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sign Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 PING SMS: Radarfalle für Handys
von: "q/depesche" <depesche@quintessenz.at>
q/depesche 01.11.18/1
PING SMS: Radarfalle für Handys
WWW-Tool einer deutschen Firma ermöglicht "Pings" auf Handys
Ob eingeschaltet oder nicht, in ganz Europa | Besitzer bemerkt
nicht, dass sein Handy getestet wird | Dazu europaweite
Rendezvous-SMS an bis zu vier Empfänger
-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
Zwischen neuen, aber nicht einzigartigen Funktionen wie
zoombaren Stadtplänen hat das deutsche Start-Up Unternehmen
gate5 zwei erstaunliche SMS-Applikationen ins Netz gestellt.
Über einen Menüpunkt mit der kryptischen Bezeichnung "SMS
ersetzen" kommt man zu einem Formular namens "Replacement
SMS", das sich als Verabredungs-tool herausstellt und bis zu vier
SMS gleichzeitig verschickt.
Griechische Wertkartenhandys Ein FuZo-Schnelltest ergab, dass
es via Gate5 möglich ist, gratis wenigstens EU-weit SMS an
Mobiltelefone zu verschicken, es funktionierte britischen,
deutschen, österreichischen Handys, sogar ein griechisches
Wertkartentelefon wurde erreicht. "Replacement SMS"
Statusmeldungen via WWW Die Applikation meldet sogar den
Status des Empfängers, nämlich ob er die SMS direkt erhalten hat,
oder ob sein Handy zum Sendezeitpunkt gerade nicht erreichbar
Hier kommt eine zweite Applikation ins Spiel, die bezeichnender
Weise als "Ping SMS" bezeichnet wird.
Ping SMS funktioniert wie das gleichnamige Netzwerkertool, das
andere Rechner im Netz zu einer Statusmeldung zwingt. Der
Archetyp für Ping ist freilich das gute alte Radar, das die räumliche
Entfernung eines Zielobjekts feststellt.
Mehrere Versuche, Handys in verschiedenen EU-Ländern
anzupingen, brachten jeweils korrekte Statusmeldungen [ein/aus].
Mehr mit Links
terror und ueberwachung sind geschwister
-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
q/depesche taeglich ueber
zivile freiheiten im netz
harkank@quintessenz.at miller@quintessenz.at
02 Urgent-Action-TORTURE
von: <ssippel@catholicsforchoice.org>
URGENT ACTION ALERT FROM TASSC - Please circulate widely.
Thank you,
Serra Sippel
Senior Associate, International Program
Catholics for a Free Choice
Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition (TASSC)
3321 12th Street, NE Washington, DC 20017
T. (202) 529-2991 F. (202)526-4611
e-mail: <mailto:diortiz@earthlink.net>
e-mail: otizon@ghrc-usa.org
November 6, 2001
TASSC is an organization of torture survivors from more than 25 countries.
Our members, each of whom is a survivor of torture, are both anguished and
outraged over media reports suggesting that the U.S. government is
considering the use of torture to extract information from persons detained
in connection with the September 11th attacks.
For example, in the October 21 issue of the Washington Post, we read that
an experienced FBI agent said, ' it could get to that spot where we
could go to pressurewhere we won't have a choice, and we are probably
getting there.' The Post goes on to say, "Among the alternative
strategies under discussion are using drugs or pressure tactics, such as
those employed occasionally by Israeli interrogators, to extract
information. Another idea is extraditing the suspects to allied countries
where security services sometimes employ threats to family members or
resort to torture."
Despite our outrage, we were convinced that members of Congress and other
government officials would rush to denounce such talk and would affirm that
the United States would never involve itself in such crimes against
humanity. And so, we waited for their response. But we have waited in vain.
We have yet to hear of a single member of Congress who has expressed
outrage. Certainly the Attorney General, the head of the Department of
Justice, has been silent, as has been the President himself. It began to
seem to us that the Washington Post story had been an intentional
government "trial balloon."
And this is not all. More than 800 persons are being secretly detained as
suspects in the September 11th attack (New York Times, 10/30/01).
Incommunicado detention, as our personal experiences have proven, creates a
fertile ground for torture and other abuses. Added to this is the growing
number of voices in mainstream media discussing the idea of torture (New
York Times, 11/ 5, 2001).
We are deeply concerned that our society will come to legitimize the use of
torture through the justification that it is needed to safeguard national
Torture is a crime against humanity. There can be no justification
whatsoever for its use. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:
Torture is a form of terrorism. TASSC condemns all terrorism. Please join
with TASSC in saying: NO TO TORTURE!
- We urge you to contact the following government officials. Please ask
them to announce publicly that they will oppose any effort of the United
States government to employ the practice of torture or to extradite persons
to other countries so that they may be tortured there.
President George W. Bush
White House Comment Line: (202) 456-1111
E-mail: <mailto:president@whitehouse.gov>president@whitehouse.gov
U.S. Attorney General, John Ashcroft
Telephone: (202) 514-2001
Fax: (202) 514-5331
Your Representatives and Senators: US Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
- Write letters to the editor
Thank you for joining with us in making our world torture-free!
Sister Dianna Ortiz, OSU
Orlando Tizon, Ph. D.
03 GPA: 50 Unterschriften erreicht
von: Nagel Rolf <rolf.nagel@siemens.at>
Liebe Leute!
Die Unterschriftenhürde für unser demokratiepolitisches Experiment
in der
Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten haben wir erfolgreich genommen. Seit
Sonntag abend, also schon 24 Stunden vor dem Ablauf der Frist hatten wir die
notwendigen 50 mal 18 Unterschriften für unsere KandidatInnenliste zusammen.
An dieser Stelle nochmal Dank an alle GPA-Mitglieder, die sich so schnell
zur Unterstützung bereitgefunden haben.
Der nächste Schritt ist die Wahl auf dem Bezirksforum 5 am 6.12.2001,
Uhr, Haus der Begegnung Mariahilf, Königseggasse10, 1060 Wien.
