
2nd of April 2005: second Europe-wide day of Migrants Struggles (vom 13.11.2004),
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[13. Nov 2004]

2nd of April 2005: second Europe-wide day of Migrants Struggles

Call and mobilisation for a second Europe-wide day of action against detention centres and for the legalisation of undocumented migrants.

A Europe-wide day of action on January 31st 2004 against detention centres and for the legalisation of undocumented migrants was launched during ESF in Paris (2003). On the 31st of January 2004 demonstrations and actions were held in more than fourty cities in Europe; it was an important day in the development of a networking process amongst migrant struggles and activists on a European level.

We propose a second day of action and demonstrations on April 2nd, 2005, claiming freedom of movement and the right to stay as an alternative to the european constitutional process based on exclusion and exploitation. We refer to the material dimension of citizenship and how the borders of this citizenship are constructed and managed, both in their external and their internal dimension. We think that migrants are the first subjects to experience living and working conditions that the whole workforce is just beginning to experience in Europe. We regard detention centres as the dark symbol of a migratory politics not simply aimed to take migrants and refugees out of Europe, but rather at promoting a process of selective inclusion, corresponding the "precarisation" and the production of a new model of labour force management.

Freedom of movement encompasses different struggles for housing and legalisation, inside the workplaces, against the camps, to provide a trans-national framework for the deepening and multiplication of several forms of struggle. We invite all groups, networks and social movements, not only the ones working on migration-related issues, to join this call and to mobilize for April 2nd 2005. Demonstrations and struggles must take place everywhere in Europe on that day!

Tavolo Migranti dei Social forum italiani (Italy) - Act Up Paris (France) - Indymedia Estrecho (Spain) - No one is illegal-amplitude (Germany) - Kanak Attak (Germany) - Immigrati in Movimento (Italy) - Association for legalisation (Germany) - Malaga Social Forum (Spain) - CGT Andalusia (Spain) - Partito della Rifondazione Comunista (Italy) - ARCI (Italy) - Sincobas (Italy) - Droit!!Devant (France) - Barbed Wire (GB) - Asemblea por la regularizacion sin condiciones (Spain) - No Border London (UK) - Network for social support to immigrants and refugees (Greece) - SOS Racismo (Portugal) - Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees (UK) - Campaigns to Close Campsfield (UK) - NCADC (UK) - No-one is illegal (UK) - Kent campaign to defend asylum seekers (UK) - Universal Ambassy (Belgium) - Comitato immigrati in Italia (Italy) - Bloco de Esquerda (Portugal) - Dost Je! (Slovenia)