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sign Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 ECHO im Ausnahmezustand - Initiator verhaftet
From: echo.redaktion <echo.redaktion@non.at>
ECHO im Ausnahmezustand - Initiator verhaftet
Mit großer Bestürzung müssen wir mitteilen, daß Leiter
und Gründungsmitglied
unseres Jugendvereines ECHO, Bülent Öztoplu, heute früh, um 11.38
an seinem
Arbeitsplatz festgenommen worden ist. Nach Mitteilungen der Wiener Polizei
wirft man ihm vor, vor mittlerweile 17 Jahren (!) in Deutschland einen
Polizeibeamten schwer verletzt zu haben. Deshalb liegt ein Ansuchen eines
deutschen Gerichtes vor, ihn nach Deutschland auszuliefern.
Wir kennen Bülent seit vielen Jahren als aufrechten, engagierten, und
korrekten Menschen, der über alle Parteigrenzen hinweg in Wien besonders
seinen Einsatz für ausländische Jugendliche der zweiten Generation
und geachtet wird. Wir wissen nicht, warum dieses Vorwürfe jetzt erhoben
werden. Bülent hat sich in Österreich nie versteckt, im Gegenteil,
er hat
sich jahrelang in aller Öffentlichkeit engagiert und war und ist damit
ganzen Generation von Jugendlichen in Wien Vorbild geworden.
Wir hoffen, daß die gegen ihn erhobenen Vorwürfe so rasch als möglich
geklärt werden. Dabei gilt er nicht nur für uns, sondern auch vor
dem Gesetz
als unschuldig, solange er nicht von einem Gericht verurteilt werden sollte.
Wir bitten deshalb die österreichische Öffentlichkeit nicht nur in
Interesse, sondern auch im Interesse seiner und unserer Arbeit darum, ihn
als das zu sehen und zu nennen, was er ist: ein engagierter Arbeiter für
Rechte und Interessen von Jugendlichen, der heute im Verdacht steht, vor 17
Jahren eine Straftat begangen zu haben.
Während er heute früh auf einen Herrn wartete, der sich als Journalist
Kronen Zeitung ausgab, kamen überraschend fünf zivile Polizisten mit
am Körper anliegenden Waffe in der Hand und nahmen ihn, aufgrund eines
internationalen Haftbefehles, den sie uns aber nicht zeigten, mit.
Bülent Öztoplu, Gründer und langjähriger Leiter des Jugendvereines
Mitglied einer Kommission des Menschenrechtsbeirates, anerkannter Experte in
der Wiener Jugendarbeit, sehr geschätzter Ansprechpartner für internationale
Medien in gesellschaftspolitischen Fragen ist türkischer Staatsbürger.
Wir warten noch immer auf einen Anruf von ihm.
tägliche Treffen im ECHO um 19 uhr zwecks weiterer Vorgehensweise
wir erwarten alle freunde!!
Gumpendorfer Straße 73/ecke Hofmühlgasse
1060 Wien
Tel: 585 68 57
02 Anschlag auf das World Trade Center u.v.m.
From: Funke <der.funke@gmx.at>
Liebe LeserInnen!
Trotz einiger technischer Schwierigkeiten kann man auf unserer Homepage neue
Artikel finden.
USA: Anschlag auf das World Trade Center
Der Anschlag auf das World Trade Center in der Finanzmetropole New York und
das Pentagon in Washington, dem wahrscheinlich Tausende hilflose Menschen
binnen weniger Minuten zum Opfer fielen, ist der größte Terroranschlag
Zeiten. Und jetzt?
unter: http://www.derfunke.at/hp_artikel/terrorwtc.htm
Ziviler Ungehorsam oder Klassenkampf
Beim Volksstimme-Fest führten wir mit Sara Parlavecchia von der Rifondazione
Comunista aus Mailand und Unterstützerin von "Falce Martello"
ein Interview
zu den Tute Bianche und den Diskussionen in der italienischen Linken nach
den Ereignissen von Genua.
unter: http://www.derfunke.at/zeitung/f39/zivilungehorsam.htm
Aktuelle Kampagnen und Aktionen:
Besonders verweisen möchten wir auf unsere aktuelle Solidaritätskampagne
den im August verhafteten linken indischen Jornalisten Satish Kumar. Die
Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign (PTUDC) startete die Initiative für
einen internationalen Aktionstag zur Freilassung von Satish Kumar am 18.
September. Wir wollen diesen für den indischen Subkontinent beispielhaften
Akt der internationalen Solidarität unterstützen und werden an diesem
bei der indischen Botschaft eine Protestresolution überreichen und andere
Aktionen setzen. MitarbeiterInnen für diesen Aktionstag werden noch
Abschließend sei noch auf die Anti-NATO-Proteste in der Steiermark am
kommenden Wochenende und das Herbstseminar der SJ Vorarlberg zum Thema "Ihre
Moral und unsere" hingewiesen.
Nähere Infos unter:
Der Funke
Postfach 112
1096 Wien
03 Geänderte Spieltage bei "Warten auf Godot"!
From: Gabriele Müller-Klomfar <muellerklomfar@chello.at>
Schauspiel von Samuel BECKETT
Als Hubsi Kramar's Inszenierung von "Warten auf Godot" mit der
Vitasek/Stangl/Kratzl im Juni zum Publikumshit geriet, wurden auch die
Karten rar:
Deshalb wird die Erfolgsproduktion in den alten Fabrikshallen des Wiener
KABELWERK im Oktober wieder aufgenommen. Kartenreservierungen sind ab
sofort möglich.
Wir ersuchen um Ankündigung bzw. Berichterstattung in Ihrem Medium und
sehr gerne unterTel. 0699-1-913 14 11 oder office@gamuekl.org für nähere
Informationen, Interview- oder Fotowünsche oder die Reservierung von
zu Ihrer Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüße
Gabriele Müller-Klomfar
WARTEN AUF GODOT /Schauspiel von Samuel Beckett
Mit Andreas Vitásek, Karl Ferdinand Kratzl und I Stangl (Regie: Hubsi
4. - 6., 11. - 13., 18 - 20. Oktober 2001 (20:00) im KABELWERK: 12.,
33-35 (Tel. 01/803 87 33)
Samuel Beckett gilt als der wohl wichtigste Vertreter des absurden Theaters
Er wurde am 13. April 1906 in Dublin geboren und wuchs in einem bürgerlich-
protestantischen Elternhaus auf.1923 begann er mit dem Studium der
am Trinity Collage in Dublin, und schon hier fiel sein großes Sprachtalent
1928 ging er nach Paris, arbeitete als Englischlektor an der Ecole Normale
Superieure und lernte James Joyce kennen. Unter dessen Einfluss entstanden
erste Gedichte und Kurzgeschichten, unter anderem auch zwei Essays über
Joyce und Marcel Proust, die Gründerfiguren des neuen Romans.
1937, nach längeren Deutschlandaufenthalten und einem Leben am Rande des
Existenzminimums - geplagt von schweren Alkoholproblemen und Depressionen -
ließ er sich endgültig in Paris nieder und lernte seine Lebensgefährtin,
Suzanne Dechevaux-Dumesnil, kennen.
1940 schloß er sich der Résistance an und konnte sich nur durch
Flucht nach
Südfrankreich der Verhaftung durch die Gestapo entziehen. Hier, im
begann er seinen Roman "Watt", den er 1946 in Paris beendete.
Ende der 40er Jahre (inzwischen schrieb Beckett bereits in französischer
Sprache) entstanden seine Hauptwerke : die Romantrilogie "Molloy"
sowie die Theaterstücke "Warten auf Godot" (1948) und "Endspiel"
das er als sein bestes Werk ansah.
"Warten auf Godot" (1953 uraufgeführt) hatte ihn berühmt
gemacht: Der
"Theater des Absurden" war etabliert.
1969 erhielt Beckett den Literaturnobelpreis "für eine Dichtung, die
Formen des Romans und des Dramas aus der Verlassenheit des modernen
Menschen ihre künstlerische Überhöhung erreicht". Er nahm
an den
der Verleihung nicht teil und verschenkte das Preisgeld.
In der Folgezeit entstanden noch einige Kurzgeschichten, Fernsehstücke,
Hörspiele und Prosatexte.
Beckett starb am 22. Dezember 1989 in Paris.
WARTEN AUF GODOT /Schauspiel von Samuel Beckett
Mit Andreas Vitásek, Karl Ferdinand Kratzl und I Stangl (Regie: Hubsi
4. - 6., 11. - 13., 18. - 20. Oktober 2001 (20:00) im KABELWERK:
12., Oswaldgasse 33-35 (Tel. 01/803 87 33)
ist der moderne Klassiker des absurden Theaters schlechthin und erlebte am
5. Januar 1953 in Paris seine Welturaufführung.
Becketts Spiel vom Warten in vielerlei Variationen erzählt keine Geschichte,
sondern zeigt eine mehr oder weniger statische Situation auf, denn es
scheinbar nichts.
Neben einer Landstrasse am Fuße eines Baumes warten die beiden Landstreicher
Wladimir und Estragon auf Godot: eine Verabredung, die sich nie erfüllt.
Zu Ihnen gesellen sich Pozzo und Lucky - tyrannischer Meister und
Diener - und der Junge, der die Wartenden mit Botschaften von Godot immer
den nächsten Tag vertröstet, statt ihr sinnloses Warten endlich zu
"Warten auf Godot" ist ein Stück über die Zeit, über
den Widerspruch
Veränderung und Statik und über die Suche nach der Existenz des Menschen.
Es trägt die realen Wurzeln seiner Entstehung in den Situationen, Gesprächen
Dialogen, die der Autor und seine Frau auf der Flucht vor der Gestapo über
staubige Landstrassen nach Südfrankreich durchlebten und bezieht aus dieser
Tatsache wohl auch seine Authentizität und Intensität.
Die alten Fabrikshallen des KABELWERK sind eine phantastische Kulisse für
dieses herausragende Theaterstück der Moderne: kein Theater könnte
geeignetere "Bühne" für GODOT anbieten.
ESTRAGON: "Wir finden doch immer was, um uns einzureden, dass wir
existieren, nicht wahr, Didi?"
WLADIMIR ungeduldig: "Ja, ja, wir sind Zauberer....!
ESTRAGON:"Wir waren nicht für denselben Weg gemacht."
WLADIMIR: "Das ist nicht sicher"
E: "Nein, nichts ist sicher"
W: "Wir können noch auseinandergehen."
E: "Jetzt lohnt es sich nicht mehr"
W: "Nein, jetzt lohnt es sich nicht mehr."
E: "Also, wir gehen?"
W: "Gehen wir!"
Sie gehen nicht von der Stelle. Vorhang.
