Action against deportations in Finland (vom 10.06.2003),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/197/,
besucht am 31.03.2025
[10. Jun 2003]
On thursday June 5th 2003 in Helsinki a group of people tried to prevent the deportation of a young Armenian man.
On thursday June 5th 2003 in Helsinki a group of people tried to prevent the deportation of a young Armenian man, Sokrat Zakarian. After having lived in Ruukki for three years Zakarian family received a deportation decision regardless of the appeals of local residents and 32 MPs. Both parents were about to graduate from a polytechnic and the oldest son was in high school.
The youngest son and the mother were suffering from traumatic experiences. The son had been examined in the children"s clinic of the university hospital in Oulu and he was waiting for access to treatment - therefore the deportation decision violated the UN agreement of children"s rights. On February 21st No border -activists organized a protest action at the directorate of immigration against the deportation that was carried out in February.
However, Sokrat managed to flee and was hiding in Finland until June 5th. The police caught him at the Helsinki railway station after having recognized him. After an hour Sokrat was taken arrested into the police station of Pieni Roobertinkatu [a street name] and from there onward to Katajanokka detention center to wait for the carrying out of the deportation decision.
A group of No Border-activists and Sokrat"s friends gathered in front of the police station and tried to stop the transportation of Sokrat into Katajanokka. During the night, slogans against deportations were also painted in the wall surrounding the detention center.