Powered by public netbase t0 -- please sign Wie der MUND entsteht ....Schickt
uns bitte eure Nachrichten, Meldungen und Ideen. Im
MUND findet Ihr eine Rubrik, die eine Konsequenz aus der redaktionsinternen
Debatte um die Notwendigkeit, sexistische, antisemitische und rassistische
Beiträge nicht zu veröffentlichen, einerseits, die Problematik von
Zensur andererseits versucht: unter "B) Eingelangt, aber nicht aufgenommen"
wird - in anonymisierter Form - auf angehaltene Beiträge hingewiesen
und eine kurze Begründung der/des Tagesredaktuers für die Nichtaufnahme
geliefert. Die AbsenderInnen werden hiervon informiert.
Quelle: www.popo.at Und für nächsten Donnerstag: Das Rechtshilfe-Manual ...und was mache ich eigentlich gegen rassisten? online-diskussion
01 es tut sich wasÝsomething on!
von: e.d. <evacomedia@gmx.net>
FYI -- Many NY artists/writers are supporters of this organization and
its events (Kurt Vonnegut, Laurie Anderson, Alice Walker, Russell
Banks, Grace Paley, Eve Ensler, Tony Kushner, etc.)Begin forwarded message:
Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 18:14:54 America/New_York
Subject: New York, NY: Oct. 6, National Day of Resistance
The Not in Our Name Project invites and urges you to be part of
planning and building a mass protest on Oct. 6 in NYC against this war
on the world; against detentions and roundups of Muslims, Arabs, South
Asians and other immigrants; and to police state measures, including
attacks on civil liberties, efforts to suppress dissent, and moves to
establish a citizen spy network.
Imagine this: On Sunday, Oct. 6, the day before the bombing began one
year ago, ten thousand people of different nationalities, backgrounds,
communities, and political outlooks converge in Central Park to send a
message to the people of the world that we stand with THEM and not the
U.S. Government. People could hear the firsthand stories of those who
have been targeted by the Government's actions. A huge wall could be
created with children's artwork and messages from unions, community
organizations and religious congregations that could be sent to people
in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and other countries who are feeling
the effects of U.S. actions.
"Not in Our Name" - resounding from the heart of NYC on the
anniversary of the launching of this war without limits. Imagine the
power of this message that will be sent to the people of the world!
The day would signal a new breadth of commitment, a deepened resolve,
and a growing strength among people in this country to resist and stop
the horrors being done by the U.S. Government in our name.
It will be a challenge to actually realize this vision. But the times
require nothing less. Every willing hand and heart is needed to help
develop this vision and make it happen.
We must all of us, together, dare to change the course of history!
02 Bunter Demonstrationszug gegen Eurofighter und Euro ˆ Armee
von: Friedenswerkstatt Linz <friwe@servus.at>
OÖ-Plattform Nein zu Abfangjägern
p. A. Friedenswerkstatt Linz
Waltherstr. 15b
4020 Linz
Tel. 0732/771094
Fax 0732/797391
e-mail: mailto:friwe@servus.atPlattform Nein zu Abfangjägern/Demonstration/Widerstand
gegen Abfangjäger
Bunter Demonstrationszug gegen Eurofighter und Euro-ArmeeRund 100 vorwiegend
junge Menschen demonstrierten am Freitag, 20. September durch die Linzer Fußgängerzone.
Die zentralen Forderungen des lautstarken und bunten Demonstrationszuges: Nein
zu Abfangjägern, keine Fighter für die Euro-Armee, Bildung und Sozialpolitik
statt Aufrüstung.
Breite politische Unterstützung für die Plattform Nein zu Abfangjägern
Der Aufruf der OÖ-Plattform Nein zu Abfangjäger wurde breit unterstützt:
AK-Präsident Hubert Wipplinger und AK-Vizepräsident Johann Kalliauer
erklärten in einer Grußbotschaft für die Fraktion Sozialdemokratischer
Gewerkschafter ihre volle Unterstützung für den Aufruf der Plattform
Nein zu Abfangjägern. Weiters unterstützten den Aufruf die Alternativen
und Grünen GewerkschafterInnen, der Gewerkschaftlichen Linksblock, die
sozialistischen Jugendorganisationen, die Grünen OÖ, Pax Christi,
KPÖ, Internationaler Versöhnungsbund, ATTAC, sowie eine Reihe von
Friedens-, Kultur- und AusländerInnenorganisationen.
In dem Aufruf Nein zu Abfangjäger heißt es u. a.: ŽWir sagen Nein
zu Abfangjägern, weil es nicht einzusehen ist, dass viele Milliarden für
neues Kriegsgerät bereitstehen, während bei PensionistInnen, SchülerInnen
und Studierenden, ArbeitnehmerInnen und Arbeitslosen an allen Ecken und Enden
gespart wird; weil diese vielen Milliarden viel sinnvoller eingesetzt werden
könnten zur Behebung der Hochwasserschäden und für Arbeitsplätze
in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Bildung, Kultur, Umweltschutz und soziale Sicherheit;
weil der wahre Grund für den Ankauf der Eurofighter die Beteiligung Österreichs
an globalen Kriegseinsätzen im Rahmen der EU-Armee ist.
Keine Soldaten, keine Waffen und kein Euro für die Euro-Armee
Bei der Abschlusskundgebung hob Boris Lechthaler von der Friedenswerkstatt Linz
hervor, dass es ein Erfolg der 625.000 UnterzeichnerInnen des Anti-Abfangjäger-Volksbegehrens
ist, dass der Ankauf der Euro-Fighter bislang verhindert werden konnte. Das
zeigt, dass Widerstand wirksam ist. Entwarnung aber ist nicht angesagt, denn
die Abfangjägerlobby wartet auf ihre nächste Chance. Ab kommenden
Jahr soll die Euro-Armee einsatzbereit sein, eine klassische Angriffsarmee,
die erklärtermaßen für Interventionen in Afrika und am asiatischen
Kontinent eingesetzt werden soll. Der Euro-Fighter ist das Paradeprojekt dieser
EU-Armee. Neue Kriegsgeräte, wie z. B. die Radpanzer Pandur und Ulan sollen
in nächster Zeit für ŽAuslandseinsätze (Scheibner) des
Bundesheeres angekauft werden. Die Führungen aller Parlamentsparteien in
Österreich treten derzeit für die Teilnahme Österreichs an der
Euro-Armee ein. Die Friedensbewegung ist daher gefordert weiter Druck gegen
die Militarisierung Österreichs zu machen. Lechthaler abschließend:
ŽDie Neutralität ist ein Zukunftskonzept, weil sie auf Überwindung
der Militärblöcke, Dialog und Abrüstung in den internationalen
Beziehungen baut. Die Neutralität steht in diametralen Gegensatz zur Teilnahme
an der Euro-Armee. Daher keine Soldaten, keine Waffen und kein Euro für
die Euro-Armee.