Für diese Wahl braucht es eine ANMELDUNG: Alle interessierten GPA-Mtiglieder
bitte bis spätestens Dienstag, 20.11.2001 unter Angabe von Namen,
Mitgliedsnummer der GPA, Adresse per mail anmelden:
Liebe Grüße von
04 20.11.2001 Diskussion "Frauen?politik der Bundesregierung"
von: "Stefan Mackovik" <mackovik@blackbox.net>
Liebe Freunde aus Transdanubien und SymphatisantInnen !
Am 20.11. um 19 Uhr findet, wie immer im Hopfhaus, 1220 Wien,
Donaufelderstrasse 241. erster Stock
eine Diskussion zum Thema
"Frauen?politik der Bundesregierung"
mit einer der Expertinnen auf diesem Gebiet:
*** Johanna Dohnal ***
Wir laden alle InteressentInnen dazu herzlich ein
für Transdanubien gegen Schwarzblau
von: albert birson <albert.birson@aon.at>
am 22.11. (19 uhr?)kommt wieder ein notar zur bbb um
unterstuetzungs-autogramme fuer das sozialstaats-volksdingsbums zu sammeln
verbreitung ohne gewehr
06 Friedensratschlag Kassel 1.-2.12.2001
von: Thomas Roithner - ÖSFK <aspr.vie@aspr.ac.at>
Liebe KollegInnen!
Liebe FreundInnen!
Anbei übersende ich das Programm des 8. Friedenspolitischen Ratschlages
Kassel - "Weder Terror noch Krieg - Die Alternativen von Friedensforschung
und Friedensbewegung". Der Ratschlag ist das größte jährlich
Treffen der deutschsprachigen Friedensbewegung. Da an dem Programm aufgrund
der internationalen Situation immer noch gefeilt wird, kann die aktuellste
Version unter http://www.friedensratschlag.de jederzeit abgerufen werden.
Auf der Internetseite finden sich auch sehr viele interessante Artikel aus
der Friedensbewegung und der Friedenswissenschaft über unterschiedliche
Themen (z. B. Afghanistan-Krieg, Militarisierung der EU, Naher Osten,
Atomwaffen, Globalisierung und Krieg, ...).
Liebe und friedliche Grüße
Thomas Roithner
***1. und 2. Dezember: ***
*** Einladung und Programm zum 8. Friedenspolitischen Ratschlag in Kassel ***
»Weder Terror noch Krieg - Die Alternativen von Friedensforschung und
"Weder Terror noch Krieg - Den Frieden vorbereiten
Die Alternativen von Friedensforschung und Friedensbewegung"
So lautet das Motto zum diesjährigen Friedenspolitischen Ratschlag, der
1. und 2. Dezember in Kassel stattfindet. Es ist das achte Mal, dass sich
in Kassel Friedenswissenschaftler, Friedensbewegte und Politiker zum
Meinungsaustausch treffen. Natürlich steht der 8. Ratschlag ganz unter
Eindruck der nach dem 11. September entstandenen Weltlage. Der
Diskussionsbedarf war selten so groß wie heute.
>>>> Das Programm
Vorabend (30. November): Internationales Treffen
>> Samstag, 1. Dezember
11-12 Uhr: Einlass, Anmeldung
12 Uhr: Plenum
- Eröffnung, Begrüßung, Einführung:
- »Der 11. September und die Folgen: Friedenspolitik im Schatten des
Terrorismus «
Prof. Dr. Norman Paech
- »Afghanistan und die Folgen: Terror, Krieg, Völkerrecht und die
der UNO «
Prof. Dr. Herbert Schui
- »Genua und die Folgen: Kritik der neoliberalen Globalisierung «
14.45 - 15.15 Pause
15.15 - 17.30 Uhr: Foren, Arbeitsgruppen, Workshops zu folgenden Themen:
- Afghanistan: Geschichte und Zukunft eines geschundenen Landes (Dr. Matin
- Zentralasien: Interessen und Mächte (Dr. Detlef Bimboes)
- Naher Osten: Wege aus der Gewalt (Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf)
- Europa: Friedens- oder Militärmacht? (Tobias Pflüger, Dr. Michael
- Atomwaffen und Raketenabwehr (N.N.)
- Dem Militär den Boden entziehen: Militär und Biosphäre (Prof.
Dr. Knut
- Rüstungsproduktion, Rüstungsexporte und das Problem der Kleinwaffen
(Wolf-Christian Paas, BICC, Andrea Kolling, BUKO)
- Kriegsursache "Globalisierung"? (Kurt Haymann, ATTAC)
- "Die Freiheit stirbt mit Sicherheit" - Innere Sicherheit im Schatten
(Horst Bethge, Dr. Hans-Christoph Stoodt)
- Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung - auch gegen Terrorismus? (N.N.)
17.30 - 18.30 Uhr Abendessen
18.45-20.30 Plenarveranstaltung:
»Die Friedensbewegung und der Nahostkonflikt«
Dr. Sumaya Farhat-Naser, Bir Zeit Universität, Ramallah; Dafna Hirsch,
Universität Tel Aviv/Israel
Ab 21 Uhr: Small Talk usw. im Kasseler Gewerkschaftshaus (Spohrstr. 6)
>> Sonntag, 2. Dezember
9 Uhr Plenarvortrag:
Dr. Wolfgang Vogt
»Friedensforschung, Politik und Friedensbewegung: eine schwierige
Dreiecksbeziehung «
9.45 - 11.45 Uhr Foren
- "Gerechtigkeit, Frieden, Bewahrung der Schöpfung": Die Kirchen,
und die
(u.a. mit Reinhard Voß, pax christi, Uwe Reinecke)
- Zur friedenspolitischen Orientierung der Gewerkschaften
(u.a. mit Hildegard Maaß, DGB Osthessen, Horst Bethge, GEW, Horst
Schmitthenner, IG Metall)
- Parteien und politische Institutionen - Partner gegen den Krieg?
