by public netbase t0 -- please sign
Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt
uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im
MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 Re: widerst@nd! MUND; Sonntag, 15.09.2002
von: tscheh <tscheh@gmx.at>
liebe leute vom mund, ihr meintet am sonntag
Der MUND-Streik hat nun erste Resultate ergeben. Die Redaktion wird voraussichtlich
wieder bunter werden. Zu unserer Freude ist dieses Projekt offenbar immer noch
genug Leuten wichtig genug, um eine Weiterexistenz auch über den Wahlkampf
hinaus sicherzustellen. Wir möchten auch allen Lesas danken, die uns durch
ihre Mails und die Teilnahme an der Streik-Diskussion unterstützt haben.
jetzt freue ich mich natürlich erst einmal, daß es den MUND wieder
wird, weil es einfach ein sehr brauchbares objekt ist, bei dems echt schad
gwesen wär, wenns den bach runtergegangen warat. ABER irgendwie erinnert
mich eure erklärung an die erklärungen vom ögb, wenn einer ihrer
doch sehr
seltenen streiks beendet wird: es ist gar nix erreicht worden, das wir aber
als erfolg gefeiert und damit der streik abgebrochen... wenn ihr
weitermachts, find ich das super, aber was hat sich konkret geändert. wie
geht man jetzt mit dem problematischen thema israel/palästina um? und wie
geht man mit vielleicht anderen heiklen themen um? gibt es irgendeine
absichtserklärung? oder kippt man einfach jeden beitrag, gegen den irgendwer
irgendwas haben könnte raus und redet nicht mehr drüber? oder wie
oder was?
BBIITTTTEE: sagts klipp und klar, was der mund in zukunft sein soll und
welche art von beiträgen gewünscht sind und welche gelöscht werden.
hamma die debatten demnächst wieder.
02 äh...ich bin wieder da
von: Claudia Volgger <aon.964446421@aon.at>
nicht, dass es mir nicht ein bisschen peinlich wäre. aber: da sich die
situation geändert hat, die interne auseinandersetzung in der red wieder
gang gekommen ist, neue dazukommen, es pläne gibt, wie der mund sich
weiterentwickeln könnte: mache ich meinen rückzug aus der MUND-redaktion,
ja, rückgängig.
(und ich ersuche die frau vizekanzlerin, die meinen ersten schritt ja fast
sofort nachgemacht hat, dringend, das beim zweiten zu unterlassen)
claudia volgger
03 Immigrants in Austria
von: AHDA <verein-ahda@chello.at>
We immigrants in Austria have been put under fear for the past years as result
of some government policy (eg. integration contract, job policy, new refugee
laws, reunion of family, etc.). So which of this political party should we immigrants,
relatives and friends vote in the coming national election in November that
will best represent the immigrants integration interest?
Please give us your vote at www.ahda.at
04 final Botschafts-Info & Party : They left, so we leave too!
von: Botschaft der besorgten BürgerInnen
Botschaft besorgter BürgerInnen - Rundbrief 'Botschafts-Info' Nr.21
Embassy of Concerned Citizens, "Botschaftsinfo' # 21
Ambassade des citoyens et citoyennes inqiets, "Botschaftsinfo' # 20
Ambasciata di cittadine preoccupate e cittadini preoccupati info 21
Dies ist das letzte Botschafts-Info!
This is the last Botschafts-Info!
Questa e l'ultimo Botschafts-Info!
[de] Auflösung von Parlament und Botschaft - Fest am 19.9.2002 um 19!
[en] They left, so we leave too! - Final Party on Sep 19th at 7 p.m.!
[it] La fine e la festa, il 19.9.2002 alle ore 19
[fr] grande fete de venir le 19.9.2002, nous avons atteindré notre objective!
Auflösung - Fest am 19.9.2002!
Neuwahlen! Endlich ist das Marionettentheater vorüber!
Am 9.9.2002 verkündete Kanzler Wolfgang Schüssel, dass es möglichst
bald zu
Neuwahlen kommen soll; nächste Woche löst sich der Nationalrat auf
und beendet
damit diese Legislaturperiode.
Mit der Auflösung dieses Nationalrates und dem Ende der Blau-Schwarzen
Regierung, löst sich die Botschaft Besorgter BürgerInnen auch auf,
da unser Ziel
erreicht wurde.
Mehr als genug Grund um zu feiern! Daher laden wir alle interessierten Menschen
ein mit uns zu feiern:
am 19.9.2002 ab 19 Uhr
(die Widerstandslesungen beginnen um 17h)
Ballhausplatz 1A
1010 Wien
Auf Widerstand - und unser kritisches Bewusstsein wird auch in Zukunft nicht
They left, so we leave too! - Final Party!
New Elections! Finally the puppet show is over!
On the 9th of Sep. Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel declared that there will
be new
elections as soon as possible and next week Thursday or Friday the parliament
will dissolve itself.
The end of this legislation period means also the end of the Embassy of
Concerned Citizens, as our goal is achieved and the "blue-black" government
fades away.
That is a very good reason for us to celebrate and we invite everyone who is
interested, to celebrate with us:
19th of September 2002, at 7 pm
Ballhausplatz 1A
1010 Wien
Resist! ...And we will stay aware!
La fine e la festa, il 19.9.2002 alle ore 19 !
Nuove elezioni! È finito il teatro alle marionette.
Il 9 di Settembre, il chancelliere Schuessel ha dichiarato che ci saranno nuove
elezioni al più presto possibile. La settimana prossima, il parlamento
finirà su lavoro.
Significa anche che è venuta la fine dell'Ambasciata di Cittadini Preoccupati
Cittadine Preoccupate - abbiamo raggiunto nosto scopo, il governo nero-blu se
È un ottima opportunità per festeggiare e vi invitiamo tutti di
venire alla
il 19.9.2002 alle ore 19
Ballhausplatz 1A
1010 Vienna
grande fete de venir le 19.9.2002, nous avons atteindré notre objective!
Elections Nouvelles - Le teatre aux marionettes est fini.
Le 9 de settembre, chancellier Schuessel ha declaré que il y aura des
nouvelles au plus prét possible. La semaine prochaine, le parlement actuel
finira son travail.
Ca veut dire que le travail de L'Ambassade de Citoyens Concernés et Citoyennes
Concernées se termine aussi.
Nous avons atteindré notre objective et le gouvernement noir-bleu s'en
C'est une très bonne opportunité pour une grande fete et nous
vous invitons tous
de venir le
Ballhausplatz 1A
1010 Vienne
Auf Widerstand wünscht die
Botschaft besorgter BürgerInnen!
...the Embassy of Concerned Citizens
...Vive la résistance!
...Ambassade des citoyens et citoyennes inquiets.