Nähere Informationen: Friedenswerkstatt Linz, Tel. 0732/771094, http://www.friwe.at
03 Buchpräsentation 26.9.
von: Republikanischer Klub <Replikub@surfeu.at>
Der Republikanische Club und der Promedia Verlag laden zur Buchpräsentation:
DIE BENES - DEKRETE - Zwischen tschechischer Identität und deutscher
mit dem Autor Beppo BEYERL, Moderation: Hannes Hofbauer (Promedia Verlag)
Donnerstag, 26. September 2002, 19 Uhr im Republikanischen Club, Rockhgasse
Das Buch kann in jeder Buchhandlung oder beim Verlag bestellt werden: Promedia
Verlag, Wickenburggasse 5/12, A-1080 Wien, Fax: 01 - 405 71 59 22
Republikanischer Club -Neues Österreich
Rockhgasse 1, Eingang Cafe Hebenstreit, 1010 Wien
04 Hausbesetzung in Salzburg
von: <squat-salzburg@anarchymail.com>
from: squat-salzburg@anarchymail.com
subject: hausbesetzerInnen in salzburg brauchen hilfe!die erste nacht überstanden,
am morgen stress mit polizei und besitzer...
letzten freitag zogen wir, eine gruppe salzburgerInnen, in ein teilweise
leerstehendes haus in salzburg ein. nachdem die ersten zwei tage schon
kräftig für renovierungs- und einzugsarbeiten genutzt wurden, stand
dritten tag der besitzer vor der tür. nachdem sich herausstellte, dass
dieser (ein etwas cholerischer richter...) an keinem gespräch interessiert
war und uns eigentlich sowieso nur anzeigen wollte, war wenig später auch
die polizei da und zwang uns zur aufgabe der besetzten räume. das haus
verliesen wir aber nicht da die derzeitigen mieterInnen uns als ihre gäste
einluden bei ihnen zu bleiben.
wir sind wenige und hoffen dem besitzer bald klarmachen zu können, dass
dieses haus instand besetzen und uns dort freiräume schaffen wollen. wir
wollen einen ort wo wir autonom unsere lebensräume gestalten können,
wo wir
UNSER leben führen können.
nach den ereignissen rund um die diesjährigen anti-wef proteste und der
rolle die das SSF (salzburg social forum) dabei gespielt hat, war vielen
von uns mehr oder weniger klar, dass die global-bewegung den punkt ihrer
spaltung erreicht hat. die bürgerlichen kräfte verabschieden sich
reform und somit zum reproduktions-prozess des kapitalismus. das kann nicht
unser weg sein und deswegen werden wir unsere eigenen strukturen brauchen.
diese müßen wir uns erkämpfen.es ist derzeit nicht klar was
der morgige tag bringt, und schon gar nicht
was übermorgen sein wird. aber wir wollen auf jeden fall dran (und drin!)
bleiben, steckt doch schon einiges an arbeit in unserem wunderschönen haus.
wir werden wahrscheinlich jede form von unterstützung brauchen, das heißt
vor allem euch!
kommt nach salzburg, besucht uns, macht mit! oder helft mit diesen stein
weiter ins rollen zu bringen: besetzt häuser bei euch, macht infoläden
oder lasst euch sonstwas einfallen. die zeit des wartens muss irgendwann
vorbei sein, antikapitalistische strukturen müßen aufgebaut werden.wir
freuen uns über jeden besuch, je mehr und je öfter desto besser!
vorläufig erreichen könnt ihr uns unter squat-salzburg@anarchymail.comweitere
infos folgen sobald wie möglich...
05 Angriff gegen Demonsrationsrecht
von: Elfie Resch <11ie@chello.at>
Am Dienstag den 1. Oktober um 13 Uhr 15 wird am Bezirksgericht Wien 1,
Riemergasse 7 im Saal 45, erhebt der Staatsanwalt Anklage gegen die Obfrau
des FrauenLesbenMädchenZentrums ein wegen Sachbeschädigung.
Die Justiz hat Saalschutz angefordert, mehrere Polizisten werden als Zeugen
aufgerufen und werden unbekanntes Bildmaterial vorlegen. Also frau kann sich
auf was gefaßt machen. Daher ist es unbedingt notwendig, daß wir
Frauen im
Saal sitzen und der Frau den Rücken stärken. Eine Vorbesprechung findet
am Samstag den 28. September um 17 Uhr im LFMZ statt. Entschuldigungen gibt's
für das Nichterscheinen eigentlich keine. Es gilt
Angriffe gegen das Demonstrationsrecht abzuwehren. Die LFMZ-Nachrichten
veröffentlichten im Frühjahr 2002 folgenden Text zur Causa: ANGRIFFE
Bei der 8. März Frauendemonstration 2001 wurde vom Schwedenplatz bis zum
Sozialministerium eine ca. 3 m große Strohpuppe mitgefahren, die den
Minister Haupt (1) symbolisierte. Bei einer Straßenaktion wurde diese
mit nassen Fetzen geschlagen bis sie zerfiel.
Die Strohreste am Boden wurden spontan angezündet. Einzelne versuchten
Feuer zu löschen, weil sie darin eine Verbrennung einer "Strohpuppe"/Person
sahen und dies als politischen Ausdruck ablehnen. Andere sahen darin
Strohreste, die mit Rufen "Feuer und Flamme dem Patriarchal" angezündet
wurden und brannten.
Der ORF und andere filmten, die Polizei sah zu, schrieb mit und
fotografierte. Die Demo ging dann weiter und einige Frauen blieben, bis die
Reste des Feuers ausgingen. die "Folgen": der Versuch Reinigungskosten
für Demonstrationen einzuheben
Demoanmelderinnen persönlich für angebliche
Straftaten während
der Demonstration anzuklagen Mitte März 2001 erhielt das FZ als offizielle
Demoanmelderin eine Rechnung
und später eine Mahnung von der MA 6 (im Auftrag der MA 48) für eine
Leistung für den "Verein Kommunikationszentrum für Frauen".
Das FZ schrieb zurück, daß uns keine Leistung der MA 48 bekannt ist,
die wir
in Anspruch genommen hätten. Daraufhin erhielt das FZ eine Stellungnahme
der MA 48, daß "im Zuge der Demonstration am 8. März vor dem
Sozialministerium (...) Kosten für die Reinigung der Straße angefallen
Von der Bundespolizeidirektion Wien wurde gegen den brennenden Strohballen
die Feuerwehr zur Brandbekämpfung alarmiert. Gleichzeitig wurde von der
Polizei die MA 48 zur anschließenden notwendigen Reinigung angefordert.
Leistungen dieser Art werden von der MA 48 die entstandenen Reinigungskosten
dem Verantwortlichen in Rechnung gestellt.
Das FZ als Demoanmelderin lehnte die Forderung auf Bezahlung der
Reinigungskosten mit einem Schreiben von einer Rechtsanwältin (vom Sept.
ab. Rechtlich gesehen ist eine Demonstration nicht für Reinigungskosten
verantwortlich. Die Forderung auf Reinigungskosten, ist ein direkter
Versuch, Demonstrationen (DemonstrationsanmelderInnen) für das politische
Recht zu demonstrieren, bezahlen zu lassen. (2)
Laut Bericht vom "Büro für Staatsschutz" im Gerichtsakt
" wurde Ende Nov. 01
von der Rechtsabteilung des Rathauses eine "Empfehlung" an die MA
übermittelt die Summe abzuschreiben(...) da die Zahlung von ATS 1000,00
rechtlich nicht durchsetzbar wäre."
Am 28. November 01 wurde due Obfrau und (rechtlich) Hauptverantwortliche für
die Demoanmeldung zur Einvernahme vorgeladen. Laut Bericht vom "Büro
im Gerichtsakt wurde die Ladung, sowohl an die Wohnadresse als auch ans FZ
geschickt. Sie sollte laut Ladungsbescheid zum "Vorfall 8. März"
werden und macht keine Aussage.
Bei der Einvernahme hieß es laut mündlicher Aussage des Polizeibeamten,
sie doch Demoverantwortliche sei.