WARTEN AUF GODOT /Schauspiel von Samuel Beckett
Mit Andreas Vitásek, Karl Ferdinand Kratzl und I Stangl
(Regie: Hubsi Kramar)
4. - 6., 11. - 13., 18. - 20. Oktober 2001 (20:00) im KABELWERK:
12., Oswaldgasse 33-35 (Tel. 01/803 87 33)
Der Wiener Schauspieler, Aktionist und Regisseur Hubsi Kramar steht
seit Jahrzehnten für mutiges und auch politisch zutiefst engagiertes
In seiner Person verbindet sich gut fundierte Ausbildung (Reinhard Seminar,
Filmhochschule Wien und das Studium "kulturelles Management" an der
Havard University/USA mit post graduate Diplom) mit unbändiger
Unter vielem anderen hat er auch als Gründer und Leiter "Weard t.atr"
und dem "Theater der Showinisten" die freie Theaterszene Österreichs
nachhaltig mitgestaltet.
Hubsi Kramar freut sich, nun als Regisseur seine Neuinszenierung von
Becketts "Warten auf Godot" mit dieser Traumbesetzung umsetzen zu
1956 in Wien geboren und aufgewachsen, hat Andreas Vitásek nach dem
Studium der Theaterwissenschaft und Germanistik an der Uni Wien und
Ausbildung an der Theaterschule Jacques Lecoq/Paris eine vielseitige
Karriere begonnen, deren Höhepunkt noch lange nicht absehbar ist:
seit 1981 Kabarettist mit mehrfach preisgekrönten Soloprogrammen
Aktuelles Programm: "Pscht!"
seit 1997 als Schauspieler an renommierten Bühnen (Wiener Volkstheater,
Stadttheater Klagenfurt u. a.) in Stücken von Samuel Beckett, Dario Fo,
Georg Büchner, Eugen Ionesco u.a. zu sehen.
Seit 1991 auch als Regisseur am Wiener Volkstheater, Schauspielhaus,
Kleines Theater Salzburg u. a. tätig.
Unzählige Film- und Fernsehrollen: von ersten Kinoerfolgen in den
Niki-List-Streifen "Malaria" (1985) und "Müller's Büro"
(1986) bis hin
zur publikumswirksamen Schwabenitzky-Trilogie "Ein fast perfekter
Seitensprung" (1995), "Eine fast perfekte Scheidung (1998)" und
"Eine fast perfekte Hochzeit" (1999).
I STANGL (Wladimir)
Irgendwann einmal Besuch einiger Schulen wie VS, HS, Hotelfachschule.
Wandte sich nach seiner Tätigkeit als Behindertenbetreuer der Sozialarbeit
zu, aber gleich nach dem Abschluss der Akademie für Sozialarbeit wieder
davon ab, weil er lieber auf direktem Wege Kabarettist werden wollte.
Lebt in Hinterbrühl bei Mödling bei Wien.
Leitet seit 1991 das Kabarett Niedermair in Wien
Zahlreiche Kabarettprogramme. Aktuell in Bernhard Ludwigs "Anleitung
zur sexuellen Unzufriedenheit" zu sehen
Div. Rollen in TV und Film ( "Muttertag", "Hinterholz 8",
u.v.a.)Träger des Österreichischen Kleinkunst-Förderungspreises
1984 und
des Salzburger Stiers 1993
WARTEN AUF GODOT /Schauspiel von Samuel Beckett
Mit Andreas Vitásek, Karl Ferdinand Kratzl und I Stangl (Regie: Hubsi
4. - 6., 11. - 13., 18. - 20. Oktober 2001 (20:00) im KABELWERK:
12., Oswaldgasse 33-35 (Tel. 01/803 87 33)
Geboren 1953 in Wien
Schauspielerischer Werdegang nach der Matura:
1971 - 74 Youth Drama Group
1974 - 76 Ensemble K
1978 - 82 Serapionstheater
1991 - 92 Schauspielhaus Wien
Zahlreiche Rollen in Film und TV: "Landläufiger Tod" (1990),
"Schlafes Bruder" (1995), "Blutrausch" (1997) "Kaisermühlenblues"
u. v. a.
Seit 1991 div. Kabarett-Soloprogramme.
Aktuell: "Gefundenes Fressen" (Premiere: Februar 2000)
Buchautor: " Au, schau, Himmel, jö" (2000)
Träger des Salzburger Stiers 1992 und des Förderpreises des Deutschen
Kabarettpreises (1992)
Geboren 1963 in Linz, aufgewachsen am elterlichen Bauernhof im Mühlviertel
1986 Übersiedlung nach Wien
Seit 1990 freischaffender Maler und Zeichner
Von 1990 - 95 bildnerisches Gestalten als Entwicklungsförderung bei
Volksschulkindern, dramaturgisches Erarbeiten von Kindergeschichten (über
die Gestaltung der Kostüme bis hin zur Aufführung sowie
Ausstellungen im In- und Ausland
Seit 1995 freier Schauspieler, jahrelang in Zusammenarbeit mit Hubsi
Miki Malör u. a.
Zuletzt zu sehen in den Produktionen "Who killed Arnie?" und "Die
(Regie: Hubsi Kramar/Kabelwerk, 2001), "Hard Crash" (Regie: Peter
Theater Drachengasse; 2001) und "Die Bartholomäusnacht" (Regie:
Max/Stadttheater Mödling; 2001)
Geboren 1968 in Graz
Nach Absolvierung der BBA f. Kindergartenpädagogik/Graz und dem Institut
künstlerischen Tanz am Opernhaus Graz (1977 - 1979) von 1988 -1992
Bühnenreife an der Paritätischen Prüfungsstelle f. d. Bühnenberuf.
Seit 1990 als Schauspielerin am Forum Stadtpark Theater, Studiobühne
Schauspielhaus Graz u. a. tätig.
Zuletzt im Kabarett Niedermair in den Hauptrollen der Kindermusicals
"Papageno und der kleine Mozart" (1999) und "Till" (2000)
zu sehen.
04 Caspar Einem & Eva Glawischnig, Montag 17.9. /Uni Klagenfurt
From: Matthias Köchl <m1koechl@edu.uni-klu.ac.at>
Vortrag bereits nächsten Montag!
Strafsteuer Studiengebühren?
10.30 Begrüßung Rektor Müller
10:45 Einleitung Manfred Moser
11.00 Caspar Einem (Wissenschaftsminister a.D.)
anschließend Buffet
14.00 Eva Glawischnig (Nationalratsabgeordnete der Grünen)
Montag 17.September
Hörsaal B, Uni Klagenfurt
www.oeh.uni-klu.ac.at Die neue ÖH Klagenfurt
>> Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft<<
05 Schwarz-blaue Wirtschaftspolitik: auf den Spuren des Ständestaates?
From: Christine Mayrhuber <Christine.Mayrhuber@wifo.ac.at>
Schwarz-blaue Wirtschaftspolitik: auf den Spuren des Ständestaates?
Eine Diskussionsveranstaltung des BEIGEWUM am 9.10. im
Republikanischen Club, Rockhg. 1, 19 Uhr
Die österreichische Bundesregierung hält ihr Wirtschaftspolitik für
modern, das Null-Defizit für alternativlos und Gewerkschaften, laut
Vize-Kanzlerin, für nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Doch manches klingt
ganz unvertraut, gemahnt an die Rhetorik gegen Ende der 1. Republik
und des Ständestaates. Die Diskussionsveranstaltung will die
Parallelen und Unterschiede zwischen aktueller und ständestaatlicher
Wirtschaftspolitik herausarbeiten, aber auch die sich herausbildende
liberal-autoritäre Achse Budapest-Wien-Rom-München - gleichfalls nicht
ohne historische Reminiszenzen - kritisch würdigen. Gefragt werden
soll aber auch nach den möglichen Alternativen.
Es diskutieren:
Gerhard Senft, a.o. Prof. am Institut für Wirtschafts- und
Sozialgeschichte der WU Wien
Joachim Becker, a.o. Prof. am Institut für Volkswirtschaftstheorie und
-politik der WU Wien
06 International Conference for youth women and AIDS prevention
in Africa
From: verein-ahda <verein-ahda@chello.at>
for youth
and AIDS
prevention in Africa
Venue: , Türkenstrasse 31/15, A-1090 Wien, Austria, Tel: +43.9610673 ,
Information contents:
1. Hiv/Aids outline
2. Development Project in Africa outline
3. Specific topics the conference deligate will work on
4. Agenda
5. Accommodation
6. Important information
7. Contact details
8. Useful web link
9. Registration form
AIDS has reached pandemic levels and continues to spread in many African
countries. It is negatively impacting Africa's advance in its
political and cultural development. HIV/AIDS also is arresting and even
reversing some of the significant gains Africa has made in health, child
and the life expectancy of its people. Efforts to both prevent the further
escalation of HIV and to mitigate its impact on the individual, family and
community levels have had mixed results in the region. There are some
reported areas of success, such as reduction in mother to child transmission
But in many countries the overall situation shows little or very slow
Sub-saharan Africa is witnessing an increasing number of infected and
children. Thus the theme of this conference Children and AIDS: Challenges
Strategies to Cope is particularly apt. The conference is a call for Africa
undertake a critical appraisal of its HIV/AIDS priorities and re-focus
interventions and strategies to stop HIV/AIDS among and on behalf of our
children, the next generation.
The purpose of the Conference is to critically review our continued
efforts in understanding and responding to the challenges posed by the
pandemic and to ensure that its myriad negative affects on children are
and to develop a concept for Africa union. The coming into force of the
constitutive act of the African Union, a month after the 36th instrument of
ratification is deposited, will not dispel all the doubts that assailed the
diplomatic community these past few months. Observers note that in this
perspective, the African Union will bring about a salutary revolution in
usage "if, instead of the affective, geographical, political, gender or
rotation criteria
prevailing so far, priority is henceforth given to other channels."
"It will, for example, benefit from recognised competence if, under the
of the Pan-African Parliament, it systematically imposes a democratic
on all its future candidates, based on a declaration of faith, effective
and acquired experience."
for us to hosting this meeting in Vienna is an important contribution
Africa's search for a new beginning on the path to peace and sustainable
developmentThe Dakar, Senegal Summit holds a great promise for Africa's
peoples - the promise that it will be remembered for launching the African
and setting the continent as a whole on a firm path to peace and development
however, Africa must reject the ways of the past, and commit itself to
building a
future of democratic governance subject to the rule of law.We do hope that
programme for the Conference which will be out soon will meet the
expectations of the region and result in spreading the vision to achieve a
and more productive Africa, free from the threat of AIDS..
But this promise will not be realized easily. Unless it is pursued with
determination by Africans, Africa's leaders at the beginning of the 21st
century, it
will not succeed.
This historic effort will require leadership, courage and a willingness to
depart from
the ways of the past, if it is to do for Africa what the European Union has
done for
Europe. That, Excellencies, should be our aim - to rebuild, as Europe did,
after a
series of devastating wars, uniting across old divisions to build a
characterized by peace, cooperation, economic progress, and the rule of law.
