by public netbase t0 -- please sign
Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt
uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im
MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beitrþge nicht zu veršffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beitrþge hingewiesen
und eine kurze BegrŸndung der/des Tagesredaktuers fŸr die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
Radio Stimme - Die Sendung der Initiative Minderheiten
Thema der Sendung:
Asyl in …sterreich?
Durch das Innenministerium wurden letzte Woche neue Richtlinien fŸr
auf Orange 94,0 - Das freie Radio in Wien
Radio Stimme - Die Sendung der Initiative Minderheiten
"Das Europþische Sozialforum steht vor der TŸr - Warum macht es Sinn,
mit Leo Gabriel und Wolfgang Greif (GPA)
Kontakt work@flex:
"KŸnstler Julius Deutschbauer und KŸnstler Gerhard Spring eršffnen die
Gefeiert wird der Start des 3-jþhrigen transnationalen eipcp-Projekts
republicart untersucht und entwickelt in 12 diskursiven
Dienstag, 15.10.2002, 19.00 Uhr
republicart Team:
Vortrag und Diskussion mit Gerhard Scheit (CafŽ Critique)
Donnerstag, 14. November 2002, 19.30 Uhr
Eine Veranstaltung von CafŽ Critique und Basisgruppe Politikwissenschaft
Augenzeugenbericht eines Solidaritþtsaktivisten, der sich mehrere
Wann: Dienstag 8.10. 19.00
Eine Veranstaltung von REVOLUTION und ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt
Justizminister Bšhmdorfer hat sein vor vier Monaten gegebenes
Noch im Juni sah es nach einer Ÿberraschenden Wende im Fall des
Gesundheitsminister Haupt hat seinerseits in einer kŸrzlich
Haupt hat bereits im Sommer 2001 in Beantwortung einer
Bšhmdorfer beeindruckte dies jedoch nicht und er erklþrte, da§ die
"Kþrntner Oralsex-Urteil"
Nach der diesem Disput zu Grunde liegenden Entscheidung des
Seit Jahren propagieren jedoch die vom Gesundheitsministerium
Diese Verhaltensempfehlungen entsprechen jenen in der Bundesrepublik
Haftstrafe fŸr Oralsex
Dessen ungeachtet musste ein Hiv-positiver Mann im Vorjahr eine
Der heute 35jþhrige Mann wurde im Juli 1999 durch das Landesgericht
Das Gericht qualifizierte nicht nur Analverkehr ohne Kondom (dies zwar
Einen seiner Partner hat der Verurteilte sogar lediglich selbst oral
Der Verurteilte verzichtete auf Anraten seines damaligen Verteidigers,
"Gewichtiger Rechtsversto§"
In Beantwortung einer parlamentarischen Anfrage der grŸnen
Sein Herz hat der Minister allerdings fŸr die Aids-Hilfen
"Wir begrŸ§en sehr, da§ der Gesundheitsminister nun Klarheit Ÿber das
Das 1991 gegrŸndete Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL) arbeitet Ÿberparteilich
RŸckfragehinweis: Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (01/876 30 61) ),
Karinthian Oral-Sex-Case:
Austrian Minister of Justice, Dr. Dieter Bšhmdorfer, did not realize
It June it looked like surprising news in the "Carinthian
Minister of Health, Herbert Haupt, in his turn answering parliamentary
Haupt already in summer 2001 in answering a parliamentary inquiry had
The Minister of Justice however seemed not impressed and declared that
"Carinthian Oral-Sex-Case"
According to the judgement of the Regional Court of Klagenfurt, which
For years now the Aids-Help organisations financed by the Ministry of
These "Safer-Sex"-rules correspond to the rules propagated in Germany,
Jail for oral sex
Nevertheless last year in Vienna the convict in this case had to serve
The now 35 year old man has been convicted in summer 1999 to one year
One of his partners the man just himself fellated and the judge even
Upon advice of his then counsel the man did not appeal the verdict and
"Serious violation of the law"
Answering a parliamentary inquiry the Minister declared he had no
The Aids-Help organisations however found their way to the heart of
"We very much welcome that the Minister of Health now cleared the
Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), founded in 1991, on a supra-partisan and
More information: Rechtskomitee LAMBDA, (++43/1/876 30 61),
Wenn man sich diesem spiel hingeben muss oder will: direkt bei den US
Keine werbung im mund ;-)
Bei scheinbarer USA-Werbung ausgerechnet im MUND und ausgerechnet
Anders gesagt: Der MUND kann ruhig etwas dialektischer werden und so
Im vorliegenden Fall wþre das €u§erste fŸr mich gewesen, fŸr das
and join the
Please join the Simon Wiesenthal Center in urging Italian Prime
Organized by the neo-Fascist Trieste-based Nueove Ordine Europe, the
The Center is urging Prime Minister Berlusconi to personally speak out
Please act now! Make your voice count. Time is of the essence
The petition:
Saturday, October 5, 2002
Dear Prime Minister Berlusconi:
We join with the Simon Wiesenthal Center in demanding that Italy not
We therefore urge the government of Italy to do everything in its power
The Center's letter to Prime Minister Berlusconi:
September 13, 2002
Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister
Dear Mr. Prime Minister:
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has learned that an international conference
Organized by the neo-Fascist Trieste-based Nuovo Ordine Europeo, the
Other Nuovo Ordine Europeo international supporters include:
On this anniversary of the mass murder of innocents in New York and
We also urge your authorities to arrest those fugitives from justice who
Mr. Prime Minister, by such measures, Italy can take the lead for Europe
Most respectfully,
Rabbi Abraham Cooper
Dr. Shimon Samuels
cc: Rabbi Marvin Hier
12 Uhr: Pressekonferenz
Bisherige Sprecher:
- DHKP-C TŸrkei
"Schwarze Liste" der EU = Au§erkraftsetzung der demokratischen Rechte
Verteidigen wir sie!
Seit dem 11. September vergangenen Jahres haben die Vereinigten
Die USA befinden sich an der Spitze dieser demagogischen Kampagne
Seit dem 11. September hat der Westen signalisiert, scharfe Ma§nahmen
Die Verletzung der nationalen Souverþnitþt jedes beliebigen Landes,
In den USA wurden unter diesen Vorwþnden neue antidemokratische
Wþhrenddessen werden die Geheimdienste nicht mŸde ihre Ziele
Damit war die wirkliche Intention ihrer Redakteure klar, nþmlich die
Auch auf nationalstaatlicher Ebene nutzte man die Gelegenheit zum
Die Auslšschung der revolutionþren Opposition in den
Die Schwarze Liste der EU
Die Schwarze Liste der EU wurde durch eine Institution mit dem Namen
Die Diplomaten haben sich also einfach das Recht genommen wen immer
Im Gegenteil, die Liste der terroristischen Organisationen stellt eine
Der Terrorismus, Werk des Imperialismus
Seit Anbeginn seiner Entstehung hat der Imperialismus Milliarden zu
Dutzende Millionen mŸssen und mussten mit dem Leben bezahlen oder
War es nicht er, der sich immer als "modernes und zivilisiertes
Hšren wir die Erklþrungen Blairs in Bezug auf sein Verhþltnis zu den
a.. die Verletzung der demokratischen Rechte verhindern,
ist aufgerufen sich an der Mobilisierung gegen die Schwarze Liste der
a.. Die demokratischen Rechte dŸrfen nicht auf die Schwarze Liste!
