by public netbase t0 -- please sign
Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt
uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im
MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
Von: peter.xyz@gmx.at
Heute 03.10.02 ist wieder Donnerstags-Demonstration
Kommt Alle - weiter verbreiten !!!
Treffpunkt 19:30 Uhr, 1010 Wien, Ballhausplatz
Heute 03.10.02 ist, wie die vielen Donnerstage zuvor, wieder
Donnerstags-Demonstration - gegen die Regierungsbeteiligung der FPÖ (FPÖ
MinisterIn immer
noch in der Regierung)
Treffpunkt um 19:30 Uhr am Ballhausplatz (1010 Wien)
Kommt ALLE - letzten Donnerstag waren ca. 60 DemonstrantInnen - es sollten
wieder weit über 100 werden - Kommt bringt FreundInnen mit - und weiter
verbreiten ....
mailto: peter.xyz@gmx.at
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02 "Lernen aus 40 Jahren Integrationswirklichkeit"
Von: "Hikmet Kayahan" <hikmet.kayahan@chello.at>
- Diskussionsforum
"Lernen aus 40 Jahren Integrationswirklichkeit"
Sule Esdik-Daphne von Ottoman (Malerin)
Serafettin Yildiz ( Schriftsteller, Schulberatung für MigrantInnen)
Ljubomir Bratic (Philosoph)
Lakis Jordanopoulos (Musiker, Moderator )
Mag. August Gächter (Zentrum für Soziale Innovation)
Dr. Helena Verdel (Verband Wiener Volksbildung)
Hikmet Kayahan (JUBIZ, VHS Ottakring)
Mittwoch 9.10
ORF RadioKulturhaus
Studio 3
Argentinierstr. 30 a
1040 Wien
Tel.: 01 501 70 377 (Lageplan)
weitere Info auf
mit lieben grüssen, hikmet
03 Einladung zum GLB-Wien-Forum am 09.10.02
Von: Helmuth Zink <glb-zink@apanet.at>
Einladung zur Diskussionsrunde des GLB - Forum Wien:
" GLB in der AK-Wien - Rückblick und Ausblick,
Vorbereitung der nächsten Vollversamlung am 08.11.2002."
Bericht und Diskussion mit AK-Rat Helmuth Fellner
Wann: am Mittwoch, dem 09. Oktober 2002, 18.00 - 21.00 Uhr
Wo: in der Gewerkschaft der Eisenbahner, 4.Stock,
1050 Wien, Margaretenstraße 166
( U4 - Station Margaretengürtel, Straßenbahnlinien 6 und 18 )
Tel.: 0676 389 38 61, Koll. Wieser
Nächstes GLB-Forum Wien: 06. November 2002
Mit kämpferischen Gewerkschaftsgrüßen
Helmuth Zink
04 Veranstaltung in Graz: Antisemitismus in der Linken
Von: OEKOLI_Wien@gmx.net <OEKOLI_Wien@gmx.net>
Vortrag und Diskussion
am Donnerstag, 10. Oktober, um 19 Uhr
Ort: Hörsaal 23.03, Meerscheinschlößl, Mozartgasse 3
mit Thomas Schmidinger, Ökologische Linke Wien (ÖKOLI):
"Antisemitismus wird oft lediglich als Phänomen der extremen Rechten
betrachtet. Dabei wird übersehen, dass der Antisemitismus eine
unserer Gesellschaft darstellt, der nicht nur historisch Teil des linken
bei Frühsozialisten, AnarchistInnen, SyndikalistInnen und
ParteikommunistInnen war, sondern auch in der aktuellen Debatte um Israel
eine Rolle spielt. Aus
der Tatsache, dass der Antisemitismus in Österreich nach 1945 in der
Öffentlichkeit tabuisiert, unter der Hand aber weitertradiert wurde,
entstand eine
Situation in der Antisemitismus sich nur mehr bei offenen Nazis als solcher
erkennen gibt, aber in einer Fülle von Codes in der Gesellschaft
weiterexistiert. Die Feindschaft gegen 'die Juden' hat sich in der
Öffentlichkeit bei
Rechtsextremen zur Feindschaft gegen 'die Ostküste', bei Linken gegen 'die
Zionisten' gewandelt. Neben der Feindschaft gegen Israel hat sich der
Antisemitismus der Linken nach 1945 vor allem in einer verkürzten
niedergeschlagen, die heute zwar ohne Begriffe wie 'jüdisches Finanzkapital'
auskommt, sich in der Vorstellung über 'die Multis' in der Nähe dessen
wie sich AntisemitInnen 'die Juden' vorstellen."
Diese Veranstaltung wird von Mayday 2000 Graz organisiert, unterstützt
der StRV Geschichte, ÖH Kulturreferat, Fakultätsvertretung
Wir möchten alle Interessierten dazu einladen!------------------------------------
MayDay2000 Graz
Post: Postfach 466, 8011 Graz
Netz: http://mayday.widerstand.org
Email: mayday2000graz@hotmail.com
Support: Sparbuch Nr. 32 22 61 85, BLZ 38 000, Bezeichnung "MayDay2000
Ökologische Linke (ÖKOLI)
Schottengasse 3a/1/4/59
A-1010 Wien
e-milio: oekoli_wien@gmx.net
Visite our Website: http://www.oekoli.cjb.net
Ökoli Vorarlberg: http://PolitiX.cjb.net
Unsere Aussendungen sind nicht zur Verbreitung über Indymedia
05 News from the at.indymedia.org:8081 newswire
Von: apache@indymedia.org
Article by: imc_austria
Wednesday 02 Oct 2002
Summary:...Schnellübersetzung ins deutsche - Fehler seien mir verziehen...
