
Commemoration of Semira Adamu 2005 (vom 16.10.2005),
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[16. Oct 2005]

Commemoration of Semira Adamu 2005

24 September 2005: Protests in Belgium to remember Semira Adamu, who was killed during a forced deportation on 22nd of September 1998.

"Commemoration of Semira Adamu

Seven years ago a young asyluym seekster from Nigeria was murdered during her violent deportation. Two police officers tried to break her resistance against her deportation by pushing her face in a pillow until she choked.

Saturday septembre 24 we want to commemorate this womans tragic death, and we want to protest agianst a violent systems that kills. We also want to remind people of the situation of the present victims of this unjust belgian migration policy: people without papers and asylum seekers

We ask for this people
*immediate regularisation
*stop expulsions"

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