Diese Demonstration richtet sich gegen den imperialistischen
Folgende Organisationen unterstŸtzen die Mobilisierung fŸr
DHKC International / RKL (Revolutionary Communist League) Austria /
05 October 2002 11:12
Saying they'll have no part in discrimination, delegations from South
The walkout, on the fourth day of the six-day African and African
"Cuba will never support any action aimed at segregating a group of
The South Africans said that the conference had gone adrift and that
But most of the 250 delegates at the meeting hosted by the Barbados
"The motion will stand and the democratic process will be respected,"
Ghanaian delegate Maya wa Taifa agreed, arguing that Africans are
The move to exclude whites was proposed by the 60-strong British
Some 200 delegates voted Wednesday for whites and Asians to leave the
Fifty delegates abstained and more than a dozen white and Asian
In an ironic twist Friday, delegates were shocked by an impassioned
He said such conferences lay too much emphasis on demands for
Tandia, co-chairman of the New Jersey-based Africa Peace Tour lobbying
"These people are owned as property by Arabs and are so enslaved that
Conference organisers said they planned a resolution of condemnation
All material copyright Mail&Guardian
Associated Press Writer
CARACAS, Venezuela -- President Hugo Chavez said Saturday that his
"We, in recent hours, have avoided a coup. I'm sure of this, but we
He said the coup was planned for Sunday. Chavez, a leftist former
Chavez said agents found videos, lists with telephone numbers and a
Chavez also said Tejera had drafted a decree to dissolve the
The raid comes as the government investigates dozens of military
AP. 1 October 2002. Venezuelans Reluctant to Endorse General Strike
CARACAS -- Opposition labor and business leaders in Venezuela are
But the idea has encountered resistance from crucial members of the
Fedecamaras, the country's largest business association, announced
But Chavez trumped his opponents by signing a two-year contract with
"We won't call on our oil workers to support a strike that is strictly
Unless oil workers join, "the strike will be pathetic and will more
Chavez foes insist he must step down before his term ends in 2007, but
"Chavez came and will leave through votes," said Leonardo Carvajal,
"Oust Chavez? Hugo Chavez, I warn you, will govern until 2007,"
Still, the government isn't leaving anything to chance. When subway
The president's efforts "have made the terrain difficult for a strong
SINTRAEMCALI, the Cali Public Services trade union, denounces to the
The Events:
1.- In the early hours of 30th September, a contingent of military
Initially they prevented the entrance of workers, and later disrupted
2.- The order for the military takeover of the plants was given
3.- The Superintendent stated that Alvaro Uribe had ordered the
Since 24th September EMCALI workers affiliated to the trade union
The trade union last week denounced the bad management of water plant
Since the appointment of the Water Manager the plant has been on the
The Puerto Mallarino Plant is crucial for the supply of water to the
CARLOS VITALIANO SANCHEZ, was involved as an adviser in the public
The most serious of all is that the action of the manager goes against
We denounce these attempts that seek to yet again provide the terrain
We call on all of you to demand that the Colombian government respect
SINTRAEMCALI, the Municipal Corporation of Cali Workers Trade Union,
The Events:
2. The incident started at 9:30 in the morning at the Sewerage
3. 50 tear gas bombs were thrown in the space of 20 minutes into the
The security forces launched a renewed assault on the workers in this
4. Previously, from 10:30 a.m. another operation was launched against
5. Then at 12:30 p.m. at the Colon Telecommunications plant, situated
Other tear gas canisters hit the windows of Colon Warehouse, where
The state forces deployed tanker vehicles with water cannon directed
During these events members of NOMADESC human rights association
The NOMADESC workers sought out the Police commander directing the
6. Simultaneously, state forces were attacking the electricity workers
We emphasise that the workers EMCALI EICE have guaranteed the supply
We point out that the national Government headed by President of the
We know that the interest of URIBE and his Superintendent, is to
We ask you to direct protests to the Colombian government demanding
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Las Empresas Municipales de Cali -
Colombian Embassy (UK): mail@colombianembassy.co.uk
Additional News
1. Two JPEG pictures available on request.
2. Official DAS creditation has been withdrawn from eleven bodyguards
3. The University of Valle de Cauca in Cali has announced it has to
PICKET THE COLOMBIAN EMBASSY Wednesday 30th October 4.00 - 6.00pm
3 Hans Crescent, London SW1 (back of Harrods, Knightsbridge tube) No
Public Meetings on Emergency in Colombia
Belfast the Colombian Trade Unionists Solidarity Campaign meets at
Bristol Wednesday 27th November 7.30pm Cube Cinema, Dove Street South,
Video: The Tower of Victory - SINTRAEMCALI and the struggle for social
Cambridge Thursday, 3rd October 7.30pm Wesley Church, junction King
Cardiff - Friday 4th October, 7.30pm Students Union, Cardiff
Interested? - help form a branch of the Campaign. Call a vigil in your
Four or five editions a year. Taking out a subscription also entitles
£50 medium/regional (5 copies) , £100 large/national (10 copies). Mark
Name ___________________________________________
Colombia Solidarity Campaign, PO Box 8446, London N17 6NZ. E-mail:
Andy Higginbottom
[Uzbek President Islam Karimov, whose official debut as NATO frontman
Once the pretext of the much-vaunted 'war against terrorism' - and
The US and its key NATO adjuncts intend to establish military command
The president of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, has spoken up against the
"Americans should stay here as long as is required to bring stability
The Uzbek president said that Afghanistan should become "a zone of
If the impoverished people of Afghanistan get no financial aid, they
Brussels, Oct 1, IRNA (Iran)-- Danish soldiers at the Ganci base in
The deployment marks the first time the Danish Air Force will have
"We are at war. There is no other way to say it. When we dispatch our
Lt. Col. Anker could not speculate as to the duration of the Danish
siehe www.deranwalt.at (Zugang ohne Mediaplayer unter
[anm. d. red.: der link
Mit freundlichen Gr٤en.
22:00 Uhr
01 Radio Stimme - Die Sendung der Initiative Minderheiten
From: Radio Stimme <Radio.Stimme@blackbox.net>
Dienstag, 08.10.2002, 20.00 Uhr
die Betreuung asylsuchender Menschen erlassen. Die Folge: Hunderte
Asylwerber wurden von einem Tag auf den anderen aus der Bundes-
betreuung entlassen und stehen auf der Stra§e. Ein aktueller Bericht
von Radio Stimme.
(Frequenz: 94,0 MHz; Wr. Telekabel 92,7 MHz)
jeden 2. Dienstag, 20.00 Uhr auf Orange 94,0
02 Einladung zur ESF-Veranstaltung
From: Verlagszentrum <verlagszentrum@nextra.at>
zum "Flexforum" der GPA-Interessengemeinschaft fŸr Atypisch
Beschþftigte work@flex
dass sich die Gewerkschaften daran beteiligen - Ist eine andere Welt
am Donnerstag, 10. Oktober, 19 Uhr
im Cafe Max, 1010 Wien, Stubenring 16
Tel: (01) 313 93 / 271
e-mail: alexandra.klemen@gpa.at
03 Einladung: republicart Eršffnung Spring
From: eipcp <contact@eipcp.net>
Eršffnung republicart, 15.10.02
…ffentlichkeit im Auftrag des Europþischen Instituts fŸr Progressive
Kulturpolitik (eipcp)."
republicart: http://www.republicart.net/
Veranstaltungen und 12 exemplarischen Kunstprojekten
partizipatorische, interventionistische und aktivistische Praxen der
Public Art.
