
Mass deportation to Nigeria on joint charter flight (vom 05.03.2009),
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[05. Mar 2009]

Mass deportation to Nigeria on joint charter flight

During a mass deportation on February 26, 2009, 89 men, women and children where carried from Ireland, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany to Nigeria.

More than 30 Nigerian nationals were deported from Ireland during the night on Thursday, 26. Feb 2009 on a charter flight to Lagos. The charter flight landed in Dublin carrying 45 deportees from the United Kingdom and seven from Switzerland and Germany before leaving for the Nigerian commercial city.

This charter service was the 17th organised by the Irish Government, as media reported. A Department of Justice spokesman said in racist manner that the flight was a clear indication of the Government's commitment to act on 'false asylum claims': "Where people are abusing the asylum system, where people have failed to convince our legal system they are entitled to stay we have made it clear we will act." With explanations like this, everywhere in Europe politicians and police officers try to sanctify their racist operations.

Irish Times reported on Friday that :: The Irish Refugee Council has called for one of the deportees to be allowed to return to Ireland to care for her two young sons, who were born in Dublin and have Irish citizenship. The 32-year-old woman, who had been living in Mosney, Co Meath, with the children, aged 2 1/2 and nine months, was deported after her application for asylum was denied.

The children's father, a Nigerian (41), has been in Ireland for 11 years and holds an Irish passport. He told The Irish Times that he wanted the woman to be allowed to return to care for the children, who will live with him in the interim. "They need their mother," he said. The children's parents are not married.

A spokeswoman for the Irish Refugee Council said the youngest boy is still being breast-fed. She called for the children's mother to be allowed to return to Ireland immediately "on humanitarian grounds."

The :: Residents Against Racism group protested outside the Garda National Immigration Bureau in Dublin on Thursday afternoon. Spokeswoman Rosanna Flynn claimed the deportations were "handled in an extremely heavy way." The Garda deported 56 Nigerian nationals from Ireland on December 12, 2008.