Most of the money will be needed for the fee of those lawyers, who plead
the cases of the 25 persons. Also the transport back to Austria of the (hopefully
soon released) members of the PublixTheatreCaravan, their cars and stuff (computers,
cameras, things for camping, requisits, ... ) will cost a lot of money. And
it is not sure, that the confiscated objects will be given back.
10 August 2001: ATS 220.000,-
Some generous givers, to whom we want to thank here, already donated a lot
of money. There will also be a lot of solidarity events for the prisioners
in the previous weeks.
As far it is possible to estimate at the moment, we calculate around ATS
400.000,- Support us please and contribute money!
There are two donation accounts, in Austria:
account number: 786 538 43
bank number: 60.000 (PSK)
purpose: "noborder"
... and in Germany:
account number: 885 367 435
bank number: 360 100 43 Postbank Essen
holder: A. Wolf
purpose: "Genua"
Thanx for your support in the name of the prisioners!