In dem schriftlichen Bericht zu dieser Ladung, die im Gerichtsakt liegt,
steht, daß sie als "Beschuldigte, betreff auf Sachbeschädigung
Verunreinigung der Straße" geladen war. Im Jänner 02 erhielt
sie ein Schreiben von der Staatsanwaltschaft Wien, daß
das Büro für Staatsschutz" gegen sie am 30.7.01 Strafanzeige
erstattet hat
mit dem Verdacht. "Sie haben am 8.3.01 (...) bei einer Demonstration mehrere
Strohballen auf der Hauptfahrbahn der Ringstraße in Flammen gesetzt (...)
die Hauptfahrbahn der Ringstraße gröblich verunreinigte (...) dadurch
Vergehen der Sachbeschädigung nach §125 StGB begangen." Ihr wurde
Möglichkeit angeboten die Strafe und die Reinigungskosten in einem
außergerichtlichen Tatausgleich zu bezahlen (mit dem Hinweis, daß
keine Vorstrafe entsteht). Bei Nichtzahlung wurde ein Strafprozeß angedroht,
der nun stattfinden wird. Der Prozeß
Der Prozeß findet am 1.10. 2002 ab 13.15 Uhr, im Saal 45/ Erdgeschoß,
Bezirksgericht Innere Stadt, Riemergasse 7, 1011 Wien statt.
Wir freuen uns, wenn viele Frauen und auch (Frauen) Presse zum Prozeß
kommen. Laut Gerichtsakt wird für den Prozeß Saalschutz angefordert
und einer der
Polizeibeamten, der als Zeuge geladen ist, wird ersucht eventuelles
Fotomaterial zu übermitteln. Für Interessierte Frauen, Unterstützerinnen,
die am Prozeß teilnehmen
wollen, treffen wir uns am Samstag, 28.9.02, 17 Uhr im FZ (Währingerstr.
59/Stiege 6) im 2. Stock
06 Workers Power Global Week
von: NEWSWIRE <newswire@workerspower.com>
E-newswire of the LRCI
22 September 2002
Workers Power Global Week is the English language e-newsletter of the LRCI.
To unsubscribe go to: http://www.workerspower.com/wpglobal/newsform.html
Please forward this to a comrade.
Workers Power Global, London
Shortly after George W Bush's speech to the United Nations on 13 September demanding
it back his plans to invade Iraq, he was upstaged by his arch enemy. Saddam
Hussein penned a short letter agreeing to the unconditional return of the UN
weapons inspectors after a five year absence.
This immediately threw the imperialist led coalition against Iraq into a crisis.
Bush denounced Iraq's offer and Britain opined that Saddam was not to be trusted.
Meanwhile, France welcomed the move and Russia declared that no new UN resolutions
were now needed.
War seemed to be delayed, if not indefinitely, then for a month or more while
negotiations between Iraq and the UN over the "practicalities" of
the return of the inspectors take place. No one suggests that this cold be much
before the end of October, however.
It is hardly surprising that Saddam blinked first. In the days between Bush's
speech to the UN and Iraq's climbdown, the Arab League turned up the pressure
on Iraq's ruling regime; even Saudi Arabia's rulers hinted that a failure to
allow the inspectors back in would see Saudi Arabia back US-led and UN-backed
military action to oust Saddam.
So Saddam bowed to the inevitable and by its timing, he hoped his letter would
forestall a new, tougher UN resolution which devised even more hoops for Baghdad
to jump through.
However, though the timing of future military action against Iraq may have to
be revised and the US provocations that eventually "allow" for it
refined, No doubt, if the inspectors cannot find any weapons it will not be
because they do not exist but because the "treacherous Saddam" has
hidden them well! And for this reason he will have to go! Bush will simply not
give ground at all on the need to overthrow Saddam's regime. Why?
Because the real motives for the war are not any supposed connection between
Iraq and al-Qaida "terrorists" or Iraq's possession of weapons of
mass destruction. Neither are true.
The motives for war are: total world domination and the plunder of the oil reserves
of the Middle East for the United States The Bush administration is bent the
creation of world-wide US hegemony over both its allies and its enemies. Economically
it would gives the US the ability to pump oil to undermine the bargaining power
of OPEC and thus lower oil prices to fuel a US economic expansion phase in the
years ahead.
It is out to occupy Iraq - the country with second largest oil reserves in the
world. Iraq's enormous oil reserves held the potential to support a large army
and weapons able to match those held by Israel, the US gendarme in the region.
This was clearly intolerable. It could unravel the whole divide-and-rule system,
which the USA had been running since the old colonial powers.
The attempt to change the regime in Iraq to a puppet one represents a massive
expansion phase of US world dominance. For this very reason it has stimulated
enormous world-wide alarm. This will in the weeks ahead re-mobilise a truly
global anti war movement. The new antiwar mobilisations will dwarf in scale
those of 2001.
Revolutionaries have to be unsparing in their criticism of the "antiwar"
forces who dial into their opposition the escape clause- "only with the
approval of the United Nations." Bush and his British messenger boy are
already hard at work threatening and bribing the members of the Security Council
with a veto. These men all have a price or an Achilles heel.
The UN "pacifists" of today are tomorrow's warmongers - just as they
were in 2001. Their task is to round up as many spontaneous but unwary antiwar
people as possible and then, when the UN actually gives the green light for
war, convince them of the necessity of following the "international community"
to war.
We need to give no recognition to any UN-bestowed legitimacy. The US has enormous
powers of coercion, both economic and military. The Security Council is truly
a thieves' kitchen. If Russia is given a free hand in Chechnya and China in
Tibet and Xinjiang- if the IMF and the WTO make the price right, Bush will get
his way.
Our position has to be "US and UN hands off Iraq!" No return of the
weapons inspectors. Immediate lifting of all existing sanctions. All US and
British forces out of Arabia, all its warships out of the Gulf and the Indian
Ocean. All its bases out of Central and South-East Asia.
We seek to stop this war by mass mobilisations that will shake the system to
its foundations and topple the warmongers. First and foremost this must happen
in the imperialist countries themselves. When fighting breaks out we must call
clearly and unequivocally for the total defeat of the imperialist invasion and
victory for the Iraqi resistance to it.
This alone distinguishes revolutionary opposition to the war from those simply
call for "peace" or for UN intervention or mediation. The reformist
left will oppose this position on the grounds that it means supporting Saddam
Hussein, just as they claimed that defeatism in the Afghan war meant support
for the Taliban dictatorship, etc.
For us only the Iraqi people- Arabs and Kurds- have the right to overthrow Saddams'
brutal dictatorship and at the same time ensure the independence of their country.
To do so at the price of colonisation by the USA, Britain etc. would be a disaster,
Liberation can only be achieved if the workers youth of the cities rise up and
replace the Baathist and military regime with a democracy based on workers and
peasants council's.
Only if they do so from the basis of defence of their country, of its independence
from the imperialists, will it be possible for there to be a democratic let
alone a socialist outcome.
Workers Power Global, Berlin
A lame campaign has ended in a tight finish. On the eve of the general election
Schröder's SPD are ahead of Stoiber's CDU/CSU in the polls. The neo-liberal
FDP and the Greens - likely coalition partner of the large parties are running
neck and neck for third place. Whether or not the left reformist PDS gets any
seats could be decisive for the outcome of the whole election.
A few months ago it seemed that the conservative and liberal opposition would
definitely win. The bosses had turned their backs on Schröder and Fischer.
They had done well - but not well enough - for German imperialism, the capitalists
and their media opined. Another SPD-led government would make too many concessions
to the union leaders, would be too corporatist.
In this period the bourgeois media "discovered" and published one
SPD or Green Party scandal after another. Helmut Kohl's corruption was forgotten.
The working class on the other hand was disappointed with the SPD in government;
the PDS were only an alternative for a section of the more politically advanced
So why did the SPD regain much of its lost ground?
At the end of spring, Schröder made a turn to the trade unions. It was
clear by then that the ruling class had decided to support Stoiber and the liberals
to build of for an all-out, open attack on the working class without making
concessions to the union leaders. At the end of March, when the SPD was down
to 30 percent in the polls Schröder and the leaders of the trade unions
met. They struck a deal.
The SPD would not introduce any measures against the trade union (bureaucracy)
- on the other hand the unions would not attack their social democratic brothers
and sisters and would turn their fire against Stoiber.
