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sign Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 Kein Platz für Frauen bei Friedensverhandlungen?
von: "boadicca" <boadicca@belgacom.net>
Yesterday at a
meeting at the United Nations it was stated by Mr.
Prendergast, Under Secretary General for Political Affairs, that women
could not be included in peace negotiations in Afghanistan because the
situation was too complex. This is a grave distortion of fact. Without
the inclusion of women at the peace table the situation will remain
complex, and women's needs and human rights will not be addressed.
We need action now. Please consider writing to the Secretary General of
the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan, about your concerns regarding the
inclusion of women at any peace table where such negotiations have
occurred. The address is: United Nations Headquarters, First Avenue, New
York, NY 10017 USA
Please let us know if you are able to send a letter. ngo_csw_ny@yahoo.com
02 Mail-Bombing gegen linkeseite.de
von: "Antiprison" <antiprison@hushmail.com>
Am Dienstag zwischen
3.45 Uhr und 9.22 Uhr wurden wir von einer
Mail-Attacke betroffen. Innerhalb dieser Zeit erhielten wir 3.239 von
geplanten 10.000 Mails, die ueber ein umgelenktes Formular (Schleife?!)
versandt wurden.
Die Unternehmen, über deren Server dies nach eigenen Aussagen
missbraeuchlich stattgefunden hat, sind derzeit dabei, den Urheber dieses
Angriffs zu lokalisieren.
Interessanterweise ist in diesem betroffenen Unternehmen (on-web AG)
der Aufsichtsrat Günter Frhr. v. Gravenreuth.
Leider gingen durch
diesen Vorfall viele Mails verloren.
Sollten Wichtige Infos nicht veroeffentlicht werden, schickt eure
Mails bitte nochmal
Anarchistischer Infodienst mit News und Infos über politische
Gefangene und staatsliche Repression
E-Mail : antiprison@hushmail.com
Webseite : www.geocities.com/antiknast
News : www.groups.geocities.com/group/antiknast
Wenn Sie Ihr Abonnement für diese Yahoo! Group kündigen möchten,
Sie eine E-Mail an:
03 Lauschangriff: Kabinett beschliesst E-Mail-UEberwachung
von: "Antiprison" <antiprison@hushmail.com>
- Ab sofort muss man damit rechnen, dass die Polizei
auch den E-Mail-Verkehr und den Kurznachrichtenversand ueberwacht.
Die entsprechende Verordnung wurde von der Bundesregierung
(Deutschland) beschlossen.
Darin werden die
Anbieter von Telefon- und Internet-Diensten dazu
verpflichtet, den Ermittlungsbehoerden die UEberwachung des
Telekommunikationsverkehrs ihrer Kunden zu ermoeglichen. Dazu
zaehlen neben Telefon-Gespraechen und Faxen auch E-Mails und
Einen Hintergrund mit Fragen und Antworten zur
'Telekommunikations-UEberwachungsverodnung' finden Sie hier .
Die neue Verordnung
regelt nur die technischen und organisatorischen
Vorkehrungen fuer den neuen Lauschangriff. Der rechtliche Rahmen ist
in anderen Gesetzen festgelegt. Eine solche UEberwachung kann nach den
Vorschriften der Strafprozessordnung, des Gesetzes zur Neuregelung der
Beschraenkung des Brief-, Post- und Fermeldegeheimnisses (auch G10-
Gesetz genannt, weil das Fernmeldegeheimnis im Artikel 10 des Grundgesetzes
geregelt ist) und des Aussenwirtschaftsgesetzes bei dem Verdacht bestimmter
schwerer Straftaten angeordnet werden.
AOL: US-Richter stoppt AOL 6.0
(30.10.2001/) -
Ein Bundesrichter hat die Verbreitung der Software AOL 6.0
wegen mutmasslichen Verstosses gegen das Urheberrecht vorlaeufig
gestoppt. Wie die Firma Play Media in Los Angeles mitteilte, kam Richter
Howard Matz zu dem Schluss, dass der Medienkonzern AOL Time Warner
in seinem Media Player unrechtmaessig die Decoder-Software von Play Media
fuer MP3-Musikdateien benutze. Es duerfen nur noch Programme ohne Play
Media-Software ausgeliefert werden. Dabei handelt es sich noch nicht um ein
abschliessendes Urteil. Play Media hat den Konkurrenten auf 101,41 Millionen
Mark Schadenersatz verklagt.
quelle: www.billiger-telefonieren.de
Anarchistischer Infodienst mit News und Infos über politische
Gefangene und staatsliche Repression
E-Mail : antiprison@hushmail.com
Webseite : www.geocities.com/antiknast
News : www.groups.geocities.com/group/antiknast
Wenn Sie Ihr Abonnement
für diese Yahoo! Group kündigen möchten, senden
Sie eine E-Mail an:
04 TAYAD Statement No: 402 "Turkish Police Confessed the
Murder of Yunus Güzel"
von: <GURSCOTT@aol.com>
>>The Death Fast is in its Fourth season...74 MARTYRS.
No: 402 - October 29, 2001
Yes, the Police's press release is an official confession. The police say,
"yes, we killed him, is there any objection?" without having any concerns.
There is no law order to try them.
