
Call to Action around the Theme of Migration in Vienna (vom 21.09.2006),
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[21. Sep 2006]

Call to Action around the Theme of Migration in Vienna

This is a call to be distributed for decentralized actions and a general unified protest on Saturday, October 7, 2006. Meeting place: 2:30 pm at the Deportation Jail on Hernalser Guertel 8-12, 1080 Vienna.

On October 7, 2006 a transnational day of action around the theme of migration will take place. On this day activists will protest in numerous locations in Africa and Europe for freedom of movement and equal rights for all.

As a consequence of the european politics of the plundering of resources by corporations and the exploitation of people (among other places in Africa) for the first time coordinated protests will take place on both continents.

The actions in Austria direct themselves against the everyday and state-sponsored (or institutionalized) racism and against the increasingly unbearable living conditions, especially for immigrants.

The demands and conflicts of those participating will be thematized and presented in the space of centralized and decentralized actions. But that's not enough: everyone is asked/challenged to engage in imaginative and creative actions in public space.

As an expression of our common protest and anger over the ruling conditions, a protest will take place:

Saturday, October 7 2006 in Vienna
Meeting place: 2:30 pm in front of the Deportation Jail Hernalser Guertel 8-12, 1080 Vienna (U6 stop Josefstaedterstrasse)

Among other things, we demand:
* equal social and political rights for all
* a conditionless legalization of all immigrant in all EU countries
* an end to all the racist "Sondergesetze" (or a set of laws applied to "non-citizens")
* the dismantling and end to all deportation jails and internment camps for migrants and refugees in Europe and everywhere
* the end of all deportations
* stop the expansion of the EU's politics of containment and exploitation
* the right to work independent of residency status
* a minimum income for all independent from citizenship
* against uncertain and exploitative work practices

As a basis for the demands, we join numerous organizations, groups, and individuals in Africa and Europe in the call for a day of action about migration. At the same time we call for stonger Opposition to state-sponsered racism.

Preparatory Meetings: Every Friday at 6pm
at Amerlinghaus, Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Vienna

Contact: no_fin (at)

Further information: