meanwhile at the border


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Montag, 07. Juni 2004

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01 ankündigung neustart at.indymedia treffen linz
von: <indyradio (at)>
02 SYMPOSIUM: PUBLICUM - Kunstraum der Universitaet
von: <contact (at)>
03 Que(e)r-Beisl am 9. Juni / fussball unter dem hakenkreuz
von: <raw (at)>
04 Kundgebung gg. Postprivatisierung 8.Juni
von: <akin.buero (at)>
05 Repräsentationskritik in Film und Aktivismus
von: <ljubomir (at)>
Kommunikation muss frei sein!
von: <wassermair (at)>

07 [gipfelsoli] Genua -- Genf
von: <gipfelsoli-l (at)>
08 [gipfelsoli] Istanbul -- Guadalajara
von: <gipfelsoli-l (at)>
09 reagan's first
von: <heinz (at)>
10 BSV: Wo bleiben die Reformen?
von: <bsv (at)>
11 von der volksverhetzung des haider nicht weit
entfernt ist bischof laun
von: <selbstbestimmungsrechtderfrau (at)>
12 MORE... THIS & THAT....
von: <abe (at)>
13 IRAQ: Shelter in north helps vulnerable women
von: <wadi_wien (at)>
14 news from america
von: <gerhard.haupler (at)>
von: <stefanodincecco (at)>

16 MC-newsletter 99 erschienen/published
von: <Malle (at)>


Diese Ausgabe hat Vlatka Frketic widerstand at zusammengestellt
Für diese Ausgabe nicht aufgenommen: beiträge
ohne widerstandsrelevanz

  Bei weiteren Fragen bitte zuerst unser Editorial lesen.  

01 ankündigung neustart at.indymedia treffen linz
von: indyradio (at)
hallo widerstandsmundlerInnen!
mit der bitte um ankündigung....
indyradioat.indymedia ist seit anfang mai offline. in vielen teilen finden dazu
statt, um einen neustart von at.indymedia zu diskutieren.
(mehr infos, wieso die seite offline gegangen ist siehe:
in linz findet das treffen am samstag, 5.juni um 18 uhr im kv kapu statt.
alle interessierten sind zu diesem treffen eingeladen.
///don't hate the radio: fake the radio\\\

02 SYMPOSIUM: PUBLICUM - Kunstraum der Universitaet
von: <contact (at)>
to the
Kunstraum der Universitaet Lueneburg - University Art Gallery Lueneburg
June 26 / 27, 2004
Lecture-hall 5, Campus
University of Lueneburg
Scharnhorststrasse 1
D-21335 Lueneburg / Germany <>
Entrance free - your application would be appreciated; e-mail:
kunstraum (at) <mailto:kunstraum (at)>SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 2004
10.00 A.M. Welcoming Remarks
10.15 A.M. Oliver Marchart, University of Basel: Staging the Political.
(Counter-) Publics and the Theatricality of Acting
11.15 A.M. Linda M. G. Zerilli, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.:
Aesthetic Judgment and the Public Sphere in the Thought of Hannah Arendt
12.15 P.M. Nick Stevenson, University of Nottingham: The Possibility of
European Cosmopolitanism and Civil Society
1.15 P.M. Lunch Break
2.30 P.M. Gerald Raunig, eipcp, Vienna: Beyond the Public.
Non-Representationist Practices and the Empty Space of Poststructuralist
3.30 P.M. Simon Sheikh, Malmoe Art Academy: In The Place of the Public
Sphere? Or, the World in Fragments
4.30 P.M. Break
5.00 P.M. Stefan Nowotny, eipcp, Vienna: Clandestine Publics - Clandestine
6.00 P.M. Marion von Osten, University of Art and Design Zurich (HGKZ):
Changing Methods, Shifting Discourses, Producing Publics: Project
Exhibitions as a Feminist Artistic PracticeSUNDAY, JUNE 27, 2004
10.00 A.M. Alex Demirovic, University of Frankfurt / Main: Hegemony and the
Paradox of Private and Public
11.00 A.M. Jim McGuigan, Loughborough University: The Cultural Public Sphere
12.00 A.M. George Yúdice, New York University: Violence and Public
1.00 P.M. Lunch Break
1.30 P.M. Thomas Locher, Vienna University of Technology: Public / Private
2.30 P.M. Roger M. Buergel, University of Lueneburg / Ruth Noack, University
of Vienna: Art without Audience
Exhibition: THE GOVERNMENT, Kunstraum der Universitaet Lueneburg -
University Art Gallery Lueneburg, exhibition hall, building 25 Campus
Organisation and moderation: Stefanie-Vera Kockot, Diethelm Stoller, Ulf
This symposium is carried out within the framework of republicart and with
the support of the European Community.
eipcp - european institute for progressive cultural policies
a-1060 vienna, gumpendorfer strasse 63b
contact (at)

03 Que(e)r-Beisl am 9. Juni / fussball unter dem hakenkreuz
von: <raw (at)>
Mittwoch 9. Juni:
fussball unter dem hakenkreuz
waehrend der zeit der nationalsozialistischen volksgemeinschaft erfolgte
die vorbereitung der shoa in wien mit besonderer brutalitaet.
denunziation und raub des juedischen eigentums hatten einen
flaechendeckenden charakter. so ist es auch nicht verwunderlich das auch
der fussballer matthias sinderlar - obwohl er sich weigerte 1938 in der
reichsdeutschen nationalmannschaft zu spielen - sein stueck vom kuchen
darueber und der umgang mit geschichte sind inhalt des vortrages von
david forster vom ballesterer- fussballfanzine.
ausserdem gibt das archiv der sozialen bewegungen einen kurzen
ueberblick ueber juedische vereine - oder solche die dafuer gehalten
werden - in europa.
Ort: Que(e)r-Beisl im EKH. Wielandgasse 2-4, 1100 Wien (U1 Keplerplatz)
Zeit: 20 Uhr, Beislbetrieb von 18:30-24 Uhr
Naechste Woche: Ist Konzert-bedingte Pause, am 23.6. gibts dann bereits
das Abschlussfest!
Vollstaendiges Monatsprogramm auf im Bereich Que(e)r
############ RAW #############
Rosa Antifa Wien
c/o Rosa Lila Tip
Linke Wienzeile 102
A-1060 Wien
E-Mail: raw (at)
PGP-Key available here:
############ RAW #############

04 Kundgebung gg. Postprivatisierung 8.Juni
von: <akin.buero (at)>

Achtung, Dienstag: LINKE Aktion zu Postprivatisierung
Utl.: Demonstration mit Leo Gabriel vor der ÖIAG und anschl.
Pressegespräch =
Wien (OTS) - Dienstag 8. Juni: Protestkundgebung bei ÖIAG-Sitzung Wann:
9-10.30Uhr Wo: Dresdnerstraße 87, 1200 Wien
Beschreibung: Für den 8. Juni ist eine ÖIAG Sitzung angesetzt, bei der es um
weitere Privatisierungsschritte bei der Post (bei der Telekom u.a.) geht.
Die GLB hat eine Kundgebung angemeldet. Die LINKE unterstützt und alle sind
aufgerufen sich an der Kundgebung zu beteiligen. Teilnehmen werden der
Spitzenkandidat der LINKE/Liste 5 Leo Gabriel und weitere
LINKE-KandidatInnen und AktivistInnen.
Im Anschluss an die Kundgebung findet um 10.30Uhr ein Pressegespräch mit Leo
Gabriel im Club Cafe Bistro in der Dresdnerstraße 81-85, 1200 Wien statt.
LINKE - Opposition für ein solidarisches Europa
Nicolas Dabelstein
Leitung Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Tel.: 0699 102 83 043
mailto:presse (at)

