Against the violence of the italian police and the maltreatment of activists of VolxTheaterKarawane
Protest note IG Kultur Österreich
The IG Kultur Österreich (Interest Group Culture Austria), the country-wide representation of over 350 culture initiatives in Austria, condemns the violence committed by the italian police during the G8-summit in Genova against, among others, cultural activists.
The IG Kultur Österreich especially objects to the arbitrary imprisonment and severe corporal maltreatment of the activists of the free theatre group "VolxTheaterKarawane - NO Border NO Nation" by the italian police. Since June the theatre-"caravan" was on a tour throughout Europe. Some of the activists, who were arrested nearby Genova on Sunday, are former employees of the Viennese theatre "Schauspielhaus" or former members of other theatre projects. Their goal is to point at the arbitrariness of national borders with the means of street theatre and right on the spot.
In solidarity the IG Kultur Österreich joins the international protests against the policy of the italian authorities and claims the immediate release of the members of the no border-caravan as well as of all other people, whose were imprisoned out of doubtful reasons.
The IG Kultur Österreich claims the abandonment of all charges and full rehabilitation and recompenses for the people concerned.
The IG Kultur Österreich claims an international investigation of the illegitimate practice of the italian police concerning human rights standards during the summit in Genova and the identification and ostracizing of the politically responsible in the undemocratic Berlusconi/Fini-administration.
The IG Kultur Österreich summons politics and media in Austria to do everything possible and thinkable to point at the violation of human rights in Europe and free the culture activists from their life-threatening situation.