- Friedenswissenschaft, Friedensbewegung und andere Bewegungen nach dem
11. September - Was ist das Neue?
(u.a. mit Jürgen Grässlin, DFG-VK, Peter Wahl, ATTAC, Vertreter von
terre des hommes, Laura von Wimmersperg)
12 - 13.45 Uhr: Abschlussplenum
u.a. mit Lühr Henken, Hamburg, Horst Schmitthenner, IG Metall; Reinhard
Voß, pax christi, Peter Wahl, ATTAC, Dr. Peter Strutynski
>>>Organisatorische Hinweise
Kassel, Universität Gesamthochschule, Wilhelmshöher Alle 73
>> Anmeldung:
per e-mail:
<strutype@hrz.uni-kassel.de >
Bitte mit der Anmeldung vollständige Adresse angeben!
40 DM bzw. 20 DM (Ermäßigt für Studierende usw.)
Im Tagungsbeitrag ist das Abendessen am Samstagabend enthalten.
Der Tagungsbeitrag ist beim Tagungsbüro beim Einlass zu entrichten.
Bei Bedarf bemühen wir uns um Privatquartiere (in diesem Fall bitte bei
Anmeldung unbedingt vermerken: "Privatquartier erwünscht" und
Angabe der
In allen anderen Fällen bitte die Reservierungen selbst vornehmen.
Empfohlene Adressen:
- Jugendherberge: 0561/776455 od 776933
- Hotel Kö: 0561/71614
- Hotel am Rathaus: 0561/97885-0
- Hotel Alt-Wehlheiden: 0561/24268
- City-Hotel:0561/7281-0
- IBIS-Hotel: 0561/5894-0 (Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 3; empfehlenswert für
Österreichisches Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung
Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR)
Außenstelle Wien - Vienna Office
Bearbeitung: Dr. Thomas Roithner
Rennweg 16, A - 1030 Wien
Tel. ++43 - 1- 79 69 959
Fax ++43 - 1- 79 65 711
e-mail: aspr.vie@aspr.ac.at
homepage: http://www.aspr.ac.at
19. Internationale Sommerakademie 2002:
07 Ausnahmezustand in Kücük Armutlu
von: PWI <info@pwi.action.at>
Im folgenden dokumentieren wir eine Mitteilung des TAYAD:
Solidaritätskomitee mit TAYAD - Bielefeld
19. November 2001
Wittekindstr. 21
33615 Bielefeld
Tel.: 0521- 521 62 94
Fax.: 0521- 521 63 95
Bankverbindung: Sparkasse Bielefeld
Konto: 18143 BLZ: 480 501 61
Die sogenannten "Rettungsoperationen" in Armutlu, die eingeleitet
um den Hungerstreik der TAYAD Mitglieder
und bedingt entlassenen Gefangenen gegen die Isolationshaft zu beenden,
hatte vier Tote und unzählige Schwerverletzte gefordert.
Seitdem herrscht in Armutlu Ausnahmezustand, wie in einem Kriegsgebiet!
Nach den Militäroperationen am 5. und 13. November haben die Polizei und
Anti-Terroreinheiten das Viertel besetzt und nutzen die Wohnungen der
AnwohnerInnen als Polizeireviere.
Nach Erklärungen der AnwohnerInnen marschieren die Polizeiteams in Gruppen,
rufen abscheuliche Parolen und schießen mit Munition, um die BewohnerInnen
zu terrorisieren. Weiterhin gaben sie bekannt, dass alle Familien bedroht
und beschimpft werden.
Niemand darf nachts das Licht ausschalten, niemand darf ab bestimmten
Uhrzeit die Wohnungen verlassen. Die Polizei stellt willkürliche
Anordnungen, um die BewohnerInnen einzuschüchtern. Die PassantInnen werden
festgenommen und nach ihrem Allgemeinwissen getestet. Menschen an den
Bushaltestellen werden willkürlich inhaftiert und zur Folterzentren gebracht.
Am 18. November nachts wurden Wohnungen gestürmt und Familien festgenommen.
Die AnwohnerInnen in Armutlu wollen keine Polizei und deren "Schutz".
kennen das wahre Gesicht des Staates. Alle AnwohnerInnen stehen unter
Lebensgefahr und sind besorgt um ihre Kinder und Familien. Sie fordern den
Abzug aller Polizisten und Anti-Terroreinheiten aus ihrem Wohngebiet.
Die Militäroperationen in Armutlu und Alibeyköy sollten den Widerstand
außerhalb der Gefängnismauern brechen.
Der Widerstand geht aber mit der gleichen Willensstärke und
Entschlossenheit weiter. In Ankara, Mersin, Bursa, Istanbul
sind neue Widerstandshäuser errichtet worden. Die Gefangenen in den
Isolationsgefängnissen und Krankenhäusern setzen ihre Aktion ebenfalls
fort: bis zur Schließung der Isolationsgefängnisse.
Wir solidarisieren uns mit denen, die für menschenwürdige
Lebensbedingungen und Demokratie in der Türkei Widerstand leisten.
Wir fordern:
Die Schließung aller F-Typ Isolationsgefängnisse
Sofortige Aufhebung der Isolationshaft weltweit!
Polizei und Militär, raus aus Armutlu und Alibeyköy!
Internationale Solidarität für alle unterdrückten Menschen der
Best regards,
PWI mailto:info@pwi.action.at
08 Against witchhunt
von: Gush Shalom <info@gush-shalom.org>
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - http://www.gush-shalom.org/
[Following is the text of the Gush Shalom ad of last Friday, in Ha'aretz.]
The Minister for Internal Security, Uzi Landau, wants to
enlarge the policy of elimination. The physical elimination of
Palestinians in the occupied territories is not enough for him, he
demands the political elimination of the Palestinian Members
of the Knesset. He wants to evict them and put them in prison.
This is madness.
If the government does not throw Landau out at once, it means
that it wants to deepen and widen the conflict with the
Palestinians without limits - in the occupied territories, in Israel
proper, everywhere.
This is dangerous, indeed.
[Only with your donations can we continue to publish ads.
Gush Shalom, P.O.Box 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033, Israel]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[The following petition against the attack on KM Azmi Bishara's democratic
rights was initiated by lecturer Oren Yiftachel of Ben Gurion University.
We were
asked to forward it especially to Israelis.]
If all goes well, we aim to publish the text below in three newspapers, in
English (both in "Haaretz") and Arabic (to be selected) on Friday
23.11. Hence, collection of names will stop on Wed. 21. 11.
Please send your name, title and place of residence, with a check for
50 shekel payable to "Haaretz", to:
Areej Sabag, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tel Aviv
University, Ramat Aviv, 69975, Israel.
