Invitation to join in first annual international action against immigration detention, April 2006 (vom 08.03.2006),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/1586/,
besucht am 31.03.2025
[08. Mar 2006]
Invitation to join in first annual international action against immigration detention, April 2006
To all organisations and individuals opposed to the detention of refugees and other migrants. You are invited to participate in a period of actions against immigration detention in countries around the world in April 2006 including the weekend of 15-16 April 2006.
The aim is:
- to spread opposition to detention
- create contacts between anti-detention groups in different countries,
- move towards a more prepared and larger second period of international anti detention actions in April 2007
Actions planned are:
Please send updates and details on events or actions to:
- info (at) barbedwirebritain.org.uk
for the British web site
refugeeaction (at) hotmail.com for the Melbourne web site www.rac-vic.org
info (at) racnsw.net for the Sydney web site www.racnsw.net
rran (at) arachnet.net.au for the Perth web site www.rran-wa.org
admin (at) ruralaustraliansforrefugees.org for Rural Australians for Refugees
Demonstrations, meetings and other public events can be organised at:
- immigration detention centres
- in town and city centres
- at reporting centres and similar places where migrants report to the authorities and from which they may be removed to a detention centre or deported
- at government offices, e.g. interior ministry
- at offices of private companies that manage detention centres
This call follows many years of campaigning around the world, including European days of action on
:: 31 January 2004 and
:: 2 April 2005, when there were some fifty anti-detention actions from Scandinavia to southern Italy and from Spain to Greece, the biggest being led by migrants and in the south of Europe.