05 Repräsentationskritik in Film und Aktivismus
von: <ljubomir (at)
Einladung zur Buchpräsentation
Bildräume und Raumbilder.
Repräsentationskritik in Film und Aktivismus
Montag, 14.6.2004, 19.00 Uhr
Depot, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Wien
Diskussion mit Alexander Horwath (Filmmuseum) und Gerald Raunig (eipcp)
Der neue Sammelband aus der Reihe republicart analysiert künstlerische und
aktivistische Strategien, die den Rahmen der Repräsentation zu durchbrechen
versuchen. Durch die Kritik der ästhetischen wie der politischen
Repräsentation, also der bildhaften Darstellung ebenso wie der politischen
Vertretung wird das scheinbare Gegensatzpaar von Kunst und Politik in
Beziehung und Bewegung gebracht. Die einzelnen Beiträge gehen in der
Auseinandersetzung mit gegeninformationellen Darstellungen von Macht im
Film, der Wechselwirkung physikalischer und virtueller Räume im
Medienaktivismus, der Ambiguität des Begriffs der Öffentlichkeit oder einer
"Politik der Wahrheit" neuen Ansätzen einer Verknüpfung von künstlerischem
und politischem Aktivismus, von Filmproduktion und Aktion nach.
Mit Texten von Franco Berardi Bifo, Boris Buden, Alice Creischer und Andreas
Siekmann, Marion Hamm, Maurizio Lazzarato, Angela Melitopoulos, Andrea
Membretti, Stefan Nowotny, Vrääth Öhner, Michaela Pöschl, Gerald Raunig,
Oliver Ressler, Jürgen Schmidt, Hito Steyerl, Thomas Tode, Tom Waibel,
Tristan Wibault und Kathrin Wildner.
Bildräume und Raumbilder.
Repräsentationskritik in Film und Aktivismus.
Gerald Raunig (Hg.)
republicart, Bd. 2
Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant 2004
Eine Publikation des eipcp im Rahmen von republicart.

Kommunikation muss frei sein!
von: <wassermair (at)>
| Public Netbase
| Institut für Neue Kulturtechnologien/t0
| 04.06.2004
| FREE BITFLOWS: Kommunikation muss frei sein!
| Konferenz diskutierte Chancen und Gefahren der neuen
| Wissens- und Netzwerkgesellschaft
"Kommunikation muss frei sein - wer sich nur einen Schritt von diesem
Grundsatz entfernt, macht schon einen Schritt in Richtung Zensur!"
Warnende Worte des irischen Wissenschafters und Freenet-Gründers Ian
Clarke standen zu Beginn der zweitägigen Konferenz FREE BITFLOWS, die
von der Wiener Netzkultur-Institution Public Netbase im Semperdepot
veranstaltet wurde und Freitag Abend zu Ende ging.
Zahlreiche internationale Gäste reisten an, um mit einer hochrangigen
Runde von ExpertInnen, WissenschafterInnen und Medien-AktivistInnen
Chancen und Gefahren einer kollaborativen Praxis in den neuen
kulturellen und sozialen Netzwerken zu diskutieren.
"Der legitime Gebrauch von Anonymität ist von der Copyright-Industrie
massiv gefährdet", hielt Sjoera Nas (NL) als Vertreterin der digitalen
Bürgerrechtsbewegung "Bits of Freedom" fest. Solcherart Grundrechte sind
ein zentrales Motiv bei der Organisation der Netzstrukturen und ihrer
Arbeitsweisen. Die Vorträge von Janko Roettgers (DE) und Reni Hofmüller
(AT) stellten praktische Beispiele und Modelle vor, wie sich unabhängige
Content-Produktion und Distribution zum wechselseitigen Nutzen
miteinander verbinden lassen. "Der Content selbst ist wie Wasser",
erläuterte schließlich Pit Schultz (DE) von "Seine Qualität
wird durch gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen beeinflusst!"
"Archive müssen als Treibstoff für die Wissensgesellschaft angesehen
werden!" Dass der freie Fluss von Information nicht zuletzt an der
Verfügbarkeit von Archivmaterialien zu messen ist, stand am Freitag im
Mittelpunkt der Beiträge der BBC-Mitarbeiterin Paula Le Dieu (UK) sowie
von Brewster Kahle (US). "Der allgemeine Zugang zum gesamten
menschlichen Wissen ist in unserer Reichweite", betonte der Gründer des
Internet Archive (IA).
Die rege Teilnahme des Publikums hat maßgeblich zum wechselseitigen
Austausch an Know-how und Praxiserfahrungen beigetragen, die auch
ermutigend waren. "Das vielbeachtete Telestreet-Projekt", so zeigte sich
der italienische Medienaktivist Marco Deseriis optimistisch, "hat
bereits bewiesen, dass wir das Ghettodasein hinter uns lassen können."
"Mit FREE BITFLOWS wollten wir ins Bewusstsein rufen, dass die
'semiotische Demokratie'auf dem Spiel steht", erklärten die beiden
Gastgeber Felix Stalder und Konrad Becker zum Abschluss der Konferenz.
"Schlussfolgerung der zwei Tage muss daher sein, dass sich mit der Frage
des freien Flusses der Information eine entscheidende politische
Dimension verbindet. Nur wenn alle Menschen Kultur frei schaffen und
teilen können, lassen sich neue und unabhängige Inhalte im Kontext einer
Maschinerie des Mainstream und der Massenunterhaltung etablieren."|---
| FREE BITFLOWS Presseinformationen
| FREE BITFLOWS Ausstellung noch bis 17. Juni 2004
| Rückfragen:
| Public Netbase
| Institut für Neue Kulturtechnologien/t0
| Zwischenquartier Burggasse 21
| A-1070 Wien
| Tel. +43 (1) 522 18 34
| Fax. +43 (1) 522 50 58


07 [gipfelsoli] Genua -- Genf
von: <gipfelsoli-l (at)>
Gipfelinfo - Meldungen über globalisierte Solidarität
und die Proteste gegen unsolidarische Globalisierung
Niente di archivare - Auf nach Genua!
Kundgebung gegen die Repression im Rahmen der Gipfelproteste in Genua und
Am 26. Juni ist der Auftakt der Verhandlungen gegen 73 Angehörige der
italienischen Polizeikräfte. Sie sind, neben Hunderten anderen Mitgliedern
Polizei, Carabinieri sowie
PolitikerInnen für die Prügelorgien und Mißhandlungen in der Diaz-Schule und
mehreren Polizeikasernen während des G8-Gipfels 2001 in Genua
Damals hatten Hunderttausende gegen den Gipfel protestiert. Italienische
AnwältInnen haben für die Anklage intensiv recherchiert und Dutzende
und ZeugInnen der Polizeigewalt befragt.
Viele der damals Verprügelten und Inhaftierten werden zum Prozessauftakt
Genua fahren.
Seit März 2004 laufen Verfahren gegen 26 italienische AktivistInnen, denen
"Plünderung und Verwüstung" vorgeworfen wird. Sie müssen mit sehr hohen
rechnen. Weitere Verfahren, auch gegen ausländische DemonstrantInnen, sind
Am 28. Juni ist der Prozess gegen drei AktivistInnen im Zusammenhang mit den
Protesten gegen den G8 2003 in Genf. Die drei hatten sich von einer Brücke
abgeseilt um eine Autobahn zu blockieren. Ein Polizist hatte das Seil
durchschnitten, woraufhin einer der Beteiligten schwer verletzt wurde.
Solidarität mit den weltweiten Gipfelprotesten!
Dienstag, 22. Juni, 16.00 Uhr
Hackescher Markt--------------------------------------------------------------------------
gipfelsoli infogruppe
Die AutorInnen der Beiträge, so sie nicht von uns verfasst sind, sind
mit eckigen Klammern versehen. Wir können leider keine Verantwortung
für die Richtigkeit der Beiträge übernehmen. Auch geben die Beiträge
nicht zwangsläufig unsere Meinung wieder.
Kontakt, Kritik, Beiträge: gipfelsoli (at)
gipfelsoli mailinglist subscribe - unsubscribe

08 [gipfelsoli] Istanbul -- Guadalajara
von: <gipfelsoli-l (at)>
Gipfelinfo - Meldungen über globalisierte Solidarität
und die Proteste gegen unsolidarische Globalisierung
- Die Nato trifft sich in Istanbul ñ der Widerstand auch in Berlin!!!
- Heute: weltweiter Aktionstag wegen Repression in Guadalajara [vom 4.6.
- Adressen
Die Nato trifft sich in Istanbul ñ der Widerstand auch in Berlin!!!
Informations ñ und Vorbereitungstreffen zum Natogipfel in Istanbul und den
internationalen Protesten - auch in Berlin!!!

