drake
(shown at right).
Although the voyages of Sir John Hawkins were extremely profitable, an event
occurred which caused the fledgling English participation in the
transatlantic slave trade to come to a screeching halt in the late 1560's.
During one of his voyages Hawkins sailed his ships into the port of Vera
Cruz on the Mexican Coast, where he encountered an extremely large and
heavily armed Spanish fleet. The Spaniards, still firmly believing that they
were entitled to a complete monopoly of the northern transatlantic slave
trade, were infuriated to discover that the English were participating as
well. They swiftly attacked Hawkins' fleet and badly defeated them. The
Spanish proceeded to either enslave or slaughter their English prisoners.
Several were burned at the stake as heretics. Of the 400 men who had sailed
with Hawkins out of Plymouth earlier in the voyage, Drake and Hawkins
himself were part of only a handful to escape the wrath of the Spanish.
This incident discouraged the English from further participation in the
transatlantic slave trade for 100 years. However, after the upheaval of the
English Civil War came to an end, British interest in the slave trade was
resurrected. The English were ready to dedicate themselves once again to
this lucrative form of commerce. In 1672 Charles II chartered the Royal
African Company, which quickly established mother England as the world's
greatest slave trader.
Although mighty London began as the headquarters of the Royal African
Company, it was later outpaced by Bristol and Liverpool, which were much
closer not only to the water but also to the factories where the majority of
England's manufactured goods were produced. In fact, numerous such European
cities were completely built for and around the slave trade and thus quickly
gained immense wealth and prestige. As one minister stated, "The whole
of Liverpool was built by the blood of the poor Africans."The Middle Passage
became an essential part of European commerce
positve ,negative experence and life goals are a great start, but they're
not enough. They can tell us where we're going, but not why we're headed
there in the first place. In pursuit of power, personal wealth and glory,
the post colonial politicians of the country have been far from visionary.
Their greed for short term gains has brought our nation almost to her knees
If we are to reclaim what our nation has lost, we need to be truly visionary
as to where we want to be in the 21st century.
Restore a sense of peace to a nation that has almost lost her soul and give
hope for the future Drive the economy to bring about a higher standard of
Gain support and expertise from the expatriate African decendant nation to
positively reconstruct our motherland, our culture and our way of life, to
provide a prosperous future for our children How many of us who live in
Africa and elsewhere abroad have an inkling of the many-faceted beauty of
our Motherland? We have become a divided nation today. A war is ripping the
very fabric of our society, the brotherhood we enjoyed as a people is
disintegrating into splinters. Race, hatred, and division in the social
framework in every form are throwing us day after day into the proverbial
back yard of progress, unity, and understanding. The gap between the 'haves'
and 'have-nots' is deepening. It's a pity. Has something been wrong with our
educational system that the majority of us today lack the knowledge and
experience of our motherland? Is it then rather the vacuum within us that we
often fail to blossom into a patriotic love and commitment to make our
motherland more than a taste of Paradise.Being educated, intellectual, or
professional alone will not at times help our contenent 's urgent need.
Various kinds of reforms by succeeding African governments over the last had
never help, only Is it then a sense of pure humble and humanistic
inspiration the simple answer we need to overcome this problem? As human
life evolves, the concept of mother also takes a wider and more sublime
form. When man looks around with his discerning intellect, he sees so many
things besides his own mother, to which he owes a debt of gratitude. He
begins to look upon them as mother. He sees the rivers which give him food
and water and he calls them mother. Once he outgrows the use of his mother's
milk. And then he reaches the state of understanding that it is the mother
soil which nourishes him, protects him and takes him in her bossom even
after he breathes his last. He becomes conscious that she is his great
mother. Thus to look upon one's land of birth as mother is a sign of a high
state of human evolution.We must say that we live in a troublesome time. We
want to see our Contenet`s mighty & our people healthy wealthy & happy.
so much want to hope that we shall overcome one day. We all love our
motherland, we love it's green fields & vast forests, it's high mountains
beautiful rivers & lakes. People all over the world are worried about what
is happening to our environment. It is the pollution of the land, air &
water. This problem did not appear suddenly. For thousands of years people
have been polluting our continat Africa.It is the only continent whose
population was enslaved to contribute to the development of other nations.
The impact of this today was all forms of exploitation, foreign debt, right
to life,Hiv,Economy Slavery of Africa.Nowadays the population of the world
is large. Many factories & plants have been built in order to produce goods
satisfying the needs of the people. Their smoke gets into the air making it
dirty like pololution in Goniland in Nigeria. The dangerous waste of
factories is either send to Africa or thrown into rivers & lakes or buried
in the ground. The Journey to South African should get Africa people united
in their struggle to protect our Motherland Africa and it should be see by
the decendents as a Journey back home-Motherland
Africa is our mother. In our cultural tradition, the respectful way of
calling a woman is by her child's name. To call a lady as the wife of Mr.
so-and-so, i.e., as Ms. so-and-so, is the western way. We say, 'she is
osazee's mother'. So also is the case with the name 'Africa' for our
motherland. Afro-decendents are elder brother and sister of ours, born long
long before us. He was noble, virtuous and victorius king and a shining
model of Africa Our motherland has verily been a mother, a father and a
teacher.all rolled into one.
As human life evolves, the concept of mother also takes a wider and more
sublime form. When man looks around with his discerning intellect, he sees
so many things besides his own mother, to which he owes a debt of gratitude.
He begins to look upon them as mother. He sees the rivers which give him
food and water and he calls them mother. Once he outgrows the use of his
mother's milk And then he reaches the state of understanding that it is the
mother soil which nourishes him, protects him and takes him in her bossom
even after he breathes his last. He becomes conscious that she is his great
mother. Thus to look upon one's land of orgin as mother is a sign of a high
state of human evolution. the intense consciousness of our being a single
and indivisible brotherhood as the children of that common mother, and pride
in our unique cultural heritage, aspiration to see our land Africa reseated
in her pristine glory and honour in the comity of nations, can alone act as
a constant and powerful incentive capable of taking up in its sweep the
greatest as well as the humblest in the land and bring out the best in them
in the cause of the motherland. lived a life of unchallenged glory and power
for thousands of years and spread its spiritual and cultural effulgence over
vast areas of the globe -right from Europe-Asia and America.The historical
origin of all countries has become an important matter.Africa were separated
due to war. the colonial ,colonial oppressors. When there are two countries,
it can be found that there are extreme grudges about the boundaries between
those countries. We all know that it is an historical fact that those
countries whose boundaries are adjacent fight more fiercely and shed more
blood than a third or fourth country whose boundary is further away. So the
wall between these two countries and two people is the highest.Since olden
times, two countries who are adjacent, engage in fighting across the
boundary. That is why it is easier for you to fight with your next door
neighbor. It is because we are fallen people. The reason why we fight with
our neighbors is the result of the human fall.We can conclude that because
there are so many countries in the world, that there have also been many
fights, battles and wars.All Africa countries pursue a world of peace, yet
do you think they can all go to the world of peace? This is the common task
of all mankind. The world of peace should be the world of consequence, then
it would be logically wrong that we can reach the world of peace with a
false start and a false cause. Therefore, by unfolding the movement to
overcome the origin of those battles, we can find the starting point to
pursue the ideal world. It is logically right that because the cause is
perfect and starts with peace, it can go through the peaceful course and
arrive at a peaceful purpose.
We are just like the people who do not have a Nation. Have we ever had a
Nation in the past? We have never had such a Nation. Was it because there
had been no one who tried to search for a Nation? No. It was because they
could not find the country based on the external and internal standard of
unity. From this perspective, we can never reach the peaceful world if
Africa`s countries continue to hate each other. As long as we continue to
hate each other, we can never attain a peaceful world even if we are longing
for it and proceed to the ideal world. In order to change this ugly history,
we need a movement which has the content to change the direction of the
In order to form one motherland, there should be a sovereign, a people, and
a territory The sovereign is replaced by parents and the people by sons and
daughters of Africa and Africa decendent. We can not be missing one of these
three elements in our Nation. That is an absolute rule
The motherland we have to search for is not the countries which has such a
history corrution and volution of humanright tradition that we see in the
today's world. The motherland we are looking for is essentially on quite a
different level from any other nation. In order to find that nation we
should become the people with a sense of sovereignty and independence in
ideology. The independent ideology must be in accordance with our motherland
ideology. In order to find a nation of our Absolute deology, we should want
the nation to be centered around a sovereign and where the countries and the
people can be in harmony. The country should be equipped with that kind of
personality and form.What is the most important thing? It is to serve the
world and the nation. We will never be ruined if we can do that. The place
where we can never be ruined is called the upper limit point. If there is
someone Africa decendent who died for our motherland, even after their death
they remain as citizens of the motherland. There names will never
disappears.In order for the country to be formed, the requirement would be
territory, people, and sovereignty. Those who manage the country should
relate to God and govern it while all the people have fallen asleep. Then,
the sovereign should become one with the people. After becoming one with the
people, then, he too has to remember that everything he owns is not for
himself but for the motherland. If that happens that motherland will
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10 Workers Power Global Week
von: newswire lrci@easynet.co.uk
E-newswire of the LRCI
15 June 2001
Subscribe to: newswire@workerspower.com
Workers Power Global Week is the English language e-newsletter of the LRCI.
To unsubscribe mail to: unsubscribe@workerspower.com. Please forward this to
a comrade.
A. S. Workers Power Global correspondent in Macedonia
[Note: Here we publish the first report from our new correspondent in
Macedonia. A. S. is a young socialist who became convinced of the necessity
of internationalism and socialism through the painful experience of the
effects of the new market economy, global capitalism and rising chauvinism.]