In parallel also send your details (title, name, place) by Email to:
The names of people not paying will not be included.
oren yiftachel, geography dept, ben gurion university
Public Declaration:
The Removal of Azmi Bisharas Parliamentary Immunity Destroys
We, the undersigned, strongly protest against the removal of
parliamentary immunity from Member of Knesset, Dr. Azmi Bishara.
Bisharas comments, even if strongly worded, expressed
opposition to Israeli military occupation, which violates every
international law and norm. His comments attempted to strengthen, and
not weaken, freedom and democracy. The arguments about defensive
democracy used to indict Bishara, are hence a righteous and dangerous
attempt to scare and silence those resisting the occupation.
The censorship of Arab parliamentarians in debates on central
political issues effectively empties the political representation and
citizenship of Israels Palestinian-Arab community. This is a
dangerous move for the future of Arab-Jewish relations, which may
cause many Arabs to lose hope with the Israeli political process.
The removal of Bisharas immunity is another step in a
concerted public campaign against Arab leaders in Israel. It
highlights the pervasive discrimination prevailing in the Israeli
Parliament and the Attorney General office, which refrain from taking
any steps against Jewish leaders and Knesset Members who have recently
made harsh and inciting comments in the public domain.
The removal of Bisharas immunity marks a dark day for the
Israeli political system, demonstrating aloud its inability to deal
with legitimate oppositional views, choosing instead to indict and
scare minority leaders.
We are determined to continue and struggle to end the military
occupation, secure freedom of speech and promote equal citizenship in
--------end forwarded-----------
For information about Gush Shalom you are invited to visit our website:
NB: Did you already sign the Petition to Free Palestinian Child Political
prisoners? http://www.PetitionOnline.com/dcips/petition.html
mail (don't use reply) to Gush-Shalom-subscribe@topica.com
09 1) Powell's speech - promise and doubt; 2) action news
von: Gush Shalom <info@gush-shalom.org>
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - http://www.gush-shalom.org/
Powell spoke, and included in his speech some important elements - about what
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is about and how a solution should look -
not explicitly expressed before by a representative of the US administration.
At the same time, it remains doubtful whether the US is at last going to
use its
leverage - to get the Sharon government to the negotiating table.
[We forward the following preliminary analysis from our American friends of
Jewish Voice For Peace (written by Jewish Peace News editor Adam Gutride
In the end two announcements: one about a demo on Wednesday at Ben
Gurion University - against Sharon; another about the collection of clothes
and household utensils for Palestinians who need it most - in the time of
Today Colin Powell gave his long-awaited speech on the U.S.
Administration's plans for Middle East Peace. READ IT. It deserves our
support. The highlights: Powell condemned violence against innocent
civilians and incitement to violence; said that there must security for
both Israelis and Palestinians; said both sides had suffered from the
Occupation; said settlement activity must stop; said that the Occupation
must end; called for a "just and lasting peace" consistent with UN
Security Council resolutions 242 and 338; called for creation of a "viable
Palestinian State" alongside Israel; called for a solution to the status
of Jerusalem that respects Jews, Muslims and Christians; requested a "just
solution" for the refugees; and called for immediate economic investment
into Palestine. The speech shows very clearly that our work is making a
difference. Three very important pieces of information unfortunately did
not make it into the speech: (1) that U.S. is complicit in the abuses of
Palestinians because its military aid to Israel funds the Occupation, (2)
that it is neither necessary nor possible to obtain a "cease-fire"
restarting negotiations, as such a policy gives veto power to extremists
to Israeli soldiers who incite violent reactions, and (3) that it will
take a real shift in US policies, and not merely prodding the parties, to
reach a just solution. But overall, the speech is a big step in the right
direction. Now of course comes the hard part: to make Powell's words
reality, to prevent U.S. administration backtracking, and to prevent
Israel and its lobbyists from using their strategic advantage (as after
the Oslo accords) to undermine the very principles that are being
promulgated. We have accomplished a great deal. We have a great deal
more to accomplish.
[For more information about JVP, visit the web site at
http://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org ]
From: "tseyrim" <tseyrim@mail.meretz.org.il>
Date sent: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 15:24:12 +0200
On Wednesday, November 21, at 2.00 PM, The Ben Gurion University in Be'er
Sheba intends to grant Prime Minister Ariel Sharon a honorary doctorate.
Tse'irey Meretz calls upon you to join a protest vigil outside the hall.
The idea is to wear academic gowns and hold signs enumerating Sharons
fields of expertise, in any of which he can indeed qualify for a doctorate:
Occupying, causing unemployment, imposing religious laws, building
settlements in occupied territory, and bearing responsibility to massacres
as Sabra and Shatila.
Transportation will be available at 1.00 PM from the Arlozov St. Railway
in Tel-Aviv. For further details:
Dafna Rosenzweig 054-585101, Miri Regev 051-671185, Tal Shahar 053-393147
------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: Devorah Brous <deb2000@zahav.net.il>
Date sent: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:21:49 +0200
Bustan L'Shalom is Collecting for Ramadan winter blankets, sweaters,
cooking pans, shoes, and toys, baby clothes for girls and boys, school
supplies... for families in the refugee camps and Unrecognized Villages.
Devorah Brous 053 711 800
If you got this forwarded, and would like to receive our emails directly
you can subscribe by sending a blank message (from the address where you
want to receive them) to: Gush-Shalom-subscribe@topica.com In order to
receive Hebrew [not always same as English] mail to:
For information about Gush Shalom you are invited to visit our website:
NB: Did you already sign the Petition to Free Palestinian Child Political
prisoners? http://www.PetitionOnline.com/dcips/petition.html
mail (don't use reply) to Gush-Shalom-subscribe@topica.com
10 Offene Stelle
von: "Helpline" <frauenhelpline@aoef.at>
Eva Obemeata-Gimoh
Halt der Gewalt!
Frauenhelpline gegen Männergewalt
Tel. 0800/222555
Liebe Redaktion!
