
Border Social Forum Converges in Ciudad Juarez (vom 14.10.2006),
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[14. Oct 2006]

Border Social Forum Converges in Ciudad Juarez

The Border Social Forum on the Mexico-US Border in CD. Juarez, Chihuahua Mexico started with a march against NAFTA and Violence on the border. It will continue through the 15th of October 2006 with workshops, cultural events and a march to "tear down the wall of death."

More than 800 people from Mexico and the US have gathered thus far in Ciduad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, for the first :: Border Social Forum. The Border Social Forum takes place on the Mexico-US border with the backdrop on millions of migrants mobilizing in the US for full rights. This same border is where President GW Bush Jr placed over 6,000 military troops of the National Guard. The Border Social Forum will take place on the 'militarized' border which has been made very violent since the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994.

The pre Border Forum activities commenced on Wednesday the 12th of October with a March against NAFTA and Violence on the Border. The march from a local park in Ciudad Juarez to one of the main bridges had about 500 people. Representatives from a number of local grassroots organizations, from both sides were involved. Once at the center of the bridge was reached, a rally was held, attacking NAFTA and its effects on working people, on both sides of the border. (:: Full Story with Photos)

The Border Social Forum started officially on the morning of October 13 at the Centro Cultural Universitario in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México with over 800 registered so far. The opening ceremony took place in a packed auditorium of people representing an array of places like Arizona, New Mexico, Coahuila, California, New York, Oregon, Ohio, Massachusetts, Mexico City, Washington DC, Florida, Illinois, Philadelphia, Texas, and Cuba, among others. (:: Full Story, :: Photo from Friday Morning, Audios (mp3) :: 1 :: 2)

The Forum continues through the 15th of October with workshops, cultural events and a march to "tear down the wall of death." On Saturday, October 14 Forum participants will march to the militarized fence along the US/Mexico border. (:: Photos from March)

There will be online Radio Coverage from :: RadioBemba of Hermosillo Mexico and :: Radio Bilingue of Fresno Califas.

Coverage of the Forum in english and espanol on :: and in english on :: Houston Indymedia.

The Call and the Goals of the Border Social Forum

October 13-15, 2006. CD. Juarez, Chihuahua Mexico


The time is near for the first Border Social Forum and we want your participation in this important event taking place in CD Juárez, Chihuahua where we will put a front to stop the brutal killing of over 400 working young women. The first Border Social Forum will take place on the Mexico-US border with the backdrop on millions of migrants mobilizing in the US for full rights. This same border is where President GW Bush Jr placed over 6,000 military troops of the National Guard. The Border Social Forum will take place on the 'militarized' border which has been made very violent since the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994. The Mexico-US border suffers from the having the seats of government so far away in Washington D.C. and Mexico D.F. The 'Wall of Death' already with an extension of hundreds of miles is planned for an extension of at least 700 miles by the US Congress led by Republican Sensenbrenner. He seeks to criminalize migrants with prison time for crossing the border in search of work.

The Border Social Forum will be an 'open space that allows for a pluralistic 'integration' of the social movement organizations. The 'open space' integration process permits a higher level of organization and unity consistent with making real and possible the slogan 'another world is possible' and changing it a bit to say 'Another world is necessary and with you it is possible'.


Globalization & Integration, US-Mexico Relations, Women & the Border, Labor & Workers, Environment & Justice, Health, Indigenous Peoples, Children & Elders, Youth, Migration, Human Rights, Art & Culture, Education & Communication, Food Sovereignty

Source: :: and ::