
Proposal for Global Day of Action & No Border Camps (vom 06.01.2007),
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[06. Jan 2007]

Proposal for Global Day of Action & No Border Camps

This proposal was read at the Encuentro with the Zapatista Communities and the People of the World in Oventic on January 2nd 2007 in the plenary session for the Intergalatic Encuentro as a proposal for a theme to the Intergalactic and a Global Call to Action.

To: The zapatista compañer@s, EZLN, the Sexta Commission, the adheirants of the OtherCampaign, Civil Society National and International, the people of the world.

From: Participants in the network realizing No Border Camps in fall of 2007 present at the Encuentro de los Pueblos Zapatistas con los Pueblos del mundo

We are currently a group of migrants and anarchist collectives from Mexico: Tijuana, Ensenada, Mexicali, Ciudad Juarez, D.F., Oaxaca, Chiapas and different collectives in the United States: San Diego, New York City, Tuscon, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Portland, Raleigh and the Monterey Bay Area who are in unconditional solidarity with the indigenous, the migrant people of the world and the anarchist collectives in Mexico.

Many of us collectively and individually are adherents to The Other Campaign. We are anarchists, students, teachers, workers, artists, indigenous, media makers, queers, mothers, women, men and others.

Together we are working to create a world without borders. We believe that borders are prisons and that all people in prison for crossing "illegally" are political prisoners. Tear down the prison walls! As long as they are in prison, none of us are free...

We are conscious that the border of the U.S. does not begin in northern Mexico, it begins in the Panama Canal, creating borders and promoting divisions of gender, ideology, racism, xenophobia, nationalism and class.

In this effort we are organizing No Border Camps for 4-5 days in the fall 2007 in the border region in Calexico and Mexicali and also actions against the border between Mexico and Guatemala. We are making a international call to Tear Down the Wall! We know that this is not the first wall and will not be the last.

We make a call to the international community to have a global day of action against immigration detention centers, borders and migration controls in the fall of 2007.

This action includes the creation of a space, a network and a process for continued autonomous practice without borders. This autonomy has two parts:

Autonomous actions against borders and their manifestations
Development and practice of autonomous ways of living sustainably and justly

The groups working on the No Border Camps are working within the PGA Hallmarks ( The Hallmarks are:

1. A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism and feudalism; all trade agreements, institutions and governments that promote destructive globalization.

2. We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds.
We embrace the full dignity of all human beings.

3. A confrontational attitude, since we do not think that lobbying can have a major impact in such biased and undemocratic organisations, in which transnational capital is the only real policy-maker;

4. A call to direct action and civil disobedience, support for social movements' struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximize respect for life and oppressed peoples' rights, as well as the construction of local alternatives to global capitalism.

5. An organizational philosophy based on decentralization and autonomy.

We are in solidarity and will support the camp of The Other Campaign in February 2007 through mid May.

This proposal is being presented to you today requesting support from the EZLN and The Other Campaign. We respectfully ask for a public statement of support for this call to action.

This proposal does not represent all of the collectives working on the No Border Camp, it represents participants in the network working on the No Border Camp present at the Encuentro de los Pueblos Zapatistas con los Pueblos del Mundo.

For more information: nobordercamp (at), ningunserhumanoesilegal (at)

In Solidarity,

dj lotus, Borderlands Hacklab, San Diego
The New York Rat
Colectivo Todos Somos Presos de Oaxaca
Occupación Intercultural en Resistencia (OIR) de Oaxaca
Agenda Libertaria D.F.
Cooperativa Liberta Anti-CoMeeting of Zapatista and International Communitiesrp
Espacio Autónomo de Cultural y Arte "Para Todos Todo"
J Law, Richmond Indymedia
Zombi, participante de Radio Zapote
Colectivo Amor y Resistencia
Private Pipi, C.I.R.C.A. Boredom Patrol, Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army
Jeff Juris, Border Justice Collective, Universidad de Arizona West Campus
Coordinadores de Solidaridad Contra la Represión de los Pueblos de Oaxaca
Colectivo Chanti Ollin, Oaxaca
Nick Cooper, Houston Indymedia Volunteer
Kilo, vAPPOr Oaxaca
Jaguar, vAPPOr Oaxaca
Sandy, Australia