Mittwoch, der 09.06. 18.30 Uhr, im Cafe der Offenen Uni Berlin
(Humboldtuniversität), im ehemaligen Seminargebäude am Hegelplatz,
24/ hinter dem Hauptgebäude der HU (Raum 102)
Am 28. und 29. Juni trifft sich die NATO in Istanbul. Es soll bei dem
Treffen um
eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Nato und den Staaten des Nahen Ostens
Der langjährige Natopartner Türkei genießt eine Vorzugsbeziehung in der
Anlässlich des Natogipfels rufen AntimilitaristInnen und
GlobalisierungsgegnerInnen aus der Türkei und dem Ausland zu Protesten auf.
Viele Menschen wollen auf den Straßen Istanbuls ihren Widerstand gegen die
Natokriegspolitik auf die Straße tragen. Die türkische Regierung und das
immer mächtige Militärs versuchen schon seit Monaten die NatokritikerInnen
kriminalisieren und die Nähe des Terrorismus zu rücken.
Während des Natogipfels wird eine starke Repression gegen die Opposition
befürchtet. Denn die blutige Repression, die während des G7-Gipfels in Genua
weltweite Empörung auslöste, ist in der Türkei Alltag gegen jede Form der
Opposition. Darüber können auch die aktuellen kosmetischen Reformen, die im
türkischen Staatsapparat vollzogen werden, wenig ändern.
Der beste Schutz für die NatogegnerInnen in der Türkei ist die
Solidarität. Schon am 26. Juni wird es in verschiedenen europäischen
Demonstrationen gegen den Natogipfel geben, so auch in Berlin.
Wir wollen die Ereignisse in Istanbul während des Natogipfels genau
und auch in Berlin auf die Straße gehen, wenn die Opposition in der Türkei
kriminalisiert und niedergeknüppelt werden sollte.
Wir wollen auf dem Vorbereitungstreffen über den Natogipfel informieren und
geplanten Protestaktionen vorstellen. Es besteht sowohl die Möglichkeit nach
Istanbul zu fahren und sich dort an den Protesten zu beteiligen als auch an
Protesten und Solidaritätsaktionen in Berlin teilzunehmen.
[Vorbereitungsgruppe Resistanbul2004]

Heute: weltweiter Aktionstag wegen Repression in Guadalajara [vom 4.6. 2004]
Heute finden weltweit Proteste gegen die Repression während des
EU-Lateinamerika-Gipfels im mexikanischen Guadalajara in der letzten Woche
statt. Auch nach dem Ende des Gipfels kam es zu weiteren Verhaftungen...
Vergangene Woche fand im mexikanischen Guadalajara ein Gipfel der EU- und
lateinamerikanischen Regierungschefs statt. Dabei ging es vor allem um die
Öffnung Lateinamerikas für die europäische Wirtschaft. Viele tausend
demonstrierten gegen die Politik, die sich in diesem Gipfel repräsentierte.
Proteste wurden von einem riesigen Polizeiaufgebot brutal angegriffen,
agent provocateurs für die nötige Stimmung gesorgt hatten. Während drinnen
öffentlichkeitswirksam die Folter im Irak angeprangert wurde, wurden in den
Straßen von Guadalajara Demonstranten gejagt und misshandelt, mehr als 100
wurden verhaftet, einige sind "verschwunden", es gab Berichte von Folter.
dazu (+Fotos) in den im Mittelspalten-Feature verlinkten Berichte.
Seit dem Ende des Gipfels gibt es weltweit Proteste gegen die Repression. In
Guadalajara gab es während Protestkundgebungen noch mehr Repression, weitere
Verhaftungen (Fotos). Heute ist ein weltweiter Aktionstag gegen die
Reaktion auf die Proteste in Guadalajara. Ausser in Deutschland werden
Proteste und Aktionen stattfinden.
Nun eine Übersetzung von
Update Mittwoch, 2.Juni: Mehr Verhaftungen. Mindestens 3 weitere
wurden im Laufe der letzten Stunden bestätigt. Diese ereigneten sich während
eines friedlichen Protests, der um 16.00 Ortszeit auf dem Plaza Governmental
Guadalajara begann. Kurz nach den ersten Berichten über die Verhaftungen
erschien ein Polizei-Truck vor dem Independet Media Center, blockierte den
Verkehr und verhörte Umstehende. Unbestätigten Berichten zufolge hat die
Order, Indymedia-Freiwillige zu verhaften....
Update, Donnerstag, 3.4.: Berichten der Zeitung La Jornada zufolge
scheint es, daß weitere 7 Aktivisten verhaftet worden seien. Die genaue Zahl
aber unklar.
[, von einige von vielen - 04.06.2004 13:18 ]

Hier ein paar Adressen, an die sich mensch direkt wenden kann. Es gibt einen
Aufruf, in dem klare Forderungen geäussert werden. Zu finden unter:
die Forderungen in Kurzform (können euren Protestmail mit angehangen werden)
"Aufgrund der oben aufgeführten Punkte fordern wir:
ERSTENS - Die unverzügliche und bedingungslose Freilassung aller verhafteten
Personen und die Annullierung aller Anklagen gegen sie.
ZWEITENS - Die Veröffentlichung einer vollständigen Liste der Namen der
verhafteten Personen.
DRITTENS - Das unverzügliche Einstellen aller Anfeindungen gegen die
Verhafteten, ihre Familienangehörigen und derjenigen, die bereits
VIERTENS - Die Garantie der physischen Unversehrtheit aller Gefangener und
unverzügliche Einstellen aller Folterungen, denen sie ausgesetzt waren oder
FÜNFTENS - Wir, die Organisationen und die Familien und Angehörigen der
Verhafteten machen den Presidenten der Vereinigten Mexikanischen Staaten,
Vicente Fox Quesada und den Gouverneur des Bundestaates Jalisco, Francisco
Ramírez Acuña, direkt für die Leben und die körperliche Unversehrtheit der
Verhafteten und ihrer Angehörigen seitens der repressiven Polizeikräfte
SECHSTENS - Die Zulassung von Anwälten zur Verteidigung der Angeklagten."
Und hier die Adressen:
Botschafter Jorge Castro-Valle Kuehne
Tel: 030 - 269323 0
Fax: 030 - 269323 325
e-mail: mail (at)
Klingelhöferstr. 3
10785 Berlin
Montag bis Freitag 9:00 - 13:00
Mexikanische Botschaft in der Schweiz
Bernastr. 57
3005 Bern
Tel (031) 357 47 47
Fax (031) 357 47 48
e-mail: embamex1 (at)
wieter Konsulate etc. finden sich unter:
Den Aktivisten in Mexiko fehlt dass Geld für die Anwälte und die
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, um die 44 noch immer festgehaltenen Demonstranten.
bitten deshalb um eine kleine Spende unter
[, anarcho 04.06.2004 15:21]

gipfelsoli infogruppe
Die AutorInnen der Beiträge, so sie nicht von uns verfasst sind, sind
mit eckigen Klammern versehen. Wir können leider keine Verantwortung
für die Richtigkeit der Beiträge übernehmen. Auch geben die Beiträge
nicht zwangsläufig unsere Meinung wieder.
Kontakt, Kritik, Beiträge: gipfelsoli (at)
gipfelsoli mailinglist subscribe - unsubscribe

