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01 Friedensnobelpreis an Bush & co - NEIN DANKE
Von: Getto attack <gettoattack@yahoo.com>
Protestiert gegen
die Nominierung der
Friedensnobelpreisverleihung an George W. Bush und
Tony Blair! Verbreitet diese Zeilen, wir zählen auf
euch! Schickt diese Nachricht an Freunde,
Familienangehörige, Anschlagtafeln und Webseiten, die
diese Zeilen verbreiten.
Unternehmt etwas!
Protestiert gegen die Nominierung
der Friedensnobelpreisverleihung an George W. Bush und
Tony Blair!
Man sagt, die Satire wäre ausgestorben, als Henry
Kissinger den Nobelpreis erhielt, aber wenn ein
politisch rechtsgerichtetes norwegisches
Parlamentsmitglied seinen Willen durchsetzt, würde das
Nobelpreiskomitee auf sein Grab spucken. Harald Tom
Nesvik, ein politisch rechtsgerichtetes norwegisches
Parlamentsmitglied, schlug den britischen
Premierminister Tony Blair und den US-Präsidenten
George W. Bush für den Friedensnobelpreis vor wegen
"ihres entschiedenen Kampfes gegen den Terrorismus.
Terrorismus, und davon bin ich überzeugt, ist in
Zukunft die größte Bedrohung des Friedens."
Nach den Bestimmungen von Nobel soll der
Friedensnobelpreisgewinner für die meiste und beste
Zusammenarbeit, für die Abschaffung oder Reduzierung
bestehender Heere und für die Erhaltung und Förderung
des Fiedensprozesses stehen.
Tony Blair ordnete
mehr militärische Aktionen an als
jeder andere britische Führer vor ihm seit dem 2.
Weltkrieg, mit mindestens einer Militäraktion jährlich
seit 1998.
George W. Bush
verlangte Budgets, um beträchtlich die
Größe und die Mittel für das Militär zu erhöhen, er
verlängerte und vertiefte die US-Militärhilfe für den
andauernden Bürgerkrieg in Kolumbien und die
israelische Militärbesetzung in Palästina und begann
einen Krieg nicht nur gegen Afghanistan, sondern einen
endlosen "Krieg gegen den Terrorismus", den
Regierungsmitglieder täglich auf andere Nationen wie
Iran, Nordkorea und Irak auszuweiten drohen.
Dick Cheney erklärte der Washington
Post, dass die Kriegskampagne, die der Präsident
einläutete, "nicht enden wird. Zumindest werden wir es
nicht erleben."
Bush wie Blair
lehnten es ab, mit multilateraler
Beratung und Diplomatie den Friedensprozess zu
bearbeiten, mit Bushs Weigerung, die Bestätigung des
UNO-Friedensrates vor Beginn des Krieges in
Afghanistan abzusichern und Blairs Weigerung,
britische Truppen als UNO-Friedenstruppe in Sierra
Leone aufzustellen.
Verlangt vom Nobelinstitut,
die Nominierung von Tony
Blair und George W. Bush zurückzunehmen. Leichtsinnige
und ausufernde Verfolgung des Krieges bedeutet nicht
Frieden, und den Friedenspreis für massive weltweite
Kriegskampagnen zu bekommen, wäre eine Ohrfeige für
alle Friedens- und Gerechtigkeitsaktivisten weltweit.
Mehr zur Nominierung von Bush und Blair zum
Friedensnobelpreis auf:
02 contextXXI-radio/broschürepräsentation
Von: Heide Hammer <a9204056@unet.univie.ac.at>
ContextXXI-Radio bringt:
Die postfaschistische Linke, Israel und das World Trade Center
Horst Pankow über
linke Projektion und die Anschläge von New York City.
Eine Sendung von Cafe Critique.
Die Sendung läuft
Wien - Orange 94,0 <http://www.orange.or.at> und Graz - Helsinki 92,6
jeden Montag 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Linz - FRO 105,0 <http://www.fro.at/>
jeden Mittwoch ab 18:00 Uhr im Rahmen des "FROzine"
Klagenfurt - AGORA 105,5 / 106,8 / 100,9 <http://www.agora.at/>
jeden Montag 23:00 - 24:00 Uhr
Marburg- Radio Unerhört 90,1
fallweise Donnertags 13 Uhr
am 5.März
um 19h
im Depot, 7., Breitegasse 3
Zwischen Kontinuität,
politischer Opportunität und neugewonnener
Sicherheit. Herrschaftsideologien und Universität.
