meanwhile at the border


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Mittwoch, 10. November 2004

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01 Linke gegen KPÖ
von "Ernestine Gauchinger" <gauchinger (at)>
02 Buchpräsentation: "In einer Wehrmachtsausstellung - Erfahrungen
mit Geschichtsvermittlung" von "trafo.k" <trafo.k (at)>
03 Aviso: AKS startet Herbstkampagne
von "Flo Steininger" <florian.steininger (at)>
04 10.+11.11.: Veranstaltungen mit Alex Demirovic
von MALMOE <redaktion (at)>
05 tanzpool november 04 im KosmosTheater
von KosmosTheater<office (at)>
06 REMINDER, Pressegespräch 11. Nov. 11 Uhr Café Landtmann:
30 Jahre AUF-Eine Frauenzeitschrift von <auf (at)>
07 ÖBB lehnt Zugnamen "Homosexuelle Initiative" ab
von Kurt Krickler <Kurt.Krickler (at)>
08 MORE... This & That!
von "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <abe (at)>
09 Detention of Children Condemned again
von John O <ncadc (at)>

Diese Ausgabe hat Angela Mores widerstand at zusammengestellt
Für diese Ausgabe nicht aufgenommen: spam und co.

  Bei weiteren Fragen bitte zuerst unser Editorial lesen.  

01 Linke gegen KPÖ
von "Ernestine Gauchinger" <gauchinger (at)>
Subject: KPÖ kontra EKH
KPÖ kontra linke Projekte
Solidarität mit dem EKH
Der Verkauf der Wiener Wieland-Schule, die von autonomen Gruppen, Kulturinitiativen und MigrantInnen unter dem Namen Ernst Kirchweger Haus (EKH) als soziales Zentrum bekannt gemacht wurde, hat hohe Wellen geschlagen. Wenige Wochen vor dem KPÖ-Parteitag hat die derzeitige Führung mit dem Bundesvorsitzenden Walter Baier und Finanzreferenten Michael Graber die Immobilie verkauft. Verständigt wurden die BenutzerInnen und BewohnerInnen des EKH durch eine Meldung im „Standard".
Die massiven Vorwürfe kamen auch aus den eigenen Reihen, von KPÖ-Mitgliedern, die den Verkauf als Widerspruch zur postulierten „Öffnung" der KPÖ-Führung sehen. Die KPÖ-Führung argumentierte mit finanziellen Notwendigkeiten, nachdem durch das Novum-Urteil der KPÖ 130 Millionen Euro entgehen.
Dazu drängen sich uns allerdings einige Fragen auf:
1. Bisher wurde noch nie in der linken Öffentlichkeit diskutiert, woher diese Gelder kommen. Ist dieser Vermögensanteil, das der KPÖ vom deutschen Staat durch ein politisches Urteil enteignet wurde, aus Spenden, Erbschaften von KPÖ-Mitgliedern oder Mitgliedsbeiträgen zusammengespart worden? Nein, es handelt sich um Vermögen und Immobilien, das die KPÖ auf Grund ihrer Komplizenschaft mit den stalinistischen Regimen erwerben konnte.
2. Was machte die Ost-West-Geschäfte so lukrativ? Indem den ArbeiterInnen der Mehrwert ihrer Lohnarbeit enteignet wurde - die KPÖ lebte seit 1945 sehr gut von der Ausbeutung der ArbeiterInnen in Ost und West. Und sie tut bis heute so, als hätte sie einen moralischen Anspruch auf das Vermögen. Das sehen wir anders. Das mindeste, was die KPÖ tun kann, ist es, dieses Geld für soziale Projekte aufzuwenden, u.a. für den sofortigen Ankauf einer neuen Bleibe für die BenutzerInnen und BewohnerInnen des EKH.
Diejenigen in der KPÖ, die sich zwar politisch für eine Öffnung hin zu den sozialen Bewegungen und einem Bruch mit der stalinistischen Vergangenheit aussprechen, aber den Verkauf des EKH rechtfertigen, verstricken sich in einen Widerspruch. Mit dem Verkauf des EKH - und nicht irgendeiner Immobilie - machen sie deutlich, dass es um „Geld um jeden Preis" geht. Welche Glaubwürdigkeit hat die KPÖ, wenn sie bereits ist, Schritte zu setzen wie diesen mit dem EKH? Geht Parteiegoismus noch immer vor Solidarität? Eine Linke, die in ihrem Anspruch auf emanzipatorische Ziele ernst genommen werden will, kann sich um eine Stellungnahme nicht drücken.
Wie es derzeit aussieht, soll die LINKE-Konferenz, geplant für den 20.11., verschoben werden. Auch die KPÖ-Führung hält die Verschiebungsvorschläge aus den eigenen Reihen mittlerweile für vernünftig. Egal, ob am 20. November oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt: Wir dürfen kein Gras über die Sache wachsen lassen. Die LINKE-Konferenz muss zu dem Konflikt Satellung beziehen, denn es handelt sich um keinen „KPÖ-internen Konfikt", wie manche weis machen wollen.
Es handelt sich um einen Angriff der KPÖ auf einen teil der Linken - um des Geldes willen. Die LINKE-Konferenz kann nur dann ernsthaft über weitere Projekte diskutieren, wenn sie sich mit den BewohnerInnen und BenutzerInnen des EKH als Teil der Linken solidarisch erklären. Und die weitere Entwicklung der KPÖ, die Haltung der KPÖ-Führung in dem Konflikt mit den EKHlerInnen wird zeigen, welche Teile der KPÖ auch in Zukunft BündnisparterInnen bei einer Neuformierungen in der Linken sein können.
Redaktion „die linke" - herausgegeben von der Sozialistischen Alternative (SOAL)



