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Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen Debatte
um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
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Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 VIGIL JUNE, 8 [Fwd: End the Occupation - International Campaign]
von: "Arge Die Frauen und Der Krieg" <arge.frauen@xpoint.at>
A Call to the International Community of Conscience
This June, peace activists will be marking the 34th year of Israel's
occupation by a series of public actions in Israel, Palestine, and
cities throughout the world. We invite you to join in solidarity with an
event sponsored by the Coalition of Women for a Just Peace, in cooperation
with like-minded organizations:
A mass vigil of Women in Black, joined by men dressed in black on
Friday, June 8, 2001, in West Jerusalem, Israel.
On or about that day, women and men from all over the world are
planning to hold their own "Women in Black" vigils that call for an
end to the occupation. We already know of vigils planned in San
Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Melbourne, and Toronto,
many more are now forming. Many will be joining us in Israel and
Palestine, including an Italian delegation that is coming under Luisa
Morgantini, a member of the European Parliament. Come, if you can.
If you cannot come, hold a solidarity vigil wherever you live. The
principle is simple, and can be done by one person or a group: Wear
black, hold signs that say "End the Israeli Occupation", and stand
for one hour in a public location. You can hold this vigil at a time and
place that is convenient for you. As every Women in Black vigil is
independent and autonomous, each group can determine its own format, signs,
agenda. What we have in common is "End the Israeli Occupation". The
more vigils = the more impressive the media coverage = the more the
political leadership around the world will get the message: This occupation
unacceptable. Period.
If you are planning to organize a vigil in your city, please contact
Bat Shalom immediately at batshalo@netvision.net.il with the following
LOCATION: City and Country
Please forward this message to as many others as possible.
We will be sending further information in the coming weeks.
We are outraged at the escalating violence and 34 years of
We need your help to stop it
The Coalition of Women for a Just Peace - member organizations
Bat Shalom; Machsom Watch; Mothers and Women for Peace (formerly Four
Mothers Movement); New Profile: Movement for the Civil-ization of
Society in
Israel; NELED: Women for Coexistence; Noga Feminist Journal; TANDI:
of Democratic Women; Women Engendering Peace; Women in Black; and
Israel chapter.
Our Principles:
· An end to the occupation.
· The full involvement of women in negotiations for peace. ·
Establishment of the state of Palestine side by side with the state
of Israel based on the 1967 borders.
· Recognition of Jerusalem as the shared capital of two states.·Israel
must recognize its share of responsibility for the results of the 1948
war, and find a just solution for the Palestinian refugees.
· Equality, inclusion and justice for Palestinian citizens of
· Opposition to the militarism that permeates Israeli society.
· Equal rights for women and for all residents of Israel.
· Social and economic justice for all Israel's citizens.
· Cultural, economic, and social integration of Israel into the
02 pressefreiheitlich
Von: "Andreas Goerg" <Andreas.Goerg@blackbox.net>
From: "eSeL" <esel@esel.at>
Subject: pressefreiheitlich
Pilz: Böhmdorfer bestimmt Einladungsliste zu 'Betrifft'
Utl.: Hat ORF vor Regierung resigniert?
Wien (OTS) Auf Anfrage hat der ORF dem Abgeordneten der Grünen, Peter
Pilz, mitgeteilt: Minister Böhmdorfer habe an seine Teilnahme an "Betrifft"
zur Einschränkung der Pressefreiheit die Bedingung geknüpft, Pilz
nicht eingeladen werden. Der ORF habe das dem Minister zugesagt. Man habe
daher eine "Expertenrunde" ohne Opposition eingeladen, gegen die der
Minister keine Einwände habe.
Pilz berichtet von mehreren ähnlichen Fällen in den letzten Wochen.
So habe die ZiB 3 ihn gemeinsam mit Volksanwalt Horst Schender zum Thema
"Volksanwaltschaft" eingeladen. Als Schender laut Auskunft der ZiB
3-Redaktion darauf bestand, allein aufzutreten, wurde Pilz
"Zur Einschränkung der Pressefreiheit gehören zwei - einer, der
einschränkt und einer, der sich einschränken läßt",
stellt dazu Peter Pilz fest.
"Interventionen hat es immer gegeben. Neu ist aber, dass jene, die
Journalisten mit Gefängnisstrafen bedrohen, jetzt auch die
Einladungslistendes ORF mitschreiben dürfen."
Rückfragehinweis: Pressebüro der Grünen im Parlament
Tel.: (01) 40110-6697
eMail: pressebuero@gruene.at
ORF zur Kritik von NR Pilz an "Betrifft" und "ZiB 3"
Utl.: Leopoldseder: "ORF lässt sich Diskussionsthemen nicht
Wien (OTS) - Zur Aussendung von NR Dr. Peter Pilz "Böhmdorfer
bestimmt Einladungsliste zu 'Betrifft' (OTS 0203) stellt
ORF-Informationsintendant Hannes Leopoldseder fest:
"Der ORF lässt sich, so wie auch in der Vergangenheit, von niemandem
vorschreiben, über welches Thema diskutiert wird und über welches
nicht. Die Redaktion 'Betrifft' wollte seit geraumer Zeit eine Diskussion zum
Thema '§ 56 und Pressefreiheit' zu Stande bringen. Eine solche Debatte
bereitsam Sonntag, dem 6. Mai 2001, stattfinden. Bundesminister Böhmdorfer
lehntees damals ab, für eine Diskussion mit Politikern zur Verfügung
Die Sendung kam daher am Sonntag, dem 6. Mai 2001, nicht zu Stande.
Für Sonntag, 13. Mai 2001, war das Thema 'Meinungsfreiheit' für eine
'Betrifft'-Sendung immer noch relevant genug. Einer Diskussionsrunde
mit politikfernen Kritikern des Regierungsentwurfes und Betroffenen -
Journalisten, Staatsanwälte, Richter - sagte Bundesminister
Böhmdorfer sein Kommen zu. In dieser Zusammensetzung wird die Diskussion
daher am
Sonntag,dem 13. Mai 2001, stattfinden. Eine Diskussion ohne dem zuständigen
Bundesminister wäre sinnlos, ist doch gerade Minister Böhmdorfer
wegen dieses Entwurfes ins Visier der Zeitungen, kritischer Rechtsanwälte
und Verfassungsrichter geraten. In der von Dr. Pilz erwähnten 'ZiB 3'
hatte es Volksanwalt Horst Schender grundsätzlich abgelehnt, in seiner
Funktion mit aktiven Politikern zu diskutieren. Die Redaktion hat sich daraufhin
entschlossen, d a s aktuelle politische Thema des Tages dennoch
zu behandeln, Volksanwalt Schender alleine einzuladen und ihn
kritisch zuden Vorwürfen der Opposition und zu denen der Experten zu befragen.
In einem Vorbericht zu dem Interview kam auch Dr. Pilz ausführlich zu Wort.
Die Vorwürfe des Abgeordneten Pilz weise ich daher zurück."
Rückfragehinweis: ORF-Pressestelle
Michael Krause
(01) 87878 - DW 14702
Infos via Internet: programm.orf.at
03 WORKERS POWER GLOBAL WEEK 11 MAY 2001 E-newswire of the
von: "newswire" <lrci@easynet.co.uk>
E-newswire of the LRCI
11 MAY 2001
Subscribe to: newswire@workerspower.com
Workers Power Global Week is the English language e-newsletter of the LRCI.
To unsubscribe mail to: unsubscribe@workerspower.com. Please forward this to
a comrade.
Election called amid hype and yawns
"New Model" Welfare State No Darling of the Working Class
Socialist Alliance- A Breath of Fresh Air
In Melbourne, Australia
In Opava in the Czech Republic
In Vienna, Austria
In Prague, Czech Republic
In Berlin, Germany
In Stuttgart, Germamy
In Stockholm, Sweden
Workers Power Global, London
The day that Prime Minister Tony Blair called the general election was one
of two halves: the old and the new.
First there was the fake feudal flummery Britain1s undemocratic
"consitution" the drive to Buckingham Palace to "request
" the Queen to
graciously dissolve parliament. Maybe he set set the ageing millionairess-parasite1s
mind a rest as to
what a second term might hold.
No Ma1am the end of the "dependency culture" and "modernisation"
apply to your department!
Then it was off to photo-opportunity election in a carefully selected South
London girls school. Here Blair announced election to pupils screaming
with delight. Had their food or drinks been laced with something?
Embarassing or what?
So at last Blair has called a general election for June 7, one full year
ahead of the normal life a British parliament. The poll will take place
simultaneously with the local government elections in the hope of halting
the ever-sinking percentage of those who turn out to vote in them.
Blair,like his Tory predecessors has continued weakening the powers of local
government taking health , education, housing even further away from
formal democratic control. No wonder so few people vote.
