Urgent appeal Impending deportation of Anthony O. (vom 04.12.2000),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/335/,
besucht am 01.04.2025
[04. Dec 2000]
Anthony Onyeij spent more than 1 year in prison because he was a victim of in-justice. In his trial he could proof his innocence. But Austria did not release him. From the detention awaiting trial he was brought straight to the deportation prison... he resisted his deportation on the airport. In the end he was deported in Mai, 2001, after being imprisioned until then because of "resistance against state authority".
Dear friends!
I think you are informed about the general political situation in austria. Racist-motivated police-actions are on the agenda since almost 2 years...
Now we could reach a small victory against this kind of "austrian justice":
Anthony Onyeij spent more than 1 year in prison - just because he was born in Nigeria. In his trial he could proof his innocence. But Austria did not release him. From the detention awaiting trial he was brought straight to the deportation prison...
Now, the racist austrian authorities want to deport him on monday, 4th at 4 am.
According to our information, he should be deported with the KLM airline via amsterdam (flight KL 1838).
So we ask you to take any possible actions to prevent Anthony from being deported!
We ask you to protest against this racism at the austrian embassy or other austrian institutions in your country and tell your local KLM office not to support Austrian racism. Since there is only 1 day left it`s very urgent. We also send you our appeal, please send it to all organisations you know. Greetings! United Against Racism
Anthony ONYEIJ (born May 15th 1976 in Akbor/Nigeria) was arrested during a racist motivated police action on September 27th 1999 in Vienna. The police alleged him of being a drugdealer. He spent 13 months in detention awaiting trial. In his last trial on November, 6th 2000 all charges against Anthony were dropped. In spite of his acqittal Anthony was not set free, but kept in prison to be deported to Nigeria. Last Friday we heard, that Anthony Onyeij will be deported on Monday, the 4th of December at 4.00 in the morning.
Thereby all his claims for compensation for the time he spent in prison as an innocent person will be useless. According to austrian Law his compensation would be about half a million ATS. Anthony`s first application for compensation was declined, because his acquittal was "in doubt". Austria was repeated times sentenced by the European Court For Human Rights for denying the claim of compensation. Obviously Anthony will be deported to deprive him of the right for compensation. The fact that today (Sunday) at 12.00 he was questioned by the "Staatspolizei" (the austrian political police) is a further proof for the intention of the austrian authorities.
We call upon all democratic and anti-racist people and organisations to protest against the deportation of Anthony ONYEIJ!
Send protest faxes and mails to (before Monday, December 4th):
- Dr. Ernst Strasser, Austrian Federal Minister Of Interior Fax: (+43-1) 531 26-2580, e-mail: ernst.strasser (at) oevp.at or : ministerbuero (at) bmi.gv.at
Dr. Dieter Böhmdorfer, Austrian Federal Ministry Of Justice Fax: (+43-1) 521 52-2727,
e-mail on the ministry`s homepage: http://www.bmj.gv.at/email/index.html or at his office as "lawyer": Fax: (+43-1) 501 24-20,
e-mail: E-Mail: boehmdorfer (at) law-in-austria.at
- KLM in Vienna Fax: (+43-1) 58924-5091 und 7131550-90.
- KLM Airline Offices in your contry (Anthony will be deported with a flight of this airline)
- Austrian Embassies and Institutions in your country
Thanks for your solidarity!
United Against Racism
For further Information please contact us at gemeinsam (at) action.at
draft message of protest (english)
I herewith strongly object to the deportation of Mr. Anthony Onyeij (born May 15th 1976 in Akbor/Nigeria) to Nigeria, which is planned for Monday morning, the 4th of December 2000.
In his last trial on November 6th 200 all charges against him were dropped. So he spent more than 13 months in detention awaiting trial innocently. Instead of being released immediately and getting a compensation for the unjustified detention, Mr. Onyeij was kept in prison to await his deportation.
This proceeding of the Austrian authority, which are working under your supervision, is a scandal and a shame for all citizens of Austria!.
I herewith request you to take measures to immediately stop Mr. Onyeij`s deportation and to compensate him for his detention. Signature