Here is the police statement concerning the death of Yunus Bulbul on
October 23 whilst under detention." He disjoints the bed in his cell, which
was screwed to the floor. He put it on a standing (vertical) position. He
wrap the bed sheet around his neck and since he was tall, he bent his legs
and committed suicide this way"
"Is there bed sheets in cells?" asks a journalist and the reply is
confession of acceptance of responsibility and being unlawful. "In
accordance with Human Rights, there are"
Journalist asks again: "How come there was no noise and nobody was aware
it?" The reply is almost identical. "In accordance with Human Rights
we do
not locate CCTV cameras in cells"
Bed sheets are provided for detainees in cells and CCTV cameras are not
situated in cells, because of respect for human rights, Yunus Guzel
committed suicide and nobody heard anything. This is the mentality of the
same mind which shouts slogan of "Down With Human Rights" on streets.
else can be expected from such a mind? The police say, "Do you want human
rights? Here have it" And confessing their role in this murder.
The police are clearly confessing by writing such an unbelievable scenario.
They have already known that nobody would believe it. In fact, they even do
not bother to prepare a more realistic scenario. They repeat one of their
pre-written texts. These texts have been used for decades. Just have a look
at those 50 cases of deaths under detention within last six years. You will
find that there is not a single one that is authentic. When they murdered
Baki Erdoðan, Birtan Altunbaþ and tens of others, they issued similar
statements. These are the classical sentences of explanations. "He/she
of the wall. He/she died by hitting his/her head to wall. He/she died of
natural causes. He/she committed suicide and died. His/her heart failed.
He/she jumped out of window" There is nothing new. The police must end
demagogy and make it public how they committed the murder.
We ask; how can a man disjoint his bed that is screwed to the floor? If one
of the detainees blocks the only entrance of the cell with this removable
bed, do police plan to enter the cell by using a CS bomb?
Reveal it. Everyone
knows that in a cell where even the shoelaces are
confiscated there will be no bed sheets.
We, as the TAYAD families, have been detained numerous of times. We know
those cells very well. We have never seen any bed sheets there. End the
demagogy of "in accordance with human rights" and reveal the truth.
We ask, how a 1 m 85 cm tall man can hang himself on a bed which is a
couple of centimetres longer than an average man's height? Is this
physically and medically possible? This cannot be explained with "bent
knees" lie. This is actually claiming responsibility indirectly.
We ask, when somebody commits suicide he or she unconsciously flutters and
makes noise. You do not need to be medical expert to know this. How come
tens of people in neighbouring cells and the police officer on duty heard
nothing? Explaining this with the absence of CCTV cameras means mocking.
Everyone has already known the meaning of the statement of the Interior
Ministry. They said they would send an investigator to examine the case.
Recently those investigators were sent to Akise town of Konya city. They
prepared reports to blame the people not those who opened fire at the
people and used 5,000 bullets. The meaning of sending an investigator is to
cover up. If this incident is brought to court the result will be similar
to the previous ones'. Murderers and torturers will be acquitted.
We appeal to those who defend law order, justice and human rights. The
evidence for the murder of Yunus Guzel is the police's own statement. This
statement is their self-confession. Let us mobilise to make the truth being
heard by the rest of the world. Let us not bring the torturers and
murderers to justice. They should not get away with it.
TAYAD Families
E-MAIL: TAYADlondon1@aol.com
Tel: +(44) 7799 473577
05 [Depot] Diskussion "Sozialstaat Österreich"
von: Harald Frassine <terminemoderator@blackbox.net>
diskussion im depot am mi, 7.november um 19.00
es geht um das
volksbegehren "sozialstaat österreich"
mit Gertraud Knoll, Emmerich Talos, Klaus Woltron und Theodor Öhlinger.
genauere infos bei markus stradner 0699/19291290, oder
(Q: Radio Orange)
06 Spreading leaflets at the Rabin Memorial Rally
von: Gush Shalom <info@gush-shalom.org>
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - http://www.gush-shalom.org/
At 7.30 PM tomorrow
evening the Rabin Memorial Rally is going to take place
at the Rabin Square in Tel-Aviv. The organisers are trying to make it as bland
and "non-political" as possible, which is an insult to the memory
of Rabin - a
very political man who was the victim of a politically-motivated murder on
that very spot, exactly six years ago. There had even been an outrageous intention
to invite Sharon (!) to address the rally; it was dropped when the organisers
heard of the plan by several groups to distribute thousands of whistles in
the audience, which would have been used to good effect had the PM dared to
show his face.
Whatever the organisers'
hand-picked speakers say from the podium, the people
who attend will undoubtedly be the same kind of people who came to the
previous annual Rabin Rallies, ever since 1995. This means that tomorrow's
rally is going to be the biggest gathering of peace-minded Israelis for
quite a long time - tens or possibly hundreds of thousands. Peace activists
of all
shades should be there, helping in transforming it into what it should be -
peace rally, a political rally, an outcry against the occupation and against
the Sharon
Various groups
such as Peace Now and the Women's Coalition for Peace made
plans to demonstrate there and raise anti-occupation slogans. Gush Shalom
decided to concentrate on circulating among the audience a leaflet denouncing
the army's systematic assassinations of Palestinians ("targeted killings")
as the war crimes they are. In these days of escalation and bloodshed, such
things need to be said loud and clear, and they are extremely unlikely to
be said from the podium tomorrow night.
