20. Mar 2009: A day without immigrant in Europe (vom 24.02.2009),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/2833/,
besucht am 12.03.2025
[24. Feb 2009]
Call on all migrants and solidary people to boycott on 20th of March 2009 in Europe.
Sensitive inmigrants and europeans are becoming tired of racist politicians and mass media broadcasts. As with the Nazis, what lies behind their main everyday discourse is the idea that we are the cause of all their misfortunes. The political measures approved in Italy and by the European parliament demonstrate the criminalization of human beings that come from countries historically exploited by Europe, attracted by its offered mirage of welfare.
In order to manifest against political perverse behaviour and show our true social and economical relevance in Europe, next March the 20th – a day prior to the World Day Against Racism- no immigrant shall work, use the public transport, consume in restaurants, bars or cinemas, etc. In order to support their fellow immigrants facing constant mistreatment, extracommunitarian sport personalities, specially football players, shall not "work" during such weekend.
We all must somehow stop institutional irresponsibility, and there is no way other than union and social networking based on individual commitment.
Let us show to ourselves and to those who believe we can be manipulated like puppets who we really are and what can we do together. Let us do it for a more humane and fair society, for ourselves and our children.