Kann mir jemand erklären, warum sich euer Angebot bezüglich der offenen
Stelle speziell an MigrantInnen und Frauen sowie an Angehörige anderer
gesellschaftlich diskriminierter Gruppen richtet. Da es sich um eine
unbezahlte Stelle handelt, finde ich dies sehr bedenklich. Ich schätze
Arbeit sehr, doch in Zeiten wie diesen sollten auch die Priviligierten ein
Stück gesellschaftlicher Arbeit übernehmen.
Eva Obemeata-Gimoh
11 Re: Offene Stelle
von: "Claudia Volgger" <aon.964446421@aon.at>
liebe eva obemeata-gimoh,
das tun sie. es arbeiten auch weisse, gut ausgebildete männer in der
redaktion. allerdings ist mit der politischen, unbezahlten arbeit auch ein
gewisser einfluss verbunden (wenn es etwa um zensurkriterien geht), und es
scheint uns bedenklich, die definition (der spitzen) von antisemitismus,
sexismus und rassismus von privilegierten für betroffene vornehmen zu
mit freundlichen grüssen
claudia volgger aus der red
12 What Some Say about CUADP....
von: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <abe@cuadp.org>
Sent *only* to the more than 3,600 recipients of CUADPUpdate
Feel free to forward.
19 November 2001
Dear Friends,
Last week, we were honored to receive the following:
>From: "Scott Langley" <slangley2@hotmail.com>
>Cc: "Abe Bonowitz" <abe@cuadp.org>
>Subject: Re: [cuadpupdate] EXCITING NEWS REGARDING CUADP!!
>Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 13:42:06 -0500
>Greetings Abe and CUADP folk:
>It has taken me 10 weeks to respond to your e-mail, but I think your "Pocket
>Change Challenge" is an excellent idea. It is hard to believe that
a mere $2
>a month from each CUADP constituent could provide so much for CUADP's
>operation and administration. It truly is pocket change - giving up one
>coffee a month, or a bag of chips. It is such a simple concept, that I am
>ashamed that I have not taken part in it until now. It is my hope that all
>2800 people pay attention and take your suggestion. All it takes is all
>us to pitch in a little, instead of a few pitching in a lot.
>At the end of this month I will be living on a $0 income because I am
>quitting my job and will not have one for a long time. I am devoting all
>time to local community services and the abolition of the death penalty.
>have been blessed to find the means to do these things full time without
>need of any income. But I do have some money saved up right now and want
>commit to $10 a month for the next year. After that it is hard to tell,
>I will only be able to commit for that time period. Since this totals only
>$120, I prefer to send a check now for the full amount instead of having
>deducted monthly. I think it would be easier that way for everyone. But
>please consider me a sustainer while I can maintain that status.
>Peace, and keep it going!
>Scott Langley <new address>
>23 Dartmouth Street
>Boston, MA 02116
Last year, we were honored to receive the following:
>Eat The State
> <http://www.eatthestate.org/05-09/NaturePolitics.htm>
> Nature & Politics
> by Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn
> The Best in a Sea of Phonies
> Here's this year's list of ten groups that deserve your support.
> As always, we encourage you to pass up the outfits with big
> staffs and excessive overhead in favor of these lean and hardy
> battlers for the public good. With one exception, the Mintwood
> Media Collective, all have 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. [...]
> #3
> Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, PMB 297,
> 177 U.S. Hwy #1, Tequesta FL 33469; 800-973-6548; <http://www.cuadp.org>.
> Headquartered in the state of Florida, Citizens is run by Abe
> Bonowitz, who has been working to educate the public about
> human rights problems, in particular the death penalty, for over
> 12 years. Bonowitz gained first hand knowledge of the issue by
> working in the death penalty section of the Ohio Public Defender
> Commission, with murder victims' family members, and with
> death row inmates in Alabama, California, Florida, Ohio, Texas,
> and other states as well.
Wow! What an honor to be listed.
I'm not sure how they thought we are a 501c3, but I will not complain.
However, I must say this:
With a successful year behind us and MUCH to do ahead of us, CUADP needs
your assistance at this time. Whether it be $5 or $5,000,000 or anything
in between, please make a contribution to help us keep going. Please
consider joining Scott and others by accepting...
There are currently more than 3,600 individuals receiving CUADPUpdate. 20
of those people have joined CUADP's monthly sustainer program through
automatic credit card contributions. With a range between $5 and $100, the
average monthly sustainer contribution is $20. If each of the 3,600+
supporters who are reading this message were to pledge even just $2 a
month, the income generated would be more than enough to secure an office
and hire initial staff. How about it? $2, $5 or more each month
from you will make a difference in what CUADP is doing and will continue to
do to help abolish the death penalty. In anticipation of your
participation, CUADP feels honored, and thanks you. WE PROMISE TO CONTINUE
"Checkbook" activism IS a vital component of this work! To sign up
please call 800-973-6548 to use your Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card or
AMEX to make a contribution over the telephone, or visit
<http://www.cuadp.org/support.html> and "click here" in option
#1 to use
our SECURE SERVER to make a contribution on-line. (If you can, please be
sure to check the "sustainer" option on the donation form.) By visiting
<http://www.cuadp.org/support.html>, you'll also have access to our PAYPAL
link and our regular postal address.
Together, we will make the difference!
Thank you.
Abraham J. Bonowitz
PMB 297
177 U.S. Highway #1
Tequesta, FL 33469
PS: We need your help now, but we encourage you to support your local
and/or state abolitionist organization(s) and the National Coalition to
Abolish the Death Penalty.
PPS: We also seek your advice. What suggestions do you have that can help
CUADP become more effective. How can we be more helpful to you? How can we
better use the monies raised, and can you suggest others who we should ask
for assistance?
(the small print)
Contributions to CUADP are NOT tax deductible.
(FL only) OR 850-413-0840. REGISTRATION DOES NOT
To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to: cuadpupdate-unsubscribe@eGroups.com
13 This & That: 11/19/01
von: "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <abe@cuadp.org>
Sent *ONLY* to the more than 3,600 recipients of CUADPUpdate
Feel Free to Forward
In This Edition
Not Just Religious: Response to a Reader
Congratulations to NJ & Oregon Efforts
Suggested Reforms in Illinois Will Work Everywhere!