The obstacles we will have to overcome in realizing this aim are immense.
are the product of geography or of a history stretching back over centuries.
Others are the result of political and economic mismanagement over recent
decades. And today, we face a new one: a deadly disease that haunts our
and threatens to rob our continent of its most precious resource - our
Fortunately, the impact and threat of HIV-AIDS is becoming apparent to every
leader in every society.AIDS is today the primary cause of death in Africa.
The total number of Africans living today with HIV or AIDS is now believed
be more than 25 million. Africa is home to nearly 70% of adults and 80% of
children living with HIV in the world, and has buried three-quarters of the
than 20 million worldwide who have died of AIDS since the epidemic
disease is all around us -- within our communities, our families, our
homes -- and
it will defeat our best efforts at peace and development unless we defeat it
shall not defeat AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, or any of the other infectious
that plague Africa until we have also won the battle for basic health care,
drinking water, and sanitation.We shall not defeat them until we have also
malnutrition, and overcome the ignorance of basic precautions which leaves
many poor people exposed to infection. Essential, therefore, to curing these
ills is
a sustainable process of economic growth and broad-based development.
>From the genocide in Rwanda to the conflict in Sudan to the tensions in
our continent is living with the most devastating consequences of racism and
intolerance. While Africa and Africans have suffered terribly in the past
centuries from slavery and colonialism, and people of African descent still
discrimination in many societies, we cannot hide the fact that today some of
own societies are also disfigured by ethnic hatred and violence.
I do hope that the programme for the Conference will meet the wide-ranging
expectations of the region and result in spreading the vision to achieve a
and more productive Africa, free from the threat of AIDS.
2. Development Project in Africa outline
3. Specific topics the conference deligate will work on
.The role and Challenges of women and youth in comating the sread of
.Strategies for comating the sread of HIV/AIDS in Africa from Awareness, to
action plan,to program implementation
.Children and AIDS: Challenges and Strategies
.Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in the African Region
.The epidemiology of HIV/AIDS and types; Factors driving the epidemic,
HIV/AIDS surveillance
.HIV/AIDS Prevention Strategies
-Roles of policy makers in combating the spread of HIV/AIDS
.Roles of Parents and Community Leaders
.Recommendations/Suggested Solutions
.Integrating HIV/AIDS control into health care
.Home based care and surport for people Living HIV/AIDS using Traditional
herbal medicine
.Strategies for improving media reporting of HIV/AIDS and repreoductive
health in Africa
.The role of concepte Africa Union on HIV/AIDS Prevention and impact on
development ,peace,stabilityand democracy
.HIV and prostitution rates
.HIV/AIDS and Westen strategies on Developing Counties
.mobilization against HIV/AIDS through religious leaders, sports men and
women, opinion leaders in rural and urban centers
.Peace, -Stability and Democracy
.Vicious cycle of poverty Recommendations/Suggested Solutions
.Micro-Economy,Drainage resources,cost of production
.Industrial,Decreased output time, decreased productivity andPsychological
effect on workers
.War situations,Regional migration and Socio-economic effect onTourism
.political commitment and the form of Electoral representative in the union
.Involvement of NGOs and Private sectors
.Strategies allocate of financial and other resources for the implementation
the Union
4. Agenda
DAY ONE 27 OCT 2001
Registration starts 0800. Meeting starts 0930. Meeting will close 1900.
1. Registration
2. Welcome address by the President of AHDA in Austria
3. Adoption of agenda
4. General information
5. Presentation of papers /Plenary session
*Christian Fiala MD
Member of the South African Presidential Aids Advisory Panel
6. Workshops:1
.The role and Challenges of women and youth in comating the sread of
.Strategies for comating the sread of HIV/AIDS in Africa from Awareness,
to action plan,to program implementation
.Children and AIDS: Challenges and Strategies
.Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in the African Region
.The epidemiology of HIV/AIDS and types; Factors driving the epidemic,
HIV/AIDS surveillance
.HIV/AIDS Prevention Strategies
.Roles of policy makers in combating the spread of HIV/AIDS
.Roles of Parents and Community Leaders
.Recommendations/Suggested Solutions
.Integrating HIV/AIDS control into health care
.Home based care and surport for people Living HIV/AIDS using
Traditional herbal medicine
.Peace, -Stability and Democracy
.Vicious cycle of poverty Recommendations/Suggested Solutions
.Micro-Economy,Drainage resources,cost of production
.Industrial,Decreased output time, decreased productivity and Psychological
effect on workers
.War situations,Regional migration and Socio-economic effect onTourism
.political commitment and the form of Electoral representative in the union
.Involvement of NGOs and Private sectors
.Strategies allocate of financial and other resources for the implementation
the Union
. Summary
DAY TWO - 28 OCT 2001
Meeting starts 0900. Meeting will close 1800.
1. Keynote address
2. General information
4. Plenary session
5. Workshops:1
.Strategies for improving media reporting of HIV/AIDS and repreoductive
health in Africa
.The role of concepte Africa Union on HIV/AIDS Prevention and impact on .
development ,peace,stabilityand democracy
.HIV and prostitution rates
.HIV/AIDS and Westen strategies on Developing Counties
.mobilization against HIV/AIDS through religious leaders, sports men and
women, opinion leaders in rural and urban centers
.Reports from workshops, summary
.Adoption of final report
5. Accommodation
List of Hotels in Vienna
Hotel-Pension Ziper Hotel Goldener Bar
8, Lange Gasse 49 9 Turkenstrasse 27
Tel: 0043/1/404540 Tel:0043.1. 3175111.0
Fax: 4085266/13
Hotel Nordbahn Best Western Hotel Beethoven
2, Prater Strasse 72 6 Millockergrasse 6
Tel: 0043.1.21130.0 Tel:0043.1. 5874482
Fax:0043.1. 21130/72 Fax: 0043.1.5874442
Hotel Auhof Pension Schonbrunn
13 Auhofstrasse 205 12 Schonbrunner Schlobstrasse 30
Tel/Fax: 0043-1-8775289 Tel: 0043.1.8155027.0
Fax:0043.1. 8155027-300
Please, note: It is recommended that you make reservations as soon as
possible, as oct is a busy time in Vienna.
6. Important information
Who can attend the meeting?
- The meeting is open to all Africa Ngos,medical expert and all other
Ngos regardless of nationality, place of birth and language. persons who
do not represent a specific NGO, are urged to seek representation on
behalf of her/his community where she/he lives.
What if I need a visa?
- If you need a visa to enter Austria (find out from your Foreign
please contact Ihueghian Victor (see information details below) as soon as
possible for an invitation letter.
How do I register for the meeting?
- Enclosed you will find a registration form, which you are asked to fill in
submit by mail as soon as possible. For practical purposes it is important
you register by Sep.2001
Is there a registration fee?
- Registering and attending the meeting fee is $25. Coffee, tea and
will be available free of charge throughout the meeting. All meals must be
purchased and paid by the individual attendee. Arrangements should be made
by dividual with the hoteler for a suitable places to buy lunch and dinner.
Can I submit papers?
- Attendees are encouraged to submit papers, recommendations, outlines etc.
as contributions to the meeting discussions. Please, send your written entry
ahda@chello.at by .Sep 2001
Papers will be compiled and duplicated (should not exceed 12 pages each),
and made available for the meeting. It is important that your contribution
is in
line with the topics chosen for the meeting above. If the Coordinating
does not find your paper to be of specific relevance, you will be asked to
facilitate your own copies. The Coordinating Committee also reserves the
to decide which papers will be presented at the meeting.
Which language will the meeting be held in?
- The meeting language will be English. However, we will try our best to
accommodate translation needs. If you have specific translation needs or
inquiries, please contact Ihueghian Victor (see information details below)
soon as possible.
How can I get more information on Vienna?
- You can find information and city plan about Vienna at this website:
How can I convert Austrian prices to my currency?
To convert to Austrian currency (ATS), go to the Universal Currency
Converter: http://www.xe.net/ucc/
7.For more information:
For all inquiries concerning the meeting in Vienna, please, get in touch
Ihueghian Victor and the rest of the staff at Association for Human Rights
and Democracy in Africa (AHDA)
Mr. Ihueghian Victor, Director of AHDA:
Tel: (+43) 1-961-0672 or (+43) 1-961-0673
Mobile: (+43) 1-676-366-9409
Mail: ahda@chello.at
comments, questions or requests
If you have comments, questions or requests related to the International
Conference for youth ,women and AIDS prevention in Africa+concepte
Africa Union, the Vienna meeting or beyond - write to our e-mail.
8.Useful web link
For useful information HIV/AIDS please go to the webs
9. Registration form
If you do not represent a specific NGO, please indicate whether you
will participate as representative for a community or group:
Postal address:
Country of residence:
Country (countries) of origin:
Fax Nr:
Specific dietary needs:
Translation needs:
Contact Ihueghian Victor for all practical details concerning the meeting
in Vienna:AHDA
Association for human Rights and Democracy in Africa
Tel: (+43) 1-9610672
Mobile: 0043-676-3008496
Fax. (+43) 1-9610672
Mail: ahda@chello.at
10.Venue:Türkenstrasse 31/15, A-1090 Wien, Austria,Tel:+43 .676.3008596
07 Musik macht Laune!
From: Rawslime <rawslime@gmx.net>
Fr. 14.9 Druzba/KAPU;Kapuzinerstr. 36; 4020 Linz
Musik macht Laune
...ein netter abend bei schunkelmusik
08 Programmprognose
From: Context XXI <contextXXI@mediaweb.at>
Demnächst bei Context XXI Radio zu hören:
Israel, die Linke und der Antisemitismus.
Antizionismus und verkürzte Kapitalismuskritik.
Montag 17.09.2001, 13 Uhr auf Radio Orange 94.0 in Wien
& Radio Helsinki 92,6 in Graz
Montag 17.09.2001, 23 Uhr auf Radio Agora 105.5 in Klagenfurt
Mittwoch 19.09.2001, 18 Uhr auf Radio FRO 105,0 in Linz
lg context XXI
Context XXI
Zeitschrift - Radio - Internet
Schottengasse 3a/1/4/59
A-1010 Wien
Fon: +43-1/535 11 06
Fax: +43-1/532 74 16
Das Probeabo: die nächsten drei Ausgaben kostenlos und unverbindlich.
Es erfolgt keine automatische Verlängerung - Sie werden lediglich zur
Fortsetzung im Normalabo eingeladen!
Es gibt keine Öffentlichkeiten, es sei denn wir bilden sie!
Für Freie Medien! Jetzt!