What local electorates can achieve gets less and less, Councils with severe
limits to their local tax raising powers have lost more and more of their
meaning for people who need serious change in their local communities.
Hence the noticeable growth in local ad hoc campaigns when a problem
ariseswhen a school or a hospital is threatened with closure or the Private
Finance Initiative. Turning to the Labour Party with its totally coroded
internal democracy is no option. This has been replaced by do-it-yourself
organisation of pickets, marches and other forms of direct action
The media is predicting a low poll for the general election itself.
In part this is because of the 19-20% lag of the Conservatives behind New Labour,
which if it is sustained or increased could persuade significant numbers
of both Labour and Tory voters that it is not worth the trip to the voting
station. The press is predicting a drop below a 70% turn out for the first
time since universal suffrage was won in 1928.
In part however the sinking percentage of those who say they intend to vote
is a result of the convergence of the two main parties on a neoliberal
agenda and the denial on all sides that government could or should intervene
in the economy, that large scale social reforms are out of the question etc..
Manyespecially amongst the young tell pollsters they can see little
or no
difference between Blair and Hague and that it would not make a lot of
difference to them which won.
What is truly astonishing is that politicians of both parties seem shocked
at declining voter numbers and seek to blame it on negative reporting by the
press. In fact it is remarkable that so many people still do take the
Parliamentary Punch and Judy show seriously.
After all it is New labour and post Thatchers Toryism who have evacuated
politics of serious "ideological" differences. In New labour1s case
means that they have stifled even the most muted expression of the immediate
needs of the working class.
Add to this prolonged boom conditions at least in the prosperous south
where the majority of the electorate lives anyhow and you have all the
ingredients for a lacklustre, boring, election.
Of course the two parties will trade insults and scare stories. Of course they
will try to outbid one
another on law and order, on who will be hardest on "bogus" asylum
Both the major parties will play the racist card on this front and doubtless
Liberal candidates will do it on a local level as usual.
They will vie with one another on who will be toughest on crimenot of
course the crime of the billionaire tax evaders or the really corrupt
small scale petty crime. They will promise more and more police "on the
beat", despite their proven incapacity at solving the crimes that ordinary
people suffer from. In fact "the bobby on the beat" must have a sinister
double meaning for black youth dragged into police stations, or to
anticapitalist demonstrators detained unlawfully for hours.
The serious social reactionary Jack Straw or the seriously barmy Anne
Widdicombe will rival one another in suggesting more authoritarian answers
to what they agree is the root cause of crime"wickedness". Especially
seemingly inate wickedness of the poor and the young.
The Catholic-convert Widdicombe who lectures teenage single mothers on
importance of chastity walks the streets around Victoria Sation in the
early hours of the morning giving cups of tea and sandwiches, plus religious
homilies, to the " deserving" homeless.
Straw himself spent the last four years scourging "aggressive beggars",
"squeegee merchants", "dysfunctional families", "teenage
single mums", and
latterly, of course, "bogus" asylum seekers. Now he has stepped up
a gear
and is boasting of how many more of the latter he has sent back.
He is promising to pack even more of them back onto the boats and trains if
only he can get the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
antiquated old document amended. After all why can1t they be content
being imprisoned in camps, humiliated, starved or be tortuted "at home".
Why come here and force us to do it for them?
All this from the government which piously signed the Race Relations
Council1s pledge to keep racism out of the elections.
New Model Welfare State No Darling of the Working Class
A re-elected Labour government would introduce "radical reform" of
welfare state, The Social Security Secretary Alistair Darling said at the
end of April.
He talked of a "new model" welfare state, "which would focus
on making
people independent rather than paying out state benefits." This is lightly
coded language for making benefits dependent on the unemployed, single
mothers, or the disabled, taking any job no matter how poorly paid or
unsuited to their skills and abilities.
It is Blairspeak for means testing most other benefits and pressure on people
to take out private
In short Blair and Darling are preparing to "do" the unthinkable rather
just "think" iti.e. move decisively away from the "old"
1945 Beveridge
"model" of universal entitlement and free at the point of delivery
services. They hope that a big majority and thecontinued or increased inflow
of money from millionaire backers, will enable them to stand up to pressure
from the public sectors unions this time around.
An article in the The Independent on 28 April stated that "Mr Darling
believes privately that the middle classes will not continue to support the
welfare system unless it undergoes the change in culture envisaged by
Labour. His view is that the system Labour inherited from the Tories in 1997
was "unsustainable".
This is a return to the proposals made by Frank Field in 1997 but hastily
abandoned (to the pique of their inordinately vain author) due to massive
opposition from the trade unions. Field, like Blair an Anglo-Catholic and an
admire of Christian Social teachings believes that the welfare state
encourages lack of responsibility. Sounds like Margaret Thatcher? Smells
like Margaret Thatcher. You got it!
In a keynote speech in Edinburgh, Darling said: " We are seeing a
fundamental shift towards our vision of a welfare state that is much more
than just basic protection and insurance, but instead plays an active role
in helping people to become independent. So if they work, they see the
benefit. If they save, they are rewarded." He continued "Instead
of just
passively paying out benefits, our task is to deliver a system that works in
partnership with individuals to get them whatever support they need, to get
back into the labour market.
The costs of the old-style welfare state are now held to be unsustainable in
an era of globalisation, due to the "unwillingness" of corporations
and the
middle classes to pay taxes on their incomes and profits. In reality it is
yet another example of Blair1s famous "project" to turn the Labour
into a straight bourgeois partythe "natural party of government.
Of course
this project cannot openly be admittedyet.
As for the Tories they have chosen to bang the drum for the pound"Maggie
Thatcher1s brass Sovereign" as someone once unkindly called it when the
replaced the banknote due to its loss of value. But safe behind his pledge
of a referendum Blair has little to fear from this. The Tories promise £8
billion in tax cuts for the middle classes but once more Brown and Blair
promise no net rise in income tax.
Only by going over the top on asylum seekers can Hague hope to make any
waves. But even this could drag him under , splitting his own party,
leading to widespread condemnation even from the bossses, and getting him
the reputation of the British Haider. Of course Blair and Straw will try to
match him in promising tough anti-asylum seeker measures whilst condemning
him for racism. Nauseating stuffbut of such is a modern election made.
Socialist Alliance; A Breath Of Fresh Air
All this is why the standing of over 90 Socialist Alliance candidates will
bring a breath of fresh airthat of struggle and political principle
the fetid atmosphere of the "official" election. Candidates who don1t
pledge themselves "not to bring in racism" but fight to expose it,
defeat it
and who stick up for the slandered and abused asylum seekers.
Candidates who not only defend all the gains of the welfare state but demand
its massive updating and improvement, who demand jobs, decent housing and
social facilities, care for the natural and urban environment. Canditates
who answe rhe questionwhere is the money coming from with the call
Tax the
Even though the Allianceagainst the strenuous opposition of Workers Power
shied away from the TWO BIG ISSUESthe property question and the power
question, which would make possible a real revolutionary change in Britain
it does represent a clear break with New Labour, neoliberalism and corporate
It defends workers in struggle. As such the SA could be a first step
towards a break of sigificant section of workers from New Labour. What the
majority of the forces in the SA have to make up their minds about is do
they want to take these workers through the experience of creating another
"Old Labour" party, i.e. a reformist party but, probably without the
following in the unions. The danger here is that Marx said faced all
historical imitation: "the first time as tragedy: the second as farce."
do they want to help these leftward moving workers overcome the crippling
legacy of reformism itself?
Alas so far the major forces , particulalrly the SWP, seem wedded to the
notion that workers can only be wooed and won from New Labour under a
reformist bannerhidden under the idea that a minimum programme of immediate
demands can be the basis for a campaigning alliance but not a party. Then at
some undefined later stage they may be ready for a revolutionary party.
Others in the alliance notably the followers of the USFI in Britain the
ISG believe that the Alliance must become a party as oon as possible after
the elections but a centrist party with a programme which is only partly
revolutionary and which must include in its ranks reformists as well as
Clearly the future of the Alliance will depend in no small measure on the
results of campaigning over the next four weeks. In Greenwich and Woolwich
in South East London Workers Power member and local teacher Kirsty Paton has
been campaigning vigorously for nearly two months on the streets, in the
housing estates and at workplace meetings.
Only after the most vigorous campaign will it be possible to answer some key
questions. Are significant forces being won to the Alliance from Labour? Are
young people being drawn into the SA1s campaign? The size of the vote is
one, but not the only, measure of this.
Workers Power will be doing its utmost to see that these questions are
answered in the affirmative. For then a broader arena and fresh forces will
exist where the challenge of creating a new party of the working class can
be faced with real chances of a historic breakthrough. Then better
conditions will exist for answering the vital question reform or
revolutionin favour of the latter
>>NIKE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTIONAustralia- Nike: The most offensive
company we've booted yet!