360 degrees - on Ronnie Frye
"Compassion" Seeks Victim's Family Input
Visit STARBUCKS? See this note from Jack Healey
NOT JUST RELIGIOUS: Response to a Reader
The several most recent messages sent to CUADPUpdate included material of a
religious nature. We received the following feedback:
>At 03:11 PM 11/16/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>I want to be able to respond to the horrors and injustices of our world
>a non-/anti-religions way. I see religion as having
>underlain horror and injustice in substantial ways, justifying it,
>exonerating it, as well as perpetrating it, for about 7000 years.
CUADP appreciates that perspective, and recognizes that many abolitionists
are Atheist or Agnostic. Most of the messages we send do not have a faith
orientation, although it may not seem so judging from just the past few! A
LOT of abolitionists do approach their activism from a faith perspective,
so we try to send all sorts of material.
CUADP urges all abolitionists to develop their ability to discuss the death
penalty from a variety of perspectives. It is important to address the
individual concerns of each person we seek to educate. You won't convince
an atheist that the death penalty is wrong "...because Jesus preached
forgiveness." Come to think of it, you won't convince a lot of Christians
with that argument either! What matters in a discussion/debate is not
what you believe, but what the person you are talking with
believes. Whenever challenged to discuss the death penalty with someone
who says they support executions, ask them "why?" and give them some
to express themselves. This allows you to hear where *they* are coming
from, and you can then acknowledge that you listened to them, and address
*their* specific issues of concern.
This is why the first step for anyone getting active on this issue is
"Educate yourself!" For more ideas on that, see our document: "You
Making A Difference If You..." at <http://www.cuadp.org/dowhatu.html>.
Most newspapers have a little section about celebrities in the news. This
past weekend, the "Newsmakers" column in the Palm Beach Post featured
following stories, first on Saturday, and then today. Somebody out there
likes us!
Congratulations New Jersey! (Visit the New Jerseyans for a Death Penalty
Moratorium (NJDPM) web page at <http://www.njmoratorium.org>.)
Includes photo of Danny Glover
Danny Glover has called on the U.S. Government to spare the life of Osama
bin Laden, even if he is found guilty of being involved in terrorist
acts. Glover, who starred in the Lethal Weapon movies, also criticized the
government for detaining hundreds of immigrants after the September 11th
terrorist attacks and for seeking permission to listen to conversations
between suspected terrorists and their lawyers: "This clearly is a slippery
slope. We must stand vigilant against (President) Bush in these
times." Glover made the comments Thursday during an anti-death penalty
forum at Princeton University in Princeton, NJ.
Congratulations Oregon! (Visit the Life for a Life Campaign site at
(Side note - recently the Oregon Coalition changed their name from "to
abolish" to "for Alternatives to" .... The web page does not
yet reflect
that change...)
Includes photo of Sr. Helen Prejean
The author of Dead Man Walking says she thinks America is on the verge of
rethinking capital punishment. Sister Helen Prejean was in Portland,
Oregon on Friday to promote the Life for a Life Campaign, which seeks to
get a measure on the statewide ballot replacing the state's death penalty
with a mandatory life sentence. Convicts would have to work to pay
restitution to victims. "My coming to Oregon to help the Life for a Life
Campaign is because this is one of the most hopeful things happening in the
United States right now," Prejean told a Portland State University
audience. Prejean wrote the book - which became a movie starring Sean Penn
as a repentant killer and Susan Sarandon as the nun who offers him
compassion - based on her work with Death Row inmates. She is at work on a
new book about people who were executed but who allegedly were innocent.
Illinois Death Penalty Education Project Announces Reforms to Capital
Punishment System
Recently, the following press release was issued by IDPEP. This could
serve as a model for all states.....
Illinois Death Penalty Education Project Announces Reforms to Capital
Punishment System Urges Illinois General Assembly to Adopt Reforms
The Illinois Death Penalty Education Project (IDPEP) today proposed 12
reform measures designed to create a more fair and equitable capital
punishment system in Illinois.
"These reforms address the most egregious problems in the administration
of the state's death penalty laws," said Edwin Colfax, executive director
of the IDPEP. "These common-sense reforms would significantly reduce the
risk of executing an innocent person, and we urge the General Assembly to
adopt them. These reforms would apply only to death penalty cases."
Retired U.S. District Court Judge George N. Leighton, a member of IDPEP's
advisory board, said, "Most Illinoisans don't understand the very real
risk that we will execute an innocent person. When they know the truth,
they overwhelmingly support common-sense reforms like these."
Since 1977, Illinois has freed 13 innocent men from death row. In
addition to enacting a moratorium on executions, Governor George H. Ryan
appointed a blue-ribbon commission to study the death penalty system in
Illinois in 2000.
"The error rate for death sentences in Illinois is 4.5 %," Colfax
"Informed people would certainly agree that such inaccuracy is
intolerable when the stakes are so high. The current debate over the
fairness and effectiveness of the death penalty is a unique opportunity
for serious, nonpartisan discourse and education regarding reforms to
capital punishment." Founded in 2000, the Illinois Death Penalty
Education Project is a nonpartisan organization committed to correcting
potentially fatal flaws in the state's administration of capital
punishment. The IDPEP is dedicated to promoting informed public dialogue
on whether the death penalty should be reformed or terminated. The IDPEP
supports research, publishes and disseminates educational materials, and
sponsors forums and other public education initiatives concerning the
Illinois capital punishment system and possible alternatives. The
president of the project is former Cook County Circuit Court Judge Sheila
M. Murphy. More IDPEP information is available at
http://www.illinoisdeathpenalty.com .