Anyone willing
and able to help in distributing such material should call
as soon as possible the Gush Shalom office (03-5221732) and leave name and phone
number. Thank you!
For more about Gush Shalom you are invited to visit our renewed website:
EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: http://topica.com/u/?a84Ai4.a9zxQx
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07 Anti-Rassismuskonferenz: Wiedergutmachung für Jahrhunderte?
von: "Ilse Hanak" <ilsehanak@hotmail.com>
Der Evangelische
Arbeitskreis für Weltmission (EAWM ),
Die Evangelische Akademikerschaft in Österreich
Albert Schweitzerhaus, 1090 Wien
Ilse Hanak:
Wiedergutmachung für Jahrhunderte?
UNO-Weltkonferenz gegen Rassismus, rassistische Diskriminierung,
Fremdenfeindlichkeit und damit verbundene Intoleranz, 31.August bis
8.September 2001 in Durban, Südafrika.
Auf dieser Konferenz und dem direkt zuvor angesetzten Forum der
Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NROs) ging es nicht nur um die Aufarbeitung
des Unrechts der Vergangenheit wie Sklavenhandel, Sklaverei und
Kolonialismus, sondern auch um den ganz gewöhnlichen alltäglichen
Rassismus. In allen Ländern der Erde gibt es "die anderen", die
gehasst, vertrieben und in schlimmsten Fällen umgebracht werden. Oft wird
ihnen die Schuld an einer schlechten Wirtschaftslage zugeschrieben. In
Durban wurde nach den Wurzeln dieser Konflikte gesucht und um Strategien
für die Bewältigung dieses Menschheitsübels gerungen. Auch die
waren an dem Prozess beteiligt. Nur mit großer Mühe kam es zu einem
Konsenspapier - ein Zeichen, wie schwierig die Materie und wie dringend die
Weiterarbeit an den Problemen ist. Die Entwicklungen nach dem 11.September
haben diese Dringlichkeit wieder ganz ins Zentrum gerückt.
Ilse Hanak berichtet mit Lichtbildern über die Inhalte und Ereignisse
dieser großen Konferenz, auf der 170 Staaten, etwa 2.000 NROs und insgesamt
ca 15.000 Menschen vertreten waren.
Zeit: Montag, 10.Dezember 2001, 18:30 h
Ort: Albert Schweitzerhaus,
Garnisongasse 14, 1090 Wien,
Eingang StudentInnenheim, 1.Stock, EAWM-Büro
F.d.I.v.: ilse hanak, schwarzstraße 25, 5020 salzburg
08 "Womanism, Feminitude und kein Licht im Hörsaal.
Afrikanische Notizen"
von: <sabine.blaschke@univie.ac.at>
Die Sektion Frauenforschung
in der Oesterreichischen
Gesellschaft fuer Soziologie laedt zu folgender Veranstaltung ein:
Hanna Hacker:
Donnerstag, den
22. November 2001, 18.15 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum des Instituts fuer Soziologie,
Universitaet Wien, Neues Institutsgebaeude,
Universitaetsstraße 7/II. Stock, 1010 Wien
"Wie Schoenheit
liegt auch Gender nur allzu oft im Auge des
Betrachters", schreibt die Nigerianerin Oyeronke Oyewumi in
einer scharfen Kritik westlicher feministischer
Geschlechterkonzeptionen. Wie aber kommt "Gender" nach
Afrika? Und wer hat welches Geschlecht im Auge?
Hanna Hacker praesentiert
"afrikanische Notizen" als analytisches
Resuemee ihrer Taetigkeit als Genderexpertin fuer europaeische
EZA-Organisationen in West- und Zentralafrika, als Beraterin von
feministischen Gruppen und Frauennetzwerken in der Region und
als Lehrbeauftragte an der Universitaet in Yaounde, Kamerun.
Wir laden herzlich
zur hoffentlich lebhaften Diskussion zum
Themenfeld Frauenbewegungen im Nord-Sued-Verhaeltnis,
Genderansatz in der Entwicklungspolitik, Women's Studies in
globaler Perspektive, und mehr!
Hanna Hacker, Univ.-Doz.in,
Soziologin und Historikerin,
ist Raetin der Sektion Frauenforschung der OEGS. Derzeit hat sie
eine Gastprofessur am Department fuer Gender Studies an der
Central European University in Budapest inne.
Dr. Sabine Blaschke
Department of Government
University of Vienna
Bruenner Strasse 72
A-1210 Wien
Tel (++43)-1-4277-38313
Fax (++43)-1-4277-38318
email: sabine.blaschke@univie.ac.at
visit my webpage:
09 Que(e)r-Beisl-Termine im November
von: Rosa Antifa Wien <raw@raw.at>
Hallo liebe Leute!
Dieses Monat haben
wir ein stark inhaltlich geprägtes Programm zu
bieten, der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Veranstaltungen zum Thema
Bis bald also ;-)
eure BeislmacherInnen
Gilt fuer alle Veranstaltungen:
Ort: Que(e)r-Beisl
im EKH. Wielandgasse 2-4, 1100 Wien (U1 Keplerplatz)
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 20 Uhr (bitte ab jetzt puenktlich!!!),
Beislbetrieb von 18:30-24:00 Uhr
Der Eintritt ist immer kostenlos!!!