09 reagan's first
von: <heinz (at)>
Reagan's Firsts:
1.First to turn America into a DEBTOR nation. 2. First to increase
DEBT faster than growth of national income 3. First to increase DEBT
faster than growth of G.D.P.. 4. First to double the DEFICIT 5. First
to ìalmostî: triple the national DEBT 6. First to increase SPENDING by
80% in only 8 years. 7. First to SPEND more in eight years than was
spent in prior 50 years. 8. First to have ìrealî INTEREST RATES of 8%
after averaging 1% over past 35 years. 9. First to keep PRIME INTEREST
RATES at 20% 10.First to over value the yen to the DOLLAR at rate of
262 to 1. 11.First to have served as Governor and increase STATE
high as 163 13. First to CUT TAXES by 60% for his rich pals 14. First
to allow the SAVINGS AND LOAN INDUSTRY to be raided after signing a
deregulatory bill and proclaiming ìI think we have hit the jackpotî.
Come and get it the vaults are unguarded. 15. First to deal with
TERRORISTS 16. First to send an AUTOGRAPHED BIBLE to a man he called
ìThe Satan of Terroristsî. 17. First to have an ADMIRAL plead the
Fifth Amendment. 18. First to have a stealing, lying, gutless wife
abusing MARINE LT. COLONEL plead the Fifth Amendment. 19. First to
have a ìsittingî CABINET MEMBER INDICTED 20. First to have an
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE SENT TO PRISON. 22. First to have over 100
more members of his administration charged with crimes than CUMULATIVE
TOTAL OF ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS in the twentieth century 24. First to
set a record for the LARGEST ONE DAY PERCENTAGE DECLINE in the DOW in
history. 10-19-87 25. First to have over $10,000,000 INCREASE IN
WEALTH from serving for 8 years as president. 26. First to testify
îunder oathî 130 times that îI DONíT REMEMBERî . 27. First to have an
Admiral with a photographic memory testify 128 times ì I DONíT
REMEMBERî. 28. First to undergo BRAIN SURGERY a few months after
leaving office. No pain no gain. 29. First to, repeatedly, FALSIFY HIS
WIFEíS AGE. As tho anyone cared. 30. First to promote his religious
faith and never have an ACTIVE CHURCH MEMBERSHIP. 31. First to never
use the term JESUS CHRIST in speeches. 32. First to seek GUIDANCE FROM
THE STARS not form God 33. First to have had a SHOTGUN WEDDING. 34.
First to have worked as a SHILL in Las Vegas. 35. First to call a
Stealing, Lying, Psychotic, wife abusing Marine a ìLIAR. 36. First to
have been OPENLY ALIENATED from his children. 37. First To have served
with ALZHIMERS 38. First to have UNEMPLOYMENT AT 10.8% Since great
depression. Dubya has beaten this. 39. First to attack a small
unprotected nation with 88,000 inhabitants and 10,000 bb guns then
PROCLAIM -ìAmerica stands tall againîó ìwe have whipped the Vietnam
Syndromeî-we have defeated communismî. Gosh! What if we had whipped
Cyprus?. 40. #1-in FARM FORECLOSURES 41. #1-In BANK FAILURES 42. #1-In
SAVINGS AND LOAN FAILURES 43. #1-In Percent increase in PERSONAL
BANKRUPTCIES 44. #1-In recorded MISSTATEMENTS 45. #1-In never having a
single press conference in which he did not make at least one or more
INCORRECT STATEMENTS. 46. #1-In needing a staff person standby during
press conferences to tell the press ìWHAT HE REALLY MEANTî. 47. #1-In
having SERVICEMEN KILLED during peacetime. 48. #1-In largest DROP IN
POPULARITY in one week. 49. #1-In being first to HONOR NAZI STORM
TROOPERS by calling themî Innocent Victimsî 50. #1-In being first to
be labeled ìBRAIN DEAD AFFABLE DUNCEí by this writer. 51. First to
lie-over and over-to reporters ìI DO NOT DYE MY HAIR my barber uses a
special shampooî 52. First to have a wife who îforcedî him to WEAR
THREE SUITS in one day 53. First to boast ìNot bad for a DUMB GUY who
worked only 20 hours per weekî. 54. First to have his wife sit nearby
and WHISPER ANSWERS to questions 55. First to FALL ASLEEP while the
Pope spoke 56. First to invite the Pope to visit the White House and
ìBRING THE WIFE AND KIDSî 57. First to have his press secretary remove
him from the microphone because he could not answer questions. Then,
as the reporter yelled out ìanswer my questionî he replied ìMY
HANDLERS WONíT LET ME SPEAKî. Quick get the white coat. 58. First 20th
Century president to have historians RATE HIM BELOW every president of
the 20th except for Richard Nixon. 1994 Poll. 59. First to give us a
First Lady with a past reputation for giving the BEST BJ in Hollywood.
60. First to suggest his eldest son undergo PSYCHIATRIC examination
61. First to have been voted in British polls (twice) as the îMOST
FEARED LEADER IN THE WORLDî 62. First to serve as Governor on a
îconservativeî platform and INCREASE SPENDING BY 112 Billion 63. First
Governor TO INCREASE personal income taxes by 60% 64. First to have a
Special Assistant say on national TV ìsometimes you had to HIT HIM ON
THE HEAD with a 2 x 4 to get his attentionî 65. First to have his
official biographer state on national TV ëAfter he was shot in 1981he
GOT SLOWER AND SLOWER EACH YEAR. His speech got slower. He deliberated
more and he hesitated more when he spoke. He lost his physical
quickness and would not make decisions on the spot. It was a very,
very slow and steady mental and physical declineî. 66. First to have a
POPULARITY RATING OF ONLY 35% after his first two years in office. 67.
First president to have been DIVORCED 68. First president to have the
Geriatrics Department of a major university study his behavior and

10 BSV: Wo bleiben die Reformen?
von: <bsv (at)>
Pressemeldung der BundesschülerInnenvertretung
4.Juni, 2004
BSV: Wo bleiben die Reformen?
Die Vorschläge der Zukunftskommission bezüglich Sitzenbleiben wurden
wiedereinmal abgelehnt. Stattdessen sollen Schulen zu Firmen im Sinne des
Managements umgebaut werden.

"Bildungsministerin Gehrer hat die Zukunftskommission anscheinend nur
benutzt um die Schulen weiter in die Fänge der Privatwirtschaft zu
treiben, nicht aber um das Schulsystem zu reformieren.", kritisiert
Bundesschulsprecherin Romana Brait, den Willen der Bildungsministerin
Bildungsstandards und Manager-DirektorInnen einführen zu wollen. Für sie
ist dies ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung Schulen in Firmen umwandeln zu
wollen und zu privatisieren. "Gehrer strebt anscheinend an, dass diese
Manager-DirektorInnen, das notwendige Geld für die Schulen selbst
beschaffen müssen und sich der Staat wieder einmal seiner Verantwortung
entzieht. " befürchtet Brait.
Durch die vielen Kürzungen im Bildungsbereich werden die Schulen immer
mehr vom Sponsoring durch die Privatwirtschaft abhängig. "Dies wird
anscheinend vom Bildungsministerium auch noch gefördert!", empört sich
Österreichs höchste SchülerInnenvertreterin über die von Gehrer
gewünschten Maßnahmen. Die BundesschülerInnenvertretung sieht ein Problem
des Schulsponsorings vor allem in regionalen Disparitäten. "Ländliche
Schulen sind für Firmen aufgrund ihrer geringeren Größe oft uninteressant,
diese Schulen werden im Kampf um Gelder in der Privatwirtschaft
untergehen!", erklärt Brait.
Die Bundesschulsprecherin wünscht sich Reformen im Sinne der SchülerInnen.
Statt den Bildungsstandards schlägt die BundesschülerInnenvertretung das
Modell des Klassenrats vor, in dem SchülerInnen und LehrerInnen sich
gemeinsam auf Unterrichtsstoff, Unterrichtsmethodik und Prüfungsmethodik
einigen: "So würde nicht nur die Unterrichtsqualität gefördert werden,
sondern auch Demokratie in der Schule gewährleistet sein!" Die
BundesschülerInnenvertretung ist überzeugt davon, dass wenn SchülerInnen
mitbestimmen was sie gerne lernen möchten, sie dies auch lieber und besser
lernen werden.
Bei der Debatte bezüglich des Sitzenbleibens zeigt sich
Bundesschulsprecherin Brait sichtlich enttäuscht: "Gehrer konnte wieder
einmal nicht über ihren eingefrorenen Schatten springen und ehrlich
diskutieren!" Brait bezieht sich auf die erschreckende Zahl von fast 50
000 RepetentInnen im letzten Schuljahr und fordert die Bildungsministerin
auf zu handeln:
" Sitzenbleiben und Ziffernoten sollten durch differenzierte verbale
Beurteilung und Projektunterricht ersetzt werden.", schlägt die
Bundesschulsprecherin vor.