Depot, 1070 Wien, Breitegasse 3
Bernhard Hummer, Therese Kaufmann, Raimund Minichbauer, Gerald Raunig
eipcp - European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies
1060, Gumpendorfer Stra§e 63b
Tel. 01 585 64 78
04 VeranstaltungsvorankŸndigung
From: CafŽ Critique <cafe.critique@gmx.net>
Suicide Bombing
Die neuen Formen des Antisemitismus
JŸdisches Gemeindezentrum
Seitenstettengasse 2
1010 Wien
05 Veranstaltung zu Palþstina
From: ASt-LRCI <ast-lrci@utanet.at>
Veranstaltung zu Palþstina:
Wochen in Palþstina aufhielt
Wo: Amerlinghaus, Stiftg. 8, 1070 Wien (Nþhe U2 Volkstheater)
06 Kþrntner Oralsex-Urteil: Leere Versprechungen Bšhmdorfers
From: Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL) <office@RKLambda.at>
Kþrntner Oralsex-Urteil:
Leere Versprechungen Bšhmdorfers
Haupt: Oralsex auch ohne Kondom
Versprechen, im Kþrntner Oralsex-Fall die Wiederaufnahme des
Verfahrens einleiten zu lassen, nicht wahr
gemacht. Gesundheitsminister Haupt wiederum lie§ wissen, da§ man
Oralverkehr auch ohne Kondom haben kann, ohne mit den Verhaltensregeln
seines Ministeriums in Konflikt zu kommen.
"Kþrntner Oralsex-Urteils" aus. Justizminister Bšhmdorfer kŸndigte in
der Beantwortung einer parlamentarischen Anfrage an, da§ er die
Staatsanwaltschaft Klagenfurt beauftrage, das Wiederaufnahmeverfahren
einzuleiten. Vier Monate spþter ist der betreffende Akt nicht einmal
noch vom Ministerium an das Landesgericht Klagenfurt zurŸckgelangt.
eingelangten Beantwortung einer parlamentarischen Anfrage der grŸnen
Justizsprecherin und RKL-Kuratoriumsmitglied Terezija Stoisits
ausdrŸcklich festgehalten, da§ das Risiko fŸr den passiven Partner bei
Oralverkehr "praktisch Null" ist und da§ "das Risiko des aktiven
Partners auch bei Ejakulation in den Mund als þu§erst gering
einzuschþtzen sei" (4107/AB XXI. GP). Die Verwendung eines Kondoms bei
Oralverkehr bleibe den Sexualpartnern Ÿberlassen, so der
Gesundheitsminister klarstellend.
parlamentarischen Anfrage der Abgeordneten Stoisits festgehalten, dass
"die strafrechtliche Verfolgung und Verurteilung HIV-positiver
Menschen fŸr sexuelle Kontakte mit HIV- negativen Menschen trotz
Befolgung der Verhaltensempfehlungen der Gesundheitsbehšrden und der
Aids-Hilfen dem Anliegen einer effektiven HIV- und Aids-Prþvention
zuwiderlaufen" und damit der Ansicht von Justizminister Bšhmdorfer
widersprochen, der erklþrt hatte, keinerlei Bedenken gegen die
Verurteilung des Mannes zu haben, der fŸr Oralsex im Einklang mit den
Empfehlungen der Aids-Hilfen, u.a. sogar dafŸr, da§ er selbst einen
hiv-negativen Mann oral befriedigte, eine Haftstrafe erhielt.
Safer-Sex-Regeln des Gesundheitsministeriums und der Aids-Hilfen bei
Oralverkehr immer die Verwendung von Kondomen vorschreiben, selbst
dann, wenn der Hiv-positive den Hiv-negativen Partner oral befriedigt
(2509/AB XXI. GP). Dem ist Gesundheitsminister Haupt in nunmehr
bereits mehreren Anfragebeantwortungen nachdrŸcklich entgegengetreten.
Landesgerichtes Klagenfurt dŸrfen Hiv-Positive auch Oralverkehr nur
mehr mit Kondom haben, sogar dann wenn sie selbst den Hiv-negativen
Partner oral befriedigen. Wer sich nicht daran hþlt, dem drohen bis zu
drei Jahre Gefþngnis.
finanzierten Aids-Hilfen als wirksame Prþvention gegen eine Ansteckung
mit Hiv "Safer Sex"-Regeln, die neben der Verwendung von Kondomen beim
Vaginal- und Analverkehr auch die Hintanhaltung eines Samenergusses in
den Mund des Hiv-negativen Partners beinhalten. Die orale Befriedigung
des Hiv-negativen Partners durch den Hiv-positiven wird, auch in den
Informationsmaterialien des Gesundheitsministderiums, stets als všllig
risikolos prþsentiert. Und bei oraler Befriedigung des Hiv-positiven
Partners durch den Hiv-negativen wird von den Aids-Hilfen lediglich
empfohlen, nicht in den Mund zu ejakulieren, weil das
Ansteckungsrisiko dann rein theoretisch und nicht grš§er sei als bei
Vaginal- oder Analverkehr unter Verwendung von Kondomen.
Deutschland, in der Schweiz, in den USA und von UNAIDS, wobei UNAIDS
sogar Oralverkehr mit Ejakulation in den Mund den Vorzug vor
Analverkehr mit Kondomen gibt. UNAIDS lehnt es gerade im Interesse
einer effektiven Hiv-Prþvention mit Nachdruck ab, Safer-Sex-Kontakte
unter Strafe zu stellen.
mehrmonatige Haftstrafe unter anderem deshalb verb٤en, weil er die
Verhaltensma§regeln des Bundesministeriums fŸr soziale Sicherheit und
Generationen und der von ihm finanzierten Aids-Hilfen befolgte.
Klagenfurt zu einem Jahr Freiheitsstrafe verurteilt, weil er als
Hiv-positiver Mann mit anderen Mþnnern sexuelle Kontakte (Oral - und
Analverkehr) hatte. Die Verurteilung beruhte ausschlie§lich auf der
Aussage des Verurteilten, in der dieser angegeben hatte, dass er mit
seinen Partnern stets Analverkehr mit und Oralverkehr ohne Kondom
hatte. Diese Aussage wurde von einem seiner Partner bestþtigt. Andere
Beweisergebnisse gab es nicht. Dennoch verurteilte das Gericht den
Mann nicht nur - aktenwidrig - wegen Analverkehrs ohne Kondom sondern
auch wegen Oralverkehrs ohne Kondom.
rechtsrichtig jedoch eben auf Grund aktenwidriger Feststellung)
sondern auch Oralverkehr ohne Kondom generell (auch ohne Samenergu§ in
den Mund) als "Handlungen, die geeignet sind, die Gefahr der
Verbreitung von Ÿbertragbaren Krankheiten herbeizufŸhren" und
verurteilte den Mann demgemþ§ auf Grund des ¤ 178 des
Strafgesetzbuches ("Vorsþtzliche Gefþhrdung von Menschen durch
Ÿbertragbare Krankheiten"). Dies obwohl Oralverkehr ohne Kondom (bei
DurchfŸhrung des Oralverkehrs an dem Hiv-Positiven: ohne Samenergu§ in
den Mund) den propagierten Verhaltensregeln ("Safer Sex") entsprechen.
befriedigt und auch darin sah der Richter die Gefahr der †bertragung
des Hi-Virus (!) und damit den ¤ 178 StGB als erfŸllt an. Die Strafe:
ein Jahr Gefþngnis, davon drei Monate unbedingt.
der ein Rechtsmittel fŸr aussichtslos hielt, auf Berufung, weshalb der
Mann auf das Wohlwollen des Justizministers angewiesen war. Dieses
fand er jedoch nicht.