What's disgusting?
Union busting!
What's outrageous?
Sweatshop Wages!
Around 400 demonstrators chanted and protested out the front of the central
Nike store in Melbourne, Australia this Friday evening. Demonstrators
peacefully blockaded the store, and successfully shut it down for several
This is the 7th week in a row the anti-Nike protests have shut the store
down at one of the busiest shopping times.
Trade unions supported the demonstration, with the secretary of Victorian
Trades Hall Council, Leigh Hubbard, speaking to the protest. Local shoppers
also stood by watching in interest and hearing about Nike's rotten
employment practices.
The action in Melbourne kicks of a worldwide anti-Nike day on May 12. The
international campaign against Nike and sweatshop labour is demanding an end
to slave labour conditions. Nike pays children just 20 cents an hour in its
factories in China.
In Indonesia, Nike workers are paid just 16 cents an hour, and workers often
work 72 hours a week. When workers in the Kuk Dong factory in Southern
Mexico went on strike on 9 Januray, management used armed police to beat and
intimidate the strikers.
Across the world we are watching and taking action in solidarity with
workers like these.
Right to Free Speech. Right to Demonstrate.
Melbourne's protest this week came on the back of an attempted Melbourne
Council clamp down on the Nike demonstration a week ago. By-laws officers
(who usually hand out parking fines) last Friday handed out two $500 fines
to activists last week, for the simple "crime" of handing out a leaflet.
The council resurrected an old by-law which they can use to fine people $500
for "permitting others" to hand out printed material without a permit.
That's right, you don't even have to hand the leaflet out yourself!
They can also seize your stalls and everything on it, and can be handed out
for EVERY single piece of material distributed.
The law, originally enacted during the 1960s around the anti-Vietnam war
movement in Australia, was also successfully abolished as a result of this
movement. In 1999 the law was resurrected, supposedly as a means to prevent
race-hatred propaganda. Until last week, no-one on the left was aware of
this by-law's current existence.
This is clearly an attempt on behalf of the council to prevent legitimate
protest against Nike's employment practices. Nike has the most prominent
retail store in the CBD of Melbourne, being on the corner of the two main
retail streets. It is losing huge amounts of money due to the weekly
protests, and the council must be feeling the pressure.
This week, with trade union backing, the Melbourne Council didn't dare try
to serve the $500 fines.
However, This week two protestors were arrested and one badly injured when
police attacked blockaders from behind. But No Sweat is not backing down. We
marched to the cop shop to meet with those arrested and are vowing to
continue our weekly protests at Nike.
And we are winning. Support for the campaign is growing, not diminishing.
The more they try to stop our protest, the more we'll fight back.
The No Sweat Campaign will not end until companies sign up to a code of
practice which guarantees:
* No child labour. Make the company pay for their education and guarantee
them a job afterwards.
* No forced overtime, and a living wage set up workers themselves
* Equal rights for women, and the right of workers to join and organise
trade unions
* Public disclosure of factory locations, so that human rights and labour
organisations can contact workers and inspect the working conditions
For more about the No Sweat campaign in Australia, contact
Czech Republic: Nike exposed by Left activists in "the East" too!
Opava is the informal capital of the region of Silesia in the Czech
Republic, a town with a population of 50,000.
In the Months leading up to Prague anti-IMF/WB protest 23-26 September 2000
activists were up here flyposting for demos and organising public meetings.
Throughout the Cech Republic the response after Prague S23-26 was
disappointing for building a strong anticapitalist movement. Now more than
half a year after Pragueanticapitalists are seeking to renew the struggle..
This means to reach new layers, formerly not active in the anticapitalist
movement. Activists thus welcomed the initiative of the No Sweat! campaign
in UK and have organised solidarity action, first in Opava and then in
In Opava activists of Socialist Workers Organisation (SOP) and Communist
Youth Union (KSM) organised an action on Friday 11th May in order to find a
public to expose the dirty practices of NIKE and other brands. SOP-LRCI
activist Jarda Kubis reports:
"We have chosen as our target the shop which sells the goods of big brands
such as NIKE and Adidas, near the largest housing estate in Opava and chosen
Friday afternoon as best time for action when many people go to do their
weekend shopping in a nearby supermarket."
"We raised our 2 meter long banner "NIKE = slavery" and started
to collect
signatures for a petition and chant our slogans. Our action attracted people
going around, mostly young women with kids. They were disgusted by NIKE1s
use of child labour. We were there for some 2 hours and had a lot of
discussions about the practices of NIKE and what suffering lies behind the
shiny brands which are supposed to enhance our lives. The longer its is
since the fall of Stalinism the more people are getting fed up with
"capitalist paradise" and hatred is growing for its symbols."
"Then we went to speak to the boss of the store. He was pretty arrogant
refused to talk to us, he said he didn1t believe what we are saying about
NIKE. The shop assistants enjoyed the whole situation naturally because
Opava there is rarely any political activity to be seen on the streets. The
action attracted the regionl press, so we hope that they will report on it
and our message will thus reach even more people."
Tomorrow at 3 pm another action will take place right in the center of
Prague where new NIKE shop was recently opened. The report will arrive after
Greetings to anti-capitalists all around the globe from activists in Czech
Greetings especially to Nike sweatshop workers and their struggles to
organise and improve wages and working conditions.
Down with global bosses such as Phil Knight, owner of NIKE!
See you in Genoa!Anti-capitalists have gathered in center of Prague in action
against NIKE organised by Socialist Workers
Organisation (Czech section of LRCI) in solidarity with Anti-NIKE Day called
by No Sweat! campaign in UK
and United Students Against Sweatshops in USA. Small delegation went to shop
to distribute into the shoes
small leaflets with "NIKE made by kids for 11 cents per hour". The
action of about 25 activists was
styled like advertisement action, kind of marketing research.
We wear the "Sweatshop Slavery T-Shirts" and raised the placards "NIKE
= Slavery". Activist with
megaphone explained to passersby and custumers "Where did NIKE boss Phil
Knight get his bilions from?
From Child Labour! From banning unions! From harrassing the workers!";
"How fine the children are paid?
11 cents in NIKE factories!" and others.
We have diostributed the leaflets both in Czech and English as there were many
tourists. The action
immidiately attracted many people and many were interested in NIKE's dirty practices.
The manager of shop
first came and tried to talk to us nice, recommended us bigger NIKE shop elsewhere
for action. Than he
said that NIKE is the only firm which at least improved on things which we criticise
while others such as
Adidas didn't. The air was full of action and interest of people, especially
the youth, grew with many
signing the petition. Some added theirs e-mail and asked for more information
and expressed their will to
get involved. The security tried to tell us to go, but we didn't - we have a
right to protest, we have a
right to petition, we have a right to tell the people what is NIKE about!
Activists and young people who joined us enjoyed lively action. State policemen
came but find out there
are no legal grounds to stop us. Owner of pasage demanded more! First he closed
the whole pasage for
about 10 minute and open it again.
On his demand - as far as police said - municipal police came and said they
would stop the action whether
it is legal to do it or not. We protested it is illegal the police started violent
attack with 5
activists arrested - despite protests of people who have seen it from cafés
in passage - and held at
police station until late night. Fortunately all police brutality is on video
and TV is interested in it.
We were all enthused by the action - despite the arrest of 5 comrades - and
started to organise for press
statement, getting video to the TV, etc.
Despite we do not plan now further actions on the issue (as we now fight for
the realese of anti-Fascist
and Romany activist Mario Bango who showed how to defend against Nazis from
jail) we think that NIKE got
a bloody nose and with the cause of arrests in media more people might get our
message and learn what is
global capitalism about.
Next Genoa was our final words! And how was your action! Anti-Nike Action in
Thousands of shoppers strolled through Mariahilferstrasse the main shopping
street in Vienna today
and where met by activists of the No Sweat Campaign asking them to sign a petition
to support the end of
child labour, the call decent minimum wages and the right to organise in trade
With speeches, music, flyers and a banner saying "Nike uses child labour
(Nike laesst Kinder für sich
arbeiten)" we attracted a lot of attention and got many people to show
their support and sign the
We were outside a shop selling Nike and adidas very prominently. As soon as
we took out a camera, the
manager came out and was so worried that his label (Foot Locker) could be on
a film that he demanded that
we immediately stop filming towards the shop which is out of his control,
since we were on public
Many people were outraged by the use of child labour and the appalling working
conditions and supported
the action. We got many signatures for our petition and many people said that
they would come with us
next time.
Inspired by the actions taken in London, the Austrian REVOLUTION group took
the initiative to set up "No
Sweat - campaign against slave labour" and mobilised for the global day
of action at the university and
through the internet. This was the first action and it attracted support from
other groups and campaigns
like the Clean Clothes Campaign.
The struggle has only started and we will be back on Mariahilferstrasse in two
weeks time.