09 Soli-Aktionen in europa
From: <hx65@dial.pipex.com> <abcluxembourg@hushmail.com>
Hamburg, den 07.09.2001
Izolasyon Iskencesine Karsi Mücadele Komitesi
Komitee gegen Isolationshaft
Comitee for Struggle against Torture through Isolation
tel/ fax.:0049 / 40 / 28053625 Adr.: Kreuzweg 12 - 20099 Hamburg
Kontoverbindung; Postbank/ Hamburg Kto-Nr: 79 966 205 BLZ: 200 100
Internet.: www.noisolation.de E-Mail.: noisolation@ninebyte.de
Das ganze Land ist ein F-Typ!
Arzu Güler: TAYAD Angehörige. Im 98. Tag ihres Todesfastens.
Resit Sari: TAYAD Angehöriger. Im 271 Tag seines Todesfastens.
Abdulbari Yusufoglu: TAYAD Angehöriger. Begann seinen Hungerstreik in
Izmir und setzt ihn nun am 124. Tag in Armutlu fort.
Zeynep Arikan: Von der ersten Gruppe der Todesfastenden. Nach ihrer
bedingten Freilassung setzt sie ihr Todesfasten in Armutlu seit 323
Tagen fort.
Ümüs Sahingöz: Von der ersten Gruppe der Todesfastenden. Nach
bedingten Freilassung setzt sie ihr Todesfasten nun in Armutlu seit
Tagen fort.
Madimak Özen: Nach der Zwangsernährung kam sie erneut zu Bewußsein.
Hiernach begann sie im Krankenhaus erneut mit ihrem Hungerstreik. Nach
ihrer bedingten Freilassung setzt sie ihr Todesfasten nun seit 109
in Armutlu fort.
Gülay Kavak: Nachdem sie nach der Zwangsernährung zu Bewußsein
begann sie erneut mit dem Hungerstreik. Sie befindet sich in Armutlu
seit 68. Tagen im Hungerstreik.
Gamze Turan: Von der 4. Gruppe der Todesfastenden. Nach ihrer
Freilassung setzt sie ihr Todesfasten nun in Armutlu am 146. Tag fort.
Ali Riza Demir: Von der ersten Gruppe der Todesfastenden. Nach seiner
Freilassung setzt er sein Todesfasten nun seit 323. Tagen in Armutlu
Hüseyin Akpinar: Nach der Zwangsernährung und der bedingten
begann er erneut mit dem Hungerstreik in Armutlu. Er befindet sich im
57. Tag seines Hungerstreiks.
Dursun Ali Pekin: Nach der Zwangsernährung und der bedingten
begann er erneut in Armutlu mit seinem Hungerstreik. Er befindet sich
59. Tag seines Hungerstreiks.
Ferhat Ertürk: Nach der Zwangsernährung und der bedingten Freilassung
begann er erneut in Armutlu mit seinem Hungerstreik. Er befindet sich
59. Tag seines Hungerstreiks.
Ulas Bütün: Nach der Zwangsernährung und der bedingten Freilassung
begann er in Armutlu erneut mit dem Hungerstreik. Er befindet sich im
61. Tag seines Hungerstreiks.
Halil Aksu: Nach der Zwangsernährung und der bedingten Freilassung
begann er erneut mit dem Todesfasten und setzt ihn nun am 58. Tag
Özkan Güzel: Nach der Zwangsernährung und der bedingten Freilassung
begann er erneut mit dem Todesfasten. Er befindet sich am 42. Tag des
Nurgül Kayapinar: Nach ihrer Freilassung aus dem Kartal Gefängnis
sie mit der 6. Einheit ihren Hungerstreik. Sie befindet sich am 42.
ihres Todesfastens.
Serkan Günes: TAYAD Angehöriger. Befindet sich am 49. Tag seines
Haydar Bozkurt: Von der 3. Gruppe der Todesfastenden. Nach der
Zwangsernährung und der bedingten Freilassung begann er erneut in
Armutlu mit seinem Hungerstreik. Er befindet sich im
5. Tag seines Hungerstreiks.
Sabri Diri: Von der 4. Gruppe der Todesfastenden. Nach der
Zwangsernährung und der bedingten Freilassung begann er in Alibeyköy
erneut mit dem Hungerstreik. Er befindet sich im 119. Tag seines
Tekin Yildiz: Nach der Zwangsernährung und der bedingten Freilassung
begann er erneut mit dem Todesfasten. Er befindet sich am 49. Tag des
Murat Þahin: Befindet sich am.11.Tag seines Todesfastens.
Aydin Hambayat: Von der 4. Todesfastengruppe. Nach der Entlassung
er sein Todesfasten am 119. Tag fort.
Özlem Durakcan: Von den TAYAD Angehörigen. Begann ihr Todesfasten
Ankara. Befindet sich am 53. Tag ihres Todesfastens.
Ayse Bastimur: Von der ersten Gruppe der Todesfastenden. Nach ihrer
bedingten Freilassung setzt sie ihr Todesfasten in Ankara in einer
Wohnung mit Özlem Durakcan zusammen seit 320 Tagen fort.
Von der 4.Todesfastengruppe. Nach der Zwangsernährung und der
Freilassung begann er in Bursa erneut mit dem Todesfasten. Er
sich am 50.Tag des Todesfastens.
Sükran Sahin: Von den TAYAD Angehörigen. Befindet sich im 38. Tag
Soli- Aktionen in Deutschland
- In Butzbacher gefängnis begann der Gefangener Inan Altun am 15.
einen unbefristeten Hungerstreik, heute 1. 23.Tag,
- In Aachener gefängnis begann der Gefangener Erdogan Cakir am 20.
August einen unbefristeten Hungerstreik, heute 18. Tag,
Soli- Aktionen in Frankreich
Der Gefangener Sefik Sarikaya begann am 27. August einen unberfisteten
Hungerstreik, heute 11. Tag
Soli- Aktionen in Österreich
Am 4. August begann das TAYAD- Komitee in Wien einen 45- tägigen Soli-
Hungerstreik, heute 34. Tag
Tel. 0043 676 307 63 90
Soli- Aktionen in Holland
Am 15. August begann in Rotterdam eine 45- tägige
Solidariätshungerstreik, der z. Zt. in Bergen Op Zoom fortgesetzt
wird,Tel. 0031 614 755 991
Soli-Aktionen in Schweiz
Cemile Ayyildiz, im 60. Tag ihres Widerstandes.
10 "Reaping the whirlwind"
From: trustram/ernstbrunner <hx65@dial.pipex.com>
Artikel von George Galloway im heutigen »Guardian«
Remember, remember the 11th of September. The most dastardly fireworks the
world has ever seen will never be forgotten, either in the United States or
the rest of the world. The massive loss of civilian life - office workers,
school children, hijacked airplane passengers, emergency workers -
represents an unconscionable river of blood, shed by an enemy attack on US
soil for the first time since Pearl Harbour, and is nothing less than a
series of atrocities.
Uncomfortably for Americans, and for ourselves given the umbilical cord
which seems to connect our foreign and military policies, the fact is that
their loss and the massive attack on the US state itself which caused it
will be, privately or publicly, the subject of celebration in many parts of
the world.
In Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and other countries whose
populations are in sympathy with those who have been under remorseless US
bombardment, people will consider the US to have had to swallow some of
their own medicine.
After all, they will say, cruise missiles, apache helicopter gunships,
F16s, smart bombs, depleted uranium bombs and all the other US ordinance
visited by American forces or their Israeli allies on "rogue states"
scant regard to the fate of the civilians amongst whom they exploded. When
an American official yesterday said there had been "an act of war carried
out by madmen", many could recognise the sentiments very well.
But who has belled the cat? Who possesses the motive and the ability to
carry out an attack of this gravity? This is the question which now grips
When Israel, America's auxiliary, assassinated Abu Ali Mustafa, the
political leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in
Ramallah a few weeks ago, they used an American missile fired from a
US-supplied helicopter gunship. Amidst the wreckage, the slain leader's
comrades vowed revenge against not just Israel but its supplier.
Speculation that the PFLP - no stranger to well-coordinated guerrilla
actions, as the orchestral destruction of civilian airliners in Jordan's
1970 Black September showed - was responsible for this bloody September is
inevitable. But the sheer scale and professionalism of this crime points
away from them. They are a Damascus-based hole-in-the-corner group whose
worldwide network long ago atrophied.
The former western protege Osama bin Laden, recruited, armed and initially
financed by the US to bleed the Russian bear white with his "mujahedeen",
is a much more likely culprit. Bin Laden has the money, the messianic
fervour, the worldwide network and, as the embassy bombs in Nairobi and Dar
es Salaam demonstrated, the logistical capability for such an operation. He
is already under sentence of death, a warrant which was almost carried out
when President Clinton launched a blizzard of cruise missiles on a base in
the Afghan mountains first built for Bin Laden with CIA dollars. He fears
nothing, believing his place in Paradise is already booked. He also has men
and materiel in the US.
Today's Taleban, the protectors of Bin Laden, are the sons of those US and
UK-supported holy warriors once eulogised for their role in defeating the
USSR. They in turn are protected by the military government of General
Musharaf, the self-declared president of Pakistan. The Pakistani military
have long enjoyed the largesse of the Pentagon and the State Department -
the same departments still smouldering from enemy attack.
On the first weekend of this month I attended, as a guest speaker, the vast
convention of the Islamic Society of North America, many millions strong -
they claim 7m Muslim adherents in the US alone. Thirty thousand people
attended the Chicago convention, most of them second generation US citizens
who, but for their Islamic garb, were indistinguishable from other young
people in the American patchwork quilt. Drinking Coke, driving Chevvies,
chewing gum. And nursing their wrath.
The vast majority of those attending were non-violent religious people,
well mindful of the total Islamic injunction against the targeting of
civilians in times of conflict. But many were brimful of bitterness at the
US role in the world, especially its responsibility for the slaughter of
the innocents in Iraq - more than a million dead, most of them children -
through sanctions and almost constant bombardment, along with the
diplomatic financial and military blank cheque drawn on the US government
and in the hands of Ariel Sharon.
Earlier this year, speaking in the House of Commons against the son of star
wars national missile defence, I said that the danger to the US lay not in
the chimera of "rogue states" launching intercontinental ballistic
at the world's only superpower, but in the terrorist's bomb in the boot of
his American car, the chemical weapon unloaded on the longshore of the East
River, the little man with the big rage ready to trade his life for many of
Tony Blair was right to abandon his TUC speech and return to Downing Street
and the closing down of the London Stock Exchange was no over-reaction.
When the US flag burns in the dust of third world street demonstrations,
our own is usually not far behind. So closely has Mr Blair tied us to the
sinews of the US war machine, it is inconceivable that some representative
of the enragés of the earth is not planning revenge on us.
Although the paraphernalia of Guy Fawkes night seems essentially trivial,
in truth it marks nearly 400 years on the earthshaking importance of the
blow the conspirators sought to deal the state from the bowels of
Westminster. A terrible vengence against Fawkes's fellow believers
followed. This challenge, to the hitherto untrammelled ability of the US to
deal out death and destruction and a pax americana, is why this bloody
September too will be always remembered.