Reference at indymedia website:
Anschlag auf IMC Athen
Der Terror breitet sich über eine tägliche Basis durch Fernsehen und
Massenmedien weiter aus. Zeitungen und elektronische Medien, ihrer
Rolle entsprechend - diese inkludiert die Distribution von Falschinformation
die Schaffung eines sozialen Konsens - pervertieren die Wahrheit,
ihren guten Ruf, fälschen Ideen und Fakten.
Nach den Angriffen auf Menschen die der Bewegung auch nur im weitesten Sinne
angehören sowie Angriffen gegen das Netzwerk für politische und soziale
(Network for Political and Social Rights) war athens.indymedia an der Reihe.
\"tele-judges\" und der Rest der \"tele-cannibals\" bildeten
ihr Urteil
deren TV-Sendungen zu Ende waren: \"Diese Seite fördert die Terroristen,
diesem Grunde muss sie geschlossen werden und die für diese Seite
verantwortlichen Personen müssen eingesperrt werden\".
Die Exekutive liess keine Zeit verstreichen. Der Leiter des \"Department
Crime\" der griechischen Polizei begann Informationen zu sammeln und
infiltrierte die \"editorial group\" des IMC\'s in Athen!
IMC-Athen wird sich dieser neuen Realität nicht fügen. Die Schaffung
Gegenöffentlichkeit ist der Grund seiner Existenz. Indymedia ist ein
internationales Netzwerk für unabhängige und partizipative
Informations\"zentren\" im Internet - und es ist nicht das einzige
Das Ziel ist, der Zugang aller, zu unabhängiger Information. Der erste
dazu war getan, als eine Mehrheit von uns schon vor langer Zeit ihre
Heute fand eine Demonstration mit mehr als 2.500 TeilnehmerInnen gegen
und Medienterrorismus in Athen statt.
Anmerkung von einem von IMC-Austria...
Zum Zeitpunkt der Übersetzung, waren folgende Seiten nicht erreichbar:
Hier sollte sich noch ein englischsprachiges Feature zur Thematik befinden:
06 Presseinformation der HOSI Linz: jubilee planet 2002
Von: HOSI Linz <ooe@hosilinz.at>
HOSI Linz feiert 20-jähriges Jubiläum mit "Sestre" und
"The Gablitzers" und
diesjährigen G.A.L.A.-Verleihung
jubilee planet 2002
Samstag, 12. Oktober 2002
21.00 Uhr, Palais Kaufmännischer Verein, Linz
(Presseakkreditierungen und Interviewanfragen unter 0732/60 98 98-1 oder
Pressefotos in Druckqualität stehen zum Download unter www.hosilinz.at
Fast schon Tradition gewoden ist das jährliche große Fest der Homosexuellen
Initiative Linz in den Sälen des Palais Kaufmännischer Verein in Linz
steht das Fest ganz im Zeichen des 20-jährigen Vereinsjubiläums und
daher unter dem Titel "jubilee planet 2002" statt.
Höhepunkt des diesjährigen Festes wird die feierliche Verleihung des
Lesbian Awards 2002 (G.A.L.A.) bilden. Der Preis wird für herausragende
Verdienste für die rechtliche und soziale Gleichstellung von Lesben und
Schwulen in Österreich vergeben.
Gay and Lesbian Award 2002
Dieser von der HOSI Linz gestiftete Preis in Form
einer goldenen Ehrennadel und einem Preisgeld von 500 Euro wird heuer zum 3.
verliehen. Preisträger 2001 war der bekannte Wiener Rechtsanwalt und
des Rechtskommitee Lambda, Dr Helmut Graupner. Erste Preisträgerin war
nunmehrige Obfrau der HOSI Wien, Helga Pankratz.
Auch für den heurigen Preis wurden von über fünfzig Personn und
Nominierungen abgegeben. Bereits am 14. September hat eine unabhängige
namhafter Persönlichkeiten der Lesben- und Schwulenbewegung aus ganz
die diesjährige Preisträgerin bzw. den diesjährigen Preisträger
Name des/der PreisträgerIn wird allerdings erst beim Fest im Rahmen einer
feierlichen Verleihungszeremonie am 12. Oktober 2002 bekannt gegeben. Die
der Nominierten werden seitens der HOSI Linz am 10. Oktober bekannt
Die Seventies sind zurück
Die HOSI Linz hat aus Anlass ihres 20-jährigen
Bestandsjubiläums heuer ein noch bunteres und anspruchsvolleres Programm
zusammengestellt als in den letzten Jahren. Begeisterten zum Beispiel 2001
Gruppe "High Heels" mit ihrer fulminanten Bühnenshow und die
bekannte Linzer
Band "Lucy in The Sky", so ist heuer Disco Fever angesagt. Unter dem
Seventies sind zurück!" bringt die Gruppe "The Gablitzers",
bekannt vom
82er-Haus, Diskohits und Schlager der 70er Jahre. Von Abba und den Bee Gees
Baccara und Waterloo & Robinson, von "Dancing queen" bis "Funky
town" und
Cool" reicht der Bogen, der in einer mitreißenden Bühnenshow
(Der Auftritt der "Gablitzer's wird um 24.00 Uhr sein)
Höhepunkt aber wird der erste Österreich-Auftritt der Gruppe "Sestre"
Slowenien. Die Gruppe ist seit über zwei Jahren in der slowenischen
vertreten. Die Gruppe, bestehend aus Miss Marlena (Tomaz Mihelic), Sister
(Srecko Blas) und Sister Emperatrizz (Damjan Levec), wurde durch ihre
bemerkenswerten Auftritte bei verschiedenen Festivals und in TV-Shows
Höhepunkt ihrer bisherigen Karriere war aber die Teilnahme als
Sloweniens beim Eurovision Song Contest 2002.
