
Hungerstrike and SitIn of migrants in Spain (vom 03.02.2001),
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[03. Feb 2001]

Hungerstrike and SitIn of migrants in Spain

Hungerstreik und SitIn von MigrantInnen in Spanien 03.02.2001
Seit 20. Jänner befinden sich 700 MigrantInnen in Spanien in einem SitIn in verschiedenen Kirchen. 500 Personen sind in Hungerstreik getreten. Die Flüchtlinge fordern Papiere für alle, legalisierte Erwerbsarbeit und Wohnungen.


Since 20 January, a total of 700 immigrants have been holding a sit-in in the church of Santa Mar"­a del Pi as well as seven other churches and parishes in Barcelona -- 500 immigrant people have been on hunger strike for at least 10 days. They are people from all five continents: Asia (Pakistanis, Indians, Bengalis), Africa (Moroccans, Subsaharians, Senegalese), Europe (Rumanians, Russians, Bulgarians) as well as South Americans. There are other sit-ins in churches and schools in other regions: Murcia, Almer"­a, Madrid, Zaragoza. They ask for everybody"s support to achieve their demands for work permits and housing so they can live with dignity. (See their petition enclosed). Although the immigrant people in the churches are men, one of their spokespeople is an immigrant woman and much of the support work is being carried out by women, both immigrant and native.

In support of the people in the churches we urge you to:
* Send statements of support to the hunger-strikers and others in the sit-in: fax: 00 34 93 441 0206 e-mail: apoyosinpapeles (at)
* Send letters/faxes in protest to the Gobierno Civil de Barcelona, Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya (see proposed text and addresses below).
* Send letters/faxes in protest to the Spanish Embassies and Consulates in your country/city.
* Organise pickets and demonstrations in front of the Spanish Embassies and Consulates in your country/city.
* Send donations to the people in the sit-ins to this bank account: La Caixa 2100 3001 65.210.822.2184
* Support the independent movement of immigrants who for the first time in Spain are their own spokespeople and negotiators with the administration and
the government.
* Denounce attempts to undermine the movement of immigrant people in the sit-ins and their supporters, which has infected public opinion with false
accusations that they are being manipulated and controlled by mafias.
* Speak with religious representatives, encouraging them to publicly support the churches which have taken in the immigrant people.
* If you are in Barcelona or nearby go to the demonstration in support of people in the sit-in: Sunday 4 February, 12am Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona.
* Distribute this information as widely as possible.

Please, act as soon as possible as the health of the hunger strikers is each day more critical.

Power to the free movement of women and men

Petition of the Immigrant People sitting in the Churches


Since 20 January, a total of 700 immigrants have been holding a sit-in in the church of Santa Mar"­a del Pi as well as seven other churches and parishes in Barcelona: San Agust"­, San Medir, San Pere Ap"²stol, San Pere Clav"©, del Carme, Sagrat Cor i Mare de D"©u de la Medalla Miraculosa. 500 immigrant people are also on hunger strike. More than 10 days have passed but we remain firm and our number is increasing. We are people from all five continents: Asia (Pakistanis, Indians, Bengalis), Africa (Moroccans, Subsaharians, Senegalese), Europe (Rumanians, Russians, Bulgarians) as well as South Americans. We are united by our need for work permits and housing so we can live with dignity. We are workers condemned to poverty, illegality, deportation and perhaps death. We are part of those who in Murcia, Almer"­a, Madrid, Zaragoza, ... are also fighting against the immigration law. We call for the support of everybody: the workers born in this country, the trade unions, political parties and social organisations, and our fellow immigrant people. We invite you to come and lend a hand at the different sit-ins and to support us from your workplaces and neighbourhoods. Come to the demonstration which will leave from Plaza Catalunya, on the corner with Paseo de Gracia, next Sunday 4 February, 12am.


We call for:
* A written guarantee that there won"t be deportations or sanctions against the immigrants and the organisations which support them.
* An end to police harassment to which we are submitted as if we were criminals.
* Work permits for all immigrants resident in Spain.
* Papers for all.
* We demand an urgent response to our petitions from the Government delegation.

In support of the immigrant people sitting-in the churches in Barcelona, 500 of whom are on hunger-strike, we demand that the Government Delegation gives an immediate and satisfactory answer to their demands before the hunger strike has an irreparable end.

We support their demand for:
* A written guarantee that there won"t be deportations or sanctions against the immigrants and the organisations which support them.
* An end to police harassment to which they are submitted as if they were criminals.
* Work permits for all immigrants resident in Spain.
* Papers for all.
* An urgent response to their petitions from the Government delegation.