Anti-Nike Action
in Berlin
The Anti-Nike action was on 11.5. in the Afternoon, between 20 and 30
people took part in a picket in front on Nike Town. We had placads and
distributed 1000 leaflefts of No Sweat - Kampagne gegen Kinderarbeit und
Many people, many of them youth were shoked by the condiditions workers
and kids suffered in Nike. We collected about 50 signator to support the
campaign and many of them want to get involved and gave us their e-mail
adress. There will be a public meeting of No Sweat on Monday, 21st.
Apart from GAM and REVOLUTION - where we had a number of placards -
other left organisations or campaigns also joined in the action and
declared their interest to participated (albeit with very small numbers
on the day): Linksruck, ATTAC, GIS (split from Linksruck). They joined
in the action and the distribution of the leaflets etc. albeit it was
our initiative.
One daily paper, the Tageszeitung (taz) was also present and issued an
article on the action, the demands of no sweat and also had phote which
REVOLUTION placards in the Berlin section of the issue on Saturday. (I
send you the photo once I manage to scan it.)
This was a good starting point for attracting some youth names (not yet
contacts) as well as start a campaign which can be linked very well to
the mobilisation for Göteborg and Genoa.
P.S: Apart from the demonstrators, the public also the cops and private
police form Nike were present in large numbers (about 50) throughout the
action defending Nike Town. This strong presence for that number of
people meant on the one hand that we could not enter the store with our
leflets. However it attracted a number of passers-by to us and also made
it quite clear which side the state in on.
P.P.S: In terms of mobilisation for the action there were two things
remarkable. Firstly that that build for it via the Internet in a very
short period achieves something. Secondly that during the action a
number of young people can be won directly to join in and actively
contribute to it.Nike-Day in Stuttgart
It was the first public action REVOLUTION organised in Stuttgart aside from
some leafleting. So the 4 young comrades were a bit nervous and excited.
Also the police was excited. After 5 minutes they already intervened and
told the comrades to stop passing out leaflets, claiming that no one
"responsible according to press-law" was indicated on the leaflet.
(It was
only e-mail address given). So the comrades starting distributing the 4 page
REVO-paper, that had been produced for mayday. But the good connection to
the trade-unions allowed to print new leaflets within 15 minutes! And 2
girls from a town almost 200 km away, who had found the action on the net,
joined in!
At that time more and more Cop-cars blocked a nearby deadend street, as the
Königsstrasse, the main shopping street is a pedestrian zone. More than
"bulls", as we call them, stood prepared to intervene. But also the
distribution-HQ of Nike near Frankfurt/Main had send a special agitator. He
simply argued, that the figures in the leaflet were not true. From the shop
"Sportarena", no one intervened.
The comrades collected 20 signatures, all interested in further information.
In the afternoon a short meeting was scheduled and again the police showed
up, but left without problems. Main issue was the balance-sheet of the
action and how to continue. As target for further actions we discussed a
large funsport-event planned on a fairground next month or writing letters
to those sport-stars representing NIKE as well as bringing the issue in the
Trade-union (One Revo-comrade already informed the local youth committee of
the IG-Metall) and into the schools the comrades attend.
>From the discussions on the street there was also the report, that some
argued, that it was necessary for NIKE to act like they do as a question of
competition. If that is true, there must be something wrong in the whole
The 2 girls are very interested in attending the next national REVOLUTION
meeting and in going to Genua.
The SAV (CWI) had been asked to participate in the action. They preferred to
attend their stall just 150 m away from the "Sportarena", promoting
meeting next week for the preparation of Genua. I think ours was the better
way to do so!Anti-Nike in Stockholm
The Nike action in Stockholm was quite succesfull. Apart from us the
youth leauge of the Green Party had signed the appeal. Unfortunately
they did not turn up for the action itself. We started out with a
streetmeeting using a megafone at the biggest square in central
stockholm. After 30 minutes we moved to a Nike store close to us and
continued the action outside it. It was not very dramatic. We stodd
outside the shop with a banner made by Revo saying "Support the
struggle of the Nike workers".
We handed out leaflets, sold papers and discussed with bypassers. The response
was mixed but we got three
names (not yet contacts!) to follow up. All three names were young
females. One of the participants we mobilised there was a young female
activist in the socialdemocratic youth leauge whom the comrades got to
know on the bustripp down to Malmö for the demo against the EU-summit
a couple of weeks ago. (the one who was attacked by the police,
repported in the newswire). Some journalists were there but I have not
seen any coverage yet.
The staff in the Nikestore acted calm towards
us. One comrade and one revomember went in to the store just before
the action in order to explain what was going to happen and gave them
a leaflet. They accepted our presence outside the store and we did not
suffer any trubble from the police. From the big square where we
started out, we recruited two bypassing girls to the action outside
the store, wich is a small sign on the potential of this campaign.
Unfortunately the tree most leading youth comrades could not
participate at all in the action, wich weakend the revointervention in
However, we have now discussed to continue with anti-nike actions
every saturday up to Gothenburg. This campaign can quite easily be
linked to the Gothenburg mobilisation, especially to Bush´s visit. Our
proposal is also that the public World Revo meeting on the 16 june in
gothenburg will be focused on the Nike campaign (not exclusively
LRCI statement
> The case of Mario Bango has already attracted attention both in Slovakia
> internationally. As it is already known Mario Bango a 18-year old
Roma in
> Slovakia defended his brother Edo when he was attacked by a Nazi-Skinhead.
> Weeks later the Nazi died of the injuries sustained in the fight in which
> was the aggressor. Since then Mario has been in prison and is now threatened
> with a sentence of up to 15 years.
> A vicious racist campaign was started in the Slovak media against Mario
> in praise of the Nazi-Skinhead. There was even a minute of silence for
> in parliament!
> The League for a Revolutionary Communist International (LRCI) has defended
> Mario Bango from the beginning and initiated an international solidarity
> campaign.
> Amongst those who sympathise with Mario debate has arisen about Mario1s
> of a weapon to defend his brother and himself. Should this be considered
> legitimate or a mistake. Naturally we are not talking about legal pleas
> Mario1s trial. The question is what fundamental political position those
> progressive forces who support the solidarity campaign should take and
> for.
> As consistent anti-racists and Marxists it is absolutely clear that we
> declare our solidarity with Mario1s act of self-defence. Self-defence is
> offence!
> It would be both a serious error as well as an act of political cowardice
> for us to declare Mario1s legitimate self-defence "a mistake".
Here we are
> talking about a fundamental political question.
> Not only Roma people, members of other national minorities but also trade
> unionists and leftists are victims of fascist violence. Mario1s self-defence
> has become a symbol for the fact that Roma are no longer simply victims
> will defend themselves! Fascist violence must not be answered with passivity
> and submission but with organised and determined resistance!
> Pacifism totally useless; it is as Lenin remarked once an
> propagated by slave holders for their slaves. In contrast to the pacifists
> and half-hearted leftists the LRCI recognises the legitimacy of force in
> response fascist aggression. To declare Mario1s act as a "mistake"
means to
> declare the principal of the necessarily "violent" struggle against
> and racism as a "mistake". In the end it means to declare the
class struggle
> itself a "mistake": to advocate petty-bourgeois pacifist methods,
which come
> down to reliance on the (racist) capitalist state itself..
> Those leftists who accept in principle, the necessity of armed resistance
> the fascists, but who think that they must criticise Mario1s actions "for
> tactical reasons" are abandoning their principles in pursuit of liberal
> support. We too welcome all and any support from pacifists democrats etc,
> i.e. from people who do not agree with Mario1s militant self defence ..
> we do not have to adopt and spread their prejudices. .
> The defence of Mario is not only about him personally. The LRCI considers
> the solidarity campaign also as a political task that will help other and
> future Marios. That will help them not to be in the same position as Mario
> and his brother were faced with. It is also necessary to support and
> advocate the idea of determined self-defence and direct action against
> fascists. The campaign should encourage others to take collective measures
> for their self-defence. We want to draw attention to Mario1s courage because
> Roma and all other oppressed need today two, three, many
> Naturally we do not believe that it is possible to smash fascism only by
> direct action. Fascism in the end is a result of the rotten conditions
> capitalist society, where some impoverished layers support the fascists
> because the official parties of the workers movement fail to give them
> alternative perspective. The workers movement can successfully smash the
> evil of fascism only if it combines necessary physical confrontation against
> the Nazi-gangs with a perspective for making new social gains. In the end
> fascism will only disappear with capitalism.
> But it would be a caricature of Marxism if one drew the conclusion from
> general consideration that violence against fascists is unnecessary and
> only needs to wait for the socialist transformation of the society. This
> kind of "realism" has no place in real life not to mention the
> programme. With the same logic one could say that there is no need to strike
> for higher wages because in the end the living standard can only be improved
> lastingly in a socialist society.