This year was the most difficult in the ten years period of independence of
Macedonia. It is a year full of political crisis and instability. Macedonia
is on the brink of a war as the armed conflict between the UCK/NLA and the
Macedonian government forces is escalating.
With the escalation of the armed conflict unfortunately the tensions between
the Slavic Macedonian and the Albanian population are rising. One of the
sharpest expression of the rising chauvinism could be seen in the second
largest town of Macedonia - Bitola.
Groups of Macedonians attacked Albanian shops, houses and small manufactures
already twice. Dozens of Albanian houses went up in flames. This had led to
a wave of fear in the Albanian community. Most of them stay now only at
home, women and children in approximately 90% of the families have left the
Since the chauvinist attacks of them the Albanian community in this town has
become totally isolated. Similarly in Skopje many Albanians are fleeing and
go to other Albanian towns in Eastern Macedonia.
Who is responsible for these attacks? It seems that several chauvinist right
wing forces are behind them. Some of them are connected with the largest
party in parliament - the VMRO - whose leader Ljubco Georgievski is at the
same time the Prime Minister. There exist also other smaller nationalistic
But there are indications that also other forces like Nazi-Skinheads were
involved in organising these pogroms. These Nazi forces have become already
known before through several attacks including the desecrating of a Jewish
cemetery in Bitola with Swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans.
However, also people with other politics participated in the anti-Albanian
attacks. Beyond them are supporters of the second largest party - the Social
Democratic Union (SDSM).
It is no exaggeration to say that I feel the whole country is sinking in a
political and ideological chaos. The public is drowning in a sea of rumour.
Newspapers are full of stories about who is responsible for the tense
situation - many claim that the CIA, China, Islamic states, the neighbouring
countries etc. are behind the UCK/NLA or in general behind the deteriorating
situation. (A background to this is that Macedonia is the only European
country which recognises Taiwan and not China. The SDSM wants to change
Naturally a war creates a lot of rumours but it seems indeed to be the case
that several neighbouring states - despite their verbal altruism - try to
utilise the situation for their advantage and to enlarge the geo-political
sphere of interest.
We must do something as progressive people or we can leave the history to
repeat itself one more time. For this it is necessary that progressive
Slavic Macedonians and Albanians fight together:
o For equal democratic rights of the Albanians (and other minorities) in
Macedonia, the right to use their language for instruction in schools and
universities and to be recognised as an language equally with all others !
End to all discrimination against Albanians and all other minorities in
public life.
o For the immediate withdrawal of the Macedonian army from the Albanian
majority areas. The NLA should end the offensive.
o The trade unions and community structures could play a crucial role and
organise resistance of Albanian and Slavic Macedonian workers and peasants.
They could and should organise the arming and defending of the people
against pogroms and chauvinist attacks and the should secure the Albanians
and Slavic Macedonians who already fled can return safely.
o Down with global capitalism which has brought extremely inequality and
chauvinistic hater to the Balkan! For a just, real socialist society which
abolish all inequality and national oppression!
Workers Power Global, London
After years of silence, Beijing has publicly admitted that mass protests
have been growing in scale and intensity. A report, published by a research
department of the Central Committee, describes demonstrations and
"collective actions" of tens of thousands, drawing in not only peasants
redundant workers but employed workers, demobilised soldiers and even
The report details the increasingly militant tactics used by protesters -
sealing bridges, blocking off roads, storming party offices and coercing
government and party officials. In Hunan province, two officials died in
clashes with demonstrators.
Is there anything more to this unexpected publication, or is it simply a
recognition of what was already common knowledge across the country?
The fact that it was published during the meeting of the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Shanghai, where China's entry into the World
Trade Organisation was being discussed, might suggest that it was aimed at
influencing those talks. China has been arguing for concessions on
agricultural subsidies because of the social implications of flooding the
country with cheap imports.
However, it has been widely reported that a compromise on this issue was
already floated by the US in March and was positively received by China's
trade negotiators. During the APEC meeting, the US delegation, led by Robert
Zoellick, suggested that China could enter the WTO before the end of the
It is more likely that the acknowledgement of popular discontent is related
to internal manoeuvring within the Communist Party. According to
constitutional changes introduced after the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989, both
the President, Jiang Zemin and the Premier, Zhu Rongji, have to step down
within the next two years. The author of the report, Zeng Qinghong, is the
head of a party department responsible for, among other things, discipline
and promotions.
In discussing the implications of such widespread protests, Zeng identifies
economic reforms as the cause but recognises that China has to "continue
open up to the world" - the official formula for capitalist restoration.
solution includes greater vigilance against official corruption, tax reforms
to deal with the rapidly widening gulf between rich and poor and
strengthening the role of the Communist Party.
>From this angle, then, the report could be read as a declaration of intent
from a wing of the Party which has no alternative to capitalist restoration,
but means to buttress its own dictatorial power to deal with the class
conflicts this will inevitably bring.
Workers Power, London
The ASIET conference on Neoliberalism in Asia in Jakarta was brought to a
sudden halt on its second day (June 8th) when 300 armed police stormed into
the meeting. All foreign participants, which included academics, members of
the DSP of Australia and the USFI from Europe, were arrested and carted off
to Jakarta central jail where they were held overnight.
Later they were put under hotel arrest for "visa irregularities".
extremist muslim thugs, who had arrived with the police attacked the
remaining Indonesian participants of the conference. Several were injured,
two hospitalised.
A campaign of protest, and for the release of the foreign national was
launched via the ASIET newswire. By Monday 11th June an Immigration
Department spokesman said no visa offences had been commited by 29 of the 30
arrested. A Pakistani visitor was being accused of visa violations.
The action of the intelligence police probably acting in collusion with
military shows the growing threat to the democratic opening won by the
overthrow of Suharto. In the lead up to the meeting, the Democratic Peoples
Party (PRD), a major participant in the conference, was the target of a
sustained campaign of "anti-communist" propaganda and physical attacks
their offices by thugs for hire.
The father of Budiman Sudjatmiko, the PRD chair, had his house bombed just
weeks before the conference. In the same period bookshops were raided by
muslim extremists searching for "communist works" to be burned.
These events take place against the background of the growing crisis in
government in the country with the major bloc of parties in parliament
trying to remove President Wahid. The first casuality of the clash between
the bourgeois parties appears to have been the PRD, which has called for the
dissolution of GOLKAR (Suharto's old party) and opposed the removal of
Wahid. It is very likely that some faction of GOLKAR in the military or
police is behind these attacks.
Socialists should continue protesting at the dangerous threats to democratic
rights in Indonesia. The virtual military dictatorship imposed on regions
like Aceh could well be extended in a period of crisis and many of the
democratic organisations like the PRD and student groups could once again be
forced into illegality.
Workers Power Global Salzburg/Vienna
For the first time ever there will be protests against the annual european
summit of the WEF in Salzburg. Under the main slogan "Wipe out WEF!"
will be many different actions and a demonstration on the 1 July.
The mobilisations for the protests will not be to strong for a number of
reasons. First of all, it is the first time that this annual meeting of the
bosses in Europe will be confronted. Therefore there does not exist any kind
of structured network for mobilising, comparable for example with the
coordination for Davos.
Secondly, the Austrian left is strongly committed to the task of fighting
against its right-wing government, which on the other hand would be a good
basis for mobilising for Salzburg - but decades of nearly absolute class
peace have resulted in a nearby total ignorance of international questions
by the broad layers of the Austrian working class.
Finally, the mobilisation is not really co-ordinated. One part is ignoring
the other - a situation comparable to Prague last September. The reformist
wing of the movement against the black and blue government plus ATTAC is
ignored by the anarchists and the other way round. And in Salzburg there
does not exist any revolutionary grouping at all.
The situation is even made worse by public attacks on everything which even
smells like protests against the WEF. The government tries to reduce or even
to silence any protest by repression by enforced state police activities and
tries to criminalize the protest movement.
There will be a lot of repression in Salzburg itself and all around the
city. Police from all over Austria will be concentrated in the city and at
the borders. Public protests are welcome only when they support the policy
of the government (like blocking the borders as protest against the atomic
power station at Temelin in the Czech Republic in order to divert public
protest away from the anti-social measures of the government by rude
anti-Czech nationalism). The bourgeois press, especially the "Kronenzeitung"
(50% of all readers), describes everyone protesting nearly as a "terrorist".
Nonetheless there is a wide coalition in Austria now mobilising against this
meeting of the rich and the mighty. It ranges from anarchist and autonomist
grouplets, the reformist wing of the anti-globalisation movement like ATTAC,
some trade unions and social-democratic youth organisations to the centrist
left and the Austrian section of the League for a Revolutionary Communist
International, ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt.
One of the central topics of the meeting in Salzburg will be the restrictive
harmonising of refugee respectively asylum politics in Europe. Therefore
this will also be one of the main points of the counter-mobilisation which
puts forward the demand "No borders!"
On 30 June there will be a "counter"-summit organised by ATTAC with
the main
slogan "globalisation from below". This is totally in line with their
reformist strategy but also their position towards militant action. Even in
front of the bourgeois press they distanced themselves from any kind of
militant action. They just want symbolic actions, but they made clear, that
they don't even think of disturbing the WEF-summit.
On Sunday 1 July the main demonstration will take place, the route of which
is still not fixed. And it is very likely that there will be no possible
compromise with the police, so that there will be no 'allowed' route.
Nonetheless there will be a demo starting on 1600 at the central railway
It is not enough to oppose capitalist globalisation. It is a question of
confronting the beast wherever possible. ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt will try to
use the actions in Salzburg to mobilise as many people as possible to go to
the G8-meeting in Genoa three weeks later. Also we will try to convince as
many people as possible, that the struggle against our right-wing government
and against the capitalist globalisation are inseparable, because they have
the same root: capitalism!
And therefore we have to fight against capitalism wherever possible. And for
this fight we need a new revolutionary party of the workers and the youth -
here in Austria and internationally. Only after such a party has become
reality can we realise, what we really want: not a bigger slice of the cake
as the reformist servants of the bosses - No: We want the whole fucking
For more information you can contact us at: arbeiterInnenstandpunkt@lion.cc
If you have problems with crossing the border, there will be a "border
telephone": +43/676/4348757 - this is the number of the border-hotline.
is working from now on. It will work 24 hours a day during the summit and
the days before.
For information on passports, IDs, visa:
For information on social security:
mailinglist: antiwef-salzburg@yahoogroups.com
information and contact: mobilisation@antiwef.org
Workers Power Occupied Palestine
Tow weeks ago, the chairman of the National Democratic Assembly, Knesset
Member Azmi Bshara, flew to Damascus for the memorial service of the
previous president of Syria, Hafez El-Assad. In his speech Bshara told that:
"The government of Israel is trying to shrink the realm [of resistance],
putting forth a choice: either accept Israel's dictates, or face full-scale
war. Thus, it is impossible to continue with a third way that of
resistance-without expanding this realm once again so that the people can
struggle and resist. Nor is it possible to expand this realm without a
unified and internationally effective Arab political position. This is
precisely the time for such a stance".
The content of MK Azmi Bshara's speech has been tendentiously distorted as
call for all-out war. The LRCI in Occupied Palestine condemn the ferocious
incitement that has threatened MK Bishara's life and constitutes yet another
episode in the on-going offensive against the leadership of the Arab public
in Israel.
The suggestions by Knesset Members from the Israeli right, even ministers in
the government, that someone should execute MK Bshara, to negate his
citizenship and to declare his party as a "terror organisation" is
The LRCI in Occupied Palestine urge all progresive Israelis to resist this
anti-democratic trend of subverting the immunity of Arab Knesset members.
The LRCI supports totally the historic right of the Palestinian masses to
struggle against the occupation and the realisation of its right to self
determination in the socialist republic of Palestine, within a socialist
federation of the Middle East.
We call for a joint Arab-Jewish struggle to prevent the war into which the
Sharon-Peres government is dragging us. We call for political action against
the policy of cruel oppression of the Palestinian masses. This political
action should be based on the struggle for national liberation and in the
same time - for a social liberation.
At the same time, solidarity given by MK Bshara to the totalitarian regime
of the Ba'ath party in Syria causes serious damage to the image of the
Palestinian national movement and its political and ideological message. The
demands for democracy in Palestine, the struggle against the Zionism, racism
and the capitalist apartheid, is not compatible with solidarity with the
government in Syria.
The dictatorship in Syria fought during the last decades the Palestinian
leadership (before the betrayal of Yasser Arafat) and treated in a very
cruel way their own leftist revolutionary groups and organisations. The
Ba'ath regime must be overthrown by the working class.
Workers Power Global, Galway
The election that took place in the North on 7 June as part of the British
General Election threw up results, which while not unexpected, nevertheless
will cause headaches for Blair and Ahern in the implementation of the
Belfast Agreement.
Both Sinn Fein and the DUP did extremely well while the UUP and SDLP
performed badly, and it was almost a personal disaster for UUP leader David
Sinn Fein got four seats to Westminster in this election, up two from last
time, and their share of the vote this time round is greater than that of
the SDLP. A significant win was in West Tyrone where their candidate, Pat
Doherty, beat Brid Rodgers and ousted the sitting MP Willie Thompson (UUP).
This was a major success, in particular given Brid Rodgers had the highest
profile, as an Assembly member and Minister for Agriculture during the foot
and mouth crisis. Another big success was the victory of Michelle Gildernew,
a young SF woman, in the South Fermanagh constituency.
Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams' seats were always safe, but nevertheless,
Gerry Adam's huge vote in West Belfast, was one more major kudos for Sinn
Fein in this election.
The SDLP's number of seats and share of the vote fell. At three seats, they
have fewer seats than Sinn Fein. Their share of the vote is now at 21%
compared to Sinn Fein's 22%.
While the difference seems small, the psychological effect is huge, given
that Sinn Fein has now surpassed the SDLP in terms of the nationalist vote
in the North, a goal of Sinn Fein's for some time. Why has this come about?
Sinn Fein are attracting the new Catholic vote while the SDLP isn't - and in
particular they got the young vote in this election. They got people to come
out and vote, another important factor. In addition, their role in the peace
process is central, and in many ways they had already eclipsed SDLP in
discussions with Blair and Ahern in a way that was already causing disquiet
and concern among the SDLP.
The SDLP is an aging party, its raison d'etre has been eroded by the peace
process, it hasn't yet carved out a new identity and its opponents are
richer, younger, more numerous and better organised. In addition, they look
set to increase their vote in the South and will grow there.
The main victors in the No victory in the Nice referendum recently were Sinn
Fein. The SDLP, on the contrary, are a six-county party with little chance
of breaking out to the South.
The reactionary DUP came out in fighting form for this election and in fact
they increased their share of the vote and seats. While the UUP are still
the largest party with 27% of the vote, nevertheless they took a hammering
in this election, not least because Trimble only got elected by a small
vote, which was subjected to a re-count.
He was subjected to booing and scuffles at the polling booth by the DUP and
he and his wife had to be bundled into cars to escape lynching by Paisleyite
anti-agreement protesters.
Also, some of the UUP's vote was got only because of tactical voting by
non-unionists, particularly Alliance voters whose leadership decided not to
stand in some key seats, not least Trimble's Upper Bann constituency.
Another good example of tactical voting was Sylvia Harmon's win at the
expense of Bob McCartney in North Down. (Some journalists claim that 25% of
the UUP vote came from tactical votes from outside the party.)
In addition, where the UUP did well, and increased its vote, it did so in
seats such as Lagan Valley, South Antrim and South Belfast where hardliners
Jeffrey Donaldson, David Burnside and the Rev Martin Smyth were successful.
Burnside an anti-agreement man, has made it clear he will insist that guns
are handed over by 1 July, not just sealed in a bunker.
The trend in the local government elections in the North, was the same. The
UUP lost 31 seats whereas the DUP gained 40. Sinn Fein made big gains and in
fact look likely to have the first Sinn Fein mayor of Belfast; the SDLP lost
three seats.
So where now for the Belfast Agreement? The big question now is what happens
to Trimble. Already he has said he will resign as First Minister if
decommissioning hasn't begun by 1 July.
Before that, however, he faces an Ulster Unionist council meeting on 23 June
and a possible challenge to his leadership. It is likely that a lot of the
the 31 UUP councillors who lost their seats will turn up as delegates to
this meeting embittered against David Trimble.
One thing is sure, these elections have weakened Trimble and the UUP. They
have strengthened the DUP and the anti-agreement lobby.
The Belfast Agreement has been in trouble many times before. All the major
parties bar the DUP are in favour of the process continuing. It is unlikely
that Sinn Fein will step outside the parameters of the Chastelain commission
and hand over weapons before 1 July 1 to appease Trimble and allow him to
stay on as first Minister.
It is more likely that over the summer, the two governments, will agree some
move on demilitarisation, in South Armagh etc and will speed up the Patten
reforms of policing - in order to allow Sinn Fein to make more moves on the
beginning of the sealing of dumps under De Chastelain supervision.
This will be against a background of more arrests of Real IRA dissidents,
who will be seen less and less to represent anyone but themselves,
especially in the wake of Sinn Fein's big electoral successes.
Workers Power Global, Prague
Fifteen LRCI activists from Slovakia, Austria and Czech Republic joined
Street Party (SP) in Bratislava on 9. June to help raising support for Mario
Bango in Slovakia itself. Posters of the anarchists who organized the Street
Party proclaimed that at the SP there is "no place for drugs, alcohol,
violence and S the Bolsheviks". And indeed a group of 20-25 anarchists
attacked us but we successfully defended our freedom of speech. (See special
report on this)
LRCI activists raised a large banner "Freedom for Mario" in Slovak
distributed hundreds of leaflets to the youth (there were about 1,000
people) and made agitation with a megaphone inviting people for anti-fascist
demonstration next day organized by the Slovak Committee in Defense of
Among many discussions with Slovak youth our experience was mixed. Some were
strongly in support for Mario and really hated Nazis. Surprisingly other,
anarchist influenced youth believed the official media lie that Mario and
his brother Edo were pickpockets in the bus where the Nazi-Skin attacked
Edo. Some were in solidarity with Mario but opposed his usage of knife in
defense against the Nazi and had a clearly pacifist outlook on anti-fascism.
Next day there was a anti-fascist demo organized by Slovak Committee in
Defense of Mario. Some 60 mostly young people attended it which is a small
success given the organizational weaknesses of Committee and the difficult
political situation in Slovakia. Moreover some anarchist groups were against
the demo since they do not support Mario who in their eyes is a "Bolshevik
and red fascist".
The demonstration was addressed by speakers from the Slovak Committee in
Defense of Mario, ASt (Austrian LRCI), SLP (Austrian CWI), SOP (Czech LRCI)
and SAB (Czech CWI). The ASt speaker expressed solidarity with Mario, spoke
about the struggle against racist Haiders Party and black-blue coalition
The SOP speaker stressed that anti-fascists must unambiguously support the
right to self-defense. He said that our solidarity fight with Mario is a
message to everyone who will be prosecuted for defending against Nazi thugs.
Mario already get the support of many people around the world.