...L'ambaciata di cittadini preccupati e cittadine preoccupate
Botschaft besorgter BürgerInnen
Aggodó Polgárok Képviselete
Embassy of Concerned Citizens
Ambasado de Afliktitaj Civitanoj
VelvyslanectvÌ znepokojenoch obÁanek a obÁano
Embajada de los ciudadanos y cidadanas preocupados/as
Ambasciata di cittadini preccupati e cittadine preoccupate
L'ambassade des citoyennes inquiètes et des citoyens inquiets
Ballhausplatz 1a
A-1010 Wien
Österreich (Europe)
Underground U3 Herrengasse Exit Minoritenplatz
Underground U2, U3 Volkstheater Exit Burgring
Tramway D, J, 1, 2, 46, 49 Parlament
Tramway D, J, 1, 2 Stadiongasse
Bus 2A Heldenplatz
GPS: N 48° 12.458' E 16° 21.807'
Telefon / telefone / telefono:
sorry: wurde gestohlen! / has been stolen! ;-(
Web / rete telematica:
jeden Freitag um 19.30 Uhr in der Sendung 'Radio Widerhall',
Redaktion: bbbradio@egroups.com
auf Radio Orange, UKW 94.0 MHz (Telekabel Wien: 92.7 MHz)
Webcast: http://www.orange.or.at/radio/live/index.html
Mailinglist 'Botschafts-Info':
An- und Abmelden unter: / to subscribe and unsubscribe, go to:
commander sous: / Informazione sull'abonnamento:
05 Demobericht Salzburg
von: Salzburg Social Forum <salzburgsocialforum@gmx.net>
Demonstration gegen das World Economic Forum setzt sich vom Salzburger
Hauptbahnhof aus in Bewegung
Salzburg, 15.09.2002, 12:57
Nach den Auftaktreden von Andreas Rennert (SSF), Claudia Trost (KPÖ) Cyriak
Schweighofer (Grüne) und Stefano Galiani (Rifondazione Comunista, Italien)
Bahnhofsvorplatz, setzt sich die Demonstration in Richtung Lehner Brücke
langsam in Bewegung. Der Bahnhofsvorplatz wird heute dominiert von
Transparenten, roten Fahnen und Schautafeln. Immer wieder branden Sprchchöre
auf. Die
Stimmung ist friedlich, es kam bis jetzt zu keinerlei Zwischenfällen.
Demonstrationszug überquert die Lehner Brücke. Verlauf ist weiterhin
Salzburg, 15.09.2002, 13:35
Nach einer ersten Einschätzung seitens der Demonstrationsleitung sind
derzeit deutlich über 3000 Personen auf der Strasse um gegen die Politik
des WEF zu
demonstreieren. Christoph Eschbacher, Pressesprecher des SSF, zum bisherigen
Demonstrationverlauf: "Die Stimmung ist wirklich gut. Sehr lebendig und
kämpferisch aber absolut friedlich. Die Polizei hält sich derzeit
noch sehr
zurück, wir hoffen, dass es so bleibt." Nach Überquerung der
Lehner Brücke wird
sich der Demonstrationszug in Richtung Mülln weiterbewegen.
Demonstrationszug auch nach der Lehner Brücke von engem Polizeikordon
begleitet. Demoleitung spricht von Vertrauensbruch.
Salzburg, 15.09.2002, 14:00
Als Bruch der Vereinbarung seitens der Exekutive bezeichnet Christoph
Eschbacher, Sprecher des SSF, das Vorgehen der Polzei nach dem Überqueren
Lehner Brücke. "Es war vereinbart worden, dass der Polizeikordon die
Demo nur bis
zur Brücke begleitet. Wir betrachten das als groben Vertrauensbruch."
der unnötigen Provokation seitens der Exekutive werde man jedoch weiterhin
versuchen, die Demonstration friedlich weiterzuführen.
Demo bewegt sich die Gaswerkgasse hinauf. SSF-Sprecher kritisiert
provokantes Verhalten der Polizei.
Salzburg, 15.09. 2002, 14:15
SSF-Pressesprecher Christoph Eschbacher kritisiert erneut das Verhalten der
Exekutive: "Die Polizei hat den Kordon zwar etwas gelockert, dem hinteren
Block der Demonstration kommt sie jedoch immer wieder viel zu nahe. Ich empfinde
das als völlig unnötige Provokation und als Bruch der Vereinbarungen
die wir
hinsichtlich des Ablaufs mit der Polizeidirektion getroffen haben." Trotz
der überflüssigen Eskalationsstrategie der Polizei geht die Demonstration
das World Economic Forum friedlich weiter und bewegt sich derzeit die
Gaswerkgasse hinauf und über den Müllner Hügel.
Zwischenkundgebung am Hanuschplatz aus technischen Gründen abgesagt. Demo
mittlerweile auf fast 5000 Menschen angeschwollen.
Salzburg, 15.09.2002, 15:15
Aufgrund technischer Probleme mit dem Dieselaggregat musste die
Zwischenkundgebung am Hanuschplatz abgesagt werden. Die vorgesehenen Reden werden
bei der
Abschlusskundgebung Volksgarten gehalten. Nach Angaben der
Demonstrationsleitung ist der Demozug auf mittlerweile knapp 5000 Menschen angewachsen.
Chrisoph Eschbacher, Pressesprecher des SSF: "Obwohl sich die Polizei nicht
an die
vereinbarten Abmachungen hinsichtlich Deeskalation gehalten hat, ist bis
jetzt alles friedlich verlaufen. Die Stimmung hier ist wirklich ausgezeichnet."
Der Demonstrationszug bewegt sich nun am Rudolfskai entlang in Richtung
Nonntaler Brücke. Im Global Village im Volksgarten wird die Abschlusskundgegung
stattfinden. Danach treten bekannte Gruppen wie Querschläger oder Chumbawumba
Stürmischer Empfang der 5000 DemonstrantInnen im Volksgarten. Demonstration
verlief ohne Zwischenfälle.
Salzburg, 15.09.2002, 15:51
Volksfeststimmung herrscht im Salzburger Volksgarten wo die
Abschlusskundgebung der heutigen Demonstration gegen das Weltwirtschaftsforum
SSF-Sprecherin Ulli Gschwandtner: "Wir haben heute ein machtvolles und
friedliches Zeichen gegen die kapitalistische Globalisierung gesetzt. Über
Verlauf der Demonstration sind wir wirklich glücklich. Obwohl sich die
nicht an die Vereinbarungen hinsichtlich Polizeiketten gehalten hat, kam es
keinen Zusammenstössen."
Nach der Abschlusskundgebung beginnen die Konzerte im Global Village im
Volksgarten. International bekannte Bands wie Chumbawumba werden kostenlos
auftreten um ihre Solidarität mit den Sozialforen und den so genannten
GlobalisierungsgegnerInnen zu bekennen. Die Proteste des Salzburg Social Forum
gegen die
Politik des WEF werden in den nächsten Tagen in Form von Aktionen, Workshops
und Diskussionsveranstaltungen weitergehen.
Demonstration offiziell beendet. VeranstalterInnen mit dem Ablauf zufrieden.