Justizsprecherin Terezija Stoisits lie§ Minister Bšhmdorfer wissen,
dass er weder gegen die Verurteilung noch gegen die verhþngte Strafe
etwas einzuwenden habe. Selbst eine Begnadigung kommt fŸr ihn nicht in
Frage. Bšhmdorfer im Originalton: "Wer solcherart die Gesundheit der
Bevšlkerung vorsþtzlich gefþhrdet, begeht zweifellos einen gewichtigen
Rechtsversto§ und offenbart damit ein Persšnlichkeitsbild, das eine
gewisse GleichgŸltigkeit gegenŸber dem Leben, der Gesundheit und der
sozialen Lage anderer zutage bringt. In einem solchen Fall fþllt es
schwer, die GnadenwŸrdigkeit des Verurteilten positiv zu
beurteilen". Eine Gesetzesþnderung sei ebenfalls nicht notwendig.
entdeckt. Deren Propagierung des Oralverkehrs ohne Kondom als
Safer-Sex-Praktik sei nicht als Beihilfe oder Anstiftung zu
werten. Sie dŸrfen also weiterhin Verhaltensma§regeln ausgeben, bei
deren Befolgung Hiv-Positive ins Gefþngnis wandern. Ja sogar Oralsex
ohne Kondom zwischen Hiv-negativen Personen kann zu Gefþngnis fŸhren
(Landesgericht Korneuburg, Urteil 90a Bl 41/01).
Infektionsrisiko und die Verhaltensregeln geschaffen hat", sagt der
Wiener Rechtsanwalt Dr. Helmut Graupner, Prþsident der
Homosexuellen-BŸrgerrechtsorganisation Rechtskomitee LAMBDA und
nunmehriger Verteidiger des Verurteilten, "Wir werden nun unter
Vorlage seiner Stellungnahmen selbst die Wiederaufnahme bei Gericht
und Ÿberkonfessionell fŸr die umfassende Verwirklichung der Menschen-
und BŸrgerrechte gleichgeschlechtlich l(i)ebender Frauen und
Mþnner. In seinem Kuratorium vereinigt es so prominente Mitglieder wie
den SP…-Vorsitzenden Dr. Alfred Gusenbauer, Prþs. NRAbg. Peter
Schieder,, NRAbg. Mag. Terezija Stoisits, den renommierten Kinder- und
Jugendpsychiater Univ.-Prof. Dr. Max Friedrich und die Kinder- und
JugendanwþltInnen von Wien DSA Monika Pinterits und Dr. Anton Schmid,
den Generalsekretþr von Amnesty International …sterreich Mag. Heinz
Patzelt und die bekannten Menschenrechtsexperten Dr. Lilian Hofmeister
und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manfred Nowak, die Sexualwissenchafter
ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Josef Christian Aigner und Prof. Dr. Rotraud
Perner, den Theologen Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt LŸthi, GŸnter Tolar
office@RKLambda.at; www.RKLambda.at
Empty Promise by Minister Of Justice
Minister of Health: Oral Sex also without Condoms
his promise given four months ago, that he will order the prosecutor's
office to institute proceedings for a renewed trial in the "Carinthian
Oral-Sex-Case". Minister of Health, Herbert Haupt, on his side
declared that one can engage in oral sex without condom and not get
into conflict with the safer-sex rules of his Ministry.
Oral-Sex-Case" as Minister of Justice, Dieter Bšhmdorfer, announced
that he will order the prosecutor's office to institute proceedings
for a renewed trial. Four months after this announcement however the
Ministry has not even returned the files back to the Court.
questions put forward by Green party judicial spokesperson and member
of RKL-honorary-board, Mag. Terezija Stoisits, declared that the risk
for the passive partner in oral sex is "in fact zero" and "that the
risk for the passive partner is to be considered extremely low, also
in case of ejaculation into the mouth" (4107/AB XXI. GP). The Minister
expressly left it up to the partners of a sexual act whether to use
condoms in oral sex or not.
stated, "that criminal persecution and conviction of Hiv-positive
persons for sexual contacts with Hiv-negative persons in conformity
with the guidelines of health authorities and the
Aids-Help-organisations do counteract effective Hiv- and
Aidsprevention" thereby opposing the view of Austria`s Minister of
Justice Dieter Bšhmdorder who declared he did not object to the recent
conviction of a man for engaging in oral sex in conformity with the
safer-sex-guidelines of the Aids-Help-organisations, even for himself
orally satisfying a hiv-negative man.
the safer-sex-rules demanded the use of a condom in all cases of oral
sex, even when the hiv-positive person performs oral sex on the
hiv-negative person only. The Minister of Health repeatedly clearly
objected to this opinion.
gave rise to this dispute, Hiv-positive persons have to use condoms
when engaging in oral sex even if they just orally satisfy their
partner. If they do not obey they are liable to incarceration of up to
three years.
Health have been propagating "Safer-Sex"-rules as effective prevention
against infection with Hiv. These rules contain to use condoms in
vaginal and anal intercourse and to avoid ejaculation into the mouth
when having oral sex. Oral intercourse, also in the information
produced by the Ministry itself, has been declared carrying no risk at
all when the Hiv-positive orally satisfies the Hiv-negative. And in
the case the Hiv-negative fellates the Hiv-positive it is just
recommended to avoid ejaculation into the mouth since the risk of
infection then would be as low as in the case of vaginal or anal
intercourse with a condom.
in Switzerland, in the USA and by UNAIDS. UNAIDS even prefers oral sex
with ejaculation into the mouth over anal intercourse with a
condom. UNAIDS in the interest of an effective Hiv-prevention
vehemently opposes the criminalization of safer sex contacts.
a three month jail sentence for obeying the rules issued the Ministry
of Health and the Aids-help organisations.
imprisonment by the Regional Court of Klagenfurt, Carinthia, on the
basis that he engaged in anal sex with and in oral sex without using
condoms but without ejaculation into the mouth. The court judged these
contacts as "being conducive to the spread of a transmittable disease"
and convicted the man therefore under Art. 178 Austrian Criminal Code
("Intentional endangering of humans by transmittable diseases").
in these contacts saw a danger of transmission (!!) and therefore a
breach of Art. 178 CC. The sentence: 1 year imprisonment, three month
of them unsuspended.
thus just could hope for the goodwill of the Minister of Justice. Hid
did so in vain.
objections whatever, neither to the conviction nor to the sanction
inflicted. A pardon neither could be in consideration. The Minister:
"Who in such a way intentionally endangers the population commits a
serious violation of law and reveals a personality structure implying
a certain indifference to the life, the health and the social
situation of others. In such a case I find it hard to consider the
convict suitable for pardoning". Also an amendment of the law would
not be necessary.
the Minister. In propagating oral sex without ejaculation into the
mouth, he said, they would not aid and abet to the offence. They
therefore are still allowed to propagate safer-sex-rules which lead to
incarceration for those who obey them. Even oral sex without a condom
between hiv-negative persons (!) can lead to a jail sentence (Regional
Court of Korneuburg, judgement 90a Bl 41/01).
issue of risk and what the rules aret", says Dr. Helmut Graupner,
president of the lesbian and gay rights organisation Rechtskomitee
LAMBDA and now counsel of the convicted man, "We will use his
statement in applying for a renewed trial ourselves now".