02 Buchpräsentation: "In einer Wehrmachtsausstellung - Erfahrungen
mit Geschichtsvermittlung" von "trafo.k" <trafo.k (at)>
Welche Bezüge haben Jugendliche heute zur NS-Vergangenheit?
Wo liegen die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Vermittlung in Bezug auf
die NS-Zeit?Diesen Fragen widmet sich der Sammelband
»In einer Wehrmachtsausstellung. Erfahrungen mit Geschichtsvermittlung«
Herausgegeben von Büro trafo.K. Verlag Turia + Kant.
Schwerpunkte sind Reflexionen über geschichtspädagogische
Herangehensweisen, Erfahrungen in der Wiener Präsentation der »Wehrmachtsausstellung«
(2002) sowie die Vorstellung der Ergebnisse einer Studie zu den Bezügen von Jugendlichen
zur NS-Vergangenheit.

Präsentation und Diskussion des Sammelbandesam 24. November 2004 um 19:00
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Hörsaal M 13 (ehem: Institut für Gegenwartskunst)
Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien
Vorstellung des Buchprojektes und der Studie:
Charlotte Martinz-Turek und Ines Garnitschnig
anschließende Diskussion mit Heidemarie Uhl (Akademie der
Wissenschaften), den HerausgeberInnen Charlotte Martinz-Turek, Alexander Pollak, Nora
Sternfeld und Ines Garnitschnig.
Rezensionen - Auswahl
Büro trafo.K
Kunst - Kultur - Kommunikation
Schleifmühlgasse 1A/14
1040 Wien
tel&fax: 5854979
email: trafo.K (at)

03 Aviso: AKS startet Herbstkampagne
von "Flo Steininger" <florian.steininger (at)>
Pressemeldung der Aktion kritischer SchülerInnenBildung/Schulen/AKS/Aviso
Dienstag, 9.11.2004
Aviso: AKS startet Herbstkampagne
Utl.: SchülerInnen wehren sich gegen Leistungsdruck!
Die AKS (Aktion kritischer SchülerInnen) startet kommenden Donnerstag mit
einem bundesweiten Medienaktionstag ihre Herbstkampagne unter dem Motto:
≥Macht Leistung Bildung?- Beurteilung teilt ein, teilen wir aus!„.
AktivistInnen der AKS werden verteilt über das ganze Bundesgebiet mit
einem ≥Leistungsnetz„ darauf aufmerksam machen, dass der wirtschaftliche
Leistungsdruck den SchülerInnen ihre Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten nimmt. Die
AKS weist darauf hin, dass Faktoren wie Notendruck und Konkurrenzkampf in
der Schule für viele eine unüberwindbare Hürde darstellt.
Wien, Untere Mariahilferstraße (vor Museumsquatier), ab 09:30 Uhr
Weitere Aktionen:
Wien, Urban-Loritz-Platz, ab 10:00 Uhr
Linz, Am Taubenmarkt, ab 13:00 Uhr
Ried, Busbahnhof, ab 14:30 Uhr
Rohrbach, Busbahnhof, ab 14:00 Uhr
Salzburg, Am Alten Markt, ab 11:00 Uhr
St. Johannab, Hauptplatz 14:30 Uhr
Graz, Hauptplatz ab 11:00 Uhr
Bregenz: Leutbühlplatz, ab 12:30 Uhr
Innsbruck, Annasäule 14:00 Uhr
Telfs, Inntalcenter 16:00 Uhr
Spittal, Hauptplatz ab 11:00 Uhr
Purkersdorf, Hauptplatz ab 13:45 Uhr
Wr. Neustadt, Hauptplatz 13:00 Uhr
St. Pölten, Rathausplatz ab 14:00 Uhr
Rückfragehinweis: Kim Kadlec, 0699/11408142