Reforms to Improve Accuracy in the Illinois Capital Punishment System
The Illinois Supreme Court recently implemented rules changes to require,
among other things, that defense counsel in capital cases have proper
professional experience before making any representation and that judges
who preside over capital cases receive periodic training on relevant
issues. In addition, the Illinois General Assembly created a Capital
Litigation Trust Fund to provide appropriate funding for the defense and
prosecution of capital cases. These are important and much needed
improvements to the Illinois capital punishment system. The Illinois
Death Penalty Education Project believes that these reforms alone,
however, are insufficient and that additional measures must be
considered. Because human judgment is by definition fallible, it is
impossible to reform the death penalty system in such a way as to totally
eliminate the possibility that innocent persons will be sentenced to
death and executed. However, the following additional proposed reforms
developed by the Illinois Death Penalty Education Project in cooperation
with the Center on Wrongful Convictions at the Northwestern University
School of Law and the MacArthur Justice Center at the University of
Chicago Law School would further reduce any occurrence of wrongful death
sentences in Illinois. These reforms are intended to apply only to death
penalty cases. If the criteria in the reforms were not met in a
particular case, the prosecution could still proceed, but the death
penalty would not be a sentencing option.
* Establish Life Without the Possibility of Parole (LWOP) as the Maximum
Penalty in Cases Where Conviction Depends on a Single Eyewitness' Testimony
* Permit Expert Eyewitness Testimony Concerning Eyewitness Fallibility in
Capital Trials Establish
* Eyewitness Identification Protocol -- Require police agencies to
develop protocols for photo and live lineup identification procedures and
permit eyewitness identification testimony to be admitted into evidence
only upon a showing that the protocol was followed. The protocol should
require that all persons included in a lineup meet the general
description -- height, weight, hair color - that the witness has provided
of the perpetrator, that the lineup be conducted by persons unaware of
which person in the lineup is the actual suspect, that immediately after
making an identification the witness be questioned about his or her
degree of certainty, and that the entire procedure be video taped.
* Establish LWOP as the Maximum Penalty in Cases Where Testimony Against
the Defendant is Given in Exchange for Special Treatment - Bar testimony
in capital trials by any alleged accomplice or informant who has been
granted immunity from prosecution or promised leniency, sentence
reduction, or other favorable treatment by the prosecution or police in
exchange for his or her testimony.
* Require Tape Recorded Corroboration of "Snitch" Testimony in Capital
Trials -- Make jailhouse "snitch" testimony admissible in capital
only when corroborated by a tape recording in which the defendant
acknowledges his or her culpability in the crime. If snitch testimony is
admitted without such corroborating recordings, LWOP would be the maximum
* Require Videotaping of Interrogations - Require videotaping of
interrogations of suspects and exclude from admission into evidence in
capital trials any purported confession by a defendant unless the
confession and all custodial interrogations preceding it were videotaped.
* Establish LWOP as the Maximum Penalty After Hung Juries Establish LWOP
as the Maximum Penalty if Any Juror Harbors Any Residual Doubt About Guilt
* Modify Character Testimony Rules for Capital Trials -- Modify the rules
of evidence so that, if a defendant in a capital case chooses to testify,
evidence of bad character can be used for impeachment only if the
defendant seeks to introduce evidence of good character.
* Establish an Independent State Crime Forensic Laboratory -- Remove
testing of all forensic evidence from the auspices of the state police by
establishing a fully funded independent state forensic laboratory to
conduct blind testing of evidence submitted by either the defense or the
prosecution through an independent intermediary. The scientific team
conducting the testing should be unaware of which side submitted the
evidence and unaware of which side would be helped by a particular
finding. A small percentage of all samples submitted should be
proficiency tests designed to assess the accuracy and efficacy of the
laboratory. Laboratory personnel should be aware of the proficiency
testing procedure, but not of which samples are submitted for that purpose.
* Mandate a Periodic Study and Review of Proportionality and Racial
Justice -- To assure that the death penalty has not been and will not be
imposed in an arbitrary, capricious or racially discriminatory manner,
require the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority to gather and
analyze data on all death-eligible cases prosecuted in Illinois since
capital punishment was re-instituted by the General Assembly in 1977.
Such a study should take into account the nature of the crime, mitigating
and aggravating circumstances as well as the race, ethnicity, age and
gender of both the defendants and victims. The current moratorium on
executions should be kept in place until the study is completed.
* Vacate Death Sentences Where Counsel Did Not Meet Minimal Standards --
Automatically vacate death sentences in cases in which trial counsel did
not meet minimum standards of experience and ethics to qualify for
admission to the Capital Litigation Trial Bar mandated by the Illinois
Supreme Court beginning March 1, 2002. These cases either could be
remanded to the trial court for a new sentencing hearing or the sentences
could be commuted to life in prison without parole.
Contact: Edwin Colfax, IDPEP, Office: 312-467-1391
Here's another message from a friend I met while working for the family of
Cesar E. Chavez. Sue Johnson (Mazel Tov on your wedding!) sent the
following back in August, and I apologize for only now sending it out to
you. Check out this very impressive web site and project.
We apologize for the flurry of emails around our most recent story at
http://www.360degrees.org but it's an important one and we hope you will
take a few mintues to take a look at it.
Ronald Frye was convicted of first-degree murder in 1993 for stabbing his
landlord, 70 year old Ralph Childress. Ronnie was executed by lethal
injection last night at Central Prison in North Carolina. Last week we
traveled to Hickory, North Carolina talk with him, his family, and the
victim's family as they prepared for the execution. In the 8 years since the
murder, Ronnie and his lawyers had built a strong case for an appeal based
on inadequate representation and had hoped, until the very last moment, that
he would be granted clemency. After the trial, the Childresses thought that
the death sentence would be carried out and that would be the end of it.
Instead, his scheduled execution became the front page headlines in their
small town. Daily editorials exposed a community deeply
divided over moral and religious arguments around the death penalty.
This story is not just about Ronnie Frye's case, however. It is a look at
what happens in the last moments before an execution, how families and
communities prepare for what --until it actually happens-- is a very
abstract idea.
Their stories are told through audio interviews and 360-degree panoramic
photographs of their spaces - prison cells, execution chamber, living rooms
and offices and is the latest edition to <http://www.360degrees.org>:
Perspectives on the U.S. Criminal Justice System.
The story also includes an interview with another death row inmate, Earnest
Basden, who describes what it's like to be on death row while an execution
takes place, "We are all family here, it's like a going to a funeral. It'll
eat you up if you think about it too much."
