
Abolish Residency Obligantion! Freedom of Movement for Everybody! (vom 04.02.2010),
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[04. Feb 2010]

Abolish Residency Obligantion! Freedom of Movement for Everybody!

Info event and open debate 12th of February 2010 in Vienna and 13th of February 2010 in Traiskirchen.

With the new amendment to the alien act, since 2010 the so called residency obligation becomes effective in Austria for people who are in the stage of the approval procedure that comes before the granting procedure of the right to asylum. This means -apart from exceptional cases- one is not allowed to leave the district where one is registered. For persons in the Traiskirchen Asylum Center for example, this is the district Baden.

Being in an already challenging situation, what does such a racist constraining method mean, what function should it have, but also how resistance could be developed, will be the issues of an info event and open debate, organised by the Antira-Meeting Vienna.

Florence Sissako, jurist/political scientist from Refugees Emancipation e.V and Women In Exile/Berlin will report on her work in campaigns against a very similar residency obligation law in Germany.

Anny Knapp, expert on asylum law from Vienna and head of Verein asylkoordination österreich will talk about the legal situation in Austria.

Friday, Feb. 12th, 2010, 7pm
at C.I., Club International
Yppenplatz/Payergasse 14, 1160 Vienna
(U6 Josefstädter Straße, Tram 44 Bergsteiggasse)

Saturday, Feb. 13th, 2010, 6pm
Evangelische Gemeindesaal
Otto-Glöckel-Str.16, Traiskirchen
(Coming from Vienna: Lokalbahn from Opernring, about 50 minutes)

Organised by the open antiracist meeting, taking place every second week on Wednesdays at 7pm in Amerlinghaus, Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Vienna. Next times 17th of February and 3rd of March 2010.
Contact: antira (at)