Mittwoch 7. November:
Novemberpogrom 1938: Vorgeschichte, Verlauf und Folgen
Der "Anschluß" war das Signal zum Losschlagen: Gleich nach der
"Heimkehr ins Reich" begann sich im Frühjahr 1938 das "gesunde
Volksempfinden" gegen die Juden und Jüdinnen auszutoben. Als die
besseren Deutschen waren die "Ostmärker" noch zügelloser
in ihrer
antisemitischen Raserei. Die Heftigkeit der Ausschreitungen und
privaten Raubzüge vor allem in Wien veranlaßten sogar die
NSDAP-Spitze aus Sorge um das Ansehen im Ausland, mäßigend auf den
pogromistischen Mob einzuwirken. Die Ermordung eines deutschen
Botschaftssekretärs in Paris am 7. November nutzte das Regime dann
als Vorwand für die Organisierung "spontaner" Ausschreitungen
Juden und Jüdinnen. Der von den Nazis "Reichkristallnacht" genannte
Pogrom war hierzulande blutiger noch als im "Altreich" und konnte
insbesondere in Wien von den NS-Behörden nur mit Mühe wieder
eingedämmt werden. Denn der "Radauantisemitismus" der Straße
sich in seiner blinden Zerstörungswut und persönlichen Gier zunehmend
schwerer mit dem "Antisemitismus der Vernunft", der sich mit
bürokratischer Rationalität an die "Endlösung der Judenfrage"
Der Novemberpogrom markiert daher auch einen zentralen Einschnitt in
der Entwicklung nationalsozialistischer "Judenpolitik": Diese wurde
nun weiter systematisiert und vereinheitlicht. Die Transformation des
"Radauantisemitismus" in ein langfristiges staatliches Konzept der
Enteignung, Vertreibung und Ermordung läßt sich gerade am Wiener
Beispiel eindrucksvoll nachzeichnen.
Vortrag mit anschliessender Diskussion
Mittwoch, 14. November 2001
Proud to be gay? Zur Kritik der Identität
Ist schwule Identität
etwas, auf das man stolz sein kann - oder sind
womöglich die Bekenntnisse, "proud to be gay" und "stolz,
Österreicher zu sein" gar nicht so weit voneinander entfernt? Der
positive Bezug auf die Identität einer Gruppe wurde und wird, auch
von Linken, mit ihrer Unterdrückung, ihrem Minderheitenstatus
begründet. Der Unterschied zwischen österreichischer und schwuler
Identität läge also darin, dass die Österreicher und
Österreicherinnen sich nur einbilden, was für die Schwulen
tatsächlich gilt: sie werden unterdrückt. Doch das nützt nicht
die Folgen sind dieselben. Die zunehmend wahnhaften Züge der
Identitätspolitik kommen in beiden Fällen in dem Gefühl zum Ausdruck,
man sei Opfer dunkler Machenschaften. Identität ist immer
Identifikation und Abgrenzung zugleich. Als notwendiger Bezugspunkt
jeglicher Politik erscheint Identität als die Übereinstimmung dessen,
was dem Individuum aus irgend einem Grund gegeben ist und dem
Einverständnis des Individuums in dies Gegebene. Dieser positive
Bezug auf Identitäten führt jedoch nicht zur Emanzipation, sondern
zur Verfestigung des schlechten Gangs der Dinge. Aber auch die
geforderte Infragestellung und dekonstruktive Überwindung von
Identitäten ist fragwürdig. In dem Maße, wie Identität
als subjektiv
konstruierte wahrgenommen wird, wird der gesellschaftliche Zwang zur
Identität ausgeblendet, dessen Erkenntnis die Grundlage der Kritik
und der Emanzipation wäre.
Vortrag und Diskussion mit Tjark Kunstreich
Mittwoch 21. November:
Die österreichische
ArbeiterInnenbewegung und die antisemitische
Bedrohung - Bilanz eines Scheiterns
Das Verhältnis
der sozialistischen Bewegung einerseits zur
"Judenfrage" andererseits zum modernen oder politischen
Antisemitismus gehört zu den wenig ruhmreichen Kapiteln in deren
Geschichte. Gerade die österreichische Sozialdemokratie, die ihre
Wurzeln im Deutschnationalismus hat, blieb lange Zeit dem frühen
Bewußtseinsstand ihrer Klientel verhaftet: Ohne mit Marx den
Kapitalismus begriffen zu haben, verharrte man im Antikapitalismus
auf der Ebene der Zirkulation, welche dann auch noch mit dem
"Judentum" identifiziert wurde. Der Antisemitismus wurde nicht als
eigenständige Weltanschauung zur Vorbereitung der Barbarei begriffen,
sondern zum "Sozialismus des dummen Kerls" erklärt und als Vorstufe
zum revolutionären Bewußtsein verkannt. Kaum jemals wurde offen
Partei ergriffen für die Opfer der antisemitischen Hetze und Gewalt.
Gleichzeitig sah sich die Sozialdemokratie selbst antisemitischen
Anfeindungen ausgesetzt. Auf den Vorwurf, eine "Judenschutztruppe"
sein, reagierte sie mit dem Versuch, sich als die besseren
AntisemitInnen darzustellen. Alles in allem ist als Folge eines
falschen Verständnisses von Antisemitismus, taktischer
Rücksichtnahmen und klassenreduktionistischer Positionen ein
Scheitern der sozialistischen Bewegung in Österreich angesichts der
antisemitischen Bedrohung zu konstatieren.
Vortrag mit anschliessender Diskussion
Mittwoch 28. November:
Vortrag und Diskussion zum Thema "Antisemitismus von Links"
Entgegen dem weitverbreiteten
Selbstverständnis der Linken, gegen
Antisemitismus gefeit zu sein, gibt es eine lange und traurige
Geschichte antisemitischer Vorurteile und Denkensweisen, die nicht
selten in offene Anfeindungen übergehen. Die Meinung, als aufrechteR
AntifaschistIn könne man doch gar nicht antisemitisch sein,
begünstigt das Ignorieren oder Übersehen des latenten, oft sehr
subtilen, Antisemitismus in den eigenen Reihen, vor allem seit dieser
als "Antizionismus" oder auf ähnliche Art und Weise getarnt
einherkommt. Gerade hier in Österreich ist aufgrund der Geschichte,
und der bis heute
andauernden unseligen Traditionen, eine
Aufarbeitung und eine kritische Auseinandersetzung damit geboten.
Vortrag und Diskussionsveranstaltung gemeinsam mit dem Infoladen 10
############ RAW #############
Rosa Antifa Wien
c/o Rosa Lila Tip
Linke Wienzeile 102
A-1060 Wien
E-Mail: raw@raw.at
Web: http://www.raw.at
PGP-Key available here:
############ RAW #############
10 Afghan Women-Solidarity With Them
von: <jbraak@valstar.net>
Please circulate, distribute, post, quote/cite or otherwise use to
demonstrate solidarity with Afghan women, an urgent necessity now. The
human rights of Afghan women appear to be imperiled. It seems that
shamefully stereotypic concepts and assumptions accepted by powerfully
positioned men with influence in international political decisions may
function to exclude and marginalize Afghan women from peace, political and
financial negotiation processes. Stereotypic thinking at this crucial time
is simply unacceptable. More than protection, Afghan women need
participation. Thank you.
Joyce E. Braak, M.D.
President, Institute for Research on Women's Health
MWIA continues to receive reliable reports from Afghanistan of increased
abuses and violations of the human rights of girls and women by the Taliban
militia, particularly their freedom and rights to education and employment,
and the progressive deterioration of the physical and mental health of
girls and women who are specifically denied access to health services and
humanitarian aid.
The Taliban militia demonstrate contempt for the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights and the common moral vision of the International community by
continuing to subject girls and women to egregious and progressively severe
cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment with devastating physical and
mental health consequences, particularly for women physicians who are
prohibited from the practice of their profession. Credible reports confirm
that the Taliban continue to compel women and children, otherwise, in
virtual captivity, to witness public beheadings, amputations, floggings and
other inhumane and cruel executions of punishments. MWIA states that this
Taliban coercion does extreme harm to the mental health of these helpless
witnesses, creates a climate of terror and produces a devastating,
disabling degree of despair for the future in women and children.
MWIA strongly condemns
the pattern, policy, and practices of extreme and
escalating violations of the human rights of girls and women by the
Taliban, who demonstrate a callous disregard for lives and needs of the
majority of the Afghanistan population, girls and women.
MWIA demands that the complete restoration of the human rights of girls
and women be a precondition for any and all negotiations with and
involvement of the Taliban militia in any legitimate international,
multinational financial development matters.
MWIA demands that women shall be proportionally represented by women at any
peace plans and negotiations for Afghanistan and that the full and
immediate restoration of human rights and fundamental freedoms for girls
and women, particularly the right of women physicians to freely practice
their profession, and the restoration of free and unfettered access to
health care and health services and to education be a precondition to the
initiation of any international peace or financial development process.
>>> Remember, an eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind.......
11 Uni Klagenfurt: 30% StudentInnenschwund
von: <oeh.vorsitzendenteam@uni-klu.ac.at>
Freitag, 2.11.2001
Uni Klagenfurt:
30% StudentInnenschwund
ÖH-Vorsitzender Köchl: " Volle Auswirkungen der Studiengebühren
werden sich
erst in den nächsten Semestern zeigen"
Klagenfurt - Letztes
Wintersemester waren an der Uni Klagenfurt noch 7.700
Studierende gemeldet, heuer werden es aufgrund der Studiengebühren deutlich
weniger sein. Mit Ende Oktober haben rund 5.200 Studierende die
Studiengebühren an der Uni Klagenfurt bezahlt. Unter Berücksichtigung
Nachfrist bis Ende November rechnet die ÖH an der Uni Klagenfurt mit etwa
5.400-5.700 Studierenden. "Das wäre ca. 26-30% Rückgang",
rechnet der Grüne
ÖH-Vorsitzende Matthias Köchl (GRAS). Vorsitz-Kollege Meinhard Lehofer
(PLUS) verweist darauf, daß die soziale Lage der Kärntner Studierenden
deutlich schlechter als im Österreichschnitt sei.