When the flames are dampened down and the dust from this day which shook
the world settles, we will find that, though the US has legions of enemies
in the world, it will turn out to have sustained this devastating wound
from the enemy within.
George Galloway is Labour MP for Glasgow Kelvin and a columnist for the
Scottish Mail on Sunday
11 Indymedia-NYC article (english)
From: Claudia Volgger <aon.964446421@aon.at>
von: aktuell@nadir.org
Indymedia-NYC article (english)
Ort : USA
Datum: 12.09.2001
Die USA wird angegriffen - Deutsche Politiker halluzinieren die
Nach den irrsinnigen Anschlägen in NYC und Washington DC, nutzen deutsche
Politiker dies, um vom "deutschen Volk" zu reden, welches jetzt als
"ganzes" trauert und hinter "seiner" Regierung steht, wenn
diese die
üblichen Betroffenheitsfloskeln verlautbaren lässt. Im folgenden
dokumentieren wir 3 Artikel von indymedia-NYC.
NYC Apocalypse: Fallout spreads from Manhattan to Kabul
by Ana Nogueira 6:27pm Tue Sep 11 '01 (Modified on 10:13pm Tue Sep 11 '01)
Downtown Manhattan looks like a scene from an apocalypse movie. Huge clouds
of dust
and debris cover the streets and block out the sun, police cars and
ambulances screaming
up and down the streets carrying the injured have broken windows from
falling debris
landing on top of them, and crowds of people are filing out of the city on
foot across the
59th street bridge. Images of people jumping out of the top levels of the
110-story World
Trade Center in order to escape the flames will never escape the memories of
Yorkers on their way to work this day.
"It was like a nuclear winter," said one clerk who works in the stock
Following the shocking collapse of the Twin Towers of the World Trade
Center, New
York City is under a "terrorist state of alert". Two hijacked passenger
flights carrying a
total of 157 people flew straight into the towers causing massive explosions
morning at 8:45 and 9:03 respectively, ultimately resulting in the complete
demolition of
these Manhattan signature buildings and symbols of the world financial
system. The
impact of the blasts also caused the neighboring American Express building
to collapse,
and later, the 50-story WTC building #7.
Minutes after the attacks against the WTC, the Pentagon in Washington D.C.
was hit by
another hijacked passenger airplane. A passenger plane destined for the West
Coast reversed course over Ohio and subsequently crashed near Pittsburgh,
The plane's possible target is unknown. It is unclear whether the plane was
pre-emptively shot down or crashed on its own.
The death toll of these dramatic events is still unknown. In a press
conference this
afternoon, Mayor Giuluiani would not speculate but warned that the numbers
"would be
more than anyone can bear." There are more than 1500 "walking wounded"
in makeshift medical triages around the city, 600 in hospitals and 200
additional victims in
critical condition. Many of the wounded and suspected fatalities include
medical staff and
firefighters who were at the base of the WTC before the buildings collapsed.
The island of Manhattan has essentially been shut down, with subways and
some bridges
closed. Stock exchanges have closed and will remain closed tomorrow. Markets
plummeting across the world.
Nonetheless, people on the streets are relatively calm, cooperative and
voluteering their
help in any way possible. There is a "dangerously low" supply of blood
the hospitals,
doctors say. But the lines outside the doors for blood donations are so long
that people
are being told to come back later. Lumber workers are delivering massive
amounts of
wood as impromptly organized groups of citizens shape them into make-shift
Others are preparing to help clear the rubble once the area is deemed safe
from further
explosions. At the moment the most precarious issue is that of the gas pipes
the island's financial center, which have not yet been turned off.
Who's to Blame?
No one has yet claimed responsibility but top-level U.S. fingers as well as
those of people
on the street are already pointing to Osama bin Laden, Islamic
fundamentalists and
pro-Palestinian rights groups. All accused groups have denied
responsibility, but in the
town of Nablas within Palestinian territories, thousands came out on the
streets to
celebrate the attacks.
Many on the streets said they were shocked, but not surprised. One woman who
saw the
plane dive into the tower from her apartment said "there are so many people
angry at the
United States, and the Bush administration is just flaunting its policies in
their faces all the
time. I'm not surprised."
Brandon Gates, a student at Apex technical School agreed. "I hate to say
but the U.S. is
all about greed and money. How do you expect somebody to give you respect
when your
back yard isnt clean, especially when you take from every other country to
supply your
own country. But it is really sad that all these people died. it is sad that
the U.S. can't just
give people back their land and instead it has to come to this."
What's the Response?
Nine hours after the attacks, there are reports that Kabul, Afghanistan has
been bombed,
possibly by U.S and/or NATO forces. NATO had an emergency meeting this
morning to
plan a response.
Isreali Prime Minister Shimon Peres says that this is a turning point in the
undeclared war with Arabs and that the attack was a declaration of war
against the whole
world and 'we must go through with it all the way'. (CNN).
The United States is under a THREATCON DELTA level of alert, which is a
state of war
and does not preclude the use of nuclear weapons. According to radio
reports, President
Bush has said that his finger is on the button.
Response to Bush's Speech
by christopher mitchell 9:47pm Tue Sep 11 '01 (Modified on 2:21am Wed Sep 12
When everyone is free, no one will die from government terrorism, or
terrorism against the government. Today I mourn an extra few thousand extra
victims from an unjust society than on the average day.
Response to Bush Speech
This is a response to the speech given by George Bush on Tuesday night
following the devastating attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
Bush begins by claiming that "our" freedom and way of life came under
in the United States. He is quite right on the second point and somewhat off
in the first point. Clearly, "our" way of life is under attack. New
could be considered the heart of global capitalism and the Pentagon the
heart of its defense. Consider the following quote by noted pundit on global
capitalism, Thomas Freidman,
For globalization to work, America can't be afraid to act like the almighty
superpower that it is. The hidden hand of the market will never work without
a hidden fist. McDonald's cannot flourish without McDonald-Douglas, the
designer of the F-15, and the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for
Silicon Valley's technology is called the United States Army, Air Force,
Navy and Marine Corps.
Unfortunately for most of the world, globalization means increased poverty,
environmental destruction and decreased hope for a brighter future.
The United States Government has long meted out punishments to people across
the globe. Whether it be by direct bombing campaigns (Iraq, Yugoslavia,
Sudan, Afghanistan most recently) or by supplying weapons to aggressor
nations (Turkey, Indonesia, Colombia, Israel all come to mind), it is
directly involved in the death and destruction of innocents daily. The
policies dictated by organizations heavily influenced by the U.S. (IMF,
World Bank, WTO) also plunder people across the globe by forcing countries
to privatize resources and slash social spending to pay back old debts. It
appears to be payback time.
Perhaps the perpetrators were angry white men who have been deluded into
fearing an international Jewish conspiracy. Perhaps these acts of terror
were created by the religious fundamentalism fueled by people living in
miserable conditions looking for any way out. We may find out who and why in
the near future. We may not.
At any rate, Bush is serious when he says "our" way of life is under
Unless there is a significant reversal of global capitalism and its habit of
rewarding the few with the spoils of the great many, these sort of attacks
will continue.
Increase the NSA budget, give the CIA more power, quadruple the number of
FBI agents. There will still be attacks against the United States because
there are far too many people without hope. Whether it be angry white kids
from rural areas who erroneously blame new immigrants for the old problems
of capitalism or groups from abroad striking at American military might,
attacks like this will continue.
The American way of life: cheap t-shirts from SouthEast Asia and South
America, 2 refrigerators and 4 TV sets in each household eating up more
wattage per house than typical villages anywhere else in the world,
electricity provided by burning oil from friendly despots in the Middle
East, and 3 cars per every 2 people opening holes in the Ozone layer. These
things must change.
Bush romanticizes the United States' relationship to freedom. The United
States did not invent freedom. It comes with being human. The United States
when founded, simply oppressed certain colors of people in certain classes
slightly less than other governments were known to. A tradition that largely
continues today. Ask Arab-American citizens how they felt about their
freedom here in the U.S. following the Oklahoma City bombing. Ask them how
they feel about it when they walk into an airport. Ask anyone living in any
large urban area how they feel when they see a police cruiser drive by. Ask
women walking alone at night. The freedom that Bush knows is only shared by
thin minority in this society.
The attacks against the World Trade Center and Pentagon are not necessarily
a strike against freedom. Attacks on global capitalism and militarism are
pro-freedom. The loss of life associated with them is tragic and cannot be
considered pro-freedom. It is not collateral damage. It is tragic and it is
unnecessary. As the Praska Anarchist Group said: "Innocent people never
deserve to die for their country or because of their country." However,
peaceful change is perceived as impossible, some groups turn to violence.
What happens when tens of thousands are people are beaten and gassed in
Seattle for non-violently blockading the streets and that brutality is
supposedly justified by less than 100 people breaking windows? Some people
begin to question non-violence. What happens when every time people try to
protest an unfair electoral process and their media centers and puppet
making facilities are destroyed and occupants arrested? Some people turn to
violence. When non-violent change is perceived as impossible, people react
Some say look to Martin Luther King, Jr for inspiration. I say look at what
the United States government did to him. Look at how the FBI tried to
convince him to commit suicide. Look at their harassment of him and everyone
close to him. Look at his assassination. The deaths of these innocents are
directly attributable to the United States government which not only
enforces an unjust status quo, it is also refuses to respond to nonviolent
pressure to change.
Violence in this society is a result of the ruling class. It is a result of
an unjust society. It is a result of a too few with too much and too many
toiling too hard for too little. It is the result of a society that places
such high values on material things and too little on humans. It is a result
of capitalism. It is a result of the violence inherent in the state. It is a
result of building prisons faster than public schools.
So long as the United States is the guarantor of global capitalism, it will
be a target of those suffering from it. The governments of the world and the
system of global capitalism are responsible for violence. They maintain an
intolerable status quo.
When everyone is free, no one will die from government terrorism, or
terrorism against the government. Today I mourn an extra few thousand extra
victims from an unjust society than on the average day.
A Massive Intelligence Failure
by Daniel Hopsicker 9:19pm Tue Sep 11 '01
address: Slidell, LA phone: 941.416.3734 econtv@earthlink.net
"There will be many people asking tonight," he stated, right over
the public
airwaves, "just what it is we are getting for all those tens of billions
dollars being spent on intelligence."
A Massive Intelligence Failure
Amidst the carnage and horror of today's attack on America there can be room
in our hearts right now only for prayers for the dead and compassion for the
living, hundreds of whom, we are beginning to learn, have bodies completely
and massively burned from head to toe.
When Peter Jennings impatiently dismissed an ABC Pentagon analyst's foray
into theorizing about possible declarations of war, I cheered him-for
once-for rightly insisting that Grief precede Retribution.
But we all know this will very quickly change.