> No, every single successful defence against a Nazi attack is a small step
> forward. The fascists must be reminded through such experiences that they
> can not attack Romas and others with impunity. Such successes can also
> potential right-wing sympathisers. Our motto is: "Strike one, educate
> hundred!"
> For Socialists solidarity with Mario must be not only a humanitarian
> concern. It must also have a political character. The basis of our political
> solidarity must be: "Self-defence is no offence!" We declare
> unconditional support of Mario1s defence of his brother and himself against
> the Nazi attack. Mariodespite his youth is a member of the Slovak
> movement and a participant in recent anticapitalist mobilisations. He is
> class war prisoner who deserves the active support of these movements and
> all progressives, world-wide.
> 11.5.2001, International Secretariat of the LRCI
Workers Power Global, Stockholm
On June 15th and 16th, the EU Heads of Government will meet as the European
Council in Gothenburg. Their
aim is to complete the "liberalisation" of the whole European economy.
Their agenda is essentially the
same as that of the World Trade Organisation and the World Bank when they met
in Seattle, or the World
Economic Forum in Melbourne, the International Monetary Fund in Prague and more
recently the "Council of
the Americas" in Quebec.
Within the EU, their highest priorities are plans to:
accelerate privatisation by continued "deregulation" of the
energy, telecoms and transport sectors and
legislation to open up all public sector contracts to competitive tendering
"review pensions and healthcare" in order to achieve "sustainable
development" which means, in reality,
dismantling state funded pension schemes in favour of the private insurance
create an integrated internal financial market which will encourage greater
centralisation of capital -
at the expense of jobs and working conditions.
Externally, they want to tighten their grip on Eastern Europe by tying all aid
and investment to
acceptance of EU standards. In practice, this means letting the multinational
corporations complete their
plunder of each country's assets. At the same time, although bosses will be
allowed to move investments
from country to country in search of profit, the workers of Eastern Europe and
the global "south" will be
strictly controlled, only allowed into the EU if they have skills that can be
As active trade unionists, we believe the EU's plans, like those of the WTO,
the World Bank and the IMF
have to be opposed at every step. Our jobs, conditions and rights, cannot be
defended by alliances with
the EU or its member states but only against them. Neither is there any future
in alliances with
"patriotic" small scale capitalists who are simply scared of international
competition. The most
effective defence will be through united action across the whole of Europe.
We demand the levelling up of
all rights and working conditions to those of the best, East and West. Laws
which discriminate against
workers in Eastern Europe can only stoke up nationalism and racism across the
continent and create a
reservoir of cheap labour as a threat to wages everywhere.
The demonstrations in Seattle, Melbourne, Prague, Nice and Quebec have played
a major role in alerting
the workers of the world to the dangers that face them. They have highlighted
the need for unity between
workers in the so-called "first world" or "global north"
and those in countries struggling against
crippling debt repayments and the IMF's imposed austerity and privatisation
programmes. But, in each of
those massive demonstrations, the leaders of the trade unions have organised
their members separately
from other movements protesting against the great capitalist corporations and
their states. We believe
this has been a mistake and that the most successful demonstrations have been
those where this separation
has been overcome, most dramatically in Seattle, Melbourne and Quebec.
We, therefore, appeal to all trade unionists throughout the EU and beyond to
organise to demonstrate in
Gothenburg on June 16th against the planned attacks on jobs, working conditions
and social and civil
rights in the EU and in solidarity with all workers fighting to defend their
interests throughout the
Workers of all countries, unite!============================================================
Workers Power Global, Birmingham
The most sustained strike in Britain's National Health Service (NHS) is nearing
its end. Six hundred
UNISON members working in Dudley Hospitals have taken over 170 days of strike
action since the start of
August 2000 against a private finance initiative (PFI) scheme that would transfer
their jobs out of the
public sector. After months of procrastination, the contract to go ahead with
the scheme was finally
signed during the bank holiday weekend. The first group of workers are scheduled
to be transferred out of
the NHS on May 21st, so that the PFI scheme will be up and running before the
general election takes
place in June.
The strike is not over. A well-attended mass meeting earlier this week voted
to maintain the action.
There will be a further mass meeting on 18th May to decide the next steps once
there has been a chance to
get all the details of the proposed transfer.
One striker summarised the reactions of many. "Of course we are depressed.
But we are also very angry. We
are angry that New Labour are so determined to go ahead with privatising the
health service, and so
determined to privatise our jobs. We are angry that PFI will mean the loss of
73 beds in Dudley, when we
need every bed we have now. We are angry they are pressing ahead when the cost
of PFI has already
rocketed from sixty million pounds to one hundred and thirty seven million pounds
in less than a year."
If it had been down to the determination of the strikers alone, Dudley could
have been the trigger of a
response that killed New Labour's plans to privatise the NHS. Whenever Dudley
strikers have spoken to
other groups of workers they have met a sympathetic response and financial support
which has been vital
in sustaining the strike. But the UNISON bureaecracy has ensured that their
action has taken place in
isolation from other NHS workers who will be threatened by PFI in the near future.
Officially, UNISON has supported the strike throughout. From the start the support
from the UNISON
leadership has looked less like a serious throw to do everything to ensure the
Dudley strikers win, and
more like a gesture to send a message to New Labour's leaders that they should
not take union support
totally for granted.
An active campaign by UNISON could have gained wide publicity for the threat
PFI holds over all workers
as the users of public services, as well as the threat to those whose jobs will
be privatised. An active
campaign could have begun to build co-ordinated resistance from each group of
workers threatened by PFI,
instead of allowing each group to be picked off one by one. Instead, these campaigns
have been left to
the Dudley strikers, and the other rank and file activists who support them.
Another striker summed up the current position. "It looks like we have
lost a battle. Now we have to get
on and win the war against PFI."
The strikers have called a demonstration against PFI on June 2nd. The march
is going ahead. One of the
strikers, Angela Thompson, is standing as a Socialist Alliance candidate in
the general election to
spread the argument about the need for workers to fight to get rid of PFI and
the rest of New Labour's
planned attacks on us.
Messages of solidarity should be sent to:
Phone/fax Dudley Group of Hospitals UNISON Office - 01384 244350============================================================
The LRCI has members across the globe - but there are many countries where we
have no correspondents.
Send us your news and views:
04 Thüringer Naziführer als VS-Spitzel entlarvt
Von: "angelo lucifero" <angelo.lucifero@hbv-th.de>
Am Montag, 14.
Mai, 13 Uhr, wird vor dem Thüringer Verfassungsschutz
(EF, Haarbergstrasse 61) eine spontane Protestaktion stattfinden.
An der Protestaktion werden auch Menschen teilnehmen, die unter
anderem mit Hilfe von neonazistischen VS-Spitzeln vom
Verfassungsschutz beobachtet werden.
Ein Verfassungsschutz, der die Rechte Szene fördert
und ein Innenminister, der das zu verantworten hat,
haben in einem demokratischen Bundesland nichts zu suchen!
Alle Interessierten sind aufgerufen, die Aktion zu unterstützen.
Allgemeine, 12. Mai 2001:
Spitzel an der Spitze
Heute marschieren die Rechten wieder auf .
Diesmal in Sonneberg, wieder angemeldet von der
NPD. Seit Jahren in vorderster Reihe dabei: Tino
Brandt. Stellvertretender NPD-Landeschef, Führer
des Thüringer Heimatschutzes, Anmelder
zahlreicher Aufmärsche und bezahlter Spitzel des
Hinter einem griechischen Restaurant unweit des
Coburger Bahnhofs parkt donnerstags Mittag öfters ein
schwarzer Mercedes der A-Klasse mit einem Erfurter
Kennzeichen, das selbst der Polizeicomputer ohne
schriftlichen Antrag nicht identifizieren will. Der
Fahrer benutzt den Hintereingang zur Gaststätte, in der sich
gegen zwölf Uhr kaum Gäste aufhalten. Etwas später
kommt auch sein Gesprächspartner, zu Fuß und durch
die Vordertür. Tino Brandt (26) arbeitet im nahen
"Nation und Europa" des Neonazis Peter Dehoust als
kaufmännischer Angestellter. Und eine Wochenstunde
nebenbei als gut bezahlter Spitzel für den
Als vor einem Jahr der Neonazi Thomas Dienel als
Informant des Geheimdienstes enttarnt wurde, war die
Aufregung groß. "Alles andere als politisch klug",
damals Innenminister Christian Köckert (CDU) die
Anwerbung, von der er ebenfalls nichts gewusst haben
will. Allerdings war Dienel da schon längst in der
abserviert. Brandt hingegen hat sich, auch mit Geld vom
Verfassungsschutz, erst zu einer Führungsfigur der
rechten Szene im Lande empor gearbeitet.