04 10.+11.11.: Veranstaltungen mit Alex Demirovic
von MALMOE <redaktion (at)>
Mi., 10.11.2004, 19 Uhr, Altes AKH, HS A (Hof 2), 1090 Wien
"Perspektiven der Gesellschaftskritik im veränderten Kapitalismus"
Diskussion mit Alex Demirovic. Moderation: Roland Atzmüller
In den vergangenen 15 bis 20 Jahren haben sich durch die historischen
Veränderungen des Kapitalismus für die kritische Gesellschaftstheorie
zahlreiche Herausforderungen ergeben. Die Auflösung des Staatssozialismus, die
Entstehung neuer sozialer Bewegungen und eine neue, neoliberale Form des
Kapitalismus, der viele Argumente der Linken aufgenommen hat, verlangt nicht
nur nach einem neuen Verständnis dieser Prozesse, sondern auch nach einer
Erneuerung der Art und Weise der Kritik.Do., 11.11.2004, 18 Uhr, Martinstr. 46, 1180 Wien (U6-AKH)
Seminar mit Alex Demirovic zu
"Gesellschaftliche Arbeitsteilung und Demokratie"
Gesellschaftliche Arbeitsteilung ist eine der grundlegenden Formen, die in der
kritisch-materialistischen Gesellschaftstheorie zum Thema gemacht wird. Dabei
geht es nicht allein um ökonomische Ausbeutung, politische Herrschaft,
kulturelle Hegemonie oder disziplinierende Subjektivierungsweisen, sondern um
die Logik des gesellschaftlichen Gesamtzusammenhangs. Die Art und Weise der
Arbeitsteilung entscheidet darüber, ob Individuen am gesellschaftlichen Prozeß
teilhaben oder von ihm mehr oder weniger ausgeschlossen sind. Es soll über die
Möglichkeiten diskutiert werden, ob und durch welche Formen der
Demokratisierung solche Ausschlüsse überwunden werden können.
Auftakt der Veranstaltungsreihe "Stop making capitalism. Gesellschaftskritik
und Emanzipation im 21. Jahrhundert", organisiert von der Zeitschrift
Grundrisse, unterstützt von Grün-alternativer Jugend Wien, MALMOE, Kurswechsel,
Kommunistischem StudentInnenverband, den Grün-alternativen StudentInnen und dem
Verband Sozialistischer StudentInnen und der Bundes- sowie der Wiener ÖH.
Die Veranstaltungsreihe soll im monatlichen Rhythmus stattfinden und sowohl
Vorträge als auch Podiumsdiskussionen und Seminare beinhalten. Die behandelten
Themen erstrecken sich über die Kritik der politischen Ökonomie, die
Auseinandersetzung mit zeitgenössischer feministischer Theoriebildung oder
staatstheoretischen Fragestellungen bis hin zur Frage nach der Zukunft der
globalen Protestbewegung und der Diskussion neuerer antirassistischer Theorien.

Demnaechst: MALMOE Heft 23 mit Themen wie Kunstgewerkschaften, 2005
Feierwahnsinn, EKH Krise, Feministischer Popmusik, die Terminals dieser Welt
Abos unter!
malmoe newsletter
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oder ein mail mit dem subject "unsubscribe" an
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05 tanzpool november 04 im KosmosTheater
von KosmosTheater<office (at)>
KosmosTheater präsentiert:
Wir laden Sie auf`s allerherzlichste zum tanzpool november 04 ein und ersuchen um Ankündigung in ihrem Medium.
Sollten Sie Fragen zum Programm haben oder Fotos benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an tanzpool office, Tel. 01-5856243.tanzpool november 04Auch diesen Herbst präsentieren sich bei t a n z p o o l wieder nationale und internationale KünstlerInnen mit ihren Kurzstücken.
Zu sehen sein werden Esther Balfe (TanzTheater Wien), die bereits letzten Herbst ihre erste Choreografie gezeigt hat und diesmal einen Ausschnitt aus ihrem neuen Stück tanzen wird, Claudia Cardona und Dominik Borucki (Spanien/Deutschland) mit einem Duett sowie die Amerikanerin Katie Duck (Niederlande) mit einer Improvisation. Begleitet wird sie hierbei vom Wiener Musiker Heinz Ditsch und der Sängerin Lilian Fritz (Wien).
Weiters freuen wir uns auf die Soloperformance von Günter Marinelli (Dornbirn/Österreich), einem Koproduktionspartner von t a n z p o o l, sowie auf die junge Choreografin Kerstin Kussmaul (Wien und Deutschland), deren Solo von Mariella Greil getanzt werden wird.
Erstmals präsentiert t a n z p o o l mit dem Duett von Nina Kripas (Wien/Austria) eine Hip-Hop Produktion, im Anschluss daran wird ein DJ live auflegen. Die Performerin Helene Weinzierl (Laroque Dance Company, Wien) zeigt die Premiere ihres neuen Quartetts - auch sie ist eine Kooperationspartnerin von t a n z p o o l ˆ während das von Liz King (TanzTheater Wien) choreografierte Stück besonders auf den Dialog zwischen der Künstlerin und der jungen Tänzerin Julia Mach (Wien) setzen wird.
Di 16. und Mi 17.November 20:00
What/s up mit Dominik Borucki/Claudia Cardona (D/E)
Julia Mach/Liz King (A)
Playing Truant mit Esther Balfe (A)
Fr 19. und Sa 20.November 20:00
o körper mit Günther Marinelli (A)
Tropea couch potatoes`paradise mit Helene Weinzierl (A)
Mo 22. und Di 23.November 2004 20:00
Reality Check mit Kerstin Kussmaul (D/A)
Katie Duck/Ellen Knops/Heinz Ditsch/Lilian Fritz (NL/A)
Step into da cypher mit Nina Kripas (A)
Di 16. - Di 23. November / 20:00 außer 18.,21.
Eine Koproduktion zwischen tanzpool und KosmosTheater
EUR 14,-/erm. EUR 12,- Tel.01-5856243
<file://>Mehr Info

Ladies Night
Die Entertainerinnen laden einAlle 14 Tage sägt, schrägt und zimmert sich die weibliche Kabarett- und Comedyszene ein Programm zusammen.
Für Sie. Alle Stars hautnah. Eine Stunde lang. Ausgeschlafen und angetörnt. Beinhart und rasiert.
Jeden zweiten Freitag im Monat. Um 23:00 Uhr. Um wohlfeile 7,50 Euro inklusive 1 Getränk. Sie werden dann schon sehen, wer dran ist.
Anna Blau, Valerie Bolzano, Ruth Brauer, Betty Bulldozer, Eva D., Susanne Draxler,Christina Förster, Natascha Gundacker, Mizzi Hudribusch, Edith Leyrer, Jennifer Lee Mitchell, Claudia Martini, Sabine Naber, Eva Poltrona, Petra Riffel, Tanja Simma, Susanne Schubarsky, Ingeborg Schwab, Gerti Tröbinger,Christa Urbanek
Fr 12.11.&Fr 26.11.&Fr 10.12. / 23:00
EUR 7,50 Tel. 01-5231226
Mehr Info