Vom Eurovison Song Contest nach Linz: Sestre In Slowenien gab es nach der
Bekanntgabe der Nominierung für die Eurovisons Song Contest-Teilnahme große
Aufregung und zahlreiche Versuche, die Wahl zu annullieren. "Viele waren
dachten, wir kämen von einem anderen Planeten, wären nicht normal
- so, als
hätten wir eine Krankheit. Irgendwer meinte, es wäre eine Schande,
Slowenien beim Song Contest repräsentieren sollten," erinnert sich
Sofort brach auch in der internationalen Gay-Community ein Sturm der
aus, der schließlich den Weg nach Tallinn doch noch ebnete. Trotzdem wollen
"Sestre" sich nicht als Schwulen-Ikonen festlegen lassen, denn ihre
wäre breiter als nur schwulenbezogen.
"Sestre" lassen sich auch nicht gerne mit der israelischen Sängerin
International vergleichen. "Wir sind Drag Queens, Künstler also, die
ungern natürlich - eine Rolle spielen, Dana hingegen ist transsexuell.
Eigentlich sind wir gerne Männer," erklärt Miss Marlena. Allerdings
viele nicht verstehen, vor allem nicht in Slowenien. "Slowenien ist ein
homophobes Land. Das macht uns sehr traurig. Gott sei Dank gibt es aber
Menschen, die unsere Botschaft verstehen."
Beim Song Contest kam "Sestre" für Slowenien mit dem Lied "Samo
Love" auf den vierzehnten Platz. "Da hat man drei Minuten zu versuchen,
Millionen-Publikum zu überzeugen, das eine noch nie zuvor gesehen oder
hat. Du kannst nur Dein Bestes geben - egal wie es ausgeht. Aber das müssen
Künstler sowieso immer, sobald sie auf der Bühne stehen." (Der
Auftritt von
"Sestre" ist für 23 Uhr geplant)
Live am 12.10.2002 in Linz Und das Beste werden "Sestre" am 12. Oktober
auch in Linz - und damit erstmals in Österreich - geben. An diesem Tag
Miss Marlena, Sister Daphne und Sister Emperatrizz im Rahmen des HOSI-Festes
"jubilee planet 2002" ihre Botschaft von der Liebe live im Palais
Verein verbreiten.
"Sestre" stehen gerne für Interviews zur Verfügung. Diesbezügliche
bitte an ooe@hosilinz.at richten.
gez. Ulrike Glachs, Vereinssprecherin
Rückfragehinweis: HOSI Linz, Tel./Fax: 0732/60 98 98 - 1
07 HOSI Wien: Ernennung des Auslaufmodells Korinek
zum VfGH-Präsidenten ist eine Schande für Österreich
Von: Kurt Krickler <k.krickler@telering.at>
Medienaussendung der Homosexuellen Initiative (HOSI) Wien vom 2. Oktober
Verfassungsgerichtshof/Homosexualität/HOSI Wien
Korineks Ernennung Schande für Österreich
"Wir sind bestürzt, daß die blau-schwarze Bundesregierung noch
schnell vor
ihrem vorzeitigen Ende den konservativen Verfassungsrichter Karl Korinek zum
Präsidenten des VfGH bestellt hat", erklärt Helga Pankratz, Obfrau
Homosexuellen Initiative (HOSI) Wien. "Gerade eine Person wie Korinek,
nicht zuletzt durch ihr problematisches Wirken in Zusammenhang mit den fünf
Verfassungsbeschwerden gegen § 209 schwere Schuld auf sich geladen hat,
der Spitze des VfGH wird dessen Ansehen nicht gerade vergrößern."
"ÖVP-Mitglied Korinek gehört nämlich zu jenen Verfassungsrichtern,
die daran
mitgewirkt haben, daß in den späten 1980ern insgesamt drei Beschwerden
§ 209 ab- bzw. zurückgewiesen worden sind, und eine weitere sogar
noch im
November des Vorjahres", präzisiert Obmann Christian Högl. "Korinek
einer jener Richter, die 1989 in ihrem Erkenntnis den menschenrechtswidrigen
Paragraphen 209 als verfassungskonform einstuften. Erst durch massiven
internationalen und nationalen Druck (u. a. sechs Resolutionen des
Europa-Parlaments, Aufforderungen des Europarats und des UNO-Ausschusses für
Menschenrechte) sah sich der VfGH im Juni dieses Jahres gezwungen, § 209
verfassungswidrig aufzuheben, wobei er seinen Gesinnungswandel mit
fadenscheinigen Argumenten begründete."
ÖVP-Mitglied Korinek ist Auslaufmodell
"In Wirklichlichkeit mußte der VfGH indirekt einbekennen, daß
Entscheidung aus dem Jahre 1989 eine Fehlentscheidung war", ergänzt
Generalsekretär Kurt Krickler. "Der VfGH hat sich bis heute bei den
seines damaligen 'Irrtums' nicht entschuldigt: 250 Menschen wurden zwischen
1989 und 2002 nach § 209 zu Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt und ins Gefängnis
gesperrt. Sie sind bis heute nicht rehabilitiert und entschädigt worden.
ist eine Schande für Österreich und seine Justiz, daß ausgerechnet
Auslaufmodell wie Korinek, der am damaligen skandalösen Fehlurteil
mitgewirkt hat, zum Präsidenten des Verfassungsgerichtshofs ernannt wird.
Das ist nicht nur ein ungeheuerlicher Affront gegenüber seinen Opfern,
sondern ein deutliches - hoffentlich letztes - Signal von Blau-schwarz, daß
Menschenrechte in Österreich möglichst restriktiv auszulegen sind.
Bei allen
rechtsstaatlich gesinnten Menschen muß diese Ernennung einen
Autoritätsverlust des VfGH hervorrufen."
"Bei dieser Regierung überrascht einem aber auch das nicht mehr",
Helga Pankratz abschließend an. "Wir werden uns daher wohl auch in
in erster Linie auf die internationalen und europäischen Instanzen verlassen
müssen, da von Richtern wie Korinek sicher keine Unterstützung bei
Durchsetzung voller Menschenrechte für Lesben und Schwule zu erwarten ist."