Schon als Schüler rief er in Rudolstadt und Bad
Blankenburg "befreite Zonen" aus, 1997 war er
Mitinitiator der Aufmärsche in Saalfeld und machte aus
dem Ostthüringer Schläger-Trupp "Anti-Antifa" den
geführten "Thüringer Heimatschutz", aus dem laut
Hamburger Verfassungsschutz auch die berüchtigten
"Bombenbastler von Jena" stammen. In dieser Zeit
wurde Brandt zum Geheimdienst-Zuträger.
Dann folgte die politische Karriere. Wie im Handstreich
eroberten Brandt und seine Helfer 1999 den
Landesverband der NPD. Brandt selbst wurde Vizechef
und Pressesprecher. Er organisierte Aufmärsche in
Erfurt, Gera und Weimar und geißelte zugleich
die Verbotsurteile von Gerichten als "Schande für den
Rechtsstaat" und sprach von "Verhältnissen wie in China
oder der DDR". Alles als V-Mann des Geheimdienstes.
Erst nach einem Eklat in Jena bekam der
Verfassungsschutz Bedenken. Als man eine
Veranstaltung der Burschenschaft "Jenensia" mit dem
Coburger Rechtsaußen Peter Dehoust observierte,
tauchte der Heimatschutz als Saalordner auf, der treue
Spitzel Tino Brandt mittendrin. Da die Übernahme von
"Jenensia" nicht klappte, ließ Brandt die
"Normannia" gründen. Daraufhin beendete der
Geheimdienst die Zusammenarbeit.
Aber nicht für lange.
Als im vergangenen Jahr nach der Enttarnung Dienels
die Spitzel knapp wurden, setzte sich sein langjähriger
Verbindungsmann im Verfassungsschutz nachdrücklich
für die Reaktivierung Brandts ein. Beide, so wird in
Szene kolportiert, hätten sich regelrecht "aneinander
gewöhnt". Ein inniges Verhältnis habe sich entwickelt,
das weit über das Dienstliche hinausginge.
Und so treffen sie sich wieder fast wöchentlich zum
Essen in Coburg. Der Mann vom Verfassungsschutz mit
einer Schreibmappe, die er eifrig füllt. Dafür füllt
sich im
Gegenzug Brandts Konto. Die 25 000 Mark, die einst
Dienel erhalten hat, dürften nur einen Bruchteil des
von Brandt ausmachen.
Was er im Gegenzug liefert, sind weniger Informationen,
sondern eher Arbeit für die Polizei. Brandt
nicht nur alle großen rechten Demonstrationen der
Monate, er sorgt auch für ideologische Weiterbildung.
"Führungsseminaren" bringt er dem Nachwuchs der NPD
bei, wie man mit der Öffentlichkeit umgehen sollte. Zum
Beispiel das Volksbegehren für "Mehr Demokratie"
unterstützen oder sich von eigenen Schlägertruppen
zumindest formal lossagen.
Doch mit Brandts eigener Gesetzestreue ist es nicht
her. Drei Verfahren wegen "Verwendens von Symbolen
verfassungswidriger Organisationen" laufen gegen ihn
bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Gera. Nach mehreren
Hausdurchsuchungen legte Brandt schließlich sein Amt
als Pressesprecher der NPD nieder, aus "technischen
Gründen". Vizechef der NPD allerdings blieb er. Mit dem
erklärten Ziel, sich "noch mehr um den Ausbau der
Landes-NPD zu kümmern". Und er tut es. Es vergeht kein
Wochenende, ohne dass der rührige Funktionär nicht in
irgendeiner Veranstaltung für die Zukunft der Bewegung
werben würde.
Über Brandts Motive, sich mit dem Geheimdienst
einzulassen, kann nur spekuliert werden. Kenner
vermuten, dass in der NPD-Spitze Brandts Doppelleben
bekannt ist und er einen großen Teil des Salärs für die
Parteiarbeit spendet. Das tun auch andere:
zufolge gibt es vier weitere Spitzel mit Doppelleben in
den rechten Führungsetagen.
Wichtige Informationen über die Thüringer NPD hat
Brandt für sein Geld wohl nicht geliefert. Der
bündnisgrüne Bundestagsabgeordnete Cem Özdemir
war erschrocken, als er die Thüringer Zuarbeit zum
NPD-Verbotsantrag zu lesen bekam. Im Vergleich mit
Bayern "Schlicht ein Nichts", lautete sein Urteil.
Als die Nordhäuser SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete
Gisela Schröter kürzlich den Chef des
Bundes-Verfassungsschutzes nach der dürftigen
Thüringer Zuarbeit fragte, antwortete Heinz Fromm nur
kurz. "Das ist ein Thüringer Problem, das in Thüringen
gelöst wird."
Vorgestern fiel das Spitzel-Treffen in Coburg übrigens
aus. Tino Brandt war wohl mit der Organisation des
heutigen Aufmarschs beschäftigt.
Gewerkschaft hbv Thüringen in ver.di
Warsbergstr. 1
99092 Erfurt
Besuchen Sie uns: www.verdi-th.de
0361 659980; 0172 3605751
05 Polizeiübergriffe und staatliche Förderung der
Jetzt personelle Konsequenzen ziehen
Von: "angelo lucifero" <angelo.lucifero@hbv-th.de>
Zivilcourage stärken
national befreite Zonen stoppen! Am 12. Mai demonstrierten
etwa 400 Menschen in Neuhaus und Sonneberg gegen Rassismus und
Neofaschismus. Der Landesvorsitzende der Gewerkschaft hbv in ver.di, Angelo
fordert angesichts der polizeilichen Übergriffe in Sonneberg und der Tätigkeit
von Tino Brandt
als VS-Spitzel personelle Konsequenzen.
Während die Demonstration Neuhaus/Rennweg ohne Störungen verlief,
wurden die DemonstrantInnen, die von
Neuhaus sich an der Sonneberger Kundgebung beteiligen wollten, durch eine einstündige
Kontrolle an der
Sonneberger Stadteinfahrt von der Teilnahme abgehalten.
Steffen Dittes und Angelo Lucifero meldeten daraufhin eine spontane Demonstration
durch die Sonneberger
Innenstadt an. Durch ständige Verstöße gegen das Demonstrationsrecht
sei diese von der Polizei behindert worden.
Einige DemonstratInnen seien nach Auflösung der Demonstration von PolizistInnen
verletzt worden.
Was muss man tun, fragte Anetta Kahane in ihrer Rede während der antifaschistischen
Demonstration, damit
national befreite Zonen entstehen und sich entfalten können?
Ihre Antworten wurden durch die Geschehnisse am 12. Mai, so der Angelo Lucifero,
Landesvorsitzender der
Gewerkschaft hbv in ver.di, in makaberer weise praktisch untermauert:
p Neonazis wie den Thüringer ex-Naziführer Thomas Dienel und
Tino Brandt, Stellvertretender
NPD-Landeschef Thüringen, Führer des Thüringer Heimatschutzes,
Anmelder zahlreicher Aufmärsche,
als bezahlte Spitzel des Verfassungsschutzes anheuern und damit mit Staatsgelder
den Aufbau
neonazistischen Strukturen finanzieren. Gleichzeitig junge AntifaschistInnen
und GewerkschafterInnen
bespitzeln und durch entsprechende Verfassungsschutzmeldungen in der Öffentlichkeit
diese als
Linksextremisten diskreditieren.
p Trotz mehr als 100 rassistisch motivierter Morde und ständiger Gewaltübergriffe,
den Neofaschismus und
Rassismus verharmlosen und Menschen, die versuchen, wie z.B. in Neuhaus und
Sonneberg, dagegen
etwas zu tun, in der Öffentlichkeit als homosexuelle Wanderprediger
oder umtriebige Sizilianer
p Den Aufstand der Anständigen nach wie vor als eine mediale
Veranstaltung belassen. Die Mehrheit der
BürgerInnen lebt sorglos mit den rechten Übergriffen und dem Rassismus
und beteiligt sich nicht an
Aktionen gegen die Rechtsentwicklung. Viele sympathisieren sogar mit Neonazis.
p Trotz der Tatsache, dass im Landkreis Sonneberg ständig es zu rechten
Übergriffen kommt, die Neonazis
immer wieder ungestört aufmarschieren lassen und junge AntifaschistInnen,
wie am 12. Mai in
Sonneberg geschehen, an der Wahrnehmung des Demonstrationsrechtes behindern
und polizeilichen
Übergriffen aussetzten.
Diese und andere Einladungen verstehen die Neonazis und bauen ihren
Einfluss und Dominanz auf der Strasse,
in den Jugendzentren, am Stammtisch und in ganzen Regionen, relativ
ungestört, aus. (Angelo Lucifero)
Die Förderung national befreite Zonen und der politischen Karriere
durch die Thüringer Landesregierung müsse
endlich eine adäquate Antwort finden.