Despite this deal the workers, and even many union officials, remained unenthusiastic.
After all, there are four million unemployed (officially) in Germany, the red-green
government has waged two wars (against Yugoslavia and Afghanistan), fulfilled
some minor promises for the workers and handed over billions of euros in tax
cuts to the rich.
This changed dramatically with the beginning of the "hot phase" of
the campaign after the summer holidays. Schröder for once started with
a clear message: No war against Iraq! The CDU's response made their campaign
looking weak for the first time. War on Iraq is not a question of immediate
importance, Stoiber replied, raising doubts about his view of the world.
The floods make Stoiber look even worse. The SPD and the Greens delayed tax
reductions for the rich to finance the costs of repairing the damage caused
by the floods. The CDU and the liberals opposed this in the name of German business.
If the SPD could not prove that Stoiber and the FPD were and are the preferred
choice of German capitalists, the CDU did.
The trade union campaign became more outspoken as well. Again this was fuelled
by the deeds of the conversative and liberal parties and the demands of the
capitalists' organisations. All the national bosses' organisations praised the
programmes of the neo-liberal FPD and the need to shift to Stoiber - in order
to break the "might" of the organised working class and the trade
The war and these open threats mobilised the working class behind the SPD. A
day before the elections the SPD were standing at around 37 to 40 percent in
the polls, generally a little bit ahead of the CDU/CSU.
The reformist election rallies - apart from the PDS who suffered from the turn
back to the SPD as well - were surprisingly well attended. In Berlin alone,
Schröder and the SPD had two rallies with about 20,000 and 25,000 attending.
In many towns and cities they filled central squares or large halls with 5,000
- 15,000. In a number of cases several thousands had to wait outside because
they could not get into meeting halls.
The trade unions organised a national rally in Dortmund and the trade union
youth held one in Köln. The latter demonstration, an anti-Stoiber rally
on 14 September. was attended by 40,000 - 50,000 young workers from all over
Germany. A poll held amongst the young trade unionised workers revealed their
preferences: 55% SPD, 18% PDS, 13 % Greens, 9% CDU, 3 % FPD.
The idea of many "radical" German leftists that the SPD had broken
its links with the working class and was no longer a reformist, bourgeois workers'
party was ridiculed in practice during this election campaign.
This could also be seen in a party (Streikhelferfest -strike supporters festival)
held by IG Metall Stuttgart for the strike activists of this year's wage bargaining
round. About 3,000 shop stewards, members of the strike committees and pickets
from the strike attended this - and applauded the SPD speakers who had been
invited (no other party had been invited).
Whether or not all this is enough for the SPD to win is uncertain. Whether or
not the SPD will maintain the coalition with the Greens, whether it will lean
towards a greater coalition or towards the PDS (if it makes it into government)
is unclear.
Certainly, Schröder would prefer to rule with the Greens in the first place
or to form a grand coalition with the CDU, or one with the liberals even. He
will do what he can to avoid forming a coalition with the PDS or a minority
government backed by the PDS.
Whatever the precise percentage of votes will be it is important to insist:
No coalition with the bosses' parties! For an SPD or SPD/PDS government!
The unions, the base organisation of the SPD and PDS, all mass working class
organisation have to put demands on this government to deal with the scourge
of unemployment, against the bosses' attacks and against the war threat:
* No to all redundancies! For occupations and strikes! Nationalisation of all
companies which sack or plan to sack workers without compensation and under
workers' control!
* Against unemployment: For a programme of socially useful public works under
workers' control!
* Reduce the working week to 30 hours without loss of pay!
* Against a low wage economy! Turn all insecure, temporary contracts into contracts
covered by the minumum wage or wage bargaining agreements!
* Defend health, and pensions insurance! No to privatisation! Renationalise
all privatised hospitals etc. without compensation! Free education for all!
No to privatisation of universities and schools to the church or private corporations!
* The rich must pay! Tax the rich! For a progressive taxation on profits and
* No to state racism: Against all immigration controls! Open the borders! Full
political and citizens' rights for all who live in Germany!
* Full democratic rights! Repeal the "security laws" introduced by
the SPD/Green government in the "war against terrorism"!
* No to war against Iraq! No support for the US and the UN! Lift the embargo
against Iraq immediately and unconditionally! German troops out of Afghanistan,
the Middle East, Kovosa and Macedonia!
The workers, the youth and the anti-capitalist movement have to ally themselves
and mobilise for such demands from 23 September onwards!
Schröder, the SPD, PDS and trade union leaders will do their best to water
down demands and avoid any open struggle with bosses. This is why we not only
call for the reformist leaders to act, but also for the workers to organise
the struggle - with their current leaders where possible, without or against
them, where necessary. Just as we say: Stop Stoiber! Vote SPD/PDS! Organise
the fight back!
www.arbeitermacht.de (German site of Gruppe Arbeitermacht, German section of
the LRCI)
Workers Power Global, Vienna
Last Sunday around 4,000 anti-capitalist demonstrators marched against the annual
summit of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Salzburg and against the effects
of global capitalism on our lives. The day before around 1,000 people participated
in the demonstration organised by the immigrant community.
The WEF is an association of businessmen and women and their politicians who
focus on how to advance the "achievements of free market" in Eastern
Europe. It is no accident that this meeting takes place in Salzburg since Austrian
firms are among the biggest foreign investors in Eastern Europe and Austrian
banks play a central role in the region's financial system.
Austria is a small but genuine imperialism. This is why organising such protests
is vital for the Austrian workers' movement to fight its own imperialism and
why we should aim for united mobilisations of Austrian and Eastern European
workers' delegations to counter the "divide and rule" strategy of
the bosses.
The main organisers of the mobilisations were the Social Forum, the Communist
Party, Stalinist Turkish organisations like ATIGIF, the social democratic youth
and radical left-wing organisations, among them ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt - the
Austrian section of the LRCI - and the youth group REVOLUTION.
The number of the participants in the demonstrations were higher than last year.
Last year the demonstrations in Salzburg hit the news. It was the first real
anti-capitalist mobilisation in Austria and it ended in clashes with the police
and a six hour encirclement of 1,000 demonstrators by the police.
The mobilisations last weekend marked a clear step forward since they underline
the consolidation of the anti-capitalist movement in Austria. This is particularly
important given the traditional national-centeredness of the Austrian workers'
movement and the general "island of the blessed"-mentality in the
The weakest aspect of the demonstration was the lack of trade unionists. While
the railway workers trade union formally backed the call for the demonstrations
the bureaucrats didn't mobilise its members at all. They hesitated to bring
the rank & file into contact with radical ideas.
ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt and REVOLUTION formed a militant and vocal contingent
of around 30 people. In our speeches - quoted in the TV news -, our flags and
banner "Fight imperialist war - Defend Iraq" we expressed clearly
the main tasks of today:
* Oppose global capitalism and imperialist war!
* Defend all social conquest against the offensive of the bosses!
* Defend all victims of imperialist aggression!
* For an international and internationalist solidarity movement!
* Only social revolution can put an end to the horrors of war and economic crisis!
The police restrained themselves and did not provoke the demonstrators as they
did last year and which led to the clashes widely reported in the media. It
only went to show that the police are the source of violence. If the ministers
- concerned about their reputation in public - tell their hooligans in uniform
to restrain themselves, no clashes happen.
The next step must be a massive mobilisation for the European Social Forum between
6.-10. November in Florence. The Austrian Social Forum and the railway workers
union have already booked a train for 700 people. And next year we need an even
bigger demonstration against the WEF in Salzburg!
Workers Power Global, Stockholm
The national, regional and local elections in Sweden in mid-September didn't
change much in the relationship of forces at the national level between the
two competing blocs of parties. The social democratic minority government will
most likely continue, as during the last four years, to rely on support from
the Left Party and the Greens.