Rückfragehinweis: Romana Brait 0699/11975592

11 von der volksverhetzung des haider nicht weit
entfernt ist bischof laun
von: <selbstbestimmungsrechtderfrau (at)>

Die demographische Vergreisung Europas und der Islam.
Eine Analyse von Weihbischof Andreas Laun (Salzburg): Ursache der
demographischen Katastrophe ist die schon lange andauernde
liberal-atheistische Politik in ganz Europa.
nachzulesen ist dieses machwerk in vollem Wortlaut im Fundionlinezine unter:
Kaum das Krenn auf "Kusch" gestellt zu sein scheint, tritt Laun, der
Frauenfeind und Kriegsbefürworter auf den Plan und hetzt im
radikalfundamentalistischen privaten Katholenonlinewebzine gegen den Islam!
Schauplatz: die weiblichen Ressourcen, die doch nun dramatisch eingefordert
werden. "Wenn in Europa nicht sehr bald eine radikale Änderung kommt, wird
es weiter vergreisen. Greise sterben." sorgt sich der rechtslastige Bischof
aus Salzburg - die radikale Änderung ist im Klartext:
keine Sexualaufklärung für Kids und Jugendliche in der Öffentlichkeit,
sprich schule.
keine Verhütungsmittel, denn die führen nur zum (außerehelichen)
Geschlechtsverkehr und damit in dieser "kultur des todes" direkt in die
"Ursache der demographischen Katastrophe ist die schon lange andauernde
liberal-atheistische Politik in ganz Europa." Behauptet der "Menschenfreund"
Laun. Deshalb müssen die Leute wieder unter das Diktat des Vatikan.
Freiwillig werden sie sich dort aber nicht hinbugsieren lassen!
Ist also Bischof Laun ein Verfassungsfeind? Oder wird das
Rosenkranzsturmbeten dazu führen, dass die Leute ihren Hausverstand, ihre
Sexualität, wie heterroristisch sie auch immer sein mag, an der
Vatikangarderobe abgeben?
Was tun? Das Kräfteverhältnis ändern. Durch Kinder!
Pervers, der Mann. Er sagt Kinder und meint in erster Linie schwangere
Bäuche von ferngesteuerten Frauen, die dem Vatikan dienen!
Behaltet diese Kleriker im Auge - diese Leute sind gefährlich, weil sie
nicht nur solche komischen Artikel schreiben,
sondern ganz konkret z.B. vor Abtreibungskliniken sogenannte Vigils
gestalten. Wir sagen dazu: Vatikandemonstrationen. Und diese Dauerdemos
gegen säkulares Recht arten in Terror gegen Frauen, Klinikpersonal und Ärzte
aus. Mit dem Ziel den Gebärzwang für weibliche Wesen zwischen 10 und 58
Jahren wiedereinzuführen.
frauen, wehret der Fortsetzung!
Aktionskomitee für das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Frau
Selbstbestimmungsrechtderfrau (at)
detailierte Infos zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch in Österreich auch auf:
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Aktionskomitee für das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Frau
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detailierte Infos zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch in Österreich auch auf:

12 MORE... THIS & THAT....
von: <abe (at)>

Another Innocent Man Released!
Tajikistan: Stepping towards abolition!
Federal Execution is STAYED
Catholic Consistency....
CACP Newsletter on-line
Support New Hope House
NCADP Seeks Nominations
Gallup Poll - best one yet for alternative support
NJ group makes strategic adjustment
Renny in Japan
AMA House of Delegates - Time to see the doctor!

Gordon Steidl was freed from an Illinois prison May 28th, 2004, 17 years
after he was wrongly convicted and sentenced to die for a 1986 dual
murder. Steidl was granted a new sentencing hearing in 1999, resulting in
a sentence of life without parole. Federal judge Michael McCuskey
overturned Steidl's conviction in 2003 and ordered a new trial. The state
reinvestigated the case, testing DNA evidence, and found no link to
Steidl. The prosecution elected to drop all charges and Steidl became the
114th person exonerated from death row. (Chicago Tribune, May 27,

June 3
Tajikistan: Parliament Follows Regional Trend By Adopting Moratorium On
Death Penalty----Tajikistan's lower house of parliament yesterday adopted
a moratorium on the death penalty. The move is part of a broader trend in
Central Asia toward the abolition of the death penalty. The Tajik
moratorium leaves Uzbekistan as the only republic in the region that
continues to carry out executions.

Tajikistan's lower house of parliament unanimously adopted yesterday a
moratorium on the death penalty. The Majlisi Namoyandagon set no end date
for the moratorium, which is to take effect immediately after becoming
law. Once that happens, the stiffest penalty in the Tajik Penal Code will
be 25 years in prison.
The moratorium must still be approved by the upper house of parliament.
This step, however is largely considered a formality. President Imomali
Rakhmonov, who proposed the moratorium in April, must then sign it into
Rakhmonov's representative in parliament, Shermahmad Shoev, said Tajik
courts are already abiding by the moratorium. "Keeping in mind the
experience of most of the countries in the world that have abolished or
suspended this kind of punishment, Tajikistan has also chosen this path,"
Shoev said. "In Tajikistan, the death sentence will be not carried out
anymore and this kind of punishment has been already suspended [in the
Last year, Tajikistan reduced the scope of the death penalty by decreasing
the number of crimes punishable by death from 15 to five and revoking its
use against women and minors. "There has been quite a lot of political
pressure on the Central Asian states in this regard, particularly from the
European Union, which meant the abolishment of the death penalty as one of
the main elements of its foreign policy in relations with third
countries." -- Crawford of the OSCE.
The London-based human rights watchdog Amnesty International last year
recorded 34 death sentences in Tajikistan. But as in the other Central
Asian republics, authorities have not disclosed comprehensive statistics
on the issue.
Anna Crawford is a Warsaw-based human rights officer for the Organization
for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), of which all five Central
Asian states are members. She told RFE/RL that the Tajik move is part of a
broader trend in Central Asia and the OSCE region.
"The move of Tajikistan is part a wider trend within the OSCE region. Over
the past years we've gradually seen the OSCE states introducing
moratoriums and moving to full abolition of the death penalty. There are
55 participating states in the OSCE region. And following this move of
Tajikistan there are now only three states that carry out executions in
the OSCE region: Belarus, the United States of America, and Uzbekistan,"
Crawford said.
Turkmenistan abolished the death penalty outright in December 1999. The
maximum penalty is now life imprisonment. Both the Kyrgyz and Kazakh
presidents have said their countries will also abolish the death penalty
in the near future. In the meantime, Kyrgyz President Askar Akaev has
extended the moratorium on executions each year since 1998. In December,
Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev ordered a moratorium on executions
and a review of all pending death sentences for people on death row.
Amendments and addenda are being made to the country's legislation to
reduce the scope of death sentences.
Crawford said pressure from the international community has helped the
introduction of the moratoriums in the region. "There has been quite a lot
of political pressure on the Central Asian states in this regard,
particularly from the European Union, which meant the abolishment of the
death penalty as one of the main elements of its foreign policy in
relations with third countries," she said. "Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, the
former [OSCE] chairman in office, when he traveled to Central Asia [last
year] also called for a moratorium on executions."
Concerns remain about Uzbekistan. A UN special rapporteur on torture,
following a visit to the country in late 2002, strongly urged the
government to introduce a moratorium on executions. The Uzbek parliament
in December approved a bill specifying death-penalty verdicts could be
handed down only in cases of terrorism and premeditated murder with
aggravating circumstances.
But Anna Sunder-Plassmann, a researcher on Central Asia at Amnesty
International, expresses concerns about the country's commitment to reduce
the scope of death sentences and executions. "In Uzbekistan there have
been moves in recent years to reduce the number of offenses in the
Criminal Code that carry the death penalty," she told RFE/RL. "But it is
not possible to verify whether this has led to any changes on the ground,
because of the articles that were dropped, many of them hadn't been in use
for years."
Some local NGOs say Uzbek authorities execute at least 200 people every
year. Tashkent has not issued any formal statistics on the issue.
(source: Radio Free Europe)