KosmosTheater / A-1070 Wien Siebensterngasse 42 / Tel. 01 5231226 / / email: office (at) / an Veranstaltungstagen geöffnet ab 19:00 / Büro Mo-Fr 11:00 bis 15:00

06 REMINDER, Pressegespräch 11. Nov. 11 Uhr Café Landtmann:
30 Jahre AUF-Eine Frauenzeitschrift von <auf (at)>

Liebe Kolleginnen!
Die Redaktion der "AUF ˆ Eine Frauenzeitschrift" lädt zum PRESSEGESPRÄCH, denn die AUF ˆ eine der ersten deutschsprachigen feministischen Zeitschriften ˆ wird 30! Das gibt Anlass zum Nachdenken über die Vergangenheit der Frauenbewegung, ihre jetzige Situation und ihre Perspektiven. Österreichische und Internationale Wissenschaftlerinnen und Expertinnen wie Frigga Haug, Gerda R. Neyer und Eva Geber geben einen Ausblick und stellen das Symposium ≥30 Jahre AUF ˆ work in progress (11. ˆ 13. November 2004) vor.
Thema: 30 Jahre "AUF ˆ Eine Frauenzeitschrift work in progress"
Teilnehmerinnen: Frigga Haug (InkriT ˆ Institut für kritische Theorie)
Gerda R. Neyer (Max Planck Institut for Demographical Research u. ÖAW)
Eva Geber (AUF ˆ Eine Frauenzeitschrift)
Zeit: Donnerstag, 11. November 2004, 11:00 Uhr
Ort: Café Landmann (Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 4, 1010 Wien)
Frigga Haug, Gerda R. Neyer und Eva Geber stehen Ihnen gerne für Interviews zur Verfügung.
Für Fragen und Interviewtermine wenden Sie sich bitte an Astrid Jane Rieger
(Tel: 0699/1 968 49 31; Email: auf (at) Bei Anfrage schicken wir auch gerne eine Pressemappe zu.
u. A. w. g.
Es würde uns freuen, Sie bei unserem Pressegespräch begrüßen zu dürfen.
i. A. Ursula Eysin
AUF-Eine Frauenzeitschrift
Verein zur Förderung feministischer Projekte, Kleeblattgasse 7, A-1010 Wien
Tel 01/533 91 64 Fax 01/532 63 37, e-mail: auf (at)


07 ÖBB lehnt Zugnamen "Homosexuelle Initiative" ab
von Kurt Krickler <Kurt.Krickler (at)>
Medienaussendung der Homosexuellen Initiative (HOSI) Wien vom 9. November 2004
ÖBB/Homosexualität/Antidiskriminierung/HOSI Wien
ÖBB verweigern Zugpatronanz für „Homosexuelle Initiative‰
HOSI Wien fordert Vorstandssprecher Huber und Verkehrsminister Gorbach auf, ein Machtwort zu sprechen
„Zur Feier unseres 25-jährigen Bestehens‰, erklärt HOSI-Wien-Obfrau Bettina Nemeth, „wollten wir für das kommende Fahrplanjahr zwei ÖBB-Züge ŒHomosexuelle Initiative‚ taufen. Ein Eilzug von Passau nach Wien und einer von Salzburg nach Innsbruck sollten von Dezember 2004 bis Dezember 2005 unseren Namen tragen, wofür wir ˆ eben wegen des einmaligen Anlasses ˆ auch tief in unsere Vereinstasche gegriffen hätten.‰
„Obwohl bereits bei der Agentur fix gebucht und angezahlt, wurde der Auftrag von dieser storniert, nachdem das zuständige ÖBB-Gremium den Zugnamen abgelehnt hatte‰, berichtet HOSI-Wien-Obmann Christian Högl weiter. „Wir fühlten uns plötzlich wieder in unsere Anfangszeit zurückversetzt. Unfassbar, dass solche Dinge auch heute noch passieren. Das ist hochgradig anachronistisch, bedenkt man etwa, wie massiv der Wiener Tourismusverband durch entsprechende Werbemaßnahmen Schwule und Lesben ansprechen will oder dass die österreichische Fremdenverkehrswerbung mit ŒGayfriendly Austria‚-Broschüren wirbt.‰
Am Abstellgleis
„Und dabei betonen die Österreichischen Bundesbahnen stets, ein modernes Unternehmen sein zu wollen‰, ergänzt Nemeth. „Mit ihrer Haltung stehen die ÖBB-Manager jedoch hoffnungslos am Abstellgleis. Die scheinen die Zeichen der Zeit noch nicht erkannt zu haben: Mit ihren Ansichten und Positionen können sie vielleicht noch im mittleren ÖBB-Management überleben, aber zum EU-Kommissar brächten sie es damit nicht! ˆ Apropos EU-Kommission: Wir werden diesen Fall an die neue EU-Kommission herantragen, zeigt er doch anschaulich, dass die bisherigen EU-Antidiskriminierungsrichtlinien im Bereich des Zugangs zu Waren und Dienstleistungen nicht ausreichen, weil in diesem Bereich eine Diskriminierung aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung nicht verboten ist. Wir haben daher keine rechtliche Handhabe gegen das Vorgehen der ÖBB, das unsere Möglichkeiten einschränkt, auf unsere berechtigten Anliegen aufmerksam zu machen, und uns auf dem wichtigen Feld der Spendenakquirierung benachteiligt.‰
Machtwort erforderlich
„Wir haben den neuen ÖBB-Vorstandssprecher Martin Huber sowie Verkehrsminister Hubert Gorbach in Briefen aufgefordert, ein Machtwort zu sprechen und die Zugpatronanz zu ermöglichen (nachzulesen auf Sollte es für den kommenden Fahrplanwechsel nunmehr zu spät sein, bestehen wir auf jeden Fall darauf, für das übernächste Fahrplanjahr 2005/6 entsprechende Zugpatronanzen erwerben zu können. Wir ersuchen die SPÖ und die Grünen, entsprechende parlamentarische Initiativen zu setzen, um diese unglaubliche Diskriminierung abzustellen‰, so Högl abschließend. „Die HOSI Wien ist ja kein Sex- oder Pornounternehmen, sondern eine NGO, die als Teil der Zivilgesellschaft für die Menschenrechte und Gleichstellung von Lesben und Schwulen und gegen Unterdrückung und Diskriminierung jeglicher Art eintritt und dabei gegen bigotte Vorurteile, Irrationalismus, Obskurantismus und religiösen Wahn kämpft. Wie man sieht, ist auf diesem Gebiet noch viel zu tun.‰
Bettina Nemeth, Obfrau: Tel. 0699-11965265
Christian Högl, Obmann: Tel. 0699-11811038;
Kurt Krickler, Generalsekretär: Tel. 5451310 oder 0664-5767466;
office (at);

08 MORE... This & That!
von "Abraham J. Bonowitz" <abe (at)>
AFSC statement on killing du jour
Vietnam Debates Death Penalty
Civil Disobedience in Austria
UC Irvine Amnesty Event - REPORT
THANK Bush for signing the IPA
Why US Catholics Must Say No to the DP
and more....
Kay Whitlock
National Representative for LGBT Issues
American Friends Service Committee
Telephone: 406-721-7844
Fax: 406-728-2314
Email: <mailto:kwhitlock (at)>kwhitlock (at)
The American Friends Service Committee grieves the loss of Michael J. Burzinksi, who was murdered in July, 1994 by four teenage males, including Demarco McCullum, who were waiting outside a gay night club, apparently having been told that patrons of the club had money and "were easy targets." Mr. Burzinski was assaulted and robbed before being shot in the head. It is possible, perhaps even probable, that homophobia was a complicating factor in the assault and theft that escalated into killing, and that those who committed these acts of violence were negatively influenced by stereotypes about gay people and the belief that gay people are expendable.
We join his family and friends who continue to mourn his death, and we stand with all of those in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities, and other communities, who are targeted for hate violence. Surely, the right to the integrity of one's own person, and the right to live freely, without fear of threat, intimidation, or violence are essential human rights for all people. The American Friends Service Committee has worked with communities targeted for hate violence for over eighty years, and we continue to address not only the harms of hate violence, but its root causes. We seek to help create the kinds of just and beloved communities in which the human and civil rights of all people are upheld.
At the same time, we know from experience that state-sponsored violence is the mirror image of hate violence. Both forms of violence seek to destroy the feared and despised "other." Our witness for justice leads us to the belief that no person is expendable, and that lethal violence is no more acceptable when committed by the state than when it is committed by individuals.
On November 9, Demarco McCullum is scheduled to be executed in Texas. Our spiritual convictions lead us to oppose the execution of Mr. McCullum and to work for the abolition of the death penalty in the United States. The violence that took Mr. Burzinski's life will be compounded by the state violence that demands Mr. McCullum's life.
The death penalty is a human rights violation in every instance, whether the death comes at the hands of those who violently assault others, or through the lethal bureaucratic machinations of the state.
We will work ceaselessly for an end to the hate violence and state violence that stain the soul of our nation.
For more information on the American Friends Service Committee's position on the intersection between hate violence and state violence, please see "In a Time of Broken Bones: A Call for National Dialogue on Hate Violence & the Limitations of Hate Crimes Legislation," and "Why Abolition of the Death Penalty Is a Queer Issue," available at <>*********************

Vietnam wows rights advocates by putting death penalty up for debate


Death penalty opponents drape `Mankiller' banner over Schwarzenegger's name
at stadium
Associated Press
VIENNA, Austria - Activists opposed to the death penalty scaled the roof of
a soccer stadium named for Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday and unfurled a
banner covering the California governor's name with the word "Mankiller."
The activists said they were protesting Schwarzenegger's support for capital
punishment in California. The death penalty is illegal in Austria, where
Schwarzenegger was born and began his bodybuilding career.
"We decided to pointedly protest the death penalty in California a few days
before the U.S. presidential election" next Tuesday, said Peter Rosenauer, a
spokesman for the group Resistance for Peace.
"The Republican governor of California and close political confidant of U.S.
President George W. Bush has not renounced the death penalty," he said.
Two members of the group dressed in blue workmen's overalls walked unnoticed
into Schwarzenegger Stadium in Graz, about 200 kilometers (120 miles) south
of Vienna, and used a ladder to reach the roof and cover Schwarzenegger's name
with the banner.
qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>From the ground, with the banner in place, the stadium's main sign read
"Arnold Mankiller Stadium" for about two hours before authorities were called to
the scene to remove the label.
Graz's stadium was renamed on June 20, 1997, to mark the 50th birthday of
Schwarzenegger, who was born in the nearby village of Thal. He became a
naturalized U.S. citizen in 1984.
Although Schwarzenegger and his films remain hugely popular in his homeland,
Austrian opponents of the death penalty said earlier this month they were
reviving their drive to rename the 15,350-seat stadium.
Local activists with the Green Party and the Communist Party had pressed the
council to change the stadium's name after Schwarzenegger earlier this year
refused to grant clemency to a condemned murderer who had faced execution in
California. The killer, Kevin Cooper, won a stay of execution just hours
before he was to be put to death.

CUADP was pleased to be among those able to assist the students in pulling this together... Here is a pretty good report: <>

Justice Watch sends the following:
Thank President Bush for Signing the IPA into Law - Ask President Bush to
Recommend Fully Funding Its Programs!
Thank President Bush for signing the Innocence Protection Act into law and
urge him to provide for full funding of the IPA's programs in his executive
budget for the next fiscal year! You can send a personalized letter by
clicking on the TAKE ACTION button/link or by visiting:
On Saturday, October 30, 2004, President Bush signed into law the Justice
for All Act of 2004 (HR 5107)! HR 5107 incorporates the Advancing Justice
Through DNA Technology Act (HR 3214/S 1700 the Innocence Protection Act is
Title III of this bill) with many provisions from a victims' rights bill.
Amid a flood of constituent letters and faxes supporting the Justice For
All Act, the bill passed the US House of Representatives on October 6, 2004
in an overwhelming 393-14 vote, and sailed through the US Senate by
unanimous consent three days later.
The Justice for All Act is an important step forward for innocent victims
of crime, and for innocent people who might otherwise be sentenced to
death. But even though the bill is now a law, there is still work to be
done: we need to make sure that the Kirk Bloodsworth Post-Conviction DNA
Testing Program and other programs created by HR 5107 are fully funded.
The appropriations process begins when the President submits his budget
recommendations to Congress, which the Members of Congress will review
before developing their own budget recommendations. If new programs like
those found in the Justice for All Act of 2004 are to be funded this year,
Congress must first pass a bill that authorizes federal funds to be used
for those programs. Once these authorization bills are passed, the Senate
and House will determine how much money will be spent on a program by
sending a series of appropriations bills through the legislative process.
Since President Bush will remain in office next year, this break between
the 108th and the 109th Congress is a perfect opportunity to thank
President Bush for signing the Justice for All Act and urge him to provide
for full funding of the Innocence Protection Act programs in his executive
budget for fiscal year 2005! You can send your letter today by visiting:
Thank you again for your support! As our success in passing HR 5107 shows,
your personalized letters make a difference by showing that there is
widespread support across the United States. We need to make it clear that
these programs must be a funding priority during the appropriations
process, so please send your letter today and then encourage two of your
friends to do the same.*************************

Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:51 AM
Subject: Why US Catholics Must Say No to the Death Penalty/America Magazine
Why U.S Catholics Must Say No To The Death Penalty
America Magazine - November 1, 2004 <>
By Dale S. Recinella
As I begin my seventh year of cell-to-cell ministry on Floridas death row, it is not surprising that I am frequently asked to speak to Catholic audiences on the realities of the American death penalty. Most invitations are from Catholics who are sincerely interested in the truth, but who know that politicians and agenda-oriented media channels have provided them only opinions, with almost no facts. In such an environment, our dialogue must start with the basics. Paragraph 2267 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is the relevant passage on Catholic teaching about the death penalty:
Assuming that the guilty partys identity and responsibility have been fully determined, the traditional teaching of the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor.
If, however, non-lethal means are sufficient to defend and protect peoples safety from the aggressor, authority will limit itself to such means, as these are more in keeping with the concrete conditions of the common good and more in conformity with the dignity of the human person.
Today, in fact, as a consequence of the possibilities which the state has for effectively preventing crime, by rendering one who has committed an offense incapable of doing harmwithout definitively taking away from him the possibility of redeeming himselfthe cases in which the execution of the offender is an absolute necessity are very rare, if not practically non-existent.
It has been disappointing to find that two of the questions most frequently asked of me about this text add very little to the audiencesunderstanding of the issues. The first question focuses on the last paragraph of the catechism text and is usually asked by liberals: Isnt it true that the Catholic Church has changed its teaching about capital punishment?I have learned that this is not so much a question about capital punishment as an attempt to suggest something about the doctrine of infallibilitynamely that any change in this teaching proves the doctrine is questionable. The response, of course, is that the teaching is consistent, but nuanced to take into account modern realities.
A second frequent question focuses upon the middle of the first paragraph and is usually asked by conservatives: Isnt it true that the death penalty is not intrinsically evil but abortion is?This is usually not a death penalty question, but rather a thinly veiled assertion that real Catholics can support only a particular political party. That issue has been addressed in a statement by our U.S. Catholic bishops.
The point for our purposes is that both questions are salvos in an esoteric theological debate, which assumes, for purposes of argument, that the death penalty works flawlessly and infallibly. No one in America has ever seen such a death penalty. Neither question advances the knowledge of the average American Catholic parishioner about the deep moral and ethical problems with Americas death penalty, which is a deeply flawed, fallible and sometimes perverted system.
A much more significant question leaps from the introduction to the catechism text. Does the American death penalty guarantee a full determination of the accused partys identity and responsibility?The answer is a resounding no. There are many factors that contribute to this result. Perhaps the most severe is the American legal doctrine of what is called procedural bar.
Procedural bar is a legal concept that has been marketed to the public under false pretenses. Americans are told that there is no reason why it should take longer than five years after a death sentence to carry out an execution. Therefore, we are advised, anyone on death row for longer than five years must be clogging the courts with spurious appeals. The solution is simply to cut off access to the courts after a certain period of time. That is the doctrine. After a certain period of time, in other words, the accused is forbidden to present new evidence to the courts.
The foregoing pretenses fly in the face of reality. Since 1976, according to the non-profit Death Penalty Information Center in Washington, D.C., 115 people have been released from Americas death rows with evidence of their innocence. For those 115 exonerated death row inmates, the average time between being sentenced to death and exoneration was more than nine years.
So one might assume that when a citizens life is at stake, the time periods allowed for the introduction of new evidence would be long ones. Not so. In Florida, a condemned man may introduce evidence of innocence only within one to two years after the imposition of the death sentence. In Texas, the condemned can do so only within 18 months after receiving a death sentence. In Virginia the period has been temporarily extended from 21 days to 90 days.
What about evidence of innocence that the prosecutors and police had in their possession but hid from the court? Too bad. Thanks to various legal procedures, prosecutors have been able to obtain court decisions to the effect that such conduct no longer merits court review of innocence. Politically desirable executions can roll forward, enhancing the political careers, salaries and perks of ambitious politicians and government employees, unimpeded by the evidence of innocence that may be sitting in the courthouse basementnever to be reviewed by a judge or a jury.
We might hope that in the United States only trivial evidence would be disregarded in this fashion. If only that were true. Unfortunately, it is not. For example, in one case the prosecution hidthe original police report and used a revisedpolice report at trial. The original police report did not support the guilt of the accused; the revised police report did. No jury or court has been able to review the original police report. Too much time has passed; the evidence of innocence is thus subject to procedural bar.
Recently, in Missouri the state argued, almost successfully, that there is no constitutional right not to be executed just because one is innocent. In that case, a man had been sentenced to death based on nothing but the testimony of three jailhouse snitches. Years later, all three admitted to lying. The Missouri State Supreme Court ruled for a new trial by a razor-thin vote of 4 to 3.
We might want to believe that the federal courts would act as a safety net against execution of the innocent. Not anymore. The Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 severely limits the ability of federal courts to hear post-trial evidence of innocence that state courts have refused to consider. The shortened time limits created by this law pose an especially egregious risk of executing poor defendants despite late-discovered evidence of innocence. Without the resources to hire an attorney, they may be unable to meet the shorter time limits.
Even those with competent counsel are out of luck. Recently, a federal court took the rare step of granting a state death row inmate a new trial. The federal judge was outraged that the prosecutor had materially misled the court and the jury about the motivations of the states only witness. It had been misrepresented to them that the witness had nothing to gain by his testimony, when in fact he was being released from reams of felony charges. The state also hid other evidence concerning their star witness, who, it turns out, had himself originally been charged with the murder. The states own attorneys told the press that there was not a shred of evidence connecting the death row inmate to the murder. Then the federal appeals court overruled the new trial and reinstated the death penalty. Why? It had been too long. Procedural bar. The state is pushing on toward execution.
The watershed event in Americas plunge toward routine executions without a full determination of the condemneds identity and responsibility was the U.S. Supreme Court case of Leonel Herrera in 1993. A former Texas judge submitted an affidavit stating that another man had confessed to the crime for which Herrera was facing execution. Numerous other pieces of new evidence also threw doubt on his conviction. In a modern rendition of the famous Gospel scene of Pilates hand-washing, the Supreme Court announced that it could not be concerned with factual innocence. It could address only procedural violations. Herrera was executed.
This is the death penality in the United States. This is the disastrous state of affairs that caused Governor George H. Ryan Sr. to commute the sentences of everyone on Illinoisdeath row. This is the mess that prompted pro-death penalty Governor Frank Keating of Oklahoma to opine that our standard of guilt must be raised from beyond a reasonable doubtto moral certainty.Under the American death penalty, it is preposterous to assume that the guilty partys identity and responsibility have been fully determined, as required by the Catholic Catechism.
Although we may not yet be ready to tackle the abstract theological concepts involved in the abolition of the death penalty universally, we can say with certainty that all American Catholics who accept church teaching must be opposed to the death penalty as it is used in the United States today. Until the case of Leonel Herrera is overturned, the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 is repealed, and the legal doctrine of procedural bar is banned in capital cases, it is simply not possible to be a faithful Catholic and support the use of the death penalty in the United States.
Dale S. Recinella, author of The Biblical Truth About Americas Death Penalty (Northeastern University Press: fall 2004), is a lawyer. He was a presenter on religious and ethical issues and the death penalty at the 2nd World Congress Against the Death Penalty, Montreal, Canada, in October. Click here for < Dale S. Recinella&Title=&num=50&lb=1>a sample of author's writings in < Dale S. Recinella&Title=&num=50&lb=1>America and for < Dale S. Recinella&page=1&mode=books&type=heavy&sort=+salesrank&f=>books by author at Link to "sample writings" is slow; link to amazon may list books by authors with similar names.