This time the Greens have demanded a higher price for their support. They not
only want to have their most important election promises accepted, they also
want three ministers. This is a bit strong coming from a party that barely managed
to reach 4 percent of the votes nationally they needed to get any seats in parliament.
The Left Party, for their part, is not putting forward any unconditional demands.
Party leader Gudrun Schyman says that the Left is first of all interested in
blocking any (openly) bourgeois government and laying the basis for "left
The fate of her own party is subordinate to this question. This is not surprising
since the Left and its former incarnation, the Communist Party, have been an
important parliamentary support for social democratic minority governments for
Despite the show that the Greens' leaders are putting on, the most likely scenario
at the moment is still a social democratic minority government. This will be
a sort of informal coalition, where important domestic issues will be solved
in negotiations behind the scenes with the Left and the Greens. When it comes
to foreign policy and Sweden's role in the imperialist alliance behind Bush
in the "war against terrorism" the government can, on the other hand,
rely on the openly bourgeois parties.
The national elections confirmed the strength of the two blocs - 174 seats for
the social democrats and the Left, 158 for the openly bourgeois parties, and
17 for the Greens. But significant changes took place inside the blocs. The
social democrats gained at the expense of the Left, almost reaching 40 percent.
The Left lost more than 3 percent, which can be explained by the fact that the
result in the last elections, almost 12 percent (1998), was an all-time high
for the party. At that time many social democrats were dissatisfied with their
party and voted for the Left Party to put pressure on the leadership to turn
Its true that the social democrats' campaign sounded more to the left than usual
- stressing the fight against unemployment, resistance to privatisation of hospitals
and some other public services, and opposition to racist proposals for a second
rate labour market for unemployed immigrants. But it is also true that the Left
abstained from criticising social democracy. The Left made a decision to bury
its own policy in favour of a common front against the openly bourgeois parties.
This made it unclear why anyone should vote for the Left, when social democracy
seemed to be enough.
The biggest re-shuffling of votes took place between the openly bourgeois parties.
The Conservatives (the Moderates) lost 8 percent, most of which went to the
Liberals. The Conservatives have now lost their leadership of the bourgeois
opposition, but this doesn't represent a step to the left. It's more correct
to say, as TUC leader Wanja Lundby-Wedin did on election night, that Sweden
now has three right-wing parties: Conservatives, Liberals and Christian Democrats.
The Conservative's defeat has acted as a catalyst for a real purge in the party,
where the initiative seems to be with younger and more neo-liberal forces. The
old guard is spent and will probably have to retire. The reputation of the Conservatives
was badly damaged by a TV journalist who fooled a number of respected local
politicians by appearing as an open racist.
He recorded their reactions to his lamentations, and this was broadcast on prime
time a few days before the elections. Almost all the politicians who proved
to be disgusting racists belonged to the Conservatives. The leadership was hastily
forced to disown these local representatives, but the damage was already done.
It was clear to all that behind the respectable image of the Conservatives there
lurked a cesspool of racism and xenophobia.
Some Conservatives now blame either the journalist, who fooled the "poor"
politicians into saying these terrible things, or the employers' organisation
for their defeat. They claim that support from the employers was insufficient
both in financial terms and in terms of public support. They also claim that
the employers courted the social democrats behind the scenes.
If nothing really changed at the national level, there are some worrying signs
at the local level. The extreme right gained in a number of local councils,
ending up with 38 councillors. This is certainly characteristic of the southern
region (Skåne) where not only the Sweden Democrats have been successful,
but also local extreme right and/or right-wing populist parties won significant
parts of the electorate.
For example, in Malmö, the third biggest city in the country, these extreme
right and populist parties got more than 12 percent. Even the more extreme split
from the Sweden Democrats, the National Democrats, have now got a few councillors.
The gains made by the extreme right represents a growing threat to the labour
movement and immigrants. Above all, it looks like the Sweden Democrats are emerging
as a real national party. Since the split with the more extreme National Democrats,
the Sweden Democrats have been able to build alliances with and recruit local
rightists and Conservatives in conflict with their party, especially in Skåne.
This is the road taken in the past by Le Pen's National Front in France, and
it comes as no surprise that the Sweden Democrats received considerable financial
support from the National Front in the last EU elections. The figure for their
votes in the national elections are as high as 76,300.
This danger from the extreme right calls for determined resistance from the
left and the labour movement. Protests must be built in all areas where they
are active. Their propaganda must be met by information and determined resistance.
Such a campaign must not be restricted to the small left groups. It will have
to draw in the masses of organised workers and immigrants.
The issue of immigrants and refugees were introduced during the election campaign
by the Liberals. Their gains from the Conservatives were made on typical Conservative
themes: putting more demands on immigrants, language test for citizenship, separate
labour market for immigrants on welfare with very low wages. This is hardly
compatible with the image the Liberals want to create of themselves as the most
anti-racist party in Sweden.
The recent turn by the Liberal leadership in an openly racist direction have
also resulted in some strange comments. The Sweden Democrats have offered cooperation
in some areas and the racist Danish People's Party claim to be very satisfied
with Liberal leader Leijonborg.
As for the left outside parliament, their votes in the national elections have
not been counted yet - a sign of their insignificance. But there is one exception,
the Norrbotten Party, a regional party in the northern part of Sweden. It is
the creation of former miners' leader Lars Törnman, a populist somewhat
to the left of social democracy. This regional party split the Left Party vote
in Norrbotten.
With almost 10 percent in the region - 12 percent is needed in one region to
be represented in parliament - Törnman can probably be held responsible
for the loss of the one seat who could have secured a social democratic and
Left majority government.
A few more or less fossilized Stalinist sects also contested the elections,
mostly at the local level. They only received significant support where they
have representatives who can aspire to be the voice of the ordinary citizen
against bureaucracy - usually connected to the EU - and small time corruption.
The centrist groups, sections of respectively the USFI and the CWI, only made
an small impact in two or three towns where they have a bit of a base. The most
important of these are in Umeå in the north west where the Justice Party
Socialists (CWI) got 4.6 per cent and three councillors. But in the national
elections these groups are not even insignificant. The results for the Justice
Party Socialists were 1, 519, a loss of more than 50 percent from 1998, and
the Socialist Party (USFI) 3, 213. This in an electorate of 6 million!
The openly bourgeois parties were defeated, which is very good, but this is
not a time for celebration. It's a time to prepare the battles of the coming
months and years. Battles will have to be organised against the extreme right
and to pressure the social democrats and the Left to keep their promises during
the elections.
Social democracy and the Left will administer capitalism at the sacrifice of
the interests of the working class. They are bourgeois workers' parties, but
they are in government thanks to the votes of the workers and youth. Almost
75 per cent of TUC members voted for them, among the youth a majority voted
for them. Those voting for the first time made it clear that a shift to the
left is not impossible; almost 19 percent voted for the Left, while 30 percent
voted for social democracy.
In the coming battles a revolutionary socialist party must be built, to ensure
the final victory of workers and youth. The Swedish section of the LRCI, Arbetarmakt,
is working to lay the foundations for such a party.
Workers Power Global, London
The International Longshore Workers Union (ILWU) is locked in a dispute with
the their employers over a new contract. Threats of a lockout by the employers
were issued on 19 September in response to what they claimed was go-slow by
the longshoremen. Marcus Gomez holds a sign during an Oakland, California rally
The Bush administration indicated in August that it will seek to block a West
Coast dockers' strike by any means necessary. Claiming national security and
the "war on terrorism" as a pretext, Bush is looking for any excuse
to add a strategic victory over "the enemy within" - as Margaret Thatcher
used to call the British workers' movement - to his hoped for victory over Saddam
Hussein .