denominational level is working for the implementation of human rights
for homo- and bisexual men and women. In its honorary board it
convenes so prominent members as the Chairman of the Social-Democratic
Party of Austria (SP…) Dr. Alfred Gusenbauer, President MP Peter
Schieder, MP Mag. Terezija Stoisits (Green Party), the well-known
child and adolescent psychiatrist Univ.-Prof. Dr. Max Friedrich and
the Ombudspersons for Children and Adolescents of Vienna DSA Monika
Pinterits und Dr. Anton Schmid, the Secertary General of Amnesty
International Austria Mag. Heinz Patzelt and the well-known human
rights experts Dr. Lilian Hofmeister und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manfred
Nowak, the sexologists ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Josef Christian Aigner and
Prof. Dr. Rotraud Perner, the theologian Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt LŸthi,
entertainer GŸnter Tolar and many more.
office@RKLambda.at; www.RKLambda.at
07 green card lottery (come and live in the US)
From: Hans Krankl <pow2thep@yahoo.com>
Auch ich war verwundert ueber diesen eintrag. Nun muss ich aber sagen:
der tagesredakteur Edgar E. irrt. Moeglicherweise hat er werbung fuer
die US gemacht, vor allem aber fuer eine firma, die damit geld
verdient und wie es dutzende andere gibt.
behoerden kostet?s nix:
08 Antwort
From: trustram/ernstbrunner <hx65@dial.pipex.com>
Ich wei§ nicht.
jetzt kann doch kein vernŸnftiger Mensch annehmen, da§ das so gemeint
ist. Und die Leute haben sich ja auch gewundert. Also war es, meine
ich, nur der kleine Schritt der Hinterfragung, der ihnen zugemutet
wurde. Den mŸssen Widerstþndische aber immer und Ÿberall tun - eben
auch beim MUND. Sonst wird es zu fad und zu platt.
auch was fŸr sein Publikum tun. (Von den Marxisten hat sich, glaube
ich, keiner gewundert - immerhin.)
Betreff "Lotteriegewinner" oder so zu wþhlen und sonst nichts zu
schreiben; aber auch das fand ich reichlich plump.
09 Gegen Konferenz in Verona protestieren!
From: www.wiesenthal.com
Please look at:
Minister Silvio Berlusconi to ban an international conference of
antisemites, neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers and speakers who promote the
'big lie' that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were carried out by the
United States and Israel. The gathering is slated for next Saturday,
October 12, 2002 in Verona, Italy.
conference, "In Memory of the Millions of Civilian Victims
of the Democracies and Their Lies" includes veteran neo-Nazi activists,
Holocaust revisionists, and supporters of Osama-Bin Laden.
and launch the necessary measures to stop this international
hatefest. In addition, the Center is demanding that Italian authorities
arrest and deport any speaker who is a fugitive from justice in
another country.
permit itself to be a venue for an international meeting of
neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, racists, and Jew haters. At a time when
the civilized world is under attack from the threat of terrorism
and violence, such a gathering will only bolster the forces of
transnational hate.
to ban an international conclave in Verona, next Saturday,
October 12, 2002.
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Palazzo Chigi
Rome, Italy
is to convene in Verona on 12 October, entitled ?In
Memory of the Millions of Civilian Victims of the Democracies and Their
speakers are to include:
áAhmed Rami, who fled from Morocco to Sweden after his assassination
attempt on the late King Hassan. He has been convicted in
Stockholm for incitement on his Radio Islam, and is currently again
under investigation.
áAhmad Soroush Nejad of the Neda Institute in Iran.
áthe Swiss organizers of a Holocaust denial conference scheduled for
last Spring in Beirut, but cancelled by President Rafiq Hariri.
These are Rene-Louis Berclaz of ?Verite et Justice? and veteran neo-Nazi
activist Gaston-Armand Amaudruz.
áthe revisionist Jurgen Graf, who fled a Swiss court and now resides in
áFrederick Toben of Adelaide, Australia, released on bail from a German
court. A notorious apologist for Osama Bin-Laden.
áRuss Granata, an American who insults the memory of 9/11 victims in
claiming the attacks were organized by the United States and
Israeli intelligence services.
Washington, D.C., we appeal to you to take all necessary
measures to ban a gathering that is an abuse of Italian hospitality, and
can only encourage the forces of hate, violence and terror.
might enter Italy for this hatefest and to hold them for
extradition to those countries where they are sought for trial.
in the war against terrorism.
Associate Dean Simon Wiesenthal Center, Los Angeles
Director for International Liaison
Simon Wiesenthal Center, Paris
Dean and Founder
Simon Wiesenthal Center Los Angeles
From: DHKC InformationsbŸro
14 Uhr: Demonstration
18 Uhr: Veranstaltung auf der Universitþt
- FARC Kolumbien
- Koldo Gorrostiaga, Baskenland, Europþischer Parlamentsabgeordneter zum Verbot der Batasuna
- KADEK Kurdistan
- NDF Philippinen
- Antiimperialistische Koordination
Staaten von Amerika unterstŸtzt von der Europþischen Union ein Klima
der "Terror-Psychose" mit dem Ziel geschaffen, das Recht auf
Meinungsfreiheit und Zusammenschluss anzugreifen und sich nicht nur
der Opposition in der "Dritten Welt", sondern auch jener in den
Metropolen selbst zu entledigen.
gegen den Terrorismus und sind in voller Vorbreitung neuer Kriege
gegen jene Všlker, sie sich ihrer Herrschaft widersetzen. Das Ziel der
Kriegstreiber, die Afghanistan in Schutt und Asche gelegt und einen
Krieg gegen den Irak angekŸndigt haben, ist es, ihre Herrschaft Ÿber
die Welt zu sichern und die Krþfte des Widerstands zu zerschlagen und
dauerhaft niederzuhalten.
gegen den "Terrorismus" zu setzen und den Ruf nach Sicherheit zum
Abbau der demokratischen Rechte zu nutzen. Nach einigen Monaten der
Bombardements gegen Afghanistan haben die USA die "Achse des Bšsen"
proklamiert. Aber das reichte nicht aus: Der CIA-Direktor George Tenet
publizierte eine Liste zu "eliminierender Organisationen". Man fragte
sich, gegen wen die USA und ihre VerbŸndeten als nþchstes schlagen
die UnterdrŸckung und Auslšschung von Volksorganisationen und die
Ermordung ungezþhlter Menschen werden nunmehr als legitim betrachtet,
ohne dass man dagegen die Stimme erheben kšnnte. Die amerikanische und
europþische Presse orchestriert diese Propaganda.
Gesetze beschlossen. In Europa wurden die Bestimmungen Ÿber den Schutz
der Privatsphþre in Telekommunikation und DatenŸbertragung
gelockert. Personenbezogene Daten kšnnen von den Behšrden nach
belieben verwendet werden.
auszuweiten. Die USA und die EU erweitern laufend ihre Schwarzen
Listen der "auszulšschenden terroristischen Organisationen". Auf
diesen Listen, die sich scheinbar gegen die mit den Attentaten des
11. September in Zusammenhang gebrachten Islamisten (bis heute ohne
einen einzigen ernsthaften Beweis) richteten, fanden sich bald auch
Krþfte wie die Revolutionþre Volksbefreiungspartei-Front (DHKP-C), die
Kurdische Arbeiterpartei (PKK), die Volksfront zur Befreiung
Palþstinas (PFLP).
mit ihnen verbŸndeten diktatorischen, die Všlker unterdrŸckende Regime
wie Israel oder die TŸrkei zu schŸtzen. Damit treten sie auch das
Všlkerrecht mit FŸ§en, das explizit den Widerstand, einschlie§lich des
bewaffneten, gegen die koloniale Besatzung als legitim erklþrt. Dann
wurden die Revolutionþren Streitkrþfte Kolumbiens (FARC) auf die Liste
Angriff. Die baskische Partei Batasuna wurde kurzerhand verboten, weil
sie unermŸdlich das Selbstbestimmungsrecht fŸr das baskische Volk
forderte. Und vor einigen Wochen haben die USA auch die Kommunistische
Partei der Philippinen (CPP) auf den Index gesetzt. Holland hat sofort
die EU aufgefordert, es den USA gleichzutun.