This is the 16th execution that Central Prison's Warden, Robey Lee, has
overseen. Inside the execution chamber, Lee describes what happens during
lethal injection, "The thing that amazes me about it - these individuals
- is
whether its human behavior, whether its our own bodies, or our own minds
or whatever it is - they have accepted the fact that this is going to happen
and they appear to me to have an inner peace, of themselves that it's
finally over."
As one of Ronnie's lawyers said, "People can voice an opinion on the death
penalty, but until you are in the absolute belly of the problem, you don't
understand it. It doesn't cause you not to be able to sleep at night."
encourage you to put yourself there, to see different sides of the story and
to examine your own opinions about the death penalty.
Please visit the site often for new stories from inside (and outside) the
criminal justice system.
Alison Cornyn and Sue Johnson
toward a new documentary
www.picture-projects.com & 360degrees.org
176 Grand St : NY NY 10013
t:212-226-3099 : f: 212-226-4922
Marietta Jaeger-Lane, board member of the Journey of Hope ...From Violence
to Healing and a member of Murder Victim's Families for Reconciliation,
sends the following:
"Also, there's a prison ministry in Ohio which, among other things, helps
death row inmates put out a newsletter called Compassion. They are looking
for: 1] Letters/articles from mvf's member sharing their journey to
forgiveness, reconciliation, compassion and 2] name of a student from a mvf
who could use a scholarship for higher education -- they are anxious to
find one soon! Contact: COMPASSION, St. Rose Parish, 215 E Front St.,
Perrysburg, OH 43551, (419) 874-1333. Tell 'em Marietta sent you."
Jack Healey, who as a former executive director of the US Section of
Amnesty International and currently runs the Human Rights Action Center
<http://www.dyr.org/jack.html>, is one of my early inspirations. Recently,
he sent the following:
"hi all........ if you are in starbucks,,,, please take a look at the
cd on
the counter...... it is called "Groundwork".... it makes money for
poorest of the poor......please buy it....."
-- jack healey
Have an *excellent* week.
Abraham J. Bonowitz
Director, CUADP
"I tell people the hell with charity, the only
thing you'll get is what you're strong enough to get."
"It becomes a contest of power: those who have
money and those who have people. We have nothing but people."
-- Saul Alinsky (both)
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14 Plakative Antwort auf rot-grüne Kriegsentscheidung
von: Sonja Bruenzels <afrika@contrast.org>
anbei versenden wir eine "plakative" Antwort auf die Entscheidung
Bundestags deutsche Soldaten in den Krieg nach Afganistan zu schicken.
Das auf der page http://www.contrast.org/KG/ sichtbare DIN A 1-Plakat
(alsjpg.-File) ist die Antwort aus der Kommunikationsguerilla und ist uns
zur Weiterleitung zugesandt worden. Was wir hiermit tun.
Weitere Antworten sind vergebene Liebesmüh und sparen wir uns. Das Plakat
"Why not?" wird derzeit bundesweit verbreitet und ist einfach
nachdruckbar. Sollte jemand Schwiergkeiten technischer Art haben, bitte
melden ....
Unter folgender URL: http://www.contrast.org/KG/
läßt sich eine belichtbare .pdf-Datei (1,9 MB) herunterladen. Damit
zum Belichter gehen und nachdrucken. Wichtig ist vielleicht, das es nur
wenig alternative oder linke Druckereien gibt, die DIN A1 beherrschen. Ob
"normale" Druckereien einen solchen Auftrag annehmen, muß im
geklärt werden. Man kann es aber auch versuchen in DIN A 2 oder ein klein
wenig größer zu belichten. Dann gibt es wieder mehr Chancen.
Alles was wir wollen, ist die Regierung stürzen ....
Do it!
Luther Blissett und Sonja Brünzels
Wieder verfügbar:
Guerilla +C
Handbuch der Kommunikationsguerilla. Jetzt helfe ich mir selbst. 4. Auflage
im Verlag Assoziation A.
"Ist die beste Subversion nicht die, die Codes zu entstellen, statt sie
zerstoeren?" (Roland Barthes u.a. im Handbuch der Kommunikationsguerilla)
contact autonome a.f.r.i.k.a.-gruppe:
15 Reportage Ruhrgebietsdemo gegen den Krieg
von: arbeiterfotografie <reportage@arbeiterfotografie.com>
Liebe Leute,
es gibt eine neue Reportage:
»Ruhrgebietsdemonstration gegen den Krieg - Gewaltspirale durchbrechen!
Dortmund, 17.11.2001
Sie besteht aus **drei** Teilen:
- Auftaktkundgebung
- Marsch durch die Innenstadt
- Abschlußkundgebung
Über das ** rote i **oben rechts über den Bildern ist
Hintergrundinformation zu finden:
- Aufruf zur Demonstration
- Presseerklärung
- Reden der Auftaktkundgebung
- Reden der Abschlußkundgebung
Die Reportage ist zu finden unter:
< http://www.arbeiterfotografie.com/reportage >
Ihr könnt die Bilder für nicht kommerzielle Zwecke gerne kostenlos
verwenden, für Flugblätter, Zeitungen, Internet,... (bei Autorenangabe
'arbeiterfotografie.com' und Mitteilung über die Verwendung bzw. Zusendung
eines Belegexemplars).
Mit besten Grüßen
Anneliese Fikentscher und Andreas Neumann
Arbeiterfotografie - Forum für Engagierte Fotografie
Anneliese Fikentscher
Andreas Neumann
Merheimer Str. 107
D-50733 Köln
Tel: 0221/727 999
Fax: 0221/732 55 88
eMail: arbeiterfotografie@t-online.de
Web: www.arbeiterfotografie.com
16 ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt im Internet
von: Michael Pröbsting <michael.proebsting@utanet.at>
*** ACHTUNG: ASt goes online! ***
Der ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt hat ab sofort seine eigene website, die
zumindest wöchentlich aktualisiert wird und auf der sich neben
Veranstaltungshinweisen, aktuellen Artikeln und Kommentaren auch eine Reihe
von Hintergrunddokumenten
und Artikeln vergangener ASt-Publikationen befinden. Probieren geht über
Viel Spaß, die ASt-Redaktion
19. November 2001, 22.15 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Edgar Ernstbrunner <hx65@dial.pipex.com>
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!