The West Coast ports handle more than half of the nation's trade, around $300
billion worth of cargo each year - or more than 7 per cent of the total gross
national product. Either a dockers' strike or a lockout by employers could paralyse
Pacific Rim commerce during the peak shipping months before the Christmas holiday
- the great festival of consumerism.
The fear of a clash continues to concern companies that rely on just-in-time
production and goods that pass through West Coast ports from Asian-Pacific suppliers.
Because of their strategic location the 10,500 dock workers on the West Coast
have a traditionally strong union and a negotiation system covering 29 ports
right along the West Coast. Dockworkers have played a key role in recent labor
and anti-capitalist movement protests, including participating in demonstrations
and taking strike action during the Seattle protests at the WTO conference in
The shipping companies plan to install new technology that will eliminate many
jobs. The union wants to ensure the new technology is run by existing union
members and ensure that newly created jobs are then included in an ILWU-negotiated
Two months ago, the ILWU revealed that a Labor Department official, Andrew Siff,
issued threats on behalf of the administration to ILWU union officials. In the
event of strike, Siff said, Bush was prepared to mobilise the National Guard
to take over ports, bring in Navy personnel to move cargo and petition the US
Congress to declare the ILWU a monopoly, thereby legalising the break-up of
the union into 29 separate bargaining units for each port.
The President of "the land of the free" has considerable powers under
the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947- better known as the Taft-Hartley
Act. He can ban a strike or lockout for 80 days and impose arbitration All he
needs is to proclaim that it would "imperil the national health or safety."
In fact the people of the USA would not go short if the ports were to be shut.
All that would be "imperilled" would be the profits of the shipping
companies and the retail companies who import goods. This, of course, to a capitalist
is a "national" emergency.
By showing such eagerness to intervene, Bush has emboldened the shipping companies
to refuse to meet the union's demands.
Stevedoring Services of America (SSA) the largest of the dock employers has
systematically blocked negotiations between the ILWU and Pacific Maritime Association
(PMA.) SSA wants to move as much dockwork away from unionised sectors as possible.
It has moved several hundred ILWU jobs off the West Coast docks in recent years.
Bush and the employers clearly want to smash the International Longshore Workers
Union (ILWU) just as Ronald Reagan smashed the air traffic controllers union
Patco in 1981. This defeat was a terrible blow for the whole US Labor movement.
It led to nearly twenty years of falling real wages and shrinking unions.
American labour has only just begun to recover from this over the past few years.
Now Bush wants to use recession and war to knock them down again. Dockers, wharfies,
longshoremen - whatever the name - have played a key role in international solidarity
over the last decade. All workers around the world should prepare for a massive
movement of solidarity with the ILWU the moment a strike or lockout starts.
The LRCI has members across the globe - but there are many countries where we
have no correspondents. Send us your news and views:
07 U.S. abandons Germ Warfare Accord
von: Paul Davidson <p.davidson@btinternet.com>
U.S. Abandons Germ Warfare Accord
By Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, 19 September, 2002
The Bush administration has abandoned an international effort to strengthen
the Biological Weapons Convention against germ warfare, advising its allies
that the United States wants to delay further discussions until 2006. A
review conference on new verification measures for the treaty had been
scheduled for November.
Less than a year after a State Department envoy abruptly pulled out of
biowarfare negotiations in Geneva, promising that the United States would
return with new proposals, the administration has concluded that treaty
revisions favored by the European Union and scores of other countries will
not work and should not be salvaged, administration officials said
The decision, which has been conveyed to allies in recent weeks, has been
greeted with warnings that the move will weaken attempts to curb germ
warfare programs at a time when biological weapons are a focus of concern
because of the war on terrorism and the administration's threats to launch a
military campaign against Iraq. It also comes as the administration, which
has angered allies by rejecting a series of multilateral agreements, is
appealing to the international community to work with it in forging a new
U.N. Security Council resolution on Iraq's programs to develop weapons of
mass destruction.
The 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, which has been ratified by the
United States and 143 other countries, bans the development, stockpiling and
production of germ warfare agents, but has no enforcement mechanism.
Negotiations on legally binding measures to enforce compliance have been
underway in Geneva for seven years.
The administration stunned its allies last December by proposing to end the
negotiators' mandate, saying that while the treaty needed strengthening, the
enforcement protocol under discussion would not deter enemy nations from
acquiring or developing biological weapons if they were determined to do so.
Negotiators suspended the discussions, saying they would meet again in
November when U.S. officials said they would return with creative solutions
to address the impasse.
Instead, U.S. envoys are now telling allies that the administration's
position is so different from the views of the leading supporters of the
enforcement protocol that a meeting would dissolve into public squabbling
and should be avoided, administration officials said. Better, they said, to
halt discussions altogether.
"It's based on an incorrect approach. Our concern is that it would be
fundamentally ineffective," a State Department official said. Another
administration official said the "best and least contentious" approach
be to hold a very brief meeting in November -- or even no meeting at all --
and talk again when the next review is scheduled four years from now.
Amy Smithson, a biological and chemical weapons specialist, said the
administration is making a mistake by halting collaborative work to
strengthen the convention. "It sounds to me as though they've thrown the
baby out with the bath water," said Smithson, an analyst at the Henry L.
Stimson Center. "The contradiction between the rhetoric and what the
administration is actually doing -- the gulf is huge. Not a day goes by when
they don't mention the Iraq threat."
The Stimson Center is releasing a report today that criticizes the U.S.
approach to the convention. Drawn from a review by 10 pharmaceutical
companies and biotechnology experts, the document argues that bioweapons
inspections can be effective with the right amount of time and the right
science and urges the administration to develop stronger measures.
"To argue that this wouldn't be a useful remedy would just be a mistake.
think it's because they're looking through the wrong end of the telescope,"
said Matthew Meselson, a Harvard biologist who helped draft a treaty to
criminalize biological weapons violations. "We're denying ourselves useful
The administration has focused publicly on a half-dozen countries identified
by the State Department as pursuing germ warfare programs. Undersecretary of
State John R. Bolton said the existence of Iraq's bioweapons project is
"beyond dispute." The U.S. government also believes Iran, North Korea,
Sudan, Libya and Syria are developing such weapons, he said.
Meselson concurred with the administration's position that a limited
enforcement provision for the bioweapons treaty could not provide confidence
that countries are staying clean. But he said that a pact establishing
standards and verification measures would deter some countries while also
helping to build norms of international behavior.
Bolton, on the other hand, told delegates to last year's review conference
that "the time for 'better-than-nothing' protocols is over. We will continue
to reject flawed texts like the BWC draft protocol, recommended to us simply
because they are the product of lengthy negotiations or arbitrary deadlines,
if such texts are not in the best interests of the United States."
With only hours to go at the meeting, Bolton stopped U.S. participation in
the final negotiations. He said of the resulting one-year delay, "This
us time to think creatively on alternatives."
In Bolton's view, each country should develop criminal laws against germ
warfare activities, develop export controls for dangerous pathogens,
establish codes of conduct for scientists and install strict biosafety
procedures. The administration has proposed that governments resolve
disputes over biowarfare violations among themselves, perhaps through
voluntary inspections or by referral to the United Nations secretary
Such an approach is "at best ineffectual," said the specialists gathered
the Stimson Center. At worst, they concluded, the approach could damage U.S.
interests because it would not be structured to deliver "meaningful
"If a challenge inspection system is not geared to pursue violators
aggressively, then it does not serve U.S. security interests," the 65-page
report states. The participants strongly favored establishing mandatory
standards backed by penalties and "robust" inspections, which goes
significantly further than the proposed protocol backed by the EU and other
The State Department Web site has not yet been changed to reflect the change
in policy. It says, "The United States is committed to strengthening the
as part of a comprehensive and multidisciplinary strategy for combating the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and international terrorism. .