Pressekonferenz morgen um 10:30
Salzburg, 15.09.2002, 16:30
In diesen Minuten wird die Demonstration gegen das Weltwirtschaftsforum in
Salzburg von der Demonstrationsleitung des Salzburg Social Forum offiziell
aufgelöst. Die VeranstalterInnen zeigen sich sowohl über den Verlauf
als auch
die Anzahl der TeilnehmerInnen hoch zufrieden. Die Protestaktivitäten werden
heute Abend und in den nächsten zwei Tagen wie geplant fortgesetzt.
Ein ertstes Resümee der Proteste gegen das WEF seitens des Social Forums
findet morgen im Rahmen einer Pressekonfernz um 10 Uhr 30 im Cafe Stein statt.
06 RAWNEWS Latin America
von: RAWNEWS <rawnews@btopenworld.com>
RAWNEWS on Latin America1) September 11 in Chile clashes on coup s anniversary
- By Bill Vann (WSWS)
2) More than 500 People Arrested on 9/11 in Chile - Prensa Latina (Cuba)
3) Unification of Argentinean Socialist Parties Slated for Saturday - Prensa
4) Normality in Caracas after Failure of Opposition"s Action - Prensa Latina
6) Lula Widens Lead in Brazilian Presidential Race - Prensa Latina
8) The Miami mafia's September 11 - GRANMA (Cuba)
9) 500 000 Central Americans Unemployed from Coffee Crisis - Prensa Latina
10) Brazil-Argentina Defense Alliance Could Hurt U.S. - StratforSeptember 11
in Chile clashes on coup s anniversary
By Bill Vann
14 September 2002
In Chile, September 11 was marked by violent clashes between demonstrators and
Carabinero military police, resulting in over 500 arrests and scores of wounded.
While the media in the US and Western Europe concentrated exclusively on ceremonies
marking the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon, Chile was rocked by protests in observance of the 29th anniversary
of the US-backed coup that inaugurated 17 years of brutal military dictatorship.
That September 11, in 1973, also saw planes flying low over a country's largest
city, leaving one of its most important buildings in flames and its people in
a state of shock. But in Chile it was the bombing of the La Moneda presidential
palace, where the elected president, Salvador Allende, died. The attack inaugurated
a bloodbath from which Chile has yet to recover.
Ironically, the official death toll in the Chilean coup-3,197-is almost identical
to the number killed on September 11, 2001 in the US. Several hundred were machine-gunned
in the Santiago soccer stadium, which was turned into a makeshift concentration
camp and torture center. Others were shot to death in the street, at military
barracks and in other detention centers, many after enduing horrific torture.
All told, more than 60,000 Chileans were subjected to torture under the dictatorship,
and one million were forced into exile: this in a country of less than 14 million.
On the 29th anniversary of that black day, the Socialist Party government of
President Ricardo Lagos roundly condemned demonstrators for burning a US flag,
calling it "insensitive." Lagos, among Washington's closest Latin
American allies, attended a ceremony at the US embassy and declared that the
two countries "are united on this date by tragedy and sadness." The
next day he issued a statement announcing Chile's support for the positions
outlined in Bush's September 12 speech before the UN General Assembly threatening
war against Iraq.
That many Chileans, while understanding the pain of those who lost relatives
in the US, find it difficult to solidarize themselves with Washington is understandable.
The Chilean coup was sponsored by Washington and the Central Intelligence Agency,
which funneled millions of dollars to both the military and right-wing groups
to overthrow the country's elected government.
President Richard Nixon and his top foreign policy adviser, Henry Kissinger,
played direct roles in orchestrating the military overthrow. The latter had
famously remarked, "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country
go communist because of the irresponsibility of its own people.'
Washington continued its backing for the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet,
with the CIA providing lists of suspected "subversives" to be exterminated.
American aid helped the mass murderer stay in power longer than any other Latin
American military ruler.
On Wednesday, thousands of people participated in a march to the Santiago cemetery
to place wreaths at a memorial to the disappeared. At the La Moneda presidential
palace they were met by Carabineros who used tear gas and water cannons to attack
the protest.
Tensions later erupted at the cemetery, where members of the Communist Party
and other left-wing groups brawled with representatives of Lagos' ruling Socialist
Party, throwing paint and eggs and exchanging blows with fists and sticks. The
fighting forced the SP to postpone its memorial to the following day.
As night fell in Santiago and other Chilean cities, barricades went up in a
number of poor neighborhoods. Gunshots were traded between the police and demonstrators,
and there was scattered looting. Police detained 505 people in the capital.
Chile's interior minister, José Miguel Insulza, arrogantly dismissed
the protests as "delinquency," echoing similar statements made under
the dictatorship. He attributed the clashes to "lumpen activity."
The protests were not "political activity," he said, since no organized
political tendencies had led them.
Insulza's statements expressed the hostility of the Socialist Party leadership
to the Chilean working class and the growing ranks of poor and unemployed. First
brought to power at the head of the Concertación coalition in 2000, the
SP has continued the neo-liberal "free market" policies of privatization
and deregulation inaugurated under the dictatorship.
Touted as a model for economic growth, these policies have only intensified
social polarization in Chile, making it one of the most unequal countries in
the world in terms of income distribution, and leaving most workers considerably
worse off than they were 29 years ago when the coup took place.
The official unemployment rate has remained steady at approximately 10 percent,
while 20 percent of the population is listed as living below the poverty line.
While the richest 10 percent of Chileans monopolize 53.4 percent of the country's
national income, the poorest tenth account for barely 3.7 percent.
Asked by the Santiago daily El Mercurio whether the violence on the September
11 anniversary may have been triggered by growing misery for the poor, Insulza
responded: "These are phenomena that have been happening for some time
and are not necessarily related to poverty."
The government is calling for new laws promoting "labor flexibility"
as a cure for unemployment. They would allow companies to override existing
regulations on working hours, using cheaper part-time labor.
Lagos used the occasion of the anniversary to make a ritualistic appeal for
"reconciliation" between the torturers and the tortured. Those who
took an active part in the coup and the subsequent repression, he said, "must
have a moment of contrition." He then praised the armed forces for making
"a definitive contribution."
This same theme was sounded in a bizarre joint television appearance by the
grandson of Allende and the granddaughter of Pinochet. Maria José Pinochet
conceded that her grandfather may have been "politically" responsible
for human rights violations during his 17-year reign, but added that he was
so busy that "some things got by him."
Gonzalo Meza Allende, for his part, echoed the current position of his grandfather's
Socialist Party, praising the Pinochet dictatorship for its "successful"
economic policies.
The military used the occasion to further its demand for a "full stop"
amnesty, guaranteeing that no one will ever be held accountable for the assassinations,
kidnappings and torture committed under the dictatorship.
In past years, military officials, right-wing groups and prominent businessmen
staged ostentatious celebrations on the coup's anniversary, dubbing it "National
Liberation Day." Until two years ago, it was observed as a national holiday
in Chile. Recognizing that this only contributed to larger protests, the Lagos
government abolished the practice.