Eine Analyse der 209er-Entscheidungen des VfGH, in denen die
Fehlentscheidung des VfGH stringent nachgewiesen wird, findet sich auf dem
Website der HOSI Wien unter www.hosiwien.at (diese Presseaussendung auf der
Startseite anklicken und ans Ende scrollen).
Gezeichnet: Homosexuelle Initiative (HOSI) Wien - 1. Lesben- und
Schwulenverband Österreichs. Rückfragehinweise: Helga Pankratz: Tel.
893 75
70; Christian Högl: 06691-18 11 038; Kurt Krickler: 545 13 10 oder 0664-57
67 466; office@hosiwien.at; www.hosiwien.at
08 Zum 100.Geburtstag von Leopold Figl
Von: labournet <labournetaustria@utanet.at>
Zum 100. Geburtstag von Leopold Figl:
Führer der "ostmärkischen Sturmscharen"
in Niederösterreich nach dem Februar 1934!
(Austrofaschismus: Parlament ausgeschaltet,
Sozialdemokratie verboten, Schutzbundführer
erschossen ...)
oder direkt den Videoclip:
09 Wir ticken nicht richtig
Von: fodele@gmx.de <fodele@gmx.de>
================================================An "Robert Fidel"
Es ist mühsam immer wieder die selben Unterstellungen bezüglich W.I.Lenin
und die Bolschewiki in Bezug auf Stalin zu lesen.
Ihre Unkenntnis ist wahrscheinlich auf mangelnde Information zurück zu
führen. Es ist halt sehr einfach sich unkritisch im Mainstream fallen zu
Die Bolschewiki zu Zeiten Lenins zeichnete sich durch eine äußerst
hochentwickelte demokratische Gesprächskultur aus. Erst unter dem
zunehmenden Einfluß
Stalins und den Bürokraten, die er repräsentierte, kehrte sich das
Menschen, die sich wenigstens etwas mit der Geschichte der Oktoberrevolution
beschäftigt haben, müsste es bekannt sein, dass Lenin vor Stalin aus
Grund warnte.
Legen Sie doch einmal Ihre Hugo Portisch Lektüre zur Seite und lesen sie
Beispiel "Moskau zu Lenins Zeiten" von Alfred Rosmer oder "Die
Revolution" von Leo Trotzki.
Reicher Mann und armer Mann
Standen da und sahn sich an.
Und der Arme sagte bleich:
Wär ich nicht arm, wärst Du nicht reich.
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NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Günstige DSL- & Modem/ISDN-Tarife!
10 RAWNEWS: Colombia
Von: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
Colombia Solidarity - Brief Campaign Update1. Colombia
2. Anti-War Demonstration
28th September
3. Colombia Solidarity
Bulletin No 8
5. U.S. will train
Colombians to fight insurgents
1. Colombia
Despite the assassinsation of fiv epeasant
leaders, the disappearance of others and the high levels of army as well
as police repression, the social movement has emerged strngthened by teh
protests of 16th Septemebr and the following week. The movement is
getting ready to challend the Uribe's governments attacks on every
popular sector. A meeting of social movements last Friday agreed to
present united demands to the government and, in th ecase of rejection,
call a united national mobilisation. Some reports have mentioned 30th
October as a possible national stoppage day.
Also last Friday 20th September, 23 human
rights defenders, trade unionists and their bodyguards on a Humanitarian
Delegation from Cali to take food and medicines to the peasants at La
María were held for 13 hours by the army and police. Amongst those
detained were BERENICE CELEYTA, director of SINTRAEMCALI's Human Rights
Department and the union's treasurer OSCAR FIGUEROA - both of whom have
visited Britain and addressed union conferences and public meetings. They
were filmed and warned that there could be further charges.
2. Colombia Solidarity
Campaign Contingent on 28 Sept Anti-War Demonstration
Our contingent will be meeting at 12 noon at Cleopatra's Needle on
the Embankment and proceedtoHyde Park.
We will be calling for US troops out of Colombia, and of course no Attack
on Iraq and in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Look out for
us and join in!
Our contact person for the day is Dave on 07932034477
Apart from the new bulletin we will have a leaflet advertising the London
public meeting and all those round the country, and the new petition
demanding justice for the victims of the BP pipeline.
3. Colombia Solidarity No 8 - Out Now!
Contentsinclude No War for Oil!, 16 September Stoppage, Decree
2002 - Charter for State Terror, Uribe in Power - Eye witness Reports,
Plan Colombia s Killing Fields, Cultural Imperialism, BP - Blair
Petroleum and Imperial Power, FTAA Resistance Grows to US Misery,
Gilberto Torres - USO, Solidarity News
Contenidos¡NO A LA GUERRA POR EL PETROLEO!, Decreto 2002 - Estado
de Terror, Hacia Una Dictadura, El Régimen de Uribe Vélez, Mano
Firme Contra Colombia ... y Corazón Grande Para Estados Unidos, La Nueva
4. Announcements
PICKET THE COLOMBIAN EMBASSYWednesday 30th October 4.00 -
3 Hans Crescent, London SW1 (back of Harrods, Knightsbridge tube)
No to Criminalisation and Repression! End the State of Internal
For the Right of Social Protest!
Public Meetings on Emergency in Colombia
Belfastthe Colombian Trade Unionists Solidarity Campaign
meets at 4.30pm on Friday 4th October at the Duke of York, Donegal Street
and the first Friday of each month thereafter
BristolWednesday 27th November 7.30pm Cube Cinema, Dove
Street South, Bristol, BS2 8JB
Video: The Tower of Victory - SINTRAEMCALI and the struggle for social
justice in Colombia
Cambridge Thursday, 3rd October 7.30pm Wesley Church, junction King
Street and Short Street
organised by CamPeace
Cardiff- a group is being organised
Devon-Wednesday 16th October 7.30pm Bogan House, High
Street, Totnes
LondonSaturday 5th October 2.00pm CORAS, 161 Lambeth Walk,
LONDON SE11 (nearest tubes Vauxhall or North Lambeth) and Wednesday
16th October 7.00pm University of London Union, Malet Street, WC1
(nearest tubes Goodge Street and Warren Street)
MerseysideTuesday 1st October 7.30pm at The Casa on Hope
St. Video:The Hidden Story, Confronting Colombia's Dirty War.
Interested? - help form a branch of the Campaign. Call a vigil in your
area for 10th December, International Human Rights Day, to remember all
the human rights violations in Colombia this year.
Four or five editions a year. Taking out a subscription also entitles
you to be a member of the campaign. Annual Rates: Individuals £6 unwaged,
£12 waged. Organisations £25 branches/small (2 copies),
£50 medium/regional (5 copies) , £100 large/national (10 copies).
your category of required subscription and return with payment to
"Colombia Solidarity Campaign" and completed slip below.
Telephone ___________________________ E-mail
Colombia Solidarity Campaign, PO Box 8446, London N17 6NZ.
Andy Higginbottom
Co-ordinatorU.S. will train Colombians to fight insurgents
Associated Press
- American troops will train Colombian soldiers and
police to help them take control of a region of the
country crawling with rebels and paramilitaries, a
senior U.S. military officer said.
The training by U.S. Special Forces is part of a
larger American effort to help Colombia battle
insurgents who have waged war in the South American
country for 38 years.
[T]he United States now plans to help Colombia attack
the outlawed groups.
-Jackman, director of operations for the U.S. Southern
Command, outlined the new U.S. plan Friday in a rare
meeting with journalists at the command's
headquarters. Congress is preparing to provide about
$95 million more to train and equip two Colombian army
U.SW.special forces are expected to begin training the
Colombian Army's 18th and 5th Brigades next month in
specialized warfare to protect a pipeline that carries
oil owned by Los Angeles-based Occidental Petroleum
and hunt down rebels who have attacked it, Jackman
They will also get U.S. combat helicopters.
U.S. troops also will train Colombian National Police,
Jackman said.
9/29/2002 MIAMI - American troops will train Colombian
soldiers and police to help them take control of a
region of the country crawling with rebels and
paramilitaries, a senior U.S. military officer said.
The training by U.S. Special Forces is part of a
larger American effort to help Colombia battle
insurgents who have waged war in the South American
country for 38 years.
In the past, U.S. military aid focused on stemming the
flow of cocaine and heroin from Colombia and depriving
rebels and their paramilitary foes of drug profits.
But the United States now plans to help Colombia
attack the outlawed groups.
"Our approach to Colombia recognizes that the problem
in Colombia is much more than drugs," Army Brig. Gen.
Galen Jackman said. "The problem there is basically a
crisis of governance, where the Colombians are not
able to provide a safe and secure environment."
Jackman, director of operations for the U.S. Southern
Command, outlined the new U.S. plan Friday in a rare
meeting with journalists at the command's
headquarters. Congress is preparing to provide about
$95 million more to train and equip two Colombian army
As part of the move, U.S. officials are scrapping a
directive by former President Bill Clinton that
permits the United States to share intelligence with
Colombia only when it deals with drug trafficking,
Jackman said.
Under that directive, U.S. officials who intercepted a
satellite phone call by a rebel leader planning an
attack would be unable to pass on the information to
the Colombian army, even though the rebels are deeply
involved in cocaine trafficking.
A new directive being drafted by the Bush
administration is expected to drop the restriction.
"We need to treat (the rebels and paramilitaries) as
they are, which are terrorist organizations, . . . and
we need to help the Colombians deal with those
organizations," Jackman said.
U.S. Special Forces are expected to begin training the
Colombian Army's 18th and 5th Brigades next month in
specialized warfare to protect a pipeline that carries
oil owned by Los Angeles-based Occidental Petroleum
and hunt down rebels who have attacked it, Jackman
They will also get U.S. combat helicopters.
U.S. troops also will train Colombian National Police,
Jackman said.
"The idea there is to help secure the pipeline, . . .
secure the region and get some of the social and
economic programs going," Jackman said.
The U.S. military trainers will operate in an area
where rebels repeatedly have attacked the Colombian
army and police.
But he stressed that no plans call for involving U.S.
forces in combat or raising the number of troops from
the current level of 400.
11 Chiapas Today Bulletin No. 312
Von: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
Chiapas Today Bulletin No. 312
27 de setembre de 2002
Since President Vicente Fox of Mexico announced the birth of the Plan
Puebla Panama (PPP) in 2000, hundreds of articles have come out on the
subject. There now are even books available. (1) But for many
people the PPP is a new and unknown topic, and we thus offer herein to
our readers a primer on the topic, as a first introduction, which in due
course can be complimented by other studies. For further
information, our readers are directed to CIEPAC s web page,www.ciepac.org,
which contains a special section on the PPP with some articles in English
and links to other sources.
In this primer we shall cover the following questions:
1. Is there a one or two sentence summary of what the PPP is?
2. Who is pushing the PPP?
3. What does it have to do with NAFTA?
4. How does it tie into other plans?
5. Why is it of importance to people outside Mexico and Central
6. Would only American multinational corporations (MNCs) be benefited?
7. Why has this particular area been so designated?
8. Why haven t the MNCs gone into the area previously?
9. What will the PPP do to entice MNCs?
10. What are the major components of the PPP?
11. How much money is involved and where is it coming from?
12. Who will the PPP affect development?
13. What are the environmental aspects?
14. Will there be positive effects for the poor?
15. Are there alternatives?
16. What are people doing locally to protest the PPP?
17. What can I do to help?
So let s begin.