Wie läßt
sich das Verhältnis von Ideologie und Wissenschaft so
bestimmen, daß diese Bestimmung selbst nicht wieder eine
(herrschafts-)ideologische ist? Wie weit sind autoritäre,
und rassistische Ideologeme und Praxen prägend für Wissenschaften
Universitäten, nicht nur an einem vermeintlichen "extremen Rand",
sondern bis ins Selbstverständnis hinein? Welche Rolle spielen
WissenschafterInnen und Intellektuelle zur Festigung und Legitimierung
von Herrschaftsdenken und Herrschaftshandeln? Welche Kontinuitäten und
welche Konjunkturen lassen sich im öffentlichen Auftreten einiger - mit
dem Prestige einer Universitätsposition ausgestatteter -
feststellen? Diese und ähnliche Fragen sollen anläßlich der
der Broschüre von Context XXI zu Rechtsextremismus, Antisemitismus und
Rassismus an Universitäten aufgeworfen und diskutiert werden.
Ines Garnitschnig, Psychologiestudentin, Autorin der Broschüre:
"Neutralität der Wissenschaft. Neutralität der Weißheit.
Zum Rassismus
in der Psychologie."
Manfred Gmeiner,
La Libreria, Redaktion Context XXI, Autor der
Broschüre: "Beteiligung der Wissenschaft am rechten Diskurs."
Heribert Schiedel,
Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen
Widerstands, Autor der Broschüre, z.B. "Universität und
Moderation und
Präsentation der Broschüre:
Eva Krivanec und Alexander Schürmann-Emanuely, Redaktion Context XXI
03 Haupt (FPÖ) fördert deutsch-nationale Vereine
Von: TschuschenPower <tschuschenpower@chello.at>
OTS0024 5 II 0229 FMT004 03.Mär
FORMAT: Bundesminister
Herbert Haupt (FPÖ) fördert erstmals
deutsch-nationale Vereine mit öffentlichen Geldern
Utl.: Österreichischer
Pennälerring erhielt 2001 Förderung von 29.069
Euro (400.000 Schilling) =
Wien (OTS) - Bundesminister
Herbert Haupt (FPÖ) fördert erstmals
deutsch-nationale Vereine mit öffentlichen Geldern. Das berichtet das
Nachrichtenmagazin FORMAT in seiner am Montag erscheinenden Ausgabe unter
Berufung auf eine ministeriumsinternen Liste der Jugendförderungen für
Jahr 2001. Der Dachverband der deutschnationalen Mittelschulverbindungen,
der Österreichische Pennälerring (ÖPR), der sich neben der Pflege
deutschen Kulturgutes dem verpflichtenden Zweikampf mit dem Schwert widmet,
bekommt neben einer Basisförderung von 14.534 Euro (200.000 Schilling)
FORMAT noch acht weitere Projekte in der gleichen Höhe bezahlt. Ob diese
Vereine die vom Gesetz vorgeschriebenen "ethische Kompetenz" für
beanspruchen können, will man im Ministerium gegenüber FORMAT nicht
beantworten. "Die Satzungen des Österreichischen Pennäler-Rings
erfüllen die
Voraussetzungen für die Gewährung einer Basisförderung",
heißt es.
Eine ungewöhnlich
hohe Förderung haben auch die beiden Kärntner Orte
Pörtschach (7.267 Euro (100.000 Schilling), laut statistischem Zentralamt
leben dort 710 Jugendliche) und Gurk (12.354 Euro (170.000 Schilling) für
838 Jugendliche) erhalten. Beide Gemeinden werden von FPÖ-Bürgermeistern
geleitet. "Es steht jeder österreichischen Gemeinde frei, um eine
anzusuchen", heißt es dazu aus dem Ministerium gegenüber FORMAT.
Dem Verein
"Mauthausen Aktiv", der sich dem Gedenken an den Holocaust widmet,
wurde von beantragten 8.720 Euro (120.000) Schilling laut FORMAT die Hälfte
Tel.: 217 55 4141
04 Marching through empty Jerusalem
Von: Gush Shalom <adam@gush-shalom.org>
The Other Israel - briefing March 2, 2002.
As it happened,
we heard tonight's explosion. It happened just as a crowd
was gathering at Tzion Square in downtown Jerusalem, in preparation for the
protest march called by Peace Now. From a distance of some two kilometres it
seemed no more than a dull thud, this fatal moment in which nine lives were
out - but the immediate appearance of ambulances and police cars in high
with sirens blazing, told that something serious had happened.
During Ariel Sharon's
year in power, whenever a peace initiative dared rear
its head, the government and the army were quick with a major bloody
provocation -
which never failed to precipitate an also bloody retribution from the
side, which entailed a new revenge and then a new cycle of revenge upon
revenge upon
revenge, until the peace intiative is drowned in blood and forgotten.