For myself, I cannot get out of my mind the image of an anonymous man in
white pants dangling out the window of the 97th (or so) floor of one of the
Twin Towers. We couldn't
even see his face, because of the distance and the smoke, and for once I was
grateful for an MTV-like shaky-cam effect that had more to do with the
honest human emotions of an
anonymous cameraman than any postmodern cinegraphic trendiness.
I didn't want to know too much about that dangling man in white pants. He
was soon to be dead. And I didn't want any close-ups of his face showing
with horrifying detail whether he already knew it.
But as the acrid smoke of burning flesh lifts there will be more than a
whiff of Revenge in the air. And before the finger of retribution begins
pointing "over there," I want to point mine in another direction--
something over here.
Surprisingly, NBC anchor Brian Williams-yes, he of the oft-remarked
unnatural tan-gave voice to it first.
"There will be many people asking tonight," he stated, right over
the public
airwaves, "just what it is we are getting for all those tens of billions
dollars being spent on intelligence."
Here here.
("The only real news you get about anything really big," stated a
of my acquaintance, "comes in the first 24 hours, before they can get the
cover-up mechanism in
So, before I forget, I'd like to send a bottle of Man Tan over to Brian
Williams' table, for blurting a truth on national television.
After writing a recent book about the tawdry corruption surrounding the
career of one of America's most famous CIA agents, who was also and not
coincidentally the most successful drug smuggler in history, I feel
compelled to blurt out a similar question...
Has the endemic corruption in our national intelligence services contributed
to-or even in some sense been responsible for-leaving us helpless before
this national tragedy?
Could the truth really be as sordid as a statement I heard from a former NSA
operative about the huge US intelligence operation in South America called
Operation Condor?
"Operation Condor was the result of years of careful planning designed
take over an entire hemisphere," he had stated, matter-of-factly, "the
conquest and then plundering of an entire, nearly virgin, continent, for the
benefit of the American intelligence operatives involved in the
Anyone who has brushed up against the minions of this nation's clandestine
services these past few decades cannot have failed to notice their
pocket-lining preoccupation with
gunrunning and massive financial fraud; the unpunished looting of America's
Savings and Loans, to cite one example.
Not to mention the narcotics trafficking. (Paging Colin Powell; pick up a
white courtesy telephone in the Lima Aero Porto, please.)
Did the cretins with an obsession to increase their market share in the
illicit narcotics industry-Plan Colombia, to give it its formal name-keep
them from doing the job we are
all paying them to do?
Are the guardians of our country's national security apparatus too
preoccupied these days with looting the system to waste their time on
drudgery which doesn't positively affect their Cayman Island's accounts?
The brutal reality of American life entering the 21st Century was faced
almost 2000 years ago by the citizens of Rome, when they looked with despair
at the corrupt and swaggering Praetorian Guard which had made a mockery of
their once-proud Republic, and asked out loud the question that echoes down
to us across the centuries...
"Who will guard the guards?"
In one of the ironies of which history is so full, two days ago the New York
Times ran an article headlined "The Bin Laden Movie: Oh Those Wicked Arabs!"
Hey, I'm human. As our pitifully inadequate President might pitifully put
it, "I'd like to kick some Arab ass" too.
But as I sit in front of my television with the rest of my countrymen today,
I am thinking about none of that; I am riveted in horror, as you are, while
I watch helplessly, wondering if the cameras caught that man in white pants
on the 97th floor loosen his grip on the ledge, and
free-fall 100 stories, like so much human confetti.
Daniel Hopsicker is the author of "Barry & 'the boys;' The CIA, the
Mob &
Secret History."
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12 wwnews Digest #315
From: Fiona Canina <fiona.canina@aon.at>
From: "Gary Wilson" <gary@wwpublish.com>
Subject: [WW] Fw: [IAC] IAC Statement on Events of Sept. 11, 2001
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 23:57:18 -0400
Statement from the International Action Center on Events of
September 11, 2001
This statement was written from New York City.
Everyone here has been deeply affected by today's events.
The International Action Center extends its most heartfelt
sympathies and condolences to all those who have lost loved
ones today as well as the thousands of workers who were in
lower Manhattan today.
While at this moment thousands of families are in mourning
for the death and injuries of loved ones, the Bush
administration is taking advantage of the tragic human toll
to strengthen the forces of repression while intensifying
the Pentagon's war drive, especially in the Middle East.
Arab and Muslim peoples in the United States are reporting
that they are facing racist harassment in their communities,
on their jobs and at mosques. Anti-Arab racism is a poison
that should be repudiated. We call on all people who oppose
racism to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Arab-American
community in the face of this reactionary frenzy.
After the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City
in 1995, the U.S. government and media were quick to
speculate that Arab and Islamic organizations were
responsible; but as everyone now knows, extreme right-wing
Army veteran Timothy McVeigh was to blame.
New War Danger
The International Action Center urges all anti-war activists
and progressive people to remain on the highest alert in
opposing the Bush administration and the Pentagon's plans to
use this crisis as the springboard for a new round of
aggression in the Third World, especially against the people
of the Middle East.
In August 1998, the Pentagon delivered murderous cruise
missile air strikes against a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan
without any evidence, supposedly in retaliation for the
bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Kenya. The cruise missiles
destroyed the Al Shifa Pharmaceutical factory that provided
most of Sudan's medicines. Thousands of African people
perished as a direct result of the Pentagon's bombing.
President Ronald Reagan ordered the invasion of Grenada in
the Caribbean shortly after a truck bomb exploded at a U.S.
Marine Corps base in Lebanon in 1983. Under Bush senior,
over 2,000 Panamanians were killed in the middle of the
night on Christmas Eve in 1989 under the pretext of the war
on drugs.
In 1986, after pointing a finger at Syria, Iran and several
Palestinian organizations for an explosion at a discothèque
in Germany, U.S. aircraft bombed Tripoli and Benzagi in
Libya. Hundreds of civilians, including children, died in
their sleep as the U.S. Air Force carried out this nighttime
sneak attack.
We ask activists and the people of this country to be ready
to protest new Pentagon aggression in the coming period.
The Bush administration will use this current crisis as a
means to justify a further expansion of the Pentagon's war
budget at the expense of money for housing, education,
health care, jobs and other human needs.
Danger of More State Repression
Throughout the country, the military, FBI and local police
authorities are now sealing off large urban areas,
blockading bridges, tunnels and roads, and mobilizing a
massive presence of police and the National Guard. All this
reveals an advanced stage of planning for domestic
repression that can be used against the progressive and
labor movements, and the Black, Latino, Asian, Arab and
other oppressed communities.
All the more reason to resist the current efforts to
strengthen police measures under cover of the present
Build Solidarity
The people of New York City and the country cannot allow the
Bush administration and the Pentagon to play on their
genuine feelings of shock and disbelief to stir reaction and
strengthen the forces of repression. This will not help the
working and oppressed people of this or any country.
The only way to respond to today's events is to extend
solidarity to the families and friends of those who perished
or who were injured at the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon; build global solidarity with people around the
world struggling against war, poverty and exploitation; and
deepen the movement to protest new Pentagon aggression.
Send replies to iacenter@action-mail.org
13 US War Budget (and Israel's War)
From: clandestino <clandestino@chello.at>
US War Budget (and Israel's War)
Hi all,
This illuminating piece was sent me a few days ago by activist Donna
Spiegelman, who is a New Profile supporter.
In this context, you can see why Bush needs the war between Israel
and the Palestinians to keep going...
Wanted: Enemy to Justify $344 Billion War Budget
Ben Cohen, AlterNet
September 4, 2001
You may know some despicable characters, but are they mean enough to apply
for this job posting?
ENEMY WANTED. Serious enemy needed to justify
Pentagon budget increase. Defense contractors
desperate. Interested enemies send letter and photo
or video (threatening, ok) to Enemy Search
Committee, Priorities Campaign, 1350 Broadway, NY,
NY, 10018.
Here's the deal: We know our politicians have their work cut out for them.
They need to find an enemy to justify maintaining the Pentagon budget as
if the Cold War never ended. But the pool of credible enemies is
North Korea is even going diplomatic. The Soviets took themselves out of
the running years ago. And countries like Iraq -- or tough looking trading
partners like China -- don't make the cut.
So, I am distributing a job description as widely as possible to help our
politicians find the enemy they seek. Even with the help of defense
contractors -- who spend $50 million on lobbyists annually -- our
politicians do not possess the creativity to find the right adversary.
It's clear that the old concept of enemy doesn't work anymore.
The trouble is the Defense Department needs to find an enemy in a hurry.
The Bush Administration has proposed to increase Pentagon spending
by $33 billion, the largest defense increase since the Cold War.
This inexplicable proposal is under attack by children's advocates, who
would rather use the $33 billion earmarked for the Pentagon to begin
modernizing our crumbling public schools and to buy health insurance for
millions of U.S. kids and Head Start for the one-third of eligible children
who can't get in because it's under-funded.
As pressure mounts to pay for these domestic programs -- and the size of
the projected surplus shrinks -- defense contractors and the Pentagon PR
machine, including their legion of liaisons on Capitol hill, are getting
nervous. Meanwhile, high tech airplanes crash inexplicably, Star Wars
tests miss their targets, and the budget crunch in Congress looms.
All of this raises questions, questions, questions:
- Why does the Pentagon need a budget of $344 billion
- which would be over three times as much as the combined defense
spending of Russia, China, and America's potential adversaries (Cuba,
Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria)? And this does
include not the over $200 billion spent by U.S. allies annually on
- How do Congress and the President know how much money the Pentagon needs
when it can't pass a financial audit -- despite legal obligations to do
so? Without audited books, the President and Congress do not know for
certain what the Pentagon has and what it really needs.
- Why does the federal government want to spend $344 billion on the
Pentagon, when the federal government currently spends
only $42 billion on education, $26 billion on affordable housing,
$6 billion on Head Start, and only $1 billion on school construction?
it appear that our national priorities are mixed up or what?
These would be tough questions, even if America had a serious enemy.
Without one, these are devastating questions -- and it's so painful to see
politicians trying to answer them that I want to help them find an enemy
as quickly as possible.
Larger trends are also causing our politicians to squirm when defending
the Pentagon budget, and frankly it's an embarrassing sight (hence, again,
immediate enemy need). For example:
- In our country -- the richest nation in the world -- 14 million kids
attend schools that need extensive renovation or replacement.
In international test scores, our eighth graders rank 18 in math
and 19 in science, below Slovenia, Singapore, and Hungary, among others.
- The child poverty rate hovers at over 15 percent, meaning that about one
in six kids lives in poverty.
- Over 40 million Americans, including about 10 million children, have no
health insurance.
My enemy search -- if successful -- would go a long way toward easing the
consciences of our politicians who support the fat Pentagon budget, which
diverts money from poor children, the environment, and other good things.
As of today, however, my search is not going well. So,I am open to any and
all suggestions or leads that you might have. I am, of course on the
lookout for the right headhunter, but none has materialized.
