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Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 "M u l t i t u d e" s t a t t K l a s s e n k a m p f ? -
Veranstaltung in Köln
von: "Arbeitsgruppe Marxismus" <agm@agmarxismus.net>
Veranstaltung der Arbeitsgruppe Marxismus (AGM) in Köln
" M u l t i t u d e " s t a t t K l a s s e n k a m p f ?
Toni Negris "Empire", Antiglobalisierungsbewegung und Marxismus
Dienstag, 9. Juli, 19.30 Uhr
Köln, Städtisches Bürgerhaus Stollwerck,
Dreikönigenstr. 23 (am Chlodwigplatz)
Raum 309 (3. Stock)
02 Montenegro - Anatomie einer post-sozialistischen Balkan-Politik
von: OEKOLI_Wien@gmx.net
26. Juni 20.30 h im Queer-Beisl im Ernst Kirchweger Haus (EKH), Wielandgasse
2-4, 1100 Wien ( U-Bahn-Station Keplerplatz)
Vortrag von und Diskussion mit Alex N. Dajkovic (Montenegro)
Montenegro as a model for the Balkans: the anatomy of post-socialist Balkan
The current situatuation in Montenegro in many regards represents the last
phase of the realization of the logic that has opeated in the entire region
over the last period. Analysis of the Montenegrin model therefore reveals
principles of Balkan politics with considerable clarity. Transfer of
decision-making from the regional level to the global centers of power
locally with the corresponding focus on national discourse has defined the
period of transition. In Montenegro, this process is currently exemplified
by the
discussion over the so-called independence which is occluding public debate
of almost any other issues of social significance.
Ökologische Linke (ÖKOLI)
Schottengasse 3a/1/4/59
A-1010 Wien
e-milio: oekoli_wien@gmx.net
Visite our Website: http://www.oekoli.cjb.net
Ökoli Vorarlberg: http://PolitiX.cjb.net
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interessiert seid, um Infos weiterzuverbreiten, meldet euch!
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03 Radio:Zionismus&Kommunismus
von: stephan.grigat@reflex.at
Zionismus und Kommunismus
Simone Dinah Hartmann und Joachim Bruhn über das Elend der
real-existierenden Linken und über den Zionismus als Politik gewordenes
Eine Sendung von Café Critique
Montag, 24. bzw. Mittwoch, 26 Juni
Radio Context XXI
Montags 13 Uhr auf Radio Orange 94.0 in Wien
& Radio Helsinki 92,6 in Graz
Montags 23 Uhr auf Radio Agora 105.5 in Klagenfurt
Mittwochs 18 Uhr auf Radio FRO 105,0 in Linz
04 Islam, Israel and the Antisemitism
von: stephan.grigat@reflex.at
Der Dekan der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
und der Vorstand des
laden ein zu einem Gastvortrag von
Robert Wistrich
(Center for Austrian Studies Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
"Islam, Israel and the New Antisemitism"
Dienstag, 25. Juni 2002, 18.00 Uhr
Seminarraum (ehemalige Kapelle des Alten AKH)
Institut für Ethik und Recht in der Medizin,
1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 2-4, Durchgang zwischen Hof 1 und 2
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten unter zeitgeschichte@univie.ac.at
Robert Wistrich is Neuberger Professor of Modern European and Jewish
History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the newly appointed
Director of its International Centre for the Study of Antisemitism. He is
the author of more than 20 books including Antisemitism. The Longest
Hatred which won the Wingate non-fiction prize in the U.K. in 1992. It was
the basis of a three hour PBS/Thames Television Documentary film that
Professor Wistrich scripted and co-produced. Among his most recent books
are Demonizing the Other (Amsterdam 1999) and Hitler and the Holocaust
(Weidenfeld, London/Random House New York 2001) which is now available in
paperback. In May 2002 Prof. Wistrich published a work entitled Muslim
Antisemitism - A Clear and Present Danger (American Jewish Committee, New
York) and was asked to testify on his findings to members of the
US-Congress. His new book Nietzsche; Godfather of Fascism?, co- edited
with Jacob Golomb has just been published by Princeton University Press.
Prof. Wistrich served for two years - between 1999 and 2001 - on the
Vatican-appointed International Commission to examine the role of Pius XII
during the Holocaust. In October 2001 he resigned from the 6 member
Commission (which was subsequently dissolved) in protest at the Holy See`s
refusal to release essential documents.
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem "Center for
Austrian Studies an der Hebrew University in Jerusalem
22.6., 23:30 Uhr
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