. . We would like to share these ideas with our international partners."
(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
08 Bush proclaims U.S. to bet he worlds ŽSUPREME POWER
von: Paul Davidson <p.davidson@btinternet.com>
Bush proclaims the U.S. to be the world's "SUPREME POWER"
La Jornada Correspondents in
Washington (DC) and New York
September 20, 2002
The United States is the world's "supreme power", proclaimed today
government of President George W. Bush who warned that he will not tolerate
challenges to his country's lead in power. He explicitly established the
right of intervention in any part of the world with "pre-emptive"
and declared that it is all justified in defense of "freedom", the
market, private property and other elements of "free and open societies".
This power, said the leader, will not be employed to draw a "unilateral
advantage" for his country.
In a document sent to Congress today, Bush establishes that U.S. supremacy
will not tolerate any competition to its power: "the president will not
have any intention of permitting any foreign power to catch up with the
enormous lead that the U.S. has achieved since the fall of the Soviet Union
more than a decade ago...Our forces will be sufficiently strong to dissuade
potential adversaries from undertaking a military buildup that would
surpass or match the power of the U.S.
He emphasized that his country "must have and keep the capacity to defeat
all enemy attempts, whether they be from a state or non government entity,
to impose their will over the U.S., our allies, or our friends."
The four-part document, Strategy for U.S. National Security, must be
presented to Congress by any U.S. president, but this is the first instance
in which the Bush government detailed its global policy in a comprehensive
form, although many elements had already been expressed and known.
Worries will increase
For William Hartung, New York's World Policy Institute analyst on military
policy, the document expresses that the government wants "the unlimited
capacity to use force to shape the world in a way that they would deem
best", and, in interview with La Jornada, he thought that "if one
the judgement of this administration, that may be fine, but many countries
had already been nervous over U.S. unilateralism and this will worry them
even more."
The "strategy" discards the basic elements of "deterrence"
"nonproliferation" which are (or have been) at the center, at least
officially, of U.S. foreign policy for the past 50 years.
In its place, it promotes the concept of "counter-proliferation",
that is,
the forced disarmament of all powers that defy or present a threat to U.S.
Deterrence is useless against enemies who "hate the U.S. and all that it
represents", claims the document and adds that the nation "is now
threatened less by states that pursue conquest than by those that have failed."
Regarding the struggle against the threat of adversaries with weapons of
mass destruction, the concept of "proactive counter proliferation efforts"
to attack nations and "terrorists" is advanced, because the U.S. "can
longer depend on a posture of reaction as it did in the past" and,
therefore, has the right to act against "a threat before it is unleashed".
Regarding the war against terrorism, it repeats the position depicted by
Bush since September 11, 2001. The U.S., it states, jointly, or alone -only
if it becomes necessary- "will exercise our right to act pre-emptively
self defense".
"We have to adapt to the concept of imminent threat according to the means
and objectives of today's adversaries. These scoundrels and terrorists do
not intend to attack us with conventional means...they rely on acts of
terrorism and, potentially, weapons of mass destruction. Generally, the
U.S. has kept the option of pre-emptive action against a sufficient threat
to our national security. The greater the threat, the greater the risk of
inaction and the argument in favor of taking prior defensive action is more
convincing, despite the uncertainty of times and places of an enemy attack.
If necessary, the U.S. will act pre-emptively to delay or prevent hostile
acts by our adversaries.
On the economic front, it delineates diplomatic efforts using and changing
the role of foreign aid and multilateral organisms such as the
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to carry out a battle
between "values and ideas", particularly in the Moslem world.
In this environment, policies will be promoted to nourish the free market,
attract investors and provide "access to markets", in other words,
shall actively work to bring the hope of democracy, development, free
markets and free trade to every corner of the world".
The document starts by mentioning that "the great struggles of the XX
Century between freedom and totalitarianism ended with a decisive victory
for the forces of freedom and one single sustainable model for national
success: freedom, democracy and free enterprise."
It affirms that, for the XX Century only those countries embracing
political freedom, as well as, the protection of basic human rights will
make progress.
It points out that every human being "wants freedom of expression, to elect
his/her government, educate his/her sons/daughters and enjoy the fruit of
their labor...as well as, the right to own property".
Marcus Corbin
In the document, the government "speaks of shaping the world into a group
of freedom-loving nations, which is not the case, in spite of so much
reference to free markets, freedom and democracy", said Corbin.
He pointed out that "any one who reads this document, would think that
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan could be included in the list of targets, the
ones that the U.S. would attack after Iraq, if one would seriously think
that democracy is what it's all about. But in real terms, that's not what
it's saying".
Latin America and Mexico
The document points out that the U.S. "has formed flexible coalitions with
countries that share our priorities, particularly Mexico, Brazil, Canada,
Chile and Colombia". Together with them and the hemisphere's organizations,
such as the Organization of American States and the process of the Summit
of the America's, it adds, "democracy", security and prosperity will
It points out the existence of regional conflicts in the Americas and
highlights the vehicles between the violence of narcotraffic, ties among
narcotraffickers and "terrorist and extremists" groups that threaten
countries in the region. Here it bases itself on cooperation with Colombia
to combat the combined threat.
Translation: Luis Martin
A project of the Peace & Justice Education Project
in Albuquerque, New Mexico
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09 Noch ist nichts gewonnenÝ
von: <widerstand@blackbox.net>
Liebe Widerständische !
Dieser Tage haben ja viele das Ende von schwarz-blau gefeiert, und das ist sicher
Allerdings ist vor dem 22.11. noch einiges zu tun, im worst-case könnte
- glaubt den Umfragen, und die sagen dass sich Schüssels ÖVP knapp
hinter der SP liegt - dann könnte auf blauschwarz schwarzblau folgen -
mit einer gestärkten ÖVP, die dann ihre neoliberale, asoziale Politik
fortsezen könnten.
Ich finde deshalb, dass wir auch aktiv in den Wahlkampf eingreifen sollten,
und zwar eindeutig natürlich gegen ÖVP und FPÖ (im Sinne des
geringeren Übels). Man muss den Leuten sagen, dass jeder, der ÖVp
wählt, auch automatisch (das hat Schüssel auch bereits in Interviews
kundgetan) für eine neue schwarzblaue Koalition stimmt.
Ich wäre deshalb für eine grossangelegte Kampagne gegen ÖVP,FPÖ
und schwarzblau - beispielsweise in Anzeigen in grossen Tageszeitungen, etc.