This year, the dictatorship's supporters limited themselves to a musical concert
performed by retired officers and a mass for those military personnel killed
in the coup-most of them suspected Allende sympathizers murdered by the army
While in the past, active-duty and retired army officers made a pilgrimage to
the home of Pinochet in the wealthy Las Condes neighborhood, this year they
stayed away. The 86-year-old former tyrant has played almost no public political
role since his lawyers secured a ruling by Chile's Supreme Court that he is
suffering from dementia and is therefore unfit to stand trial for his role in
the so-called "Caravan of Death," a roving military assassination
squad that murdered and "disappeared" scores of his political opponents
following the coup. The ruling effectively halted hundreds of other suits pending
against the ex-dictator.
On the eve of the anniversary, Pinochet registered another judicial victory,
with the decision by the Court of Appeals in Santiago rejecting an extradition
request from an Argentine court investigating the car bomb assassination in
Buenos Aires of former Chilean army chief Carlos Prats González and his
wife, who had fled Chile after the coup.
An agent of DINA, the Chilean regime's secret police, is serving a life sentence
in Argentina for the killings, while Michael Townley, a US citizen who was a
DINA agent, has confessed to planting the bomb on orders from the former secret
police director General Manuel Contreras. Surviving members of the Prats family
have charged that as head of the ruling junta, Pinochet controlled DINA and
its agents acted only on his orders.
Pinochet's CIA-backed regime was responsible for other acts of international
terrorism, including the car bomb murder of Orlando Letelier and his 25-year-old
American colleague Ronni Moffitt in the streets of Washington in 1976. The killings
were carried out under Operation Condor, a joint operation by the secret police
of six Latin American dictatorships acting with the knowledge of the CIA.
Meanwhile, the Chilean daily La Nación carried a report last Sunday that
a sinister group known as the "Comando Conjunto" or "Joint Command,"
responsible for repression and atrocities under the dictatorship, had reformed
for the purpose of halting judicial proceedings against the junta's assassins
and torturers.
A former member of the group said that it now enjoyed the "protection"
of the Chilean air force and would "carry out operations, surveillance,
telephone taps, threats, theft of court papers, bribes and national and international
jobs" to put a stop to human rights cases.
The report overshadowed Lagos's proclamation that, as the 29th anniversary approached,
Chile was entering a "new era" in relations between the civilian government
and the armed forces.
World Socialist Web Site
More than 500 People Arrested on 9/11 in Chile
Santiago de Chile, Sep 12 (PL) With more than 500 people arrested and electric
energy cuts in different sectors of this capital, the incidents lasted through
early Thursday morning on the 29th anniversary of the military coup in Chile.
Radio Cooperativa said that La Pincoya, Villa Francia, La Victoria and sectors
of Nunoa, Macul and Penalolen were the scene of confrontations between demonstrators
and Police, who used water canons and tear gas to repress those who remembered
the victims of the 1973-1990 dictatorship.
The radio also reported that at least 7 police were wounded, and in 30 points
of Santiago, electric energy supply was interrupted.
The commemoration activity started in the center of Santiago with a march by
human rights organizations that went from Paseo Ahumada and ended at night in
Victor Jara Stadium -formerly called Chile Stadium- in the Central Station sector.
At the entrance of the stadium, incidents began when Police shot water jets
against people that had taken part in a massive candlelight vigil in memory
for those arrested and disappeared during the 1973-1990 dictatorship led by
Augusto Pinochet.
Other skirmishes shook Villa Francia, where shots were heard, and also other
detonations, and the police also used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.
Apart from these, strong confrontations occurred in Penalolen, on the outskirts
of Pudahuel and in La Pincoya, where most of the municipality remained in the
dark almost until midnight.
The blackouts made by chains heaved at the electric cables, affected sectors
such as Lo Espejo, Macul, Central Station, Puente Alto, Maipu, Pudahuel, La
Granja, La Pintana, El Bosque, Nunoa, and Quinta Normal.
In the city of Concepcion, 515 km. south from Santiago, there were partial blackouts
in the sectors of Hualpencillo de Talcahuano and Barrio Norte. In Temuco -also
in the south- there were at least 30 people arrested, most of them students
from La Frontera University, who gathered at Teodoro Schmitdt Plaza.
Chileans remembered Pinochet"s military coup with many activities denouncing
what occurred and some conciliatory gestures, under the premise of not burying
something that put the whole country into mourning, and made it face a bloody
dictatorship for 17 years.
After putting a floral offering at the statue of deceased Chilean president
Salvador Allende"s (1970-1973) in front of La Moneda Government House in
Santiago, Chilean Communist Party general secretary Gladys Marin called on the
country not to forget what happened 29 years ago.
"We have to make a great political effort to keep the September 11 tragedy
in people"s collective memory, while the government and others in the world
want to silence the US intervention in our country"s destiny", said
She said that it was no secret that with Washington"s approval and financial
support, Allende and his Popular Unity government were overthrown on September
11, 1973.
Unification of Argentinean Socialist Parties Slated for Saturday
Buenos Aires, Sep 13 (PL) Saturday, Argentinean socialist forces will establish
their fusion into one party after more than 45 years of divisions, it was confirmed
in this capital.
The rebirth of the Argentinean Socialist Party (PSA) will be the result of the
merger of the Authentic Socialist Party and the Popular Socialist Party and
will be directed by leaders of both organizations: Alfredo Bravo and Ruben Giustiniani
as president and General secretary, respectively.
The rebirth act of the (PSA) will adopt a declaration of principles, statutes
and a program, according to the official announcement.
The formation of the new organization was decided last June 28 with the signing
of a document in the city of Rosario. This took place on the occasion of the
106th anniversary of the foundation of the first PSA.
That text called for the new party to become "an example of a great coalition
to transform it into an alternative able to carry out the changes demanded by
Argentinean society."
The document was signed by observers from other South American socialist parties
including: Ricardo Nuñez (Chilean Socialist Party), Reinaldo Gargano
(Uruguayan Socialist Party), Elio Alfredo Pieta (Brazilian Workers Party) and
Carlos Fllizola, president of País Solidario de Paraguay.
At the time, it was also decided that the new PSA would support the candidacy
of Elisa Carrio, leader of the Alternative Party for a Republic of Equals, for
president in the elections scheduled for next March.
Normality in Caracas after Failure of Opposition"s Action
Caracas, Sep 11 (PL) A practically normal situation was registered in Caracas
Wednesday, after a call from local opposition groups to close all the capital"s
main avenues failed.
A small number of groups of people, with wide coverage from private TV channels,
stood in zones of two of the roads leading to the center of Caracas with the
goal of paralyzing vehicle traffic.
However, members from the Venezuelan National Guard and the Security and Prevention
Direction (DISIP) managed to convince the demonstrators to occupy just one of
the blocked roads.
In this way, the plan to isolate the capital exactly five months after the April
11 coup was frustrated, and the opposition protest
was poorly attended.
This was partially due to the division in the opposition Democratic Coordinating
Organization (CD) as part of the parties forming this organization refused to
take part in this demonstration.
Meanwhile, vehicle transit and the subway were still working normally, and important
incidents were not reported, said local
authorities and press reports.