The task of the solidarity committee in Slovakia today is to build a broad
campaign based on youth harassed by Nazis and to orient to win the workers
movement for anti-fascism. We need a policy unambiguously based on the
principles of "No platform for the fascists!" and "Fascists out
of trade
unions!" and we should be prepared to confront fascists physically. The
speech was cheered by demo.
We hope that our intervention at the Street Party and the demonstration on
the next day was a step forward to build the solidarity movement in Slovakia
with Mario Bango.
Workers Power Global, Vienna
At this years' Street Party in Bratislava Slovak anarchists attempted to
beat up socialists. A group of 15 people - most of them activists of the
Slovak, Czech and Austrian sections of the League for a Revolutionary
Communist International (LRCI) but also several other socialists - went to
the Street Party to make widely known the case of Mario Bango - the
imprisoned young antifascist Roma who defended his brother against a
Nazi-skinhead. We brought with us a huge banner "Freedom for Mario"
Slovak language and several hundred leaflets reporting about Mario situation
and mobilising for a anti-racist demonstration on the next day.
When we arrived at the Street Party we were immediately told by one
anarchist who claimed to be organiser that we are not tolerated here. We
nevertheless enrolled our banner "Freedom for Mario" and started to
put up
our bookstore. Five minutes later a group of 20-25 anarchists tried to tear
away the banner and attacked us physically. They justified their actions
proclaiming that both we and Mario are "red fascists" and have no
rights there.
They didn't hesitate to try to tear up "Freedom For Mario" banner
and some
of them argued that "this is not your country" (which is not true
there were Slovaks among us too). We defended the banner and our bookstall
and repulsed their attack. They stopped their attack when police came. Some
Anarchists said to the police that our store should not be allowed at the
Street Party since we have no permission - strange enough for someone
calling himself anarchist.
Next day the anarchists boycotted an anti-racist demonstration in solidarity
with Mario because "it was organised by Bolsheviks" (in fact by several
youth in Mario Defence Committee) and "Mario was a Bolshevik." When
groups of Nazis were wandering around the demo these "militants" were
All indicates that this was organised by group of fanatics and has no wider
support among radical youth, including many anarchists, as there were no
other incidents later during the street party. Both at Street Party and
anti-racist demo individual anarchists spoke to us and opposed the attack,
even some of attackers probably recognised this was a terrible mistake.
The organisers behind this provocation are members of Direct Action -
Anarcho-comunist Organisation of Labour (PA-AKOP, Slovak Section of the
anarchist International Workers Association) and the Czechoslovak Anarchist
Federation - Slovakia (CSAF). This is what they say on their website (see
below for the address) after they unsuccessfully tried to kick out Czech
LRCI activists of the SOP from the Street Party last year. "Bolsheviks
Czech Socialist Organization of Labourers (SOP) and Slovak Communist Youth
Union (SZM) have there infoshops there too. Members of PA-AKOP try to force
them out but in a chaotic situation we let them stay. PA-AKOP and CSAF
agrees after the SP that this was the first and last time we tolerated them
on our actions. Physical violence will be used next time if necessary."
fact SZM has not raised its infoshop after ban by anarchists)
Until now fascists face little opposition in Slovakia. What is urgent is to
build strong and combative anti-fascist movement. Anarchists must stop their
sectarian and hooligan behaviour and join the fight against racism and
fascists, including the solidarity campaign for Mario.
It is important to argue with them and to make international pressure to
convince them of a radical change of their policy. We therefore appeal to
our readers to send a letter of protest to the Slovak anarchists. We should
urge them to stop attacking other leftists and to support the campaign for
"Freedom for Mario".
Czechoslovak Anarchist Federation - Slovak branch:
mailto:csaf_sk@hotmail.com IWA in Slovakia: mailto:priamaakcia@hotmail.com
Website of IWA in Slovakia (English page):
The LRCI has members across the globe - but there are many countries where
we have no correspondents. Send us your news and views:
E-newswire of the LRCI
15 June 2001
Subscribe to: newswire@workerspower.com
Workers Power Global Week is the English language e-newsletter of the LRCI.
To unsubscribe mail to: unsubscribe@workerspower.com. Please forward this to
a comrade.
A. S. Workers Power Global correspondent in Macedonia
[Note: Here we publish the first report from our new correspondent in
Macedonia. A. S. is a young socialist who became convinced of the necessity
of internationalism and socialism through the painful experience of the
effects of the new market economy, global capitalism and rising chauvinism.]
This year was the most difficult in the ten years period of independence of
Macedonia. It is a year full of political crisis and instability. Macedonia
is on the brink of a war as the armed conflict between the UCK/NLA and the
Macedonian government forces is escalating.
With the escalation of the armed conflict unfortunately the tensions between
the Slavic Macedonian and the Albanian population are rising. One of the
sharpest expression of the rising chauvinism could be seen in the second
largest town of Macedonia - Bitola.
Groups of Macedonians attacked Albanian shops, houses and small manufactures
already twice. Dozens of Albanian houses went up in flames. This had led to
a wave of fear in the Albanian community. Most of them stay now only at
home, women and children in approximately 90% of the families have left the
Since the chauvinist attacks of them the Albanian community in this town has
become totally isolated. Similarly in Skopje many Albanians are fleeing and
go to other Albanian towns in Eastern Macedonia.
Who is responsible for these attacks? It seems that several chauvinist right
wing forces are behind them. Some of them are connected with the largest
party in parliament - the VMRO - whose leader Ljubco Georgievski is at the
same time the Prime Minister. There exist also other smaller nationalistic
But there are indications that also other forces like Nazi-Skinheads were
involved in organising these pogroms. These Nazi forces have become already
known before through several attacks including the desecrating of a Jewish
cemetery in Bitola with Swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans.
However, also people with other politics participated in the anti-Albanian
attacks. Beyond them are supporters of the second largest party - the Social
Democratic Union (SDSM).
It is no exaggeration to say that I feel the whole country is sinking in a
political and ideological chaos. The public is drowning in a sea of rumour.
Newspapers are full of stories about who is responsible for the tense
situation - many claim that the CIA, China, Islamic states, the neighbouring
countries etc. are behind the UCK/NLA or in general behind the deteriorating
situation. (A background to this is that Macedonia is the only European
country which recognises Taiwan and not China. The SDSM wants to change
Naturally a war creates a lot of rumours but it seems indeed to be the case
that several neighbouring states - despite their verbal altruism - try to
utilise the situation for their advantage and to enlarge the geo-political
sphere of interest.
We must do something as progressive people or we can leave the history to
repeat itself one more time. For this it is necessary that progressive
Slavic Macedonians and Albanians fight together:
o For equal democratic rights of the Albanians (and other minorities) in
Macedonia, the right to use their language for instruction in schools and
universities and to be recognised as an language equally with all others !
End to all discrimination against Albanians and all other minorities in
public life.
o For the immediate withdrawal of the Macedonian army from the Albanian
majority areas. The NLA should end the offensive.
o The trade unions and community structures could play a crucial role and
organise resistance of Albanian and Slavic Macedonian workers and peasants.
They could and should organise the arming and defending of the people
against pogroms and chauvinist attacks and the should secure the Albanians
and Slavic Macedonians who already fled can return safely.
o Down with global capitalism which has brought extremely inequality and
chauvinistic hater to the Balkan! For a just, real socialist society which
abolish all inequality and national oppression!
Workers Power Global, London
After years of silence, Beijing has publicly admitted that mass protests
have been growing in scale and intensity. A report, published by a research
department of the Central Committee, describes demonstrations and
"collective actions" of tens of thousands, drawing in not only peasants
redundant workers but employed workers, demobilised soldiers and even
The report details the increasingly militant tactics used by protesters -
sealing bridges, blocking off roads, storming party offices and coercing
government and party officials. In Hunan province, two officials died in
clashes with demonstrators.
Is there anything more to this unexpected publication, or is it simply a
recognition of what was already common knowledge across the country?
The fact that it was published during the meeting of the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Shanghai, where China's entry into the World
Trade Organisation was being discussed, might suggest that it was aimed at
influencing those talks. China has been arguing for concessions on
agricultural subsidies because of the social implications of flooding the
country with cheap imports.
However, it has been widely reported that a compromise on this issue was
already floated by the US in March and was positively received by China's
trade negotiators. During the APEC meeting, the US delegation, led by Robert
Zoellick, suggested that China could enter the WTO before the end of the
It is more likely that the acknowledgement of popular discontent is related
to internal manoeuvring within the Communist Party. According to
constitutional changes introduced after the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989, both
the President, Jiang Zemin and the Premier, Zhu Rongji, have to step down
within the next two years. The author of the report, Zeng Qinghong, is the
head of a party department responsible for, among other things, discipline
and promotions.
In discussing the implications of such widespread protests, Zeng identifies
economic reforms as the cause but recognises that China has to "continue
open up to the world" - the official formula for capitalist restoration.
solution includes greater vigilance against official corruption, tax reforms
to deal with the rapidly widening gulf between rich and poor and
strengthening the role of the Communist Party.
>From this angle, then, the report could be read as a declaration of intent
from a wing of the Party which has no alternative to capitalist restoration,
but means to buttress its own dictatorial power to deal with the class
conflicts this will inevitably bring.
Workers Power, London
The ASIET conference on Neoliberalism in Asia in Jakarta was brought to a
sudden halt on its second day (June 8th) when 300 armed police stormed into
the meeting. All foreign participants, which included academics, members of
the DSP of Australia and the USFI from Europe, were arrested and carted off
to Jakarta central jail where they were held overnight.
Later they were put under hotel arrest for "visa irregularities".
extremist muslim thugs, who had arrived with the police attacked the
remaining Indonesian participants of the conference. Several were injured,
two hospitalised.