At 7:43 pm this evening, Suzanne Carter reports:
Just received news that David Paul Hammer, scheduled for Federal execution
June 8, has been granted a stay to resume his appeals.
This was confirmed for me by an AP reporter who spoke with his attorney.
SO....all actions surrounding this execution are joyfully canceled, with
the exception of the planting of a lilac bush. This can now be planted as
a symbol of hope rather than a memorial.
peace and justice,
Suzanne Carter, co-coordinator
Terre Haute Abolition Network

The Cincinnati Enquirer asked local Catholics for their opinions on their
faith and their politics. Here are some of their responses:
Pam Heydt, Wyoming, 55, social worker, Wyoming, St. Martin de Porres:
I plan to vote for John Kerry because I agree with his political vision more
than I do with George Bush's. I didn't know Kerry was Catholic until the
bishop in St. Louis effectively excommunicated him from the diocese. Mind
you, he didn't have an abortion, or do an abortion (as far as I know); he
just thinks it shouldn't be illegal in every circumstance. Since the
bishop didn't give him extra points for opposing the invasion of Iraq, and
didn't bring up his stand on capital punishment, I see the excommunication
as a partisan abuse of power and despise it. I'm reminded that Paul said
that nothing could separate us from God's love. I'm reminded that Jesus
brought tax collectors and sinners to his table. I remember that Jesus
directed the one without sin to cast the first stone. And, God knows, I do
and say enough wrong-headed things that I shouldn't shake my finger too
hard at the bishop.
It still makes me angry, though, to see the singular intensity with which
Catholics have attacked the abortion issue. If there were half as many
anti-capital-punishment demonstrators as there are anti-abortion
demonstrators, or even a quarter, I might say that the church has a
political voice. If I claimed the right to get in the face of a pro-war
congress person in the name of the church, or if I ever heard of anyone
being excommunicated for giving a death sentence, or injecting the poison,
then I would think that the church has a political voice. [...]
Paul Hendrick, 67, retired St. Xavier High School English teacher,
Clifton, Annunciation Church:
I am very concerned about the stand some bishops have taken suggesting
that communion be denied to politicians - even to voters who support
politicians - who believe a woman has a right to choose an abortion. To
me, the church stands for much more than an anti-abortion position. If the
church hierarchy is to begin judging politicians and voters on their
political beliefs, then they should be looking also at this terrible war
in Iraq and its civilian casualties, at capital punishment, at our
treatment of the poor and the powerless in American society, etc.
My wife and I feel strongly enough about this issue that we see ourselves
as possibly being separated from the sacraments. We are grateful that our
local bishop has not taken a stand that would force us to leave the church
or to remain silently in the pews when others are going to Communion. [...]
Donna Eby, 45, design firm owner, Anderson Township, Guardian Angels
I have been very irritated with the church concerning politics for a
All year long the teachings are about helping the poor, doing good acts,
and looking out for those with no real voice like the homeless, etc. But
that goes out the window the week of elections when the only issue is
pro-life. Now I understand that is a dividing and important issue in our
church and our country but it cannot be the only issue we base our vote
What about politicians that push the agenda of profits only - who cut the
programs for the most needy - who allow jobs to go overseas - who
discriminate against women, those of color? What about the environment
that God created for us to protect and take care of for the future? What
about allowing corporate greed and behind the scenes corruption that is
accepted if you are lobbyist or PAC? What about the death penalty? What
about the working poor? What about schools that are falling down among the
kids? [....]
Abe's note: There were more, and they all wrote more. I just thought it
very cool that there was a consistent mention of the death penalty. I have
written to my friends at the Florida Catholic Conference, asking for equal
time on the death penalty if any of the Florida Bishops decide to deny
communion to Florida politicians who don't follow other church teachings
on Life issues....

And speaking of our Catholic friends, Frank and Ellen at Catholics Against
Capital Punishment report:
CACP's latest newsletter (May 26, 2004 issue) is now online, at
<<>>. Among its major stories:

New Hope House is an organization in Georgia that provides support to the
families of people facing the death penalty both at trial, and once they
are on death row. Physically, New Hope House is just a few miles from
Georgia's death row. It's a place that families can stay at, or leave the
kids when they go to visit loved ones on death row. It is a place to
retreat to when a loved one is being killed. New Hope House staff also
attend capital trials, sitting with the families of those on trial, and
supporting the legal team when appropriate - most often just with the gift
of presence. It is very important work, and done on a shoestring. New
Hope House is run by friends and CUADP supporters Ed and Mary Ruth Weir.
I was shocked and saddened to learn that Mary Ruth was in a terrible car
accident a few months ago. She's still recovering, but the car was
totalled. When I read that they were still in need of a car worthy of
making trips throughout Georgia, I called Ed and offered CUADP's back-up
vehicle, the 1994 Chrysler Concord that has served CUADP well but is now
not needed because of the minivan and rolling billboard recently
acquired. While the air conditioning is still in need of repair, the
Concord is otherwise quite road-worthy, and a very smooth ride. BUT, it
does need some routine maintenance - in particular, a tune up, fuel
injector service, and there was something else that I can't recall at the
moment. The estimate I got at Firestone was about $600 to take care of
Ed said they were interested in taking the car, but I don't want to give it
to them without first getting these few items taken care of. IF YOU would
contribute toward fixing up the old Abolition Mobile so it can be ready to
roll in its next mission, PLEASE visit and make sure to note in
the comments section that your gift is for the NEW HOPE HOUSE
vehicle.... Thanks!

The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty currently is seeking
nominees for its 2004 Awards Banquet. The Awards Banquet each year is held
in conjunction with NCADP's annual conference. "NCADP 2004" is scheduled
for Oct. 14-17 at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C.
Each year, NCADP honors those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding
dedication and effectiveness in their fight to abolish the death penalty.
NCADP is currently seeking nominations for the following categories:
Community Service Award
Legal Service Award
Youth Activism Award
Public Service Award
Abolitionist of the Year
Lifetime Achievement Award
If you wish to submit a nomination, please send us the name of the nominee,
the category for which you are nominating her or him, and a brief paragraph
on why they deserve the award. All nominations need to be entered by June
23, 2004. You may submit nominations to conference2004 (at) or mail
them to
Conference Awards
920 Pennsylvania Ave., S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
For more information on "NCADP 2004," please visit

Public Divided Between Death Penalty and Life Imprisonment Without Parole
Large majority supports death penalty if no alternative is specified
To view the entire polling report, go to:
Abe's Note: This appears to be the lowest level of support for the death
penalty reported by Gallup in recent history. That is for national
polling. Most state polls actually show even less support for the death
penalty when an alternative is offered as part of the questioning. See
more interpretation at

In a vote taken last night (6/2/04), New Jerseyans for a Death Penalty
Moratorium decided to change its name to....
New Jerseyans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty.
This was done in preparation for a major campaign the group is undertaking
to work not just for a moratorium, but for outright ABOLITION. They've got
a plan to abolish the death penalty via the NJ legislature in the 2005
session, and it looks like they have a very good chance of success! In
considering the new name, the group decided they wanted to assume a
positive stance - to be FOR something rather than AGAINST. As part of its
deliberations, the group considered information provided by CUADP which
will be shared in a future message - I need to update it and work it up as
a stand-alone article. In any case, as with the other groups using the
name "... For Alternatives To the Death Penalty," the NJ group maintains
its independence. There is no formal tie between CUADP and NJADP. Just a
concurrence on the strategy of all that can be said in the name of a
Congratulations NJADP - Go Get 'Em!!!!

