
Campaign Against Deportations To Cameroon (vom 26.07.2009),
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[26. Jul 2009]

Campaign Against Deportations To Cameroon

Documentation of a protest against a mass deportation from UK to Cameroon. The removal took place on Thursday, 9th of July, 2009.

Ethnic Charter Flight on Thursday 9th July 2009 - flight number PVT 007 to Cameroon.

Don't deport : Charles T., Djantou G. - M. Charlotte and their two kids (8 years & 6 years) , Patrick Y., Flobert Simplice S., Alice E. O., Pascal L. K., Amougou A. B., Eric T., Roger A. and all the other names who are being herded onto this flight as if they are not human beings.

Never forget: Every name due on that flight is a human being, not a number. They are all someone's child. They do not deserve this treatment. UK government should allow these persons to stay safe and settled in UK under special reasons such as legacy process or discretionary leave to remain on humanitarian grounds if UKBA are so determined to deny them asylum.

This is a call for everyone to urge the Home Secretary to review government policy on forced removals to Cameroon by use of ethnic charter flight. It is shocking to see Home Secretary Alan Johnson supporting and adopting such inhumane tactics to forcibly remove Cameroonians - vulnerable men, women and children - from UK to a country where the current regime is well-known for its poor record on human rights, and its corruption problems at all levels.

Despite the constitution and laws of Cameroon prohibiting the practice of torture, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatments, according to US Department of State Human Rights Report 2008 (published 25/2/09) however, "there were credible reports that security forces tortured, beat, and otherwise abused prisoners and detainees, including demonstrators and a human rights worker arrested during the February riots. The government rarely investigated or punished any of the officials involved."

This human rights report also stated that "The government's human rights record remained poor, and it continued to commit human rights abuses, particularly following widespread February riots to protest increased food and fuel costs. Security forces committed numerous unlawful killings. Security forces also engaged in torture, beatings, and other abuses, particularly of detainees and prisoners. Prison conditions were harsh and life threatening. Authorities arrested and detained anglophone citizens advocating secession, local human rights monitors and activists, persons not carrying government-issued identity cards, and other citizens. There were incidents of prolonged and sometimes incommunicado pretrial detention and infringement on citizens' privacy rights. The government restricted citizens' freedoms of speech, press, assembly, and association, and harassed journalists. The government also impeded citizens' freedom of movement. Other problems included widespread official corruption; societal violence and discrimination against women; female genital mutilation (FGM); trafficking in persons, primarily children; and discrimination against pygmies, ethnic minorities, indigenous people, and homosexuals. The government restricted worker rights and the activities of independent labor organizations. Child labor, hereditary servitude, and forced labor, including forced child labor, were problems."

Please support the fight against the removal scheduled for Thursday 9th July 2009 at 01: 50hours on flight PVT 007: UKBA have kept the name of the carrier secret!

What you can do

Please send urgent faxes immediately to Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office demanding that this flight be cancelled on humanitarian grounds (especially in light of the numerous Human Rights reports expressing concerns about Cameroon authorities attitudes and actions particularly towards cultural and political persecution). Download "model letter" (CameroonianAlanJohnson.doc) which you can copy/amend/write your own version

Fax: 020 8760 3132 / + 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)

Emails: Privateoffice.external (at)
UKBApublicenquiries (at)
"CIT - Treat Official": CITTO (at)

The UK government must do the decent thing and cancel the removal directions set for Thursday 9th July 2009 on humanitarian grounds. Every person who is at risk of being sent back on this ethnic charter flight must be given proper and due opportunity to present legal argument material to their case. It seems some detainees have so far not had the chance to exhaust their legal rights concerning their immigration matter under UK or EU laws. This is not an acceptable practice from UKBA - UK is a country that claims it values highly human rights.

Thank you for your time and consideration to this plea for support for humanity to be shown to these individuals who will suffer untold misery and abuse on return to Cameroon. Home Secretary should personally fairly and thoroughly review each case before condemning the aforementioned to the fate of deportation.

In the name of human rights, do not proceed with this forced removal of Cameroonians en masse.

Please send copies of emails and faxes sent to:
Campaign Against Removals to Cameroon at :
g_macv (at)

For further info please contact:
Geraldine Agbor ~ g_macv (at) ~ 078 8194 8859

Source ::, 07. Jul 2009.