Coalition for Action (vom 10.11.2004),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/1014/,
besucht am 31.03.2025
[10. Nov 2004]
Dear friends! After the demonstration in Krems concerning the death of Mr. Edwin Ndupu and a following rally in front of the ministery of justice we question ourselves, how we can continue to act against institutionalized racism.
Together we want to consider, how to proceed and what significant kind of actions we are able to carry out, without waiting till the next horrible incident. It is important, to work continuously and independet from a concrete occasion to establish a discussion about how we can confront the increasing state repression together. Migrants are cirminalized and closed up in prisons, investigations are beeing conducted against lawyers and human rights activists, surveillance and police state is expanding.
It depends on us to create a counter public and not to allow cases like Ahmed F., Marcus Omofuma, Richard Ibekwe, Bilal Ilter, Okpara Johnson, Seibane Wague, Edwin Ndupu... to become normality.
Therefore we invite you to a meeting on
Tuesday, 16th November 2004, 6 p.m.
Amerlinghaus, Stiftgasse 8, A-1070 Wien
Coalition for Action, schaufel (at) utanet.at