1. Is there a one or two sentence summary of what the PPP is?
On one level the Plan Puebla Panama is very easy to understand. It is a vast
infrastructure construction project, designed to please big business, that
covers 9 states in south-southeast Mexico and the 7 Central American
2. Who is pushing the PPP the hardest?
Ostensibly the answer is Mexico, since the PPP was supposedly conceived by
present Fox administration, but its antecedents lie in plans and projects
previously designed by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development
for Mexico and Central America. After Fox was inaugurated in December 2000,
put a number of the construction projects in Mexico and Central America into
single PPP package. Fox presented the package to the Central American
in a summit meeting in El Salvador on June 15, 2001, which was subsequently
3. Does the PPP have anything to do with NAFTA (North American Free
Trade Agreement)?
NAFTA is a 1994 trade agreement that sets the rules for trade among nations,
this case between Mexico, Canada and the US. Now, the US seeks to expand the
same rules to all 34 countries in North, Central and South America, plus the
Caribbean nations (except Cuba), in a trade agreement known as the FTAA
Trade Area of the Americas).
The FTAA, we might add, has a geopolitical dimension of great importance to
United States. It would create a single trading block, from the Yukon to the
Patagonia , under US hegemony, that will rival the European and Asian
FTAA carves out the Western Hemisphere for the United States, at least in
of trade.
So the trade agreements (NAFTA and FTAA) are a necessary prerequisite for
proper investment climate that corporations are looking for. The PPP goes a
further by channeling billions of state funds to develop needed
to further interest corporations.
4. How does the PPP tie into other plans?
The PPP ties in with a similar infrastructure project in South America
IIRSA (South America Regional Infrastructure Integration Initiative). The
and IIRSA seek to create basic infrastructure, or improve that which exists,
an effort to entice large corporations into investing in the area. The
improvements in infrastructure would essentially boost corporate profits by
easing, for example, the movement of goods in and out of the region, by
improving roads. Yet the cost of infrastructure projects would be borne to a
large degree by the people of the countries involved, either through direct
taxpayer payments, or through loans taken out by participating countries
will eventually be repaid through taxpayer contributions.
5. Why is the PPP of importance to people who live outside the
Mexico-Central American region? Why should it be of particular interest to
Because mostly American MNC interests will be benefited. The PPP will make
easier for large multinational corporations (MNCs) to invest in a region
that is
rich in oil, mineral deposits, timber, tourism sites. It is one of the most
biologically diverse areas in the world, making it of interest to
pharmaceutical, seed, and genetic-research firms. It is also strategic for
area s geography since it is the narrowest part of the Americas, making it a
natural corridor for east-west trade.6. But wait. You say MNCs will be interested,
but MNCs come in all
shape and sizes. The PPP wouldn t benefit just American MNCs, would it?
Quite right. Investment capital from throughout the world might find it
profitable to invest in the PPP area, but for a number of reasons American
companies are sure to be the major beneficiaries. Here s why. · For one,
in the US historical backyard , where the US has had a major say in how
are run since the 19thcentury, to favor its own political and corporate
interests. As US Secretary of State Colin Powell has said with startling
frankness, Our objective with the FTAA is to assure for American
control of a territory that runs from the North Pole to the Antarctica, free
access, without any hindrance or difficulty for our products, services,
technology and capital through the hemisphere . (2) · Security strategists
taken renewed interest in Mexico and Central America since the September 11
attacks. · George W. Bush proposed a new free-trade agreement with the
American republics in January 2002. · President Bush recently won fast-track
negotiating authority from Congress which will allow him to push through
trade agreements, such as the FTAA. · Most of Mexico and Central America
trade, both imports and exports, is closely tied to the US. In the case of
Mexico, upwards of 85% of its exports go to the US and a similar amount of
imports come from the US. Central America is similarly dependent on the
States for its foreign trade, but to a lesser degree. (3)
All of this means that American MNCs are the most closely linked to this
region.7. Why has this particular area been so designated? Why link the
of Mexico to Central America?
The official line has to do with promoting foreign investment in an area
although rich in natural resources, has some of the highest poverty in the
Americas. The Fox administration, at the urging of the IDB and the World
touted the Plan Puebla Panama as a way of addressing the region s poverty in
supposed integral manner. For neoliberal politicians and strategists,
must be addressed, but not necessarily resolved (which would entail looking
why people are poor in the first place). Their way of addressing poverty is
through job creation that hopefully will come with MNC investment, once
companies are enticed into the PPP area.8. Well, if the PPP area is so rich
in resources and opportunities, why
haven t
MNCs been chomping at the bit to get in and invest?
MNCs are anxious to exploit opportunities worldwide that will increase
but precisely because there is competition throughout the world for
capital, MNCs can be choosy. They want things their way, and that means
basic infrastructure constraints resolved, but obviously at government
taxpayers ) expense. For example, why put factories in an area where there
is a
shortage of reliable sources of energy? If roads are poor, how are inputs
outputs to make their way into and out of factories? If large tracts of land
necessary for monoculture export crops, have the poor farmers been moved
out, or
neutralized by some sort of deal cut by the government? Same goes for
interesting plants and microorganisms in areas rich in biodiversity. Have
indigenous people been removed or neutralized, thus facilitating MNC access
without lengthy delays and (potentially embarrassing) hassles?
The MNCs want these aspects addressed before investing a dime. This is on
top of
the usual government giveaways: free land on which to build factories, free
utilities and tax holidays for decades, government-financed training of the
workforce, and other perks.
9. What specifically, then, is the PPP going to do to entice MNC capital to
up and take notice?
One of the major components of the PPP is highway construction. Two major
corridors are to be built, running roughly from the Texas-Mexico border,
the Gulf of Mexico, to the Yucatán peninsula, with spurs leading into
Guatemala and into Honduras. The other is a Pacific coast route that will
from Mexico City, parallel the Pacific into Guatemala, through Central
into Panama.