Besonders drastisch
ist der Rückgang bei Studierenden über 40 Jahre:
Seniorenstudierende haben an der Uni Klagenfurt 80% weniger neu zu
studieren angefangen. Köchl hält die Auswirkungen der Studiengebühren
nicht in vollem Umfang für abschätzbar: "Dieses Semester haben
Studierende beschlossen "hineinzubeißen" und trotz widriger
Umstände ihr
Studium fortzusetzen. Etliche werden leider im Laufe der nächsten Semester
draufkommen, das sie es sich nicht mehr leisten können, zu studieren."
Bereits im letzen Sommersemester waren fast 1.000 Studierende weniger an
der Uni als im Wintersemester. "Somit könnte die Uni sogar unter die
5.000-Marke rutschen", befürchtet das ÖH-Vorsitzendenteam.
Die ÖH ruft
deshalb zum Unterschreiben des Bildungsvolksbegehrens auf. Von
6.11. bis 13.11. kann man am Gemeindeamt unterschreiben. Zudem findet am
Samstag 10.11. von 10.00-14.00 Uhr ein Aktionstag am Neuen Platz in
Klagenfurt statt.
Rückfragen: Mobil. 0664-2668549 (Hr. Köchl)
and more!
von: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <abe@cuadp.org>
Sent *only* to
the more than 3,500 recipients of CUADPUpdate
Feel free to forward
Greetings all,
to the hundreds of people who have joined or
been added to this list in the past few weeks. If after you review the
next few messages you decide you do not want to receive CUADPUpdate,
unsubscribe by clicking on the link at the END of this message.
Having been on
the road since October 5th, now I'm back, the lawn
is cut, the dog has forgiven me for leaving him home, the checkbook is back
to being up to date, and there are still about 600 messages to work
through. If you are waiting for a reply from us on a specific matter,
please resend your message for faster turnaround.
Last night was
All Hollows Eve, AKA Halloween. Just about everyone knows
about that. But how many people know about El Dia De Los Muertos (The Day
of The Dead)?
"The Day of
the Dead is celebrated in Mexico on November 2nd. It is a time
when Mexican families spend time at the cemetery, visiting the graves of
their relatives, cleaning and perhaps painting the headstones, arranging
flowers, especially flowers of the dead (marigolds) and lighting
candles. It is also the time when Mexican families construct special home
altars dedicated to the spirits of their deceased loved ones. The altars
range from simple to very elaborate and are usually filled with objects
that provided pleasure to the departed person in life, including favorite
food and drink. Altars dedicated to the spirits of deceased children often
include toys, candy and other sweets." (From <http://muertos.palomar.edu/>)
I never knew about it until I went to work for the family of Cesar Chavez
at the headquarters of the United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO, where I
lived from 1994-1996. The focus on El Dia De Los Muertos was always on
the "UFW Martyrs," workers killed in struggle for human rights. We
in the
abolition movement should consider participating in this celebration as a
way to recognize and celebrate the lives of those lost both to criminal
murder and state sponsored exterminations.
Late yesterday,
Reuters News Service moved the following story, which
quotes CUADP, among others, talking about how the movement to abolish the
death penalty has not been shelved in the wake of September 11. If you
noticed this article PRINTED in your local paper, we would really
appreciate an original print copy or three.... Please send to:
PMB 297
177 US Highway #1
Tequesta, FL 33469
Capital Punishment Debate Sees Shifts in U.S. States
5 canvas straps
looped with thick ankle and wrist restraints stretch
across the white-sheeted gurney of the new death chamber in Kansas.
Just behind the bed, a narrow wall separates executioner from condemned,
and a black telephone hangs ready to transmit any last-minute orders to
halt the flow of lethal drugs.
The room is ready.
But the prison staff at the Lansing Correctional
Facility is not. Over the next few months, they will study the process of
how to put someone to death. For when it comes to executions, Kansas is
out of practice.
The Midwestern
state best known for its vast expanses of wheat fields has
not executed anyone since 1965. Then, hanging was the method of choice.
But with four men now on death row and other capital murder cases winding
their way through the courts, Kansas, which reinstituted capital
punishment in 1994, has done away with the old gallows and is moving into
the modern era of executions.
``We want to make
sure any execution ... is done with respect and dignity
for everyone involved,'' said Kansas Secretary of Corrections Charles
Simmons during a press tour of the new execution facilities last week.
Kansas' move to build a new death chamber comes as debate and scrutiny
surrounding capital punishment is intensifying throughout the United States.
Battles over the
methods and morality of the act are waged in almost
every U.S. state. Arguments that innocent people are being wrongly
condemned are the focus in some states, while in others the style of
execution is at issue. Debates also rage over whether discrimination
leads minorities and poor people to be assigned a death sentence at a
disproportionate rate.
In one of the most
significant recent moves, the Georgia Supreme Court
ruled on Oct. 5 that the electric chair amounted to cruel and unusual
punishment and struck down that method.
In Nebraska, electrocution remains the sole method of putting prisoners
to death. Efforts to do away with the chair have failed, as has a
proposed moratorium on executions.
Meanwhile, Illinois
has suspended all executions. North Carolina has
banned executions of those deemed mentally retarded. And in Texas, which
leads the nation
in executions, laws have been passed that allow for
increased DNA testing and improved legal counsel for those facing capital
The 1st federal
execution since 1963 took place earlier this year when
the U.S. used lethal injection to put to death Oklahoma City bomber
Timothy McVeigh.