Die Thüringer Initiativen, Organisationen, Parteien und Gewerkschaften,
die nicht wollen, dass Demokratie zum
Plagiat und die Förderung neofaschistischer Politik zur Regel werde, müssten
endlich gemeinsam auf die Strasse und
den Ministerpräsidenten zu radikalen Konsequenzen bringen. Ein Verfassungsschutz,
der die Rechte
Szene fördert und ein Innenminister, der das zu verantworten hat, haben
in einem
demokratischen Bundesland nichts zu suchen! (Angelo Lucifero).
Ein unvollständiger Auszug aus der Realität rechter Dominanz in Landkreis
Ø Rauenstein Etwa 25 Neonazis aus dem Raum Sonneberg suchen in
der Rauensteiner Diskothek
Streit mit anderen Jugendlichen. Ergebnis: Vier Verletzte.
Ø Sonneberg 31. Mai 1995 Neonazis lauern einen Jugendlichen, der
von Rechten verletzt worden
war, am Pförtnerhaus des Sonneberger Krankenhauses auf und verletzen ihn
Ø Sonneberg 27. Juni 1995: Drei Nazi- schlagen im Sonneberger
Schwimmbad Baxenteich einen
24jährigen Mauerer krankenhausreif, weil angeblich bekifft
gewesen sei.
Ø Sonneberg/Neuhaus August 1995 Neonazis plakatieren in beiden
Städten Rudolf-Heß-Plakate.
Ø Sonneberg Mitte Oktober 1995 Neonazis greifen im Jugendzentrum
Bernhardstrasse, Sonneberg,
junge Linke an.
Ø Sonneberg 6. Dezember 1995: Nach einer Gerichtsverhandlung gegen
Nazi-Skins im Amtsgericht
Sonneberg, überfallen Gesinnungsfreunde das Jugendzentrum in
der Sonneberger
Ø Sonneberg 24. Januar 1996: Neonazis prügeln einen Jugendlichen
im Wolkenrasen
(Bert-Brecht-Strasse) bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit.
Ø Schalkau Anfang Februar 1996: Neonazis schlagen im Jugendclub
Schalkau vier Männer aus
Hildburghausen zusammen.
Ø Sonneberg 15. Mai 1996: Neonazis randalieren an einer Tankstelle
in Sonneberg-Hönbach,
zeigen den Hitlergruß und skandieren Heil Hitler.
Ø Sonneberg Juni 1996: Ca. 30 Nazi-Skins überfallen an der
Tankstelle in Sonneberg-Hönbach
Türken, demolieren Autos und eine Ampelanlage. Mit massivem Polizeieinsatz
kann der Überfall
eines nahen Übersiedlerheims verhindert werden.
Ø Lauscha: In der kleinen Gemeinde Lauscha bei Neuhaus/Rennweg
ca. 4.000 EinwohnerInnen
agieren ca. 30 Rechtsextreme, die in der Kameradschaft Lauscha, die sich "Blutsbruderschaft
Lauscha" nennt, organisiert sind bzw. mit dieser sympathisieren. Die Mitglieder
stammen aus dem
gesamten Landkreis Sonneberg. Ihr Haupt-Treffpunkt ist das "Café
Oberland" in Lauscha.
Ø Lauscha - Schützenfest 1997: ein Lauschaer Punk wurde von Rechtsextremen
mit einer Gaspistole
Ø Lauscha - Kirmes 1998: Ein Jugendlicher wurde aufgrund seiner buntgefärbten
niedergeschlagen, eine stationäre Notversorgung war erforderlich. Seine
Mutter wurde mit
Anschlägen bedroht, falls sie bei der Polizei Anzeige erstatte.
Ø Lauscha - Sommer 1999: Drohbriefe von Lauschaer Neofaschisten an einzelne
Hetzjagden unter Grölen von Parolen, wie zum Beispiel "Hier marschiert
der nationale
Ø Lauscha - Kirmes 1999: Ca. 20 Rechte umzingeln 1 Punk und 5 junge Frauen.
Sie wurden
festgehalten, geschubst und beschimpft. Nachdem die Eltern zu Hilfe geholt wurden,
forderte einer
der Nazis diese auf, "ihre Kinder arisch zu erziehen".
Ø Lauscha - Schützenfest 1999: Mehrere Nazis prügeln und treten
brutal auf einen Afrikaner ein. Der
Afrikaner wurde lebensgefährlich verletzt.
Ø Lauscha - Frühjahr 2000: Ein DVU-Mitglied entzieht Lauschaer Punkband
die Textmappe. Danach
wurden Bandmitglieder verfolgt, diskriminiert und zusammengeschlagen.
Ø Lauscha - April 2000: Rechte stören private Geburtstagsfeier mit
Hitlergruss als Ankündigung der
darauffolgenden Gewaltübergriffe an 2 Jugendlichen.
Ø Neuhaus - Am 20. April wurde in Neuhaus ein Afrikaner von Neonazis
Ø Lauscha - Kirmes 2000: Schlägerei auf dem Kirmesgelände,
angefangen von Rechtsradikalen. Punks
flüchten auf einen Balkon. Die Nazis werfen einen Bierkrug - Folge: Platzwunde
am Kopf eines
linken Jugendliche. Die Betroffenen sowie Eltern und andere Zeugen wurden davor
Anzeige zu erstatten: "Du hast nichts gesehen.... Wenn ich dich einmal
alleine treffe, bringe ich
dich um."
Ø Sonneberg 8. August 2000: Am Sonneberger Hauptbahnhof greifen
vier Neonazis Passanten an
und zeigen den Hitlergruß.
Ø Lauscha - Herbst 2000: Im Kulturhaus Lauscha wurden Jugendliche nach
Konzertbesuch von
Neonazis am Fortgehen gehindert. Schläge ins Gesicht eines Jugendlichen
Ø Sonneberg 1. Oktober 2000: Eine Geburtstagsfeier
von etwa 70 Neonazis auf der Sonneberger
Wehd wird von der Polizei aufgelöst.
Ø Lauscha - Büttenabend 2001: Rechte stürmen mit Baseballschlägern
bewaffnet das Kulturhaus.
Ø Sonneberg 3. März: 200 Neonazis demonstrieren in Sonneberg.
Ø Lauscha - März 2001: Nach Konzertbesuch wird ein Auto mit jungen
Frauen durch Faschisten
aufgehalten. Tritte gegen das Auto folgten.
Ø Lauscha - Eine Woche später: Auf dem Hüttenplatz umzingeln
Rechte 4 Autos, in denen sich linke
Jugendliche befanden. Schläge, Bedrohungen und wiederum Tritte gegen Autos.
Die Polizei wurde
gerufen, kam und nahm Aussagen auf.
Ø Sonneberg 5. Mai 2001: Im Kassenraum eines Supermarktes in Sonneberg
West werden eine
junge Frau und zwei junge Männer von Neonazis angegriffen und geschlagen.
In fast allen Fällen wurde Anzeige erstattet, in den wenigsten kam es zu
einer Gerichtsverhandlung, und
selbst diese zogen keine angemessenen Strafen mit sich.
06 Carsten Hübner: PM Thüringer Verfassungsschutz
finanziert führenden
Von:"Richard Sorge" <malatesta@lag-antifa.de>
Carsten Hübner,
Wahlkreisbüro Weimar - Graben 41 - 99423 Weimar - Tel.: (03643)
772763 - FAX:
(03643) 850008 - eMail: wkb-we.huebner@t-online.de
Weimar, den 12.05.2001
Thüringer Top-Neonazi-Aktivist Tino Brandt steht auf der Lohnliste des
Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutzes - Rechte Aktivitäten aus
Steuermitteln in
sechsstelliger Höhe finanziert?
Hübner: "Die Konsequenzen müssen einschneidend sein!"
Zu den Enthüllungen der "Thüringer Allgemeine" in ihrer
Ausgabe vom
nach denen der Thüringer Top-Neonazi-Aktivist und stellvertretende
NPD-Landesvorsitzende Tino Brandt seit Jahren auf der Gehaltsliste des
Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz steht, erklärt der Thüringer
Bundestagsabgeordnete Carsten Hübner:
Mit Empörung und Unverständnis habe ich heute die Recherchen der
"Thüringer Allgemeinen" (TA) zur Kenntnis genommen, nach denen
der bundesweit
bekannte Top-Neonazi-Aktivist Tino Brandt offenbar seit Jahren auf der
Gehaltsliste des Thüringer Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz steht
und in dieser Zeit
eine sechsstellige Summe erhalten haben soll. Tino Brandt, der unter
anderem für die rechtsextreme Zeitschrift "Nation Europa" in
Coburg arbeitet, ist in
führender Position für den Aufbau und die Aktivitäten mehrerer
Neonazi-Gruppen in Thüringen verantwortlich, etwa im Rahmen des "Thüringer
Heimatschutzes" (THS)
oder der "Hilfsorganisation für nationale politische Gefangene"
Die HNG betreut inhaftierte rechtsextreme Straf- und Gewalttäter, versorgt
mit Geld und Propagandamaterial. Darüber hinaus war Brandt Pressesprecher
NPD-Landesverbandes Thüringen und ist dessen stellvertretender Landesvorsitzender.
