
Climate No Borders Copenhagen (vom 11.12.2009),
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[11. Dec 2009]

Climate No Borders Copenhagen

During the COP 15 summit in Copenhagen, from 7th to 18th of December 2009, noborders will profide convergence space and participate on several actions. A noborders action day related to the climate issues will take palce on 14th Dec 2009.


The debate over climate change and global warming management at the UN is a struggle among the national ruling establishments for their own interests on the international diplomatic stage. While there is concern that climate change can have unforeseen political and economic consequences, these competing capitalist states have no means of seriously addressing the issue, other than making preparations for cracking down on social unrest.

Elites globally have pushed the criminalization of the movement of people for years now. Their latest excuse for this is climate change. They talk about people migrating for survival and better lives as a security threat that justifies border repression and moves towards a more defined global apartheid. Their reckless pursuit of profit has caused the climate crisis, and now they want to criminalize those who are absorbing the effects of their greed.

The military industrial complex is the epitome of their hypocrisy. The majority of wars fought in the last decades have been resource wars fought to secure government and corporations access to the planets resources. Their exploitation of resources is the cause of the climate crisis. Now climate change has joined their wars as the two major causes of forced migration. At the same time, the war machine is the instrument of the criminalization of migration.

In addition, :: "The Stockholm Program", which is set to be passed in december will foster more surveillance of the internet, common access to European police databases and more cross-border police collaboration to fight "illegal migration". It will force countries outside the EU to take back their citizens who enter the EU without a visa and it will push the use of biometrics and radio-frequency identification (RfiD) and enlargement of the police agency Europol and the EU border watchdog Frontex.

In the face of this, refugees act in defiance of the borders when they move for survival and a better life. They migrate and in doing so refuse to comply with laws that put profit and control above life and dignity.

To counter this act of defiance and hope, governments, corporations and elites foster and promoted racism globally. The COP 15 is another instrument for this. Their definition of a 'good target' already displaces hundreds of thousands of people. Their false solutions condemn millions more to suffering to maintain their profits.

It is fitting that Denmark hosts such a conference as COP15. The Danish state actively fostered racism in order to justify the eviction and deportation of the Iraqi's who occupied a church in Copenhagen for three months earlier this year. But like many of the other governments participating in the COP the Danish elites are not confining their racism to the Danish context. The recent Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen is now the leader of NATO. He has been pushing for 'security crackdowns' and reinforcement of fortress Europe to prevent migration from places more immediately effected by elite caused climate change. To the NATO alliance an array of threats exist in today's uncertain world, from terrorism and transnational crime to unrest following food crises, extensive migration to the countries of the NATO alliance and social conflicts as a result of climate change. On a just planet- his job would not exist.
The war machine would fold and so would borders.

On December 14th we will take action to create this world. In the context of the COP 15 we will take on the most potent site of their sickness here in Denmark- the Ministry of Defense. We want to breakdown their control, disrupt their surveillance and confront their repression. We will open their offices to the weather they are changing and to the people they lock out. Our action starts at 11am at Rådhuspladsen and will march to the Ministry of Defence!

Climate No Borders at COP15

During the COP15 summit we will have a No Borders convergence space, where people can plan, meet, create, eat, show films, debate, share ideas..... get involved!

email: climate-no-borders (at)
subscribe list: climate_no-borders09-subscribe (at)


12th of December 2009: No Borders bloc on 'System Change not Climate Change!'

Starting in front of the parliament at 13:00 will march to the Bella Center, the venue of the UNFCCC COP15 summit. The demonstration is organized by a broad coalition of people, organizations, unions, political parties, peoples movements etc.

System Change - Not Climate Change....No to repression, no to the border regime....Freedom of Movement for All!

No Borders will join CJA, CJN! and the Danish-based Climate Collective (Klimakollektivet) have decided to come together that day with the clear message that what we need is System Change, Not Climate Change!

14th December 2009: there will be a No Borders day of action....No Borders! No Climate Refugees! details to be announced on Monday....
see ::

also, "How to build a climate Justice movement from below" Reclaim Power discussion with Naomi Klein and launch of the Bike Bloc in the evening, at the Youth House.. come along and promote the message of No Borders

16th December 2009: Reclaim Power! Creating alternatives and promoting freedom of movement for all…. ideas being developed. get involved!

17th December 2009: No Borders presence at the Klima forum.. discussion and debates on No Borders in the context of the climate justice movement.