Amid all the changes,
opponents of the death penalty, who call themselves
abolitionists, say they are making headway like never before.
"I feel confident
about our overall potential for success," Abe Bonowitz,
director of Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, told
Reuters. "I'm more optimistic about it than I've ever been."
Recent polling
data has shown a drop in support for the death penalty,
though the majority of Americans still favor executions, which are
allowed in 38 states. A recent Gallup Poll, for instance, showed support
at about 66 %, the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
As well, the tally
of 85 executions carried out last year was down from
1999, and the count for 2001 -- 55 through Oct. 24 -- appears on track to
post another decline, according to the Death Penalty Information Center,
which collects state and national data on executions. In all, more than
735 people have been executed in the United States since 1976 when a
Supreme Court ruling reinstated capital punishment.
In another encouraging
sign to abolitionists, the number of clemencies
handed down to spare the lives of death row inmates is on the rise,
albeit slightly, said Richard Dieter, executive director of the
information center.
From 1976 through
the mid-1990s, clemencies nationwide averaged one a
year, Dieter said. In 1999, 5 were granted. There were 2 last year and 3
so far this year, he said.
"There are
some recent trends which indicate a rethinking of the death
penalty," Dieter said. "People are increasingly concerned about the
penalty, its accuracy and fairness. That is what is gaining ground -- a
Death penalty advocates
acknowledge the shifting views but say that
arguments for capital punishment as an effective deterrent, a protective
measure against future crime, remain strong.
Advocates argue
that information about innocent people on death row has
been overstated and exploited, and they say that media bias has swayed
the debate.
Some of the criticism
of the death penalty has been mitigated by the
Sept. 11 attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon,
according to capital punishment advocates. They say people who have
previously been untouched by violence and crime are more apt to
understand the reasons capital punishment has a place in the United States.
experienced a fleeting glance of how it feels to be a victim
of violent crime," said Dianne Clements, spokeswoman for Houston-based
Justice for All, which supports the death penalty.
"Most Americans
believe that those responsible for these terror attacks
should receive a death penalty, if they are ever brought into a court of
law. (The attacks) created in America an invisible bond of horrific
crime, punishment, and justice. In the future, people will be more apt to
understand that
murder is murder, and the murder of one is as abominable
as the murder of 6,000.
In Kansas, where
4 white men occupy death row, officials have designated
separate protest zones outside the prison facility to make room for both
advocates and opponents of capital punishment and the inevitable clashes
that they expect will coincide with any execution.
The controversy
also extends inside the towering limestone walls of the
prison facility housing the execution chamber. While some prison workers
have volunteered quickly to take roles assisting in futures executions,
others have steadfastly refused to be involved.
"Some don't even want to tour the death chamber," said Lansing Warden
David McKune. "They don't want to see it or know anything about it."
(source: Reuters)
to the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty on
the occasion of its 25th Anniversary conference, which was held October 18
- 21 in Raleigh, North Carolina. You can see some photos by going to
<http://www.cuadp.org/action.html>, and then click on the link for "25th
Anniversary NCADP Conference."
Before I get to
the items which should concern anyone interested in
democracy and ethics within our movement, let me share some positive
The March was well
attended by over 300 people, and while a bit long, it
was inspiring and wound its way to all of the important spots, including
Central Prison, where NC's death row resides and the prisoners are killed,
and then on to the building which houses NC's Supreme Court, then the State
Capitol, and finally the Governor's residence. See the news coverage and
the photo at <http://www.cuadp.org/images/marchnews.jpg>.
to all of the award recipients at the NCADP awards dinner,
including Ajamu Baraka <http://www.cuadp.org/images/ajamu.jpg>, who was
recognized as "Abolitionist of the Year." Ajamu had everyone laughing
he related a discussion he had recently with his son. Ajamu was asked,
"Dad, what are you going to do about the death penalty after September
11th." He responded that the struggle will go on. "You're crazy!"
his son
replied. And Ajamu used that as a lead in to call out various other
"crazies" who were present at the dinner, including Rick Halperin,
teaches a night so that he can spend his days disseminating human rights
news items to the movement, Dick Dieter, who runs the Death Penalty
Information Center, and Ed and Mary Ruth Weir, who left their jobs at the
CIA in 1988 to start New Hope House, an agency which monitors capital
trials and provides support to death row families in Georgia.
The speeches were
all kept short, and believe it or not THE DINNER ENDED ON
TIME! If you have never been to an NCADP awards dinner (or pretty much any
other awards dinner), you know that such events have a reputation for going
on for hours. At the National Coalition dinner in Philadelphia in 1999,
the folks at my table started up a little pool. We all threw $1 into the
hat and picked a time that we thought the dinner would end. Whoever was
closest won the
pool. Last year at the Committing to Conscience conference
in San Francisco, CUADP formalized the pool. In a list that reads like a
"who's who" in the abolition movement, more than 70 people kicked
in to
pick the minute at which the dinner would end and everyone would be invited
to leave. Dick Dieter won last year by picking 11:07pm. Dick received
half of the funds collected, and the rest went to CUADP.