For their part, followers of President Hugo Chavez began to gather around Miraflores
Presidential Palace, where there will be a
concentration rejecting coups and terrorism.
The Human Rights Department of the United Workers Federation of Colombia - CUT-
lead by its Director DENOUNCES that in the night hours of 16 August 2002 troops
form the Third Brigade of the National Army raided my family home where they
entered claiming to be searching for subversive propaganda and arms. This act
violating my basic rights was carried out under the State of Emergency recently
imposed by President Álvaro Uribe Vélez, a judicial and political
measure which as we have been protesting violates political and democratic rights
and is now specifically used to initiate persecution against defenders of human
rights and trade union leaders. I condemn this act with all the energy that
such violations merit and I demand an explanation from the military and the
government and that they assume responsibility for the damage that they have
caused me with this attack. .
Director Human Rights Departament
Bogotá D.C., 17 August 2002
The Human Rights Department of the United Workers Federation of Colombia (CUT)
denounces the assassination of trade union leader ADOLFO DE JESÚS MUNERA
LÒPEZ a member of the National Food Industry Workers Union SINALTRAINAL
that took place in the city of Barranquilla, Atlántico on 31 August 2002.
It is important to note that our comrade stood out for his hard work in the
union movement. He was the Vice President of the Atlántico branch, and
performed several responsible positions for SINALTRAINAL, and he was also outstanding
in his commitment to the community of his city.
We remember that comrade Múnera was raided at his home by members of
the Colombian Armed Forces on 6th April 1997, and for that reason had to move
to different cities to safeguard his life. He was unjustly sacked by Coca Cola
who sent a letter of dismissal to his home. Our friend had initiated a case
demanding his re-employment.
The above is clear evidence of the price that union leaders pay for demanding
social justice, in the face of the many ways that human rights are violated
in Colombia, and that are no real guarantees to protect their lives. The consequences
of this humanitarian crisis are clear, with 108 trade unionists assassinated
so far this year.
Director Organisation Departament
The Human Rights Department of the United Workers Federation of Colombia (CUT)
denounces that the Cali Municipal Corporation Workers Union SINTRAEMCALI was
the victim of an assassination attempt earlier today, 3 September 2002. This
took place at 11am at the Navarro Cellars, which is a plant within the Water,
Drains and Sewerage directorate of EMCALI. The
attempt was carried out by a high power bomb that damaged the plant. SINTRAEMCALI
members often hold their trade union assemblies at this plant.
Fortunately this assassination attempt did not claim any victims. But it is
important to emphasise that this was an action against the workers and an obvious
sign of terror to destabilise the process of saving EMCALI from the government's
proposed privatisation, thereby appropriating the corporation from the citizens
of Cali.
Furthermore, while the union leaders were trying to ascertain what caused the
explosion, they were harassed by an unknown man on a high calibre motorcycle,
and who was taking photographs and filming the consequences of this terrorist
It is also necessary to denounce a recent recording by paramilitary groups in
which they affirmed that they have decided to assassinate Alexander López
Maya (former SINTRAEMCALI President and now Congress Representative), Luis Hernández
(President of SINTRAEMCALI) and other members of the union's Executive Committee.
As well as this criminal act, there have been constant death threats being made
against the leadership of this organisation. We call on human rights NGOs, international
trade union federations, the International Labour Organisation ILO, the United
Nations Human Rights Commission, the Human Rights Commission of the Organisation
of American States and the European Parliament to make public statements repudiating
this demented act, and demanding protection and guarantees for trade unionists,
to the government
of Doctor Alvaro Uribe Velez, President of the Republic; to Doctor Luis Camilo
Osorio, Attorney General; to Doctor Fernando Londoño Hoyos, Minister
of the Interior and Justice; to Doctora Martha Lucía Ramírez de
Rincón, Minister of Defence; and to Juan Luis Londoño de la Cuesta,
Labour Minister.
Director, Human Rights Departament
Bogotá D.C., 3 September 3 2002
The National Executive Committee of SINTRAUNICOL, the National Union of University
Workers and Employees, and an affiliate of the CUT, DENOUNCES
On 5 September 2002, in the Municipality of Pamplona, North Santander Department,
CESAR GOMEZ, President of the Pamplona branch of SINTRAUNICOL was assassinated.
This murderous act was perpetrated at 7:00 in the evning when the comrade was
arriving home with his wife. They were tackled by two unknown men who shot CESAR
8 times and left his wife seriously wounded.
It is important to note that the comrade had asked for security and the Ministry
of Interior Protection programme, since he had been the victim of many death
threats due to his trade union activity defending the rights of the workers
at Pamplona University where he worked. A risk assessment study had been made
by the Department of Administrative Security (DAS), the only body that can make
recommendations for protective measures. And, obviously, this was not enough
to protect the life of this prominent leader
who was passing through a precarious situation because he had been unjustly
sacked after 14 years service, and who was in the process of negotiating his
We call on the national and international community to reject these barbarous
acts against Colombian trade union leaders, and to seek real protection to safeguard
the lives and well being of the workers, who are daily deprived of their rights
of expression and union organisation through systematic human rights violations.
We call on all branches of SINTRAUNICOL to carry out protest actions next Monday
9 September, such as meetings, assemblies, stoppages, denunciations and other
acts of protest to express our repudiation of this murderous act against the
Colombian trade union movement.
President, National Executive Committee
Bogota, D.C. 6 September 2002
ÁLVARO URIBE VELEZ Presidente de la República, Presidencia de
la República
Carrera 8 No. 7-26 Palacio de Nariño, Santa Fe de Bogotá
Telfono. +57.1.5629300 Ext. 3550 (571) 284 33 00
Fax +(57)1 - 286 74 34 -286, 68 42 -284 21 86
E-mail: auribe@presidencia.gov.co
Programa Presidencial de DDHH y Derecho Internacional Humanitario
E-mail: rdh@presidencia.gov.co; obserdh@presidencia.gov.co
Ministerio del Interior, Carrera 8 # 8-09 - Bogotá Fax: +57-1-286.80.25
E-mails: mininterior@myrealbox.com ministro@minjusticia.gov.co
Ministro de la Defensa, Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, Avenida El Dorado
con carrera 52 CAN
Santa Fe de Bogota Tel-fax: +
E-mail: infprotocol@mindefensa.gov.co
Fiscal General de la Nación, Fiscalía General de la Nación
Apartado Areo 29855 Diagonal 22B 52_01 (Ciudad Salitre), Bogotá, Colombia.
Fax: + 57 1 570 2000 / 5 70 20 22
E-mail: contacto@fiscalia.gov.co; denuncie@fiscalia.gov.co
Colombian Embassy (UK): mail@colombianembassy.co.uk
Denis MacShane Foreign Office (UK):macshaned@parliament.uk
CUT Human Rights Department: derechoshumanoscut@cc-net.net
Colombia Solidarity Campaign: colombia_sc@hotmail.com
Andy Higginbottom
Co-ordinator Colombia Solidarity Campaign
(Please note new e-mail address, send replies to colombia_sc@hotmail.com)
Lula Widens Lead in Brazilian Presidential Race
Rio de Janeiro, Sep 9 (PL) Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, presidential candidate
for the left wing Workers Party (PT) widened his lead, a poll by the "Sensus"
Institute revealed Monday.
