18-25 June 2005: March on Ottawa! No one is illegal! (vom 24.04.2005),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/1197/,
besucht am 31.03.2025
[24. Apr 2005]
A call for solidarity and support ... Solidarity Across Borders -- a Montreal network of self-organized refugee groups, individuals and their allies -- is planning a one-week march from Montreal to Ottawa to draw attention to the struggles of refugees and immigrants for life and dignity in Canada and Quebec.
The four basic demands of the Solidarity Across Borders network are:
-> participating in the walk;
-> organizing solidarity actions in your city the week before or during the march (delegation to government office, picket, march, public speaking event, etc.);
-> endorsing the march (organisational endorsements; send to email address below);
-> inviting us to give a presentation on our campaign and the march at your school, community centre, organisation, religious centre, etc. (if you are in Montreal);
-> donating (both financial and in-kind donations or loans (food, vehicles, shoes, cell phones, bicycle carts, etc.) are greatly needed - please contact us for more details);
-> including an article about the march in your publications, newsletters, websites, on your radio shows, etc.;
-> sending us letters, audio recordings or videos of support (we will use these in our public outreach work as well as during the march, to encourage marchers);
-> sending us personal accounts of your struggle as a refugee or migrant (again, these will be used in public outreach and during the march);
-> writing a letter to your MP to express support for the march and encourage your MP to offer tangible support for the march and our demands;
-> passing on this message through your networks and encouraging further support; and
-> participating in the organizing effort (if you are in Montreal).
Please don"t hesitate to contact us for more details on any of the above or other ways of getting involved. In addition, we are contacting groups along the route and in Ottawa for the specific forms of support we need from those communities. If you are in Ottawa or one of the communities on the road to Ottawa, please contact us to find out how you can help or participate.
We thank you for taking the time to read through this appeal and respond. We look forward to being in touch with you and we have no doubt that, with your support, our common struggle will succeed.
Solidarity Across Borders
e-mail: sansfrontieres (at) resist.ca
web: www.solidarityacrossborders.org