A campaign of protest, and for the release of the foreign national was
launched via the ASIET newswire. By Monday 11th June an Immigration
Department spokesman said no visa offences had been commited by 29 of the 30
arrested. A Pakistani visitor was being accused of visa violations.
The action of the intelligence police probably acting in collusion with
military shows the growing threat to the democratic opening won by the
overthrow of Suharto. In the lead up to the meeting, the Democratic Peoples
Party (PRD), a major participant in the conference, was the target of a
sustained campaign of "anti-communist" propaganda and physical attacks
their offices by thugs for hire.
The father of Budiman Sudjatmiko, the PRD chair, had his house bombed just
weeks before the conference. In the same period bookshops were raided by
muslim extremists searching for "communist works" to be burned.
These events take place against the background of the growing crisis in
government in the country with the major bloc of parties in parliament
trying to remove President Wahid. The first casuality of the clash between
the bourgeois parties appears to have been the PRD, which has called for the
dissolution of GOLKAR (Suharto's old party) and opposed the removal of
Wahid. It is very likely that some faction of GOLKAR in the military or
police is behind these attacks.
Socialists should continue protesting at the dangerous threats to democratic
rights in Indonesia. The virtual military dictatorship imposed on regions
like Aceh could well be extended in a period of crisis and many of the
democratic organisations like the PRD and student groups could once again be
forced into illegality.
Workers Power Global Salzburg/Vienna
For the first time ever there will be protests against the annual european
summit of the WEF in Salzburg. Under the main slogan "Wipe out WEF!"
will be many different actions and a demonstration on the 1 July.
The mobilisations for the protests will not be to strong for a number of
reasons. First of all, it is the first time that this annual meeting of the
bosses in Europe will be confronted. Therefore there does not exist any kind
of structured network for mobilising, comparable for example with the
coordination for Davos.
Secondly, the Austrian left is strongly committed to the task of fighting
against its right-wing government, which on the other hand would be a good
basis for mobilising for Salzburg - but decades of nearly absolute class
peace have resulted in a nearby total ignorance of international questions
by the broad layers of the Austrian working class.
Finally, the mobilisation is not really co-ordinated. One part is ignoring
the other - a situation comparable to Prague last September. The reformist
wing of the movement against the black and blue government plus ATTAC is
ignored by the anarchists and the other way round. And in Salzburg there
does not exist any revolutionary grouping at all.
The situation is even made worse by public attacks on everything which even
smells like protests against the WEF. The government tries to reduce or even
to silence any protest by repression by enforced state police activities and
tries to criminalize the protest movement.
There will be a lot of repression in Salzburg itself and all around the
city. Police from all over Austria will be concentrated in the city and at
the borders. Public protests are welcome only when they support the policy
of the government (like blocking the borders as protest against the atomic
power station at Temelin in the Czech Republic in order to divert public
protest away from the anti-social measures of the government by rude
anti-Czech nationalism). The bourgeois press, especially the "Kronenzeitung"
(50% of all readers), describes everyone protesting nearly as a "terrorist".
Nonetheless there is a wide coalition in Austria now mobilising against this
meeting of the rich and the mighty. It ranges from anarchist and autonomist
grouplets, the reformist wing of the anti-globalisation movement like ATTAC,
some trade unions and social-democratic youth organisations to the centrist
left and the Austrian section of the League for a Revolutionary Communist
International, ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt.
One of the central topics of the meeting in Salzburg will be the restrictive
harmonising of refugee respectively asylum politics in Europe. Therefore
this will also be one of the main points of the counter-mobilisation which
puts forward the demand "No borders!"
On 30 June there will be a "counter"-summit organised by ATTAC with
the main
slogan "globalisation from below". This is totally in line with their
reformist strategy but also their position towards militant action. Even in
front of the bourgeois press they distanced themselves from any kind of
militant action. They just want symbolic actions, but they made clear, that
they don't even think of disturbing the WEF-summit.
On Sunday 1 July the main demonstration will take place, the route of which
is still not fixed. And it is very likely that there will be no possible
compromise with the police, so that there will be no 'allowed' route.
Nonetheless there will be a demo starting on 1600 at the central railway
It is not enough to oppose capitalist globalisation. It is a question of
confronting the beast wherever possible. ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt will try to
use the actions in Salzburg to mobilise as many people as possible to go to
the G8-meeting in Genoa three weeks later. Also we will try to convince as
many people as possible, that the struggle against our right-wing government
and against the capitalist globalisation are inseparable, because they have
the same root: capitalism!
And therefore we have to fight against capitalism wherever possible. And for
this fight we need a new revolutionary party of the workers and the youth -
here in Austria and internationally. Only after such a party has become
reality can we realise, what we really want: not a bigger slice of the cake
as the reformist servants of the bosses - No: We want the whole fucking
For more information you can contact us at: arbeiterInnenstandpunkt@lion.cc
If you have problems with crossing the border, there will be a "border
telephone": +43/676/4348757 - this is the number of the border-hotline.
is working from now on. It will work 24 hours a day during the summit and
the days before.
For information on passports, IDs, visa:
For information on social security:
mailinglist: antiwef-salzburg@yahoogroups.com
information and contact: mobilisation@antiwef.org
Workers Power Occupied Palestine
Tow weeks ago, the chairman of the National Democratic Assembly, Knesset
Member Azmi Bshara, flew to Damascus for the memorial service of the
previous president of Syria, Hafez El-Assad. In his speech Bshara told that:
"The government of Israel is trying to shrink the realm [of resistance],
putting forth a choice: either accept Israel's dictates, or face full-scale
war. Thus, it is impossible to continue with a third way that of
resistance-without expanding this realm once again so that the people can
struggle and resist. Nor is it possible to expand this realm without a
unified and internationally effective Arab political position. This is
precisely the time for such a stance".
The content of MK Azmi Bshara's speech has been tendentiously distorted as
call for all-out war. The LRCI in Occupied Palestine condemn the ferocious
incitement that has threatened MK Bishara's life and constitutes yet another
episode in the on-going offensive against the leadership of the Arab public
in Israel.
The suggestions by Knesset Members from the Israeli right, even ministers in
the government, that someone should execute MK Bshara, to negate his
citizenship and to declare his party as a "terror organisation" is
The LRCI in Occupied Palestine urge all progresive Israelis to resist this
anti-democratic trend of subverting the immunity of Arab Knesset members.
The LRCI supports totally the historic right of the Palestinian masses to
struggle against the occupation and the realisation of its right to self
determination in the socialist republic of Palestine, within a socialist
federation of the Middle East.
We call for a joint Arab-Jewish struggle to prevent the war into which the
Sharon-Peres government is dragging us. We call for political action against
the policy of cruel oppression of the Palestinian masses. This political
action should be based on the struggle for national liberation and in the
same time - for a social liberation.
At the same time, solidarity given by MK Bshara to the totalitarian regime
of the Ba'ath party in Syria causes serious damage to the image of the
Palestinian national movement and its political and ideological message. The
demands for democracy in Palestine, the struggle against the Zionism, racism
and the capitalist apartheid, is not compatible with solidarity with the
government in Syria.
The dictatorship in Syria fought during the last decades the Palestinian
leadership (before the betrayal of Yasser Arafat) and treated in a very
cruel way their own leftist revolutionary groups and organisations. The
Ba'ath regime must be overthrown by the working class.
Workers Power Global, Galway
The election that took place in the North on 7 June as part of the British
General Election threw up results, which while not unexpected, nevertheless
will cause headaches for Blair and Ahern in the implementation of the
Belfast Agreement.
Both Sinn Fein and the DUP did extremely well while the UUP and SDLP
performed badly, and it was almost a personal disaster for UUP leader David
Sinn Fein got four seats to Westminster in this election, up two from last
time, and their share of the vote this time round is greater than that of
the SDLP. A significant win was in West Tyrone where their candidate, Pat
Doherty, beat Brid Rodgers and ousted the sitting MP Willie Thompson (UUP).
This was a major success, in particular given Brid Rodgers had the highest
profile, as an Assembly member and Minister for Agriculture during the foot
and mouth crisis. Another big success was the victory of Michelle Gildernew,
a young SF woman, in the South Fermanagh constituency.
Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams' seats were always safe, but nevertheless,
Gerry Adam's huge vote in West Belfast, was one more major kudos for Sinn
Fein in this election.
The SDLP's number of seats and share of the vote fell. At three seats, they
have fewer seats than Sinn Fein. Their share of the vote is now at 21%
compared to Sinn Fein's 22%.
While the difference seems small, the psychological effect is huge, given
that Sinn Fein has now surpassed the SDLP in terms of the nationalist vote
in the North, a goal of Sinn Fein's for some time. Why has this come about?
Sinn Fein are attracting the new Catholic vote while the SDLP isn't - and in
particular they got the young vote in this election. They got people to come
out and vote, another important factor. In addition, their role in the peace
process is central, and in many ways they had already eclipsed SDLP in
discussions with Blair and Ahern in a way that was already causing disquiet
and concern among the SDLP.
The SDLP is an aging party, its raison d'etre has been eroded by the peace
process, it hasn't yet carved out a new identity and its opponents are
richer, younger, more numerous and better organised. In addition, they look
set to increase their vote in the South and will grow there.
The main victors in the No victory in the Nice referendum recently were Sinn
Fein. The SDLP, on the contrary, are a six-county party with little chance
of breaking out to the South.
The reactionary DUP came out in fighting form for this election and in fact
they increased their share of the vote and seats. While the UUP are still
the largest party with 27% of the vote, nevertheless they took a hammering
in this election, not least because Trimble only got elected by a small
vote, which was subjected to a re-count.