Hiermit möchte ich die Diskussion zu einer solchen Aktion eröffnen
In diesem Sinne:
10 Parlament und Neuwahlen
von: Conte di Ferro <conte.di.ferro@aon.at>
Die Bürgerinitiative Neuwahlen ist wohl gewissermaßen die erfolgreichste,
nachdem die Regierungsparteien FPÖ und ÖVP dem Wunsch der UnterzeichnerInnen
nun selbst nachkommen und den Antrag auf Neuwahlen am 20. September selbst in
den Nationalrat
einbrachten, sie ist auch die einzige BI die sich jemals mit einem Neuwahlantrag
ins Parlament gewagt hat :
Bemerkung am Rande der Kundgebung "Tschüssel mit blau/schwarz",
der DonnerstagsDemo
und des gelungenen, ja rauschenden Abschiedsfestes der Botschaft besorgter Bürger
vom 19.09.2002 am Ballhausplatz 1a :
16 Personen aus dem Kreis der Donnerstagsfreunde, BBB -AktivistInnen, BI Neuwahlen
ProponentInnen, allesamt UnterzeichnerInnen der BI Neuwahlen, fanden sich anschließend
an die DonnerstagDemo und des BBB-Festes noch zu spätabendlicher Stunde
im Parlament als Beobachter der laufenden Sitzung auf der sonst menschenleeren
Zuschauer- und Pressetribüne ein :
( An dieser Stelle herzlichen Dank an die 16 TeilnehmerInnen die dazu ihre Teilnahme
am BBB-Fest mit Speis und Trank unterbrochen hatten ! )
Bekanntlich wurde am Donnerstagabend des 19.September 2002 im Parlament in der
115. NR-Sitzung der XXI. GP vom 19.09.2002 unter Tagespunkt 5 der Sammelbericht
des Ausschuss für Petitionen u. Bürgerinitiativen ( BI ) und damit
auch das Anliegen der BI Neuwahlen behandelt :
Abstimmungsergebnis: Mehrheitlich mit den Stimmen von ÖVP. FPÖ und
SPÖ wurde der Bericht angenommen. ( Gegenstimmen : Grüne )
Das heißt : der ursprünglichen Abstandnahme von einer weiteren Behandlung
der Bürgerinitiative Neuwahlen wurde im Sammelbericht auch von der SPÖ
zugestimmt . . Einzig die Grünen stimmten dem Sammelbericht nicht zu, stimmten
damit der ursprünglichen Abstandnahme von einer weiteren Behandlung der
Bürgerinitiative Neuwahlen nicht zu und sind damit eigentlich als einzige
Partei für die BI Neuwahlen eingetreten, die wohl die erfolgreichste war,
nachdem die Regierungsparteien FPÖ und ÖVP dem Wunsch der UnterzeichnerInnen
nun selbst nachkommen sind und den Antrag auf Neuwahlen am 20. September gewissermaßen
selbst ins Nationalratsplenum einbrachten.
7 Mandatare meldeten sich dann ab 21:33 bis 22:16 Uhr in einer kurze Debatte
unter eher spärlicher Beteiligung zu Wort, insbesonders die grüne
Theresia Haidlmayr lobte diejenigen, die Petitionen initiieren und sich derart
politisch betätigen und hat die aktiven Bürger aufgerufen, sich durch
den skandalösen Umgang mit BI nicht abschrecken zu lassen, sondern weiter
beharrlich dieses Recht zu nützen und fand bezeichnend, dass VertreterInnen
der Regierungsfraktionen darüber gar nicht mal diskutieren wollten, da
dies "undemokratisch" sei. ..
Wolfgang Pirklhuber (G) ging in seiner Rede auch direkt auf die BI Neuwahlen
und auf die auf der Pressetribüne zu nächtlicher Stunde anwesenden
16 ProponentInnen und Unterzeichner ein, ein intensiver Blickkontakt und mehrmaliges
Heraufzeigen seinerseits unterstützte seine Rede . . .
Übrigens : Einige UnterzeichnerInnen der BI Neuwahlen sitzen als Mandatare
im Nationalrat. Man sollte sie fragen ob sie etwa nicht für Neuwahlen waren,
oder ob sie für die Weiterbehandlung gestimmt haben . . .Quelle : http://www.parlament.gv.at/pd/pk/2002/PK0224.html
relevanter Teilauszug aus :
Ressort: II
Schlagworte: Parlament/Petitionsausschuss/Biomedizin
. . . . . . Gegen den Willen der Opposition wurde auch von der weiteren Behandlung
einer Bürgerinitiative Abstand genommen, die auf die Abhaltung sofortiger
Neuwahlen abzielt. SPÖ und Grüne hatten sich für die Einholung
von Stellungnahmen des Bundeskanzleramtes, des Verfassungsdienstes des Bundeskanzleramtes
und des Justizministeriums ausgesprochen. Die UnterzeichnerInnen hätten
ein Anrecht darauf, dass die zuständigen Stellen zu ihren doch massiven
Bedenken Stellung nehmen, meinte dazu etwa Abgeordneter Wolfgang Pirklhuber
(G). In der Bürgerinitiative wird der Koalition u.a. vorgeworfen, schwer
wiegende Eingriffe in das soziale und demokratische System Österreichs
vorgenommen und die Präambel zum Regierungsübereinkommen in mehreren
Punkten gebrochen zu haben.
Abgeordnete Maria Theresia Fekter (V) wertete den Vorwurf der Bürgerinitiative,
in Österreich zeigten sich immer mehr Merkmale einer Willkürherrschaft,
als "eine ungeheuerliche Unterstellung". "Wir haben eine funktionierende
Demokratie in Österreich", bekräftigte sie. Abgeordneter Gerhard
Kurzmann (F) unterstrich, die Bundesregierung solle weiterarbeiten und ihre
Vorhaben zu Ende bringen. Abgeordneter Alois Pumberger (F) wies darauf hin,
dass immerhin zwei Drittel der Österreicher keine Neuwahlen wollten. .
. . . . . . . . . .
26/BI (XXI. GP) - "Unverzügliche Neuwahlen, ermöglicht durch
ein Bundesgesetz, mit dem die XXI. Gesetzgebungsperiode des Nationalrates vorzeitig
beendet wird"
Bürgerinitiative betreffend unverzügliche Neuwahlen, ermöglicht
durch ein Bundesgesetz, mit dem die XXI. Gesetzgebungsperiode des Nationalrates
vorzeitig beendet wird
Kurzfassung, erstellt am 28.03.2002 von der Parlamentskorrespondenz: Nr. 217/2002
Zl. 17020.0005/3-L1.3/2002 (Geschäftszahl der Parlamentsdirektion)
Quelle : http://www.parlinkom.gv.at/pd/pm/XXI/rednerliste/rzvrl_115.html
( Teilauszug )
TOP 5 -5 Normaldebatte
Sammelber.d.Aussch.f.Petitionen u.Bürgerinitiativen
Nr. Redner Start Dauer Limit
1 + Theresia Haidlmayr (G)
21:33 14:21 12*
2 + Mag. Gisela Wurm (S)
21:48 9:07 6*
3 + Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Pirklhuber (G)
21:57 3:00 3*
4 + Hermann Reindl (F)
22:02 3:12 7*
5 + Ing. Wilhelm Weinmeier (F)
22:05 5:15 7*
6 + Heidrun Silhavy (S)
22:10 1:55 3*
7 + Anton Heinzl (S)
22:13 3:16 20
11 Slowakei/Wahlen/Gratulation
von: KPÖ Steiermark <kpoe_stmk@hotmail.com>
Graz, 22.9.02
Slowakei: Comeback der Kommunisten
Bei der Parlamentswahl in der Slowakei gibt es ein Comeback der Kommunistischen
Partei. Mit einem Stimmenanteil von 6,32 Prozent und 11 Mandaten schafft sie
den Sprung über die Fünf-Prozent-Hürde. Im Jahr 1998 hatte die
Partei 2,8 Prozent erreicht.
Der Landesvorsitzende der KPÖ-Steiermark, Franz Stephan Parteder, gratulierte
am Sonntag zu diesem Erfolg. Parteder: "Es kommt darauf an, die Interessen
der arbeitenden Menschen und der soziual Benachteiligten konsequent zu vertreten,
dann bekommt auch der Name Kommunismus wieder einen guten Klang."
Nach Auffassung des KPÖ-Politikers ist es bezeichnend, dass in der Slowakei
das Konzept einer "modernen Linkspartei", die anstelle der KP treten
sollte, auf dramatische Weise Schiffbruch erlitten hat. Die "Partei der
Demokratischen Linken" erlitt eine schwere Wahlniederlage und ist im neuen
slowakischen Nationalrat nicht mehr vertreten.
Lagergasse 98 a
8020 Graz
Tel.: 0316 71 24 36
Fax 0316 71 62 91
email: kp.stmk@kpoe-graz.at; kpoe_stmk@hotmail.com
22. September 2002, 22.00 Uhr
Diese Ausgabe hat Gernot Pürer widerstand@no-racism.net
Fehler möge frau/man mir nachsehen!