The poll was taken on September 5 and 6 after a TV debate with his three main
opponents. It put da Silva in the first place, up 3.7 points, with 37.7 percent
of the current voter intention. Trabalhista Front candidate Ciro Gomes, from
a coalition gathering left wing nationalists to right wing liberals, lost 7
points and descended to 18.3 percent of potential votes.
Gomes" setback showed the erosion caused by attacks by Jose Serra from
the governing Social Democrat Party (PSDB) who shortened his distance from Gomes
and is now in the third place with 17.1 percent.
When considering the three-point margin of error, Serra and Gomes are in a technical
tie in second place, which might foster an offensive by the PSDB candidate who
counts on the support of the powerful and influential big business and financial
In fourth place in the poll made by Sensus Institute at the request of the National
Transport Confederation, is Anthony Garotinho, an ex-governor of Rio de Janeiro
from the Brazilian Socialist Party, who went up 2.9 points and rose to 13.3
percent of voter intentions.
Serra"s improvement in his fight to replace Ciro Gomes from second place
is attributed to his greater broadcast space of free TV time broadcast twice
a day for 50 minutes.
Benefited by the results, PSDB and its allies from the center-right wing Brazilian
Democratic Movement (PMDB) in last presidential election, Serra have 20 minutes
of TV campaign time, while Lula da Silva and Ciro Gomes have 10 minutes each.
Serra also displays his campaign with the greatest financial resources, with
the participation of renowned singers, who take part in his campaign.
However, Lula da Silva widened his edge in first place with a sustained campaign
of a program of change for the Brazilian current
political panorama, in which he promises to promote economic growth and create
jobs, based on the national productive sectors.
The poll also revealed that Lula leads all his opponents in the voter preference
for the second round of elections, scheduled for October 27. If the decisive
round were held now, Lula would defeat Ciro Gomes 49.2 against 38.1 percent
of votes.
In a survey made at the end of August, when both candidates were practically
tied, Ciro had a slight edge (44.7 against 43.3) over Lula, who is now ahead.
In this latest poll, Lula would defeat Serra (50.2 to 38.2) and Garotinho (50.8
to 35.3).
When voters are asked for their choice, but without mentioning a list of names,
Lula da Silva is the most consolidated, with 26.4. Ciro Gomes appears with 12.7,
Serra with 10.7 and Garotinho with 7.9.
Recent events in Chile remind us that September 11 is the anniversary of a day
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September 11, 2002
The Miami mafia's September 11
On that same date in 1980, Miami mafia capos were celebrating the success of
their latest feat of terrorism: the murder of Félix García Rodríguez,
a Cuban diplomatic at the United Nations, carried out in a New York street by
Pedro Remón, the deadliest killer at their disposal . It was the one
and only assassination of a UN diplomat and the news immediately made world
headlines . Pedro Remón, who was never punished for his crime and continued
his life as a terrorist, is currently detained in Panama with gang leader Luis
Posada Carriles; he could soon be returning, unpunished, to his Florida residence
(Special for Granma International)
SEPTEMBER 11, 1980, 6:20 p.m. Traffic in the heart of New York was its usual
hellish self. Félix García Rodríguez was driving past the
UN building in a vehicle belonging to the Cuban Mission. He was supposed to
pick up a work colleague and her children but fortunately, she had decided to
stay at home at the last minute. So Félix, having left his apartment
in Queens, stopped by a dry- cleaners in his neighborhood to pick up some clothes
and was heading towards his office on the corner of 38th and Lexington Avenue,
He was driving along Queens Boulevard when he had to stop at the lights at the
corner of 55th Street. That was the moment when, in a fraction of a second,
his world ended. A car pulled up alongside, and an unknown killer aimed a MAC
10 machine gun at Félix García Rodríguez and pulled the
One bullet hit him in the neck, and he lost consciousness. His car hit another
vehicle coming in the opposite direction.
The killers stopped their car, the one with the machine gun got out and shot
Félix again, this time in the head.
That man's name is Pedro Remón, a terrorist from the Omega 7 group. The
driver of the car was Eduardo "Omar" Arocena, head of Omega 7 and
author of a very long list of attempts.
That day, "Omar" was celebrating the sixth anniversary of his organization.
And the first murder of a UN diplomat was an exploit celebrated by the Cuban-American
mafia capos in Miami who blindly supported his act of terrorism, along with
the blessing of the CIA and the FBI.
Its probable that the "anonymous informer" who later rang the United
Press International (UPI) agency to say that the Omega 7 terrorist organization
was responsible for the deed was "Omar" himself.
In Washington, the authorities advised the Cuban Interest Section - the island's
main representation in the United States - of the murder at 7:00 p.m. Ramón
Sánchez Parodi, the section's head at the time, left immediately for
New York.
There, UN diplomats were in uproar. For the first time ever, terrorists had
used violence against the legitimate representative of a UN member country.
Nobody had ever dared to do such a thing, and such a disgraceful act would never
be repeated.
Three times on the following day, UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim expressed
his horror at the crime. He communicated with the U.S. representative at the
United Nations, demanding that full measures be taken to guarantee the safety
of all the Cuban personnel in New York, and insisted that the tragic event be
thoroughly investigated.
At a press conference Waldheim stated that he strongly condemned the unjustified
act of terrorism, adding that it was a new and tragic illustration of the growing
violence faced by diplomats around the world.
Secretary of State Ed Muskie called it a reprehensible act and asked for all
the relevant federal agencies as well as the New York police department to cooperate
in the investigation.
The man responsible for U.S. foreign policy stated that terrorism was to be
condemned in all its forms and eradicated.
Donald McHenry, Washington's ambassador to the UN called the crime a blot on
the United States.
Nevertheless, both Muskie and McHenry refrained from specifically condemning
the anti-Cuban terrorism sponsored, as was well known, by the country's very
own intelligence services and to a large degree tolerated by the federal police.
At the UN, Cuban ambassador Raúl Roa Kourí affirmed with total
clarity: "these groups of professional killers have various locations in
the country that hosts our international organization. Their members and leaders
make public statements to New York's Spanish-language press and hold public
meetings on the streets, crudely boasting of their criminal intentions."
He justly recalled: "They are the same ones who have detonated five bombs
in the offices of the Cuban Mission at the UN over the last two years and who
placed a high-explosive bomb in the car belonging to Cuba's permanent representative
to the organization."
Kourí added: "Félix García Rodríguez has died
as a result of his cowardly murderers going unpunished for their previous crimes."
The subsequent investigations, concluded one year later, completely supported
his reasoning.
