
International Call to Noborder Actions 22 - 28 August 2005 (vom 14.07.2005),
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[14. Jul 2005]

International Call to Noborder Actions 22 - 28 August 2005

From the 22nd until the 25th of August in Bulgaria and from the 25th until the 28th in Greece, No Border Actions are going to take place.

The main slogans:

We call all antiauthoritarian, antiracist, anticapitalist groups, organisations and individuals, to take part to the actions and the discussions that are going to take place in both sides of the greek-bulgarian borderline.

The exact location in which the camp will be in Bulgaria is going to be announced later. The location of the camp in Greece will be in the university of the city of Xanthi (one of the major cities of Thrace). There is going to be space for accommodation and also there will be the place where the discussions and the other cultural events (like concerts etc) will take place. During these four days of the No Border actions in Greece (25 - 28/0Cool four main actions will take place:

The topics of the discussions that are already decided are the following:

The agenda of the discussions is open and we ask from all groups or individuals that are interested to make a presentation about a topic of their choice to send us their proposals in order to put them in the final program of the discussions.

More details about the No Border actions can be found in the website:

Or by sending an e-mail here:
info_bg (at) (Bulgaria)
info_gr (at) (Greece)