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SENT BYAbraham J. Bonowitz
Director, CUADP
<abe (at)>
There is an Alternative to the Death Penalty
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
(CUADP) works to end the death penalty in the United
States through aggressive campaigns of public education
and the promotion of tactical grassroots activism.
Visit <> or call 800-973-6548
PMB 335, 2603 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Hwy
Gainesville, FL 32609

09 Detention of Children Condemned again
von John O <ncadc (at)>
NCADC News Service Detention of Children Condemned again
Anne Owers the Chief Inspector of Prisons has published today Tuesday 9th November a report on her Inspection of Oakington Reception Centre in June of this year. At the time of her visit, 41 children under the age of 18 were being held, 15 had been in detention for one to four weeks. below are selected extracts chosen by NCADC
The *response to the report by Home Office Minister Des Browne, has not answered any of Anne Owers criticisms.
The UK government has still not ratified the 'UN Convention on the Rights of the Child', which would give more protection to children held in detention.Report on an announced inspection of Oakington Immigration Reception Centre by the Chief Inspector of Prisons Anne Owers"Oakington Immigration Reception Centre remained a largely safe and respectful environment, but procedures for managing more vulnerable detainees and safeguarding children were not sufficiently robust,"However, since our last inspection, the population and function of Oakington had changed. In particular, it was holding detainees facing the prospect of imminent removal without a right of appeal: some of whom would be removed immediately after completion of the fast-track process. This had implications for security, vulnerability and the length of time detainees, including children, spent in the centre. The centre had paid attention to the security risks; but in our view had paid insufficient attention to the need for effective systems to manage the increased risk of suicide and self-harm; or to provide sufficient purposeful activity for longerstaying detainees.The rate of absconds from the centre had risen dramatically during 2003, as detainees had little to lose, or much to fear. In order to prevent this, the centre's physical security had been increased and detainees thought to be abscond risks were moved into the secure Detainee Departure Unit (DDU) - a locked-down separation unit, with a limited regime. They shared this facility with detainees who were disruptive, and those at serious risk of suicide and self-harm. In addition, the unit was used as a temporary staging post for those being transferred to other centres or removed from the country. Both women and men could be held there.
In our view, the multiple functions of the DDU are incompatible and unsustainable. The regime is too restrictive for the great majority of those held there, who pose no threat to order or discipline; and who may be in a state of considerable anxiety or depression. The unit should not be used for the suicidal; and alternative means of managing those thought to be abscond risks should be developed. The dangers of not doing so were starkly apparent during our inspection, with a serious suicide attempt by a detainee facing removal, who was in the DDU only because of the suspicion that he might abscond.
More generally, we were not convinced that the procedures and mechanisms for identifying and supporting detainees at risk of self-harm were sufficiently well-developed to cope with the centre's current population. Much of the centre's safety depended upon the good and positive staff-detainee relationships; but these needed to be supported by robust systems.We also found that the mechanisms for deciding to detain children, and reviewing their detention and developmental needs, were not sufficiently robust. Under IND's own instructions, the detention of children is always a sensitive matter and should be decided at senior level (by an Assistant Director). We saw no evidence of such authorisation, and indeed on-site staff appeared unaware of the need for it. . . . . . . . . The instructions also require regard to be given to Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights: again, we saw no evidence that a balancing exercise between the necessity of detention and the welfare of the child had been carried out. The centre made conscientious attempts to identify and support children at risk of harm; but residential staff lacked the necessary qualifications, or support from social services. The concerns they did raise about children underline the need for independent review of a child's welfare and development after seven days, as we have previously recommended."

The full report should be available to download from:
However the Home Office is some times slow at placing documents on its website, so NCADC have placed a copy of the report with the Home Office press release (at)
Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID)
"HMIP's report shows that increasing numbers of children are being locked up in an environment where they fail to thrive, where social services are slow to respond to concerns, and where older children in particular are not receiving a full education." "We are still waiting for the system of welfare assessments at 21 days, promised in December 2003, to be put in place for all detained children."BID have condemned the government's intention to expand the number of children detained by opening a new 286 bed family unit at Yarl's Wood at the end of this year.
The government's wide powers of immigration detention are endangering children and urgently need to be balanced by robust systems that place the child‚s needs at the heart of decisions about them, detention charity.
Of 36 families who have contacted BID in the past 18 months, the average length of detention was 49 days, and the outcome of detention in the majority of cases (20 families) was released on temporary admission. In the 14 cases where the family were removed, the average length of detention was 43 days.
*Home Office response to HMCIP Report on Oakington Immigration Reception Centre
Statement by Des Browne: Home Office press release: Tuesday 9th November
"The report raises the issue of children in detention - detaining children is a sensitive matter. We believe that the mechanisms for detaining children and reviewing their detention at Oakington are dealt with sensitively and with priority. Family cases are highlighted and prioritised and any children in detention with families are closely monitored.
"We recognise the need to provide a comprehensive programme of activities throughout the day to occupy both adults and children and education classes are now provided for all school age children. We will review the current provision and take steps to ensure that the programme is promoted and detainees encouraged to participate."
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
As quoted
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
1 Delaunays Road
M8 4QS
General enquiries 0121 554 6947
ncadc (at)