Aber damit nicht genug. Wie die Recherchen ebenfalls ergeben haben
sollen, scheint sich zwischen dem zuständigen VS-Verbindungsmann und Brandt
ein Verhältnis entwickelt zu haben, "das weit über das Dienstliche
hinausging". Man habe sich fast wöchentlich zum Essen getroffen, so
die TA. Die
Erkenntnisse jedoch, die dabei für die Arbeit des Verfassungsschutz gewonnen
wurden, halten sich offenbar in engen Grenzen. Der Beitrag etwa, den Thüringen
NPD-Verbotsantrag der Bundesregierung beigesteuert hat, wurde von
mehreren Seiten als völlig unzureichend bezeichnet. Und so drängt
sich der
Eindruck auf, daß die gezahlten Gelder nahtlos in die neonazistische Strukturarbeit
eingeflossen sind, statt diese auszuforschen und zu behindern. Der Thüringer
Verfassungsschutz als Sponsor der NPD und des militanten Neonazismus?
Und noch ein weiteres Moment gilt es scharf zu kritisieren. Welchen
Sinn soll das gerade erst angelaufene Aussteigerprogramm und seine durchaus
umstrittenen finanziellen Angebote an rechte Szene-Aktivisten haben, wenn diese
auch so schon erhebliche Geldmittel vom Verfassungsschutz erhalten - ohne aussteigen
und offenbar auch ohne verwertbare Informationen liefern zu müssen?
Der neuerliche Skandal im Thüringer Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz
muß einschneidende Konsequenzen haben. Der mit Tino Brandt verbandelte
Kontaktmann muß sofort entlassen, die politisch Verantwortlichen persönliche
Konsequenzen ziehen. Auch auf Bundesebene werde ich den Komplex parlamentarisch
Sie erreichen Carsten Hübner für weitere Nachfragen unter:
07 Polizeiübergriffe und staatliche Förderung der
Jetzt personelle Konsequenzen ziehen (f.)
Von: "angelo lucifero" <angelo.lucifero@hbv-th.de>
an die Landesregierung,
Polizei und VS,
Organisationen und BürgerInnen
zum Ausbau der "national befreiten Zonen"
In Sonneberg und anderswo werden diese Tipps seit Jahren beachtet.
Näheres zu den Vorgängen in Neuhasu/Sonneberg: http://lag-Antifa.de
unter news
Will man also eine befreite Zone, muß man im kommunalen Leben vor allem
für folgendes sorgen:
Vor allem sollten alle Informationen über Vorfälle mit rechtsextremem
Hintergrund vor der
Presse ferngehalten werden, denn die Presse redet Probleme herbei, Journalisten
Unruhestifter, Stigmatiseure und Imageverderber.
Alle negativen Ereignisse sind Einzelfälle, wer etwas anderes behauptet
ist der Überbringer
der schlechten Nachricht und muß mit allen Mitteln bekämpft werden.
Opfer dürfen auf keinen Fall geschützt, selbst der Eindruck muß
vermieden werden. Ihre
Anzeigen werden nicht oder nur widerstrebend aufgenommen und Ermittlungserfolge
es kaum.
Flüchtlinge sind unbedingt auf die möglichst diskriminierendste Weise
zu behandeln und in
der Öffentlichkeit auch ab und an für das eine oder andere verantwortlich
zu machen.
Schulwege, Residenzpflicht chips sind unbedingt erforderlich. Und alle die sich
auseinandersetzten, müssen als troubbelmaker gebranntmarkt werden.
In besonders betroffenen Gebieten mit vielen Rechtsxtremen und hoher Gewalt,
unbedingt an Polizisten eingespart und Reviere geschlossen werden.
Die Betroffenen, die Opfer sind zunächst unglaubwürdig, sie sind Lügner,
Provokateure oder
versuchen sich, aus dem naja Vorfall Vorteile zu verschaffen. Mitunter treffen
sie zurecht im
Nachhinein Sanktionen, wie gekündigte Mietverträge u.ä.
Alle, die sich für die Opfer einsetzen oder sich sonst engagieren, es sind
meist wenige
Einzelpersonen oder Initiativen werden als "Gutmenschen" lächerlich
gemacht oder als
Exoten und Querulanten beschimpft.
Ausländer und Punks werden in Geschäften nicht mehr bedient, besonders
nicht im
Supermarkt, wenn viele Menschen anwesend sind.
Die Mittel für Jugendarbeit werden gekürzt, den wenigen alternativ
auffälligen Sozialarbeitern
wird dringend nahegelegt, die Rusterlocken abzuschneiden. Für Erfahrungsaustausch,
Fortbildung und Supervision sind keinerlei Mittel vorhanden.
besser ist es , organisierte Rechtsextreme als Sozialarbeiter bei der Stadt
einzustellen, um
die Jungens auf den rechten Weg zu bringen. Und findet man solche nicht, dann
geht es
auch mit unausgebildeten, umgelernten ABM Kräften, in deren Haltung zu
Minderheiten nicht
mit gefährlichen Sympathie oder Empathiebekundungen zu rechnen ist.
Gleichzeitig aber werden Straßen neu asphaltiert, Straßenlaternen
angeschafft, um im
Dunkeln besser sehen zu können und ganz neue Wege oder Videoüberwachung
Hochhäuser werde mit viel Aufwand niedriggebaut.
Die Lehrer sollen Unterrichtsbeamte werden, Faktenwerfer, die für Probleme
Jugendlichen nicht zuständig sind und ebensowenig für politische Bildung
im Alltag.
Wegsehen ist ein hohes Gut. Auch bei Gewalt gegen unangepaßte oder nicht-arische
Jegliches Ausdrücken von Werten wird als politische Stellungnahme in der
diskreditiert, wie z.B. der Besuch von Schülern in einem Asylbewerberheim,
der als
politische Aktivität untersagt wurde.
Bei Schüleraustausch oder Fahrten von Klassen mit hohem Ausländeranteil
aus dem
Westen sollte auf deren eigenem Risiko bestanden werden. Bei Angriffen, Anpöbeleien
muß aus der Bevölkerung auf strikte Nicht Einmischung geachtet und
gegebenenfalls auch
die kleinste Hilfeleistung, wie das Benutzen von Telefonen, verweigert werden.
Das gleiche gilt natürllich auch für alle anderen Teilnehmer am öffentlichen
Gerade wo wenig Ausländer sind, muß die Paranoia besonders geschürt
werden, über
Ausländerkriminalität wird überall, auch in der Verwaltung ohne
konkreten Anlaß
gesprochen, die Betroffenen werden häufig von der Polizei kontrolliert.
Gewerbegenehmigungen für Ausländer auf öffentlichen Märkten
werden verweigert.
In Einkaufszentren werden offen Rechtsextreme als Wachschutz rekrutiert oder
kommunale Aufträge auf öffentlichen Veranstaltungen als Ordnungskräfte
zu fungieren, die
gemeinsam mit der Polizei besonders gegen Ausländer vorgehen und sie verdrängen.
Firmen stellen, mit der Begründung, daß die staatlichen und kommunalen
Kunden dies
nicht wünschen, grundsätzlich keine Ausländer ein.
Es wird, vor allem durch den BGS und die Polizei ein Denunziantennetz aufgebaut.
Auf keinen Fall sollten rechtsextreme Symbole aus dem öffentlichen Raum
entfernt werden.
Die Information und Zusammenarbeit von Polizei, Jugendamt, Schule und Bürgermeister
muß immer wieder verhindert und sabotiert werden.
Rechtsextreme Plakatkleber müssen dringend gegen Jugendliche Antifas geschützt
werden. Bei Demonstrationen müssen vor allem die "Linken" verhaftet
und als Nigger oder
Säue beschimpft werden. Die Politik muß dann natürlich immer
auf die Gefahr von rechts
UND links hinweisen. Relativieren ist oberstes Gebot.
Die Budgets für Polizeieinsätze müssen in diesem Bereich immer
deutlich höher sein, ja
ein vielfaches der Projektarbeit ausmachen.
Das ganze Problem muß in jeder Lebenslage unsichtbar gemacht werden, es
darf nie
darüber geredet werden und sollte in der Selbstverständlichkeit der
nunmal vorhandenen
Realität verschwinden.
Keinesfalls sollte es zu ernsthaften Debatten zum Thema Rechtsextremismus kommen
leugnen, leugnen, leugnen ist das probateste Mittel dazu.
13. Mai 2001, 22:00 Uhr
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!