F-Typ-Gefþngnissen in der TŸrkei, der Plan Kolumbien, der das
Bestreben des kolumbianischen Volkes nach Unabhþngigkeit und Frieden
mit sozialer Gerechtigkeit mit F٤en tritt, die Operationen auf den
Philippinen, die sich angeblich gegen die Abu-Sayyaf-Gruppe richten
aber tatsþchlich einer amerikanischen militþrischen Intervention TŸr
und Tor šffnen, die Kriminalisierung der Globalisierungsgegner durch
Berlusconi sind nur verschiedene Aspekte ein und desselben Planes.
COREPER zusammengestellt, die aus den stþndigen Botschaftern beim Rat
des Europþischen Parlaments besteht. Um eine Organisation als
terroristisch zu denunzieren, muss der COREPER kein Argument
vorbringen, noch ist er verpflichtet eine Motive šffentlich zu
machen. Kein Einspruch und kein Rechtsmittel ist gegen die
willkŸrliche Kriminalisierung mšglich.
sie wollen als "Terroristen" abzustempeln. Die nationalen Gesetze
werden gerade an diese Konzeption abgepasst und eršffnen die
Mšglichkeit die Opposition gegen die antidemokratischen Ma§nahmen als
UnterstŸtzer des Terrorismus zu verfolgen. In diesem Klima kann von
der Wahrung der demokratischen Grundrechte keine Rede mehr sein.
UnterstŸtzung fŸr mšrderische Regime dar.
Arbeitslosigkeit, Elend, Repression und Folter verurteilt. Der
Imperialismus ist fŸr die Verletzung der Souverþnitþt zahlloser Lþnder
unter unmenschlichen Bedingungen vegetieren. Der Imperialismus betrieb
Staatsstreiche, Massaker und Všlkermord in Lateinamerika, Asien,
Afrika und im Mittleren Osten. Er hat die Hitler, Mussolini, Franco
geschaffen und finanziert, genauso wie er Tausende notorische
Folterknechte ausbildete.
System" prþsentiert hat? Erinnern wir uns an den Krieg der
Zivilisationen Berlusconis. Doch wo ist diese Zivilisation? In
Deutschland und Holland greift der Rassismus um sich. Was ist aus dem
Humanismus geworden, auf den diese Lþnder so stolz sind?
USA. "Wir sind bereit den Preis des Blutes zu zahlen". Von welcher
Barbarei spricht er? Wessen Blut will der Premier vergie§en. Nichts
als Heuchelei, denn es waren sie, die die Schwarze Liste entwarfen.
b.. den in Europa wŸtenden Rassismus und Kulturchauvinismus
insbesondere gegen die islamische Gemeinde bekþmpfen,
c.. die gegen oligarchische und diktatorische Regime kþmpfende
Organisationen unterstŸtzen,
d.. sich den neuen Kriegen entgegenstellen will, mit denen der
europþische Imperialismus die Všlker bedroht,
EU zu beteiligen, die am 26. Oktober in BrŸssel stattfindet.
b.. Nieder mit den diktatorischen und faschistischen Regimen im
Dienste des Imperialismus!
c.. Setzen wir diese Regime auf die Schwarze Liste der Všlker!
d.. Weg mit der Schwarzen Liste der EU!
Terror. Sie wird folgedessen auch eine Protestaktion gegen den
angedrohten Krieg im Irak sein.
26. Oktober:
Abnaael el Balaad (Children of the Land) Palestine / Bayan,
Philippines / Comunitarismu et Indepentzia, Sardinia / Movement for
the Confederation of Communists, Tuscany, Italy / BsB (Movement for
Social Liberation), Austria / CMKP (Communist Workers' and Peasants
Party, Pakistan / D17 (Direction 17), Italy / EHK (Communist of Euskal
Herria), Basque Country / Land and Liberation, Sicily / IAC
(International Action Centre), USA / ILS (International Leninist
Current) / IRSP (Irish Republican Socialist Party), Ireland / Campaign
against Legal Impunity in Colombia / Communards Ittiri / Communards,
Sardinia / LUPO, Osimo, Ancona / Moro Islamic Liberation Front,
Philippines / New Left Front, Hungary / PFLP (Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine) Palestine / RCG (Revolutionary Communist
Group), Britain / Red Action, Nuremberg, Germany / Latin American
Resume / Red Umbria, Italy / RKL (Revolutionary Communist League),
Thuringia, Germany / Red Action, Duisberg, Germany / SJK, Serbia
(League of Communists of Yugoslavia, Serbia) / Loyalty of Man and
Earth, Lebanon / Chad Action for Unity and Socialism / Support Group
for the Mothers of May Square, Basque Country / People's Democratic
Left, Mexico / People's Committee for Support of the Palestinian
People and the Struggle against Normalising Relations with the Zionist
Enemy, Tunisia / YPKP (Institute for Investigating the Massacres of
1965/66), Indonesia / Mohamed Regraigui (Activist of the Revolutionary
Left in Morocco)
11 SA walks out of racism conference
From: <ahda@chello.at>
owner-antiracism@magenta.nl (by way of I CARE
Datum: 2002/10/07 Mo AM 08:26:05 GMT+02:00
An: antiracism@icare.to
Johannesburg Mail and Guardian Online
Sunday, October 6, 2002
Africa, Russia, Cuba, Colombia and France's overseas territories on
Friday abandoned an anti-racism conference that voted to exclude
Descendants World Conference Against Racism, came after a day of
negotiations failed.
people. Furthermore, Cuba believes that such a decision is intolerant
and contrary to the purposes of this conference," Maria Morales, the
spokeswoman for Cuba's delegation, told the conference reading from a
prepared statement.
they could not endorse the decision to exclude non-blacks. It was
unclear how many delegates left the conference late Friday, and
whether all were black.
government whistled and cheered their approval as chairwoman Jewel
Crawford of the United States stood by the vote.
