We call on everybody to join us to close the isolation camps in Germany (vom 23.04.2008),
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besucht am 29.03.2025
[23. Apr 2008]
We call on everybody to join us to close the isolation camps in Germany
With this Slogan "The VOICE Refugee Forum" invites for a meeting from April 25 - 27, 2008 in Jena. Among other things discussions with refugees from Katzhütte, Sondershausen, Nördlingen, Blankenburg and Posseck are on the agenda.
We call on closing of the refugee isolation camps in Germany
Meeting of The VOICE Refugee Forum in Thueringen
25. - 27.04.2008 in Jena
"Anytime you ask the authorities about something, they make the situation worse." Mrs Claudia Omoroghomwan (Nigerian) in Posseck (Sachsen)
Making a request from the authorities confirms the heat of their pressures on you. It also means giving them clues on where they can hit you more. They can be very sympathetic with you but you have to know that their minds take an extra ordinarily different position. Their intention is to ruin you but yet they pretend not to be responsible for your pains. That is the ethics of their Job.
The only remedy is for us as direct victims is to jointly design a concrete strategy that can stand up against this 'faschistoide' administrative structure, which has been planted in the system against the refugees here. (See :: Campaign on Residence Obligation of Refugee in the Regional Districts, :: "The 'Residenzpflicht' and Deportation Mentality")
The VOICE demands are:
- Decentralization of Refugees housing in standard accommodation in independent and private housing!
- We call on the migrants and refugee communities to stand up to the challenge and to protest the state policies of forced isolation of refugees in often remote camps and barracks, denying their right to freedom of movement by "Residenzpflicht", the exploitation and maltreatment of refugees by imposing degrading and arbitrary systems of psychological and financial "punishment"
- We demand the abolition of intimidating controls and "Residenzpflicht" as well as insist on the right to freedom of movement.
- We furthermore refer to the ongoing violation of the basic rights of education and medical treatment by means of both - statutory obligation and locally convenient accessibility.
- We call on everybody to join us or prepare discussions and campaigns to close the isolation camps and the demands for the right to stay against deportation in Germany!
Agenda of the Meeting
Date: Friday, 25.04. to Sunday 27.04.2008
Place: By The VOICE Jena, Schillergässchen 5, Jena.
Time: 16.00hrs on Friday to 16.00hrs on Sunday.
- Discussions with activists from Katzhütte and Sondershausen, Nordlingen (Bayern) Blankenburg/Oldenburg (Niedersachsen), and Posseck (Sachsen)
- Discussions with lawyers and pro refugee activists on social rights of refugees.
- Protest against the Isolation Camp in Katzhütte (on Saturday)
"Close the Katzhütte Refugee Camp - We Want normal Housing"
- Thueringen Refugee Protest in May
- Nation wide Action days in June
- Workshops on refugee network in Thueringen
Further Information:
The VOICE Refugee Forum Jena
Schillergässchen 5, 07745 Jena
Tel. 0049-(0)17624568988
Fax: 0049-(0)3641/420270
thevoiceforum (at) emdash.org
This call is taken from :: thevoiceforum.org.