
Actionday 07 Oct 2006: Presstatement - statement to all social movements! (vom 20.09.2006),
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[20. Sep 2006]

Actionday 07 Oct 2006: Presstatement - statement to all social movements!

This statement was written from some people, who are involved in the networking for migration struggles across europe and africa. It provides an overview on planned actions (and will be updated until the actionday).

jump to the list of announced actions

From Warsaw in Poland to Nouakchott in Mauretania
7th of October 2006: Transnational Actionday against migration-control

One year after the :: escalations in Ceuta and Melilla a broad network of migrationrelated initiatives call for freedom of movement in a transnational day of action. In dozens of cities in Europe and also in Africa manifestations and demonstrations are in preparation for 7th of October 2006. To organize such a day of migration-related actions was decided :: on the European Social Forum in May 2006, when about 15.000 people from different social movements met in Athens.

Since last year the militarisation of EU-migration policy has got another instrument :: Frontex! That's the name of the new European Border Agency, which is located in Warsaw. Frontex organised already :: EU-wide charterdeportations and coordinates an operation now at the coast of West Africa: to intensify controls by ships and airplanes to prevent more so called African boatpeople from reaching Europe. At the moment (:: September 2006) still without meeting any success: every day new boats are landing at the Canary Islands, with more people than ever before, and some starting at about a 1200 km distance from Mauretania or even Senegal. During the last months hundreds of people drowned or died of hunger or of thirst when they risked this new route. And the same is still happening in the Sicilian Channel.

European governments put increasing pressure to African countries to become henchmen for their inhuman migration-policy. Beginning in July 2006 a so-called :: "African European summit on migration and development" took place in Rabat, again mainly in order to push African governments to adopt more systems of migration-control: to implement more visa-restrictions, to establish detention-camps, to accept "repatriation"-programms. Mainly North and West African countries are targets of this externalisation-process at the moment, and they are supposed to block migrants on their way to Europe and help to deport them to the desert or subsaharan countries.

The European governments are responsible for thousands of deaths of African people in the last years; it is a kind of war against migrants and refugees. The above mentioned Frontex-operation is another step in this war, aiming again on the destruction of the (new) flight-routes.

With this backdrop the following call for actions on 7th of October is an important step of common resistance against this inhuman policy. Eastern European activists will protest in front of the aforementioned Frontex-office in Warsaw, while in a press-conference in Nouakchott the illegalisation of migration will be strictly critisized.

From London to Athens, from Hamburg to Barcelona, simultanous demonstrations and actions are exspected in dozens of cities all over Europe. And most important: not only in Mauretania, but also in Marocco, Tunesia and Benin activities have been announced as well.

As you can see in the :: long list of signaturies many more organisations from various African countries have signed the call. They as well as many initiatives in Europe support the 3rd Day of Action on the 7th of October 2006, which will be directed against the denial of rights, against the criminalisation of migrants and against all immigration controls, articulating clear demands within the framework of freedom of movement and the right to stay:

Until now (20th of September 2006) actions and demonstrations for 7th of October 2006 are announced in:

en français: :: Actions prévues le 7 octobre 2006 en Europe et en Afrique

For an updated list :: click here

* Austria
Vienna: Decentralised actions and collective demonstration against detention-camps; Further information: ::

* Benin
Cotounou: Activities at 6th, 7th and 9th of October

* France: Paris

* Germany
Berlin: Manifestation and demonstration against a deportation-camp; contact: konsumfuerfreiesfluten (at) and fluchtlingsbrandenburgini (at), More Informations ::
Hamburg: Nothern-germany-wide demonstration against deportation of migrants and externalisation - more informations :: and ::
Cologne: Demonstration for right to stay
Frankfurt: Concert for right to stay on 6th, Action at the entrance to the international bookfair against externalisation and for the right to stay at 7th, more informations ::
Thuringia: Manifestation in front of the refugee-camp in Freienbessingen - more informations ::
Nuernberg: Demonstration?
Augsburg: Demonstration for the right to stay
Suedbaden/Freiburg: various actions in the city, more infos ::, contact: Info (at)

* Greece

* Italy
Local activities in several cities

* Marocco

* Mauretania
Nouakchott and Nouadhibou: Press-Conferences and days of sensibisation

* Netherlands
Amsterdam: Action in the shopping centre of Zaandam (near Amsterdam) to inform and mobilize the public on the two newly build detention boats in the Zaandam harbour. Contact: info (at)

* Poland
Warsaw: Demonstration with refugees from chechnia and manifestation in front of Frontex-office

* Spain
Actions or demonstrations in Madrid, Barcelona, Almería, Valencia, Málaga (see :: poster for oct 6 manifestation), Sevilla,
Bilbao and Tenerife

* Tunesia

* United Kingdom
London: March in South London on 7th, 'movement-building' conference in East London on Sunday 8th October;
London: 6th of October - Immigration Reporting Center - Close it down", Contact: sarac (at)
Glasgow: Unity protest/manifestation, Contact: theunitycentre (at)

General contact: frassainfo (at)
More informations:

Further information:

Following articles are part of the "Presstatement - statement to all social movements!", but already published:

:: Call for a 3rd Day of Migration-Related Actions all over Europe and beyond ...
:: Signatories of the call at