Crawford said. "The motion of exclusion was the will of the majority
because there are sometimes when we feel that we just want to have a
meeting of our own."
normally too generous for their own good and that "our
over-hospitality" backfired on the conference.
delegation, which said it was under the impression that the conference
was entirely for blacks to discuss issues from racial profiling to
reparations for slavery.
deliberations, saying slavery was too painful a subject to discuss in
front of non-Africans.
journalists, interpreters and delegates left the meeting.
plea from Mauritanian Bakary Tandia for the conference to denounce
slavery in the African countries of Mauritania and Sudan.
reparations from former white colonisers and "hardly focus on what is
happening on the continent, where slavery is alive in some places".
group, said Arabs in Mauritania and Sudan hold blacks against their
will. He charged up to 900 000 black Mauritanians, mostly women and
children, work without pay as domestic servants and herders.
they cannot even give testimony in a court of law ... They have no
rights," Tandia said.
before Sunday's end to the meeting, billed as a follow-up to last
year's UN anti-racism conference in South Africa. - Sapa-AP
12 RAWNEWS on Latin America
From: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
RAWNEWS on Latin America
Coup Said Thwarted in Venezuela
By Christopher Toothaker
Saturday, October 5, 2002; 7:49 PM
government uncovered plans for a military coup after intelligence
agents found evidence of one during a raid.
have to remain alert," said Chavez told supporters in Caracas.
paratrooper who was elected in 1998, was briefly ousted by dissident
generals in mid-April. His statements came after agents from the
Military Intelligence Directorate raided the home of former Foreign
Minister Enrique Tejera Paris, who was suspected of aiding the
dissident generals.
large map of strategic areas in Caracas titled "The Final Solution" in
Tejera's home. Tejera was not placed under arrest and his lawyer,
Luis Valdivieso, said agents violated his client's rights by raiding
his home without a warrant. Valdivieso told Globovision television
that his client would cooperate with authorities "to dispel the
accusations against him" and accused agents of planting the map.
Constitution once he assumed the presidency.
officers, and several civilians, who allegedly played a role in the
April 11 coup that briefly ousted Chavez. Loyal officers returned
Chavez to power two days later.
Against Chavez.
hoping the third time will be the charm as they prepare yet another
general strike against the government of President Hugo Chavez.
labor and business communities. Some opposition politicians, too, are
doubtful they can muster popular enthusiasm for another work
Monday it would organize the strike within 30 days. The Confederation
of Venezuelan Workers, the largest trade union, has promised to
announce a strike date during an Oct. 10 opposition march in Caracas.
oil workers in record time. The Sept. 16 contract gave workers a 35
percent pay raise, in a deal that persuaded Fedepetrol, the largest
oil union, to abandon strike plans.
political," Fedepetrol Secretary General Oswaldo Caiveth said
Monday. "We have just signed a collective labor agreement, and there's
no reason to call for a strike."
likely demoralize the opposition," said Teodoro Petkoff, director of
the opposition afternoon daily Tal Cual.
the opposition is divided on how to oust him. Some prefer less
confrontational routes -- such as a referendum to shorten the
president's term and pave the way for early elections.
president of the opposition civic group Assembly of Education. "We
want the least traumatic way out."
Chavez said Sunday during his weekly radio and television show.
workers in Caracas unexpectedly walked off the job Aug. 23, the
government hurriedly offered each worker a $4,300 bonus. Chavez,
meanwhile, has crisscrossed the country delivering speeches to steel,
electrical and public workers.
strike," said Luis Vicente Leon, director of polling firm
Datanalisis. "It could still be a success ... but it will be an
uphill battle."
national and international community the action of President Alvaro
Urribe who has ordered the military occupation of EMCALI work plants.
This action aims at preventing workers from entering the CAM Central
Administration Building and Bulevar (another work plant). Up until now
no workers have been able to enter and carry out their duties.
personnel from the Third Brigade accompanied by the local police and
an anti riot squad occupied the entrances to both the CAM Tower
administration building and the Bulevar Telephone office.
the Permanent Assembly that workers have been carrying out since 25th
September due to the failure of the government to fulfil signed
agreements with the trade union which were agreed on 29th January, and
also in protest at the actions of the water manager CARLOS VITALIANO
directly by President AlvaroUribe Velez, according to the
Superintendent of Public Services MARIA DEL PILAR ORDSQEZ MENDEZ, the
commander of the Third Brigade JORGE PINEDA CARVAJAL and the Commander
of the Metropolitan Police OSCAR ADOLFO NARANJO TRUJILLO.
military occupation of the plants via the Superintendent of Public
Services due to a fear that the trade union and its members were
planning to occupy the installations. Authorisation was given to use
all necessary measures to prevent workers from occupying the
installations and to ensure the continued provision of services
provided by the company, and the security of the infrastructure.
SINTRAEMCALI have exercised their constitutional rights and
international norms to carry out a Permanent Assembly with the aim of
pressuring the government to fulfil its obligations under an agreement
signed with the trade union on 29th January 2002 aimed at
strengthening and saving EMCALI EICE.
manager VITALIANO SANCHEZ and the head of the Maintenance Department
JAIRO VILLAREAL, who have both put in jeopardy the provision of water
to more than 70% of the local population.
verge of collapse two times, despite the verbal and written
protestations of the trade union. The union called for a Shock Plan
which would remove those in the administration responsible for these
acts, and extra financial measures to pay for necessary equipment and
repairs. The union received no response.
city of Cali responsible for nearly 70% of the population s water
supply. The union suspects that the actions of the manager are a
deliberate attempt to destabilise the company and seriously effect the
provision of water to the local population.
services and mining industries in the Atlantic Coast and Cundinamarca
regions which have been privatised. He was a consultant for Carbocol,
a company that has now been brought by Drummond and Minercol.
signed agreements between the Colombian government and the trade union
which aimed at guaranteeing the survival of the company and the
implementation of cost saving measures such as Mingas Comunitarias
(Community Work-ins) where workers give up their weekend to work for
free carrying out repairs.
for the privatisation of the company EMCALI E.I.C.E and furthermore we
also denounce the blatant violation of basic trade union rights of
association, expression and protest which are protected in both the
National Constitution and International norms that protect workers
rights throughout the world.
these minimal guarantees and above all that they fulfil obligations
signed in the 29th January 2002 Agreement.
30th September, 2002
and the undersigned members of the National and International Human
Rights Campaign Against Privatisation, Corruption and the
Criminalisation of Social Protest denounce to the national and
international community the serious events that happened today, 1st
October 2002, in which several workers have been injured as the result
of being hit by tear gas bombs and shrapnel grenades thrown at them by
the state security forces, particularly by members of the Mobile
Anti-Riot Unit ESMAD of Cali Metropolitan Police under the command of
Colonel CELIS.
1.... [background as above]
Treatment Plant located at No.59-85, 15th Street when a joint team of
Army and National Police arrived throwing tear gas bombs and shrapnel
grenades, wounding two workers at this plant, while three others with
symptoms of asphyxia had to leave immediately for emergency medical
Sewerage Treatment Plant. These are prohibited in international law
because of their fatal characteristics. They were of the type MODEL
7290 FLASH BANG, 1.5 SECOND DELAY U.S, MADE IN USA. Others used,
equally noxious but less powerful, were GREN HAND A/RIOT IRRT SMK
MULTIPLE PN770 1063 SP 98 CS.
plant at 1:30 p.m., just as students from a nearby college were coming
out of their classes - putting the lives of more than one hundred
minors in danger.
the workers at Bodegas Navarro Plant, situated at No 27 A 40 25th
street, where again the state forces attacked the workers with MODEL
7290 FLASH BANG tear gas bombs, which fell very close to the leaders
of SINTRAEMCALI, who were there giving a report to more than one
hundred workers gathered at the plant. The gas bombs were also thrown
into the cellar where the work implements are stored.
at Nos. 33-40 on 14th Street, members of the Mobile Anti-Riot Unit
assaulted the workers by throwing gas canisters in a way that put
their and customers' lives at risk. The state forces threw the tear
gas at the public service centre, just where members of the community
were in attendance to pay for their public services. The missiles hit
against the windows of the centre, and affected the staff of
Megabanco, of Banco de Occidente, and EMCALI's own customer service
workers, as well as the security guards from Gran Colombia corporation
who provide services to this plant.
functioning telecommunications equipment is stored. Meanwhile, tear
gas canisters were falling across the whole plant affecting all its
EMCALI EICE workers and cleaning workers from the Washroom Services
at the broken windows of the Communications Centre, putting at risk
equipment that is being used for the benefit of the community. At the
same time the tear gas was also affecting people in residences in the
surrounding area.
arrived to confirm the reports of an attack. Just as they were getting
ready to protest the conduct of the state forces, throwing tear gas
that provoked the workers and affected the community, the NOMADESC
workers were threatened with death by one of the Anti-Riot Squad
agents, who signaled that they were in his sights and that they would
be the next to be hit with a grenade attack.
operation and protested what was happening. He aggressively refused to
identify the agent who had made the death threat, so they then
communicated with Coronel Novoa of the Police, with the Ombudsman and
the Regional Prosecutor, managing to get this last official to come to
the Colon telephone centre to verify what had been going on
gathered at the South Zone Energy Centre CAES, which is at Kr 80
No. 18 -12. They threw tear gas and shot into the air, breaking the
entry gate and tried to enter by force.
of public utility services to the whole city, in spite of these
serious events and the assault against them by the state forces.
Republic ALVARO URIBE VELEZ, Superintendent of Domestic Public
Services EVA MARIA URIBE TOBON and the highest officers of the
military and the police are responsible for this warlike treatment of
a social conflict and the just demands of the workers to continue
contributing their defence of EMCALI as a Industrial and Commercial
State Corporation (EICE) that operates for the benefit of the whole
Privatise EMCALI EICE, as has already showed when two days after his
inauguration he came to Cali to say that that EMCALI should be a share
holding company, and now he has resorted to the use of force violating
the workers' most basic rights.
that the Agreement it signed with the workers on 29th January 2002 be
implemented, and to avoid a catastrophe without precedent in the
history of the city of Santiago de Cali.
Asociaci—n Para la Investigaci—n y Acci—n Social NOMADESC
Corporaci—n Servicios Profesionales Comunitarios SEMBRAR
La Uni—n Sindical Obrera USO
Sindicato De Los Trabajadores Universitarios De Colombia
Central Unitaria De Los Trabajadores CUT - VALLE DEL CAUCA
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Miner’a en Colombia SINTRAMINERCOL
Movimiento Estudiantil del Valle del Cauca y Nari–o
Uni—n Sindical de Trabajadores de las Comunicaciones _USTC_
Fundaci—n ComitŽ De Solidaridad Con Presos Pol’ticos Seccional Valle del
Sintramunicipio Bugalagrande
Sintramunicipio Yumbo
Sintramunicipio Dagua
Sintrametal Yumbo
Asonal Judicial Valle del Cauca
Sinaltrainal Bugalagrande
Sintradepartamento Antioquia
Campaqa de solidaridad por Colombia _Reino Unido
Santiago de Cali, 1 October 2002.
Presidente de la Repœblica
Fax 00571 337 5890, 00571 566 2071
Try also (00571) 3342921-- 2431023 - 3342841
Ministro del Interior y de Justicia
Fax 00571 286 8025
Ministra de Defensa
Fax 00571 222 1874
Denis MacShane Foreign Office (UK):macshaned@parliament.uk
CUT Human Rights Department: derechoshumanoscut@cc-net.net
Colombia Solidarity Campaign (UK) colombia_sc@hotmail.com
of the trade union leaders detained on Friday 20th September. These
comrades were part of a Humanitarian Delegation taking food,
mediciines and blankets to peasants surrounded by army units in
neighbouring Cuaca department. The Humanitarian Delegation was held
for 14 hours to stop it from bringing relief to the peasants.
cut a hundred workers. The union SINTRAUNICOL has a programme of
workshops and protests to mobilise against these sackings.
to Criminalisation and Repression! End the State of Internal Unrest!
For the Right of Social Protest!
4.30pm on Friday 4th October at the Duke of York, Donegal Street and
the first Friday of each month thereafter
Bristol, BS2 8JB
justice in Colombia
Street and Short Street organised by CamPeace
University Devon - Wednesday 16th October 7.30pm Bogan House, High
Street, Totnes London Saturday 5th October 2.00pm CORAS, 161 Lambeth
Walk, LONDON SE11 (nearest tubes Vauxhall or North Lambeth) and
Wednesday 16th October 7.00pm University of London Union, Malet
Street, WC1 (nearest tubes Goodge Street and Warren Street)
area for 10th December, International Human Rights Day, to remember
all the human rights violations in Colombia this year.
you to be a member of the campaign. Annual Rates: Individuals £6
unwaged, £12 waged. Organisations £25 branches/small (2 copies),
your category of required subscription and return with payment to
"Colombia Solidarity Campaign" and completed slip below.
Address _________________________________________________
Telephone _____________________ E-mail_____________________________
13 RAWNEWS - on Cental Asia
From: "RAWNEWS" <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
- on Cental Asia
2) Danish air force mission in Afghanistan - IRNA (Iran)
in Central Asia occurred at the Fiftieth Anniversary NATO Summit in
Washington in 1999, for which the seventy nine day terror bombing of
Yugoslavia was arranged as a pretext for the launching of a renewed,
expanded NATO global mission, is acting right on cue.
such luminaries as former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew
Brzezinksi never fail to remind us whose terrorism is in question -
was dispensed with in George W. Bush's state of the union address at
the beginning of this year, the naked truth of successive propaganda
ploys shines through the disinformation fog:
posts at or near every major geostrategic choke point, shipping lane,
petroleum reserve, and 'forward thrust' military outpost from
Northwest Africa to the Chinese border.]
withdrawal of American servicemen from Central Asia until peace and
stability come to the region. Karimov said this in Dushanbe, where he
had arrived to participate in a summit of member countries of the
Central Asian Cooperation Organisation.
and ensure peace in Afghanistan," said Karimov.
peace and accord with the neighbours and meet all international
norms." In his opinion, this cannot be brought about without backing
the decisions on giving a massive financial support for Afghanistan.
will lose trust in Khamid Karzai and the central government and then a
new stage of tensions and ethnic clashes will begin, believes Islam
Danish air force mission in Afghanistan
Kyrgyzstan are prepared for war in Afghanistan, Danish news agency
Ritzau reported Tuesday quoting daily Jyllands-Posten.
participated in an actual attack, breaking the long-standing Danish
tradition of participating in 'low key' activities.
fighter planes, then it becomes a fact that Denmark is at war," the
daily quoted Lt. Col. Anker Koch, supreme commander for the Danish
troops at the base just outside of Kyrgyzstan's capital city of
Bishkek, as saying.
Air Force mission in Afghanistan.
14 on that war
From: "kultur" <der.krusche@kultur.at>
in der leiste *jump the rails* haben wir auf kultur.at nun die ecke
*on that war* aufgezogen:
martin krusche
kanonenboote auf der mur?
15 Schlepper als Wahlhelfer?
From: "Roland Hermann" <hermann@deranwalt.at>
... eine Replik auf Andreas Unterberger, "Das Asylantendrama"
(Samstags-Presse S. 2)
www.deranwalt.at/frameset.htm ), Lesezone, Rubrik "Wissenswertes"
http://www.deranwalt.at/show.asp?id=228&kapitel=Wissenswertes fŸhrt
direkt auf die seite - halt ohne die ganzen schšnen frames und
so... :-) ]
c/o Dr. Wolfgang RAINER
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1010 Wien
Tel. +43/1/533 05 90
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Diese Ausgabe hat Albert Brandl
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!