So it had been when the Mitchell Commission made its report, and when
Tenet came to offer suggestions how to implement Mitchell, when the mediator
Zinni was due to arrive in the region, and for that matter when Arafat made
a real effort to sustain the December cease fire.
This week the Saudi Crown Prince suggested having the whole Arab world
recognize Israel in return for a complete Israeli withdrawal from the
Territories. Sharon responded by sending two full infantry brigades, plus
numerous tanks and helicopter gunships, to invade and occupy two refugee
killing more than twenty "armed miltants" in two days and wounding
hundred more.
(Many of the dead and wounded turned out, on closer examination, to be
civilians, among them children and aged civilians - not surprising when the
forces adopted the practice of "spraying" houses with indiscriminate
entering them).
The result could
have been predicted - was, in fact, predicted by quite a
respected commentators - and tonight it happened: a revenge-filled young
Palestinian refugee blowing himself up amidst a randomly-chosen Israeli
crowd, killing
nine and wounding dozens of others.
The police used
it to pressure the Peace Now organizers to call off the
After some initial hesitation it was however decided to go on with it. The
message had only become more meaningful.
By 7.45, we were
all picking up memorial candles and prepared black-
bordered signs reading :"We mourn the death of 1114 Israelis and
Sharon's idea of peace and security". It seemed entirely appropriate, even
the number had just become obsolete.
And so, there were
thousands marching through the nearly-empty streets of
central Jerusalem, past the sites of past suicide bombings, past shops and
restaurants closed down for lack of customers, up the Ben Yehuda pedestrian
mall and to the left on King George Street. Then, we came to the Prime
Minister's residence, in front of which the whole street was blocked off to
There, a moment of silence was observed, and several speeches made from the
podium, in which blame for the cycle of bloodshed was placed squarely where
belongs - upon the ongoing occupation and upon the government which insists
upon perpetuating that occupation.
At the end of the
rally, more than a hundred participants chose to board
chartered by Ta'ayush and go - not home but to Makassed Hospital in East
Jerusalem, to donate blood for the Palestinians in the the refugee camps.
It had been arranged in advance. The hospital was expecting us - though, as
turned out,
they were not really prepared for such a number. While standing in line and
our friends already connected to the tubes, our thoughts went to the other
hospitals in
the western part of the same city, where we knew now were also long lines of
Adam Keller & Beate Zilversmidt
05 Avnery on the Saudi initiative
Von: Uri Avnery <avnery@actcom.co.il>
Uri Avnery
How to Torpedo the Saudis
If, in May 1967,
an Arab prince had proposed that the whole Arab world
would recognize Israel and establish normal relations with it, in return
for Israel's recognition of the Green Line border, we would have believed
that the days of the Messiah had arrived. Masses of people would have run
into the street, singing and dancing, as they did on November 29, 1947,
when the United Nations called for the establishment of a Jewish and an
Arab state in Palestine.
But then disaster struck: we conquered the West Bank and the Gaza
Strip, the Labor and Likud governments filled them up with settlements, and
today this offer sounds to many like a malicious anti-Semitic plot.
The leaders of Israel tell us: Don't worry. Just as we survived
Pharaoh, so we shall survive Emir Abdallah.*
This is an allusion to a famous Israeli song.
So what will happen?
In Israel, every international initiative designed to put an end to
the conflict passes through three stages: (a) denial, (b)
misrepresentation, (c) liquidation. That's how the Sharon-Peres government
will deal with this one, too. It can draw on 53 years of experience, during
which both Labor and Likud governments have succeeded in scuttling every
peace plan put forward.
(We must nor suspect, God forbid, that the successive Israeli
governments were opposed to peace. Not at all. Every one of them wanted
peace. They all longed for peace. "Provided peace gives us the whole
country, at least up to the Jordan river, and lets us cover all of it with
Jewish settlements." Until now, all peace plans have fallen short of that.)
PHASE A is designed to belittle the offer. "There is nothing new
there," the Political Sources would assert. "It is offered solely
tactical purposes. It is a political gimmick". If the offer comes from
Arab: "He says it to the international community, but not to his own
people". I short, "It's not serious."
One proven method is to concentrate on one word and argue that it
shows the dishonesty of the whole offer. For example, before the October
1973 war, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt made a far-reaching peace offer.