Renny Cushing, executive director of Murder Victim's Families for
Reconciliation, is (or has been) in Japan. Read about it in A piece which
deals with one of the root fallacies behind the death penalty at

Dr. Groner reports:
Abe: Although a lethal injection moratorium resolution that was presented
to the Ohio State Medical Association was defeated, an Illinois
resolution, which calls on all state medical societies to urge their
states to pass laws forbidding medical professionals from participating in
executions, and remove laws that shield executioners from peer review (ie
paying them in cash and keeping their names secret), will be presented at
the AMA House of Delegates on June 13 in Chicago.
State AMA delegates can usually be found at state medical association
websites. Readers should write to them and ask them to support resolution
203 (below)
Jon Groner
Resolution: 203
Introduced by: Illinois Delegation
Subject: Model State Execution Statutes to Exclude Health Professionals
Referred to: Reference Committee B
(Michael J. Fischer, MD, Chair)Whereas, Since the first widely publicized physician assisted lethal
injection execution took place in Illinois in September 1990, the Illinois
State Medical Society House of Delegates has played an important role in
yearly protesting this unethical involvement of health professionals; and
Whereas, The Illinois State execution statute was the most egregious of
all state execution statutes in that it required physician participation
in lethal injection executions while stating that such participation is
not a violation of the Illinois Medical Practice Act, made the details of
that participation secret, and kept secret the identities of the involved
physicians so that they were "not discoverable in any action of any kind
in any court or before any tribunal, board, agency or person," even
requiring "cash payments" be paid to the physician participants to
preserve this secrecy; and
Whereas, Yearly since 1995 the ISMS has supported legislation correcting
this profound aberration of state government requirement and shielding
from appropriate professional censure and has led a protesting coalition
of professional associations, including the American Medical Association,
World Medical Association, Illinois Nurses Association, American Nurses
Association, Illinois Pharmacists Association, and American College of
Physicians; and
Whereas, Legislation (HB 1487/SB 0277) formally excluding health
professionals from the state execution statute and correcting the
shielding of unprofessional conduct from peer review was unanimously
passed by the Illinois House and near unanimously passed by the Illinois
Senate in spring 2003 and was signed into law by the Governor of Illinois
in July 2003; and
Whereas, This legislation is a model for reform of other state and federal
government execution statutes involving physicians in professionally
unethical conduct; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association advise other state medical
societies to review their state execution statutes to ensure that
professionally unethical involvement in state executions is not required
or shielded from professional peer review (Directive to Take Action); and
be it further
RESOLVED, That our AMA insist that the federal government assure United
States physicians that professionally unethical conduct in federal
executions is not required or shielded from professional peer review
(Directive to Take Action); and be it further
RESOLVED, That our AMA encourage all other state medical societies to join
with it, and contact the National Conference on State Legislatures to
present Illinois HB 1487/SB 0277 as a model for state execution statutes.
(Directive to Take Action)

Fiscal Note: Implement accordingly at estimated staff cost of $12,695.
Received: 5/5/04

Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director, CUADP
<abe (at)>
"I tell people the hell with charity, the only
thing you'll get is what you're strong enough to get."
"It becomes a contest of power: those who have
money and those who have people. We have nothing but people."
-- Saul Alinsky (both)_______________________________________________
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13 IRAQ: Shelter in north helps vulnerable women
von: <wadi_wien (at)>
IRAQ: Shelter in north helps vulnerable women
SULAIYMANIYAH, 3 June (IRIN) - "In Middle Eastern societies, women are
always in the wrong," said Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, founder of German
NGO, Wadi.
To see just how many forms that can take, visit the Nawa Centre, opened by
Wadi in December 1999 in the northern city of Sulaimaniyah and now run by
the local Kurdish authorities.
Set up to provide shelter and counselling to homeless and battered women,
the first of its kind in the Middle East outside Palestine, Nawa has
harboured over 600 women in four years. The stories of today's 20 inmates
sound like a compendium of the region's woes.
One old woman, an amnesiac, was kicked out by her family when she began to
go senile. A girl from Pencwin on Iraq's Iranian border fled her village to
avoid a marriage contracted when she was too young to speak for herself. An
Iranian Kurd, unable to prevent her violent husband from marrying again,
left her two children and fled to Iraq.
And then there is 21-year old Rasha, a native of Saddam Hussein's home town
of Tikrit. She is unlikely ever to be able to return. Frightened by the
increasingly violent role her father was taking in anti-Coalition resistance
there, she fled two months ago, taking her three younger sisters with her.
"He has always been an angry man, and would have preferred to have sons
rather than daughters," she told IRIN in Sulaimaniyah. "But he spiralled out
of control after the Americans captured Saddam. He wept for three days and
vowed he would avenge him. The house filled up with weapons."
Rasha fled first to Kirkuk, two hours west of Sulaimaniyah, where police
officers told her of the existence of Nawa.
"It took us two years to persuade local officials that the centre would not
be immoral," von der Osten-Sacken told IRIN. "Once we had their approval, we
began publicising the shelter as much as possible - appearances on TV and in
newspapers, cooperation with local women's organisations, but also an
information campaign focussing on civil servants in Sulaimaniyah governorate
and beyond."
Officials at the centre admit they are at a loss as how to deal with Rasha.
Yet, despite the variety and often extreme difficulty of the cases it is
faced with, Nawa has a good record of conflict resolution.
Of the 437 women who spent more than seven weeks at the centre between 1999
and February 2003, 228 were reconciled with their families. The centre
helped about 50 others either through divorce or marriage proceedings, or to
find a job. In line with the centre's maxim that women should only stay as
long as they wish, a further 70 simply decided to leave.
"Many of the cases we deal with started off as very simple family
conflicts," Dunia Hamaali Said, who has worked as a counsellor at Nawa for
nearly two years, told IRIN. "They end up in crisis because nobody in the
family knows how to resolve them. If you have the tools, as we do, sorting
things out is often surprisingly easy."
With only limited security, though, Nawa does shy away from potentially more
violent cases, such as women threatened with murder by their relatives for
staining the family honour. Instead, it passes them on to more specialised
shelters in Sulaimaniyah, like the recently-opened Asuda Centre.
The structure is in place, and has survived the transfer of responsibility
to the local authorities, though Wadi staff still feel that improvements
could be made.
"The counselling we offer at the moment is good, but basic," explained von
der Osten-Sacken. "But many of the women at the centre are seriously
traumatised. The ideal would be to have proper psycho-social therapy for
them," he added.

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14 news from america
von: <gerhard.haupler (at)>
Bush's Erratic Behavior Worries White House Aides
By DOUG THOMPSON, Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue
Jun 4, 2004,

President George W. Bush's increasingly erratic behavior and wide mood
swings has the halls of the West Wing buzzing lately as aides privately
express growing concern over their leader's state of mind. In meetings with
top aides and administration officials, the President goes from quoting the
Bible in one breath to obscene tantrums against the media, Democrats and
others that he classifies as "enemies of the state."

Worried White House aides paint a portrait of a man on the edge,
increasingly wary of those who disagree with him and paranoid of a public
that no longer trusts his policies in Iraq or at home. "It reminds me of the
Nixon days," says a longtime GOP political consultant with contacts in the
White House. "Everybody is an enemy; everybody is out to get him. That's the
mood over there."

In interviews with a number of White House staffers who were willing to talk
off the record, a picture of an administration under siege has emerged, led
by a man who declares his decisions to be "God's will" and then tells aides
to "fuck over" anyone they consider to be an opponent of the administration.
"We're at war, there's no doubt about it. What I don't know anymore is just
who the enemy might be," says one troubled White House aide. "We seem to
spend more time trying to destroy John Kerry than al Qaeda and our enemies
list just keeps growing and growing."

Aides say the President gets "hung up on minor details," micromanaging to
the extreme while ignoring the bigger picture. He will spend hours
personally reviewing and approving every attack ad against his Democratic
opponent and then kiss off a meeting on economic issues. "This is what is
killing us on Iraq," one aide says. "We lost focus. The President got hung
up on the weapons of mass destruction and an unproven link to al Qaeda. We
could have found other justifiable reasons for the war but the President
insisted the focus stay on those two, tenuous items."

Aides who raise questions quickly find themselves shut out of access to the
President or other top advisors. Among top officials, Bush's inner circle is
shrinking. Secretary of State Colin Powell has fallen out of favor because
of his growing doubts about the administration's war against Iraq.

The President's abrupt dismissal of CIA Directory George Tenet Wednesday
night is, aides say, an example of how he works. "Tenet wanted to quit last
year but the President got his back up and wouldn't hear of it," says an
aide. "That would have been the opportune time to make a change, not in the
middle of an election campaign but when the director challenged the
President during the meeting Wednesday, the President cut him off by saying
'that's it George. I cannot abide disloyalty. I want your resignation and I
want it now."

