Press - invitation concerning clearification of facts relating to the PublixTheatreCaravane "noborder- nonation." Performance / pressconference with the weapons of the artists Time: Monday 30 july 10 am. Location: Donaukanal, between Salztorbrücke and Schottenring Purpose: Explanation of the PublixTheatreCaravan Secret information will be reveiled.
Contact: Tanja Bednar Tel: 0699/10524631


Today Johannes Voggenhuber went to Milano and later met the Austrian Konsul in Genova. A brother of a prisoner was allowed to bring laundry to the prison in Voghera, personal contact was not permitted. The lawyer is in Genova at the moment. We strongly criticise the way the Austrian authorities deal with the situation, especially Austrian minister of foreign affairs, Benita Ferrero-Waldner (ÖVP), who in contrast to her colleagues in Germany, Great Britain and Spain has not protested against the imprisonment, but rather enforces the criminalisation of the theatre group with her generalisations. We claim clarification of the legal base of the circulation of police data from the Republic of Austria (the only country who congratulated Berlusconi for winning the elections) to Italy.

--NoBorder - NoNation - Karawanen 2001--PublixTheatreCaravan