On September 13, the body of the murdered diplomat was brought to Havana accompanied
by Victor Villa, a work colleague of Félix and a former guerrilla fighter
in the Sierra Maestra. An important group headed by Carlos Rafael Rodríguez,
member of the Political Bureau and vice president of the Council of State, was
awaiting their arrival at José Martí airport.
On September 14, Félix García Rodriguez was interred in Havana's
Colón Cemetery; thousands of people gathered to give their final salute
to a heroic comrade, victim of Miami's Batista underworld.
His colleagues and friends remembered the murdered Cuban diplomat, who had worked
as a journalist on Juventud Rebelde before moving to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, as "a great guy." He had worked for the UN Cuban Mission
from 1977, joining Alarcón's team, and his main brief was to look after
the many Cuban visitors arriving in New York for reasons of work.
According to information declassified by the FBI in 1993, Omega 7 was a Miami-based
terrorist organization founded on September 11, 1974 by Eduardo "Omar"
Arocena, with the backing of two fanatical Cuban-American groups: the Cuban
Nationalist Movement (CNM) and the Martí Insurrection Movement (MIM).
Omega 7 was active until 1983, when it was destroyed by the arrest of its leader.
Various of the 20 or so killers gathered around Arocena had been recruited and
specially trained in intelligence and commando techniques by the CIA in order
to participate in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.
The FBI confirmed that the training of those individuals as mercenaries plus
funds guaranteed by the CNM gave Omega 7 an almost unlimited potential for terrorism.
In the majority of their actions, Omega 7 used bombs, bullets and murder.
Despite the international impact of Félix García Rodríguez'
death, the FBI waited until 1981 - at least officially - before beginning to
identify the perpetrators of the crime.
An FBI document reads that in December 1980, the Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS) questioned Pedro Remón and Ramón Sánchez,
another Cuban immigrant, on crossing the Canadian border, traveling from Montreal.
Although a bomb had gone off at the Cuban Consulate in that city just a few
hours earlier, the two men were not questioned about the incident.
However, the INS gave the FBI data on the two individuals and the Feds finally
uncovered the Omega 7 network. Investigations into the activities of Remón
and Sánchez allowed the experts to discover their links with Eduardo
Arocena, Andrés García and Eduardo Fernández Losada, and
the existence of the criminal organization.
Thus they were able to prove an important exchange of telephone calls between
Arocena and Remón around the dates of various attacks, plus suspicious
care-hire information in Newark Airport, New Jersey.
Delving deeper, in the New York police archives investigators found that a vehicle
hired by Arocena and Remón had received a fine in front of the UN Cuban
Mission on September 11, 1980ž and that Arocena had signed a check to pay for
the infraction.
On December 2, 1982, Arocena was called before the Grand Jury and roundly denied
all knowledge of Omega 7's activities, except for what he'd read about the group
in the press.
However, the FBI report stated that the terrorist leader had initially worked
as a U.S. government agent. After that appearance, Arocena briefly cooperated
with the FBI and talked to investigators Robert Brandt and Larry Wack.
At first he stated that he represented "Omar", the head of Omega 7.
But the next day he admitted that "Omar" and himself were one and
the same person.
After confessing that he'd traveled to Miami to pick up 600 pounds of explosives
from Pedro Remón, "Omar" surprised Brandt and Wack by telling
them over the phone that he didn' t want to cooperate with them any more and
then disappeared off the face of the earth.
The FBI claimed to have lost track of him, until his arrest on July 22, 1983,
seven months later.
During the time he was cooperating with Brandt and Wack, "Omar" claimed
that Pedro Remón had killed Félix García Rodríguez.
He gave the two men all the details of the vicious attack. And he also spilled
the beans on another murder committed by his organization: the particularly
repugnant killing of Cuban-American Eulalio Negrín on September 25, 1979.
Armed with the same MAC 10 machine gun as on September 11, 1980, Remón
broke into Negrín's home and shot him in front of his young son.
"Omar" confessed to the FBI that he dreamt about ordering the deaths
of five Cuban diplomats on that fateful September 11, with the aim of celebrating
his criminal organization's sixth anniversary.
Among the other victims selected were Ramón Sánchez Parodi, head
of the Cuban Interest Section in Washington, and Raul Roa Kouri, Cuba's ambassador
to the UN.
When investigator Brandt took the stand at Arocena's trial in 1984, he told
under oath how Arocena affirmed that he had tried to persuade Remón not
to kill Félix García Rodríguez on September 11ž but only
because he realized that the diplomat was alone in the car.
Brandt testified that "Omar" told him he didn't want to kill just
one Cuban, but five.
Pedro Remón and Eduardo Losada Fernández were arrested on September
24, 1982 while attempting to steal a car in Belleville, New Jersey. They wanted
to use it for an assassination attempt on Sánchez Parodi, which they
planned to effect by placing a bomb in the Cuban Interest Section.
"Omar" Arocena then confessed to personally making all the bombs used
by his organization. He also openly acknowledged his operational links and training
with the CIA.
At the same 1984 trial, a witness confirmed that Pedro Remón was the
person who had shot Félix García Rodríguez on September
11, 1980 in New York.
In 1986 Remón, who was living in Kindall, Florida, at the time, received
a 10-year prison term after pleading guilty to the attempted murder of Raúl
Roa Kouri in front of the UN building and an attempt on the Cuban Interest Section
in December 1975ž in a deal made to get all the other charges dropped, including
that of the September 11 homicide. A satisfactory result for the terrorist who,
just a few years later, was back on the streets, free to resume his former activities.
Pedro Remón effectively carried on with his career as killer and terrorist,
firstly alongside Huber Matos, boss of the Democratic and Independent Cuba organization,
linked to murky terrorist and drug trafficking operations. Later on Remón
joined arch-terrorist Luis Posada Carriles.
In 2000 Remón surfaced in Panama, at the very moment of the failed Posada
Carriles attempt against Fidel Castro. Had the attempt succeeded, hundreds of
people would have died.
Along with Posada and two others, he is now detained at El Renacer "model"
prison, 60 meters from the Panama Canal. In Miami, mafia circles have been predicting
the possible escape of the four terrorists for some time.
Remón - killer, Omega 7 terrorist, an accomplice in the majority of the
extremely long list of attempts attributed to Omega 7 - could then return to
No. 170099 NW 98th Avenue, Hialeah Gardens, Miami. With total impunity, and
at great convenience to the country that has always tolerated - when it hasn't
actually instigated - the activities of the most fanatical Cuban-American elements.
And a country that is persecuting those who have risked their lives trying to
counteract such individuals.
On September 11, when the U.S. people recall the tragic hours they lived through
one year ago when watching the Twin Towers collapse in flames, will the Miami
terrorist circles be commemorating how, on September 11, 1980, their hired killer
Remón cowardly murdered a young Cuban diplomat on the streets of New
York? Will they be bragging about how, for over 40 years, they have organized,
financed and encouraged countless murders, violent attacks and criminal conspiracies
against Cuba? Will they feel proud of their blood on their hands that September
11, 1980, when they used violence and terrorism to realize their annexationist
Chickens home to roost
THE U.S. legal authorities "weren't as thorough as they could have been"
on investigating Félix García Rodríguez' murder, in case
they damaged their own interests," Ramón Sánchez Parodi,
head of the Cuban Interest Section in Washington when the tragic event took
place, told Granma International.