Tenet was allowed to resign "voluntarily" and Bush informed his shocked
staff of the decision Thursday morning. One aide says the President actually
described the decision as "God's will." God may also be the reason Attorney
General John Ashcroft, the administration's lightning rod because of his
questionable actions that critics argue threatens freedoms granted by the
Constitution, remains part of the power elite. West Wing staffers call Bush
and Ashcroft "the Blues Brothers" because "they're on a mission from God."
"The Attorney General is tight with the President because of religion," says
one aide. "They both believe any action is justifiable in the name of God."

But the President who says he rules at the behest of God can also
tongue-lash those he perceives as disloyal, calling them "fucking assholes"
in front of other staff, berating one cabinet official in front of others
and labeling anyone who disagrees with him "unpatriotic" or "anti-American."

"The mood here is that we're under siege, there's no doubt about it," says
one troubled aide who admits he is looking for work elsewhere. "In this
administration, you don't have to wear a turban or speak Farsi to be an
enemy of the United States. All you have to do is disagree with the

von: <stefanodincecco (at)>

Elezioni europee 2004
24 maggio 2004 - I cittadini italiani residenti nei Paesi membri dell'Unione
Europea potranno esprimere il loro voto venerdì 11 e sabato 12 Giugno 2004
per i candidati italiani al Parlamento Europeo. Le schede votate dovranno
poi essere trasportate in Italia per il successivo scrutinio che avrà luogo
Domenica 13 giugno, insieme ai voti espressi dai connazionali residenti in
Italia. Gli elettori italiani residenti nell'Unione Europea dovranno recarsi
presso i seggi istituiti dalle rappresentanze diplomatico consolari nei
rispettivi Paesi dell'Unione. Gli elettori iscritti nell'elenco elettorale
riceveranno a casa il certificato elettorale con l'indicazione del seggio
presso il quale sono iscritti a votare. Chi non avesse ricevuto a domicilio
il certificato elettorale entro il 7 Giugno prossimo potrà contattare
l'ufficio consolare per verificare la propria posizione elettorale ai fini
dell'esercizio del voto e richiedere il certificato sostitutivo.
Il voto si esprime tracciando con la matita FORNITA DAL SEGGIO una croce (x)
sul contrassegno di lista. Se l'elettore vuole esprimere anche preferenze
per singoli candidati dovrà indicare il nome e il cognome o solo il cognome
dei candidati preferiti. L'elettore può manifestare, in ogni circoscrizione,
non più di tre preferenze della lista da lui votata. Non sono ammesse
preferenze al di fuori della lista prescelta.
E' vietato votare allo stesso tempo per i candidati italiani e per i
candidati delle liste del Paese di residenza. L'attuale normativa prevede:
"chi in occasione delle elezioni dei membri dei Parlamento Europeo partecipa
al voto per le elezioni dei membri spettanti all'Italia e per le elezioni
dei membri spettanti ad altro Paese della comunità è punito con la
reclusione da 1 a 3 anni e con la multa da lire 100.000 a lire 500.000 (da
convertire in euro)."
Partecipare mediante il proprio voto alle prossime elezioni del Parlamento
Europeo significa esercitare un diritto fondamentale costituzionalmente
garantito. Con il proprio voto, anche i cittadini italiani residenti nei 24
Paesi dell'Unione Europea potranno contribuire al rinnovamento di questo
essenziale organo rappresentativo della volontà dei cittadini dell'Unione
Nota informativa per gli elettori italiani temporaneamente all'estero nei
Paesi UE per motivi di studio o di lavoro
Roma, 18 maggio 2004 - Il Ministero degli Affari Esteri, d'intesa con il
Ministero dell'Interno, informa che gli elettori residenti in Italia che
prevedano di recarsi all'estero nei Paesi membri dell'Unione Europea oppure
che si trovino già in loco per motivi di studio o di lavoro sopraggiunti
successivamente alla data del 25 marzo 2004, nonché gli elettori familiari
con essi conviventi, possono esprimere il voto per le elezioni del
Parlamento Europeo presso le sezioni elettorali appositamente istituite
dalle Rappresentanze Diplomatico-consolari , nei giorni 11 e 12 giugno 2004.
Ai fini dell'esercizio del voto costituzionalmente tutelato, costoro
potranno entro e non oltre il 9 giugno p.v., presentare apposita domanda (
v. modello di domanda <> )
all'Ufficio Consolare competente, diretta al Sindaco del Comune nelle cui
liste elettorali sono iscritti, dichiarando sia l'effettiva data di ingresso
nello Stato membro sia il relativo motivo di lavoro o di studio.
Saranno ammessi al voto tutti quei cittadini italiani per i quali sia giunta
- entro le ventiquattro ore successive alla richiesta e comunque in tempo
utile - all'Ufficio consolare competente - via fax o via e-mail - la
dichiarazione del Comune italiano relativa alla mancanza di cause ostative
al godimento dell'elettorato attivo.
La presente nota informativa sarà diramata a tutte le Rappresentanze
diplomatico-consolari italiane, affinché ne venga data ampia diffusione alle
collettività italiane dei Paesi dell'Unione Europea.

Dove Votare
in data 11giugno (dalle ore 17,00 alle ore 20,00) e 12 giugno 2004 (dalle
ore 8,00 alle ore 20,00) si terranno, nella circoscrizione consolare di
Vienna (comprendente anche i Länder Bassa Austria, Alta Austria, Burgeland,
Stiria e Carinzia), le elezioni dei candidati italiani al Parlamento
Hanno diritto al voto i cittadini italiani residenti e iscritti all'A.I.R.E.
nonchè i cittadini italiani temporaneamente qui residenti per motivi di
studio o lavoro (solo chi ha presentato a tal fine apposita richiesta). Le
elezioni si terranno nei seguenti sei seggi elettorali:
VIENNA (Länder Vienna, Bassa Austria e Burgeland centro-sett.)
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
Ungargasse 43
Società Dante Alighieri
Trautsongasse 2
Südtiroler HochschuelerInnenschaft
Schwarzspanierstrasse 15/6
LINZ (Land Alta Austria ed alcuni Comuni della Bassa Austria occ.)
Consolato Onorario di Linz
Hessenplatz 19
GRAZ (Land Stiria ed alcuni Comuni del Burgeland meridionale)
Servicestelle Stadt Graz
Stiftingtalstrasse 3
KLAGENFURT (Land Carinzia)
Società Dante Alighieri
Gasometergasse 12
9020-KlagenfurtDove Votare
che in data 11 giugno(dalle ore 17,00 alle ore 20,00) e 12 giugno 2004
(dalle ore 8,00 alle ore 20,00) si terranno, nella circoscrizione consolare
di Innsbruck (comprendente anche i Länder Tirolo, Salisburgo e Voralberg) le
elezioni dei candidati italiani al Parlamento Europeo.
Hanno diritto al voto i cittadini italiani residenti e iscritti all'A.I.R.E.
nonchè i cittadini italiani temporaneamente qui residenti per motivi di
studio o lavoro (solo chi ha presentato a tal fine apposita richiesta). Le
elezioni si terranno nei seguenti quattro seggi elettorali:
Volksschule Reichenau
Worndlestrasse 3
Volksschule Pradl-Leitgeb
Pradler Platz 8
AMT der Salzburger Landesregierung
5020 Salzburg
Rathausstrasse 4
6900 Bregenz

16 MC-newsletter 99 erschienen/published
von: <Malle (at)>
(english version below)
Erschienen, Mai 2004: MEDIACULT-Newsletter Nr.99 mit Beiträgen über die
Creative Industries-Studie für Wien, das EU-Projekt zu Frauen im Film- und
Verlagswesen, eine Nationalbankstudie zum Thema digitale Mediamorphose im
Musikbereich sowie zum internationalen Experten-workshop eCulture in Graz
(MC-Newsletter erscheinen in deutscher, englischer und französischer Sprache
- kostenloser download auf unserer homepage unter
Published, May 2004: MEDIACULT-newsletter No.99 with reports on the creative
industries study for Vienna, the EU gender project Culture-Biz, a project on
digital mediamorphoses in music and the European expert work-shop on
eCulture in Graz. (for free download of newsletters in English, French and
German also look at - publication area)
MEDIACULT - International Research Institute for
Media, Communication and Cultural Development
A-1030 Vienna/Austria
Anton von Webern-Platz 1
Tel: *43-1-71155 8800
Fax: *43-1-71155 8809
e-mail: mediacult (at)

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