Another major component in the works is dam construction. A total of 25 dams
planned for the region that will generate the energy needed for greater
industrialization of the PPP area and supply the US market. This aspect
the greatest threat for indigenous people in the area, due to the flooding
thousands of acres of presently-inhabited land, and destruction of
sites, old-growth forests, indigenous communities and even cities. Between
to five dams are on the drawing board for the Usumacinta River that divides
Mexico and Guatemala.
Also, if we look at a map of the PPP region, we see it is the narrowest
point of
the Americas. Much infrastructure is to be built linking the Atlantic Ocean
the Pacific. A land bridge in the Tehuantepec Isthmus, at Mexico s narrowest
point, is under construction, which would assure speedy passage of
goods for burgeoning east-west trade.
10. What are the major components of the PPP?
There are eight components. When formally presented by PPP officials, the
components are usually given in the following order:
1. Sustainable development
2. Human development
3. Prevention and mitigation of natural disasters
4. Tourism promotion
5. Facilitation of trade
6. Highway integration
7. Energy interconnection
8. Integration of telecommunication services
The last four, however, are where the emphasis is being placed; in other
the infrastructure needed to entice the multinational corporations into
investing in the PPP area. The greatest funding is for construction or
highways, followed by energy interconnection and facilitation of trade.
These eight components each have separate mega-projects , some 28 in total
11. Just how much money is behind the PPP and where is it coming from?
The PPP is currently budgeted at US$10 billion, but some sources place the
figure at US$25 billion. Principal lenders of this amount are the IDB, the
Bank, European Union, the Andean Development Corporation (CAF), the Central
American Integration Bank (BCIE), and development agencies of the US, Japan,
Spain and other countries. Some PPP countries will use taxpayer funds to
or improve PPP infrastructure. For example, Mexico has budgeted US$550
for 16 PPP projects and studies in 2002 (down from the original US$742
due to budget cuts). Again, most of the money has to do with highway
construction, on the order of 84%.
Some private companies have begun to underwrite certain infrastructure
but with the intent of getting in on the action early in order to corner the
market. One example is found within the energy interconnection component.
plan will link the energy grids of Mexico and Central America, and is slated
cost US$405 million. The Spanish energy company ENDESA is putting in US$45.8
million and in so doing becomes a co-owner of the network.
12. How will the PPP affect development?
Depends how you define development. The PPP is a public-works scheme whose
intent is to draw foreign investment into the region. Consequently the PPP
designed to please big business interests. While some of the components (see
list in question 10) purportedly address the poverty in the region, these
the least-developed and least-funded components. Neoliberal economists might
argue that the PPP covers social development insofar as they posit that
investment will create jobs and thus eradicate poverty.
But this is an absurd simplification. Neither public nor private investment
automatically leads to higher living standards for the poor, unless steps
been taken beforehand to eliminate the structural injustices that exist in
economic, political, social and cultural spheres. In fact, investment often
deepens poverty, as has been the case during the last 20 years of neoliberal
policies, precisely because existing injustices have not been eliminated.
the rich and powerful benefit more from investments.
In factnopro-poor policies are contemplated for the PPP that would address
roots of structural poverty. The plans and projects are designed in
collaboration with and for big business, not for the 65 million people who
in the PPP area, the vast majority of whom are in poverty (75% living with
than US$2 a day).
Many activists are against the PPP for a number of reasons, but among the
important is the exploitation of natural resources for corporate profit,
only token consideration, or not at all, for the people who will be directly
affected by the projects carried out. The PPP area has on the order of a
distinct ethnic groups, the majority of whom have not heard of the PPP. At
those consulted by the government and/or the banks have been brought into
fold with vague promises of particular works and benefits for their groups.
13. What about the environmental aspects of the PPP?
Another reason activists have opposed the PPP is that it is environmentally
unsound. One of the principal components is the Meso-American Biological
Corridor , one of the World Bank s pet projects for years, whose intent is
link various biologically rich and diverse patches of territory throughout
PPP region. Although defended on ecological arguments regarding the need to
ensure gene pools and protect territory for diverse animals and plants, the
corridors will be opened up for exploitation by pharmaceutical and seed
companies, seeking to patent new biological matter. One of the major
bioengineering and seed companies in the world, Pulsar, already has signed
agreements with Conservation International to work jointly in the Lacandón
jungle in Chiapas. CI is a supposed environmental NGO, whose 27-member board
directors harbors CEOs from giant corporations such as Navigation
Corporation, Eagle River Inc. (a telecom holding), Hyatt Development
Corporation, First Philippine Holding Corporation (gas and electricity
conglomerate), USA Networks, and others.
When one begins to see the multiple business connections and interests, it
difficult to avoid concluding that the PPP is more about energy and resource
extraction than it is about development.
14. But surely there will be some positive spill-over effects of this
investment and economic activity for the poor of the region.
It s hard to see what they might be. If we keep in mind that this is a plan
big business, then it is easy to understand that all its aspects are geared
please corporate interests, not to benefit the poor majority. A US$10
plan to benefit the poor majority would look very different, with emphasis
placed on building schools, rural clinics, feeder roads to get agricultural
goods to market, rather than toll highways, hydroelectric dams, etc.
But if we search for spill-over effects, one of the highly-touted
the PPP will bring is, supposedly, jobs for the poor. Not just any jobs, but
maquiladora jobs. Maquiladoras are the sweat-shops that have operated on
s northern border since 1966. Most of them are assembly plants that bring in
parts from other countries and use cheap labor to make finished products.
Health and safety requirements, and labor rights, such as the freedom of
to organize, are laxly enforced on the maquiladoras, and sometimes not at
Nor do maquiladoras comply with other requirements, such as using
goods as inputs, or transferring technology to the host country.
de-link production from the host country s needs, and respond exclusively to
needs of the MNCs that set them up.