"Rooster chickens," he added, referring to the famous saying: "The
chickens are coming home to roost".
"No U.S. government has ever stopped sponsoring anti-Cuban criminals,"
pointed out Sánchez Parodi, explaining that this has resulted in the
most violent individuals "thinking they have license to act against Cuba."
According to his own experience, that policy of various U.S. administrations
does not correspond to the wishes of the large majority of Cuban immigrants
living in the United States, who "just want relations to be normalized"
between the two countries.
500 000 Central Americans Unemployed from Coffee Crisis
Tegucigalpa, Sep 12 (PL) The fall of the price of coffee has left approximately
500,000 Central Americans unemployed while another five million live in extreme
poverty, President Ricardo Maduro reported today.
In declarations to the local press, the president referred to the 80,000 Honduran
families that remain without work because the mainstay of their sustenance was
coffee farming.
The majority of Honduran rural homes were hit by the international coffee crisis,
which had a negative repercussion on the country"s economy, said Maduro.
Maduro indicated the need to improve the marketing conditions in the region
to overcome the problems of the sector. Coffee prices are the lowest in several
He said that Central America should direct its objective towards other markets
like Europe and Asia and promote the investment of foreign capital.
Likewise, he believes the area is compelled to join and reinforce the cooperation
and regional exchange in order to overcome the
The farmers of this Central American nation of 6 million inhabitants are going
through a difficult stage that became worst because of the constant weather
phenomenon like drought and earthquakes that have affected Honduran territory,
he said.
Honduras is the second largest Central American country with an extension of
112,090 square kilometers and is facing the problem of deforestation because
of poor land use and uncontrolled development that contributed to the degradation
of the soils.
Brazil-Argentina Defense Alliance Could Hurt U.S.
Stratfor, 12 September 2002
Brazil is calling for an "integration" of its national defense doctrine
with that of Argentina. The goal is to build a common South
American defense policy based mainly on preventing the United States from establishing
a permanent military presence anywhere in the region. If Argentina accepts the
proposal, it could undermine U.S. efforts to build hemispheric military support
for battling regional rebels and drug traffickers.
Brazil's government is quietly lobbying political and opinion leaders in Argentina
to accept a proposal for "total defense integration" between the two
countries, Buenos Aires daily Clarin reported. By "integration," the
Brazilians mean the adoption of a common regional defense doctrine but not the
actual merger of the armed forces of both countries.
If Argentina accepts the proposal, Brazil intends to use it as a cornerstone
to build a larger regional defense alliance, with the
objective of establishing a permanent demilitarized zone in South America, Clarin
reports. If enough countries sign on to such a plan, it could mean that no military
forces from outside the region would be allowed permanent station in most of
South America.
The Brazilian proposal also would commit Argentina, and any other countries
in the region that buy into it, to respect the principles of national sovereignty
and non-interventionism in the internal affairs of other nations. In essence,
any participating country would be off limits to extra-regional forces. This
would suit Brazil's needs perfectly.
Brazil does not want to involve itself in the troubles of Colombia and other
neighboring countries, but it also doesn't want other
governments -- especially Washington -- to gain a permanent military presence
in South America. Brazil is concerned that escalating U.S. military aid to Colombia
is only the first step in a much greater U.S. geopolitical strategy to gain
access to the Amazon region's vast natural resources.
Aldo Rebelo, president of the defense commission of the Brazilian chamber of
deputies, underscored these concerns when he said in Buenos Aires recently that
it would be "a tragedy to have U.S. soldiers in South America," Clarin
reported. Brazil is a fierce critic of Plan Colombia, the U.S.-backed assistance
package that, among other things, funds Colombian counterdrug battalions that
are trained by U.S. personnel.
Brazil is also bitterly opposed to the Bush administration's efforts to expand
U.S. military aid to Colombia to fight the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
(FARC) and National Liberation Army rebel groups. In fact, Brazil repeatedly
has rejected pleas by the Colombian and U.S. governments to participate in a
coordinated regional military coalition to fight Colombia's rebels and drug
traffickers. Argentina has been more supportive of Plan Colombia and U.S. counterdrug
and counterterrorism aims in Colombia, at least rhetorically.
Besides reflecting worries about possible U.S. intentions, Brazil's proposal
to Argentina is an indication of the enormous improvement in relations between
the two countries over the past 12 years. This change was largely due to the
political and trade integration mechanisms built into the South American Common
Market (Mercosur), the customs union that includes Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
and Uruguay as full members plus Chile and Bolivia as associate (non-voting)
Before Mercosur was created over a decade ago, Brazil's national defense doctrine
focused on the country's southern frontiers. Since the 1870 Paraguay war, Argentina
had been perceived as the greatest external threat to Brazil's national security.
However, over the past decade, Brazil's national security focus has shifted
from the south to the north, with an eye
primarily on Colombia and the United States.
While Brazil-Argentina relations improved during the 1990s, the northern
Brazilian frontier with Colombia became increasingly unstable as the drug-fueled
civil war in that country escalated and began spreading to neighboring countries,
including Brazil. The Brazilian government responded
to the threat by redeploying its military forces from southern Brazil to the
northern Amazon region.
Five years ago about 11,000 soldiers were based in the Amazon region along Brazil's
frontier with seven neighboring countries. Today more than 23,000 Brazilian
soldiers are based within the Amazon, and 3,000 more will be deployed into the
northern Amazon in coming months. However, 26,000 soldiers are woefully inadequate
to the task of securing and protecting the 2.12-million-square-mile Amazon region
from being invaded by anyone.
Brazilian defense experts say they believe the FARC is turning Colombia's southern
border with Brazil into a strategic rearguard
area to rest and resupply FARC forces and to smuggle drugs out of Colombia in
exchange for weapons smuggled into the country from Brazil. These sources said
the FARC also has at least 300 fighters permanently camped less than 30 miles
from the Colombian border with Brazil.
It's not clear how Argentina will respond to Brazil's proposal. Argentina's
political turmoil caused by its debt default last year has not subsided, and
the country's economy remains a shambles. A recent poll shows that President
Eduardo Duhalde has a popularity rating among Argentine voters of only 6 percent,
the country's political leadership is jockeying for advantage in party primaries
and general elections scheduled over the next six months, and the government
has made no progress at all in locking in a financial aid package from the International
Monetary Fund.
The Brazilians understand that right now there's no one in Argentina they can
truly negotiate with. However, they are pitching the idea of integrating national
defense doctrines to Argentine opinion leaders now, with the aim of building
political and popular support for the idea before Argentine voters choose a
new president in the first half of 2003. This could have very negative effects
on hemispheric U.S. efforts against drug and rebel groups.**********************************************************
15. September 2002, 22.00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Gernot Pürer widerstand@no-racism.net
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