This year, I had
not planned to run the pool. But late in the day I
happened into the conference registration area and NCADP staff asked if
they could pick their times. So due to popular demand, the pool was
back! Again, 78 people picked specific minutes, with most being around
10pm and later. THREE NCADP board members picked times AFTER 11pm! Very
few were optimistic. When the dinner ended, I went to the podium, quieted
the crowd, and asked the official time keeper (the beautiful and talented
Lisa DuFord) for the ending time. "9:35" she yelled out. Well, nobody
picked 9:35pm. The closest was NCADP's David Elliot, who had picked
9:31. "Not close enough!" I said, and wished everyone better luck
year - fully intending to keep the full pot of money for CUADP. Certain
individuals chastised me for not going with the closest pick, however just
like roulette, "close" but not on does not win. But nobody heard Brenda
Lewis, the NEW NCADP Board Chair, when she got up and claimed that the
actual printed schedule indicated a actual end time of 9:35! Anyone who
has ever organized one of these events knows that actually ending on the
scheduled minute is an incredible achievement. Even though they had not
bought into the pool, I gave NCADP their fair share of the pool. See the
photo at <http://www.cuadp.org/images/poolwin.jpg>.
I mentioned concerns
democracy and ethics within our movement. If this
interests you, visit <http://www.cuadp.org/conference.html> and scroll
the way to the bottom, then click on one of the "ballots" pictured
there. It's not pretty, but I think this is stuff that should be dealt
Particularly if
you are near Chicago, I hope you will join me this weekend
at the following event:
From: Marlene Martin
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001
Campaign chapters, please distribute to all members
We now have 80
people registered for our national convention!! And it's
not too late to add more!
We are featuring
exonerated inmates from across the country and are
excited to be hearing their stories, from Kerry Max Cook who spent more than
20 years on death row in Texas before winning his freedom, to Shujaa Graham,
who was on California's death row for more than a decade. And they'll join
other freed inmates, including Lawyer Johnson, Lawrence Hayes, Darby Tillis,
Delbert Tibbs, Perry Cobb and Steve Smith.
All chapters need
to vote for delegates. If this hasn't been done
already, then it is probably too late for a meeting, so people will need to
be contacted and polled by phone. Please let me know the names of those
voted in as delegates.
Also, all delegates
should take some time to review the convention
documents sent out a few months ago (I've attached them again). These are
rules and guidelines for the group that we are proposing as well as a
proposed slate for the board of directors. All people attending the
convention can take part in all the discussions over the weekend, but only
delegates will be able to vote on proposals.
If you are in need
of housing and haven't yet contacted the national
office, you need to do so right away. We still have some space available if
people would like to be put up with Campaign members. Please let us know.
Attached is a press
release about the convention that Campaigners should
send out to their local press contacts.
If you haven't
sent a check in to register, we now want you to bring it
with you (We won't get it in time by this point).
The host committee
is a group of Campaign members that has been working
hard on all the logistics of the convention. The committee will have a lot
of work to do setting up and cleaning up the rooms we use for the
convention, including the Saturday night rally. They'll need help, so please
volunteer. Talk to me, or Noreen or Daniela, who are heading up the
registration table.
Recently, we asked
Chicago Campaign members to donate to help sponsor
exonerated and family members coming to convention--recognizing that Chicago
members don't have the cost of travel and housing that many other members
have. We're happy to report that a little over $1,000 was raised. Many
thanks to those that contributed.
We will be holding
three workshops on Saturday afternoon, not four as
our original agenda said. Also, several speakers have canceled or are still
tentative--Tanya McClary from the National Coalition to Abolish the Death
Penalty, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. and Mrs. Graham.
We're happy to be including Evangelist Bates at the evening rally--she's
the sister of Maryland death row inmate Vernon Evans.
As many Campaigners
know, the Death Row 10 are a group of prisoners on
Illinois death row that were tortured by Chicago police in order to obtain a
confession. Commander Jon Burge was fired for this, but no criminal charges
were ever brought against him or the police department. Twelve of these
torture victims remain on death row in Illinois, and none have received new
In the growing
effort to win justice for the Death Row 10, many
different groups are coming together to call for a special prosecutor to be
assigned to investigate the torture claims. We're holding a rally in Chicago
on Monday, November 5th. Anyone who is planning on staying in Chicago a few
days after the convention should get in touch with the national office and
get the details on the rally.
The Campaign held four meetings in two weeks to kick off the Death Row
Ten tour, and they were ALL fantastic.
At Grinell College
in Iowa, 50 people came out to hear David Bates, a
torture victim under Jon Burge who spent 11 years in jail for a crime he did
not commit; Alice Kim, Campaign national organizer; and Louva Bell, the
mother of Death Row 10 member Ronnie Kitchen. Then they traveled to Iowa
City and did an evening meeting with 30 people.
In New York a week
later, nearly 100 people turned out at Columbia
University to hear Darby Tillis, an Illinois exonerated inmate; Louva Bell;
Joan Parkin, Campaign national organizer; and Stanely Howard, a Death Row 10
member who called in via speakerphone.
The next night,
Georgetown University in Washington hosted an event that
drew a standing-room-only crowd of 160 people to hear David Bates, myself
and two calls-ins from members of the Death Row 10.
All in all, a good
kickoff to the tour--and more confirmation of the
interest out there in getting involved in the fight to get rid of the death
2. November 2001, 22:00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Edgar Ernstbrunner
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!