He was subjected to booing and scuffles at the polling booth by the DUP and
he and his wife had to be bundled into cars to escape lynching by Paisleyite
anti-agreement protesters.
Also, some of the UUP's vote was got only because of tactical voting by
non-unionists, particularly Alliance voters whose leadership decided not to
stand in some key seats, not least Trimble's Upper Bann constituency.
Another good example of tactical voting was Sylvia Harmon's win at the
expense of Bob McCartney in North Down. (Some journalists claim that 25% of
the UUP vote came from tactical votes from outside the party.)
In addition, where the UUP did well, and increased its vote, it did so in
seats such as Lagan Valley, South Antrim and South Belfast where hardliners
Jeffrey Donaldson, David Burnside and the Rev Martin Smyth were successful.
Burnside an anti-agreement man, has made it clear he will insist that guns
are handed over by 1 July, not just sealed in a bunker.
The trend in the local government elections in the North, was the same. The
UUP lost 31 seats whereas the DUP gained 40. Sinn Fein made big gains and in
fact look likely to have the first Sinn Fein mayor of Belfast; the SDLP lost
three seats.
So where now for the Belfast Agreement? The big question now is what happens
to Trimble. Already he has said he will resign as First Minister if
decommissioning hasn't begun by 1 July.
Before that, however, he faces an Ulster Unionist council meeting on 23 June
and a possible challenge to his leadership. It is likely that a lot of the
the 31 UUP councillors who lost their seats will turn up as delegates to
this meeting embittered against David Trimble.
One thing is sure, these elections have weakened Trimble and the UUP. They
have strengthened the DUP and the anti-agreement lobby.
The Belfast Agreement has been in trouble many times before. All the major
parties bar the DUP are in favour of the process continuing. It is unlikely
that Sinn Fein will step outside the parameters of the Chastelain commission
and hand over weapons before 1 July 1 to appease Trimble and allow him to
stay on as first Minister.
It is more likely that over the summer, the two governments, will agree some
move on demilitarisation, in South Armagh etc and will speed up the Patten
reforms of policing - in order to allow Sinn Fein to make more moves on the
beginning of the sealing of dumps under De Chastelain supervision.
This will be against a background of more arrests of Real IRA dissidents,
who will be seen less and less to represent anyone but themselves,
especially in the wake of Sinn Fein's big electoral successes.
Workers Power Global, Prague
Fifteen LRCI activists from Slovakia, Austria and Czech Republic joined
Street Party (SP) in Bratislava on 9. June to help raising support for Mario
Bango in Slovakia itself. Posters of the anarchists who organized the Street
Party proclaimed that at the SP there is "no place for drugs, alcohol,
violence and S the Bolsheviks". And indeed a group of 20-25 anarchists
attacked us but we successfully defended our freedom of speech. (See special
report on this)
LRCI activists raised a large banner "Freedom for Mario" in Slovak
distributed hundreds of leaflets to the youth (there were about 1,000
people) and made agitation with a megaphone inviting people for anti-fascist
demonstration next day organized by the Slovak Committee in Defense of
Among many discussions with Slovak youth our experience was mixed. Some were
strongly in support for Mario and really hated Nazis. Surprisingly other,
anarchist influenced youth believed the official media lie that Mario and
his brother Edo were pickpockets in the bus where the Nazi-Skin attacked
Edo. Some were in solidarity with Mario but opposed his usage of knife in
defense against the Nazi and had a clearly pacifist outlook on anti-fascism.
Next day there was a anti-fascist demo organized by Slovak Committee in
Defense of Mario. Some 60 mostly young people attended it which is a small
success given the organizational weaknesses of Committee and the difficult
political situation in Slovakia. Moreover some anarchist groups were against
the demo since they do not support Mario who in their eyes is a "Bolshevik
and red fascist".
The demonstration was addressed by speakers from the Slovak Committee in
Defense of Mario, ASt (Austrian LRCI), SLP (Austrian CWI), SOP (Czech LRCI)
and SAB (Czech CWI). The ASt speaker expressed solidarity with Mario, spoke
about the struggle against racist Haiders Party and black-blue coalition
The SOP speaker stressed that anti-fascists must unambiguously support the
right to self-defense. He said that our solidarity fight with Mario is a
message to everyone who will be prosecuted for defending against Nazi thugs.
Mario already get the support of many people around the world.
The task of the solidarity committee in Slovakia today is to build a broad
campaign based on youth harassed by Nazis and to orient to win the workers
movement for anti-fascism. We need a policy unambiguously based on the
principles of "No platform for the fascists!" and "Fascists out
of trade
unions!" and we should be prepared to confront fascists physically. The
speech was cheered by demo.
We hope that our intervention at the Street Party and the demonstration on
the next day was a step forward to build the solidarity movement in Slovakia
with Mario Bango.
Workers Power Global, Vienna
At this years' Street Party in Bratislava Slovak anarchists attempted to
beat up socialists. A group of 15 people - most of them activists of the
Slovak, Czech and Austrian sections of the League for a Revolutionary
Communist International (LRCI) but also several other socialists - went to
the Street Party to make widely known the case of Mario Bango - the
imprisoned young antifascist Roma who defended his brother against a
Nazi-skinhead. We brought with us a huge banner "Freedom for Mario"
Slovak language and several hundred leaflets reporting about Mario situation
and mobilising for a anti-racist demonstration on the next day.
When we arrived at the Street Party we were immediately told by one
anarchist who claimed to be organiser that we are not tolerated here. We
nevertheless enrolled our banner "Freedom for Mario" and started to
put up
our bookstore. Five minutes later a group of 20-25 anarchists tried to tear
away the banner and attacked us physically. They justified their actions
proclaiming that both we and Mario are "red fascists" and have no
rights there.
They didn't hesitate to try to tear up "Freedom For Mario" banner
and some
of them argued that "this is not your country" (which is not true
there were Slovaks among us too). We defended the banner and our bookstall
and repulsed their attack. They stopped their attack when police came. Some
Anarchists said to the police that our store should not be allowed at the
Street Party since we have no permission - strange enough for someone
calling himself anarchist.
Next day the anarchists boycotted an anti-racist demonstration in solidarity
with Mario because "it was organised by Bolsheviks" (in fact by several
youth in Mario Defence Committee) and "Mario was a Bolshevik." When
groups of Nazis were wandering around the demo these "militants" were
All indicates that this was organised by group of fanatics and has no wider
support among radical youth, including many anarchists, as there were no
other incidents later during the street party. Both at Street Party and
anti-racist demo individual anarchists spoke to us and opposed the attack,
even some of attackers probably recognised this was a terrible mistake.
The organisers behind this provocation are members of Direct Action -
Anarcho-comunist Organisation of Labour (PA-AKOP, Slovak Section of the
anarchist International Workers Association) and the Czechoslovak Anarchist
Federation - Slovakia (CSAF). This is what they say on their website (see
below for the address) after they unsuccessfully tried to kick out Czech
LRCI activists of the SOP from the Street Party last year. "Bolsheviks
Czech Socialist Organization of Labourers (SOP) and Slovak Communist Youth
Union (SZM) have there infoshops there too. Members of PA-AKOP try to force
them out but in a chaotic situation we let them stay. PA-AKOP and CSAF
agrees after the SP that this was the first and last time we tolerated them
on our actions. Physical violence will be used next time if necessary."
fact SZM has not raised its infoshop after ban by anarchists)
Until now fascists face little opposition in Slovakia. What is urgent is to
build strong and combative anti-fascist movement. Anarchists must stop their
sectarian and hooligan behaviour and join the fight against racism and
fascists, including the solidarity campaign for Mario.
It is important to argue with them and to make international pressure to
convince them of a radical change of their policy. We therefore appeal to
our readers to send a letter of protest to the Slovak anarchists. We should
urge them to stop attacking other leftists and to support the campaign for
"Freedom for Mario".
Czechoslovak Anarchist Federation - Slovak branch:
mailto:csaf_sk@hotmail.com IWA in Slovakia: mailto:priamaakcia@hotmail.com
Website of IWA in Slovakia (English page):
The LRCI has members across the globe - but there are many countries where
we have no correspondents. Send us your news and views:
11 Göttingen, 16. Juni 01
von: angelo.lucifero@hbv-th.de
Göttinen 16. Juni 01: Eindrücke eines Nazi-Aufmarsches, einer starken
Gegendemonstration und eines polizeilischen Verhaltens, das der Rechten in
die Hände spielt: http://verdi-th.de/index.php4?menu=main&dir=gp&load=index
Göttingen 16. Juni 01: Naziaufmarsch
Angelo Lucifero
Gewerkschaft hbv Thüringen in ver.di
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12 appell an die anarchistische und libertaere bewegung:
von: gettoattack@yahoo.com
appell an die anarchistische und libertaere bewegung:
versichern wir uns einer sichtbaren, autonomen und
offenen praesenz in
genova (genua), um die gruende unserer opposition zum
prozesz der
globalisierung verstaendlich zu machen !
die g8 wird sich vom 20. bis 22. juli in genova
versammeln. dieser gipfel
der maechtigen verdeutlicht, in spektakulaerer form,
die aktuelle tendenz
zur konzentration oekonomischer und politischer macht
im weltmaszstab, und
zwar in bisher unbekanntem ausmasz. der prozesz der
"globalisierung" oeffnet
die schere zwischen der welt der reichen und der der
armen immer weiter
durch das aushungern der bevoelkerung ganzer
kontinente, durch die
marginalisierung ganzer bevoelkerungsschichten in den
einzelnen laendern,
durch die reduzierung jedweder form von arbeit auf
prekaritaet (unsichere
jobs) und durch das eliminieren jeglicher sozialer
sicherheiten (dort, wo
sie existierten). all das spielt sich im namen des
profits und der
kapitalistischen akkumulation ab, bar jeder regel oder
zeitgleich widmet man sich der verschaerfung
gesellschaftlicher kontrolle,
sei es inner- oder auszerhalb der staaten: wir wohnen
einer konstanten
verstaerkung der repressiven apparate (seien es nun
polizei oder militaer)
all dem muessen wir uns entgegenstellen !