If you've got any killer ideas, please let me know.
Ben Cohen is co-founder of Ben and Jerry's and
President of the Priorities Campaign
14 Presseinformation der Kärntner Grünen Dienstag
From: Die Grünen Klagenfurt <klagenfurt@diegruenen.carinthia.at>
Presseinformation der Kärntner Grünen
Dienstag 11.9.2001
Grüne: Terrorismus ist Verbrechen an Menschheit
Matthias Köchl: "Tiefstes Mitgefühl gilt den Angehörigen
der Opfer"
Klagenfurt - "Allen Betroffenen der Terroranschläge in den USA gilt
das tiefste Mitgefühl der Kärntner Grünen. Terroranschläge
sind ein
schweres Verbrechen an der Menschheit", verurteilt Grünen-
Landesvorstand Matthias Köchl die Anschläge. Derartige entsetzlichen,
bisher nie da gewesenen Terrorakte mit unzähligen Toten sind durch
keinerlei politische Ziele, durch nichts, absolut nichts zu rechtfertigen.
Rückfragehinweis: Tel. 0664-2668549
DIE GRÜNEN KÄRNTEN www.kaernten.gruene.at
Büro: Domgasse 16, 9020 Klagenfurt, Tel. 0463/515326
15 Politik/USA/Terror/Reaktionen/KPÖ
From: zach@kpoe.at <zach@kpoe.at>
Baier (KPÖ): NATO-Manöver absagen
Utl.: Weltweites Umdenken ist notwendig
Wien, 12.09.01 - (KPÖ-PD): "Angesichts der katastrophalen Anschläge
in Washington D.C. und New York" fordert KPÖ-Vorsitzender, Mag.
Walter Baier, den sofortigen Abbruch der NATO-Manöver auf der Seetaler
Alm. "Wenn berechtigterweise eine Parlamentssondersitzung aus Pietätsgründen
abgesagt wird, dann ist es unlogisch, mit einem militärischen Planspiel
fortzufahren", so Baier.
Baier: "Die Vorfälle machen auf tragische Weise deutlich, wie wenig
Anhäufung militärischer Machtmittel die Menschen zu schützen
vermag. Diese
bisher unvorstellbaren Katastrophen in den Metropolen des Geldes und der
Macht, die dem Terror eine neue Dimension verleihen, müssen weltweit zu
einem Umdenken führen. Die Probleme der Welt lassen sich weder mit
militärischer Gewalt noch mit verstärkter Repression 'abschaffen'.
Nur eine
Entmilitarisierung der Gesellschaften, politische Konfliktverhütung,
Gewaltfreiheit in den internationalen Beziehungen und die globale
sozialer Gerechtigkeit können Sicherheit schaffen".
Rückfragen: 0676/6969002
E-mail: bundesvorstand@kpoe.at
Internet: www.kpoe.at
16 Terror/USA/NATO-Manöver/
From: Parteder Franz <Franz.Parteder@stadt.graz.at>
Tel. 03 16 / 71 24 36
Fax 03 16 / 71 62 91
email: kp.stmk@kpoe-graz.at
KPÖ Steiermark
Lagergasse 98a
8020 Graz
Mittwoch, 12. September 2001
Presseinformation der KPÖ Steiermark
"Wer in diesen Stunden nicht Mitgefühl mit den Opfern der Terroranschläge
den USA zeigt, der hat kein Herz. Für mich als Kommunisten stellen sich
heute sehr viele Fragen. Eines ist aber gewiss: Die Alternative Sozialismus
oder Barbarei ist keine Erfindung der Marxisten. Sie wird in der
Wirklichkeit immer deutlicher sichtbar.
Wenn es der Menschheit nicht gelingt, den Kreislauf von Ausbeutung, Elend,
Gewalt, Terror und Kriegen zu durchbrechen, dann stehen ihre
zivilisatorischen Errungenschaften auf dem Spiel".
Franz Stephan Parteder
Steirischer KPÖ-Parteivorsitzender
Es ist vernünftig, dass Verteidigungsminister Scheibner über einen
des NATO-PfP Manövers in der Steiermark nachdenkt. Allerdings dürfte
Entscheidung darüber nicht in Österreich, sondern vom NATO-Kommando
Das zeigt, wie berechtigt die Kritik an der schleichenden Abschaffung der
Neutralität ist.
17 Studenten besetzen Universitätsgebäude in Groningen
From: dielinke <dielinke@pop.nextra.at>
Sozialistische Alternative/SOAL, "die linke":
03.09.2001: Studenten besetzen Universitätsgebäude in Groningen (NL)
Ungefähr 40 Studenten haben am Montagnachmittag dieser Woche ein
Gebäude der Universität Groningen (NL) besetzt. Sie protestierten
gegen den wachsenden Einfluß der privaten Wirtschaft auf die
Hochschulen. Vom 10. bis 14. Dezember 2001 wird zu einem EU-weiten
Streik von Schülern und Studenten aufgerufen.
Mit Stühlen, Tischen und Holzbrettern wurden die Türen des Gebäudes
verbarrikadiert. Die Studenten forderten den Dekan auf, sich zur
Kommerzialisierung der Uni zu äußern. Nachdem der Uni-Dekan D.
Bosscher versprochen hatte, dass die Studenten eine Erklärung auf der
Eröffnungsveranstaltung zu Beginn des akademischen Jahres verlesen
dürften, brachen sie die Besetzung ab. Bosscher versprach auch, dass
er sich in sein eigenen Rede gegen die Kommerzialisierung der Uni
aussprechen würde. Die Studenten sagten, dass sie nicht gegen die
Universität von groningen agieren sondern gegen Bildungsminister
Hermans: "Seine Politik basiert auf den Interessen der privaten
Wirtschaft und Konkurenzmodellen. Das bedeutet in der Praxis, dass in
der Bildung kommerzielle Interessen eine Rolle spielen. Es ist zu
absurd um wahr zu sein."
Eine Webseite zum internationalen Schüler- und Studentenprotest mit
dem EU-weiten Streik vom 10. bis 14. Dezember ist jetzt online:
18 The day after
From: Gush Shalom <hx65@dial.pipex.com>) <info@gush-shalom.org>
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - http://www.gush-shalom.org/
Yesterday - exactly when it happened - we were preparing a message to our
about more house demolitions by the Jerusalem municipality, and the
invasion of
the West Bank town Jenin by the Israeli army.
Then a friend phoned warning us to immediately open CNN, We were just in
to see a plane fly into the World Trade Center's other tower. While we were
glued, like everybody else, to the TV screen we gradually realised that we
weren't watching another terrorist attack, like those to which we ourselves
exposed as part of the revenge-upon-revenge cycle of bloodshed in which our
army and Palestinian militias had gotten themselves, and which apart from
fear and the human tragedy only made hope that the occupation will ever end
fade away, but to which we nearly got used during the past months here in
Israel/Palestine. What we witnessed here on our screens was so terrible and
huge; the world would not be the same after this day. The calculated
to hijacking planes full of passengers and turn them into big
with a combined killing potential nearing that of atom
bombs - and all that without any warning, no demands made...
But now it's the day after.
This night the Israeli army continued the invasion and penetrated deeply
the town of Jenin and destroyed the local police station. In this and other
attacks by the IDF (and in one case by settlers) a total of eleven
Palestinians were killed - one of them a nine-year old girl. Israeli forces
impose a strict siege of Jenin with its tens of thousands of inhabitants,
preventing even the passage of medical crews and patients, and in the
process violating the "A" areas which according to Oslo should be
exclusive Palestinian control.
At any other time, all of the above would constitute a major news item on
CNN and BBC, and international diplomatic initiatives would already be afoot
to ease the crisis and get the army out of the Jenin area. Now, the world
looks elsewhere and Sharon feels himself to have carte blanche.
We face days of unchecked rampage, with bloodshed unnoticed by the
world. We will do what little we can - at least by trying to fill in for the
mainstream media and passing on what we hear.
- Following is the report which we got yesterday about the demolition of
Palestinian houses in Jerusalem. (It may not seem so dramatic against the
background of what is on everybody's mind. But the story of injustice which
plants the seeds of future hatred deserves to be told.)
Jerusalem, Tuesday morning Sept. 11. Bulldozers of the Jerusalem
Municipality, under the protection of dozens of heavily armed police and
Special Forces arrived at the Arab neighborhood of Beit Hanina. They
destroyed the home of the elderly widow Aisha Abu Na'am and her daughter,
and the house where Issa and Merriam Jaradat had lived with their five
children. Then the bulldozers put their teeth into the home of the Bader
family, but after the kitchen, bedroom and children's room were destroyed a
quick legal action by lawyer Jawad Boulos succeeded in halting the
destruction, saving the last two rooms.
Five more "illegal" Palestinian homes in Beit Hanina are in imminent
The Committee Against House Demolition plans to help the families rebuild.
For when and where, phone Rabbi Arik Asherman 050-607034
For information about Gush Shalom visit the website:
19 Another face of the palestinian community
From: Gush Shalom <hx65@dial.pipex.com>) <info@gush-shalom.org>
------- Forwarded message from: Rabbi Arthur Waskow <Awaskow@aol.com>
Dear Chevra,
The following message comes from the Palestinian town of Beit Sahour on the
West Bank. Their unambiguous condemnation of the barbaric attack yesterday
stands in stark contrast to the message the major media is putting out about
Palestinian "joy" over this heinous act.
Not that the official media are "wrong." -- No doubt some Palestinians
celebrating this successful attack on what they see as the supplier of arms
money to their occupiers.
But the official media ARE wrong in not reporting the mix of opinion, in not
reporting the truth of deep disagreements among Palestinians.
Some are horrified at this attack, as they have been by attacks on Israeli
civilians. [After the Beit Sahour report, see also the report from East
From: Beit Sahour Municipality
In the name of Beit Sahour Municipality and in the name of each and
every citizen of the Shepherds field Beit Sahour; we convey our deepest
condolences to the entire American people for the horrific loss of
innocent lives as a result of the horrible acts of terror. In
particular, we share the grievances of all the families of the victims.
We pray to God to please give these families the patience and the
As Palestinians who suffer daily form acts of Israeli aggression
against our innocent people, we cannot find the words to express how
shocked we were to see the horrific scenes on TV. We condemn such acts
and we do not accept such horrific acts in the 3rd millennium where
peace, prosperity, and freedom should cover the whole world.
We reiterate our deepest condemnation of this horrible act on these
innocent humans. No matter how can we express our sorrow, we can't find
enough words to say how sorry we are.
Please let us work together to stop these acts of terrorism all over the
world. Let us work hand in hand for establishing a safer world to live
p.s. Please pass on this message to all our friends; we want them to
know that each person in Beit Sahour shares this message with us.
