No border camp Polen / Weißrußland 5.-12.7.
04.04.2001 | deportatiNO | grenzcamps



No-border Camp on the Polish-Belarussian border - Bialystok - Krinki, July 5-12, 2001

Stop fortress Europe! Freedom of movement for everybody!

We see this as an especially important area for a no-border camp as EU politics demand that Poland take a tighter stand on people from the East, as Belarus heads more in the direction of xenophobic nationalism and as hundreds of thousand of people find it more difficult or even impossible to cross borders to earn a living, visit friends or family or just take a simple vacation. We plan doing a lot of work with the local population and on making actions that will draw more attention to the border regimes of these two countries and to the problems of border around the world in general.

The main focus of this action will not be confrontational but more
educational; we plan meetings with the local population, we plan to make concerts, theater events, information stands, etc.. In addition, we would like to hold seminars and discussions on a wide range of topics. We invite people from around the world to take part in this project.

Schedule of events [preliminary, to be updated shortly]

Thursday, July 5. Meeting, gathering in Bialystok. Discussions, films.
Friday, July 6. Demonstration, information stands in Bialystok. 12:00. Late afternoon departure for Krinki.
Saturday-Sunday, July 7-8. Cultural events, discussions, information stands, concerts, meetings with local people.
Monday, July 9 - Thursday, July 12. Discussions, seminars. Actions TBA. Possible excursions to areas of interest.

Anybody who would like to hold a seminar, show a video, play music or have any ideas for actions, workshops, etc. should contact us as soon as possible.

This no-border project is being organized by a coalition of actvisits
frommany countries, mainly from Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.

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