wir waren, und sind es noch immer, traegerInnen einer
non-reformistischen und internationalistischen
perspektive, die die
wiederbegruendung der einheit und kampfkraft der
arbeitenden und
unterdrueckten klassen anstrebt. unter den heutigen
umstaenden muessen wir
wieder auf folgendes hinweisen:
- die unmoeglichkeit, die (nationalen und
internationalen) politischen und
wirtschaftlichen organisationen zu demokratisieren,
deren einziges ziel die
intensivierung der verwertung von arbeit und
ressourcen ist;
- den fakt, dasz die interessen der ausgebeuteten und
unvereinbar sind, im fraglichen prozesz [der
"globalisierung"] wie auch in
allen anderen situationen;
- die unveraenderbarkeit der funktionen eines staates,
die da sind:
aufrechterhaltung und verstaerkung sozialer,
polizeilicher und
militaerischer kontrolle, wobei die wirtschaft am
wenigsten kontrolliert
- das bewusztsein des factums, dasz alle heute
anerkannten rechte nur auf
dem papier existieren und dasz sie keinerlei wert
haben, wenn sie nicht von
den menschen unterstuetzt und verteidigt werden.
wir muessen also kaempfen:
- fuer die bewegungsfreiheit aller, in einer welt ohne
- gegen den militarismus, die kriege und gefaengnisse;
- fuer eine allgemeine reduzierung der arbeitszeit;
- fuer die verteidigung der bisher erkaempften
sozialen sicherheiten und
fuer die verwirklichung einer angemessenen
lebensqualitaet fuer alle, ohne
dabei auf das modell des wohlfahrtsstaates
zurueckzufallen (das die
verstaatlichung der arbeiterInnenbewegung zur folge
mit dieser perspektive scheint es uns angebracht, eine
serie zur g8
oppositioneller demonstrationen vorzuschlagen, die es
der libertaeren
bewegung erlauben wuerde, die schluessigkeit und
staerke ihrer argumente
nach auszen zu tragen. wir schlagen also vor:
- teilnahme an der demonstration in genova am 09. juni
01, die uns
gelegenheit gibt, unsere argumente oeffentlich zu
aeuszern (15:00 uhr,
stazione marittima);
- am 14. juli 01 [nationalfeiertag in france
(frankreich)]: koordinierte
lokale aktionen in so vielen staedten wie moeglich;
- fuer 20. juli 01: aufruf zum generalstreik seitens
basisdemokratischen gewerkschaften/syndikate;
- eine beachtliche libertaere praesenz waehrend des
g8-gipfels [und auf dem
gegengipfel] in genova;
- die seltene gelegenheit, beziehungen zu
italienischen und anderen
gefaehrtInnen zu knuepfen, zu nutzen.
wir wollen uns der g8 entgegenstellen, indem wir unser
recht, frei in den
straszen zu demonstrieren, durchsetzen; und zwar
mittels aller formen des
sozialen kampfes und der direkten aktion, die noetig
sind, um oeffentlich
eine radikal-libertaere option zu konkretisieren. wir
pruefen die
moeglichkeit, einen internationalen kongress zu den
themen der
globalisierung in den darauffolgenden tagen zu
organisieren. wir laden alle
kraefte des gesellschaftlichen kampfes, die mit diesem
appell konform gehen,
ein, sich konkret an der organisation der demo-serie
zu beteiligen.
zur weiteren information: ferrer@ecn.org &
Coordinamento Anarchico Genovese C.S.O.A. Pinelli
Genova Coordinamento Anarchico Ligure Piemontese
Federazione Anarchica Torinese - FAI
Gruppo anarchico Sciarpanera di Alessandria - FAI di
Gruppo anarchico Luigi Galleani - FAI di Vercelli
Gruppo anarchico Pietro Gori - FAI di Savona
FAI di Chiavari - Circolo dei Malfattori
Milano FdCA
Sezione di Genova Centro "Donato Renna"
Chiavari Federazione Anarchica Siciliana
Palermo Centro di documentazione libertaria "Pietro
Palermo TAZ
laboratorio di comunicazione libertaria
Centro libertario di cultura alternativa L'Erba
Casatenovo Collettivo Gatanegra
Pordenone F. A. "G. Pinelli"
FAI Spezzano Albanese CS FMB di Spezzano Albanese CS
Coordinamento degli
anarchici e libertari calabresi Redazione di
periodico del Coordinamento degli anarchici e
libertari calabresi Circolo
Berneri - Bologna
Giorgio Sacchetti und Emanuela Bruschi
Arezzo Archivio Storico von FAI
Imola FAI - sez. Bakunin
Jesi FAI - sez. Ferrer
Chiaravalle Centro Studi
Libertari "L. Fabbri"
Jesi Kollettivo Giovani Libertari - Jesi Circolo
Libertario E. Zapata di Pordenone Federazione
Anarchica Milanese - FAI
Redazione di Umanità Nova
Gruppo anarchico Germinal/FAI
Trieste La giustizia degli erranti
Treviso FdCA Gruppo "Libertad"
Rimini Gruppo
anarchico "A. Cieri"
Parma Collettivo libertario novatese - FAI - Novate
Milanese Kollettivo Antagonista "luglio"
Forl=EC Gruppo per l'ecologia sociale
S. Giorgio di Nogaro
Centro Sociale Autogestito Farkadize
S.Giorgio di Nogaro Gruppo Anarchico La Comune
Imola Gruppo Anarchico Malatesta
Imola Reseau Anarchiste Varois
Francia Centro Sociale Autogestito di Via Volturno
Udine Ateneo Libertario Maya
Lecce Commissione di Corrispondenza della Federazione
Anarchica Italiana
_ _ _ _ _ _
originaltext von worker-a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca, am
uebersetzung (frz.-dt.) von Andre
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13 Gay Pride in Belgrad
Von: LABRIS Lesbian Rights Group labris@eunet.yu
Welcome in Belgrade!
If you want to join us for the first ever celebration of gay and lesbian
pride in Belgrade (30.7.), please contact us so that we could send you
letters that would guarantee your stay here which are necessary for visas:
You could contact the Yugoslavian embassy in your state and ask if you need
As far as we know Bosnia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Hungary and Romania don't
need visas.
Info is in the document.
Love from Labris, Belgrade.
Please fwd this letter to your friends and organizations who could be
interested. Thank you.
14 Online-Demo gegen DeportationBusiness - Rundbrief No.4
von: AG3F ag3f@oln.comlink.apc.org
Online-Demo gegen Deportation Business - Rundbrief No. 4
20. Juni 2001 - 10 bis 12 Uhr: Online-Demo-Software starten ...
Lufthansa-Webseite fluten!
++++Online-Demonstration gegen Lufthansa - noch 3 Tage!++++
Online-Demo c/o Mehringhof, Gneisenaustr. 2a, 10961 Berlin
Tel: 0177-5029083 - Email: online-demo@gmx.net
wir alle müssen uns in Geduld üben: die Demo-Software ist noch nicht
verfügbar. Die Technik ist jedoch Tag und Nacht an der Arbeit und verspricht
gute Ergebnisse.
Unterdessen haben wir das Wichtigste bereits erreicht: eine große
Öffentlichkeit bezüglich der Online-Demo und der Aktivitäten
Lufthansa-Aktionärsversammlung - die Medien rennen uns die Türen
ein - und unseres Ziels: der Stopp aller Abschiebungen durch die Lufthansa
+++Aktivitäten bei der Aktionärsversammlung der Lufthansa am 20.
Juni 2001
+++Software per Email
+++Zahl der Online-Demo-Webseiten steigt
+++Automatischer Start der Demo-Software
+++Visualisierung der Online-Demo?
+++Medien-Berichterstattung der letzten Tage
+++Nazis üben Mailbombing
+++Und was übt die Lufthansa?
+++kein mensch ist illegal: AktivistInnen erweitern die Kampagne gegen
++++Aktivitäten bei der Aktionärsversammlung der Lufthansa am 20.
Der Zeitpunkt der Online-Demo wurde parallel zur Eröffnung der
Aktionärsversammlung angesetzt. Um 10 Uhr soll der Vorstandsvorsitzende
seinen Rechenschaftsbericht beginnen. Kritische Aktionäre werden ihre Kritik
und: vor der Kölnarena in Köln-Deutz, wo die Hauptversammlung stattfindet,
wird der Startklick der Online-Demo erfolgen. Mit einer Performance wird die
Verbindung zwischen den digitalen und den offline-Protesten hergestellt
++++Software per Email++++
Zur weiteren Entlastung und damit ihr nicht ständig die Webseiten aufrufen
müßt, um zu schauen, ob die Software bereit steht, bieten wir an,
sie euch
per Email zu senden. Eine Mail, aus der die betreffende Email-Adresse zu
ersehen ist, mit dem Betreff: ''Software'' und eindeutiger Nennung eures
Betriebssystems an online-demo@gmx.net reicht.
Nicht für alle Betriebssysteme wird eine Software-Version zur Verfügung
stehen. Beachtet dazu bitte die Anleitung auf der Webseite (''readme'') und
ladet sie als pdf-Datei herunter.