It would be unfair to deny that maquiladoras have provided employment to
over a
million people, just on Mexico s northern border. But apart from the (low)
they pay, their benefits have been practically nil for the rest of the
In spite of certain dynamism (which, in fact, has fallen in the past two
the maquiladoras separation from the rest of the economy makes it virtually
impossible for other sectors of the economy to benefit.
Yet this is the economic model that the PPP seeks to encourage in Mexico and
Central America. The improved infrastructure that the PPP would bring, plus
low wages paid in south Mexico and Central America, would entice MNCs to set
maquiladoras that, in turn, would absorb, in theory, some of the peasants
are sure to be expelled from their land due to certain PPP projects such as
15. Are there alternatives to these corporate-led plans?
Yes. For example the Hemispheric Social Alliance, a group of civil
from throughout the Americas, has drawn up a detailed alternative proposal
the free trade agreements and the rules of the game that the rich and
would impose on us through the FTAA. The proposal has received support from
hundreds of civil and social organizations throughout the Americas. The HSA
documents are available on their web pagewww.asc-hsa.orgor through
such as Common Frontiers in Canada,www.web.ca/comfrontand Alliance for
Responsible Trade in the United States,www.art-us.org.
As Global Exchange has written,
Policy makers and pundits often try to make it seem that corporate
is a naturally occurring phenomenon. Nothing could be farther from the
truth. In
fact, the current economic processes known as globalization have been
and driven by a very small number of corporations. Citizens around the world
creating an alternative: grassroots globalizationa people s
puts economic, social and political justice at the center of trade and
investment. Citizens groups from across the Western Hemisphere have written
alternative Agreement for the Americas that offers guidelines for building
socially responsible and environmentally sustainable commerce.
16. What are people doing locally to protest the PPP?
In a year and a half there have been three regional encounters on the PPP
have brought activists together from Mexico, Central America and other parts
the world. These events have been held in Chiapas, Mexico (March 2001),
Guatemala (November 2001), and Nicaragua (July 2002). A fourth such
encounter is
scheduled for Honduras in March 2003. Attendance at the events has grown
over 300 participants in Chiapas to over 1,200 in Nicaragua, representing
400 organizations.
Participants at the PPP encounters have sounded a resolute NO! to the PPP.
Activists are coordinating education and protest activities on a national
and, in Nicaragua, agreed to a region-wide day of protest on October 12,
The protests will vary from country to country, but may include sit-ins at
border crossings, protest marches at PPP infrastructure works,
demonstrations at
the Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank offices in each country,
17. What can I do to help?
Find out more about the PPP and then talk about it to your organization,
community or neighborhood group. Get training so as to give talks. There are
organizations who can help you to do this. Talk to groups about the PPP s
to the wider FTAA negotiations now underway. Tell people that there are
alternatives to corporate globalization, and that different options have
proposed by the Hemispheric Social Alliance. Get the word out that people
organizing together have achieved victories against corporate globalization
throughout the world, and that activists, organizers, and common citizens
the PPP have met on three occasions in the past year and a half to say NO!
the PPP. And that they need your solidarity and participation. Find out how
and your group can protest the PPP on October 12, or join the activities of
other groups. Continue to encourage grassroots globalization.
Notes within the text:
(1) One of the most complete books is a series of essays published as
Mesoamérica, los ríos profundos: Alternativas plebeyas al Plan
(published by Instituto Maya, Armando Bartra, Coordinator, Mexico City,
2001). We know of no book yet in English on the subject.
(2) Osvaldo León, Movilización continental contra el ALCA , January
2002, in ALAI (Agencia Latinoamericana de
(3) The figure for Mexico during 1994-1998 is 85.1%, according to a Economic
Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN) study by Enrique Dussel
Peters, El Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norteamérica y el desempeño
de la
economía en México (Mexico City, 2000), ref. LC/MEX/L.431, p.
Miguel Pickard
The Center for Economic and Political Investigations of Community Action,
A.C. CIEPAC,CIEPAC is a member of the Movement for Democracy and Life (MDV)
of Chiapas,
Mexican Network of Action Against Free Trade (RMALC)www.rmalc.org.mx,
Convergence of Movements of the Peoples of the Americas (COMPA
)www.sitiocompa.org, Network for Peace in Chiapas, Week for Biological and
Cultural Diversitywww.laneta.apc.org/biodiversidad, the International Forum
People Before Globalization", Alternatives to the
PPPhttp://usuarios.tripod.es/xelaju/xela.htm, and of the Mexican Alliance
Self-Determination (AMAP) that is the Mexican network against the Puebla
Plan. CIEPAC is a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for
Justicehttp://www.econjustice.netand the Ecumenical Program on Central
and the Caribbean (EPICA)http://www.epica.org.
Note: If you use this information, cite the source and our email address. We
grateful to the persons and institutions who have given us their comments on
these Bulletins. CIEPAC, A.C. is a non-government and non-profit
and your support is necessary for us to be able to continue offering you
news and analysis service. If you would like to contribute, in any amount,
would infinitely appreciate your remittance to the bank account in the name
Bank: Banamex
Account number: 7049672
Sucursal 386
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México.
You will also need to use an ABA number: BNMXMXMM
Thank you! CIEPAC Note: If you wish to be placed on a list to receive this
English version of the Bulletin, or the Spanish, or both, please direct a
request to the e-mail address shown below. Indicate whether you wish to
the email or the "attached file" (Word 7 for Windows 95) version.
Email: ciepac@laneta.apc.org
Web page: http://www.ciepac.org/(Visit us: We have new maps on the
situation in Chiapas, and a chapter with more information on the PPP)
Centro de Investigaciones Económicas y Políticas de Acción
Eje Vial Uno Numero 11
Col. Jardines de Vista Hermosa
29297 San Cristóbal, Chiapas, MEXICO
Tel/Fax: en México 01 967 678-5832
Fuera de México +52 967 678-5832
2. Oktober 2002, 0.00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Heinz Nessizius widerstand@no-racism.net
Fehler möge frau/man mir nachsehen!