
WSF: Call for Action on 26th of January 2008 (vom 27.07.2007),
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[27. Jul 2007]

WSF: Call for Action on 26th of January 2008

... a week of action which will culminate in a Global Day of Mobilisation and Action on January 26th 2008.

We are millions of women and men, organisations, networks, movements, trade unions from all parts of the world; we come from villages, regions, rural zones, urban centres; we are of all ages, peoples, cultures, beliefs, but we are united by the strong conviction that ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE

With all the richness of our plurality and diversity and our alternatives and proposals, we struggle against neo-liberalism, war, colonialism, racism and patriarchy which produce violence, exploitation, exclusion, poverty, hunger and ecological disaster and deprive people of human rights.

For many years we have been resisting and constructing innovative processes, new cultures of organization and action from the local to the global, in particular within the processes and Charter of Principle of the World Social Forum from which this call emerges.

Aware of the need to set our own agenda and to increase the impact of these thousands of expressions and manifestations, we are committed to strengthening the solidarity and convergence amongst our struggles, campaigns, and constructions of alternatives and alliances.

We commit ourselves to a week of action which will culminate in a Global Day of Mobilisation and Action on January 26

With our diversity which is our strength, we invite all men and women to undertake throughout this week creative actions, activities, events and convergences focusing on the issues and expressed in the ways they choose.


Supported by:

50 Years is Enough! US
AAWC - Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
ABONG - Associação Brasileira de ONGs, Brazil
Action Aid International - AAI
ALAI - Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacion, Latin America
Alternative Information Center (AIC), Jerusalem
APC - Assemblea de los Pueblos del Caribe, Caraïbes
APRODEV - Association of World Council of Churches related Development Organizations in Europe
Articulación Feminista Marco Sur, Latin America
ASC - Aliança Social Continental, America
Assembléia das Nações Unidas dos Povos
ATTAC Brasil, ATTAC France, ATTAC Germany, ATTAC Japan, ATTAC Maroc
Bunge la wananchi
CADTM - Comité pour l'Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde
Caritas Internacionalis
CBJP - Comissão Brasileira de Justiça e Paz, Brazil
CIDSE - Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité Europe
Ciranda, Brazil
CIVES - Associação Brasileira de Empresários pela Cidadania, Brazil
CLACSO - Consejo Latinamericano de Ciencias Sociales, Latin america
COBAS, Italy
Coligação para a Justiça Economica
COMPA - Convergencia de los Movimientos de los Pueblos de las Américas
Conselho Mundial de Igrejas
COSATU - Congress of South African Trade Unions, South America
CRID - Centre de Recherche et d'Information pour le Développement, France
CTA - Central de Trabajadores Argentinos, Argentina
CUT - Central Única dos Trabalhadores, Brazil
Encuentros Hemisféricos contra el ALCA, Americas
ENDA - Environnement et Développement du Tiers Monde, Africa
EURALAT - Observatorio Eurolatinoamericano sobre el Desarrollo Democrático y Social
Euromarches - Marches Européennes
Federación Mundial de Juventudes Democráticas
FIDH - Fed. Internacional Direitos Humanos
Focus on the Global South, Asia
Foro de las autoridades locales
Forum Mondial des Alternatives
Global Progressive Forum
Grassroots Global Justice, US
Greek Social Forum
GTA - Grupo de Trabalho Amazônico, South America
Grupo de trabajo italiano sobre los foros internationales, Italy
Herriak Aske, Basque Country
HIC - Habitat International Coalition
IBASE - Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas, Brazil
ICAE - Consejo Internacional de Educacion de Adultos
IGTN - International Gender and Trade Network
International Alliance of Habitants
IPAO - Institut Panos Afrique de l'Ouest, West Africa
IPF - Instituto Paulo Freire, Brazil
IPS - Inter Press Service
Italian Coordination of European Social Forum, Italy
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
Jubilee South - Asia, Asia
Jubileu Sul América Latina, Latin America
MST - Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, Brazil
NIGD - Network Institute for Global Democratization
NNAWG - National Network of Autonomous Women's Groups
OCLAE - Continental Organization of Latin America and Caribbean Students, Latin America
OXFAM Internacional
PPEHRC - Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, US
Projeto K, Europe
REPEM - Red de Educación Popular Entre Mujeres, Latin America
Respect, UK
ROAD - Réseau Ouest Africain des Alternatives pour le Developpement, West Africa
Social Watch
SODNET - Social Development Network, Kenya
Solidar, Europe
Solidarity Africa Network in Action, Africa
Social Science Research Center, Germany
Southern and Eastern African Trade Information and Negotiations Institute, Africa
Transform ! Europe
UBUNTU - Foro Mundial de Redes de la Sociedad Civil
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Network
Via Campesina
World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC)
World March of Women
WSF OC Pakistan
WSF Solidarity Network / Japan
African SF Council, Africa
Kenyan Organsing Committee, Kenya
WSF India