++++Zahl der Online-Demo-Webseiten steigt++++
Mittlerweile wurde die Online-Demo-Webseite mehrfach ''gespiegelt'', d.h.
wenn unsere zentralen Webseiten wegen massenhaften Downloads der Software
überlastet sind, stehen andere Webseiten als Alternativen dafür zur
Liste der aktuell verfügbaren Online-Demo-Seiten:
Weitere Spiegelungen sind sehr erwünscht! Webseiten-BetreiberInnen, meldet
euch bei online-demo@gmx.net!
++++Beispiele für die Berichterstattung der letzten Tage++++
+Die Zeit 12.6.: Absturzgefahr für den Kranich
+Hamburger Morgenpost 12.6.: Gegen E-Protest helfen keine Wasserwerfer
+Jungle World 13.6.: Absturz jetzt!
+Freitag - die Ost-West-Wochenzeitung 15.6.: Gefesselt im Luftraum.
Lufthansa in Turbulenzen
+Stuttgarter Zeitung 13.12.: Proteste per Mausklick. Demonstration gegen
nicht mehr im Netz
+telepolis 13.6.: Legitimer Protest oder Cyberterror?
+3sat kulturzeit 13.6.: Demo goes Online. Sitzblockade auf dem Daten-Highway
(Gespräch mit dem Politikwissenschaftler Christoph Bieber über die
Demonstrationsformen im Internet, weniger zu Lufthansa & Abschiebung - mit
RealG-Player hör- und sichtbar)
+WoZ (WochenZeitung, Schweiz) 14.6.: Ausschaffungen bei Lufthansa.
+taz 15.6.:Online-Demo gegen Lufthansa
+taz 15.6.: deportation.class. Die Aktion
+taz 15.6.:''Das Ziel ist der Server'' (Interview mit Künstlern von kein
mensch ist illegal)
+taz 15.6.:Ost-Airlines helfen bei Abschiebung (versetzt mit
Falschinformationen, näheres auf Anfrage)
++++Automatischer Start der Demo-Software++++
Zu diesem Thema erhielten wir die folgende Zusendung:
''ein tip fur zeitgesteuertes benutzen der protestsoftware
wer von uns sitzt schon am 20.6. um 10 uhr zu hause an ihrem/seinen
rechner? es gibt soviel zu tun - und kein rechner sollte ungenutzt
und was ist mit den rechnern, zu denen mensch sonst so zugang hat,
aber nicht vor ort sein kann?
fast alle betriebssysteme ermoglichen die (bei eingeschaltetem
rechner) automatisierte einwahl und ausfuhrung von programmen.
bei windows sind mit den vorhandenen bordmitteln dazu eine ganze reihe
von schritten notwendig.
fur windows ab v95 gibt es aber auch zwei kleine programme, die es
rnahelp - startet und schliest (ohne bestatigungsklicks) die
execute-it - startet und beendet zu einem bestimmten zeitpunkt
angegebene programme.
beide programme sind freeware und aus dem internet beziehbar:
in execute-it ist als erstes programm rnahelp mit ''autoconnect'' und
dem dfu-verbindungsname etc (siehe readme von rnahelp) als parameter
einzutragen mit entsprechender startzeit
dann die protestsoftware mit entsprechender start- und endzeit.
dann wieder rnahelp mit ''disconnect'' als parameter mit entsprechener
startzeit (d.h. der beabsichtigten endzeit der aktion
naturlich mus dann am 20.6. der rechner morgens eingeschaltet werden
(oder per zeitschaltuhr) und das programm execute-it gestartet werden
(oder vorubergehend in autostart gelegt werden, damit es automatisch
beim hochfahren gestartet wird).''
Die Redaktion hat's noch nicht ausprobiert.
++++Visualisierung der Online-Demo?++++
Im Gegensatz zu einer Demo auf der Straße sehen sich die TeilnehmerInnen
einer virtuellen Demo gegenseitig nicht und wissen i.d.R. auch nicht,
wieviele Menschen (& Computer) daran beteiligt sind. Zur Zeit wird jedoch
daran gearbeitet, das doch irgendwie sichtbar zu machen. Wir sind gespannt!
++++Nazis üben Mailbombing++++
Uninteressante Meldung: Nazis bombardierten - getarnt als Sendung von
pds.net - die Online-Demo-Email-Adressen mit Massenmails. Naja - wurde halt
++++Und was übt die Lufthansa?++++
Die Lufthansa übt derweil Repression mittels einstweiliger Verfügungen gegen
die ehemalige Kontaktadresse des bundesweiten Netzwerks kein mensch ist
illegal. Sie solle 2 Piloten-Fotos aus einer verfremdeten Werbung auf der
deportation-alliance.com-Webseite entfernen, womit sie allerdings überhaupt
nichts zu tun hat.
Ansonsten müssen sich auch eine ganze Reihe von Lufthansa-TechnikerInnen
Geduld üben, die seit einigen Tagen fast stündlich unsere Websaeiten
aufrufen, um endlich die Demo-Software studieren zu können;-)
++++kein mensch ist illegal: AktivistInnen erweitern die Kampagne gegen
Am Freitag, 8. Juni, besuchten AktivistInnen der deportation.class stop!
Kamapagne erstmals die Filialen der rumänischen Fluggesellschaft TAROM
Düsseldorf, Berlin und Frankfurt/Main und hinterließen Plakate &
gegen die Abschiebegeschäfte dieser Airline. TAROM führt vor allem
Berlin und Düsseldorf aus Massenabschiebungen mit Chartermaschinen durch.
Die Erklärung zur Aktion findet ihr unter:
und einen Hintergrundartikel hier:
15 conzerts nxt wik
von: hauf@klingt.org
dj gnu + dj haus
rhiz, josefstädtergürtel in wern.
--> http://www.klingt.org/gnu/
--> http://hauf.klingt.org
19. & 20.6. 8pm
labor für performance und postdramatisches agieren 2.2
boris hauf, sabina holzer, marty huber,gerald raunig, sabine
WUK (im flieger)
währingerstr. 59, 1090 wern
eintritt: pay as you wish
--> http://www.wuk.at/sonnenschein/sonneup.htm
20.- 22.6, 7.30pm
dieb13, stangl, kurzmann, liu winter, kollegium kalksburg, zrost,
aichinger, klement und viele andere.
GRABENHOF, habsburgerg. 1a, 1010 wern
--> http://www.2001odyssey.at/
21. 6, 7:30pm
institut français de vienne (wern)
währingerstr. 30-32 1090 wern
25.6. 9pm
efzeg impft gegen schwarz/blau.
+dafeldecker, zrost, norman, williamson
porgy & bess, in wern
16 Re: Begrabt mein Hirn
von: nowakmartha@hotmail.com
einige anmerkungen zu einem beitrag im samstagmund:
"begrabt mein hirn an der biegung des flusses" von antideutsche
kommunistinnen berlin
ich hab mir den beitrag ein paar mal durchgelesen und ich muss sagen, ich
versteh ihn immer noch nicht. der beitrag erschien in der rubrik
"diskussion", zu finden ist darin aber eine art generalabrechnung
mit der
gesamten linken in der welt. die gesamte radikale linke in deutschland, die
ya basta und die tute bianche in italien, die zapatistInnen und überhaupt:
alles hirntote, die in das feindliche lager übergewechselt sind. da frage
ich mich, warum so ein beitrag in einer rubrik, die diskussion heisst,
erscheint. besser wäre es doch gewesen, diesen beitrag unter einer rubrik,
die ev. pamphlet genannt wird, zu veröffentlichen. ich bin wirklich nicht
dagegen, das so was erscheint. ich weiss nur nicht, was ich da noch
diskutieren soll - so als hirntoter feind eben.
wenn ich das so richtig verstanden habe, beklagen die antideutschen
kommunistinnen in berlin, dass sich die linke vom orthodoxen marxismus
verabschiedet hat. jene, die das getan haben sind jetzt feinde, die nicht
einmal die staatsgewalt brechen wollen. einige sachen kann ich natürlich
nicht nachvollziehen , da der beitrag offenbar nicht für ein
österreichisches publikum geschrieben wurde (who the hell is aab oder
die angeführte kritik an gruppen, die ich etwas kenne, verstehe ich nicht.
warum sind die ya basta- leute alle staatshörige feinde? soviel ich weiss,
verhalten die leute in italien sich solidarisch mit menschen in
verschiedensten ländern und kontinenten und bekämpfen rassismus und
in italien. z.b. vor einiger zeit haben ya basta leute und andere ein
abschiebegefängnis in italien militant angegriffen. wie kann es dann sein,
dass nach meinung der antideutschen kommunistinnen in berlin die ya
basta-leute zusammen mit dem italienischen staat gegen die globalisierung
kämpfen und nur auf posten im staatsapparat aus sind? so einfach kann die
welt doch nicht sein. besonders untergriffig wird der text am schluss, wenn
die globalisierungsgegnerInnen auf eine stufe mit npd-nazis gestellt werden
- natürlich alles belegt mit aus dem zusammenhang gerissenen zitaten.
im gesamten text vermisse ich irgendeine andeutung, wie sich die
antideutschen kommunistinnen in berlin den kampf gegen kapitalismus, staat
usw vorstellen. sie selbst dürften ausser dogmatischer abrechnung wohl
vorstellungen haben. die frage wäre auch, wie politische oder soziale kämpfe
eine relevanz erreichen sollten, wenn alle anderen linken gruppen als
bündnispartnerInnen ausscheiden.
trotzdem finde ich es gut, so etwas im mund zu finden und zu lesen (ich bin
halt auch eine liberale linksradikale). verstehen tu ichs aber nicht.
17 interview mit einem stahl-gewerkschafts aktivisten bezüglich
von: michibotka@gmx.net
17. Juni 2001, 22:00 Uhr
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!