2d report:
<<Share Grief with Americans
<< The sons and daughters of Jerusalem are holding a candle vigil in front
the American Consulate in Jerusalem at 4:30pm today to express their
with the American People after a momentous terrorist attack struck major
in New York City and Washington DC.
<< Place: In front of the American Consulate in Jerusalem
<< Time: 4:30pm today 12 September
<< For more information, please contact Mr. Isa Qassisiya at
Just to be clear, The Consulate is in East Jerusalem and "Qassisya"
is an
Arab name.
NB If you got this forwarded, and would like to receive our emails directly
you can subscribe to them by sending a blank message (from the address where
you want to receive them) to: Gush-Shalom-subscribe@topica.com
20 Terroranschlag als Propagandashow für Natobeitrittsehnsucht
Dr. Schüssels
From: YY-MM-DD - POP JTA <jta@yy-mm-dd.com>
... ich zitiere herrn wolfgang schuessel bei einer seiner zahlreichen
auftritten in
zusammenhang mit dem terrorschlag gegen america.:
"... ein angriff auf das welthandelszentrum und das pentagon, also auf
symbole der zivilisierten welt, ...
"... ich bin mit allen staatchefs in verbindung, und es werden gemeinsame
massnahmen abgestimmt. vielleicht kann so ein neues gefuehl einer
weltweiten geborgenheit geschaffen werden!"
ich moechte an den drang zum natobeitritt unserer bundesregierung erinnern
und moechte dies auch als aufgabe der erinnerung gerne an den widerstand
es ist zu befuerchten, dass diese regierung eine kampagne irrer
entfalten moechte, die in in einer vollmitgliedschaft der nato, einer der
terrororganisationen der welt, enden moechte.
seit zwei tagen wird im statsfernsehen und staatsrundfunk der feind
(sendungen ueber arabische laender und terrororganisatienen)
dazwischen spricht der herr bundeskanzler und andere mitglieder der
salbungsvolle, scheinbar beruhigende worte an das oesterreichische volk.
dazwischen treten immer oefter militaerische analytiker auf. (gerade wird
der der
satz analysiert: wir muesen uns verhalten, als ob wir im krieg waeren!)
johann potakowskyj
From: GURSCOTT@aol.com <GURSCOTT@aol.com>
Date: September 10, 2001 Statement Nr.: 208
At 17.40, September 10th, with the sacrifice action we carried out against
the police force in Taksim Gümüssuyu, we demanded a reckoning from
the rule
which burnt our people alive, which has been carrying out torture in the F
type Nazi camps, which has murdered 64 of our people over 326 days, that has
terrorised our people in the streets and from those servants of imperialism
whom torture, execute and massacre on behalf of the IMF. By dropping in the
middle of murderers, our sacrifice fighter Ugur Bülbül, used the legitimate
right of the people to demand a reckoning in a country where there is
for the state forces to carry out massacres
Is a reckoning for massacring 28 of our people on December 19, 2000 and for
burning alive 6 women captives in Bayrampasa prison. It is a reckoning for
the tyranny in the F-type prisons and for killing 33 of our people through
the death fast. It is a reckoning for the starvation and poverty of our
people. It is a reckoning for the tyranny which extends from December 19, to
Akkise (the town where a youth was killed by gendarme) and to the police for
beating up people by truncheons on the streets and the detention of
of people.
65 million people have watched and witnessed; they massacred 28 of our
under the pretext of "saving lives". They even killed their own soldiers.
They burnt them alive and shamelessly said "they burnt themselves".
For a
whole year our people have been getting killed. We have given 64 martyrs
since October 20. 65 million people are witnessing; 65 million people are
under the administration of this government which creates nothing but
unemployment and poverty and carries out tyranny. In our country there are
no rights or liberties. Our people are left without work and food; our
daughters are forced into prostitution; our youth are pushed into the swamp
of drug abuse; pensioners and orphans are suffering and when the people
demand their rights they face police brutality and massacres. They carried
out a massacre on December 19, 2000 and recently in Akkise, they placed an
entire district of Istanbul under siege. The people on the streets and in
the squares are being beaten by truncheons and even the police centres
cope with the number of detainees. They think that we deserve massacres and
hunger. No, we will not accept this. We will resist and we will fight.
There is the freedom for the state to massacre people in our country. For
decades, everyone has witnessed thousands of incidents. And in our country
none of those who carried out the massacres and torture have ever been
properly tried and punished by the judicial system of this rule. No, there
will be justice, equality and freedom in our country!
We have the right to retaliate in a place where there is no justice or law
and order. To demand a reckoning is legitimate. Those who claim that there
law and order should use the very same law and order to bring those who are
responsible for the tens of massacres and executions, that have been proven
by evidences and documents, to justice. But they cannot. In our country a
reckoning for the massacres cannot be demanded within the judicial system of
the state. Because there is the freedom to massacre in our country. If
have such a "freedom", then we have the right to demand a reckoning.
Remember what Ecevit had said on December 19, with the attitude of a
commander: "They should realise now that they cannot compete with the
Just because we have been massacred those, who think that we will not revolt
against the fascist state and the fascist tyranny, have no concept of
history, our country or our land. They have no idea and no authority either.
In Turkey there is no rule anyway. There is the rule of the IMF and the USA.
They want us to accept the hunger that the IMF enforced upon us. Those who
are opposing the rule of IMF are intimidated by using all forms of
oppression, bans and terror. Hundreds of revolutionary captives and their
friends and relatives are resisting against this. Gultekin and Ugur and many
more are sacrificing themselves against this. We believe and claim that
will be justice, equality and freedom on our soil. The people will live
humanely. We are fighting so as to make real our beliefs and claims.
Whilst there is starvation and tyranny in our country there will also be
people like Ugur. With thousands and hundreds of thousands of Ugur, justice,
equality and freedom will come. This regime will change with millions of
people like Ugur. Who is Ugur? Let us recognise him together. He is one of
our people who survived through hunger and tyranny. He is one of those 65
millions. Ugur was born on February 1, 1976 in Inebolu-Kastamonu. He
completed his primary and secondary education in Bartin. Since he was 15,
had been working in various different places as a waiter and bartender. In
1994, he worked for a company as a computer operator for a period of time.
His first contact with our Front was in 1996. He was detained on April 29,
1996 because of hanging a banner and he was released. He completed his
military service. When he returned he was arrested because of the same
During the massacre on December 19 he was in Bartin prison. He survived
through the savagery. After that he was thrown into Sincan F-type prison. He
survived through the tyranny in the shape of isolation. Tyranny made him a
revolutionary. This regime is the creator of the people like Ugur by making
him a revolutionary and making him do his self-sacrifice for justice and
freedom. In a country where there is tyranny, many more heroes, many more
Ugur's will exist.
When Ugur was in prison, he volunteered to take part in the Death Fast. But
amongst hundreds of volunteers his time did not come. Of course, he took
in the discussions about life and death. This is how he developed his
opinion, from his own words: "The discussions about the Death Fast were
continuing with enthusiasm. Both inside and outside of me. Then I found the
answer to the questions. To want and to wish. To want and to wish with your
feelings and mind. I realised that, in order to achieve this; neither your
own feelings nor your own mind is enough by itself. It is necessary to mix
and blend them both thoroughly. With the enthusiasm of this discovery I
rushed and said I am also a Death Fast volunteer. Unfortunately I was not
accepted. No matter what I had done, this duty was not given to me. But
everything was clear to me now. I knew what I wanted and what I needed to
do." Yes, he knew. The only way, he thought, was to resist in a place where
there is tyranny. In a country where 65 million people are subjected to
hunger and tyranny, the only thing that can be done is to fight for justice,
equality and freedom. During the attack on December 19 in Bartin prison,
was left alone in the cafeteria for a moment. And at that time bulldozers
smashed the walls of the cafeteria. They shouted at Ugur, "surrender
youself!" His own people were massacred. Those who adopted the IMF's
programme not so long ago, came there now to open the F-type prisons. What
was Ugur thinking and what did he think had to be done? Again from his own
words, "I thought many things at that moment. There were two choices, to
surrender or to fight. A fight that will eventually end with death. I
concretised my choice and replied to them with the same determination. "You
surrender yourself" and I continued to fight. I was subjected to torture
Sincan F-type and in the hospital. I showed the same determination there
I was a new human being with a new personality. And I was proud of it."
>From there on there was a new Ugur and he was saying: "Whereever the
come and find me, I welcome it,.. Let my life is sacrificed for my party, my
people and my country."
For those who see the situation of our country, for those who live through
it, there is no other way but to revolt against the regime. Those who want a
country where there is no hunger, unemployment, where our youth is not
into degeneration, those who want an independent country, those who want
justice, equality and freedom, there is no other way, they will chose the
honourable path of humanity. They will choose the path of liberation. The
Revolutionary People's Liberation Front is calling to all of the poor,
oppressed and exploited people and inviting them to join the liberation
and to the lines of the revolution. Ugur Bülbül was describing what
meant for him; "It is someone who holds your hand and saves you in an
forest which is full of wild animals." We are calling to our people to
to live in the swamp of hunger and tyranny. This dark scenery that we are
condemning will change. Those who are starving, unemployed, poor and
oppressed will come together for our own rule and for the liberation war
against tyrants, fascism and exploitation. We will demand a reckoning from
exploiters and tyrants. We will have hundreds and thousands of sacrificial
fighters. From the Death Fast resisters to Gultekin Koc who exploded in
Sisli Police HQ, from Gultekin Koc to Ugur Bulbul thousands of sacrificial
fighters will continue to resist and fight for justice, freedom and
Note: According to the initial reports, except for the public enemies, there
were also some other people and tourists who received injuries during our
sacrificial action in Taksim Gümüssuyu. The 30-year-long practice
of our
Front is known; all our fighters have shown the maximum care to avoid
our people. In order not to be in such a situation, we remind all our
once again, that they should keep away from the police and gendarme forces.
Revolutionary People's Liberation Front
23 Absage der Diskussionsveranstaltung Direkte Demokratie
From: HELGA Köcher <helga.koecher@chello.at>
Zukunfts- und Kulturwerkstätte schrieb:
Aus gegebenem Anlass:
der Diskussionsveranstaltung
Direkte Demokratie
Spannungsfeld einer ausdifferenzierten Gesellschaft
am Mittwoch, dem 12. September 2001, um 19 Uhr
Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.
Zukunfts- und Kulturwerkstaette
Schoenlaterng. 9, 1010 Wien
Tel. 01/513 86 82, Fax 01/513 86 81
homepage: http://www.spoe.at/zuk
Verständnis habe ich schon, aber verstehen tu ich es nicht.
Wäre nicht der gegebene Anlaß, gerade über
Direkte Demokratie und das Spannungsfeld einer
ausdifferenzierten Gesellschaft zu diskutieren?
Mit verwunderten Grüßen Helga Köcher
12. September 2001, 22:00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat pedro negro pedro.negro@chello.at
Fehler moege frau/man mir nachsehen!