Golda Meir rejected it out of hand. Her Arabists (there are always
intellectual whores around to do the dirty job) discovered that Sadat spoke
of "salaam" but not of "sulh, which "proves" that he
does not mean real
peace. More than 2000 Israel soldiers and tens of thousand Egyptians paid
with their lives for this word. After that, a salaam treaty was signed.
Such methods are already being applied now to the Saudi offer. First
it was said that Crown Prince Abdullah had spoken about his initiative only
with an American journalist, but not addressed his own people. When it
transpired that it was widely published in all Saudi papers, both at home
and in London, another argument was put forward: the prince has made his
offer only because Saudis had become unpopular in the United States after
the Twin Towers outrage. (As if this matters.) In short, Abdullah has not
become a real Zionist.
This point was widely discussed in the Israeli media. Commentators
commentated , scholars showed their scholarly prowess. But not one (not
one!) of them discussed the actual content of the offer.
PHASE B is designed to outsmart the offer. We do not reject the
offer. Of course not! We a longing for peace! So we welcome the "positive
trend" of the offer and kick the ball out of the field.
The best method is to ask for a meeting with the Arab leader who
proposed the offer, "to clarify the issues". That sounds logical.
think that, if two people have a quarrel, they should meet and discuss the
matter, in order to end it. What can be more reasonable than that?
But a conflict between nations does not resemble a quarrel between
two people. Every Arab peace offer rests on a two-part premise: You give
back the occupied territories, and you get recognition and "normalization".
Normalization includes, of course, meetings of the leaders. When the
Israeli government demands a meeting with Arab leaders "to clarify
details", it actually tries to get the reward (normalization) without
delivering the goods (withdrawal from the occupied territories). A
beautiful trick, indeed. If the Arab leaders refuse to meet, well, it only
shows that their peace offer is a sham, doesn't it?
Many peace offers have fallen into this trap. Ben-Gurion offered to
meet with Muhammad Naguib, the Egyptian ruler after the 1952 revolution.
Several Prime Ministers asked to meet Hafez al-Assad. Only Sadat outsmarted
the smart ones and turned the tables on them. He came to Jerusalem on his
own initiative.
When the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted resolution
242, the Israeli government did not accept it. Only much later, when there
was no way out, it accepted it "according to the Israeli interpretation".
This concentrated on the article "the" that is missing in the English
version (which demands withdrawal from "occupied territories" instead
from "the occupied territories"), contrary to the French version,
in which
the article duly appears. (The Soviets were caught napping, because there
is no article in the Russian language.)
The preferred method is to kill the spirit of the offer slowly, to
talk about it endlessly, to interpret it this way and that way, to drag
negotiations on and on, to put forward condition which the other side
cannot accept, until the initiative yields in silence. That's what happened
to the Conciliation Committee in Lausanne, that is what happened to most of
the European and American peace plans.
PHASE C: If phases A and B have not worked, the liquidation stage
arrives. Nowadays it is called "targeted prevention" or, simply,
"ascertained killing" by the army.
Against the original UN mediator, the Swedish Count Folke
Bernadotte, "targeted prevention" was applied literally: he was shot
killed. The killers were "dissidents", but Ben-Gurion did not shed
Usually, Israeli governments use two deadly torpedoes in their
arsenal: the US Congress and the American media. William Rogers, President
Nixon's secretary of state, for example, proposed a peace plan that
included the withdrawal of Israel to the pre-1967 border, with
"insubstantial changes". Israel released its torpedoes and sunk Rogers
together with his plan. His job was taken over by the Jewish megalomaniac,
Henry Kissinger, and that was the end of peace plans.
Can the Saudi initiative be scuttled in the same way? If the Saudis
stay their course, it will not be easy to intercept it. This time the
target is not a small frigate, not even a destroyer, but a mighty aircraft
carrier. A great effort will be needed to torpedo it.
But Shimon Peres and his foreign office are experts at this kind of
job; they have been at it for decades. Ariel Sharon will push them. The
pitiful Labor party, under the leadership of a small-time copy of Sharon,
will join the chorus. Faced with the terrible threat of having to end the
occupation, the Israeli media will rally behind the government.
Nobody revolts, nobody cries out. In Israel, real public discourse
has died long ago. The national instinct of survival has become blunted.
Thirty five years of occupation and settlement have eroded the nation's
abilty to reason, leaving instead a mixture of arrogance and folly.
A great, perhaps unique opportunity may be missed. Hundreds,
thousands, tens of thousands may pay for it with their lives. They will not
dance in the streets any more.
Von: newswire <harvey@lrci.fsnet.co.uk>
E-newswire of the LRCI
2 March 2002
Subscribe to: newswire@workerspower.com
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3. März 2002, 22:00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Petra Steiner
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!